Got awakened by smoke, after 5 hours of sleep. Went outside and saw steps in the frozen grass (what kinda grass is this, it's frozen now, when it thaws will be green again). All along the trail, the ground, tough frozen, was bulged a little bit. In this picture is visible the area i went and stepped on the ground (needless to say, an ambulance started when i first opened the door). I stepped on it because ground was soft. After that the smoke subsided, however, about 10 minutes after i got inside it started again. But not as much.
Got to bring here one blog post. The one with the comparison between chakras and sphincters (as in human anatomy). Chakra in Sanskrit means wheel (Dharma chakra, remember).
Sphincters are circular muscles in our body that regulate flow of fluids.
It is said that yoga can partially control some of the chakras of the body. The control can be done but a trained person upon self, but i know for sure it can be done by a trained person to another person, unknowing and unwilling. I don't have time or wish to explain now the reason i believe this. But people, just by watching a yogi doing certain poses can be influenced, sometimes heavily by it.
The bow. There are a number of reasons for the bow. One could be submission. One could be reminding of the ancient rainbow serpent. The bow is always done towards the emperor. But i can be done the other way around, when i can have bad influence on the observer. One can call it "the square" (as in square and compass) because it figures a square done with the human body. Sometimes it may even include a compass, when the bow is done with legs slightly spread.
It happens to me several times daily. "People" under various reasons, like bending to retrieve something they just dropped, searching in their cars, etc. do the "reverted" bow. Maybe while reciting a mantra in their mind. I come back home and i get sick. Some of my chakras get blocked, like the one from esophagus to stomach, from stomach to duodenum and especially the one that regulates the common bile and pancreas duct. My breath, which usually gets "shortened" by the blocking of the chakras, because of accumulation of gasses in the stomach that press against the diaphragm muscle upon which the heart and lung sit. Usually it is enough to remember and visualize the scene when some guy or woman bowed "the other way". I can hear immediately the gurgling sound of the food starting to pass down. But i can do that only if i remember. Only if i'm not distracted with other problems, like lately, fixing the car.
I posted a few days ago a comparison between the biggest church in Romania, (next to the second biggest building in the word, the Romanian Parliament), and the White Tower from the movie Wheel of Time, also a masonic beehive and some ancient Cambodian temples with "stupas" (stupa means beehive in Sanskrit). But after i posted that i saw there was a crane next to the eternally unfinished church, figuring a square. Or a bow in the opposite direction. My idea since this morning. Could this be a means to get the unaware observers sick?
And generally some symbols may be derived and generate the same effect as a yoga pose to the unaware observer?

After re-reading this blog post several times, another idea came to me. Could this diagram (one out of many representations) for the hypothetical COVID be derived from the image of Dharmachakra as depicted above?
After re-reading this blog post several times, another idea came to me. Could this diagram (one out of many representations) for the hypothetical COVID be derived from the image of Dharmachakra as depicted above?
3:48/1:48 How to pronounce laptop.
3:49 Why all billionaires are fake. So people would not realize corporations are foreign, international and anti-national entities.
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