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Showing posts sorted by date for query grill. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

September 12

12:43 Ok a trecut. 9-11.

Am greșit ceva mai devreme și îmi cer scuze. Postarea ce o pierdusem și care demonstrează pe baza unui video de supraveghere că e nevoie de 32 de secunde pentru ca unda seismică să ajungă din Vrancea în București era asta.

Însă faza e că mai sunt încă niște secunde până încep să cadă chestiile, cineva într-o clădire mai mică cu bulină roșie ar avea timp să iasă, dacă nu doarme și îl alertează telefonul. O alarmă cu sonerie în clădire. Testați dvs. în propria clădire, cât timp v-ar trebui.

12:57 Este asta o imagine violentă? Este asta o imagine erotică? Este tenisul feminin un sport erotic?

2:08 Din multitudinea de bazaconii prezentate în media de azi am ales una ptr. deliciul dvs..

Fantasme pline de simbolisme, minciuni scrise sau citite deasupra vastelor decolteuri, asta le întrece pe toate (căpușă = tick). De unde au știut polițai-ii că l-au oprit de 9-11 ori, au o bază de date pentru asta sau au învățat și ei să numere de acum? (ok trebuie să stau acasă vreo câteva zile de-acum că dacă mă prind ăștia pe drum după ce am scris... uitasem să iau untul și nu mai știu ce de la WinCo, forget about).

2:35 The man upstairs is not home tonight. I couldn't hear his heavier steps though the white car with BPM he mostly uses is here. Wondering what THEY are up to. Let me see if the black CJS one is here.

2:56 Ok both cars are here. My truck is here too.

3:15 Michael George Dick of Beaver-ton. Horny (Dick already had...). Yes i know there was a vice-president with that name. I think he lived upstairs for a while.

As i said before, THESE guys won't stop by themselves, uh-huh. However. I was wondering earlier. What would the world do without THEM. Like if all of them would disappear suddenly like in a Sci-Fi movie. Raptured or something. Go on a planet. Will the world survive for more than a month?

3:27 Every cell, slag wool.

9:18 Era nevoie de un moment, de o nevoie, de o sincronizare cu ceva. Au ținut-o în rezervă un an pentru un moment ca acesta. 4 link-uri, 4 ani.

De jucat tenis putea încă să joace dar cred că nu mai dădea așa de bine ca altele mai tinere în poze. Eu am întrebat atunci, întreb și acum.

Cum poate o organizație internațională să recolteze probe biologice într-o anume țară, unde numai sistemul juridic este abilitat prin lege să o facă. Organizație care are chiar și "tribunale".

Cum se poate face analiza pentru sute de substanțe care sunt pe lista celor interzise dintr-un singur eșantion și cât ar costa.

Răspunsul e unul singur. BS. Este o formă de entertainement iar dopajul un element care îi dă sațietate la momente oportune.

9:50 0 frază care se contrazice singură. O linguriță are 5 ml, o lingură 10. Apropo nu cred că Halep a fost testată de USADA care are cât de cât jurisdicție in SUA. Apropo, la cât timp s-a făcut testul B la Halep?

Nu există studii referitoare la cât de mult se schimbă concentrația de Roxadust în urină după 3 luni de congelare (freezing) (apropo la ce temperatură a fost congelată proba?).

12:10 Got two hours of sleep so far. Been breathing on my congested nose for hours and suddenly got a series of palpitations (irregular heart beats and/or fibrillation) that BTW get longer every time. What i wanted to say. I know i will regret this for the next 20 hours or less but here it goes.

I was in Reno and the whole section of the hotel (i know cause i asked to change rooms) was smelling like sewage and most likely it was all coming from one or a few rooms.

In buildings with central A/C including some apartment buildings some of the air coming from all units if not all gets mixed then cooled in the (central, single, huge) AC unit, recirculated again in all units (like in a car when you put the A/C on recirculate, but permanently, for cost reasons). So you basically you share the air with everybody in that building, young, old, healthy, sick, pets, litter dust, under fridge dust, cooking and burning smell, dirty laundry, dishes, pet pheromones, name it.

The room at GSR was also having fabric like woven dust inside the vents (when i looked with a flashlight through the grill) and with cold air, condensation, mold, bacteria. There was decades old dust on the armoire.

Combined with insulation coming from walls, there is no way you would have a nice complexion while living in one of these buildings, probably months after if you choose to move.

Also probably same goes for recirculating... There are different types of bacteria in different areas of your body and those should stay there (no matter how sexy you think it looks).

For immediate results besides immediate interruption of the cause, i recommend a course of systemic antibiotics with doctor's approval and supervision as they can have side effects like severe alergies. Avoid doxycycline or other tetracyclines cause they may cause heart damage. Augmentin would be a good choice, though more expensive. Should use probiotics during treatment cause antibiotics also destroy your beneficial bacteria.

Intramuscular (a bit painful but time released) instead of oral which can cause (serious in some people, gastric discomfort, liver overloading) but that is rarely prescribed in the US as you need an assistant for every injection every 6 or 8 hours (yes in your lovely butt). IV would be a good compromise but me personally i don't feel great about those either. Patches if you can find them.

At GSR i tried and stopped the AC and used an UV lamp inside (when i was not there) so i could get some sleep. (Should not look at while on, should not use with plants inside and only when you're not home). Cheapest is kinda awkward to use (it gets dragged by the wire, moves around).

But after i wrote about guess what. They sent me next year an invitation (Peppermill, built in the 70s) with a good price (that doubled when i got there) and put me in a duplex (room separated from next room by two locked doors, one on each side).

There was a guy next door on an otherwise empty floor in one of the newer buildings. He opened his door, making sound separation even thinner, turned the TV on and then coughed all night and after a few hundred miles driven and 4  hours of sleep i got so mad i drove 500 more miles, home, the next day.

5:10 Angela got since last week from her HR manager a letter she had to transmit in person to her doctor with the requirements of her job basically asking the doctor if she can do the job or not. The specified requirements within that letter are lifting 40 pounds, standing, bending, squatting etc. which she rarely did at SMT (her job title is machine operator) though sometimes is required at other work stations that do not include walking when SMT is not available. She already had a 20 pounds restriction since she got hired permanently first because of her fist heart surgery and then the hernia basically since 2016. But since, the HR manager changed several times.

The SMT machine she operated is 100 ft long and she has to walk alongside that maybe an average of 100 times in one day (with more partial walks, stops etc.). Both Angela and the doctor are puzzled as Angela nowadays got bursitis in both her legs but there is nothing specified about that in the job description. Because if they did they would basically acknowledge she got sick from the enormous amount of walking every day, for one year and a half.

For a while she was wearing a pedometer while working at SMT and that one counted over 15000 steps or three miles a day.

Before that, people working in SMT were rotating in less demanding stations every few days. But when they recently rotated Angela after she got hurt she got to lift over 40 pounds and she got the 20 pounds restriction because of a hernia created during surgeries post heart surgery (retrieving of forgotten wires). Angela says that Steve Eaton (coincidence of names with the company) her de facto supervisor, the leader who survived several supervisors since she got hired  did that on purpose cause he knew well about her restriction.

5:53 Today they picked the time to call her form dr.'s office probably because i wrote about a few medical things and drug tests on the blog and they asked her what limitations they will write down and Angela asked to keep the permanent 20 pounds limit with occasional 40 and 5000 steps a day for walking, for one or two months, or until the next appointment with the doctor.

