In both Ancient Egypt and Japanese mythology there is a Sun god and a god of chaos. Ra and Seth in Egypt, Amaterasu and Susanoo in Japan. In both mythologies, Ra and Amaterasu are the chief gods.
Was thinking many times if i can identify the root Ra in Amaterasu name. Written in kanji, Amaterasu 天照大 contains the kanji 照 teru, pronounced tera, (yes with little rays at the bottom), which means shine (while 天 Ama means heaven and 大 Su big) . (Wondering if Ama here has something to do with Amun or A'aru)
If i try to convert this kanji into katakana, using a web based convertor, i get アキラwhich contains the kana ラ which reads Ra (while it seems to be related, at least semantically with ワ, wa). アキラ reads Akira, which is a name and means bright.
For a person who speaks and writes 4 languages, has an idea of German, Sanskrit and Latin, i'd say Japanese is a very complicated language. Not having gender and plural but having 3 different writing systems which co-exist.
With most kanji (the ideograms from Chinese) and kana (syllables) from what i've seen so far being pronounced differently according to context, i'd say it definitely contributes if not creates an extreme cultural isolation on top of the geographic isolation in the far East, maybe more than due Cyrillic alphabet for Russians, with vast possibilities for manipulation.
6:52 Am pomenit numele Horus încă de acum două zile și ei au început. Treaba lor, nu am ce să le fac.
Însă lumea trebuie să înțeleagă. Nu orice prost poate (putea) să se iubească cu Anda Călugăreanu, care era o pitică foarte sexy (pe lângă maestrul Tomiță) deși puțin țeapănă și cocoșată (după standardele de azi) și nu orice om simplu poate să ajungă olimpic la înot. Eu le numesc mituri defulatoare, povești în care se poate regăsi oricine, pentru un scurt vis fericit (gata de mâine mă apuc).
Apropo, antrenamentul pentru un sport numit de performanță e un job neplătit care durează mulți ani de zile, în fiecare zi. Ai nevoie de finanțare care poate fi de la părinți care de obicei vine cu tot felul de limite și constrângeri.
Însă denumirea de sport nu e corectă aproape în fiecare din aceste "specialități". Fiecare tip de "sportiv" își dezvoltă anumite caracteristici, inegal anumite părți ale corpului care îi face diferiți de restul lumii dar și între ei. De aceea un halterofil arată așa, o alergătoare așa, un înotător, altfel. Din anume puncte de vedere, ei apar deformați (profesional) și puțin abuzați de sine (iar jocurile olimpice flirtează mult cu circul.
7:23 Din seria "Treaba lor, nu am ce să le fac". Nu pot să îmi opresc senzația de vomă după ce văd aceste știri, care par croite după ce scriu eu. Am scris acum mai puțin de 12 ore despre scăderea colagenului până ajunge neglijabil pe la vârsta de 80 de ani, despre posibilitatea intrării în sânge a bacteriilor în mod constant prin pielea de pe talpă, în funcție de igienă și vârstă și iată cu ce au venit ei. Pieleanu, dermic.
7:34 "Jump!". "Howhigh?" Women high jump olympic record 6'10" + Simone Biles height 4'8" = ? (yeah i know math is difficult in ft and inches). If what they say is true she should get another gold metal for breaking the Olympic record for women high jump as well.
How gay?
8:23 Filtrul de polen? Cine i-a dat denumireaasta? Cred că a fost tradus de Tăriceanu pe vremea când era Prim Ministru reprezentant Peugeot în România... "Te protejează de pătrunderea aerului din exterior" . Păi cum să te protejeze de aer?
10:20 Ok so the "thing" on top of Horus on the wadjet pendant seems to be Egypt's double crown or pschent, which reminds of a samurai's coque.
Talking about samurai. I ran the other day into (and overlooked) something really important. The Shibata clan of the Musashi province (in modern times Edo became Tokyo) served Ieyasu, the shinobi-shogun who unified Japan. Probably the families and clans that ran and still run Japan to this day, and the whole world.
