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Showing posts sorted by date for query parliament. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, September 14, 2024

September 14

4:00 AM

11:30 I once wrote about lotus flower (a symbol central in Buddhism) as inspiration for architect of death construction minoru yama sake. But we can see similar motifs on the so called gothic cathedrals of Europe or hungarian parliament building.

12:20 The Wizzard of oozy, un tip dat în... Could not have made a more lascivious song... And they attributed it all to the Goths...

Check the body language of the skinny lads... Yes i woeeel!

9:10 Cum dreq au murit, înecați? Apele nu par așa de mari, din poze. Tipul ăla a căzut în groapa din asfalt sau s-a lăsat pe jos pentru poză?

9:30 Năstase, un cadavru politic viu (compatibil) care iată, ne vorbește. O simplă curiozitate. De unde dreq știe el ce e aia intelectual? Băi dragă!


Monday, January 16, 2023

January 16

2:45 Slept most day yesterday. We left at 6 PM. Drove like in slo-mo. Though i slept, still had so much alcohol in my system. Went only briefly inside, only watched the shows around the car in the lot. Because of getting mad, got so drunk, Angela had to drive 80 miles back home. 40 mph behind some crazy SOB for about 20 miles. I was so sick i thought i will give my soul away.

Finally she had this idea. Get some baking soda! Which i did and felt so much better. But when i got home i remembered the resolution. Had to finish pulling the leaves from under the bushes. So i will breath better tomorrow. Ok so i went at 2 AM when everything is quiet, stumbling, and pulled 5 laundry baskets topped of heavy wet leaves or the equivalent of 10 more 13 gallons kitchen sacks and lived to tell about. The leaves are gone for the season.

4:45 Mda au retras-o fiindcă seamănă cu ea. Nu știu cine e și nici nu am chef s-o caut acum.

Am primit coletul cu lampa UV și am pus-o în debara. Între timp au venit și cu isterii (istorii) pe măsură. Din debara vine acum miros puternic de ozon. Amestecat cu vechea putoare. Nu pot să cred că ozonul nu o poate neutraliza.

Vă spun eu cine e de vină. Nicușor Dan, Ciucă, Greblă, Iohannis și Viktor Orban (director în engleză înseamnă regizor). Unde pot să mă duc să încasez 12 milioane?

5:05 Back to the future.

11:50 Nu pot să-mi fac curaj să postez despre minunățiile de știri din România. Mă blochez de fiecare dată când văd că majoritatea "știrilor" par legate de ce am scris eu ultima dată. Totuși, trebuie.

Accidentul din Italia. Mă uit la poza asta și nu-mi vine să cred. Poza a fost făcută în asemena fel încât să nu înțelegi nimic. Din austostradă se vede doar un panou. Există încă o balustrada în dreapta care pare intactă. E acolo un elicopter, dar unde sunt pasagerii? Cum a ajuns autocarul acolo? Poza pare să semene mult cu poza făcută de mine ieri în grădină.

Dintr-o dată, miroase la toată lumea. Lui Budea și altora.

Mai multe legate de jidanul Dracula. Două persoane cu capul zdrobit la Bran, Netflix.

Tortul de pe cireașă, Dan Vîlceanu. Și pentru că seamănă puțin cu actorul acela din Back to the Future. Și pentru că l-am greșit puțin pe deplin în asemănare. Și pentru că în 20 August 2021 a fost un element cheie în accidentul meu. Ce vrea de fapt? Să fie în știri.

A doua zi am primit cauciucuri pentru roțile din spate. Mi le-a așezat Amazon la ușă. Dar mașina era acordeon.

Pe 20 2021 August cineva mi-a spart în parcare cauciucul dreapta spate. Am pus rezerva și m-am dus la Les Schwab. Acolo m-a luat în primire Vîlceanu care mi-a arătat cauciucul nu numai spart dar distrus în interior (ceea ce acum nu cred). Și eu nebun, am mers cu rezerva 40 mile la Ilani și înapoi. Din cauză că mergeam încet (de fapt limita de viteză pe autostradă) un nebun cu camionetă supraînălțată, cu pinten în fața barei din față, m-a lovit din spate pretinzând că nu m-a văzut. Dar era parte dintr-un grup în care doi m-au flancat, iar după, l-au acoperit ca să nu-i văd numărul și au fugit toți.

Exista video de pe camerele de autostradă dar Poliția Statului Washington a acoperit totul. Există video pe camerele de supraveghere de la Les Schwab.

Câte ilegalități s-au comis în ziua aceea? Zilnic și în fiecare oră? Tipul care mergea ieri cu 40 mph în fața noastră, ca eu să scriu și să șterg singur informația că mașina făcea 40 mpg. Cine a pornit chiar acum o mașină cu eșapament modificat în parcare care parcă îmi sparge timpanele ca să nu mai scriu?

Voi nu vedeți că ăștia vă dau știri doar ca să vă umple timpul și capul?

Ăsta e cumva? Poate ăsta... Ăsta nu are nici o legătură (ancoră) pe nume... Nici ăsta... Nu dau eu de el... Un criteriu bun de căutare. Are sprâncenele groase și lăsate. Bine și dacă dau de el ce se va întâmpla? Mai nimic, ca la atâția alții. A nu, el a demisionat nu mult timp după. Dar din cauză că știau mulți ce a făcut, asemănarea cred că i-am greșit-o. Sau poate că din cauză că nu i-a ieșit... Nu le-au ieșit ce au vrut să facă atunci cu mine, cu noi. Să rezolve adică toate problemele României dintr-o lovitură. Problemele însă sunt chiar ei iar eu am devenit o problemă pentru ei cu ce postez pe bloguri.

Sprâncenele cele mai groase și lăsate le are ăsta dar nu e destul de chel... Sau poate poza e prea veche. E foarte de aproape și de aceea nasul pare mai gros. Nu găsesc alta mai nouă sau mai bună.

Cu Petre Roman a fost o excepție, el a fost demis la câteva zile după ce l-am găsit. Nașpa că foarte mulți actori din Ungaria de aceeași vârstă seamănă fantastic între ei. Ca și cum ar fi mai mult decât conaționali, ca și cum ar fi frați vitregi. Poate sunt și nu știu ei, poate au avut un program, gen ca Hitler dar secret.