The first person who called her and then put her on hold had a very familiar voice i could hear from the other room. Then after waiting she got to talk to somebody else in same dr.'s office.

Angela tried to explain the bigger picture but all that person wanted was Angela to tell her what to write in that paper they will email HR tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. So all the dilemmas were on Angela. At a certain time Angela told her that maybe the company wants to get the tax deductions for hiring disabled people.

Angela also had a hard time concentrating because last night she slept in smoke. There was a large hole at the corner of the living outside i fixed in the morning. There is a filter in the living but none in the bedroom (it broke) and smoke concentration in there was higher. There is smoke in here as i write.

6:31 Non essential duties of the job. They recently hired in there a person who does not hear or talk. There is at least one person with similar lifting limitations that do not do SMT. Angela might be able to do SMT several times a week like other people did before her, after a one or two months restriction.

7:05 I opened the door trying to figure the cause for the persistent smoke in here (we both perceive it as such though it could be very concentrated mold smell from underground mole galleries) and the kids invaded the area and caught me outside. There was a white kid (a novelty) yelling at the other "stop it" "stop it" while facing me as i tried to retire inside.

In the meantime i had a chance to step on a few holes and the mold subsided a little.

7:40 I was intrigued by the whole story and took a better look at that questionnaire. I don't think Angela was supposed to transmit the letter to the doctor, see the questionnaire or answer those questions. I think the whole process was designed to intimidate us into me stopping writing here. Intimidation is a crime under Oregon and Federal law.

8:12 Sorry for the quality of the images but smoke or whatever this is prevents me from doing some of the things i normally can.

If this letter was for Eaton internal use only and was addressed to Angela then why they asked Angela to give it to the doctor?

What is the purpose of attaching the job requirements to the last page? The doctor does not determine if someone fits or not the requirements, he/she just evaluate a patient.

Also a doctor cannot evaluate if someone can setup the machine, read process sheets, etc.. Doctors can evaluate if a patient can see or not and this was never the case. But what tops it is the fact that an unknown to Angela non medical person asked her the questions on the second page after Angela saw the third page and knowing she does not fit in the job description with the 40 lbs limitation. Also she insisted Angela answered yes at the first question.

To make things more interesting, the HR manager is on vacation until next week so we will try and hold our breath until 18.

8:35 Maybe people keep asking themselves, if i am so smart why i don't have a job myself. Maybe because at my last more serious job in 1999/2000 at AVX Vancouver (formerly Kyocera) my supervisor was Axl Rose? He was coming at work for a few hours a day when he was coming and all he did was pull me from the floor into the launch area. Maybe he wanted to do something good for me, the air there was full of ceramic dust mixed with lead and the temperature was constant 65 degrees due to a broken AC.

No i was not drinking at the job there. I wasn't drinking at all during that time. We just had McDonalds and soda in the lunch room. However my stomach was hurting me all the time, probably because of that dust, dust at home, etc..

Never realized how much Kyocera logo looks like a panda bear head or who knows what kami when turned on a side. After all i know today i begin to realize who was the Japanese woman who came from time to time in there while people were whispering... "She tells everything". Though many people were missing a lot from work, people were punching for others etc.. I was happy to have a job, didn't really want to get in trouble.

Until one day i got mad, probably overloaded with dust and i went to see a lawyer i knew since 1996 and told him about the dust, the cold and people doing all kinda things to me that were getting worse by the day. The guy looked embarrassed and talked to me in the hallway. There was a woman who heard everything.

Typically Japanese style, they demoted me the next day (don't know who told them about the lawyer) from technician to operator and moved me into a hot area for cooking ceramic so i just quit. I was leaving in... Beaverton some 20 miles away.

And yes they put a little 1999 December 31 night show in there. Y2K bug, Putin's coup. The day before i quit. There was this huge antenna across the street from AVX. It is my belief that these huge towers, everywhere across the world can interact with ionosphere, making them geo-weapons. Someone took that one out in that day.

After i fixed all the machines in testing, a bottle neck there and they got an all time production record in December 1999.

If you don't believe me ask Don, the engineer. Nino D'Angelo, Ana Blandiana (Susan Sarandon), the guy from Inner Circle, Tom Green, Nidal Hasan, Cheech and Chong and probably Viktor Orban as John Ciorba.

Same goes for Angela, i think the Chinese woman there, Hao is really Victoria Principal from Dallas. Yes she was born in Japan officially an American from American parents but i think she is all the way Japanese, sometimes posing Chinese. But she doesn't really care.

10:06 Outside it smells really bad probably a huge one, went to see, the sprinklers started in that area, one sprinkler is broken and sprinkles on top of the garages and wets the laves that already fell there making them rot... Cannot pick it anyway cause now it got wet...

10:35 No it was "only" a pee coming from a really sick dog not far from the door.

10:40 De ce nu spune nimeni niciodată care sunt limitele legale și cum se măsoară. În SUA limitele legale sunt de 10000 mai mari decât nivelurile deja dăunătoare și de 1000 de ori mai mari decât în Rusia de exemplu. În acest tabel din Europa (ultima coloană) limitele sunt în W/m2, în SUA sunt în mW/cm2 deci de zece ori mai permisive decât majoritatea țărilor din Europa.

Dar sunt țări ca Bulgaria, Italia, Polonia, Rusia care au limite de 100 de ori mai restrictive decât cele mai multe țări inclusiv România și sunt doar de 10 ori mai mari decât e setată alarma pe aparatul meu de măsură.

Nebunia apare din faptul că politicienii care fac legislația nu se pricep la nimic. Inginerii care au făcut acest aparat de măsură au pus limita tot la 10 dar în mW/m2, de o mie de ori mai restrictiv decât în Europa care este totuși de 10 ori mai restrictiv decât în SUA.

Politicienii nu se pricep, se expun pe ei înșiși și pe noi toți, dar chestia e că dacă limitele ar fi cele reale de siguranță telefoanele nu ar mai putea funcționa ca atare, nu ar merge nici la 10 metri de turn. Și totuși nu înțeleg cum funcționează ele în Italia, Bulgaria, Polonia, Rusia. Înseamnă că nu au nevoie de atâta putere.

Multă lume nu înțelege dar în cazul telefoanelor radiația este însăși puterea de emisie necesară pentru a accesa cel mai apropiat turn, după ce le scanează pe toate, la putere maximă.

Normal că se pot seta din soft însă cine știe să le măsoare și cine garantează că nu o iau razna doar ca să arate fabricantul că telefoanele lor merg mai bune? Ca să nu mai vorbim de viruși și de hackeri care pot schimba setarea. Cred că telefoanele ar trebui să aibă un cip hardware independent ceva care să măsoare puterea de emisie în orice moment și să bipăie o alarmă.

11:20 There was a piece of garbage next to the black car than went and came minutes ago. I picked it up then i regretted.

12:00 Dacă vreți să vă luați un aparat uitați-vă după RF și setarea în mW/m2, EMF și ELF sunt pentru vânătorii de fantome.

Stau și mă întreb dacă acest pendant funcționează fiindcă seamănă cu un dipol în scurtcircuit de lungimea de undă respectivă și ar putea atrage și scurtcircuita undele, 99 de dolari? Aș putea să iau o bară de cupru rotund și să o tai la lungimea respectivă și să încerc apoi cu aparatul de măsură să văd ce face.