12:00 AM Like ViktorOrban (Victoria Oropsiților de Trianon) i can't stop. Not right now. Have to keep posting or... Here are some pictures with Trump swinging (like in golf swinging). You think those tiny arms can propel a ball more than 25 yards (aprox=meters)?
It is said Hitler was on a vegetarian diet...
18 A DAY. I saw a couple of times this LPN here in Oregon and could never figure what it means but today i think i had a revelation. Could it be... 6+6+6 = 18 bags with dog poop a day? The Dominicans (Inquisition) do just this every day, after their prayers? The same number as the holes in a golf course?
1:45 There are a number of Egyptian tools that have inspired modern objects. Of them i could mention the well known tennis racquet. But there are other lesser knwon tools like The Setesh Staff (was sceptre) that might have inspired the microfone on a stick (Freddie above), golf club, hockey cross, telempromter, etc..
2:05 Someone reading a cell phone while frying themselves with microwaves.
2:15 Chrysanthemum Throne of Japan vs 2024 Olympic medals. 2:27 Kabuto, was sceptre, Wow!
7:32 Don't know what the name of the bowling pin like thing on top of the head of Horus (no matter how much i searched) but it looks like it has inspired the Olympic torch of this year 2024 (no, it is not a rolled joint as some may believe, just because it is carried by a dog whose name is not Seth).
Yes i believe the name Seth of the Egyptian god of chaos is at the origin of the name Satan in the Hebrew bible. (Not to be confounded with Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve).
2:18 Read my lines. It is not logic, science, justice, economics or even politics that run this world. It is sorcery, witchcraft, ancient mysteries (in the sense of secrets transmitted from generation to generation in a parallel world of the initiated).
Some are just simple tricks, like by example, the dog seth. There is something in it that comes from evolution. Parasites, pheromones, name it. With it, the wolves, big cats and then dogs and cats hunt. The so called marking of the territory is actually infestation, to make the prey weak and vulnerable.
Humans have learned of it (thinking is magic tricks, sorcery, witchcraft) not knowing what really it is and use it against other humans. Is that simple. But how can you get this out of the simple minds that dedicated their lives to cults or fraternities which are based on this kinda seth?
Think of Trump's advertisement. Top dog, he'll get you top dollars.
Some prefer just to use it no mater how moral or immoral is. They have been initiated, spent all their lives gathering degrees, got old, who's gonna stop them playing the same tricks over and over on the whole world. It would mean they should give up everything.
Is that simple.
4:30 Another common trick they use is replacing of the officials in the countries they control (all) with their own people, usually trained actors. Initially a ninja trick, i believe this tradition started with the Tokugawa Ieyasu shogun and all the shoguns that followed in the Tokugawa dynasty, and then the emperor himself, during the so called Meiji restoration but it could be older, since like the Chinese Imperial dynasties.
Can't find right now where i read Tokugawa Ieyasu character was played by 3 different ninja that changed over the years. Ieyasu lived 73 years in a time when average lifespan was 50.
5:45 I know how cops are. I simply cannot believe this. But if they saw the guy and told SS and SS did not react they should have taken measures themselves. However they saw SS pointing guns at the shooter, as seen in the picture and maybe they thought the SS are on it so they did nothing.
5:55 Nicolas Maduro. I think i knew the guy on the right personally, he was working at the computer service company (IIRUC) în Bacău before 89 under the name Eugen Mihalcea, then we even became associated (co-owners, with 3 other guys) in a software/hardware firm in Bacău, Mega SRL, which then some other guy forced me to leave (per reason i had my own firm, INSER SRL) and now i understand why.
7:25 Just remembered one more thing. At the meeting where we signed the papers and established the name Mega (as opposed to Micro, it was my "funny" idea, in a restaurant in Bacău) he kept telling us he wanted to emigrate to... Venezuela, and i think he said he had a relative there.
10:53 I think i might have figured (the hard way) how many diseases come into our body.
I was looking the other day at my ankles and saw how thin and wrinkled my skin on those is. The part behind i do not step on.
