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Showing posts sorted by date for query shiva. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, October 24, 2024

October 24

12:00 AM This movie, i saw before. The Gift. It included scenes from the Göbekli Tepe archaeological site. I came at the computer to do a search and what did i find. The same type of drawings like from the caves of Australia.  And the altaic shamanic drums. Got to keep on searching to see the meaning of this. There is a whole lot of history to be re-written.

First thing, how old are the drawings in Australia? 30k. While those in today Türkiye are "only" 10-12.

Got lots of homework to do tonight. But first got to download Google Earth to take a good look at the Tepe cause in the movie it looked like a pyramid. That is the last thing i thought i will do tonight.

12:20 Earlier before i posted this some crazy was revving an engine like 4000-5000 rpm. Now when i said about Google Earth she started stomping.

12:42 I've been re-viewing the episode 5, among stomps and engine revs. I am breathing irritating dust. The site there seems fictional, with a pyramid and symbolism and everything. Tried a screenshot but it came black... Now they own my computer... The weird part, it was the pyramid that brought my attention. BTW just realized something.

The word pyramid may contain the Sanskrit root puru which means heaven or forever (pururea in Romanian). The source for persona in Latin and English.

1:00 However, i ran into a number of depictions showing what it could have looked in the beginning. And then it hit me. Could have been the prototype for Shiva Linga. Or the earliest Horus eye. Jupiter storm. How about that.

1:15 Great. One of the most important archeological pieces in world's history, stolen! That thing must have weighed hundreds of pounds.

10:20 Da este foarte tentant ce spune "prietenul" George Sim_Ion. Am făcut niște căutări încercând să regăsesc proiectul, lista de materiale, cât se plătește la o firmă de construcție să sape șanțurile și să facă pregătirile pentru turnat fundația, etc..

Video-ul acesta e la 24 de ore după începerea proiectului, văd șanțuri făcute, văd armături pentru beton instalate, însă totul e filmat în zig-zag, într-un stil care mă amețește. S-a prins numai momentul în care betonul curge în șanțurile săpate peste noapte, de nu știu câți muncitori.

Eu aș fi pus o cameră care să cuprindă ansamblul și filmat continuu, după care să se redea accelerat tot ce s-a făcut. Dar asta ar fi însemnat seriozitate și profesionalism.

Ar fi trebuit un site, o pagină, ceva în care să se explice pas cu pas ce a făcut, din ziua 0 până în ultima zi, cu cifre, materiale și manoperă pe fiecare operațiune. Poate este, dar eu nu l-am găsit.

Pe de altă parte, sunt convins că se poate, însă nu cred că o persoană nevoiașă ca cea din filmare poate să o facă în regie proprie. Trebuie o anumită cunoaștere a procesului, pieței materialelor, a forței de muncă, a firmelor respective, și mai ales, banii.

Singurul mod în care toate acestea ar fi posibile ar fi în regie de stat, cu experți care să facă toate contractările și achizițiile.

Până atunci, tot ce le rămâne oamenilor este să caute o firmă de construcție și să le spună că vrea ceva ca la "George Simion" (as seen on TV) și să negocieze. Cu alte cuvinte, este ceva util ca bază sau comparație pentru o negociere.

Dar dacă aduni și prețului terenului, probabil vei ajunge la prețurile pieței pentru o asemenea locuință.

Însă faptul că pun politician s-a implicat într-un asemenea proiect înseamnă un pas înainte în politica românească.

60 mp, 17000 dolari, 100 zile, 3-4 lucrători.

1:25 Index weight is how much a firm contributes to the index is part of. In the case of Tesla, it is currently 1.87% or should be (in my imagination) the result of dividing 887 bills or its market cap according to the link above to 42 trills or the total capitalization of S&P (or sum of all the market caps of all the firms in S&P).

I must be missing something cause the result 887/42000 is above 2%. Ok that site is outdated, Tesla's market cap today after a 22% increase is 816 and S&P total capitalization is 43.

So one can calculate how much would be the market down today if it wasn't for the big announcement yesterday, Tesla Q3 revenue. 2% of 22 is what, .4? However... Whatt?

The good news (from Tesla's accountants) should be always washed a little with the fact not all profit turns to dividends (that are given to shareholders at the end of the year).

However, Tesla, others, never paid dividends. Then WHY?... WHY?... It's all for the future, i'm telling you.

5:35 This... Is... Amazing. Market caps, as bubbles!

