Sunday, December 3, 2023

December 3

3:25 I spent a great deal of time yesterday and right now searching again for this video (I had it  posted it not long ago but could not find where). It shows the inner ramp and the three sliding stones. Together with the craziest explanation. They were build as a shelf locking mechanism to protect the pharaoh's tomb. It is always about the pharaohs tomb wasn't it. One million people working like crazy for decades to build a tomb for one person.

I think for that purpose it would have been much easier to simply cover a final hole in the outer layer as shown at the end of animation in the video.

My explanation is the pyramid was an earthquake triggering device. By adjusting the time between sliding stones the pyramid could "dial into" any frequency of any bubble of magma about the freeze not so deep under surface of whole Earth.

Simply by doing this they would terrify any people far and near. The reason the pyramid was built in the geographic center of the Earth. But it could have been done simply to calm the seismic activity during that time on Earth that was interfering with their activities since there might have not been any people to terrify.

Of course all that knowledge was not present on Earth on Stone Age. There could not have been even a stone age as the humans may have not existed before the aliens genetically modified the apes to make slaves.

Nor the aliens could have carried in the Eye of Horus the massive amounts of materials needed to do that. So they used what was available. "Primitive" concrete for the building two tone blocks (bricks). Limestone for cladding. Granite slabs for mechanisms. (Could have been a less energy intensive concrete that could be interesting to us).

And of course the permanent deviation of the Nile, creating the Sahara desert that used to be a lake, to create a nearby source of food for the genetically modified apes that built all these under "mind" control right in that geographic center of Earth. 

Another major function of the pyramid would be this. And yes, it might have not worked anymore (for earthquakes) after building the second one. That was built so make it useless and covered in mystery, after 260 years. By that time all the magma bubbles' resources would have temporarily ended all the people on Earth would have been mentally enslaved, to this day.

Here is a Hungarian skull from the late Roman period.

Their main purpose: Mining the Earth. We are just a byproduct. Tools to accomplish just that.

4:15 But now when i look again at the video, i see what i haven't seen before because of the excitement (even right now i woke in smoke, had to go and cover another hole i could not see last night).

Under the sliding ramp there is a hollow canal ("the staircase") and those stones do not stop there but kinda fall into it. Could they have fallen in that "staircase" and continue their sliding in the opposite direction? But why the hollow canal continues in the opposite direction all the way to near the outer casing?

Have to rethink everything. Anyways the explanations in the video with such a nice animation are bogus though one thing is true. It is a masterpiece of engineering of which design could not have originated on Earth at that time. Unless if  we are missing massive pieces of our history. Things we can read about in Mahabharata.

4:33 Yeah they knew this entry would follow. At Spirit Mountain last night i won 76 free games, in packs of  5, 10 or 15 one after another and won 330 dollars with a 60 cents bet. 76 is of course the number of planets including the Earth making the Galactic Confederation (after Hubbard, founder of Scientology) during the times of Galactic dictator Xenu. Name of the gas station i worked at during my last job, just before the botched dental surgery in July 2006.

During my trip there i saw again the Eye of God in the clouds. (the Sun seen through a hole in the clouds).

Last night i drank like crazy (Austrian made vodka), woke up with reflux after late eating beans, got dehydrated and breathed with a congested nose and the belly full of gas pushed my heart up and now i got palpitations again. Good thing i made it to write here what i wanted to right after i left yesterday afternoon.

Less important things. Last night at the American Market in Grand Ronde they were a bunch of Indians (from India) and one of them was speaking on the phone a Sanskrit derived language if not Sanskrit itself, though pronouncing it with a heavy accent. I don't speak Sanskrit though i know a number of words.

There are hundreds of Sanskrit words in Romanian though we do not pronounce them in that corrupt way but in a different corrupt way due to thousands of year of different influences.

Then i got right away out of the door and into the car and a guy in a red car coming from left on 18 came on a very weird trajectory. At high speed, it did brake in the last moment, creating the illusion he was going forward. I accelerated anticipating his passage but found myself going right towards it when it stopped to make a left, but had the time to hit brakes.

At the gas station, after i filled after we left for home, another guy repeated the scene (doubling).

It has been a long time since we didn't win anything a the end of the day.

10:45 Slept over all these ideas and this is what my subconscious came up with in the morning.

The falling slabs in that long shaft that was covered at the outer end only with the limestone clad that could have been easily removed or have an invisible to the naked eyes narrow hole in it would have created a great deal of static electricity by friction.

Could that have been sending much needed gold and/or iron for a starving technology on a planet with very low or finished resources? A crude, pure electrostatic, geometry based stone age particle accelerator?

If the long shaft would be charged positively during the falling of the slabs would confine into a vey narrow beam and repel anything that was injected inside towards an open end, like vaporized gold maybe, fast enough to break atmosphere and be sent hundreds of light years away. Something that nowadays is done with the ring at CERN. Would have been one fraction of a second a day.

Nevermind what i said earlier. They built the second pyramid 260 years later etc. because the first one lost alignment due to various changes in Earth's movement, like precession.

It took many thousands of years to the apes to come to technological age and build EM accelerators (after Napoleon opened the Pandora's box with instructions hidden somewhere inside one of the pyramids), ending with the one at CERN that never found anything for us. This time massive amounts of gold and iron would be send.

Somewhere on a planet near Bellatrix they probably have a huge net that catches just that.

12:48 Walmart parking lot. For quite some time now every time i go there they put a pair of shoes next to my (other) vehicle.

Winter wonder, Russian superfood. Packed with vitamins, minerals and fibers, the beets are probably the subliminal model for Russians so called onion domes. Building blocks for a winter soup, Angela now adds the rest and assembles it.

Needless to say. For the whole time i was in the kitchen he was above making noises like he does, dragging chairs, all synched to my brainwaves. Giving me an anxiety attack with shortness of breath. At this level 20 years ago i would have gone to ER, ruining me financially which i did.

Catching breath at the computer (hardly), breathing with open mouth, getting ready to go at the car and add a drop more of ATF. Then we're good for a winter run to Indian Head (it's 55 degrees here right now).

1:24 Done. It involved removing 4 bolts (10 mm tool) and the whole air cleaning system. As soon as i got that one out, the parking lot was filled with ATF smell (not from my car, this one has no smell) even before i removed the filling cap (the one with the square 10 mm hole in it).

Which is more of an atavism or maybe installed to let air in when doing the service on their automated machines because as you can see in the picture, it can be hardly be removed to pour something in, because it bumps into some part, for a long time and also because of a stupid video on youtube for years i believed it could not be removed.

One drop from the funnel fell in there and was like last time, too lazy to pick it. The dirt seen is from the original peanuts, it remained even after i tried to clean it with contact cleaner.

2:12 I'm a demon, Lord!

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