Showing posts sorted by date for query dharmachakra. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query dharmachakra. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, December 26, 2024

December 26

9:48 Talking about electron-positron pair production, just remembered something. Something i always was intrigued with in Lake Oswego. The logo of the Mountain Park area, in two different versions and i thought it could represent the volcano which is actually the Mountain of the Mountain Park, where yes, PCC Sylvania is located. Re-creation center?

3:55 PM Ok was in a hurry and made a mistake by misreading this statement.

Bur i am still following this idea. What happens when a particle gets very close to the speed of light and according to Einstein, threatens to fill the whole Universe with its mass? Do they have experiments to prove it?

BTW At what speed an electron and a positron come out of pair production? Very close to the speed of light they say. But if we apply trigonometry to this image, we get electrons moving much slower.
What happens to the conservation of mass and momentum, since both electrons and positrons are much heavier then photons (it is said photons do not have mass but have momentum)? All of the photon's energy will turn to mass, but that mass is speeding (near the speed of light), a momentum will appear, out of nothing.

Can we count to a near punctiform electric field to instantly? accelerate those two masses, one charged positively and one negatively at near the speed of light? What happens to their trajectory when moving in that charge's electric field? We see the whole process occur in the cloud chamber. Where is that completely stripped of electrons ionized charge come from to conserve momentum?

Also. The electron trajectory in an electric field is circular only if the angle it comes at is perpendicular to the field. They probably got lucky taking the image above.

BTW Lorentz force breaks the action-reaction principle Centrifugal force is not represented in any of the representations.

Let's say we build an electrostatic sling shot with two objects, one much heavier, both charged electrically. Upon release, the lighter particle will accelerate but the large one will have a recoil, proportional to the weight ratio. (Nothing is negligible in quantum).

8:20 So it can. If everybody gets lucky enough to pass among orbiting electrons, the electric field gradient of of the central mass could separate the two virtual particles from the photon, change direction from transversal to longitudinal and the prodigious rotation with asymmetries at the surface can accelerate them to near the speed of light while the magnetic field in the cloud chamber does the rest.

Looks too complicated and the rotation speed of billions of billions rotations per second could know the photon away.

Maybe the magnetic field does it all and there is no need for nucleus as the two virtual particles already have a longitudinal component (not well represented here) close to the speed of light.

11:30 This image confirms what i just stated about the two components of light, a virtual electron and a virtual photon being flattened out which means two particle both move now longitudinal and with an added energy becoming stable electrons.
And my thought goes again to dharmachakra that has 8 spokes, of which four charged, with relativistic mass, moving in a cross pattern of which only two exist at a time and probably gravitons moving on the other cross pattern of the chakra not at 45 degrees but on the same direction, in opposition with the virtual charged particles, to balance them.

Maybe they are represented at 45 degrees because there was no other way to represent them in a symbol that was supposed to transcend millennia or until people will regain enough knowledge to understand them.

With three colors swirling in the middle, pretty much like in the icon of google chrome, with a color for each component, a virtual electron, positron and a graviton. However in string theories it is also stated that a graviton does not exist alone but is massless chargeless entity that exist within all closed loops strings of which the electron is one.

According to hRdaya sUtra, gravitons could be temporary holes in the space time left behind by the moving virtual particles at relativistic speeds.

Could it be both virtual particles in existence within the photon moving at relativistic speed are closed by the magnetic field in a circle pattern with the gravitons chasing the particles, this being the energy to matter transfer phase phase before they become independent of each other, moving ahead at near the speed of light, borrowing energy from the rotation of that nucleus (so they are seen in the cloud chamber, otherwise would just float around at non relativistic speed.

I believe in nature there are enough places with a magnetic field strong enough to separate the virtual particles of a photon into a pair of one electron and one positron.

At the scale of the size of an electron there are no fog or air particle to interfere with their speed or turning their trajectory into a decaying spiral.

The two particles created by the splitting of a photon are electrons if the light is polarized in the direction of the magnetic field. If not, other weirder particles may be created with shapes like spirals, fish like spirals, etc..

