9:48 Talking about electron-positron pair production, just remembered something. Something i always was intrigued with in Lake Oswego. The logo of the Mountain Park area, in two different versions and i thought it could represent the volcano which is actually the Mountain of the Mountain Park, where yes, PCC Sylvania is located. Re-creation center?

3:55 PM Ok was in a hurry and made a mistake by misreading this statement.
Bur i am still following this idea. What happens when a particle gets very close to the speed of light and according to Einstein, threatens to fill the whole Universe with its mass? Do they have experiments to prove it?
Bur i am still following this idea. What happens when a particle gets very close to the speed of light and according to Einstein, threatens to fill the whole Universe with its mass? Do they have experiments to prove it?
BTW At what speed an electron and a positron come out of pair production? Very close to the speed of light they say. But if we apply trigonometry to this image, we get electrons moving much slower.
What happens to the conservation of mass and momentum, since both electrons and positrons are much heavier then photons (it is said photons do not have mass but have momentum)? All of the photon's energy will turn to mass, but that mass is speeding (near the speed of light), a momentum will appear, out of nothing.
Can we count to a near punctiform electric field to instantly? accelerate those two masses, one charged positively and one negatively at near the speed of light? What happens to their trajectory when moving in that charge's electric field? We see the whole process occur in the cloud chamber. Where is that completely stripped of electrons ionized charge come from to conserve momentum?
Also. The electron trajectory in an electric field is circular only if the angle it comes at is perpendicular to the field. They probably got lucky taking the image above.
BTW Lorentz force breaks the action-reaction principle Centrifugal force is not represented in any of the representations.
Can we count to a near punctiform electric field to instantly? accelerate those two masses, one charged positively and one negatively at near the speed of light? What happens to their trajectory when moving in that charge's electric field? We see the whole process occur in the cloud chamber. Where is that completely stripped of electrons ionized charge come from to conserve momentum?
Also. The electron trajectory in an electric field is circular only if the angle it comes at is perpendicular to the field. They probably got lucky taking the image above.
BTW Lorentz force breaks the action-reaction principle Centrifugal force is not represented in any of the representations.
Let's say we build an electrostatic sling shot with two objects, one much heavier, both charged electrically. Upon release, the lighter particle will accelerate but the large one will have a recoil, proportional to the weight ratio. (Nothing is negligible in quantum).
Looks too complicated and the rotation speed of billions of billions rotations per second could know the photon away.
Maybe the magnetic field does it all and there is no need for nucleus as the two virtual particles already have a longitudinal component (not well represented here) close to the speed of light.

11:30 This image confirms what i just stated about the two components of light, a virtual electron and a virtual photon being flattened out which means two particle both move now longitudinal and with an added energy becoming stable electrons. And my thought goes again to dharmachakra that has 8 spokes, of which four charged, with relativistic mass, moving in a cross pattern of which only two exist at a time and probably gravitons moving on the other cross pattern of the chakra not at 45 degrees but on the same direction, in opposition with the virtual charged particles, to balance them.
Maybe they are represented at 45 degrees because there was no other way to represent them in a symbol that was supposed to transcend millennia or until people will regain enough knowledge to understand them.
With three colors swirling in the middle, pretty much like in the icon of google chrome, with a color for each component, a virtual electron, positron and a graviton. However in string theories it is also stated that a graviton does not exist alone but is massless chargeless entity that exist within all closed loops strings of which the electron is one.
According to hRdaya sUtra, gravitons could be temporary holes in the space time left behind by the moving virtual particles at relativistic speeds.
Could it be both virtual particles in existence within the photon moving at relativistic speed are closed by the magnetic field in a circle pattern with the gravitons chasing the particles, this being the energy to matter transfer phase phase before they become independent of each other, moving ahead at near the speed of light, borrowing energy from the rotation of that nucleus (so they are seen in the cloud chamber, otherwise would just float around at non relativistic speed.
I believe in nature there are enough places with a magnetic field strong enough to separate the virtual particles of a photon into a pair of one electron and one positron.
At the scale of the size of an electron there are no fog or air particle to interfere with their speed or turning their trajectory into a decaying spiral.
Could it be both virtual particles in existence within the photon moving at relativistic speed are closed by the magnetic field in a circle pattern with the gravitons chasing the particles, this being the energy to matter transfer phase phase before they become independent of each other, moving ahead at near the speed of light, borrowing energy from the rotation of that nucleus (so they are seen in the cloud chamber, otherwise would just float around at non relativistic speed.
I believe in nature there are enough places with a magnetic field strong enough to separate the virtual particles of a photon into a pair of one electron and one positron.
At the scale of the size of an electron there are no fog or air particle to interfere with their speed or turning their trajectory into a decaying spiral.
Quarks cannot exist individually and have fractional charges and the reason is they have virtual electrons and positrons in common as are said to be bound by the strong force to create protons similar to how in molecules electrons are used in common.

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