Însă nu vă va putea proteja de propriul telefon mai ales când îl țineți aproape de cap. Doar de turnuri sau telefoane la un metru doi distanță.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

June 22

9:14 Anybody ever but me grows tired about their BS? They say a black hole in itself cannot be visible because no radiation can escape the "event horizon" surrounding it or the point or better said circular surface surrounding it from where matter or radiation cannot escape back into space anymore but they are visible because of the 'glowing gas" that gets accelerated towards it. Ok then why this image shows it as a ring? Shouldn't be glowing gas all around it?
Yeah ok maybe the gas descends in a spiral pattern an enter in some points only.

9:42 Morning hole. I was writing the above and i started to sneeze like crazy. I went to pick a couple of items from the locker and after a few steps i realized i can't walk because of dizziness. It was a struggle to get there and back, keep balance, move my legs one after other, catch my breath.

When i came with the packs i saw an area uneven under the deck. I stuck my fingers in it and under a half inch of permeable layer of dry soil there was a deep hole. Brought some fresh soil from a fresh mound and plugged it. Opened two doors but i still feel the smell of something burning like maybe cayenne peppers on a barbecue grill? At this hour?

12:50 Four kids between 5 and 10 came like 25 ft away from my windows. Two of them threw on the ground, one was eating and one was waving a phone. The second i started this paragraph they left.

1:42 Got it. The black hole spins and atracts gas and planets and stars whatever on a spiraled disk pattern, so if you look at it from a point of view perpendicular to the disk, you may see black in the center. However, how could they've taken a picture of the black hole in the center of our galaxy and the picture came with a whole in the middle since the whole galaxy turns into a spiraled disk pattern around it at (and it's shown solid yellow from that point of view)?

Friday, March 17, 2023

March 17

12:37 Visa waiver...

2:32 I think this was the second thing i had in mind to search for when i got back home...

7:56 I was intrigued by the presence of Paul Manafort at Spirit Mountain dressed as a security guy. Closest i could find so far is this, keep searching.

11:51 O minune de ziua sfântului Patrick. Fb, i. Bine dar de ce seamănă tipa aia, Floarea, așa de bine cu Irina Walker iar tipul cu mine?

12:00 Motivul pentru care Darth Vader a candidat la diverse posturi în Ukraina iar uLeia nu a mai devenit președintă sau primă ministră în vremea lui Zelenski. Filmul (seriile III-V) a fost un preludiu subliminal la tot ce s-a întâmplat în Ucraina.

BTW in space you can't hear jets screaming or lasers zapping. Back in the atmosphere. Is this song about what i think it is?

1:11 Was thinking about writing a new entry, the squeaks started upstairs, now i have doubts. Isn't this a type of illegal influencing, privacy violation? Here it goes. Another St.Patrick's day miracle.

Bad things always happen to me only around holidays and anniversaries.

Now an exhaust so loud (they use it when they can't squeak but it's less discrete) i forgot everything else i had in my today's very fragile mind. It's loud only on very low frequencies though, can't record it.

Yes i drank too much last night (and especially mixed brandy and wine) and in the morning when i went to sleep i woke within an hour with severe apnea, rapid heart beat. I almost didn't make it (re-starting to breath). Then i went and gathered the trash from around the building, used some decongestant and went back to sleep. I think it was me scheduled for the big St.Patrick's day miracle. As that didn't work  they came with best next thing.

1:50 Just remembered a couple of things. My downstairs neighbor (at times) in Lake Oswego. I once tried to speak (about some of my problems) with the Honorary Consul of Romania in Portland, Mr.James Rudd who i think is of Irish descent and he told me he will only discuss business. From what i know, none of  the Romanians who live in Oregon have that kind of money or are willing to give it to them to manage so what it is the point?

2:00 After squeaks and loud exhausts now it's slammed doors, and then they will rotate them (should i jump every time i hear a closing door?).

4:10 Don't know exactly what Buddhist or shamanic Shintoist or ancient Egyptian rituals he is performing upstairs 24/7, or in the complex, but even if i did, there is no law enforcement to complain to. It's basically heavy influencing, like i once wrote about the two monks at Mary Hill. Temporarily taking your mind away that is. To me nowadays is just wasted time cause i can come right out of it, with a vengeance, but they would restart over and over. Truth is they might not know anything else so they have to keep doing it.

It could be similar to a mother talking to her baby trying to take his/her mind out of something.

11:12 At about 10 PM i realized there is some sort of irritating coal like smoke. We both started to yell at each other.

At the Ten Barrel restaurant inside Spirit Mt Casino they gave me grill shaped fries. Wondering how the're doing it, is it wasteful? The day after i wrote last time about kuji-kiri.


Saturday, November 12, 2022

November 12

4:10 Wipe-outs. Banksy vs Bankman and now Batman. AJR.

4:21 It is true. They can also heal. But how. Like any trick, it's only temporary, by boosting your hormones.

Everybody remembers. After puberty, after all the pains of growing follows the magic period of a hormonal storm that naturally lasts up until 40s in average people and almost indefinitely in people that have an ideal nutrition and not so much stress. It is similar to salmon's run, though people live past that.

However when this overdrive period ends, your body starts to fail, from being over-stressed for so long.

And here comes the dog of Gula, the goddess of healing in ancient Mesopotamia.

To this day they use dogs as therapy. It is known they sometimes bring dogs for petting sessions in psychiatric wards.

Don't know exactly how it works, but they may boost hormones or enzymes to levels like at the beginning of your youth. Or T Gondii, the parasite that produces dopamine. No wonder they thought and still believe to this day dogs are magic.

But again like many times before, one search threw me way off course and my mind wondered so much i simply forgot why i opened this thread. I think i found something i was looking for a longtime. The origin of the symbol of the City of Lake Oswego. The symbol of the rainbow serpent (which became Nut in Egpt) in Ancient Mesopotamia. Nungal. It's just too much for now.

One thing everybody has to realize. There is too much ancient magic in public and private life and media nowadays, we got to shake some of it before we totally choke.

5:06 Yesterday i finally washed the comforter in the bedroom. 3 times washing with hot water, 2 times rinse with hot water, one with cold. Could not realy turn the spindle of the washer because comforter was too big, i kept pushing downwards until i got tired. Worked on that one, drying and washing, intermittently the whole day.

Was still stinking after one wash, two washes, etc.. I think got re-contaminated from that one (that got contaminated after months or years of dog poop smell from outside, can't remember when i did it last time, thing is hard to dry). Thing is now i got again the magic in me, my gut smells like it, i'm nauseated, took a charcoal, went outside to search for the magic but couldn't smell or find any (the grass is also covered by leaves). Which is good cause i don't like to handle those.

However what i found was a kid's bike next to curb in front of our entrance. A newer more expensive one than in the past. I know from experience that nobody comes to pick those of which i saw several in the past and i just took it next to the bin.

5:40 Cuțuvencii. I think their AI got so good by now they can predict what i'm going to say and do for hours or days. Here in his current poem posted 4 days ago Dinescu writes metaphorically about two breads that of course represent Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Don't even want to think who's the drunk priest uh huh.

