Textul spune mai departe, că atunci când a ajuns la geți (traci, daci whatever), a construit o clădire mare în care să benchetuiască mai marii locali după care a dispărut într-o locuință subpământeană, ca Dumuzid, după care a apărut ca înviat din morți și a fost declarat zeu iar geții au început să creadă în nemurire.
Tot Herodot (după Eliade) spunea că dacii (numele dat de romani geților) mai aveau obiceiul ca odată la 5 ani să tragă la sorți pe unul dintre ei pe care îl aruncau în trei sulițe. Pe când își dădea duhul, îi spuneau mesajul pe care să îl transmită zeilor (alții decât Salmoxis înțeleg). Înțelegem din text că poveștile care Herodot le-a auzit de la niște greci care trăiau în cetățile de la Marea Neagră pot fi mai vechi și pot fi contemporane cu regele biblic Solomon.
Bine toate astea sunt cunoscute, noutatea cu care aș vrea să intervin este că la huțuli, a căror etimologie a numelui pare să vină din sanscritul hut (sacrificiu), până mai ieri exista obiceiul ca persoanele mai înstărite să-și ia "băiat" adică un argat care lucra ca sclav și care le aducea noroc și bogății.
Și să amintesc de cuvântul solomonar sau solomonit care nu cred că vine de la Solomon din Biblie deși a cerut și el de la Dumnezeu înțelepciune, a devenit bogat, a construit un templu și a pornit o religie care începe de la învierea lui Hiram Abiff, fiul văduvei.
Stau și mă întreb ce se întâmpla cu dușmanii casei care avea băiat sau cu cei care-și băteau joc de copiii lor.
Se potrivește și cu ritualul de inițiere în yoga Sadu, unde ucenicul (vrăjitor) trebuie să facă un job pentru al său guru.
Faza cu săgețile trase în nori se potrivește cu Solomonitul. Maruții călăreau balauri și cauzau grindină (adică trăgeau geții în nori așa, de nebuni?) și înainte de Salmoxis, după același Herodot, iar după el acest rol a fost preluat de solomonari, dar și faza cu balaurul folosit în luptă de daci.
Apropo, noroc de sursele grecești din care mai puteam afla ceva despre daci, tot ce a fost la Vatican rămas de la romani a dispărut.
Et tu, Iohannis?
Dacomanii. Vreți să vedeți cum arată un dac? Luați dvs. autostrada A7 și mergeți la Suceava (zuci = pure, clean) și întrebați pe unde mai sunt huțuli. Zona Voroneț parcă. Lupcina.
6:22 Just to illustrate how crazy insane these guys are. I thawed them since two or three days ago, prepped the chicken drums (veiled drummer) since last night, cooked them today and when i went to take the garbage (with the chicken drums skins) somebody played a really well calculated prank and put some warned out teared black denim jeans on the margin of the bin while some guy with a badly dented gray car blocked my way to the bin. I got mad and didn't think about and threw the jeans in the bin too and then i regretted it. But it wouldn't have made much difference if i didn't i guess. Yes that is backing soda on the bottom of the oven to prevent drips from sticking.
8:25 Was having this terrible craving for soda (actually for a drink but i subsituted it these days with soda) and went to Fred Meyer.
It was about sunset time (7:22 tonight) and i turned off the headlights when i backed up because of the kids in front of the car and forgot to turn them back on and at the first intersection in the complex some guy in an old white car wasn't stopping at his stop sign and had to honk to make him slowdown cause he was on a collision course.
On my way there all i could think was one thing. In my all contacts with them i notied one thing. They do not have a sense of humor that is compatible with ours and couldn't wait to get back here to search.
No major incident in there except i saw a (Japanese) girl about the age of those in the back, maybe one of them, with a phone, roaming around the store, kinda where i was.
When i came back a weird smoke was flooding the areas between the buildings and the bunch of Japanese child actors having a (real time AI scripted, every time i try to record they stop) yelling party.
They spared them for the most part, except the first year here, as children never mixed again with smoke but i guess tonight they passed that limit. Now like the whole afternoon they are here to yell at our windows, simulating being high from that smoke. Some days days speak perfect English, sometimes i think perfect Spanish (but won't mix languages).
What can you say about people who are doing this to their own children?
I went earlier before i could find my glasses to write here and opened the door to look if there is still smoke (filter in the living, the last type of elements i bought, with electrets is doing a good job, in the bedroom is broken) and one of them was there by the door saying with a tiny voice... Hi...
8:42 I think i heard an adult woman's voice and then they finally left (i hope so). Need to go step on holes near the foundation in the back at the other apartment.
9:00 They are back, for 10 minutes now. Wanted to do some reading and possibly make some corrections to what i wrote this morning but the yells and smoke is just too much. Ok got an idea if i shot the AC and the door maybe the noise and smoke will be less.
9:25 Ok but after they left the smoke intensified. I wanted to try and fix the filter in the bedroom but i just can't concentrate to take those screws out. I guess it's because of the smoke. Saw the news about the retirement of a star. Wanted to write something about that match but they started upstairs.
9:30 Meditații la case mult mai mari ca alea 6 din Sieben (burger).
Upstairs, quiet though small reactions (tiny squeaks) at every single thought. A firework just went out. Another one earlier. Now i forgot what i wanted to say.
I saw two days ago two planets nearly aligned. Wanted to go to the other computer where i have Stellarium installed but i just can't. My mind is numb. There's a void in it.
10:30 Proof that Angela had the same restriction before the ADA questionnaire where the doctor wrote she is disabled. There is a woman where she works who cannot hear or speak. There are others with lifting restrictions. Nothing has changed except now she has one more temporary restriction for one month (no walking over 5000 steps a day). It started right after her last surgery that was done to repair a hernia created by the previous one done to retrieve forgotten wires during heart surgery.
11:17 During the last run upstairs one of the most important links i added minutes ago disappeared.
11:27 Now he came home again when i was about to post something important and at once started stepping heavily right above me. I guess he creates a dealy for AI to prepare something in Romania to cancel what i will post.