However the app is very sketchy and does not fit her job. No input for age and gender. When she does packaging of 35 pounds inverters she has to make a few steps to put the package in the box which is on the ground and the risk of hernia is high. Cycle time (time between jobs) is only accepted in jobs/minute. She does one every few minutes, i put in a decimal time but i don't know if it's right.
I put some data in cause she is mad because today she has been given the set of papers to go to the doctor for a another limitation. They say she has to renew it every 6 to 12 months, probably because they expect improvements as she adds more years to the 63 when she had the last one.
She also told me that no woman has done that job in a long time when Steve came to her and asked her to do it last week, probably as a retaliation to what i posted here.
The HR manager also gave her a job description on an old form since 2019 which does not much the job title she knew she had, with the name of another HR manager that is not there for a long time and the signature of the new one, saying she had to be able to lift 40 pounds which is not acceptable. In the EU maximum for women is 30, in Wikipedia 26, etc..
She also cannot make an appointment to the doctor until 25 of this month, actually a nurse who she never seen before and it is different from the last one seen once that just started to know all her history, after her doctor who gave her the current limitation to 20 pounds late 2023 retired,
She also never saw her Providence assigned primary care physician or nurse.
12:15 PM Tulsi Gabbard
12:20 Police ICE, the stupidest acronym ever. It creates repulsion. In fact, the word PoLice itself, suggesting a Jewish conspiracy against the whole world cause we all know who carries lice.
12:25 Was unable to post all day.
Would have been a day when i first slept 8 hours in a long time. I start to feel the longer term effects on insulin as i feel better and better.
But it wasn't meant to be.
At 8:30 in a rare schedule shift, the shogun's gardeners came to blow everything out. I don't know how they manage but every time they come with louder blowers. Usually on wednesdays they come to blow the lot of dust (yeah, nobody knows where it's going), usually after noon, and by the time Angela is here they blow this area of the lot so when she opens the door.
But today they came at 8:30, giving me the rude awakening. Exactly when the market started to go up, ignoring the CPI report that was invoked earlier to explain the downturn.
For an hour or so i dusted every single areas of the apartment. It is true, i found big amounts in places forgotten. Did that help? No. The dust got electrified by the intense sound and airflow of those powerful machines and flies for hours.
One hour later they slowed down, in the same time she upstairs started her morning stomping routine (the old rule, never interfere with each other). Then one hour later she left and they started again. After about three hours stolen from my life my brain was basically scrambled.
Trouble is, due to diabetes and exposure to phone radiation, i got some lumps on both sides of the mandible near the ears or salivary glands, with chronic infection spreading to the middle ears that gives me dizziness most of the times and any strong sounds makes it worse.
Finally my ideas that ran away scared started to come back to me but exactly after i did the first posts she upstairs, in another rare move, came home and jumped a few times in the floor, dropping a heavy object.
Now they're playing Insane in the Brain by Cypress Hill on 97.1 Charlie FM (otherwise a favorite song of mine). Then Another one Bites the Dust.
8:15 Departamentul Educației se traduce în românește Ministerul Educației (numai că mă rog, la scara respectivă). SUA nu are prim ministru, rolul primului ministru e jucat de președinte, deci nici ministere, ce ar fi ministere sunt departamente.
Apropo, Ministerul Educației în România ar un buget pe 2025 de 75 miliarde din care 58 salarii, probabil cei mai mulți angajați din toate ministerele fiindcă sunt atâția profesori și personal auxiliar, învățământul în România fiind mai mult de stat.
Restul de 5 miliarde de euro probabil sunt banii de întreținere. 7 miliarde de lei, misterioasele Transferuri.
10:20 Wait a minute. Is this scene
a parody of this? Do you think what i'm thinking? Bugs vs aryans?
11:50 Băsescu Unul (care) are o hartă a lumii în cap de câte ori vorbește. De ce nu ne mai lasă în pace?