6:07 Anii 70. Ascultam Phoenix la radio dar nu am știut niciodată că cel care cânta, Baniciu, era colegul meu de bancă, Mihai. My bad. Nu cred că mă voi recupera vreodată din asta pentru că știu acum că fața aceea întunecată a lui care apărea câteodată e de fapt cea reală.

Însă melodia asta nu am deslușit-o sau poate nu am auzit-o niciodată până recent. Prima dată mi-a atras atenția cuvântarea "zei peste zei". Azi tot așa din nostalgie am vrut s-o mai ascult odată și mi s-a părut că aud în primele versuri cuvântul draci. Dar nu am fost sigur până nu am gugălit versurile. Da, așa e. Oare ce vrea să spună?

7:37 Cel mai greu îmi este (psihologic, pentru că mă înfurie la culme, practic nu durează prea mult) este să descâlcesc subliminalele pe care ei le aruncă din cele mai neașteptate direcții. Gaura din colon. Numele lui Cristofor Columb în spaniolă era Cristobal Colon. (Un nume predestinat sau prefabricat, fiindcă are inițiale duble). Pentru cine nu știe, colon în engleză înseamnă...

Însă un gând mă dărâmă. Dacă ei îi culeg selectiv sub pretext de COVID pe toți cei care se prind de ce scriu eu aici?

8:08 Was about to fall asleep when from next door they hit the wall. Exactly in that moment, not very loud, but loud enough prevent me from falling asleep. They did it twice. They used to in the past, not recently. Also i figured it is not only the guy upstairs who dries dirty laundry. I think they dried unwashed dog's laundry and the vent is not far from ours and under the siding as well. There are dog's hair on the grill of the vent.

12:54 ICR în sus ICR în jos, ICR la Londra plătea 6500 mii de lire pe lună pentru un apartament adică 7500 de euro adică 36000 mii lei pe lună adică 430000 lei pe an (aproape jumătate de milion). 

De ce au apărut ăștia în știri zilele astea nu știu, dar am fost mereu curios să le aflu bugetul, de când am citit despre un email care circula prin SUA întrebând cine mai vrea bani pentru activități culturale, prea târziu pentru a aplica, și nici măcar nu m-am ostenit să mă uit pe propriul blog în lista bugetelor pe ministere ("ordonatori de credit", dreapta sus), unde ICR se găsește ca și ordonator de credit separat față de Ministerul Culturii.

Mișto mi-am zi eu (putem afla), are un buget de 32 milioane lei, din care aproximativ jumătate cheltuieli salariale. Aproape jumătate de milion pe un apartament. Ce se știe despre clădirea însăși unde este găzduit ICR-ul în Londra. Dar cele din Paris, New York etc.. Pe site-ul lor (link mai sus, tab-ul rețeaua) se află lista orașelor unde sunt prezenți. Dintr-o simplă căutătură ne dăm seama că bugetul lor (fără partea de salarii) se duce pe chirii, care sunt pentru clădirile principale și chiriile angajaților.

Stau și mă întreb ce ar trebui să-i facem să publice lista clădirilor, angajaților, salariile. Că doar sunt banii noștri.

Am fost curios și m-am uitat puțin și pe bugetul Ministerului Culturii. Dublu număr de angajați, însă bugetul e respectabil. 1300 milioane lei (1,3 miliarde). Și am fost curios mai departe, oare ce fac ei cu banii. M-am uitat puțin mai jos în pdf și am văzut o chestie familiară (o văd mereu, cu sume mai mici sau mai mari, în general mai mari decât asta, la ministerele mai mari). În jur de 1000 milioane pe partea cheltuieli pe contul "Transferuri intre unități ale administrației publice". Deci acolo se duce grosul bugetului Ministerului Culturii. 

Chestia apare de la începutul anului, de la facerea bugetului prin legile lui. Un transfer programatic misterios care papă cheltuielile multor ministere. Unde se duc acești bani?

Ok un search pe cuvântul transfer în același pdf a lămurit doar o mică o parte (114 milioane împărțit la 4, deci vreo 30 milioane) din mister. Dar asta nici măcar nu face o mică zgârietură în transferurile lor de 1000 milioane. Deci unde se duc banii când se duc? Plătim cu ei show-ul (cultural) pe care îl vedem zilnic în media, căci oamenii se străduiesc să ne dea ceva în schimb.

"Totodata, OUG 42/2019 [care urgență dom'le] și Legea de aprobare 198/2019 prevede alocarea de la bugetul de stat a sumelor aferente categoriilor de cheltuieli pentru obiectivele de investiții prevazute în anexele care fac parte integranta din prezenta ordonanță de urgență, în valoare totală de 114.658,8 mii lei se realizează, anual, în perioada 2019-2022, prin bugetul Ministerului Culturii, în limita sumei aprobate cu această destinație. Sumele aferente categoriilor de cheltuieli pentru obiectivele de investiții, alocate de la bugetul de stat, se cuprind în bugetul Ministerului Culturii la titlul "Transferuri intre unități ale administrației publice" și se acorda de către acesta sub forma de transfer către bugetele locale ale municipiului Timișoara, respectiv județului Timiș, după caz".

După cum spuneam de atâta timp. Fiind bani publici, nu ar trebui să existe la sfârșitul anului (bugetului anual) o dare de seamă cât de cât cu sumele cheltuite sau oricând pe site-ul Ministerului Economiei sau al Guvernului bla bla?

Însă lipsa dărilor de seamă a guvernelor e o boală globală, nu le-am văzut la nici o țară de care știu eu.

2:50 O melodie tot așa de AUR (sau AIR) care mă enerva ușor la radio (categoria insuportabile, sper să plece repede din top-uri). Dar când am văzut ieri video-ul pentru prima dată m-am îngrozit. Căciulă rusească, îmbrăcați în roșu, un candelabru uriaș etc.. Oare să fie aluzii la activitățile mele?

2:52 These days i kept telling Angela how satisfied i was with the Chromebook "don't know how an Apple laptop is but this one is probably comparable, certainly an alternative for the expensive Apple" etc. while Angela's Windows based Lenovo all in one (computer in a monitor) was going slower and slower though i used all the trick i knew to fix it.

BTW i gave up the monitor and keyboard and mouse i initially (after my old PC went out) i attached to it and now i do it all on my lap as i got used to the keyboard and pad. Angela said she wanted a Chromebook like mine but if possible with 100 dollars on Black Friday. But guess what. Today Lenovo gave up the ghost (won't power anymore). And she does on it all the banking and bill pay. But guess what. I'm not fretting about. Other than checking the power supply. I hope she will decide to get a chromebook this weekend. I hope Windows and Microsoft will disappear soon from the face of this Earth.

5:55 Never mind that. Angela convinced me to fix the Lenovo. It took me a while to figure how to open it since they were not visible screws. Found a video (good thing people do keep up with figuring how to open the innumerable devices made in China), did slide a panel and voila. The thing was exposed to me. What i found. The board with the on/off switch have fallen inside. Because the screws that were holding the frame inside were loose with some completely fallen.

It was back in 2018 in my first or second trip to SW. Didn't have a laptop back then so i put the Lenovo in its box and in the trunk. Then i hit a 10 cm pot hole (asphalt stripped by construction work with a small hand written panel as signal) at 80 mph on I5 somewhere in NoCal. One ore two sockets of the screws holding the frame broke (they were rattling inside when i was moving the thing). Rest of them got loose probably from vibration after?

