Saturday, December 2, 2023

December 2nd

7:20 George Santos nu a fost altceva decât o alegorie pe numele blogului meu. La fel ca George Simion și alții. Gigi Fecali lati-fundiarul.

7:21 Ungaria vs restul lumii. Ungaria este ca o furnică un vierme și lumea ca un elefant. Singura chestie că viermele a intrat în fund la elefant iar elefantul gâfâie, se dă cu fundul de pământ și nu știe ce să facă.

Din când în când  îi mai dă și câte un O ca să reziste.

8:28 Maria Callas.

8:40 Fete bune.

9:06 Apropo știți câți ani are Cher?

9:22 Ce fel de Ford vor să facă la Craiova? Mai bine făceau Explorer.

1:34 The doubling and the subliminal warning by Hungary. The elephant who hits the ground with its bottom. Minden.

At about that time i used the Shark in kitchen creating some vibrations area after i made a meatloaf to gather whatever fell from chopping vegetables. An hour later or so the guy upstairs vacuumed the same area.

Yes they can trigger earthquakes (and point at Xenu). However, only in seismic areas (that have enough accumulated conditions) that may in time exhaust if "overused".

10:37 I feel like i'm too tired to write this right now but i have too. Before i go to bed that is. Haven't been drinking vodka in a long time because of fear i could be associated with Russians, Russia. That has happened anyway. Everywhere i go there is something to remind me of that. Today there was a van with the inscription R&R on i belonging to a firm called Rapid Response that was intentionally going on the road for miles in front of me (a tiny example).

It is much better than brandy and whisky. Per reason there is nothing in it except for water and alcohol. Traces of stuff from barels and smoking stage are present in those that contribute to the sensation of high but also to the hangover the next day. Tonight i bought a bottle at the American Market in Grand Ronde. Austrian made Monopoly or something like that. Made of potatoes, it sais on the bottle. Very good.

However i'm very tired and don't know if i can lay down here and now my ideas.

But at least, unlike others, i shall try.

It's all about the pyramids. As one guy said on a forum. If we could only know their precise history and reason for existence. There have been many theories including my own. That are geo-weapons that could manipulate the ionosphere but also create earthquakes with precision in any seismic zone of the Earth. They are interstellar communication devices.

They are devices built with stone age technology following very advanced science, possible not from this planet. That precision in building has only been reached in Europe during Renaissance.

About two of those functions i wrote before. Earthquake making (triggering) machines.

According to this blog post the tectonic plate theory is obsolete. There are not a number of rigid plates on Earth called tectonic, for various reasons. Instead there are agglomeration of semi-loose rocks the size of continents that indeed float on magma

In fault zones, or where two of those moving agglomerations of rocks, towards each other or separating from each other following convection currents of magma there are bubbles of magma that raise from below those. When those bubbles are freezing, there is a great deal of energy released, together with a sudden change of volume that pushes the surrounding rocks. Very similar to thunderous freezing of a lake in Arctic regions (yes the reason they call it tundra).

Each of these bubbles have a different size and echo time. Based on that, if one could rock the surface of the Earth, maybe at thousands of miles away on that particular frequency, then it can trigger the freezing (or change of phase) of one particular bubble (out of many present on the whole crust of Earth).

About that i wrote extensively here but don't know about the accuracy of the language and logic in presenting the ideas as my English and writing skills have improved since.

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