I had this weird idea, to look for a market cap graph. Theoretically, it should follow the index itself, right? I mean, if the index is up 1%, market cap should be up 1%, right? However, could not find one up to date.

This one is very approximate and it shows a market cap of 45 trills as of July 1st. Could not find any value for today, but it should be like more than 50. There it is. But this site shows 50.57 at October 1st, while the index itself rose since.


7:22 So that's where all Arians came from... Or should we call them aliens?

7:55 Re-master.

8:57 Et tu, google... Today's doodle is giving me the eye... Good thing it lets me do a screenshot

10:37 Eu vă sugerez să votați cu Mana Muscă.

12:00 What i suspected is true. Last ice age has been milder in Australia.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

July 13

1:20 AM Trăind pe înecarea cirezilor agreste. Se promulgă.

2:18 Ce poți face dacă te temi de urși și totuși vrei să mergi pe un traseu. Pune-ți un spray lacrimogen în rucsac.

2:23 Da știu sună ciudat, dar pentru București, unde va fi mai cald cu câteva grade, din cauza mașinilor și asfaltului, se pot angaja 2 avioane de transport cu reacție care să zboare de pe la 10 dimineață până la 2 după amiază la altitudinea punctului de rouă (dew point, dacă există în ziua respectivă) și să tragă niște linii pe direcția soarelui. Am văzut asta de multe ori aici în Portland însă oficial nu se vorbește.

Asta ar reduce temperatura cu câteva grade. Da știu sunt controverse însă câteva linii pe direcția soarelui nu vor bloca radiațiile dinspre pământ spre cer ci doar invers. Chestie de geometrie. Părerea mea.

Apropo, știți motivul pentru care o mașină are o instalație de aer condiționat de 20k BTU iar eu răcesc tot apartamentul cu una de 5?

Motivul este că mașinile de azi au bordul de sub geam foarte mare, din cauza înclinării geamului (consum, aerodinamică) iar acest bord captează energie solară, nu știu, până la 1000 wați sau mai mult. Dacă nu mă credeți, puneți mâna pe el când e soare afară. Deci instalația de AC nu luptă doar cu temperatura aerului ci mai mult cu acest ditamai radiator din mașină.

8:53 Ok they convinced me. He's real. Thesetoo.

9:09 It may be a sin a trap but i have to say it. I know for the one on the right. Right pronunciation is Erika Sawajiri.

11:50 Un mm. The Actors.
5:08 Did i say. If in Japanese 山 (Yama) stands for mountain, i know the link with gods Yama and Shiva (both gods of destruction and rebirth). It's the volcanoes. Yamasaki. Yamamoto. Hawaii. The towers were designed to fall appearing like volcanoes.

Or like peeling a banana maybe.

Is that a futakuchi onna? Hollaback?

Sunday, July 7, 2024


1:45 AM Minoru Yamasaki. Isoroku Yamamoto.

11:05 Japanese writing is very complicated and inconsistent. Same characters have different pronunciation and same words can be written in different ways. Besides, there are three different writing types that are sometimes mixed.

God Yama In Japan is called Enma (閻魔, prev. "Yenma"), King Enma (閻魔王, Enma-ō), and Great King Enma (閻魔大王, Enma Dai-Ō).

However, the Sanskrit name Yama is more widely known and could have been chosen for symbolism. I know from experience they will not do anything if there is not a god or a symbol attached to it. In the end it all needs to be gods' will and doing, as they are a very obedient and hierarchical people.

Or it all might be a karmic coincidence.

While running through all these this morning, after i had some sleep, i ran into other very interesting facts.

Some of the depictions of the name Yamato in Japanese rely on character (pronounced yama) like in Yamamoto and some on 大和. However if you break 大和 in two you would have two different pronouncing syllables and 大 (pronounced Dà) means great. I think the names and words are pronounced mostly by historical designations and do not have anything to do with phonetics or linguistics as we know them so they are simply memorized.

To them it is probably as difficult to understand western logical writing and thinking as to us is to understand theirs.

山 (yama) alone means mountain in modern Japanese but its shape reminds of a trident, the weapon of Shiva, also a god of destruction. Japanese pantheon has been largely taken from Hindu, and there is a linguistic link between Shinto and Hindu.

Before being called Yamato the inhabitants of Japan were known to the Chinese as Wa.

Wa ワ kana was introduced in the 9-10 century with the katana (kana) script.

12:00 Ichishkiin.