As we get older, we start loosing collagen. The skin becomes thinner. Biggest problem is at the soles of the feet. No matter how good you maintain your floor and carpet, it will remain a place full of bacteria. Unless if you sanitize your carpet as often as you replace your socks. How about the shoes? How clean are your shoes inside?
Can use a piece of towel and some alcohol and rub it and see. Floor, feet, shoes.
Also with age we gain weight.
Thinning skin on the sole of your feet and poor floor hygiene which may be the norm for most people allow bacteria to constantly get into your bloodstream period.
We all have to die of something aren't we.
11:45 How can i not put a link to a search here. Different results by different authors but overall, it is scary. I will not have any collagen by 80? which means i will fall apart and die???
12:10 Was thinking. If the Japanese are the Ancient Egyptians, it could have happened only this way. They went in Egypt to search for the geographic center of the dryland on Earth to build the first pyramid (and not the other way around). As the center of the Earth has moved (reshape of shores), they built the second one etc..
Why the center of the Earth? That is a good question. I think it might have something to do with time or space travel. Alignment of source and destination, maybe?
8:05 Woke up with the same questions in mind i went to bed with. How much it cost to organize an event like the one Trump spoke at (and how many people were in there). Is this what they spend most of the campaign money on? (If not, on what?). How come we don't see more of these events in the news.
And the most important. Do they always have machine guns on the roofs above the podium in plain view of audience? right under the American flag flown horizontally, like a kite between two cranes figuring a haven's gate. Phew.
8:20 Lately i started to feel guilty about putting so many links to searches as the result come by means of AI (or so they say, i don't see the difference, it's just the same quote chosen from most searched site).
The reasons are obvious. I don't want people to say i picked the answer i wanted so i let them chose it. I want more people to learn how to do more complex, focused searches. (So i can take a break).
My goal now is to try and limit those to one or two per entry.
8:45 With the Olympic torch image fresh in mind, i did one more search. Obviously wanted to see if she carries a torch in any of the depictions. And what did i find?
I wish i could find a better resolution on this. ...It's the East, and Amaterasu is the Sun!
12:30 The audio analysis of sound from the site says the shooter was hit by the first bullet and the second came at 10 seconds, from a different direction from the same gun. This indicates he was killed by a sniper on the roof cause snipers don't have a high fire rate and don't change position before shooting, they have to acquire target and aim first. He could then have jumped from the roof of the barn, run for a few seconds, aim and shoot him again from the ground.
If he was killed from the ground by means of handguns of the agents, it would have been more than one shot fired. BTW why the all climbed on the podium and jumped at the President and none of them ran at the shooter and fire his handgun multiple times?
Which proves the sniper had him in sight all the time. Also. How crazy was the gunman to stay there with the sniper and the machine gun in his sight and then shoot at the President?
It all seems like in an old western movie where the hero let the villains shoot first and then kill them usually in a self defense style in everybody's view so there is no need for lengthy investigation. However, the body of the villain is than measured by the grave man.
No word yet about who killed the would be assassin and from what position and google's AI is clueless.
Too bad they did not install security cameras and there is no footage of the whole incident from TV cameras with the whole crowd and buildings and stuff as they should be. All we have seen so far is Trump raising his right hand at the right ear which is invisible "from that angle".
BTW did the scopes of the two rifles on the roof had labels like they just have been "unboxed"? The sniper laying on the roof left his higher tripod and is trying to aim with thump up but now bothered by the hat's visor with eye slightly above scope's aiming line? One thing is sure. They are both looking in the same direction which by the angles seems to be the roof with the shooter.
And BTW who and when and from where was this picture taken and with what purpose.
2:12 Two guys that don't seem to be kids came to play with a drone at my window.
5:50 What was that, 3:45?
Never knew how much fun is to order Chinese until Angela showed me that game at Indian Head, Master Chef or something when if you get a bonus get to choose. Your soup, your side etc..
