Sunday, April 7, 2024

April 7

1:35 AM I wish i figured this one out by myself, because i made lots of correlations of earthquakes with Moon orbit, distance, whatever.

But i least i can say why is happening. There are a number of factors  that combine and result in highest tides, tide being a measure of total gravitational pull of Sun and Moon combined.


Earth - Moon distance. It varies by about 10% with a period of about 100 days. But i did not realize until today there was such a cyclicity. During the current year, shortest distance is around equinoxes.

Sun Moon alignment. Moon orbit plane is different than ecliptic plane. Sun eclipses cannot occur during certain periods of the year when Moon is not aligned well with the Sun when in conjunction.

So when a Sun Moon alignment will occur around equinoxes with shortest Moon distance you will have the perfect storm.

But of course there have to be conditions for that to happen. Most shallow earthquakes happen because of explosive boiling of pressurized hot thermal water in vast closed underground pockets (may call them lakes if you prefer) triggered by gravity forces so the water has to be at the right pressure and temperature for that to happen.

It is in a way similar to when you heat water in the microwave at boiling point, it stops boiling when you pull it and boils again due to change of pressure when you put the cup on a table which creates a small shockwave in the water and initiates boiling.

The volume of crust above the water pocked is raised by the combined gravity action of Sun and Moon, decreasing the pressure in the pocket.

Fast changing atmospheric pressure. It can contribute to variation of pressure inside the deep pockets in the ground.

However, there could be extra man made factors. Like synchronized heavy machinery that make the ground oscillates at that seismic area resonance (each have a different one). Traffic going at the right speed during rush hour, etc..

According to Stellarium, during the devastating earthquake of March 4 1977 in Romania, Moon was at a distance of 371000 km, three days away from the minimum of 366000 on 7, full, thus aligned with the Sun though on the other side of the Earth, closest such alignment before equinox, pulling the Earth and elongating it from the other direction of the Sun.

At 85 km it was a deep earthquake,  which is usually done by an explosive phase changing with (changing the volume) in a pocket of magma. 

5:18 PM A few days ago i upgraded my catch can with an aluminum tube to prevent spitting oil in the out port and a lid made of inox (for spice containers) with an o ring around it (green, oil resistant), creating a new compartment in it, to catch the oil and keep it from splashing. I drilled 4x2 mm holes in the lid so the emulsion can get in there with car's movement and it cannot get back out, even if you overturn it when the car doesn't move.

Today i added the last thing and i think i'm done with it. An easy empty plug. I think it needs to be emptied every fill-up. I will call it Catch Can V 8.00 and hopefully the last.

This device improves the MPG, power by up to 10%, vibrations, steering. BTW anybody can tell me how many patents i got in here (including corrugated inox condenser done previously). We have a saying in Romania. "Să fie primit!" (May God appreciate it).

And yes, this is where the oil "evaporates" from you engine. Actually it does not. It goes through you PCV in the intake, contaminating the valves, spark plugs, spark plug threads, burning in the combustion chamber, catalytic, etc.. Catch cans can prevent all that.   
Șmecheria cu ghivent.

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