1:57 Man. Iar am uitat și am trecut pe lângă cuptorul cu microunde în timp ce mergea. M-am energizat din cap până în picioare și acum simt o urmă de durere ca o usturime adânc în șoldul drept. Am ținut telefonul mulți ani de zile în buzunarul din dreapta față sau spate de la blugi. Mi-am făcut curaj să mănânc ceva. Am băut ieri ca un disperat, să nu mai știu de nimic, la 12 ore încă am mult alcool în sistem.

Nu  mi s-a făcut greață. Semn că lampa nouă de UV cu ozon din debaraua cu boilerul face ceva. Au încercat ăștia, au scuturat clădirea cu motoare și au dat drumul la apă să fâsâie țevile la mine, dar nu a mai ieșit mai nimic de acolo.

2:36 Deputy. Ce deputy, în engleză deputy se spune numai la ajutor de șerif, la parlamentari se spune MP adică Member of Parliament. Așa vreți voi să fiți în Europa? Tot eu sunt de vină și pentru asta? Da bine se spune că termenul este echivalent, însă eu nu am auzit niciodată de când citesc news-urile la englezi, tocmai ca să nu se confunde iar la americani se spune congresman.

11:55 Are you ready for this? Not yet? BTW the guy behind all these. I know what he's been through. I think him, like Norah Jones, others, intentionally ate like a sumo wrestler when in public so he can escape. However they found another job for him.

Friday, November 18, 2022

November 18

1:46 Take a good look at their faces. Humble actors. Not a penny in their name... Like Musk... Like Bezos, Gates and all the others. In Romania they call them just that. Carboard billionaires... Who knows who control those coprorations but i think by now i have an idea.

1:48 Besides covering everything i post with similar selected or fake news, after the last attempt to hit us from behind at Lincoln City, in the last few months or so they are making tremendous pressure on me and Angela to quit posting.

9:30 Sebastian Kurz. Karl Nehammer.

9:31 It's not you, it's us.

10:42 În momentul în care un superstat (Uniunea Europeană) are un Parlament unde parlamentari aleși democratic votează decizii și mai ai deasupra lui un Consiliu de Miniștri care reprezintă puterea executivă din fiecare stat care votează peste aceste decizii, făcând din Parlamentul UE o decorație, nu mai ai separarea puterilor în (super) stat, nu mai ai democrație.

Fiecare ministru al statelor membre care reprezintă puterea executivă numită de parlamentele alese în fiecare stat votează (veto) deasupra Parlamentului UE care este puterea legislativă.

Ca să nu mai vorbim de faptul că există două feluri de membrie în Uniunea Europeană. Cu și fără Schengen care este cea mai mare realizare a Uniunii Europene.

Uniunea Europeană a început ca o uniune vamală, a fost aproape de a fi prezidată de un prinț habsburg, nu este altceva decât o metodă de a impune restricții statelor, pentru a face tranziția la guvernarea finală directă de către invadatorii australieni, hunii.

When a superstate (the European Union) has a Parliament where democratically elected members vote on decisions, and there is above a Council of Ministers that represents the executive power in each state that votes over these decisions, making the EU Parliament a decoration, you don't have the separation of powers in the (super) state, you no longer have democracy.

Each minister of the member states representing the executive power appointed by each state's parliaments veto above the elected EU Parliament which is the legislative power in EU.

Not to talk about the fact that there are two types of EU membershipt, with or without Schengen which represents Union's greatest achievement.

The European Union started as a customs union, it was close to being chaired by a Habsburg prince, it is nothing more than a method to impose restrictions on the states, to make the transition to the final direct rule by the Australian invaders, the Huns.

Quand un super-État (l'Union européenne) a un Parlement où les membres démocratiquement élus votent les décisions, et en même temps il y a au-dessus un Conseil des ministres qui représente le pouvoir exécutif nommé dans chaque État qui vote sur ces décisions, faisant du Parlement européen une décoration, il n'existe plus la séparation des pouvoirs dans le (super) État, il n'existe plus la démocratie.

Chaque ministre des États membres représentant le pouvoir exécutif nommés par les parlements de chaque État opposent leur veto au Parlement européen élu qui est le pouvoir législatif de l'UE.

Sans parler du fait qu'il existe deux types d'adhésion à l'UE, avec ou sans Schengen qui représente "la plus grande réalisation" de l'Union.

L'Union européenne a commencé comme une union douanière, elle était sur le point d'être présidée par un prince Habsbourg, ce n'est rien de plus qu'une méthode pour imposer des restrictions aux États, pour faire la transition vers la domination directe finale par les envahisseurs australiens, les huns.

1:26 Meine Damen und Herren, darf ich Ihnen Herrn... László Palik vorstellen?

2:00 Nu e nimeni pe drum...

2:16 Tufă de Veneția.

2:58 I believe we got here a translation error. Probably should have been "where the mountain Utu rises" and that would be of course Mt.Attila. Annunaki anche in Australia?

Thursday, October 20, 2022

October 20

12:40 1:25
Friedrich Nietzsche playing guitar and a cymbal figuring a solar disk hissing like gas through pipes or escaping a pressurized conainer. "You were drawning..." "First time last time we ever met" was actually only one time, next to gas chamber.

9:22 People with funny accents are more thrustworthy? Yet she speaks basic things about inflation and profit.

10 Here it comes.

Iată cum funcționează Uniunea Europeană. Parlamentul unei singure țări care șade pe multe ape poate să blocheze o hotărâre luată în Parlamentul Uniunii. O țară poate fi primită în Uniunea Europeană fără a a avea cea mai importantă calitate, de membru Schengen.

Totuși văd un viciu de formă aici. În Consiliu, votează guvernele, nu parlamentele țărilor respective căci altfel Uniunea ar fi inoperabilă. Este adevărat că un parlament într-o țară poate forma sau demite un guvern, dar scopul său este să voteze legile în țara respectivă, și nu să guverneze (separarea puterilor în stat) și nu poate să-l delege pentru un anumit tip de vot în Consiliu. Astfel, Uniunea ar fi condusă de parlamentele țărilor membre și nu de propriul Parlament, ales în mod democratic, care ar fi astfel redus la o nulitate juridică.