There is no soup to order online at Panda Express however there is other stuff. Angela built the order, i went to pick it up. On Boones Ferry, one exit on I5 from here. However. On the exit ramp, there was this old woman driving a tan PT cruiser figuring a 2CV. She stopped a few times, including on the freeway, i was behind, she restarted then she was driving erratically and exited on Boones Ferry, right before me. She stopped on the exit ramp once.
Behind her, in a car with WA LPN a woman with a pink megaphone and open window was yelling something at her who also had the window open. When i passed her, i looked and she was no other than France Rumilly, the actress playing the crazy driving nun in the Gendarme movies. I would have never known if i didn't finally look for the actress a few minutes ago.
No i didn't have the camera with me on a such short trip.
Damn Chinese (delicious) food, i'm hungry again. No wonder Chinese are all so thin.
7:00 (Approximately) one science entry a day (can't promise). If they could mass produce these and put them on a windshield, it would be a step forward in increasing mpg by not using the 1-4 extra HP for running the AC of about...
Most of the 20k BTU used by AC in the tiny space of a vehicle cabin is for mitigating the solar heat coming through the windows and not the air temperature. By example, in a day with much sun and 75 temperature, you have to have the AC on.
7:42 I can predict with a 50% probability that is going to be either Trump or Harris. That is if none of them is dropping the race before elections... Then it's going to be 100%.
11:30 PM (26) Dovada apartenenței României la Schengen din 2007 este călătoria în UE cu buletinul, care a început de la 1 ianuarie în acel an. Singura țară din UE care nu respectă tratatul UE (protocolul Schengen) și menține controalele la frontieră, de 17 ani, este Ungaria, care este și singura țară din UE cu graniță terestră cu România (în afară de Bulgaria).
11:40 The only time when modern cars (from last 10 years and more) work at nominal parameters (as designed or intended) is when they are brand new.
The introduction of EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) circuit, which returns exhaust in the intake, for slowing of the burning rate, with effects similar to increasing octane number and PCV (Positive Crankcase ventilation) which reduces the mixing of exhaust and unburnt fuel in oil and releases pressure in the crankcase, for better mileage, on massive scale since the 90s and both not amended after the original design, creates the following still unaddressed problem:
EGR introduces sooth in the intake and PCV oil vapor. The mixture settles on the intake runners and ultimately on valves, creating the so called sticky valves situation.
Hydraulic lifters are constantly filled with oil under pressure so they can take the play in the valve/lifters assembly, but also can loose that oil (being squished) after a certain pressure, if the valves stick, and the valves stay closed longer.
After being squished the lifters don't have the time to fill with oil in one cycle, becoming shorter and hit the valves producing a sound that starts around 10k at any newer car (also delaying of the opening of the valves); engine starts to loose efficiency, power and mileage and increase the amount of fuel burnt in the catalytic converter.
Loss of power is somehow compensated by the car's ECU (computer), which opens the injectors longer, throttle wider, allowing more fuel to be burnt in the cylinder, possibly creating a richer air/fuel mixture (more fuel) that cannot burn all in the cylinder and is burnt in the catalytic with no use except for heating up the planet.
Some of it is burnt in the exhaust, right after exiting the engine, creating extra pressure and vibrations, slowing the evacuation cycle with reducing efficiency and sometimes intermittently breaking the seal between engine and manifold, in which case raw exhaust (not passed through catalytic) which may contain carbon monoxide, can pass the hood's rubber seal and get into the cabin.
Best way to figure this is to listen to a brand new car and compare to one that is of similar year make and model that has 10k on it.
8:00 AM Everybody is scratching their heads pretending not knowing what is happening and trying to keep the dream comfortable.
After proving he is a total, worthless fraud, in complicity with the whole system, THEY're trying to push him back on stage by flattering and shocking.
Also implying, (Trump's usual absurd style). "You guys should be happy cause in a democracy as opposed to in a dictatorship there are still elections". With multiple choices (two).
That is true except when there's nothing (else) to vote. Yes of course there is the other candidate. So now while he's drowning he is pushing for her just to prove there is a choice?