Quarks cannot exist individually and have fractional charges and the reason is they have virtual electrons and positrons in common as are said to be bound by the strong force to create protons similar to how in molecules electrons are used in common.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

May 24

2:14 Lately i have listened more and more to songs with humanly not possible tremolos like this one. Are these designed by AI to induce fibrillation?

8:25 Dharmachakra, Sanskrit for Wheel of Law, Roata legii, dharma is also the cycle of death/rebirth, destruction/reonstrucion, chakra, wheel.

10:05 Between September 97 and January 98 i had a job at Les Schwab Tire Center in Aloha (a suburb of Beaverton which is a suburb of Portland). Among others i had a colleague who looked like the vocalist from Credence (BTW i had a job at Credence before that). Wouldn't have mentioned it now if i didn't see a link. Wheels, tires. I was in the back in the brakes department. Taking apart lots of brakes from older cars that could have had asbestos in them.

Other colleagues there. The bassist and the guitarist from No Doubt. Gwen Stefani herself came one day as customer. Damn she looked good, much better than on screen. Two guys, the colonel and the general from Stargate, original series. Others. Bob Dylan? van Morrison?

10:45 Poate așa veți înțelege cât de avansați sunt ăștia. Dacă nu pot face altceva și a ajuns în public o infromație într-un context care nu prea le place, vin imediat cu măsuri de combatere. Una din ele este o poveste țesută în jurul unui cuvânt cheie comun cu informația inițială.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

En faisant la culbute

Dicționarul Explicativ al limbii Române. N-am avut niciodată în România și copil fiind îi invidiam pe cei care aveau. Citeam cărți și găseam cuvinte pe care nu le înțelegeam și apelam la alții și nu le știau nici ei. Bine dacă eram doar puțin mai inteligent, puteam să-mi notez cuvintele respective și să merg cu ele la bibliotecă.

Anii au trecut și fiind în America, învățând mereu engleză, am simțit nevoia să mă uit într-un dicționar românesc și până la urmă a apărut și acest proiect,, care însă nu este "girat" de Academia Română, care este autor al DEX-ului. Echipa de la dexonline ține să precizeze acest lucru. Ei nu sunt lingviști, sunt doar voluntari pasionați (ca și mine), ei pur și simplu preiau definițiile din dicționarele existente, și își declină răspunderea pentru greșeli. Bine vă veți întreba. Ce greșeli pot fi într-un dicționar editat de Academia Română?

Multe, vă voi răspunde eu. Îmi pare foarte rău că nu am notat, de-a lungul timpului, câte greșeli am găsit. Aș putea să cotrobăiesc prin postările de fb care încep cu etimologia zilei, că am scris câteva și am precizat și greșelile, acolo unde le-am găsit. Pot să spun, din ce îmi amintesc, că au fost, sunt, mai multe greșeli (vorbesc normal de etimologii, cele mai importante părți dintr-o definiție) decât definiții corecte.

(Pentru comparație, uitați-vă la acest dicționar online franțuzesc, menținut de CNRTL, care este creat de CNRS, un organism centralizat finanțat de statul francez).

Azi am căutat un cuvânt în dexonline iar și iar are etimologia greșită. Tumbă. Locuțiunea a face tumbe.

Pare banal, trivial, insignifiant. Ce mare premiu să-mi dea ăștia fiindcă am găsit o greșeală în DEX. Ce importanță mai are în vâltoarea evenimentelor în care trăim.

Are. Fiindcă puțin de-aici, puțin de colo, ăștia ne iau totul. Ne iau banii, limba, profesorii și-i înlocuiesc cu oamenii lor. Ne distrug economia ca noi să plecăm din țară.

Academia Română e formată din vârfurile ierarhiei universitare. Care sunt plătiți pentru job-urile lor în universități și mai iau și o îndemnizație probabil de la Academie. Nu știu ce alte mari realizări mai au ei în afară de DEX, care apropo, se cumpără pe bani serioși, deci este plătit încă o dată. Însă DEX-ul este un proiect decăzut. Are prea multe greșeli.

