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Showing posts sorted by date for query ufo. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

September 19



Huțulca. Dacian Falx vs Indian Talwar. Priștoare vs pRSThara (protection).

I started to believe the Hungarians, Austrians brought Germans (Deutsche) from Germany as settlers in Romania (Siebenburgen (Unio Trio), Bucovina) to contaminate the population with a closely related one and wipe out any trace of a local unmixed ancient Dacian race in those remote regions.

Germany was called by that name by the Romans, they call their own country Deutschland. There was a second more recent migration of Dacians to Germany during and after the Roman conquest of Dacia when 500000 prisoners were taken and 200 tons of gold looted. Trajan decreed 123 days of celebrations in Rome and wiped all tax debts.

200 more tons of gold per year were taken out of Dacian mines for 170 more years. Romans did not produce anything anymore, they were importing everything especially silk and spices from China. Which attracted the goths which finally drove them out of Dacia, though the easy surface gold reserves were exhausted by that time. Though there's much more left underground in Romania and that is the whole catch.

2:50 Added a new word in my list. Geană.

4:30 I was very tired and fell asleep @midnight however at 2 (or something, i was very sleepy) Angela started to hit the wall and awoke me. She had earlplugs but still was awoken by them and she was very mad. Soon after, in retaliation, they dropped a heavy object on the floor. Also they were on me all this morning.

They usually shift paradigm on the fly when i point at them and everybody starts looking So today she left somewhere, a couple of hours ago, giving me a break.

I again wanted to go to the office with Angela but she said she was too tired and because of that looking like hell and also unable to talk much. I am pretty sure the are doing it on purpose, following the people's will and perception of the day and these days and years perception is not good because of this.

Apparently there is some theft of biological material involved. Most likely when they remodeled the downstairs bathroom, around 2006. No wonder, the owner of the management firm whom i met at the UFO Church across the street, John Winquist, was looking like him.

When i was living in Beaverton there was this Spanish looking guy whom i was seeing when i was going on Sundays to Best Teriyaki, sometimes parking next to me with a van full of kids but also comming at the complex to visit someone, leaving that van usually in front of the office for hours, very close to our apartment.

I think he was working in a BP gas station in Beaverton where i was fueling frequently where they had a shop with an Eritrean mechanic where i went once to do an oil pressure check and he came at me and offer me sex for sale which i declined (How many times a week do you f... he asked me).

4:53 Out of the 10 kids who did a yelling marathon last night now there are in the back two and they sit on the cable box. There is an open mole hole outside but can't go to shut it.

6:25 Somebody came upstairs, heavier but more careful. Sound seem a bit muffled. Right now i sense cigarette smoke but it could be from outside, i saw some new filters near the alley.

6:28 Swinging is a type of flying right?

8:18 Wait a minute. Was searching for a blog post in my own blog and ran into his face and i think this is the guy who was the old man that moved from an RV in the apartment downstairs when that remodeling was done. I hope he's not dead.

9:53 LOL i thought i should have been given a prize for that...

Of course it's a trap. They are trying to prove nobody finances them... And that could be the truth... So we have to pay them to make their humungous lies more credible...
Which reminded me... Do you know how many searches it takes to write what i write? I really hope it serves some...

11:50 Run away...

Monday, September 18, 2023

Septembrie 18

7:06 De SRI auzim numai în contextul "scandalurilor și intrigilor" de show menite să demonstreze că dacă există lupte intestine, totul e real. La bugetul lor de aproape 5 miliarde (din care 1.6 salarii) sau un miliard de euro, nu sunt în stare să urmărească niște bieți traficanți de droguri care au împânzit România.

Apropo, oare ce fac cu restul banilor în afară de salarii, își cumpără echipamente?

1.6 miliarde, la un salariu mediu de 5000 de lei ar ajunge pentru... Chiar la un salariu mediu de 10000 lei pe lună, tot ar fi destul pentru peste 10000 angajați.

7:28 Collect, disseminate. Like most casinos, Chinook Winds has a number of cameras that is comparable with the number of slots and casinos, typically they have 2 slots per camera. I would say, one camera per 10 machines would be an overkill if for security purposes.

I don't know how many people are needed to look at those monitors but i would think one person per 20 cameras would be a hell of a job to do. 25 people per shift would double the personnel expanses and the need to get more money for the players. I never saw, in about 7 years since i go there a single security incident (except mines of course).

And one time when i dropped a 60 dollars ticket and the same short bald guy came to give it me (and made me fill a lot of paperwork). I once maybe 5 years ago i found an over one hundred dollars credit at a machine at Spirit Mountain and they came right over like they knew and told me that was theft and had to fill out paperwork. Angela once forgot a similar credit inside a machine and could not retrieve it.

However there are cards in the machines and cents forgotten in the machines almost everywhere i go. Last week at Spirit Mountain after i sat i pulled a card from the machine and threw it between machines like i sometimes do.

One Japanese looking woman (acting as such) came at the machine next to me, asked the guy next to me but not me, talked on the shoulder walkie talkie like cops to like pressing a button and bending  head and then ceremoniously pulled a 2 cents ticket out that machine and tore it to pieces while looking at me. All to dissemitenate.

They would say, the presence of the cameras prevent those. Whatever.

Obviously the cameras have a different reason and that is watching in real time the faces of the players, feeding the stream from hundreds or thousands of cameras in the AI which calculates the level of emotions and other parameters for each player and generate each hand in the machine, with the purpose of keeping you there the longest time, mostly by giving you something back when you are about to give up, etc..