George Washington is worshiped as god in some... wa shinto temples in Ha_waii.

1:13 Donors based campaigns are an illusion based on false perception. No matter how hard we try we cannot imagine how the candidates spend the amounts specified in media. How much can it cost a one on one debate in front of cameras, or a meeting in a remote area. It is a myth meant to maintain the illusion that only rich persons influenced by rich donors can candidate and the influence of donors after elections which are both offences to democracy.

Also in the link it is said Biden has been campaigning since January 2021. Then who was "running the country"? Or simply he was working two jobs hence the exhaustion?

2:00 Meme sintetic. O recapitulare simbolică și deturnare a tot ce am scris în ultimele zile. 7, India, distrugere, clădire cu etaje, buldozer cu spărgător de beton, etc..

3:25 At 911 it was treason. Fighter planes should have been risen the moment the first "hijacked plane veered of course and the contact with the pilot was lost".

If there was confusion, that meant anything was possible. It would have been normal to raise fighter planes to follow the rogue non responding plane, to try and contact the pilots and give directions visually, waiting for a decision. I think they would have been able to see the hijackers through the window.

It is said American Airlines 11 was in the air for 32 minutes before it crashed into the first tower. That simply cannot be true. From the lines below this statement it results it was 46. With climbing at 26000 the plane also lost a big amount of fuel. According to the map on Britannica, the distance for that flight was more than 300 miles, whereas a commercial airplane goes at about 500 mph.

At 08:13:29, as the aircraft was passing over central Massachusetts at 26,000 feet (7,900 m), the pilots responded to a request from Boston ARTCC to make a 20-degree turn to the right. At 08:13:47, Boston ARTCC told the pilots to ascend to a cruising altitude of 35,000 feet (11,000 m), but received no response.[28] At 08:16, the aircraft leveled off at 29,000 feet (8,800 m)[28] and shortly thereafter deviated from its scheduled path.

If the plane was above Central Massachusetts at 8:14 when the pilots did not respond but after a 20 degrees turn to the right according to the map it means it had about 270 miles to go on the path described on this map. At a speed of 500 mph that would have meant half hour time for a decision to be made.

It is said  the plane hit the tower at 450 mph which is about 3 times the normal landing speed for that plane and about 10 percent over safety limit for that plane at sea level. You need at least 10 minutes to descend from 29000 ft to sea level at that speed. But how do you align with a straight street in New York that may be one mile long at 450 mph with no ILS, only on visual?

You could align with Hwy 9A however you will then hit the tower at about 30 degrees.
Found a map with the official path of flight AA11. No coordinates, only timing however, we have altitudes. The most interesting part is the last 10 minutes or so when the descent occurred at abnormal speed, the plane should have been shot down for the safety of people living in New York.

Fuel considerations. The range of an 766-200 ER is about 7500 miles and the fuel capacity is about 20 K gallons needed for the full range, or three times the distance to the official destinationLAX.

A 766-200 ER fuel consumption during take off  and ascent to 30000 ft (greatest for any plane) is about 5000 gallons. So this cannot be true either.

Fighter jets scrambling protocol (1999).

\\//, the last cowboy.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

July 6th

12:20 Puteți auzi aici limba sanscrită care eu cred că a fost apropiată de limba dacă. Cuvinte (vocabular), topică, declinări. De remarcat lipsa verbelor (în acest chant). Se pot auzi cuvine ca agni (ignat, foc) vaci (voce), mrtam (moarte), cak (ochi), manasi (minte), suria (soare), apo (apă), prana (hrană), hârdaie (inimă - heart) etc..

Dacă faceți clic pe alte video-uri, vă sfătuiesc să evitați tot ce e Shiva și Kali. Chestiile astea au venit în India mai târziu, din altă parte, bănuiesc Indonezia și Australia (antică antică, nu cea de acum). Yama există și în română, a face iama, a distruge. De unde știau dacii de zeul Yama din naraka? Poate avea vreo legătură cu noroc?

Un comentariu la video: The meaning of this chant is everything exists in you and you remain immortal but that immortality finally rests in the infinite universe as if the whole universe were you. There is no death but yet there is.

Da. Nu cred că se poate spune mai bine de atât.