Din ngr. tumba. Asta înseamnă neo-greacă, greaca nouă, adică cea modernă, vorbită. Nu există acest cuvânt în greacă. Mai mult decât atât, în greacă u se pronunță ca în franceză. Limba latină cea mai cunoscută de români (bine în afară de cei care trăiesc acum, tot datorită lor, în Italia și în Spania).

Apropo, credeam că știu franceză. Azi am aflat că tomber mai înseamnă și "faire la culbute", expresie care nu știam ce înseamnă (știu vag despre culbutori, care la motoare înseamnă "rocker arms" din engleză. Ceva care se leagănă pe acolo pe la chiulasa motoarelor mai vechi, alt cuvânt francez înrudit cu titlul acestei postări). Nu am înțeles nici din definiția din dicționar (apropo, bine că au schimbat denumirea de FRET, care suna nașpa în engleză, mai au referința la Nancy, dar oricum e mai bine).

Deci am apelat eu la un truc pe care încă îl folosesc pentru un cuvânt necunoscut în engleză. Dau un search pe google images. Și în afară de prima imagine porno din kama sutra care iată ne invadează, am aflat. Înseamnă a face tumbe.

De unde până unde, sau unde vreau să ajung?

În franceză tomber vine din latinul tumba, unde înseamnă mormânt. Și în română și în franceză a deviat spre a cădea, și până la  urmă a se rostogoli. În franceză există și substantivul tombe, adică mormânt. În engleză există și tumb, mormânt, și tumble. Toate vin din latină.

Am scris ceva ieri (azi dimineață devreme) și în alte ocazii despre continuitatea religiei, de la peșterile din Australia până la tefilin. Azi îmi suna în cap o melodie evreiască, pe care am auzit-o prima dată în interpretarea frumoasei actrițe Emilia Fox, și de atunci mă întreb. Oare această melodie, la fel ca multe altele ca de exemplu cea a lui Tina Turner, nu cumva sugerează mișcarea unei roți (flickr nu funcționează acum, e prima imagine, nu găsesc acum locul pe hartă), unei roți a destinului, dharmachakra. Știu, tumbalalaika vine de la cuvintele rusești tum care îseamnă noise și balalaica, un instrument muzical, împrumutate în această melodie în idiș, dar poate fi și un joc de cuvinte, pentru că în contextul super filozofic al versurilor acestei melodii nu își prea are locul repetarea primei părți a numelui unui instrument muzical.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

February 15

5:48 Constant, același tip de răspuns. Au organizat acest eveniment, această știre, pentru a dubla pe postările mele recente care conțineau mai multe referințe la dharmachakra. Acel pachet a fost văzut doar de câțiva membri ai poliției din Londra

5:51 I have to tighten the battery negative connector every time me or Angela go for a trip. If i don't, the voltage will drop to battery voltage and will start to flickr  between battery voltage and alternator voltage (2 volts difference, 12.6, 14.6), giving false signals to many sensors and systems, putting out bad emissions, especially when the catalyst is cold. If i tighten that, the effect is not immediate. But today i will fix that forever when i'm gonna get the new electric screwdriver that i'm gonna use like a drilling machine to drill a hole through the lead connector and put a screw.

Yesterday when Angela came from work, the car was in the low voltage state, with fuel pump working with 2 volts less, not washing the valves, also not spraying uniformly. The night before was working fine. After 2 or 4 miles working like this (two trips to work) car was vibrating, making a noise, etc.. So this morning i woke up and tighten that one again thinking that at least one trip to work will be ok. However, they dispatched some guy from the opposite entrance (building D) who went right after Angela, in an older car, suggesting there are some sensors or people sniffing in the complex he was trying to confuse. Yesterday all day there was the biggest amount of smoke here ever. I was dizzy and groggy all day until i went to bed.