Heat sink's radiator was completely clogged with dust. The processor (variable speed) was throttling down while the fan was making that annoying wind like sound. But it happened sudden, after one trip. Computer was only 1 or 2 years old. Do i have any excuse for not fixing it for so long? Yes, dog poop and smoke from outside. But there's one thing i don't understand. Why didn't they make a sliding panel on top of the fan so you can remove it and clean the radiator. They never do. You wanna know why? Yes because they wanna sell more, not having us clean them.

I cleaned it, tightened all the screws and voila. It works like new. The present for Angela's birthday. So it wasn't a Windows thing but i don't apologize, i still hate them.

About 2-3 weeks ago i gave up the monitor, mouse and keyboard and started working directly on the laptop and my abdominal pain intensified to the point i couldn't take it no more. It is obvious this laptop though performant, puts out microwaves.

10:06 Hai sus pe cai! Și totuși regret că regia de montaj nu pune focus (aproape) niciodată când trebuie pe el, care face cel mai meseriaș metalic sunet în tot concertul, accentuând (dublând) pe alocuri vioara și eclipsându-l pe chitaristul oficial, Covaci chiar și la power chords, cea ce propagă obiceiul: Bate șeaua să priceapă tinerii. Bătrânii, care au avantajul imensei celebrități nu mai puteau să se prezinte cu ce aveau și au apelat la ei.

Monday, September 5, 2022

September 5th

12:00 Buddha, Sage of the Shakyas. Shakespeare.

I remembered what i once told the English teacher in HS when she asked me (and everybody else) why i wanted to learn English and i told her that i hope some day i will be able to understand Shakespeare "in original". Just because everybody was talking about, had no idea where his ideas came from and that we had our own poets with similar ideas (though i knew of that poem at the time). Today i tried to read "To be or not be" from Hamlet, which is however full of Old English words and expressions of those days that sound weird (since the spirit of those days is gone, can't feel what they felt when they read it, mission impossible) i never heard about, but i think my goal was generally achieved (50 years later, lucky enough) and surpassed since i am able to write a no nonsense blog partly in English and have meaningful conversations, though generally with ninja and foreign actors who speak by ear prompter.

12:05 It was quiet all morning, which is an exception to the rule. I had this idea which is actually older, came at the computer to do the searches, he became animated, some micro rubbish fell on my head so i added more duck tape on the ceiling in suspected areas (last resort).

Nothing new except i remembered i thought i saw him last night at Chinook Winds. Different hairdo, glasses, looking younger, but i think it was him. More than that, was getting in my way, discretely, everywhere i went, making it look like we were together. Here he keeps pouring gas in that motorcycle with a leaking carburetor. The gas falls in the engine and then in the lot, through that breather which in modern cars have been replaced by PCV circuit, stinking.

1:15 Yesterday my love (dor) for the Ocean beat the smoke an i stepped down on those stairs which i haven't done in a while and took three unusual pictures.

First. There was a fog bank close to the beach. The Ocean seemed like a river with a shore on the other side with monster waves coming at you.
Nobody steps that way. That is a masonic step.
3 of the seven fires.
One of the`goals of the window replacement were replacing the siding under with a scale like siding where it is impossible for water to get inside. However they left enough space between planks for dust to get out. He just shook the building with his washer and litter dust fell from there and came in inside i guess from under the door. I went in his apartment the other day and i saw the grill from the in-wall heater under that window is removed, with a missing screw, exposing the inside of the wall. Also got to hose the dust buns under the roof cause nobody else is doing it.

5:38 But what's around the corner, right where his washer is upstairs?

As i said before, once you enter this complex all rules and laws disappear, people are walking and driving chaotically, kids are playing and yelling unsupervised for many hours a day, buildings are not cleaned after major repair, etc..

Don't know, it's been like yesterday since Eminem "settled all his law suits", nowadays there ain't no shame, they pump porn in the air all day long, but this?

9:00 I went to Walmart to buy a phone and a plan with AT&T. People in there were acting dumb. Many people with many babies squeezing around. In Electronics some guy came around, he looked like a young musician or actor i must have seen in a video. We were waiting in line. The Asian woman came and said they're out of those phones, though they were on display. Somebody in line in front of us bought a real cheap TV, for 280 bucks or something. Our TV was old 40 inches and not 4K and had a vertical line on it so we decided to buy one similar. 50 inches, 4k, Roku whatever. A group of Arabs talking loud surrounded us.

We paid at the department and one minute later, i thought i saw again Jacqueline Cristian. i went outside and Angela went to check some other stuff. At the entrance, though it didn't happen in a long time, an Asian guy asked for the receipt, and insisted to see it, though i was asking myself. How could i have gotten a TV that was not on the shelf (they got the display ones which are not in boxes) and not paying for it (you have to pay at the department) and gave me back the receipt though i didn't look at. On the road here, many dangerous situations, including a speeding semi (70+ in a 55) in the middle lane, touching lines, other lanes. Got home, installed the TV and for some reason i wanted to see the receipt but all i could find in the pocket was the 5 dollars receipt i got at Indian Head for a shot of brandy, though i don't remember taking it and keep asking if i had the same jeans on me.

10:10 Just finished a shower after i went and dusted the building as seen in the last picture above, reaching maybe one meter above our level (upper plank). Most dust is from cutting the siding around windows, thus is contains wood dust and insulation dust. Right in the middle of the picture, around the corner, there are two vents at the basement level and they both have dogs in the corresponding apartments. Vapor from possibly dog laundry gets inside our wall (right) which stinks like a stable (from the outside). Can do more with a hose,  but not on that side of the building with many windows.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

August 7

1:05 The only way i can keep the car running within parameters is if i tighten the two extra connectors i added at the battery's terminals every time i go for a ride. Today i did so however, as soon as i started i saw a warning light on the dashboard. It was the central light for brakes, under the rear windshield.

Today is the day when 27 years ago i landed in New York with the flight RO13, in a DC10 plane leased from Belgian Airlines to Tarom, because the Tarom plane that was doing that route, a brand new Airbus, crashed earlier that year. I'm sure they would have leased a DC8 if they could find one, but in 95 nobody was flying those anymore. 8 drivers, 5 Greyhound buses brought me to Salem on August 10. I think back then Tarom, the Romanian airlines only had one flight a week to New York or only room on Sunday's flights and it wasn't much of my choice, it was the first i could find and book. If i only knew what i got into.

So they made a little plan that started with that light. I stopped in an intersection just before entering 205 at Stafford to check the brake lights, given the mishaps lately including the accident almost year ago on August 22, and a snake woman promptly stopped after us, to see what we're doing. The central light was coming on when hitting the brakes, but not flashing.

After a few hours at Indian Head i hit a small jackpot and with my earlier "wins" got all together 185 bucks i think after starting with 20. I knew it could have been a bad omen, cause every time we won something happened after. I bought a hamburger at the Tule bar and went into the car where there was an open can of beer with some beer in it. I ate the burger and sipped from the beer watching a scene next to me. One girl and one man got into an older truck in the rear seat while another one was watching them.

Since they wouldn't come out or move the truck within the next 5 minutes, i backed up to move into a different spot i saw earlier. Like last Sunday here in the parking lot, someone backed up as i was approaching him rear first.