Things got out of control because most of the people don't go there and don't care and probably say in their mind that the players deserve their fate. That is, most of the people gave up interest in lawlessness in their own country and they collectively don't care for the vulnerable.

Some would say, it's all for a food cause, it finances the tribes and stuff. I would dedicate some of my time in the next days to see if that is the case and i think this would be a good place to start. BTW i wish i could go to a "commercial casino" in Oregon but they only have "tribal casinos". Like the ones Trump lost. Like in Reno or Vegas. All the big casinos in Oregon are tribal on tribal territories with their own jurisdiction and law enforcement.

BTW every time i go to Indian Head i hear on their radio complaints about how they can't arrest white people, because tribes have jurisdiction only over their own. If that is the case, why they told me yesterday at Chinook Winds that if i don't leave their property, which included the parking lots i would get arrested?

But disseminate? This incredible declaration is a blow in the face though typical for what i personally encounter daily and shows the total disrespect for the people who go in there and total dis-concern for privacy and laws. Disseminate where? Leaked on the internet? Probably. And that is because there are no laws on their "territory", only security who does whatever it pleases whenever it pleases serving the political interest and purposes of their foreign investors.

I shall add here the screenshot just in case they think of changing it.

And the Blue Lake incident. There, i did not have to deal with security, i called Police but they asked me if i was on a private property and then the guy left with his van and i hanged up. But i pumped so much adrenaline within that minute, my kidneys were hurting.

And i didn't even get to talk about the biggest problem. Biggest problems is i see in those every time i go a number of Japanese people, some acting as such and some disguised in Mexicans and other latinos, fewer in Native Americans (mostly at Indian Head), either as players or staff.

8:50 I have been thinking for the last hour or so if to write the following or not because it might bring more confusion to the one i already created in may people's mind with the above. Mostly because they do not hear every day this stuff, especially from the official media.

So here it goes. All the people in the casino, starting from whites (fewer and fewer) and ending with very short Japanese old women disguised in Native Americans and playing.

They all move around like driven by an invisible hand and create the most awkward situations like the one with the ticket at Spirit Mountain, others, mostly involving me passing other people. They make me look on cameras like i' m a villain chasing either their open bags or unprotected necks. Nothing ever happens (except the encounter with their own coordinator, the movie director) but the mere seconds where they see the potential is enough for those possibly watching the stream on a dark web site.

They had all summer long at Indian head these huge fans with ice behind to supplement the IC, I haven't see those in other years before, never. My guess is they are supplementing the AC to spare electric power, and with that and more and more machines down they are diverting more power to the upgraded AI. The part of each that control the actors and extras that make for all the people present there when i go.

At 7 Feathers last time i went they simply shut a whole section of the casino and also started the backup generators, to make up for always increasing AI demands.

The actors and extras receive moving and more rarely talking instructions in ear prompters like they do in reality shows.

This is my perception and to me was confirmed hundreds of times, i have no doubts about it but i can't bring any proof other than my testimony.

9:06 Mole mounds popped back after last rain, and there is a couple right at the corner of the building. I keep plugging them and they pop back up in a few hours. But i always have to bring soil from somewhere else cause somehow it disappears under ground, leaving just the hole. Then some smell comes out of it which may be smoke or concentrated mold or whatever stuff from the mole galleries. I already plugged those 3 or 4 times today and it's useless and will just go back to sleep cause i only slept a few hours last night (2 to 6).

9:40 Iar m-am pierdut în versiuni și am pierdut o însemnare destul de lungă.

Playback este un termen din limba engleză folosit în România iar în dicționar se scrie play-back. În SUA se spune lip sync.

Problema era cu versurile. Nu înțelegeam versurile și din cauză că persoanele care cântau nu erau vorbitori nativi de engleză și mai ales nu știam cum să le dansăm. Dar dacă aș fi știut ce știu azi, probabil nu aș fi dansat pe această piesă de Boney M.

Eu am avut mari surprize când, prin 2012 am început să înțeleg masiv cuvintele din melodii, și asta numai după ce am început să scriu în engleză. Multe din versuri sunt de natură religioasă, filosofică și nu sunt intenționate pentru dans cred.

Melodia Funky Town a fost cântată de altcineva. Funk este un jazz syncopat, repetitiv, direct precursor al disco însă melodia de mai jos este 100% și emblematică pentru era disco. Lipps Inc. este un joc de cuvinte (lyp sync) abuziv, de natură sexuală.  

12:40 L-am văzut miercuri seara și ieri seara (8 ora locală 17 septembrie, 6 dimineața ora României 18 Septembrie) jucând poker la o mașină aproape de unde jucam eu). Mi s-a părut curioasă fața lui în contextul unde eram eu, faza cu japoneza care a rupt tichetul de 2 cenți care era în mașina dintre noi. M-a deranjat suficient de mult ca să fac o poză la mașina aia după.
Nu putea să fie în România la ora la care a fost arestat. Sau poate l-au adus după, într-un avion special poate militar care poate ajunge aici în câteva ore, cu realimentare. Sau poate au alte mijloace de transport gen hyperloop-ului lui Musk. Sau poate arestarea a fost fake ca la toți ceilalți iar el a fost aici cel puțin de miercuri. Teleportarea solomonarilor? Genică?

