Years ago i became intrigued with the Sanskrit syntagm pancha skanda that appears in Buddhist mantra hRdaya sUtra (Harvard Kyoto transliteration). Not knowing Sanskrit i attempted to replace each word with the corresponding English word from a dictionary and this is the result, that sounded more like a Physics Theory than a prayer. The title of the sUtra itself can be translated as Science Plan.
I have always been discontent with the current EM theory, fields theory, the existence of 5 fundamental forces, Special Relativity, etc..
One of the reasons is i don't see how the so called EM field can travel alongside the photon since electric field is radial with open lines and magnetic field is toroidal with closed lines and the intensity of both electric and magnetic components decrease with the square root of the distance.
To fix this they came with a patch to the theory, stating the EM field is separated into a near and a far zone, with the far zone being planar, with no more decreasing of intensity with square root which is not possible, not even as an approximation, because it breaks the laws of physics, with a bizarre shape of EM field in the near zone, a combination of the magnetic toroidal field and the electric radial.
However the planar far zone theory implies the photon caries it's own energy and EM fields which i believe it is true.
You can find the animated version of this representation in Wikipedia.
After seeing it though i became interested in the shape of an EM field caused by the decay of one single electron as in photon emission, thinking of it more like a disturbance than a field. Mostly because the electron does not travel through a conductor and cannot create a closed magnetic field because it starts and ends in different points in space.
During the past summer a group of Polish scientists published a few images claiming to be holograms of single photons. Obtain through interference of two photons, one consequence is the photons could not be other than waves.
More recently i ran into an animation showing whirls in a superfluid.
Than hypothesized at that temperature, Helium starts to exhibit the same properties as AEther, mainly due to lack of friction, though at a much higher density, creating inside whirls due to Coriolis force that show properties like repelling each other, breaking, re-combining and most importantly, creating quasi particles as strings, though several orders of magnitude bigger in size than the ones from the Standard Model.
I also hypothesized AEther could be a fluid made of neutrinos, which are much smaller than any particle.
I then proposed the 5 fields are all created by the movement of whirls that create areas of low pressure around them, streams of AEther inside, etc..
Two whirls rotating in the same direction are repelling each other, rotation of whirls create a stream of superfluid in interior that enters at one end and exits the other, producing magnetic field, and pressure of superfluid creating gravity. Strong force could be actual entanglement of whirls organized as strings.
Combining with ancient symbols, N.Tesla's ideas about whirls and AEther, Ezekiel's wheel, etc..

Which representation fits more ancient symbols (Vajra, Buddhist Adamantine - Symbol of power).
Since the image of the vajras from this symbol seems very similar to my model, i don't see why they whirls should not be an internal structure. Made of rotating AEther, a superfluid, they could have all kind of stationary waves inside as they absorb AEther at the surfaces and expel it through the middle, it looks like in two stages.
In most representations i have seen so far it appears there is some sort of outer shell made of probably again stationary waves suggesting a closed circuit of AEther within a bubble. However there are tiny small swirls between the small whirls that form between the 4 main ones, other asymmetries.
Could it be each of the four whirls pump AEther in a closed circuit around them.
I believe it can all be all seen on a simulation on a supercomputer.
Then i looked again at those images created by the Polish scientists. It appears they also caught those structures inside the photon as seen in the Buddhist ritual tools. The indestructible vajra.We are familiar with standing waves inside fast moving fluids from "diamond shock waves" inside the exhaust of supersonic engines. Vajra in Sanskrit means diamond, among other things.The vajra is represented always outside the hyperboloid bell (to be visible) but i think it's all happening inside. We can see at the end of the bell and area called emptiness which suggests the flow of AEther is on an open circuit.
If these ancient symbols represent light, as it is always suggested by their names, it could mean this ancient knowledge could not have been transmitted to us over millennia except through religion. By a better version of ourselves.

Tripundra represents the stream of AEther entering and exiting every shwirl, that closes (sort of) outside the swhirl of every open ended particle (string).

This version of Trishula reminds me of something i've seen in Egypt. Four disks representing the four swirls (two double drums in India) of the photon.
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