Nu reușesc să aflu ce înseamnă acest sritah de la sfârșitul unor fraze. Problema este bineînțeles transliterațiile. Am găsit ceva aici, și înseamnă worshiped, sought, honored, chestii de genul ăsta. O formă de întârire sau rugă către Brahma sau Universul.
Alte comentarii:

1 year ago
Sankrit most beautiful language, proud of being indian 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

1 year ago
There is only one race " The race of Humanity " and unity consciousness And when we listen to this beautiful and heart felt chant. All else can be discarded️

1 year ago
STUNNING!!! Thank you for breathing new life into this ancient sacred language. Your supreme example has helped my practice immensely. Your beautiful voice has brought me to tears. May you be blessed with eternal freedom from Samsara.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

June 29

11:30 Știe cineva cine este Adrian Epure? Am dat un search pe google images și mi-au ieșit multe fețe. El este un redactor la Adevărul. Jurnalist. Împreună cu mulți alții, eu îi numesc eșalonul secund. Jurnaliști aproape anonimi, care scriu grosul la publicațiile mari online. Figuri strâmbe, amintind a oameni, sau uneori ciudat-atrăgătoare, nebuni în Shiva, vin aici sau poate nici nu apar, fizic în România și ni se ouă în cap. Direct în creier vreau să spun.

Ăsta acum a scos un titlu și un "articol" pe măsură, despre unii graficieni, culmea, tot de-ai lor care ne-au pictat pe creierele de copii realitatea suprarealistă din vremea tiranului absolut, articol menit să acopere subliminal ce am scris eu despre strofa din Glosa de Eminescu. Nimic nu scapă ne-mânjit de armata de költők, írók și énekesek din cloaca infinită de la vest de România, groapa izvorâtoare de gunoi a Europei și lumii.

Dar nu ai cum să dovedești fiindcă aceștia nu au CV, nu au poze și mai ales nu au vârstă, deci nu îi poți identifica.

Toți, împreună cu numele mai mari, cunoscute, cu fețe, duc un război atroce, nedeclarat, clinic, eficient, împotriva a tot ce poate însemna cultură și conștiință a românilor și tuturor națiilor.

Cum ar fi ajuns Ceaușescu pe aceeași poză desenată cu Ringo Starr. Foarte simplu, cei doi au fost colegi,  cântăreți de operă pe scenele supraaglomerate ale teatrelor lor (pentru a avea toți un job de acoperire), din cei cu fețe carismatice, pe care dacă doar îi privești faci o psihoză.

Chiar voiam s-o repet, Ceaușescu a atras în psihoza lui mulți patrioți români, care au și făcut tot ce se vede în spatele grupului, și care au sfârșit odată cu el și au dus cu ei în mormânt idealurile României, care s-a transformat într-o imensă autogară de navetiști cu destinația Italia, Spania, Germania etc..

A și chestia cu aerul condiționat de la Otopeni. Altă bătaie de joc menită de fapt să acopere cine știe ce altceva. Mârlăniile lor calculate vin întotdeauna la pachet. Una evidentă, pe față, altele, secunde, mai ascunse și mai devastatoare. Nu cred că e nevoie să mai traduc cine sunt cirezile agresive.
(De ce fac ei toate astea? (Ce-i mâna pe ei). Să îndeplinească menirea lui Shiva, latura destructivă a hinduismului, înrădăcinat în budism, pentru a face loc unei lumi mai bune sau poate chiar nirvanei (stingerea)).

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Budo and Geoweapons

It is probably just a true linguistic coincidence which are quite rare around major historical subjects, cause Buddha was a peaceful happy man. Or a mean of cofusions, which is so typical of ninja.

Budo or the martial way which comprises 3 ninjutsu schools (ryuha) and 6 samurai, of each Gyokko ryu seems to be the oldest.

However Togakure ryu is best doccumented in Wikipedia. In there, we can find attached a quite impressive list of training areas needed to "graduate" as a ninja, and combat trainning is less than half of them.

In Bansenshukai, the so called "skeleleton" manual  "which needs to be completed with many times more oral or family scrolls knowledge", a number of credits (points) atr given upon learning a certain skill. Probably the oldest known (to me) credit based learning system. (Jidai_geki).

Why do i bring this up now. One of the training area listed there is meteorology.

Of course they did not have a network of sensors or satelites connected electronically to a supercomputer. It was all based on human observations.

A key factor in meteorology ignored by many is atmospheric pressure, given by the weight of the air above us. One cubic meter of air at sea level and normal pressure is about one kg in weight with many cubes on top of it.

That can vary within a range of about 6%, mainly with movement of the air, temperature but also periodically, due to gravity pull of Sun and Moon, pretty much in the same way oceans and ground are being raised.