1:55/11:55 Își mai amintește cineva comedia aceea franceză cu un bandit care avea creierul atât de greu încât îi pica scăfârlia într-o parte când se stresa și trebuia s-o susțină?

Yes i had a few more drinks after avoiding a few more accidents waiting for me in the streets when i went to buy beer and wine. Kink FM was kind enough to play a song that i heard so many times before. Crhis Isaak always sounded so washed up to me until tonight, when for some reason, i was listening more carefully to the virtuosity of crying guitars and to the lyrics of course. Strumming away with his fingers the story of my life. No that there was a single chance for me to have a normal life.

Ok just remembered. Before that. A guitar classic like passage that reminded me of a Romanian band that was so away of its time, they dismembered for being disregarded by official DJs. I don't care if all of the above are Hungarian born from genetic material stolen during abductions from selected men and women in all countries, i want to forget for a while, i'm too old to assimilate all this information and reconsider all my life.

The map. Subliminally superseding what i posted yesterday. But why in the world the map of Ukraine looks so much like that of US? How much planning and how far back it goes?
11:05 The war. The fear. Rolling the rumors every day one day further. If there's gonna be (another) one, would be the first time in the last 1000 years that we will know in real time who's fault is and what was and the reason. The reason of course is, like the pandemic, to forget so they can accomplish their business undisturbed, to the end.

12:15/2:15 Numai ce am spus. Poluare cu simboluri, referitor la un poster (sau cum să-l numesc, împănat cu scârboșenii), și au venit ei cu ceva. Nu bate vântul? (sky won't snow and sun won't shine). Nu vă mirați. Există supercomputere care modelează vremea pe tot pământul, și destui fluturi la Tokio gata să bată din aripi, la nevoie. Never? Ever ever ever ever?

2:04 Sun must go on. Was i posting a clip from Le Cerveau, with a jealous, paranoid, psychopath brother?

Monday, February 14, 2022

February 14

Bineînțeles, în tot ghiveciul, mult circ, dharmachakra (roata lui Horia) și steaua cu 8 colțuri ori steaua lui Becali. Cândva, mult timp în urmă, am spus că poluarea cu simboluri e la fel de nașpa ca orice altă poluare sau mai rău.
3:00 If Ukraine enters NATO, there will be a few 10-20 million Russians in NATO, right?

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

January 18

5:37 For some reason, those with modified exhaust also like to idle their cars vehicles tanks in the morning, instead of just leaving. Probably waiting for the engine to heat up so they can defog their windshield. But to me, there's no rush like getting my ears pumped rhythmically like 5 times a second early in the morning for 10 minutes at the time, because they are several, and when one finishes, another one starts.

10:19 It's been more than a month since the app_ointment at DMV where i had to take a VIN inspection, up_lied for a title, registration and custom LPN. Custom, a lorem ipsum one, because last time they gave me one with JKB, and ever since, everywhere i go i see around me only variants, including KGA and things like thad. (And Oregon unlike neighboring California and Washington has very large numbers and letters on the plates!).

200 dollars cost me the option and they gave me a temporary permit that is good for 4 months, waiting for the plates that are coming i think from a firm in Canada that does all Oregon DMV plates. So i stuck the permit on the rear windshield, lower left, as the law says, however, that is an area where the windshield gets fogged and the ordinary paper they printed the permit on gets wet and when i dries it wrinkles and depending on weather, with the fog on top becomes unreadable and attracts cops that follow me for miles during my trips.

11:50/9:50 The guy on the left here i just attempted to (re)match with a Hungarian actor is the leader of the local chapter of Social Democrat Party of Romania in the county immediately south of Bucharest. It is said he is the protector of gangs that terrorize that area and implicitly Bucharest. It is said Police is on their payroll. I saw some of the faces of the gangsmen, that seem to be bodybuilders from Hungary, Romanians (what's left of them, most are gone to work in Europe) seem not be able to understand nobody is building that kinda muscles (which BTW need to be maintained, otherwise they're gone, they melt away in a few months) without many hours a day of work, a rigorous discipline and diet, which gangsters can't possibly follow. Last thing they did, probably not real, though the terror is real, was the killing (on security cameras) of a maxi taxi driver who tried to catch one of them after he punctured one of his tires, closely following my story with the accident on August 21st that started with a punctured tire here at the apartment two days before, a story that seems to have been doubled (meme) like many others. Is this guy Japanese?