Cât despre corupție... (nu înțeleg pagina asta de Wikipedia, la început spune endemică, după care o laudă).

Prostituția este legală în Olanda, începând din 2000. Dar care este poziția Uniunii Europene în această problemă? Foarte slabă, informativă. Dar ce ar putea face? Dacă Parlamentul Uniunii ar lua o decizie în acest sens, sunt sigur că țări membre ca Olandei îl va bloca în Consiliu.

Exploatarea persoanelor vulnerabile este mai gravă decât orice altă formă de corupție și amintește de sclavagism. Este cunoscut faptul că Olanda are o tradiție în comerțul cu sclavi, care a fost o sursă istorică a bogăției ei actuale.

Majoritatea prostituatelor în Olanda (sau de oriunde în UE) vin din Estul Europei și sunt victime ale traficului de persoane. Conform acestei directive Directive 2011/36/EU, care nu este informativă, sancțiunile prevăzute (și aprobate și de faimosul Consiliu) sunt printre altele confiscarea proprietăților în legătură cu infracțiunea. Este de notorietate faptul că bordelurile din Olanda (și alte câteva vechi țări europene) găzduiesc victime ale traficului de persoane.

Se sesizează cineva? Parchetul UE? Apropo, dacă s-a căsătorit, și-a păstrat numele unguresc?

(The thing thinks)

2:37 The Peste "coincidence".

8:36 Smoke index outside is 166 but around the apartment and even inside is much worse than in the parking lot at Fred Meyer by example where i went to buy water which i ran out of. I checked when i came back and only found one tiny hole under siding. As i suspected, they take advantage of the smoke situation and smoke the apartment really bad. So bad they evacuated  the person upstairs. I was dizzy when i left, didn't pay attention and followed a gigantic truck driven by an excited (like any ninja during missio) Asian who ran a red light and found myself in front of giant semis that started to come towards me. Can't do anything, can't keep my hands on the keyboard, they feel too heavy.

9:57 But this case of Romania and Schengen is just an example. If two parties from a small country like Holland can block a decision otherwise approved by all the other 26 and the Parliament of EU who knows what else they could and did before. They basically can control the whole EU.

10:48 I think there was a sewage leak due to a temporary clogging of the pipe which is highly suspect at a time when i could not open the windows. Inside walls and basement smells like sewage, only on this side of the building. From what i know, there is no place where a rat could get in the basement.

Due to a shift in high altitude winds (there is no perceived wind outside), AQI dropped to 120 then suddenly to 15 which is almost ideal and i opened all windows and tried to air. A car with modified exhaust with a recorded 70 dB (don't know for sure, don't have any audio tool like audacity installed but was almost out of scale on the recorder) at 10 meters passed and shook the building and now the place is full of nano-dust from blowing of the parking lot dust unto the buildings yesterday.

11:26 Apropo de albastru. Ce repede trec anii, parcă a fost ieri. 3+3 sau 4 adică 6-7 ani. Printre multe altele am văzut odată o doamnă bine în parc, lângă parcare și deci toaleta spațioasă, înaltă, brunetă, fumând, călcând desculță prin iarbă împleticindu-se puțin și arătând faorte satisfăcută. Nu știu dacă mai contează acum.

Monday, October 10, 2022

October 10

12:40 Tipul/tipa de sus s-a mai plimbat puțin pe tavan și a lăsat ceva praf electrizat de scârțâituri să coboare, ca pedeapsă pentru ce am scris câteva minute mai înainte.

8:28 All that driving got me exhausted, yesterday i crashed and could not drive no more, Angela drove back from Lincoln City where there was almost no smoke. I saw the AQI prediction for today in Tualatin, was showing 20. Now it's 145 as "Cedar Creek fire escaped containment" and AQI index near fire is 585, with a maximum of 655? never seen that before. What she released last night from upstairs was used litter dust. At 5 i was stinking and was nauseated, took some charcoal, now i'm again.9:14 Angela at work. They were some boards with ICs with pads under instead of legs, that if they get shorted cannot be fixed manually because of impossibility of getting of a soldering iron under those ICs. Those boards came with defects from vendor with extra solder on those pads and are prone to shortening, after more soldering paste is added in SMT. A number of boards were basically scrapped, she raised the problem in an email, they answered saying that she might not be required to work in SMT again, which already happened as for today. Ironically, there's extra solder only on the pads that cannot be seen, being under the IC. It is my belief it was all arranged (how come they slipped from QC both on vendor and when received at Eaton) for them to make a point. Here is the section of the board with extra solder
And the ICs that go on top, with pads under instead of legs. I now remember that 25 years ago when i worked at Credence we had a machine with hot air that was able to unsolder one of these. They don't have it at Eaton. But what is the point of unsoldering them right after soldering just because the board was defective? To heat them up one more time, risking thermal damage? Sucking the extra solder from underneath with solder wick, again risking thermal damage and not being sure?

I bet most shortcuts logged by Angela while working there have similar causes, and the engineers there never realized it.

11:41 After being seeded with whatever parasites from the litter dust she sprinkled from upstairs early this morning, when i just ate i got sick (dizzy) and nauseated and somewhat high. Like almost always in the last years. It was so scary when i didn't know what was happening. It's still now because i have trouble walking. How many times got at the ER and in the hospital because of it? Took a charcoal, waiting to work its way out.

Yes i know before here i was living upstairs but in Lake Oswego they were holes in the walls corresponding to Apt.7 where they got huge dogs and at Sussex Village they had dryers under our windows where they were sometimes drying dog's laundry.

12:00 They came earlier again, like last year, to check the hydrant by opening it. Which means they "accidentally" spread the (redwood) mulch on the asphalt which means i have to go sweep it out if i don't want it to be spread by car's wheels and when it dries tomorrow to fly around. Or i can let it until Wednesday when they will blow it up in the sky anyways. Maybe i will since i don't air anyways because of smoke. Opening of hydrant could be related to wildfires and smoke i wrote about. This is what they did last year. Yeah i know it can also be a superseding of the information about the extra soldering above.