There is a tripple chart of temperature, humidity and pressure that dictates the weather.

There are ways to tell the air pressure by simple observations. Different types of clouds are associated with different pressures. But there could be others. Behaviour of animals by example. Variations in size of some organs could not go undetcted by their instincts. Plants. Rheumatic pains. Etc..

I remember in grade school our phyisics and chemistry teacher taught us how to build a barometer. It was based on density (and/or volume) changes of the air with pressure. Basically, an open empty can with a plastic membrane at one end. If well sealed, the plastic membrane will be pulled inward with higher pressure and outward with lower (when air is less dense and expands).

It crossed my mind before just before i started to write this. A drum (as a musical instrument), if well sealed, could do the same. The drume will also change the tune with weather.

Transparent glass was knwon to Ancient Egyptians. Who used long tube like recipients for items like perfume.

We all know that if we fill a tube with mercury and put it upside down in a recipient, the mercury will not fall, becasue of the air pressure, creating vacuum at the top. The height of the mercury in a tube that both were available at that time could have been used to measure the atmospheric pressure. Amazing how it loosk like a Shiva Linga with the three lines representing a measuring ruler?...

In fact, the height of the mercury in such a tube is still used as a measuring unit for atmospheric pressure. When i concluded my observations in a recent post i said that big eqs do not occur under 29.95 inhg even at highest tides.

Why is this important. Because it is possible that ancient people, like Egptians or the ninja of Japan, could predict earthquakes by this simple method. Observe tides and observe atmospheric pressure.

This would give them an unprecedent strategic psychological advantage over their enemies. It is like when Columbus impressed the Indians by predicting an eclipse, to the power of 100. Cause eclipses do not create casualties. In a country with frequent earthquakes, the smart ninja or Buddhist monks before them could not have missed the links between those phenomena.

Back then they could say they were in league with some powerful god or demon who was listening to them.

How could they use this in their advantage. Blackmail. Of course they could not create an earthquake (though i believe the Egyptians could trigger one by using one of the many functions of the pyramids).

By simply knowing when and where was going to happen, down to the hour, they could first make threats and then demands.

I believe there are two ways in which an earthquake can be triggered or even amplified, if the conditions are right (pressure linked to position of Sun and Moon and temperature inside a magma chamber under a seismic area).

Atmospheric pressure and weather in general can be influenced with huge antennas that can raise and lower the ionopshere and thus steer the jetstsream.

If seismic areas are in fact magma chambers that did not developed into volcanoes. or under extinguised volcanoes, each has its own size and thus resonance frequency. Heavy machinery like presses for car body parts, at a certain distance, can be tuned into that frequency, again if the conditions are right. 100 elephants marching in cadence at a certain pace, controlled by their handlers?

But even traffic in such a huge city like Los Angeles could trigger it in a day with high tides and high pressure.

Monday, May 6, 2024

May 6

3:23 Yeah i know. The Freemasons. They are mighty righteous. Especially when they are looked at. After i pointed to all geographic entities called Washington.

What harm could have been in randomly sharing my Safeway club card with perfect strangers in a Safeway store? Except if i had gotten in an accident on my way home and never had the chance to explain.

After loosing at Red Winds, we felt like we needed a drink. Angela's got all these theories made of wrong perceptions. If five out of ten times they gave her some money back after she lost everything and pulled one last hundred from a credit card, that didn't happen last night. Should have waited midnight, when they close the day.

But i guess everybody is getting tired of being rational and responsible for a whole week in a super hostile environment.

In the days when they made their quota, they give back, right after midnight, for about 15 minutes through winning hands, at selected machines and players. I mean, everyone should notice if  you win 10 like ten hands in a row on a tiny bet and make half of your losses back in ten minutes. So those players who lost too much are not too traumatized and give up playing.

No question each hand is controlled by AI and they are following faces for emotions through the over 1000 cameras present at each casino (one camera per 2 machines on average). So you keep playing and other reasons like the above. 

She had 20 more in free play at Ilani. As we came back, i planned to go to the Safeway at Woodland which is five miles before that and buy some liquor. At the bars in the casinos prices are 10 times more.

And there she was, getting in my way as i was looking for the locker with liquor. I asked her, pretended she did not understand, then i yelled "liquor" and she condescendingly showed me the way. Not courteous enough to call someone to open, had to press the button and wait.