One more "upgrade" of the part of blogger (google) i discovered after i re-formatted last paragraph, when all my links have been reset to blogger, prompting those who were not logged in into google to log in, making it look like a phishing attempt. Good thing i discovered it after just a few minutes. But what do you expect, it's free. Anybody remembers when they discontinued g+ and erased thousands of my posts? (not feeling sorry for all of them, some were early garbage, some were not).

3:50 Mold smell up to the roof in the last couple of hours. I went and picked many garbage items from the red carpet around building. When i took them to the bin, i found a fresh dog poo on the asphalt, ready to be smashed and spread all over by a wheel of a car, so i had to go and pick it too with a piece of cardboard that didn't quite work from the first attempt. Now i don't feel like making our daily salad anymore. BTW, had another dysphagia earlier, canned kippers (kinda cooked dry) by the brand Polar from Germany. My stomach was full already but still not satisfied. Mold smell inside, smoked fish smell, gas in my belly and some loud noise outside that started in those seconds i ate, all put together did it. And yes, the (imaginary) Arians in the parking lot at Grocery Outlet (a symbol of german correctitude, where i got the kippers) in Lincoln city were all very upset because of this.

Ordered a part for my car on January 6 on ebay. Apparently the seller was in Korea, they shipped it for free by DHL, been sitting in PDX airport? for 4 days, didn't want to be early?
4:32 If i understand that in the morning they have to heat up the engine to defog windshields, then why the same idling time in the afternoon, usually when one of us is eating?

5:00 Cigarette smoke outside from one of the neighbors. Enough to make me sneeze, inside.

5:06/3:06 E mult timp de când n-am mai scris vreo etimologie a zilei, dar nu mă pot opri să mă întreb. De unde a venit cuvântul culturism în limba română? Un cuvânt care m-a intrigat de prima dată când l-am auzit, mi se părea că eram așa de incult pentru că nu îl știam, și eram atât de prost hrănit ca să nu pot urma îndemnul, o etimologie nefericită din franceză, pentru că francezii sunt mult mai nuanțați și mai școliți (tot ei ne-au dat și tradiția bacalaureatului greu și complicat), îmi imaginez că în mintea lor nu apare așa ușor confuzia lingvistică de tip subliminal între cultură și culturism. Sau poate a fost o strâmbă și pe la ei, ajunsă foarte ușor la noi. În engleză, e bodybuilding, mult (nimic) mai intuitiv. LOL încă una, chiar aici pe pagină "dans un but esthétique"! (Nu găsesc cuvântul în FRET (alta), ca să știu când a intrat în limba franceză).

6:30/4:30 Tocmai spuneam, un pic prea mult pentru mintea noastră bidimensională, eurocentrică! (Am vrut să spun și ex-temporală, dar nu pot fiindcă timpul e o iluzie).

6:41 Talking about eurocentrism. I think i saw this type of ornament before, but this one's got a dharmachakra right in the middle. BTW, had never time to follow this idea. Is Pebber Brown Egon Poka? And this one jut came to me. Was Pebber Brown at one time thin enough to fit in Buckethead's costume?

9:12 From the mailbox. Choc o lot.
It's all about love, always. For this to happen, she should have been born maybe in 1961. Usually birth dates for actors in Hungary are accurate, but who knows for sure. Thing is, she's cute and not very heavy. Cuter in reality, pictures don't make her justice. Wondering how many o...s she had while riding on that pinned horsey ;) or unicorn or whatever by the smile she gave me when i asked her something.