Thinking about that woman who could have said actually my rear backup light wasn't working. I remember last night i saw a guy on the street (even took a picture of him) with white lights instead of red ones in the rear. The fact is, i don't know if i have rear backup lights right now, i'm gonna check tomorrow. Was lucky, seen the guy, stopped and the man who was staring at me and i'm positive he saw me earlier and could have stopped, entered back into his spot and nothing happened. But if i didn't see him, i could have ended up being arrested, for DUI (the open beer can in the cabin), on August 6. Later on my way back the warning light disappeared.

Just went outside and checked and got the white rear backup lights. BTW, the car is smelling again like a dead animal, about 6 months ago i found a mummified mouse in the radiator's fan housing.

1:42 Angela a pus săptămâna trecută castraveciori la murat din recolta proprie (un teren de 1,5 pe 4 metri închiriat din curtea unei biserici, unde sunt pe aproape și o grămadă de saci de plastic cu gunoi de găină doar parțial fermentat, care put și puțeau și castraveciorii proaspeți). A urmat știrea cu gemenii Muraru (aluzie la asemănări, cu palatul cu piscină), tipa moartă în Lacul Morii și accidentul din Bulgaria cu autocarul Muratoglu.

9:04 Aproape 7 ore de somn. Ora locală, 9 dimineața, la 10 fuse orare față de România, 3 față de coasta de est. Mă gândeam ieri în timp ce conduceam, în pauzele dintre hărțuirea continuă la care sunt supus și în acel timp. Am mai scris despre aparigraha, principiul ne-atașării, atât de important pentru budiști.

Tradus în creștinism, păcatul cel mai apropiat este cel al idolatriei.

Oamenii adeseori se atașează chiar și de o idee. Unii se și obsedează. Astfel apar miturile. Într-un fel, budiștii au dreptate, ne lăsăm prea mult în voia sentimentelor atunci când e să judecăm ceva. Prindem ideea și o transformăm, datorită limbajului nostru adesea primitiv, dar și emoțiilor, într-o obsesie semantică.  De aceia ei sancționează foarte mult sau mai bine zis folosesc (ca în judo, dacă vreți) această pornire împotriva noastră, dezvoltând pe acea idee, însă în sensuri opuse, care obsesie se transformă până la urmă, ca orice obsesie, într-o pagubă. Și am să vin cu exemplele, care iată, m-au înfuriat și în această dimineață.

Am postat ieri o melodie cu Pittbull, un cântăreț latino ale cărui hit-uri au fost destul de cântate pe posturile de radio cel puțin de pe aici din Portland. Și aici ar trebui să amintesc o altă idee care îmi stăruie în minte în ultimul timp și nu găsesc nici un prilej adecvat de a o exprima. Cum să o numesc, aglomerația de cântăreți de origine japoneză nedeclarată pe posturile cele mai ascultate, și mă gândesc la Z100, postul de R&B de serviciu aici în Portland. În particular, Doja Cat, LIZZO și Weeknd. În scădere, Ariana Grande, Bruno Mars. Nu prea mai am capacitatea de a mă revolta în mintea, mea, sunt destul de uzat din punct de vedere emoțional, dar totuși mă gândesc. Ce este America, ce a ajuns ea dacă toată cultura a fost confiscată de aceștia. Dar oare a fost mult diferit în trecut? Jimi Hendrix și urmașul lui, Prince. Ceilalți, albii, de pe celelalte posturi sunt toți unguri. Elvis Presley, Ricky Martin. Rihanna. Justin Bieber. Și ăștia sunt doar cei care îmi vin în minte acum, nu știu de ce.

Nu cred că există nici un artist în panteonul american de origine locală. Dar dacă până acum japonezii s-au conformat unor stiluri existente, ca de exemplu Bruno Mars, care cântă într-un stil latino romantic, au început acum, prin LIZZO și Doja Cat să-și dea drumul la propriile lor pentatonice. Adică, oricine ascultă și-ar putea da seama că sunt asiatici. Dacă ar mai avea cu ce să compare. Iar Doja Cat aduce pur și simplu porno-ul în mainstream, cu melodii care sunt întrerupte odată la câteva secunde pentru a cenzura cuvintele explicite, ale căror versiuni necenzurate se găsesc însă pe youtube deci oricine poate avea "traducerea" spațiilor goale în minte.

Deci a venit sancționarea. Ei probabil au senzorii lor, știu ce gândește lumea, într-o țară sau alta și cum reacționează la anumite informații, scoase la suprafață de vreun blogger. Abia din aceste sancțiuni îmi dau seama și eu de dimensiunea unor fenomene. Aspiratorul robot Roomba. Însă eu am încercat să pun în evidență mai mult decât aluziile lui Pitbull la un individ ipotetic, care are camere unde petrece cu femei ușoare și nu-i pasă de nimeni și nimic, adică legătura cu Ruuu-sia. Steaua roșie ce apare discret pe fundal. La un moment dat, silueta lui apare pe roșu.

Și totuși nu mă pot opri să nu mă gândesc aici că cei care formează aceste adevărate curente în melanjul porției de cultură servită zilnic sunt cei care formează trend-urile sau obsesiile noastre iar Biblia are și acest păcat prins într-un verset, citat din Iisus însuși. Nu știu în acest moment dacă budismul are un echivalent, voi mai căuta.

10:20 Pe "muraru, morii". Doi marocani au ucis un tunisian.

11:50 Went outside to chase the stink at the car. At once, an Amazon van stopped by (though there is an Amazon locker next to the office). A Chinese looking woman who looked tired and excited got out, frantically looking for an apartment number. I got back in. Later i figured she could have been Ariana Grande. These celebrities can change a lot of the features of their appearance or "look" as some may say. Then i removed the grill and washed the mud under. Hosed some areas inside engine compartment like left wheel mud cover that still had the original dog food dust on it.

1:02 O altă expresie a lingamului lui Shiva, de data asta în China comunistă?

10:45 PM. We got home. Though it wasn't present in the morning before i started the AC, now the apartment smells like dog s...after the AC ran all day. It comes from the back, from the apartment next to ours, where small dogs and big karateka live and go to s... in the back by themselves. The "man" upstairs at once started to move on top of our heads in the kitchen, like he always does. Like he knew what we were doing (getting something to eat).

Monday, July 4, 2022

July 4th

6:28 Force (fourth) of July. 4 of 7.

6:29 Half.

12:23 Kabul. Just got home from Illinois oh boy. Danish cookies box.

4:12 Done with re-changing oil. Couldn't cut the filter, couldn't see any aluminum foil on the intake side, some of the filter is visible through some holes, but i found one piece, about 2mm diameter, on the gauge that was sitting on the grill wrapped in napkins. Sifted all the oil i pulled off the engine, couldn't find any more. Maybe the're sitting there on the bottom of the pan or in the folds of the filter though the rubber hose i used to vacuum the oil from the engine was touching the bottom of the oil pan, bringing out some sludge, about the same amount like last time. Some of the clips of the splash guards were loose and i replaced them. I figured the rumble was coming from those, even at idle.