Every once in a while me or Angela meet with the scores of kids that get out of the school bus at the entrance of the complex. From what i know, all kids around here go to school as they are good immigrants' kids (all Japanese trying to look Latinos). However, when i went to check for the result of hydrant being overflown on the mulch, there was a white van marked Tualatin Schools District that parked right on top of the red mulch river. Virtually flowing from my place to theirs.

12:27 I read a news on Angela's computer and as i couldn't find it (easy) on mine, i sent an email with a link from there to here,  however, i first sent it at a wrong address, because of a synced noise (slammed door maybe) outside which created a sizeable, shameful gaffe.

I personally believe there is no pain when a person dies, but there almost always is, sometimes more or sometimes less, when your body reacts to the (irreversible) damage required for a person to die. It may take years, sometimes hours or minutes.

And this leads to the following question. Why people insist on bringing more people in the world (children) when they know everybody who ever lived on this Earth (except for maybe Jesus) ended like this. And on this i have to agree with Buddhists, who say non-existence (Nirvana) is better than existence, as what it is not cannot feel pain. Maybe the real reason true Buddhists become monks.

There are at least a couple of answers. Some simply don't think about and act on instinct (pleasure of making or having hids) alone. Some want the newcomers (suckers) to keep things going so they can live more at older age.

10:6 Îndemnul subliminal al acestei c...e MCV-iste "nu am pierdut controlul mașinii" (dar de ce era în afara carosabilului) m-a făcut, în combinație cu semnul de stop pentru care proprietarul acelei mașini ar fi trebuit arestat (folosire ilegală de semne rutiere), alte cauze printre care oboseala extremă, pe mine să pierd controlul (destinației, nu mașinii), Între timp, au inventat și în România o situație asemănătoare, tot pentru spălare de creier. Apropo, SUV-ul acela arată la fel ca cel filmat de mine în ziua când eram beat. M-am apropiat din aceeași direcție ca și motociclistul ca să vorbesc cu... c...a aia de Ioana Țiriac (nu am știut cine era).

1:30 A trebuit, pentru ca (unii) români să creadă zile, luni după, poate până azi, că poate au intervenit rușii. Sau poate faza nici nu s-a întâmplat, a fost doar o raportare falsă.

1:36 I tried to air the room and in a minute or two they started a couple of cars to vibrate the dust on the building so i had to shut back the window.

1:41 Apropo, azi dimineață iar a apărut c...a de Jaqueline Cristian (poate are pauză la turnee) executând niște piruete sexy la geamul meu. Păcat că nu eram atunci beat, chiar o invitam înăuntru. Acum 2 minute însă a apărut, tot cu un câine, și prietenul lu' tipa aia din Ungaria care o face pe Jaqueline Cristian.


3:24 After i've shown here that the Parliament of EU is useless, because the Council votes after, more coincidences on the word. Which prompts me to go a bit further (though i didn't really wanted to stir more the storm in the glass of water). Is the Congress of US useful if the President can veto by not signing (except for the situations when Congress overrides a veto, with 2/3 of the members (or) when there's a strong bipartisan agreement which happens quite rarely).

4:47 Click on! (me).

9:39 What role can have media on... (a google question).

It is clear to me this days that media doesn't really work for us and there are too many people who act based on conclusions drawn after exposure to it. (I can't believe how wasted was the whole band during  this concert).
When i was a little kid i witnessed this experiment. One person put a wooden (wooden is easier to hold in your sleep but i would assume the person should have used one before so its subconscious can recognize it as such) spoon filled with water in the hand of a person who was sleeping in such a way the water would stay. Then the sleeping person started to talk in her sleep and answer any question. Just a little something that made me think what is human mind and how easy is to hack it and manipulate it.

Recently i had several dreams that were reminding me of people i haven't seen lately and inviting me to reminisce, maybe contact them. But sadly i cut contact with most people i knew after i discovered some had different identity and nationality. What remains is the feeling that those dreams might have been induced by some similar trick.

11:13 Bolsonaro eat indian. See you later!

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

September 20

2:05 With 3.5 inches of rain, October is supposed to be one of the wettest months in Portland. However this year it didn't rain in August and September and Wunderground predicts no rain for October also.

2:41 Distragerea atenției. Face asta sau ceva asemănător de câte ori scriu ceva despre secui. Lucrurile sunt mult, mult mai grave catastrofale decât atât.

9:54 Woke up the second time, in smoke. AQI was bad last night (over 100) when i woke up the first time, chocking, after i forgot the sliding door a bit opened. Right now is 70, with dust, hammering, a saw or two running continuously and open walls exposing insulation. A rain (coming from land), part of an atypical Pacific storm that usually don't get so close to the land just missed the Cheddar Creek fire, east of Oakridge.

10:23 Remember when i said that Frankie Adams, my upstairs neighbor, acting as a Latino, man had a couple of miniature boxing gloves hanging by her car's mirror? All the obscenities yelling while watching boxing matches? A few days ago i also found a red collection boxing glove, like this one (didn't look for the signature) wet, thrown under one of  the balconies of  the next building.

Last night i was searching online for something about her and i found out she was a... boxer as well?

11:50 Afterglow... Antonio Gutteres.

11:00 Years after Romanians got fed with vast corruption and scandals, they were called by the Parliament at two referenda (out of total of 6 Romania had in its history) to dismiss President Băsescu and both of them failed, narrowly (they were organized years after Băsescu named mostly all judges and prosecutors in Romania and his prime minsters were in power).

Ironically, just before finishing undisturbed his second 5 years term, in December 2014 Băsescu countersigned a law, very ambiguously formulated, which effectively reduces the mandatory presence to a referendum to 25%, trampling the Constitution that implies a majority is needed, making possible for any referendum in Romania, a EU and NATO country, to pass with a 12,5% "majority". Will a referendum held by that law (one was already held, on the theme of (forbidding) gay marriages but that one passed with an overwhelming 91% out of 89% validated votes) be more legitimate than the planned referenda in the occupied Eastern Ukraine?