1:42 Over the years i saw in my vicinity people that were officially in jail in Romania but i don't believe i wrote much about beause of risk of become not credible for the other stuff i write. Elena Udrea is one i can remember, i once saw her at the beach.

I remember one thing, i don't remember if i wrote about, At Chinook Winds they once tore the floor apart in the middle of the casino were table games are now and poured some liquid adhesive that was puting out VOC, while people were in there, not at a very late or early hour, on a rather wide surface (about 1/4 od the whole floor) . Can they do that? Or before the ban, or maybe the same day a couple of women rubbing the machines with something that was emanating a very strong smell. I tried to move out of their way, they kept coming in the same driection. Could it be that stuff drove me nuts?

BTW i read on some forums about bannings and stuff, what i did to that Japanese guy and that was after his karate move was i told him he might pick his glasses from the floor. Though faster than me, he was much thinner and less muscular and about the same age. But i didn't do one single gesture towards him and left. For that most casinos would just have kicked me for the night. But they didn't do nothing until i got in the parking lot where they were few people. But in that day i refused to identified. One month later and several times being there, they told me about the ban again in a corner with very few people. Yesterday they again waited for me to clear the areas with people and cameras.

2:27 Or this guy. Why was this guy there dressed as a security officer, for months if not years? I even talked to him once not knowing who he was, complaining about the smoke on the beach. Ok i got it another genie and he left after i recognized him. Got it. Cosplaying.

Or him. I saw him one day before or after his "accident" and arrest in the parking lot at Home Depot. Yes i was mad that day, he was staring at me and i yelled at him.
4:54 I thought i had at least ten more 500 mg tablets amoxicilin and they were just gone. So i asked my doctor and in the same time i went to Beaverton and back and passed three big towers two times each and now i really do feel it on my whole body but mostly the infected areas. No it wasn't the AC, it started before i turned that one on.

I think it's all personalized. Last night at the Grocery Outlet in Lincoln City. This time i had the meter and Angela went inside and thought i would say there and wait for her but as soon as she left the meter was showing me levels in the 20s so i went inside after her.

When i got home i found the prescription.

On my way back i remembered something, i once out of many times had free lodging on a Sunday night at Chinook and was watching TV and saw a younger guy featuring a credible picture with an oval shaped but fluffy like a cloud thinking fitting the description here and searched for it but could not find it though i found something better.

Angela went to sleep (they upstairs didn't let her sleep last night) and the well trained remote controlled Japanese child actors are making a big commotion in the back. Big one this time. To me is continuation from this morning. 24/7. Relentless.

6:28 What a pig. Oink oink. I hate tainted windows too but... He was a real black Latino by the way. Not the ninja i see around. Earlier this year a cop pulled me in Newberg for a missing sticker. Now i think he could have pulled it himself. Or stolen by my neighbor. He kept telling me that i turned into the far lane which i didn't. He let me go with a warning.

Almost two hours after passing by those towers i feel pain almost like i was pepper sprayed.

9:05 Ok. In the video with the UFO there's an actual weather balloon deflated and falling. They were not weather balloons during the time of the story in the link and it seems the peasants knew or heave heard about it.

Another idea. Could it had been a flying dinosaur, or a giant bird, now extinct (in the area)? Something that could actually catch a human?

10:38 Doar un mic exemplu în care apare cuvântul Ottawa, și ceva cu India, precum și cuvântul cheie sikh, subliminal pentru sick. Apropo mi-am amintit de o fază. Bucovina, București.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

June 20

12:30 Last night i decided to take Angela's advice and watch another movie or two on Netflix. Was browsing the titles, with Expanse in mind, when i saw a title, something about UFOs and clicked on it just to see what it was. It's a new documentary about professional UFO hunters, (non)disclosures, interviews with abductees and implantees, things i heard (On Coast to Coast) but haven't seen before.

Guys like the owner of a big aerospace company that believe in UFOs and spent large amounts of money on the subject. The hypothesis of crashes and reverse engineering (where do we got all the chip technology from).

But there was one thing that caught my eye (better said ear) during the interviews. Someone said that CIA was created because of the Russ, well, incident. Can't find anything right now with searches to confirm. However the chronology seems right. CIA was created in September, 3 months after Roswell which occurred in July 1947. But there's more. CIA seal.

12:54 My internet is taking a break right now.

12:56 Back online. Edelweiss. Reno Arch. Nevada, Area 51.

Sia. Reno flooded with meth. I am awake.


Sciantology Cross.

4:02 The fridge was empty, i only had one bag with frozen battered fish and some potatoes. Perfect, i said to myself. Fish and chips. I took the deep frier in the balcony, i poured half pound of oil i keep in a jar for frying fish in the pan. When i went to fry the chips the German Shepard which looks like a retired Police dog that supervises the area between buildings from the height of the upstairs balcony was barking all the time. Fried two loads of chips and came inside for the fis.

When i started to eat, kids came and started to yell at the balcony of the one level building. Was about done but sill eating, i went outside to bring first the chair i was sitting and the one dressed in bright red jacket ran. One minute later i went to pick the frier, the other one ran too.

Friday, June 16, 2023

June 16

3:06 Nighttime paving on Hwy 18 at 99 Jct after McMinville. UFO gay city USA. But let's not forget. I was hesitating to write anything about for several reasons. It will dilute what i wrote recently. I don't know exactly why and what really happened. Spent most day trying to figure who Remy Drabkin really is but i failed. However i figured Drabkin is a Russian name but also reminds of course of Dracula.