11:40 As i said earlier in an audio recording, in Lincoln City i remembered i took pictures from where the oil filter goes. One of them shows what appears to be a piece of that aluminum seal about to enter the filter though stuck in there. It is impossible for me to have broken the seal. In fact i remember now i saw it still there when i put the cap back on the jug. It is impossible not to have seen it in the stream of oil when i poured it because i didn't use a funnel and looked all the time not to loose direction which i didn't. I really don't see how could have passed the oil passages from top of the engine to bottom. As i said, at Jiffy Lube i saw one of the guys who looked like David Copperfield briefly removing the oil cap. They must have gotten in here first, the jug was inside but next to the door, while Angela went into the other room. Or replaced it while it still was outside and me was cleaning the valve cover from drops of oil and re-inserting the gauge, while the alarm was flashing on the building across. Today i poured Quaker State, full synthetic (recommended by Hyundai, didn't find it at Walmart that day and got Mobile 1) and this one does not have any seal. The guys at Jiffy Lube didn't want to charge me for chaning the stuck filter (was mine) or for the bulb, a 10 dollars value. They didn't charge me period.12:00 I saw fireworks all the way from Lincoln City to here which was nice however starting with Hillsborough air started to be hazy. First i thought it was fog, but then i realized it was smoke from fireworks. With stagnant air (no wind blowing at all) the smoke stays, and when i started the computer i saw (have air quality index page on one of the browser's starting page) index was 180, like during wildfires, with all major cities on West Coast in the same situation or worse. It looks like someone stopped the wind just for me everybody to see me how patriotic the hikikomori who inhabit the West Coast as Mexicans are.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

June 23

6:53 Yesterday for the first time i saw a group of men that seem not be actors but real local people. They were so different than what i saw until today. However they were well integrated in the show.

Got at Canyonville after about 9 hours on the road, 8 driving, @500 miles from Reno. Needless to say. I was really tired. We went inside and put together 30 dollars in rewards and points and bought some burgers at the Stix restaurant. First one make waiter came who again seemed real. He took the order but in about 10 minutes he came with a younger woman saying he is going to lunch brake saying she is replacing him. While waiting there i showed Angela what Styx means in Greek Mythology and put the phone on the table, after. When she finally brought the food i realized i didn't have my partials so i ran to the car. On my way there i realized i don't have the phone. An utility truck made some noise while arriving and a number of what i thought they were real local men passed talking aloud. Went inside, ate and Angela got me 5 bucks to play which shortly became 41. Soon i realized i don't have the phone. Ran back at the restaurant, at the car, could not find it. At the car, a white Cadillac with big speakers parked next to it which is unusual etc.. Went for the third or fourth time with Angela and found the phone on the driver's seat. This time and SUV with 4 people in it was making again a big noise. They left as we did and met with them at first crosswalk but insisted they will pass first. I didn't want to see next to them, like having a party with someone.

Soon after i went in the car, moved it close and fell asleep. I slept until Angela came and said she again won 300 dollars playing at a 10c machine which she thought it was 1c. When i started the car, i saw a blue flash in front of the car at the left side. Saw again a warning on dashboard. This time it was left low beam.

I tried to remove the bulb which was difficult, when a guy came at the next car and asked if i needed help. I told him about the bulb. Slightly drunk, he told me to go to the truck stop across the freeway. "They got bulbs" he said.

Finally left. Driving at 3-4 seconds behind the last of a line of vehicles. After a few minutes i asked Angela to pass me that decaf she took from the Casino. In that moment i think i raised my foot from gas pedal for half second to grab the coffee (don't like to accelerate when i do things in the car) and i saw a rabbit coming from left, where the bulb was missing (still plenty of light from the other one) and passing in big leaps in front of the car. Should i have not slowed down, by accident, i would have hit it at 65 mph. Don't know what could have happened, but certainly would have been a mess in front of my car. But if you hit it with a wheel, i think you could skid and loose control. Thinking at the symbolisms, rabbit, truck stop, phone lost and then found, etc..

12:20 Mount Shasta. Oregon

12:40 Back home. Predominant smell is mold, second, sewage. Left an UV light on the living all night. Woke up and came at the laptop. Squeaking brought in mineral sulfur smell. TV on. Wondering if he's been here the whole time. Thinking of the hundreds of weird potentially dangerous interactions on my way here. Most happened when i was approaching a semi about to pass it. From behind that truck a car or another truck, waiting there, was changing lanes and started to pass, right when i was about to do the same. Must have been hundreds of them. One guy with a trailer with two gigantic barrel like objects, could have been 10 ft in diameter, came all the way from near Reno to here. I saw it passing from the parking lot at Burger King in Canyounville. I saw some faces. They were either old Americans or Japanese, the kind with duck face and mustache.

12:51 It all started with a postcard with an offer for cheap rooms at Peppermill hotel. 30 dollars a night for a queen, from Monday to Friday they said. I called last week to make reservations but on the phone she said that if i wanted "guaranteed nonsmokers" was going to be 60. Plus tax, resort charges and surcharges. They gave as a room next to elevators, ice machine and service room (which means noises early in the morning) with dusty AC ducts and the total cost was 230 for two nights. Room was ok, bigger than our apartment, everything was clean, but there was a dust smell coming from the AC and no windows to open. This is what i saw when i looked through that grill. I think this is unacceptable, even from a guy like me who lives in a dumpster. I looked through some videos and it looks like the ducts have been cleaned but i believe the design is fatally flawed and in a few years or so you will have the same dusty ducts. In this video even after cleaning the ducts they don't look like something you want to breath air from.

1:36 On 6:20 2022 after 3 PM i luckily found this gas station called Cisco. Was not supposed to run out of gas and the mileage calculated after fill up was 34 mpg, the worst i ever done on freeways only. For comparison when i came back, at the last fill up was 38 (6 liter per 100 km). I think the big difference is due to tire pressure that is driven by heat. At night in Southern Oregon i had 36 psi in front tires, and in California and Nevada at 100 degrees Faren-heit i had 40.

There at Cisco on 80 i put in 12 gallons, the most ever. Unlike Oregon, in California all stations are self service. I put the card in and got no option for credit card. The card then was stuck in the machine. I tried all options including cancel in the keypad. Went inside and this guy came, pressed the Cancel button and took the card. He told me to start pumping and took the card inside bla bla i wrote this before. No i didn't  watch CNN or any TV news in decades. Except when Angela has the TV on in the bedroom which BTW broke (got a vertical band on the screen) and i pass by. Of course i wouldn't have known if i didn't see his face today in the news.

2:54 Bengal, a place where Swastika still has its original meaning. Sweet.

5:25 I was trying to change the oil. Got Mobile 1 full synthetic at Walmart. Pulled it all out with a pump. Could not remove the filter though (when i put it in the tool caved and jumped one flute though i did not apply neither the recommended torque or full 3/4 of a turn after meeting resistance). Some kids came and triggered a fire alarm in the next building. I just put the new oil in with the the old filter. I went to a place nearby and they helped me with the filter and the bulb. (Removed the filter which was above the top level of the oil in the pan and put the new one in with a good tool which is at the same price i bought my piece of junk).

They also didn't want to charge me for the bulb or for replacing the filter.
While driving out of the complex the firefighters came in. Couldn't help but notice how smooth the engine was running with the new oil in.

To me, oil change was always traumatizing, that's why i try to do it by myself. However the tool caved in after only one use when it worked. Or two cause first time i tightened the filter put in by some shop and was leaking, then i successfully removed that filter and put in a new one.