Beautiful Christians: "I am the moral guy since i love Christians and not watching videos with sexy pagans". "I love beautiful Christians". "I am a Christian too".
Or at least until people forget all this? Can't you see what they're doing? They're slicing reality and present you one slice at a time. They shock you with today's lies so you forget yesterday's and then restart the cycle.
What shocks me the most is they dare trying (to push him back). Well, there's nothing else they can do except to scrap him too. Though he doesn't have a vice to continue his campaign, however there is a co-runner. The cat lady's self made son.
For people outside US reading this, make no mistake. This is AMERICA.
9:30 Le Seigneur a dit...
Soeur Clotilde: Accrochez vous a moi, ça fait contre-poid, mon gendarme Cruchot!
12:10 AM Another thing i was thinking of tonight was about the position of the Secret Service shooters on top of the barn. Could not wait to get home to see the image showing if they could have seen the guy on the other side of the roof where he climbed.
Found a video that includes footage from a lower position. Second 24.
1:11 It stinks here intermittently, if i go there i would probably find another open bag on top of the bin's lid, like in this picture, but way on the other side, invisible from here. Then it hit me. The similarity.
For who reads my blogs it is pretty obvious there have been in the past years numerous attempts on my person, from accidents, that happened or i avoided (two of them just last night) to the pin in my shoe on 4th of July that got into my toe and caused localized tetanus (with flares in other damaged parts mostly by wi-fi of my body).
1:35 Never mind should have read this first. Ok i will leave it here anyways for The People to see they had him in sight all the time.
8:23 Exactly when i was wondering how much more childish American politics and politicians can get. Also has something to do with the cat lady upstairs, who at times looks like Vance's mother.
8:32 Sometimes i wonder. Why past presidents, vice-presidents get so... familiar with each other?
10:05 Fed's prefered key inflation metric came today "better than expected". As a result, the whole market which is the best inflation indicator, went up more than 1.5%.
9:50 Out of hundreds of millions raised for the campaigns, they don't have money to pay a couple of security guys dressed civilian to mingle with the people to see what The People have seen and took videos of. Or drones. A couple of guys in a van with ten monitors and ten drones above the event.
12:40 I think it was him. The guy from maintenance i had a conversation with at the bin last Friday morning.
12:45 And Vance's mother looks like the woman from upstairs who just took off when i started to get ready to post this entry.
12:47 They kept her in the fridge, for months if not years. Keep her out of scandals i recon. I once met a woman like her, in Romania, just before i left, she was then acting as the Italian owner of a firm i was working for (accounting software).
11:30 People sometimes forget too soon about old technologies, one more cause of global warming... We wish we see more of these... I know, they would have trouble passing under bridges and will be limited to a number of ports, however transport could get cheaper.
6:50 I was curious to see how much daylight we lost since June 21, or approximately day 171 or the longest day of the year. I found a desmos function that does just that (scroll to second slider, left panel). Being still on the top of the sine, we did not loose much (less than half hour) but we just got in the area where the slope is steeper.
6:55 Sunt niște chestii ce nu le înțeleg în toată povestea asta cu Lajos. Cum l-au prins în flagrant? Au venit mascații, vreo zece, păș-pâș la ușă, au spart-o dintr-o lovitură cu berbecele de spart ușa și au mers zburat în dormitor și i-au prins în flagrant?
Mama copilului când a "bănuit ceva" "de ani de zile", poliția, nu au întrebat copilul mai întâi, l-au lăsat să mai meargă odată (sau încă "două săptămâni") ca să "fileze" și să prindă ei flagrantul (ca în filmele cu "polițiști infiltrați")? (Asta printre altele înseamnă tăinuire sau complicitate la ultimele acte).
Poliția, dacă știa, trebuia să prevină, să pună capăt, nu să lase să se mai întâmple, de mai multe ori, doar de dragul probelor, care probe mie mi se par imposibil de obținut în asemenea cazuri, așa cum se scrie în presă citând mereu "surse din anchetă" ceea ce înseamnă iar un număr de infracțiuni comise de procurori și jurnaliști după cum am spus de multe ori.