For a few seconds i was tempted by a flask of Courvoisier, which was smaller and twice the price of Christian Brothers. I said it was not worth it, the difference in quality and the fact i was getting drunk and didn't feel it anyways. Got the cheapest. And then i went at the check stands.

A whole team of pantomime actors (wondering who they were) prevented me from going to the self checkers by putting some down checkers down and acting crazy.

So i went to the regular checker where she was waiting. While still checking the people ahead of me (i remember a bearded, dark skinned guy among others) she asked me with much authority in voice if i was going to use a club card. I said i don't have the card, but the phone number, and she asked for it. So i gave it to her and she typed it in.

When i tapped my card to pay, the terminal asked me again for the phone number. When i asked her for an explanation, she said she used the number to save those people 6 dollars. When i looked at her, she added. "You did a good thing" (Probably meaning charity). And i said. "It doesn't count cause i didn't know". "You get gas points" (probably threatening, i don't think you get gas points with a Safeway club card, never heard of). 

Was there any law broken? Probably some minor ones. How she did get hired there to check for 2 or 3 customers in that night only. Asking for my phone number when that was supposed to be done by the machine. Making me saying my phone number aloud and possibly recorded by a phone nearby.

A few years ago, at the exact same store there was another high rank politician, this time an actress from Japan doing something similar, in a similar situation.

But there is one major law she, all of them (the pantomime actors) broke. It shouldn't have alarmed me if i was not doing what i am doing. Blogging on very sensible themes, and similarities. Yeah i know i am not doing it for others, but just trying to restore my reputation.

If i didn't went through what i did since last July when the singer known as Dua Lipa acting as an assistant manager brought in the apartment above the entertainer known as Miyuki Nishijima of Japan to torment me. The threatening email she sent me the day before Eastern Easter.

I didn't know who she was but i knew from the many experiences i had so far she was somebody else and she was doing something weird and that was reason enough for me to get alarmed. More when i got home and saw who she was.

For reason of things similar i lived in constant fear, for  years. Now it's not such a big of a deal anymore, i got used to, especially when i think of my ruined health it doesn't matter anymore.

As for what "Dua Lipa", others did to me, Angela, that easily qualifies as torture by any law in any country and regime.

And yes, the lawmen and women are literally coming after me.

BTW Instagram is pissing me off, lately, badly. Every time i try to look at an image online, my browser tries to log in, and then i get this. A few days after i made the account, about a year ago, they told me i broke the rules and they disabled it. However, i never (had a chance to) post anything on it. They asked me to upload a video with basically my mugshot and holding a number in my hands, as they would do while booking someone in jail which i refused.

9:40 Shiva (linga) long time effect on Americans. I believe there is an active competition in Washington as who is more extremist, while saying the same about his archenemy.

Partly due to lack of any possibility for participating in elections due to antiquated system, with long, long, campaigns (basically half of physically available time), of any candidate not backed by the two party system.

BTW, one of the two is the current president, who uses part of his paid time in office for campaigning (obviously).

8:55 Stormy Daniels, the lawwoman. Oh mama,...!

9:20 Did i say their dresses were falling when they were doing gymnastic figures?

9:26 Doar ca să pună numele Geamănu și Gheorghe împreună?

Monday, April 29, 2024

April 29

1:26 AM I don't know if i can continue like this. Is too much. Every time i post something they come with a counter something. Like this news. Look at the first paragraphs and the title. An ocean caught in a type of rock 400 miles beneath Earth's surface that actually is a hydrated mineral. No ocean, no waves, no nothing. The title is just a figure of speech.

It is known for a long time there are vast underground liquid water resources. They are called aquifers. Sometimes they are km deep and closed and can overheat causing earthquakes.

I am one single person against a world conspiracy that started centuries ago and is so well established is invisible. 

Most people are caught in jobs controlled by them and have their money in retirement funds invested in stocks that are over evaluated by hundreds of times (market capital vs real assets), being true Ponzi schemes (Yes the magnificent 7 are most important of those).

The world as we know it has been designed by them to be used by them.

Honestly i myself cannot imagine a world without them being in control. A transition to something else would be too traumatic for everybody.

It is obvious a struggle has already begun and that was marked first by the so called pandemic and now a threatening war in Ukraine.

10:05 Here is the most quick, efficient and cheap way (it cost 0 dollars and needs none of your time) to fix sticky valves to a car.