5:22 Slept only 4 hours last night. Tried all afternoon to sleep but i can't. I know it usually happens when people throw things on the red mulch. Some kind of invisible pungent mold grows under. I saw last night when i came or yesterday when i left a car's wheel next to the stairs wheel wall. I initially wanted to take it next to the garbage bin but first i tried to look to see if it belongs to any car in the lot. I saw it belonged to the car next to it and when i looked the other side, i saw a spare, now flat and another flat one.

I remember i saw and heard him about 2 weeks ago talking literally over my head with a supposed work colleague  from the other building in the same direction where i was saying "When are we get payed?".

Then i went to take the garbage thinking that could have been the problem however the problem lays in the bin. The bin stinks really badly and there's no wind. Somebody threw some pieces of what it looked like coming from a couch.

However they messed with my car yesterday. I drove for 1200 miles and the voltage did not change at the digital voltmeter from the 12 volts adapter.

Here i have to repeat what i wrote before. Most people including myself until recently think they might have "smart charging systems" on the newer vehicle. Which means if they stick a digital voltmeter in the plug which is connected actually to the wires that lead to the battery or measure the voltage at the battery (on the wires) it should be anywhere between 12.7 "when the alternator is not charging" and 15 volts when it does. Or at least me i get these readings, on both Elantras i owned or own.

But if i go ahead and fiddle with the connectors (clean with alcohol, tight them to the specs) the situation changes. The voltage stays constant or better said it varies only with outside temperature. At 75 degrees outside the voltage is 14.4. At 60 is 14.5. At 50 is 14.6. Above 85 is 14.3. I believe the variations are due to change in temperature but hard to say of which component. Could be battery. Could be alternator or even the cable.

The reason for the alternator (not so smart) intermittent charging process are the badly designed contacts (not enough contact pressure, contaminants). When the voltage difference between the wires and the terminal gets high enough the contact resistance is broken and the battery starts charging, When it's not charging, the pulsating 15 volts from the alternator goes to all the systems in the car and especially the fuel pump is malfunctioning (pulsating pressure i guess) but also the EPS (Electric Power Steering system). When there are good contacts, the pulses get smoothened by the battery that acts as a capacitor.

So i had the above temperature dependent readings for the whole 1200 miles trip. But after i got home, or better said the next day, i started to get anything between 12 and 15. So while driving towards what i thought was going to be the Ocean, i stopped three times. The voltage got back to normal only after i wiped with alcohol wipes all connecting metal surfaces and the plastic parts around the alternator connector. It was like it was contaminated with something invisible that was trickling back from plastic parts to metal joining parts as soon as i was wiping only those.

After first night on the road at Comfort Inn in Yreka, or Tuesday night, i woke early (freeway noise) and went to check the manifold bolt. (I got a bolt on the manifold which sticks outside the heat shield that likes to get loose). So i torqued it by ear with a 6 inch ratchet at about 20. Then i went back in the room. At nine when i left i had a hunch and dried it one more time and it was loose again. One our later we went to check the small casino (i believe Red Rock) and drove a couple of miles there and when we left i tried again and the bolt was loose again but i believe i torqued it less cause i don't know what happened.

We went to another one (yes we tried to tour the casinos along the way), called... Rolling Hills and checked it again and it was a bit loose because i did not tightened it enough at Rain Rock. Then it stayed like that for the rest of the trip. I guess cause i was just following some scratches i done with a file on the nut. However, i realized later the rotation of that scratch was too small to be seen with the naked eye.

Last night in the parking lot at Spirit Mountain i finally took the small torque wrench (got two, one big and one small, it's another story) and torqued the nut at 20+ but less than 25. When i got home last night i finally read in the service manual. The torque there should be between 25 and 30 lbft but i'm afraid to go there with the 8 mm studs, sorry. So i left it just under 25.

Unlike any other time, there was a security van moving around, and i was getting very nervous because they once told me not to work on car in the parking lot, in similar circumstances, that is like tightening a nut or something. Just when i was about done she came and in the dark thought i recognized her from somewhere. Could be the last match. She asked if i needed help.

Soon after that i got what people call an anxiety attack. Since i've been so many times through those (not in recent years) i now have an idea what they really are. It starts with breathing on the nose that is partly congested and in the same time your heart being stimulated, mostly with substances like coffee, alcohol, T gondii, etc. It may take hours to fully develop. You breathe harder through the congested nose without realizing.

Yesterday was topped by driving through fresh asphalt smell, others. Though i used a decongestant in the morning.

There is a partial vacuum in the chest because of obstructed nose and your diaphragm muscle is raised. Retained intestinal gas pushes it upwards from the other side. Heart doesn't have enough room to get filled by the low pressure of venous blood. The lack of oxygen also gives you a high and you don't realize what's happening. It's the perfect storm.

Your heart does not get enough oxygen but works harder because lungs do not get filled enough. In the end it's the lack of enough oxygen in the heart muscle that triggers the sensation. Or the fact the heart does not get filled enough. Nothing related to a mental condition except the highs before that could have been signs and avoided.

Yes it was done on purpose. Because i dared to post this. And this. They might pretend they are magically gassing you but they are not really.