De aceea mă gândesc că totul este inventat, cu un scop anume, ca să creeze iar o psihoză în masă, așa cum fac ei mereu și se pricep atât de bine. Mă rog fiindcă toată lumea ia "de bune" ce scriu bandiții.
Unul din motivele pentru care avem atâția olimpici al căror geniu se topește la primul contact de gradul III cu autoritățile infractoare și promovate de media oficială.
7:40 În timp ce am pus aluat de-o pizza la crescut înfulecând o supă de noodles (cu ceva bone broth și brânză presărată pe deasupra) mi-a sărit direct din subconștient un vers (așa cum mi se întâmplă totdeauna cu melodiile care le pun postesc aici) și l-am prins de-un capăt și am scos bobinat din memorie toată poezia, imaginându-mi ce s-a întâmplat după sfârșit.
12:12 As i said before, some of the rats on this cover figure dogs, some kangaroos and some wall climbing ninja. The white cubes suggest ice and rats coming from NW and NE.
Yasmina could suggest Yama and the louts flower under the image, of course, Buddha.
It may be a trap but something made me look back at the first picture shown with Trump before he was tucked down by the agents some with dark, narrow glasses (no wonder they could not see the shooter) for dramatism. Why was blood on his face if the bullet came from that direction (suggesting at first sight his face was touched as well). Why there was none on the shirt.
Also. The speed of the bullet that comes out an AR15 at nozzle is at nearly three times the speed of sound, more than two at 100 yards etc.. Just flying, also by impact with outer ear should have created a shockwave in the ear, nearby tissues including inner ear that probably would have created some hearing problems, a blown ear drum maybe.
12:05 AM Revista presei. În România, cultul personalităților a ocultat de mult cultul personalității (venerarea excesivă). E mai bine fiindcă sunt mai multe personalități de cultat decât persoane iar venerarea excesivă se distribuie.
Iovanovici, 2013. Did i say a dog savior? De unde ne vine tot aurul
Cum se face mentenanța (2019).
Presidential momentum in the US.
What i really don't understand about American democracy is why is so important if someone candidates for the Presidential nominee if there's a vote, in the case of democrats, one month from now. There can be more than one candidate, right? Though in practice it rarely happens and the (only) candidate is known in advance because the vote is known in advance due to the system of alliances inside the party.
I do understand that once a President is in function it cannot be easily removed, by several reasons. He was elected (usually out of two candidates) by the American general public. He then becomes one of the three concurrent powers (legislative, executive, judicial).
The real elections occur inside the two parties. But do they.
The first democracy ever becomes antiquated. In all other civilized countries the President (with some exceptions) is elected by directelections, with a short one month campaign before and anyone can participate (sustained by a party or with a number of signatures). If no one has enough votes to win, there is a runoff between the first two, within weeks and that's it.
10:18 Depinde cât de rece e apa. Apa la mine vara este foarte rece, ceva gen 10-15 grade și am încercat odată cu un radiator de mașină și un ventilator. Deci bănuiesc că dacă mai pui și un ventilator spre el, s-ar putea să scadă temperatura cu câteva grade. Bănuiesc că el sau oamenii lui au făcut niște teste înainte.
Ce merge sigur este o găleată cu gheață. Poți să pui un congelator în balcon (pentru că el dă căldură ca să să facă gheață) și faci gheață noaptea sau mă rog în bucătărie și să faci gheață. Pui gheața într-o găleată și un ventilator să bată asupra ei. Ține câteva ore. Am văzut într-un cazino. Apropo, frigiderul în zile de vară încălzește casa cu echivalentul în wați a puterii consumate.
Dar un congelator este mai scump (dacă nu îl ai deja) decât un aparat de aer condiționat de fereastră (o singură piesă) care în SUA se găsește sub 150 de dolari, eu mă descurc cu unul din ăsta, ei le aduc (normal din China) mai mult vara când este nevoie (băieți deștepți). Este mai zgomotos și suflă puternic aerul rece dar cel puțin nu mori de căldură, poți în schimb să faci o răceală de la curent.