11:30 Reality check. Pentru prima dată am realizat azi, când am vrut să pun un link în interiorul articolului Wikipedia cu referendumul asupra articolului 48, cuvântul bărbat în românește seamănă prea mult cu barbar. Pentru un cititor din altă limbă, înaintea traducerii, fraza seamănă cu "între un barbar și o femeie".

3:32 One more missed Cheddar Creek fire, another one also of that storm's arm is brewing.
Another one.

Hard Rock Cafe.

9:35 Marele absent ne-motivat și repetent (de guverne) ne face inventarul la economii (de curent) în timp ce noi stăm și nu zicem nimic, pentru că românul întotdeauna se teme de mai rău.

10:05 Got it. This whole Ukraine war thing started in 2014 when i first said about the possible occupation of the US West Coast by tens of millions of Japan's hikikomori turned ninja disguised as Mexicans with Hungarians as whites in all visible positions. It's nothing but a (planetary) scare and cover and a distraction from that. Always thinking about all the wars and massacres these guys influencers dragged human kind into in the last few hundreds of years.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

April 28

4:47 Trans. Gender, Sylvania and Nistria. Name comes from the river Nistru (Romanian), Dniester (Ukrainian). A 400 km (250 miles) long strip of land on the left side of the river, or between the river and the Moldavian Ukrainian border.
Since both Moldova (which is of Romanian majority) and Ukraine have been part of Soviet Union, while Romania itself kept its statehood during communism, a Russian (Soviet, but Russian) army has been stationed there in between. But when the Soviet Union dissolved precipitously under Gorbachev after Chernobyl incident, that army remained there and Transnistria declared itself a separate state, though not recognized internationally, with capital in Tiraspol.

Within last few days there was a (rather unnecessary) intense visits exchange between Romanian and Ukrainian top politicians including Zelensky addressing Romanian Parliament (by the well known video style), Ukrainian Foreign Minister visiting Romania, then Romanian Prime Minister, others went to Kiev, then the next day or so another Romanian ex prime minister went there, and during that period a series of events occurred in Transnistria, with latest, a bomb being found at a children's hospital in Tiraspol. In the same time, in Russian media several voices started to claim that Romania helped by Ukraine and NATO wants to take over Moldova, Transnistria and also to threaten Romania with Kalibr rockets.

But to me it looks this way. The more i say about Hungary, the more Russia is picking on Romania with the participation of top Romanian, British, politicians. It looks to me now more than ever that Russian politicians (like in all countries including Romania) are acting on Hungarian command.

7:22 Ok but where all those 5 million Ukrainian refugees go?

11:26 Depending of what i'm doing, what sites i'm opening and when, the "man" upstairs is yelling and jumping and hitting the floor real hard, making dust fall from ceiling. For a few seconds, i wanted to call the Police but then i started recording. What i was doing, i was searching for more information on Transnistria, one of the Soviet Union paradoxical leftovers that was only vaguely known to me until this day. I saw a very interesting picture, then i lost it, it was a shirtless guy posing next to some artillery guns and next to it there was something about an anniversary, so after i exhausted all other possibilities, like history of the browser, i did a search on... Then i found about Lebed's role in Transnistria war which puzzles me since he is a nationalist himeslf (Lebed means swan in  Russian and "Moldovan" which is linguistically indistinguishable from Romanian). Violent jumps and hitting of the floor literally scared me and delayed this post (paragraph whatever) by about half hour...

Kalman... then i remembered this... I recently said... Don't get carried away, it's all fake, on multiple levels.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

February 17

12:53 Still chasing the flickering voltage. Drilled a hole in the battery's terminal and put a screw. Always wanted to to this. Ever wondered. Why didn't they do it a long time ago. Why the battery terminals are round and not square (rectangular, cubic, whatever) with a hole in the middle so you can tighten them decently with a flat connector?

If this doesn't fix it, i was thinking, maybe the chassis connection to negative, cause every time i tighten the connector, i move that thick cable a bit around. In a hard to reach place, only one 5 mm screw and they didn't even remove the paint.

I always see better when i take pictures and watch them on the computer, now i see i haven't put a washer on the left side. Just figured why they made the clamp at an angle, so you don't bump with your tool on the fuse box when you want to replace battery, which is a very bad idea.

When i got the car from the auction, had to replace the left headlight. Fond an aftermarket one (nowadays with my searching exprience on car parts i could probably find an OEM one at the same price). Trouble is at this car the inner parking ligths are combied with turn signals, the OEM has a two way bulb, and the one i bought is only one. So i have on the right two parking lights left and right of headlights and on the left only one with the inner missing. Tonight i tried to do some external wiring to bring volgate to the inner parking light however. The OEM socket i tried to put in there that can hold a two way bulb is not compatible with non OEM headlight, doesn't work at all. So i realized should add two external wires and possibly the ground also. So i just downgraded the right one, with some electrical tape on one terminal of the bulb, so now i don't have inner parking light anymore, only outer and it's symmetrical.

Also re-tighten the nuts on ball joints with my new tools (extra long set, 6 pieces, metric, with 44 bucks on Amazon). These three projects took me way more than it should have because of smoke. Smoke inside, from a hole right on the other side of the "wall" where my computer is. Smoke outside, all the time. People moving around me making it look like something else. Basically i was wasted all the time, kept "loosing tools", forgetting what i wanted to do, things like that. People always getting away when i step out, and planes and noisy cars jut before i leave, so it looks like i'm hiding when they come.

7:10 First i could read the article. Then Financial Times asked for a subscription. Mainly the article has been quoting some experts from Ukraine, questioning the constitutionality of dissolving the Parliament, months before scheduled elections. More on that from Euronews
9:01 I tried to move the desk further away from "the wall" where smoke is coming from under and when i plugged in the computer in a different outlet the power supply flashed the fuse at me. Yes i spilled a glass with some wine from last night on it when moving but it did not reach the computer or keyboard or anything. Angela's W10 computer is very slow though much newer. I was running a version of Linux on mine which was 13 years old.