However the result is very similar. After you finally realize what's happening and finally open your mouth, you need to hyperventilate sometimes for hours for your heart to get really oxygenated to the point you are not aware or do not have shortness of breath anymore.  Which is the sensation of not having enough air that may last for hours.

If it's torture. They only provide the extra conditions. Most people would be okay if they get through a cloud of asphalt smell. However if you are in a certain high condition and already breathing harder on your nose, it will push you beyond limit. I think they call it "breaking". However i the end it's not real but simulated (except for my symptoms which are real). The ninja try to simulate what right extremists would do, to entrain more of those.

Rage can create that condition. Your nose mucous gets inflamed and swollen. Breathing harder gets you a high and an unprecedented alertness. Your body goes on adrenaline mode with less oxygen to the muscles which go in anaerobic metabolism for faster response but it should not last long (until your rage passes) and you start breathing normally. It is an emergency physiological mechanism that need to stop in time and should not be abused. If they knew. Yes they did, they created the problems with the car and made me fix it on the side of the road with much traffic and then the unscheduled, unannounced paving.

Black asphalt is another symbolism. I know i wrote about this several times before but it takes me less time to write it again than search, evaluate and link to. I will try to write a named post about buck breaking.

Soon after i got stopped behind other vehicles in a line on top of the fresh asphalt and waiting there not knowing what happened, for half hour. No car was going in neither direction. I remember when we got back i saw a panel saying "paving work". And then a "pilot vehicle" guided the few cars. But not when i went when i saw people turning around and taking voluntary detours. I remember how many times they were detours on 18 always in that area but it was always signaled or announced.

This time i tried to figure using the gps map and got back to McMinville, took a left and another one and driving parallel with 18 where i saw cars were finally moving got back in the street on the point where there was a flagger that stopped us. A Japanese guy trying to look Latino looking at us with disgust.

We waited for 10 minutes for all the cars in the line we've been into and more to pass and then we went after those. I don't know exactly how may miles they paved and when they started. Still trying to figure that out but could not find anything with google.

8:03 The car alternator terminal was contaminated again. At the liquor store one very old man looking terminally ill went in the store and came back and insisted if i wanted some help with the car while i was trying to deal with the connectors. I tightened the alternator connector but it again needs alcohol. But i won't fix until i leave cause until tomorrow it will get loose again. I think i will carry from now on a small bottle with alcohol in the car.

9:06 Lăsați vrăjeala cu chatboții. M-am urcat în mașină și am mers până la liquor store (în statele vecine tăria se vinde la supermarket, asta e numai în Oregon). Când am oprit la semafor la prima intersecție (cu exit-ul de pe I5) a apărut un TIR (semi) cu reclamă la cartofi prăjți (potato chips) văluriți (wavy), culoarea exact ca în link, mare cât toată remorca și mi-a defilat prin față, sub camerele video de pe stâlpi. Asta pentru că am scris despre curentul pulsatoriu nefiltrat care iese din alternator din cauza contactelor slabe de la baterie și afectează pompa de benzină deci consumul.

O problemă cronică chiar și la mașini noi fiindcă acel contact de la alternator se contaminează cu vapori de ulei cu praf foarte fin, invizibil de la mașinile din față.

Budiștii din Japonia și dominicanii (domonkos) din Ungaria (controlați tot de budiști) care s-au unit și vor să încălzească planeta din motive religioase nu au nici un interes în a reduce consumul de carburanți, dimpotrivă. Ei folosesc deci această metodă de combatere prin suprapunerea informațiilor.

Apropo de dominicani, după ce m-am plâns că Reno a fost inundat cu metamfetamină, când m-am dat jos din mașină la liquor store mirosea la fel ca în parcare când am plecat de acasă, adică kk de câine care a stat vreo zi două la soare. Deci toată zona e la fel. Nașpa că mă ține treaz, nu pot dormi, am intrat într-o fază din alea de insomnie care m-au condus în trecut la spitalul de nebuni.

Încă zece sau o sută de faze la fel până la liquor store și înapoi pe care nici nu am timp să le memorez din moment ce totuși trebuie să fiu atent fiindcă eu conduc pe bune în timp ce alte mașini sunt conduse de IA. Culmea, ei pretind invers ca să justifice faptul că nu m avut niciodată accident din vina mea în 28 de ani, în afară de 2 în parcare când am atins stâlpi, unul când am dat înapoi și o tipă care venea cu viteză (și lucra în asigurări) mi-a luat spatele. Cel puțin în Oregon, tot ce mișcă, persoane, mașini sunt coordonate de inteligența artificială, de zeci de ani, dar totul devine din ce în ce mai sofisticat.

Bineînțeles asta înseamnă înlocuirea tuturor locuitorilor cu actorii și figuranții (extra) lor. Sute de mii în total (informație luată de la cineva din România).

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

March 13

12:56 Am citit acu 2 zile parcă. Ăștia iar au demontat mitul celor 10000 pași pe zi. Nu prea reușesc să înțeleg mecanismul mitului. Exploatarea auto-flatării și a nostalgiei? (Citești, te satisfaci și îți trece adică). Știe cineva ce înseamnă 10000 pași? Hai să n-o lungesc. 8 km.

Nu știu cât aleargă un atlet care se antrenează în fiecare zi. Astăzi m-am aplecat să iau ceva de jos și mi-am atins fără să vreau pulpele la picioare. Beton. Tonifiere. (Unde ești tu Bruce Lee). Asta fiindcă săptămâna care a trecut am mers intenționat pe jos de 3 ori câte 4.8 km sau 3 mile sau 6000 pași după o pauză destul de lungă din cauza vremii, deși spre seară cădeam lat de obosit. O oră îmi ia.