The unicorn gave her the ride just because she was so drunk she couldn't walk the first half of the 10 miles back home. Never in real danger, the whole team with cameras and stuff was probably in the woods nearby. I miss you Posha. And those times. I really do. If only i knew!
About choking. With love. I was indeed feeling kinda weird, daydreaming, when i started to sneeze. Whole area between buildings again flooded with smoke. I tried to step in known areas, but my foot was going to deep, could not seal the holes. So i just grabbed my blue tub and went and scrapped some soil from the higher area near the hydrant, while the small white van with two Japanese guys, always present when i go outside was flashing yellow lights while blocking the area. One dog dragged a woman near me and started to bark, scarying me. Then the guy upstairs, who wasn't here for almost a month, came. I think i know why. Market went down seriously both in the US and Japan after posting the Lakshmi match. Unintended i swear. Angela's got a 401k plan where she lost today 2000 dollars, 2000 more in the previous days.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

January 1

Happy New Year 2022! The year of the three swans with an ouroboros in the middle. Auspicious for the (mind) tricksters. Where did i say that: Two swans only seem to be the inspiration for the nazi sign SS.

Got awakened by smoke, after 5 hours of sleep. Went outside and saw steps in the frozen grass (what kinda grass is this, it's frozen now, when it thaws will be green again). All along the trail, the ground, tough frozen, was bulged a little bit. In this picture is visible the area i went and stepped on the ground (needless to say, an ambulance started when i first opened the door). I stepped on it because ground was soft. After that the smoke subsided, however, about 10 minutes after i got inside it started again. But not as much.

Got to bring here one blog post. The one with the comparison between chakras and sphincters (as in human anatomy). Chakra in Sanskrit means wheel (Dharma chakra, remember).

Sphincters are circular muscles in our body that regulate flow of fluids.

It is said that yoga can partially control some of the chakras of the body. The control can be done but a trained person upon self, but i know for sure it can be done by a trained person to another person, unknowing and unwilling. I don't have time or wish to explain now the reason i believe this. But people, just by watching a yogi doing certain poses can be influenced, sometimes heavily by it.

The bow. There are a number of reasons for the bow. One could be submission. One could be reminding of the ancient rainbow serpent. The bow is always done towards the emperor. But i can be done the other way around, when i can have bad influence on the observer. One can call it "the square" (as in square and compass) because it figures a square done with the human body. Sometimes it may even include a compass, when the bow is done with legs slightly spread.

It happens to me several times daily. "People" under various reasons, like bending to retrieve something they just dropped, searching in their cars, etc. do the "reverted" bow. Maybe while reciting a mantra in their mind. I come back home and i get sick. Some of my chakras get blocked, like the one from esophagus to stomach, from stomach to duodenum and especially the one that regulates the common bile and pancreas duct. My breath, which usually gets "shortened" by the blocking of the chakras, because of accumulation of gasses in the stomach that press against the diaphragm muscle upon which the heart and lung sit. Usually it is enough to remember and visualize the scene when some guy or woman bowed "the other way". I can hear immediately the gurgling sound of the food starting to pass down. But i can do that only if i remember. Only if i'm not distracted with other problems, like lately, fixing the car.

I posted a few days ago a comparison between the biggest church in Romania, (next to the second biggest building in the word, the Romanian Parliament), and the White Tower from the movie Wheel of Time, also a masonic beehive and some ancient Cambodian temples with "stupas" (stupa means beehive in Sanskrit). But after i posted that i saw there was a crane next to the eternally unfinished church, figuring a square. Or a bow in the opposite direction. My idea since this morning. Could this be a means to get the unaware observers sick?
And generally some symbols may be derived and generate the same effect as a yoga pose to the unaware observer?

After re-reading this blog post several times, another idea came to me. Could this diagram (one out of many representations) for the hypothetical COVID be derived from the image of Dharmachakra as depicted above?
3:48/1:48 How to pronounce laptop.

3:49 Why all billionaires are fake. So people would not realize corporations are foreign, international and anti-national entities.