9:33 Did i just commented about snap elections? After pulling the lead off the power supply too, i went back outside and blew with the reverted vacuum the dust that it was full. But this time they were ready with a couple of kids that i know here at the window where Angela's computer is.

10:04 Ok i dusted for the last time that piece of equipment and soldered a piece of thin copper wire on top of fuse and it blew on my again. That thing is done. I will never ever again buy any device with a fan in it (that accumulates dust that is).

7:20 Posting from Chromebook 4 with the old keyboard hooked to it. Tomorrow i'll get some sort of hub that will also connect the mouse and the old monitor (USBC to HDMI). One thing i noticed, it's faster than my old computer, with no lag on typing.

I knew there was going to be  some trouble when i went in the bedroom this morning after Angela left. Since Angela can't tolerate the noise and airflow from a filter, even at lowest level, it was smelling like dirty socks. Marijuana, i figured. So i called her when she got there and she seemed ok, but i didn't tell her about the smell, cause i told her one million times and she doesn't believe me.

Soon after, the lead, Steve Eaton (coincidence with the name of the company) who does the scheduling, kinda jumped the turns and put Angela to do again too soon after last time the physically hardest job (boxes, or inverters) which involves unpacking, packing and lifting 20 pounds items for hundreds of times a day. She told him that she could only do it for 4 hours today, and then she was under the impression he went to HR and the supervisor (paranoia due to all kinda smokes we inhaled yesterday, it took me a long time to understand the mechanism, but that won't probably prevent me for quitting again a job at first trouble when under influence, if i could get one right now) who doesn't get involved too much, let Steve do most of his jobs, and he knew and escalated. So it turns on us. Angela got mad and went to the supervisor and complained about everything she could remember, including the fact she works there for 6 years and gets one dollar more than the temps. In the end she told him she can't lift that much (62 years old) because of back pain, hernia surgery (because she had to have too more surgeries after open heart to have 4 forgotten wires removed), and she said she will talk to the doctor when she goes for the appointment on March 1st (that was scheduled since last year) and the supervisor said, let us know. But now it's not like yesterday. That combined with the computer breaking down will slow me down me a little. I was even thinking today. To what good it serves all i do. Cause if people believe me, the market will start to go down and i will get in all sorts of problems. Cause i live in their simulation, but one or more levels deeper than everybody else. Though i can make some decisions, they have enough leverage on me to stop me if they wanted and now they want it.

One thing that gets both of us mad is the car. In pretty bad shape, misfiring (better said, severe engine imbalance and noises when we got it), we were happy when during the weekend, i would re-tighten the battery connectors before living and like magic the car would start to work so fine you wouldn't even hear the engine, and with mileages constantly above 40 on freeways. So i figured, probably low voltage at the fuel pump which leads to dripping of injectors, not washing the valves that become sticky (due to oil coming from intake from condensation of PCV gases). 

I said it many times before, during the 70s they figured a way to recirculate blow by gasses that pressurize the engine back in the intake, but with a side effect. Blow by gasses contain oil mist that condensates in the intake, a problem that becomes much more serious with the newer design with intakes underneath the engine head and in front of the engine where they get cooled.

I myself never quite understood for a long time why some gas sellers advertise their gas as engine cleaning. But this is the reasons. In gasoline injected cars injectors are upstream valves and the gas sprayed by those clean the valves, especially if it has good additives in. But the injectors themselves are sometimes affected by the oil from blow by, especially if the voltage at the fuel pump is not alternator voltage (14.5 for this car) but battery voltage (@12.5), which sometimes happens when the contact at the battery connectors is not perfect and battery is near full. One of the last things i've done at the other car was removing the paint under the ground (chassis) connector and saw that made a difference. At the old car though i had a catch can that would reduce the amount of oil that condensates in the intake, by "catching" it in a can. I was actually getting ready to install one on this car also (got the can from Amazon) but i didn't, because the car was running so fine after each re-tightening of the negative connector. The problem of dirty valve is much more serious at GDI (Gasoline Direct Injected) where the injectors are inside the cylinder, thus downstream valves.

But last night after i finished drilling the hole and tightened the connector again (with again 14.5 volts at the lighter plug measured with a digital charger) i remembered about the chassis connector. So i removed the adhesive i put on top of the screw (mostly to see that it doesn't get loose), took it apart (which involved removing the battery, the computer), cleaning those etc.. They were 4 ground connectors, and when i removed the (self tapping screws) i brought at the surface dirt from the other side, so i had to clean everything and torque those again. Can't tell how i felt every time i was using the little spray bottle with alcohol and young boys where dispatched to pass near me. But i remember when one of the passed and went to the grass area, where the moles are, i felt smoke, and went and took pictures of what appeared to be holes in the ground made with special shoes.

9:00 Found and ordered on ebay a ball joint from the car, OEM with... 15 dollars, however the shipping was 17. Box damaged (like many shipments with parts lately) and i think the main upper nut was missing. Two others where though enough to realize they are they type "toplock" that is the diameter of the thread is smaller at the top of the nut, to prevent from un-tightening. Those nuts are not to be reused of course and had to remove and reinstall some of those several times when i did struts and shafts.

Also got the box with 6 extra long wrenches, and i used one of them to tighten the same nuts on the car. If freshly tightened, the car is driving perfectly, so that was the problem. Got to order some of those, was thinking returning the ball joint, however, i will probably pay for the shipping and loose some more money, cause the part itself is only 15 dollars.

Had to remove some of those nuts several times when i did struts and shafts.

9:32 Today when i went outside at the car i saw again this guy. Dressed very poorly, looking of Ukrainian origin, with possible Ukrainian name, a Romanian orthodox bishop from the county where i am in Romania which borders with Ukraine, he went to the mail boxes and then searching something in some cardboard boxes and then he left (maybe he got those delivered, i didn't see). For a moment i was tempted to go and see what he was doing there.