Dvs. vă dați seama ce s-ar întâmpla dacă de mâine toți bucureștenii pensionari s-ar da jos din blocuri și ar începe să umble câte 4.8 km? Ar trebui deoarece ei au această datorie patriotică să se păstreze fiindcă sunt memoria României și a lumii. E adevărat. Persoanele pe măsură ce înaintează în vârstă au experiență mai multă și trebuie să muncească mai puțin fiindcă își folosesc această experiență, relațiile acumulate iar în final chiar ies la pensie.

Oare nu se pot corela toate astea cu degradarea sănătății? După mintea mea și am mai spus-o, bătrânețea are două trăsături foarte întâlnite. Pierderea formei fizice și depresia. Degetele și picioarele umflate, de la deshidratare cronică (cafea, carbogazoase, alcool). Iar odată cu apariția unei boli "de bătrânețe" oamenii renunță. Intră pe medicamente și se gândesc doar la următoarea vizită cu medicul.

Iată o informație care nu va fi niciodată mit și pe care am confirmat-o mereu de-a lungul multor ani. Organismul nostru are nevoie de efort fizic pentru a exista (la un nivel pe care trebuie să-l simți, ca febră musculară, oboseală), în aceeași măsură în care are nevoie de mâncare sau de somn. Dacă una din cele 3 cerințe lipsește, sau nu e suficientă, se duce de râpă.

Din păcate nu suntem gândiți (designed) să trăim într-un birou sau apartament, ca șoarecii în cușcă. Acum 10000 de ani încă alergam pe câmp și trăgeam de crengile copacilor și omoram mamuții cu sulița de lemn cu vârf de piatră. Nu aveam probleme de genul ăsta mai ales fiindcă nu trăiam așa de mult pe atunci fiindcă pe atunci nu prea contau relațiile, nu se putea negocia cu alpha male și ne mai împungea mamutul cu colțul lui de fildeș.

Eram în jur de 48, cu vreo 20 kg mai mult ca acum (oricum peste 100) și am avut o perioadă când nu am ieșit din casă luni de zile, poate un an sau mai mult. Într-o iarnă care arăta ca în poza asta sau chiar din poza asta, (a nins, cum odată pe an se întâmplă în Oregon), Angela nu putea merge cu mașina, mi-am pus lanțuri la camionetă ca să merg să-mi iau țigări (mai și fumam pe atunci).

Am pus lanțurile greșit, mi s-a rupt un lanț, mi s-a blocat o roată, așa că a trebuit să merg pe jos, prin zăpadă, aproximativ 5 minute sau un km până la 7/11 (magazinul de cartier cum se numesc în România). Am mers eu jumătate de km când am constatat că nu mai pot să merg și mai ales nu înțelegeam de ce gâfâi. Era o perioadă când uitasem de tot și de toate fiindcă eram pe antidepresante.

Eu care în tinerețe mergeam din Câmpulung pe Rarău și înapoi (30 km cu 1000 de m diferență de nivel) într-o zi. (Da, Centrul Islamic se mutase lângă noi în 2007 cred pe locul unde era mai înainte Silver Dollar Pizza, două clicuri mai sus pe Hall Blvd.).

Puțin mai  jos era biserica nazarineană (Beaverton Nazarene Church), cea în formă de OZN (UFO) unde am mers aproape 2 ani și unde l-am cunoscut pe părintele Dennis Swift (cântărețul Meatloaf).

Când s-a topit zăpada am început să merg prin parcuri.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

January 15

3:13 Woke at 1:30 AM after a couple of hours of sleep because of the stink. I went and put some chlorine bleach in a bowl in the closet, started the UV lamp and closed the "door" which is permeable. I also have a blanket on top of the door space. I opened both doors (patio and main) to let the wind blow a little. It did but it stopped so i closed the doors. Around 2 i heard again the wind blowing outside, opened again both doors only to see a woman ninja passing by. Now i hear a noisy SUVs in the lot.

Saw about UFO reports all over in the news. In or around September 2015 shortly after i moved in here and after i posted the first time about the "antigravitational" or relativist drive, i was with Angela in the park. We were about to leave when i saw coming from the top of hospital and Mobile Pl on this map and veering right on top of Nyberg, following the street and furthering towards east a number of floating objects, in the shape of diamonds, about 10 meters tall, at about 200 ft altitude.

They were going one after another with one minute distance between them as if they were held by a wire, like cable cars but there was no cable, at a speed of about 20 mph. They seemed more like romboidal frames than solid objects, with lights on the sides, like some decorations on trucks on the freeway or... Christmas trees?

Absolutely silent. Also pretty far, at least a quarter of a mile. I tried to take pictures with my old 10 MP Alpha 300 Sony DSLR camera with 70 mm equivalent max focal length but they were too far away and they only came as pixels. I think i posted about somewhere including a picture but can't find anything. I had an impulse to run at the car in the lot and drive closer to take pictures but something was paralyzing me.

I think i was afraid. More like of being ridiculed by some sort of prank designed with that purpose. It was all too obvious and easy not to hide a trap or something. No cars on the street which seemed odd for the beginning of the evening or around sunset time. Also at the time i was high all the time from smoke from the ground i was ignoring. (Years after i probably reached my limit and the smoke was not enough to feel good anymore but just dizzy and realized it and started to fight it).