Went to put some borax in some new mole holes. Big time mold smell coming from basement. While i was plugging those holes a kid was talking what i thought it was obscenities.

Next building seem deserted to me but sometimes people appear at the balconies or like tonight for a show. Every time i come home after a long and potentially dangerous drive they are putting up a fiesta.

8:04 Angela is at WinCo and i choke here with BBQ smoke, however i will not close the windows cause then i'm going to choke with mold and sewage.

8:24 Trouble. I checked the oil jug and the aluminum seal on top if missing. When that alarm ran i hurried and opened the jug and broke the seal with my thumb but made a hole in it, did not remove it like in the picture. (This is the first time when i see  an oil jug. Actually it is not recommended to brake it like this cause you may create pieces. with a seal like this so it was a surprise to me). It was still there when i put the lid back on. No way it went inside the engine or break completely, it was strongly attached to the top and the proof is the glued part is still there. If such a big seal would go in there in one piece probably won't even pass through the valve cover hole and i would have seen it also.

Let the almost empty jug in the door and ran at Jiffy Lube to do something about the stuck filter while Angela was moving around the apartment. Someone must have gotten hold of it and break it all and take it when she went in the bedroom or bathroom. They were many people around, mostly kids, with the alarm and stuff.

After, i took some pictures with the borescope camera under the valve cover. So far no sign of anything (thinking they might want to insert it there pretending it was me). One thing that could happen is if pieces of the aluminum seal get in there could break apart in the moving parts like valve stems and cams and get stuck in the oil... ducts (like they said about Hyundai in one of their big recalls) where debris from manufacturing clogged those and prevented oil from moving causing in same cases catastrophic failure with seizing of the engine. Or simply move around and cover one the ducts. If this happens at high speed, it may result in accident.

Invitation to Reno with cheap hotel room, gasoline missing, brake light bulb, low beam bulb, rabbit crossing the freeway at 3 AM, 1000 crazy drivers, phone lost and found, fire alarm triggered by kids and now this. It can't be happening like this.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

March 5th

2:30 Can't remember, i think Spirit Mountain Casino has about 2500 machines with a similar max rate of occupancy, for comparison, the newer Ilany, just north of Portland has close to 10000 (but it looks like an industrial installation or a sweat shop in China). The average occupancy at SM is around 1000. So what i'm going to say is going to shock you more. There are over 1000 security cameras at Spirit Mountain, or on average one per customer.

If one would ask him/her self why so many, the answer is certain not for security. For that, about 50 cameras or 20 per customer would suffice.

There is another, much more troubling reason and it has to do with the business itself. I googled earlier, and the number for a strip area Vegas casino is 2000 security cameras.

But wait. One camera does not watch one machine only. When you sit there you are being watched by several cameras, from different angles. Of course, there is nobody behind walls of monitors to do this. Every move or blink of an eye or temperature change is fed to computers and analyzed. They have supercomputers and AI to do the job. And the job is to know how you feel in every second so they know what to throw at you and what to keep.

For those who don't know. Most machines have stop and go buttons. That means, you put in your 5 or 20 b bill and press the button and spend 40c or 60c or one dollar etc. for one hand and then you have a choice. You can press the button again and stop the reels yourself or let the machine stop them for you which takes more time and it's not so much fun. So you watch the reels and press the button when you think you just saw the beginning of a good combination or the end of a bad one or when you feel. Needless to stay, it's just an illusion, the time needed for the reels to stop after you saw and pressed the button is too long and the combinations are unpredictable. But some times they will give it to you nevertheless, to keep the illusion alive. If you start and stop the reels, they will detect when you get too tired to follow and stop and will fill the screen with wilds, before you have time to react and then you will try at least ten more (loosing) hands  until they will give you a small amount. In short it's a game of waiting and analyzing emotions and optimizing how they separate you from your money in the most pleasant way.

Does it have anything to do with gambling? Are the combinations random? (in a reasonable way, theoretically no machine can generate randomness, only God can, but it can be simulated pretty close to).

Of course not, but they invented the Indian territory solution so there is absolutely no legislation or definitions or anything that can regulate what the're doing. But make no mistake, it's no Indians, it's the same sharks that control everything.

7:08 But why media outlets can't verify, they evacuated from Ukraine too? However, they can come up with things like these... Maria of Donbas hits again, under a new zero (90) name...

7:59 Off Piste... Japanese believe not having sex before battle brings one bad luck... But could it work the opposite way... Prevent your enemy from having sex (before all battles) so it will bring him bad luck?

8:08 Could this be the reason they brought the huge rocks in the complex in front of every building? Are those my enemies too? Truth is i don't like them... When they brought them first time i went and knocked on them to see if the're not ninja in disguise. But to this day i'm not sure... The place now gets filled with smoke or mole mold, got to go outside and see. Found a mound around the corner in front of the other apartment (took a picture but it came blurry because i was so nervous and moved the phone (was that tree bonsaied to make it look like a snake?)). Stretched my legs to step on it without getting in front of their window. Came back only to see in disbelief the Mercedes stretching sign on the rear windshield of the floating van, leaving. (The floating van is an old white van with Japanese people inside that on top of everything else moves around the complex and at times is parked in the alley in front of the building. One day i thought they were homeless, but their appearance varies continually according to show needs).

8:38/6:38 Papagalul de pe pârtie planul înclinat... După evaluarea noastră... Nu calculăm.

9:13/7:13 (Pick at you... Cred că încep să devin răutăcios, după ce am stat atât de mult printre ei...)

9:35 Aha. Animated dolls have souls.

1:51 We both slept until now as no more smoke came in today, something that didn't happen in a long long time if ever here at this place. Planning to go to blow the area above filter under grill, as last night i took some pictures with a snake camera and found more "peanuts" as we call them or pieces of dog food remaining after i cleaned that area in November and also some hairs. While searching for the post with that story, one older forgotten story surfaced, that with the grill at the old car (it's good to blog). Now i started to ask myself if they're related (i mean they arranged the car and the auction for me, not a lot of trouble if it's all one single organization). Also this morning someone passed by and put some mineral insulation flakes on the windshield, to create another story, cause i wanted to go somewhere to borrow a hose with compressed air to blow under the grill to remove those few remaining pieces cause they got contaminated by the dead mouse i found in the engine's fan box and the car keeps stinking like a dead animal, making me sick and the smell also propagated lately inside, capisci? BTW now i'm really glad i quit fb cause there there was no ways to put links in the text like this (or do searches like this) which BTW is as easy as selecting the word(s) to click on and, right clicking and pasting the address of the linked page from browser's address box (next to reload button that looks like a recycle sign upper left). But i dread getting in the car again and going to search for a place with compressed air cause now i know why i'm getting sick in the car and ready to vomit and Angela doesn't want to come with me.

4:14 Did you know that you can make one gallon of windshield cleaner with a few ounces of rubbing alcohol and a few drops of liquid soap? Rubbing alcohol will also drop the freezing point. I just did, but with this which also repels water, i removed the grill from the car but my phone's battery was too low to take a picture directly inside that duct, scores of people organizing shows, Japanese models vacuuming cars inside engine compartment for hours, Hungarian kids yelling like crazy or like swallowed alive by giant snakes. But when Angela's long time planned beets soup was ready and i came to eat, the guardian angel upstairs started to flap his wings hit the floor with his hooves. Now a very loud exhaust roaring.