They do manifest sometimes with ticking noise, sometimes with annoying vibration of the engine at low RPM or both. Loss of power (and efficiency) mostly at low RPM.

Here's the method. When real close to a destination when you can stop the engine within seconds and going coasting downhill.

Most newest automatic transmission with lockup torque converter assist with breaking like if you left your manual transmission in a higher gear and release the gas.

During releasing the gas pedal the transmission will stay shifted in gear still  and the engine will "swallow" air but no gas will come out of the injectors, allowing cooling of the valves.

Then you can do the "spray" maneuver. Hit the gas pedal intermittently real fast to the floor like maybe 3 times a second with no holding, so the car would not have time to accelerate (or maybe just a bit), about 10-20 times, and then stop and shut the engine as quickly as possible. Do not accelerate after the maneuver.

(Do not attempt this if you are not a seasoned driver).

The throttle would open intermittently following the gas pedal, triggering (or better said tricking) the opening of the injectors which would spray liquid gasoline on the cooled valves. Then you should not accelerate but just stop and leave the car alone for a a few hours. Can do it at the end of any trip without interfering with your activities.

The liquid gasoline sprayed on the cooled valves and surrounding areas would penetrate the carbon deposits and soften them and breaking them loose during the next drive.

Side effects. Like any valve cleaning using a solvent, if you do it too much some gasoline would go in the cylinder chamber and wash you cylinder walls possibly contaminating the crankcase (and of course the oil) with gasoline and soot.

The effects would not last long as more oil from PCV and soot from EGR and the mixture on the walls of the intake not touched by the "spray" trickling would build new deposits on the back of the valves soon. You can prevent oil getting in the intake with a catch can.

If you spray valve cleaner in the intake through the throttle and/or vacuum ports, with same side effects, like possibly getting some in the crankcase, and you will vacuum the remaining mixture (cleaner and oil and soot) from the intake, will get longer lasting results.

Otherwise, it will again trickle up and dry out, with similar results as the "spray" maneuver described above.

4:40 Have opened the sliding door just to look upstairs. The blinds are off which means a human is now acting there. Shut the door and one minute later a kid with a backpack "coming from school" passed by, ft away from it. About 14, Latino looking Asian, possibly Philipino. Like the fat woman from upstairs. Possibly at 4.

All they needed was me to make a pizza so they can make another entrance.

They are smart and only make noise when i move around (sprinkling my pizza with dust from the ceiling). However i will upload a sample.

BTW Why this "Catholic Church" from Philippines has the shape of a Shiva temple which in turn..

Saturday, March 23, 2024

March 23

4:30 AM I was in college when i heard about the "Magyar Kojak" and i dismissed it in one second. He would have been 99 this year. Is that a horizontal Shiva Linga?

11:50 I read the news oh boy. Moscow terrorism. Trying to figure how 4 people did this with "some flammable liquid". In Russia they arrest people for writing No to war on ballots. BTW how they identified her, since vote is supposed to be secret?
So far could not understand, was it a mall, a concert hall or what? Crocus? Crook means criminal or corrupt in US. It comes from all the crocodiles in Florida and the pharaoh's crook which is bent of course.

12:10 Again having trouble to figure when this happened. Vendredi soir, according to this French website, one of the few that has time stamps on news. However, there was nothing vendredi soir on the same site. Which means Friday morning US time. Really can't figure how i missed this.

What i think it is? Yet another attempt to distract.

Like Kate's cancer. Another attempt to cover the great generalized imposture by gathering sympathy.

Friday, March 15, 2024

March 15

12:12 AM

12:40 And the subliminal reaction to my post. Somebody brought a beehive there just to create an (emotional) news to semantically cover my post.

12:43 More Shivlings in Budapest where actors are really a great deal. Is this woman having what i call an... Asian European attitude and looks? Of course, the Easter egg!

12:55 Contra candidați. This song was created in 2001 around the time Putin took power in Russia. The actress reminds of him. Yes he has been in power for 24 years. Note the Russian style.

2:03 Pe față, la persoana I-a plural. Eu știu ce proiecte au ei pentru România, sunt în desfășurare, milioane sunt plecați pentru totdeauna.

8:48 Medvedev nu e rus, e șarpe schimbător (shapeshifter, maga, naga, mongol, nungar, ninja).

Roadele diplomației băsesciene. EI centrează, EI dau cu capul.

Sovieticii an naționalizat tot ce era proprietate privată în Rusia în 1918. Rusia a câștigat în Ucraina din 2022.