Was thinking earlier of Angela's job. I remembered mines. Always with actors. In 1998 at Quadramed the supervisor manager was Andy Carson. Cameron Diaz, his secretary. Receptionist was one of those women from SNL. After that, at AVX, Axle Rose. Always living with fear  terror of loosing a job and everything, not caring to much who hour colleagues were (not that i knew) or Angela's are right now. I think i identified at least 3 of them until now. One left. One is the Japanese actress who acted as Pamela in Dallas movie, also as Transportation Secretary. The other one a Hungarian actor, forgot his name.  Him maybe? A bit of smoke through walls at home would make us happy, a bit more, mad. They were times when i thought Steve was this guy.

10:50 Angela now remembers she also told the supervisor (don't know the name, i know the previous one looked like Brad Pitt and Steve was doing the scheduling that is assigning daily tasks for all team members during all three in the past 6 years, none of them did much) that she was never trained to do the easy jobs, and Steve (with latest example, today) assigns to others tasks that she already done the day before. What she didn't tell was Steve was/is assigning easiness tasks for himself, with lots of overtimes and high pay of course.

Angela's main competitors there are relatives (the two "Chinese" sisters, girlfriend and boyfriend etc..

Monday, January 10, 2022

January 10

10:56 Water rush

10:54 Last purchased Nov 24, 2020. Just looked into my orders history on Amazon. At this date i bought an air quality monitor for PM 2.5 and 10 with laser diodes for a 32 dollars (for wildfires reason). Apparently made in China of Japanese design, and sensors taken from Sharp air filters. At first it worked but then it started not to work with the phones, but only with a tablet which means i can't take it with me in the park. What is curious though is the image on the front of it, which coincides with the logo and "the face" of a new party named AUR (gold) (in the meantime she was expelled due to numerous scandals which however continued in that party to this day) in Romania which made it in the Parliament with surprising results of over 5% in the last elections held next month after i purchased it (December 2020) (5% being the minimum necessary to enter Parliament). I looked for the image online, couldn't find it, tried to peel off the protective layer but i saw the image was actually on that layer so i just put it back and took a picture.
In the meantime i identified D(ac)iana Șoșoacă with an entertainer from Hungary who in this video is also wearing... gold. Romania did have, documented since Roman times (the reason Romans invaded Dacia) and still has, deeper underground, some of the largest gold reserves in the world, brought by an asteroid which probably fell some 70 million years ago. That gold attracted numerous invaders, starting with Romans under emperor Trajan in 100 AD, all the way to Magyars, 900 AD, and then Mongols while most Romanians being the poorest Europeans to this day, migrating in search for work hard labor in all Europe.  5:32 I wrote yesterday about being kept high and sick for 25+ years. Smoke stopped last night and this morning. I started to come to my senses and worry about things like the phones.

Mine (could not deal with Boost mobile to get unlocked) is a Moto e6 2020 with 3350 mAh that i bought on December 10 for 150 dollars that has good signal and it says on the phone the provider is Hello Mobile on a 10 dollars a month plan. But then i found a better phone for less money, a Moto e7i Power 2021 for Angela (she could also not get away with unlocking her phone from Boost) with 5000 mAh battery for 120. With same provider, similar plan (5 dollars, less data), newer phone, her signal is weaker here though, and on the phone it says T-Mobile. Then i searched and found Hello Mobile is the low cost version of T-Mobile. She's obviously on a different tower. Low signal means more radiating power at the phone.

Worrying about phones, about the dog smell that had a big outburst over the holidays, other things, i forgot about the mole holes.

Simple mole holes, with no smoke, have a thing of their own. The smell itself makes me sick and lethargic. When smoke shows up, i get high and forget about what happened the previous hours, like it just happened.

Today i planned to go outside and fill the last holes with soil taken from near the hydrant, which is at a higher elevation. However Angela after work went to Fred Meyer and came one hour late. Exactly at 3:30 she met with the school bus with the kids at the entrance. Alley was blocked so she took the other alley and came around. I don't know how many of them are in the whole complex, but four of them came and entered last entrance (across the alley) in building D exactly in the same time with Angela parking the car. I know how it is done, it happened myself. Angela is being bullied all day at work and becomes suggestionable. It is then a matter of subconscious suggestions. Tired, stressed out, after work and stopping, all she cared was to get inside. She might have picked or heard something today that made her come at exactly that time. So she didn't mind the four kids, looking so obviously Japanese, pretending or not to be Latinos, passed by exactly when she opened the trunk to pick the groceries. Like showing the "poor kids" what she's got. I went myself a few times, to grab those, soil, fill the holes, the kids came back outside and one of them with a skateboard was skating back and forth next to where i was. Towards the end, planes and sirens got involved. I was telling Angela, who that would looked if someone filmed. Also like what happened when i went back to fix the holes.

She was tired from work, i was sick from the moles. It took me hours to get a little bit better. I was ashamed i could not make a salad for Angela, she did it herself while i was watching TV but when she invited me to eat, i went outside and now there was smoke and we both started to feel better and forget everything that happened to us earlier, separately. So i went only to see that one of the holes that i covered earlier with half bucket of soil mixed with cement just collapsed and part of the material was missing, like someone stole it from underground. After i stepped and hardened the soil with my heels (and deepened the hole) the smoke stopped. For now. That hole was smoking for the last few days, now it's open again. I was telling Angela. This is how we spent most days in the last 25 years or so, except some periods that do not total more than a few years when i was working. Scenes like these with weird coincidences and synchronizations that sometimes were done with unrecognized by us celebrities, or like today, with kids, forgotten immediately, happened to me, us, an innumerable number of times.

After a hell of a day, suddenly being high, feeling good, going to binge watch something, online to read news and/or a good (fake) conspiracy theories, probably the reasons she doesn't believe me that smoke may come out of mole holes.

It took me a great deal of effort for everything i posted today, i pushed myself really hard, before i forgot, being either sick or high or tired of everything.

6:35 Ok just remembered something. Every time i write about smoking mole holes, an old recurrent news popps. Last time, two days ago, from my friends at the Guarian, doubling. Correcting short term memories, in other words, brainwashing.

7:05 So let me inventory for you the kami they used to bully us over the years.