Most likely explanation? Drones of some sort, the frame type, though kinda big, hanging vertically rather than horizontally. Nothing out of this world.

5:15 Can't sleep (slept 10 days yesterday). Ate something, had a few drinks (it's still night, i never drink in the morning! LOL) Kept thinking. Why was he trying to sell me a carpet cleaner. The guy with the small SUV parked yesterday in our spot. And figured it out. I posted first an image with a small stain on the carpet. Then i replaced it with one where i put the laptop over it.

These guys resilience and professionalism is infinite. Their endeavour is 2500 years old or older. They will speculate every tiny possibility. They came on the suspicion there was a stain on the carpet, to amplify it. Something i didn't clean. The other ninja came out of the building "to defend me" then the guy left. It was all a show.

Everybody saw. In the two pictures posted already there is one of the legs of my tripod stand from which two plants are hanging (used to be three). The stain is from overwatering the plants and can be easily cleaned though i didn't have the time. Some of the leaves have been burnt by UV when i put it in the room and forgot about the plants for about 5 minutes.

Why are the blinds open. Because i was airing when i took the picture. It stinks so bad i can't sleep. As i said they are really pro. They only place themselves in public sight on the defense or as good guys. He came "on a suspicion". Feel realy sorry right now i didn't beat the crap out of him, i hope someone will. And the guy honking who made me walk outside. And  the ninja who pretend are my friends. Still think like a child i guess or i am still drunk.

5:41 The plane crash in Nepal. I was posting lately about Nepal, Magars and Buddha. I wrote about plane crashes and also watched lots of videos. Yesterday i put a video with images from a drone in Câmpulung, a town surrounded by mountains. Was that after the crash? Can they predict future? Maybe not but i bet their AI can predict my next moves.

6:08 Cei puțin ei vă arată întotdeauna aspectul luminos din orice mizerie. Un sport de lux. Iadul aparține însă urmașilor noștri. Dar cui îi pasă.

Ajutați-ne cu puțină decență, autostrăzi, oportunități și job-uri, cu lipsa imaginii inestetice a lui Ciucă și aerian elegant suspendată a lui Iohannis. Cu lipsa voastră în general.

8:42 Smoke filled the place. Had no chance but go outside. Kids on scooters playing and yelling in January rain at Sunday 8 AM, at times crossing in the alley where sometimes cars pass one after another. One SUV came in the middle of the alley and stopped defensively between me and them and two "Mexican guys" started to talk annoyingly loud to each other, throwing glances at me while i was stepping on bulged areas. Smelled some dog s... and picked two dog piles, one with diarrhea, other objects thrown on the ground. When i went to throw them, another SUV came between me and the kids.

9:00 Repetitio mater studiorum. Cred că am mai zis faza cu Wan Ron Rolling dar nu contează, lumea cred că a uitat-o. Eram în Lake Oswego la apartamentul 10 iar la apartamentul 9 în ultimul timp venea tipa aia de a făcut-o pe Kelly Clarkson (postare veche). Pentru că am zis înainte de a mă muta acolo de mai multe ori că îmi plăcea vocea ei.

În realitate deși arătă ok, nu e la înălțimea vocii nici pe departe (acum s-a îngrășat foarte mult). Oricum am stat deoparte. În orice caz.

Dau într-o zi peste un video în care apărea o tipă care semăna cu ea. Nu era ea normal fiindcă era "chinezoaică" dar vroiau pe atunci încă să mă convingă că două persoane de fapt pot semăna între ele. Da normal pot fiindcă ungurii sunt și ei asiatici.

În treacăt fie spus. Pe atunci eram pe chat cu cineva și am pus link la video. În următorul minut a picat bursa 5%. Video-ul chinezesc de fapt sumariza și înfiera cam tot ce mi se întâmpla (Eu eram normal tipul cu coarne și găină în brațe).

Ok a venit vremea să mă mut și am nimerit aici la Rolling Hills. Wang Ron Rollin, Rolling Hills. Era o tipă la recepție foarte sexy. Câțiva ani după încă mă întâlneam cu ea pe alee la ora când mergea la birou, în pauze. Stătea vizavi. Care până la urmă s-a dovedit a fi ea. Dar avea și un soț care părea culturist.

De câte ori ne întâlneam se uita galeș la mine. M-am gândit s-o invit înăuntru, dar mi-era rușine fiindcă puțea prea mult a fum și alte chestii iar apartamentul era într-adevăr foarte "crummy".  Ce îmi pare rău acum e că ea a vrut să-mi schimbe boilerul dar eu am ezitat. Mi-am amintit toată faza când, căutându-l pe Fumio, am dat de o poză care sintetizează poziția femeii în Japonia.

Absolut obiecte docile de folosință. Am înțeles că ei le numesc pe colegele de birou "tea ladies". Adică tot ce fac este să servească ceai. Multe rămân nemăritate și pe alea le numesc "Christmas cakes". Adică torturi rămase în vitrine de la Crăciun. Așa se prezenta și ea pe alle când ne întâlneam.