10:05 Estimp...

11:57 Shiva (ling) illusions?

2:20 Came from the walk oh boy i got stories... First. In the mail. Got many letters in the past with names of old occupants. Of which one is Tony Bennet which i got today again. It's been at least 8 years since Tony Bennet or anybody else doesn't live at this address anymore. I believe the mail never learns when i put them back in the outbox.

A one gallon jug of milk with traces of milk in it rotting in the sun on top of a recycled bin, in wind's direction.

I met again in the park with the mysterious Russian guy and his wife. Actually i caught with them, i was walking really fast to erase from my mind and soul the images of open poop bags i saw earlier. I guess for doubling. Basically everything i said recently materialized today during my walk. And what i haven't yet. They were two brunet guys with moustaches. I will attempt to explain later. (BTW, if you click on one pic and enter slide show mode, make sure to read further after you close it). There is more after.

3:50 Can't finish right now. Just wanted to say that today i saw this guy together with this guy in the parking lot. Now i remember i saw this guy with a red cross on his t-shirt at Ilani with a big red cross and the inscription OFF DUTY.

Monday, March 4, 2024

March 4

12:34 AM

Hypothesis. There is an obvious parallel between between the ninja of Japan and the Thugs of India who were killing in the name of Kali. But could it be more than that? After all, god Daikokuten is the equivalent of Kali in Japan. The article says Shiva, but these are epithets of goddess Kali. Among others, Daikokuten is also known in Japan as the god of thieves.

Second hypothesis. This is a population non native to India. By their curly hair, facial hair, name, language, they seem to have originated in Australia.

Third. Name of goddess Kali could derive from kylie, the aboriginal name for boomerang. Kanjar men feature a dagger that resemble one. The use of a kylie which is a slow moving weapon implies timing.

Forth. Like the modern day ninja who say are all but a few extinct, it is thought the British eliminated the thugs before 1870. However they might have gone underground, and they could still exist under a different, more evolved form and even took their revenge on the British and are now attempting to whitewash themselves.

Fifth. Thugees were targeting mostly rich merchants. There is a link with the hate of today's white extremists. Hitler used to pose with his hand held high, like Shiva the destroyer.

Sixth. There is a form of martial art, Kalarippayattu, much older than ninjutsu that was again suppressed by the British after...

1:07 Un cutremur din Vrancea are nevoie de 30-40 de secunde pentru a ajunge în București. Ținând cont de faptul că mai trebuie niște secunde până începe să cadă tencuiala de pe pereți, există aproape un minut la dispoziție pentru evacuare. Dacă ar exista un sistem de alarmare în clădirile cu risc ridicat (bulină roșie).

Am avut cândva și o confirmare, un link la un video de la o cameră de supraveghere din București cu secunde în care se vedea că primele mișcări (undele P, mai rapide dar mai slabe, care ajung primele) apăreau la aproximativ 30 secunde de la secunda înscrisă la USGS ca timp de începere al cutremurului.

Tot ce ar trebui ar fi un seismometru mai nou cu alarmă (am impresia că în România încă există din cele antice, cu tambur și hârtie) instalat la Focșani, legat la internet, niște sonerii speciale (diferite de cele de la intrare sau de un detector de fum) în fiecare apartament în clădirile cu bulină din București și un soft scris de un student la calculatoare. Și un plan de evacuare, cu exerciții.

Eu cred că fiecare asociație de locatari și-ar putea instala un asemenea sistem și racorda la o linie de telefon fixă special pentru acest scop.
Avioanele trebuie construite în așa fel încât timpul de evacuare a unui avion cu 300 de pasageri să fie sub 90 de secunde.

Mai există și posibilitatea ca fiecare să aibă în locuință un loc mai sigur, desemnat la inspecția clădirii. E mai bine să stai acolo decât să te prindă pe scări, în panică.

Există aplicații pe telefon care iau date de la accelerometrele (orice telefon are unul), care sunt de fapt senzori seismici, de pe telefoanele din zona cutremurului și alertează pe cei de la distanță. Poate de la telefoanele care stau pe masă, nu cele în mișcare. Softul știe să deosebească.

Nu spun că e o soluție perfectă, noaptea e mai dificil, dacă te prinde când dormi, dar cred că ar micșora în mod dramatic numărul de victime.

Ok am găsit video-ul. Conform INGV cutremurul a început la și 20 secunde. 167 km, 33 secunde, 5 km/s.