Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 30

12:00 AM Like Viktor Orban (Victoria Oropsiților de Trianon) i can't stop. Not right now. Have to keep posting or... Here are some pictures with Trump swinging (like in golf swinging). You think those tiny arms can propel a ball more than 25 yards (aprox=meters)?
It is said Hitler was on a vegetarian diet...


18 A DAY. I saw a couple of times this LPN here in Oregon and could never figure what it means but today i think i had a revelation. Could it be... 6+6+6 = 18 bags with dog poop a day? The Dominicans (Inquisition) do just this every day, after their prayers? The same number as the holes in a golf course?

1:45 There are a number of Egyptian tools that have inspired modern objects. Of them i could mention the well known tennis racquet. But there are other lesser knwon tools like The Setesh Staff (was sceptre) that might have inspired the microfone on a stick (Freddie above), golf club, hockey cross, telempromter, etc..

2:05 Someone reading a cell phone while frying themselves with microwaves.

2:15 Chrysanthemum Throne of Japan vs 2024 Olympic medals.
2:27 Kabuto, wasceptre, Wow!

7:32 Don't know what the name of the bowling pin like thing on top of the head of Horus (no matter how much i searched) but it looks like it has inspired the Olympic torch of this year 2024 (no, it is not a rolled joint as some may believe, just because it is carried by a dog whose name is not Seth).

Yes i believe the name Seth of the Egyptian god of chaos is at the origin of the name Satan in the Hebrew bible. (Not to be confounded with Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve).

2:18 Read my lines. It is not logic, science, justice, economics or even politics that run this world. It is sorcery, witchcraft, ancient mysteries (in the sense of secrets transmitted from generation to generation in a parallel world of the initiated).

Some are just simple tricks, like by example, the dog seth. There is something in it that comes from evolution. Parasites, pheromones, name it. With it, the wolves, big cats and then dogs and cats hunt. The so called marking of the territory is actually infestation, to make the prey weak and vulnerable.

Humans have learned of it (thinking is magic tricks, sorcery, witchcraft) not knowing what really it is and use it against other humans. Is that simple. But how can you get this out of the simple minds that dedicated their lives to cults or fraternities which are based on this kinda seth?

Think of Trump's advertisement. Top dog, he'll get you top dollars.

Some prefer just to use it no mater how moral or immoral is. They have been initiated, spent all their lives gathering degrees, got old, who's gonna stop them playing the same tricks over and over on the whole world. It would mean they should give up everything.

Is that simple.

4:30 Another common trick they use is replacing of the officials in the countries they control (all) with their own people, usually trained actors. Initially a ninja trick, i believe this tradition started with the Tokugawa Ieyasu shogun and all the shoguns that followed in the Tokugawa dynasty, and then the emperor himself, during  the so called Meiji restoration but it could be older, since like the Chinese Imperial dynasties.

Can't find right now where i read Tokugawa Ieyasu character was played by 3 different ninja that changed over the years. Ieyasu lived 73 years in a time when average lifespan was 50.

5:45 I know how cops are. I simply cannot believe this. But if they saw the guy and told SS and SS did not react they should have taken measures themselves. However they saw SS pointing guns at the shooter, as seen in the picture and maybe they thought the SS are on it so they did nothing.

5:55 Nicolas Maduro. I think i knew the guy on the right personally, he was working at the computer service company (IIRUC) în Bacău before 89 under the name Eugen Mihalcea, then we even became associated (co-owners, with 3 other guys) in a software/hardware firm in Bacău, Mega SRL, which then some other guy forced me to leave (per reason i had my own firm, INSER SRL) and now i understand why.

7:25 Just remembered one more thing. At the meeting where we signed the papers and established the name Mega (as opposed to Micro, it was my "funny" idea, in a restaurant in Bacău) he kept telling us he wanted to emigrate to... Venezuela, and i think he said  he had a relative there.

8:15 I think i saw her face around here too.

10:53 I think i might have figured (the hard way) how many diseases come into our body.

I was looking the other day at my ankles and saw how thin and wrinkled my skin on those is. The part behind i do not step on.

As we get older, we start loosing collagen. The skin becomes thinner. Biggest problem is at the soles of the feet. No matter how good you maintain your floor and carpet, it will remain a place full of bacteria. Unless if you sanitize your carpet as often as you replace your socks. How about the shoes? How clean are your shoes inside?

Can use a piece of towel and some alcohol and rub it and see. Floor, feet, shoes.

Also with age we gain weight.

Thinning skin on the sole of your feet and poor floor hygiene which may be the norm for most people allow bacteria to constantly get into your bloodstream period.

We all have to die of something aren't we.

11:45 How can i not put a link to a search here. Different results by different authors but overall, it is scary. I will not have any collagen by 80? which means i will fall apart and die???

12:10 Was thinking. If the Japanese are the Ancient Egyptians, it could have happened only this way. They went in Egypt to search for the geographic center of the dryland on Earth to build the first pyramid (and not the other way around). As the center of the Earth has moved (reshape of shores), they built the second one etc..

Why the center of the Earth? That is a good question. I think it might have something to do with time or space travel. Alignment of source and destination, maybe?

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