1. Red dust. Sequoia or redwood trees live up to 1500 years or more also because of tannins, that make a good percentage of the wood mass. Tannins block both molds and bacteria preventing rotting of the wood. But chips and dust of that wood don't rot also and dust can be ground so fine (by the steps or in a ninja crucible) it can pass any filter, except wet filters made with towels on top of low speed fans. It is very irritating, and if spread on large areas of skin, painful. In this image one can see the redust on the blue siding (painted blue recently).

2. Fastly mutating mold and protozoa. Because redwood is so antimicrobial, like anything antimicrobial, it mutates the very few surviving microbes. Garbage, dog poo and bottles with all sort of "witchcraft" thrown on the chips or the grass nearby start to create smelly, ferocious kami... inside.

3. Granite dust. Last year in January snow covered the alleys. By the time snow was almost gone and traffic almost came back to normal, they spread granite gravel on the alleys. The gravel was never removed and cars ground it to a fine dust within the next month. Every Wednesday the blowers came and raised that dust to the sky, in their attempt to "clean" the alleys. Some fell on the buildings and some on the grass.

4. Mole emanations. Mole are venomous. Some modified digestive enzymes present in their saliva paralyse and zombify earthworms, their exclusive food. Those enzymes are present as aerosols in their galleries. Worms once fallen in a gallery go all by themselves and fill poaches with hundreds of fresh, live worms. Sometimes moles bite their head, and the worms enter a slow "regeneration" process that can last months keeping them alive and immobilized, ready to be eaten.

5. Ninja smoke. Once a mole (re)opens a gallery near our building, they come, under the pretext of walking a dog, and stick small burning pellets made by ancient recipes that contain saltpeter and a number of ingredients that mask the smell and get you either high or absent. Moles leave (temporarily) until the smoke is gone or i go and plug the holes and then they come back and the process restarts.

6. Dog droppings. Dog droppings from sick dogs may contain T-gondii, a parasite that once in  your got produces dopamine, hooking  you up. It may go into your blood and cyst in your brain. A high percentage of population is infected, but they don't claim symptoms, probably because of the dopamine, probably the reason so many people "love their pets". The available recommended medication doesn't really work, there are many other unintended medications that suppress the parasite. However, you must eliminate the source first.

All these "elements" are quasi natural, omnipresent thus impossible to be used as evidence. Used "wisely", they can stun, make you high, make you forget, annihilate your will, make you take bad decisions or get you into a rage burst and in combination with synchronized events, make you look like something else.

For what? To control a couple of people through which they control so many more either just by influencing or more directly, pretending these people actually decide for the nostalgic in Romania by example.

Da știu ce urmează acum. O postare de-a lor cu Attila Cseke pentru confuzie.

Chestia e așa. Am început să nu mai am așa noroc cu asemănările. Ultimele căutări nu au dat roade. Găsesc din ce în ce mai puțini cu efort din ce în ce mai mare. Nu știu, poate că i-am folosit deja pe cei ușor de găsit. Însă lumea nu știe nici 10% cred din ce am postat deja sau i-au uitat pe primii.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

January 1

Happy New Year 2022! The year of the three swans with an ouroboros in the middle. Auspicious for the (mind) tricksters. Where did i say that: Two swans only seem to be the inspiration for the nazi sign SS.

Got awakened by smoke, after 5 hours of sleep. Went outside and saw steps in the frozen grass (what kinda grass is this, it's frozen now, when it thaws will be green again). All along the trail, the ground, tough frozen, was bulged a little bit. In this picture is visible the area i went and stepped on the ground (needless to say, an ambulance started when i first opened the door). I stepped on it because ground was soft. After that the smoke subsided, however, about 10 minutes after i got inside it started again. But not as much.

Got to bring here one blog post. The one with the comparison between chakras and sphincters (as in human anatomy). Chakra in Sanskrit means wheel (Dharma chakra, remember).

Sphincters are circular muscles in our body that regulate flow of fluids.

It is said that yoga can partially control some of the chakras of the body. The control can be done but a trained person upon self, but i know for sure it can be done by a trained person to another person, unknowing and unwilling. I don't have time or wish to explain now the reason i believe this. But people, just by watching a yogi doing certain poses can be influenced, sometimes heavily by it.

The bow. There are a number of reasons for the bow. One could be submission. One could be reminding of the ancient rainbow serpent. The bow is always done towards the emperor. But i can be done the other way around, when i can have bad influence on the observer. One can call it "the square" (as in square and compass) because it figures a square done with the human body. Sometimes it may even include a compass, when the bow is done with legs slightly spread.

It happens to me several times daily. "People" under various reasons, like bending to retrieve something they just dropped, searching in their cars, etc. do the "reverted" bow. Maybe while reciting a mantra in their mind. I come back home and i get sick. Some of my chakras get blocked, like the one from esophagus to stomach, from stomach to duodenum and especially the one that regulates the common bile and pancreas duct. My breath, which usually gets "shortened" by the blocking of the chakras, because of accumulation of gasses in the stomach that press against the diaphragm muscle upon which the heart and lung sit. Usually it is enough to remember and visualize the scene when some guy or woman bowed "the other way". I can hear immediately the gurgling sound of the food starting to pass down. But i can do that only if i remember. Only if i'm not distracted with other problems, like lately, fixing the car.

I posted a few days ago a comparison between the biggest church in Romania, (next to the second biggest building in the word, the Romanian Parliament), and the White Tower from the movie Wheel of Time, also a masonic beehive and some ancient Cambodian temples with "stupas" (stupa means beehive in Sanskrit). But after i posted that i saw there was a crane next to the eternally unfinished church, figuring a square. Or a bow in the opposite direction. My idea since this morning. Could this be a means to get the unaware observers sick?
And generally some symbols may be derived and generate the same effect as a yoga pose to the unaware observer?

After re-reading this blog post several times, another idea came to me. Could this diagram (one out of many representations) for the hypothetical COVID be derived from the image of Dharmachakra as depicted above?
3:48/1:48 How to pronounce laptop.

3:49 Why all billionaires are fake. So people would not realize corporations are foreign, international and anti-national entities.