Nu am reușit să găsesc așa ceva de vânzare în România, oricât de mult am căutat. Am găsit unul sau două la 115 volți ceea ce arată că erau făcute pentru SUA, ar merge cu un transformator de 500 wați însă nu aveau pe stoc.
7:30 Totally irrational philosophies like Shintoism, some sects of Buddhism and Dominicans have to stick to the end with every aspect that brough them here and now and kept that balance otherwise they might loose everything.
According to their beliefs, where there's (dog) s...t there's hope for the future.
Can remember when i said cigarettes tasted better at the ocean? That was because an essential ingredient was missing there. The air didn't smell much like s...t when i lighted the last one, but the cigarette tasted like s...t. So i went and what did i find.
Besides the usual loads, 4 or 5 at three visited bins, loads (bags) that that BTW are much bigger where the wind is leaving the area, in the SW bin there is a whole litter box spread throughout the bin, acting somehow as deodorant for the whole area downstream the wind which now is blowing from that direction.
9:20 Could the invention of bitcoin be another important aspect of warming up the planet (by exploiting the sin of irrational greed, have to give them credit for that) as expected by the religions enumerated above? (Dominicans are a separatereligion since they believe in a dog savior, cannot be Christians).
11:30 Clues (for free) as what cancer may be. We all know that a (correct) formulated problem is (conservatively said) half way solved.
Talking about General Motors. Was thinking earlier. How come General is worth 56 billion and Tesla 768 (and shaking the stock market up and down like hell)?
5:57 AM Was looking for something, found something else and was thinking. They, the meek, are not just a culturally different people. They are something else. Something that is so different from the rest of the world it simply goes unnoticed. Outside perception.
Living there with their Sun God and 8 million kami and with no clear notion of good and evil, they do not understand our moral system as we don't understand theirs. They live by the words or better said continuously sharing with their gods with no regards to anything else. Or us.
How do i know better then anyone else? Because i have been exposed intensively, also because i was "reckless". I look at these sculptures and all i see is the guys i see daily here in the parking lot.
Could this be one of their god-characters they modeled Trump after?
6:53 That is because i mentioned the words fools' gold yesterday. It also tells us these institutions are just manipulating tools, they have no self respect, no moral, no nothing. How would they.
(In the mean time the entry with fools' gold simply disappeared from my blog, will try to re-create it).
Back then they ruled for Romania after i put this match. In the meantime, they replaced her. Now i have to look for the new one as well.
Cât despre firma românească de avocatură care "a câștigat procesul"...
Interesant că toată faza s-a întâmplat pe timpul când Iohannis era pe acolo... A mai negociat Iohannis ceva pentru România?
8:20 Found something here... I know from Seinfeld Americans have wedgies butt this... See what i'm talking about?
NASA OR NAGA. BTW, what to do in a cave on Moon?
10:40 Thing is. After living 2000 years in a Christian reference frame, to us it is nearly impossible to understand life in an untouched multimillennial polytheistic world where good and evil are just some traits that are more or less prevalent in one god or another. And make no mistake, they are coming for us.
10:05 Fidesz dau din casă, pentru a acoperi faptul că totul este controlat de ei. De fapt nu de ei, ei sunt doar actorii care lucrează sub japonezi. Și pentru cuvântul cheie "japonez" este o știre perpetuă, de fapt un non-sens. elevul care și-a înjunghiat profesoara de japoneză. Nu am știut până acum că în România se studiază limba japoneză. Etc..
Ce mult îmi doresc să nu mai am nevoie să intervin pentru că m-am săturat. Și de minciunile lor, și de inacțiunea publicului. După câte am postat, parcă nu le vine să creadă. Treaba lor. Nu va veni nimeni să le confirme ce pot vedea cu ochii lor în miile de link-uri pe care le-am postat.