They only blow in the most visible areas. They were leaves everywhere. A month ago i pulled two sacks from under bedroom's window. Today two more sacks next to cars. There are more but i can't cause they sent a whole bands of Japanese kids at the door to defend the rot. At that patio some sort of forgotten black cover fell over the rotting leaves. They been flushing toilets every time i went to bathroom for a week now. I developed some sort of retention and i'm full of gas and had palpitations when bending to put by hand the leaves in the sacks.     Pulled four more sacks (a total of maybe ten) from the end of the yard under first 3 bushes from left on top of that cable box, barely made a dent. Youngsters came to work at 3 different cars on the right next to the other bin where i was throwing them. Threw last one at our bin, a curly guy looking native Australian came from behind me on an electric scooter when i was returning, nearly hit me. Deja vu, he done that before several months ago. Have to finish the leaves cause they promote the stinking inside.

They do this every fall, intentionally leave leaves in the yard, but in different places and now on sides on top of mulch areas where are harder to see perceive.

Monday, May 9, 2022

May 8th

12:36 I'm wasted. Been all day. I would cover one hole, another one would pop up. I just went outside and stepped on two that are very close to the "wall" but did not put borax in those. I also believe i put borax in one of those earlier anyways. There is an SUV idling by the mailboxes. We ran late afternoon at Ilani.

Cannot describe what i saw in there. They did everything they could tonight. Saw at least one person from the news, in the parking lot.

Could have been more inside, but i got drunk in the car before i went in there. Angela lost some of her yesterday's gain.

But on our way back home. I was on the left lane just before the bridge after i passed one truck that was in the middle lane then i tried to move myself in the middle lane in front of it because it's safer on the three lane bridge with one ft shoulder.

I saw a faint shadow in the right mirror and i hesitated and that was my luck. There was this crazy hiding behind me, could have been a white Toyota Solara possibly with no headlights on that went in front of the truck where i wanted to go passing me on the right. Then he went zigzagging among other cars and took the first exit.

Going down just before 84 exit. A Radio Cab and one car in front that both took the exit slowed down, the driver having the foot on the brakes on the slope anyways and taillights didn't show a difference. Had to slow from 65 to 45 downhill on the wet asphalt. Could have changed lanes, if i couldn't slow. More just before Terwilliger curves, some guy passed me on the right touching the line, etc..

Yesterday going to Spirit Mt.. There was this huge tan SUV in front of me. Before McMinville (yes, the UFO city) a guy coming from 223 merged on 99 and then went straight into my lane coming from the opposite direction. It wasn't that he missed last part of the curve. He cleared the curve and then veered into my lane. The huge SUV veered right, but still in the lane and avoided it and i did the same and i still had room in the lane and then ample shoulder to maneuver but he went back into his lane. But now that i think. He could not have fallen asleep in that point after merging if he made that curve. Not right away after a rather complicated maneuver. 

Sunday, May 1, 2022

May 1st

2:23 I think someone got tired of the classical square grid like city planning in Portland. X is from Xenu?

BTW McMinville UFO jubilee is only two weeks away from now! Though the real reason i started to search on google maps is this. Every time i pass this graffiti or around it, something happens. Yesterday there was this classic car, a Packard i guess on the lane right to where i was and a pistachio Toyota Prius came from left behind it and while i was still staring at the old car, the Prius moved towards me like the driver didn't see me, i touched the brakes, he moved the wheel back right and didn't touch my lane. Is that image saying Luser or Luger?

Sunday, January 23, 2022

January 23

10:22 I knew it was going to be bad luck when Angela won 1000 dollars last night. After she just pulled 90 dollars from a card, she played by mistake one hand at 25 dollars and that hand brought her the whole amount. That made it for the last 2 or 3 times, not last 20-30, cause we didn't leave with a positive balance in long time. Also because i took the money in my pocket, leaving her with 100 bucks which she lost. Me too i won 50 bucks catching 4 deuces at poker which didn't happened in years where i lost continuously (except for Indian Head where i was holding even). However, Angela lost last week at the 401k because of market crash more than she lost in a whole year at casinos. The number of guys and girls who bend backwards right when i was looking. The never seen at this level nervous frenzy with many people rubbing with us, trying to create scenes, making me look like the super bad guy. Here, so obvious intentionally "casually" blocking the main alley at Spirit Mt, forcing me to go between machines (and behind a number of people) while they were raising drinks, to make me salivate in my subconscious. I wouldn't dare but since i had the courage and this is the type of scene it repeats so oftenly, here it goes. Here's a link for full quality of this video. Have to use a different player than the one on google drive though.

The woman vacuuming next to my table at the food court were i went to eat some fries i was craving, with me and the two cops from Tribal Police in line, at Spiritus Mountus "Food court". I remembered when i choked (dysphagia) that year after i saw "chew back ah" at the UFO festival, when a guy, again was sweeping there as i ate rice and teriyaki dried all day in those hot trays and i drove like that all the way home (with a break at the hospital parking in McMinnville), where it took some baking soda and  then vomited.

The guy and gal from the truck next to me at Chinook Winds. While Angela was playing, i went back in the car for another drink. I ate all the remaining potato salad not caring about the diabetes. And there they came. First simulating hitting me when arriving, than veering off and parking rear first. After 15 minutes of idling with their modified exhaust diesel, i was drunk enough to go and confront them.
Inside, a little boy with a little girl who came onto me, aggressive. I told them about the law (i read somewhere) that says in Oregon you can't idle for more than 15 minutes at a time in a parking lot on upper level (regardless of how big or small the sound is). He said it was only 12 minutes and they were from Utah. Then when i called security they finally stopped and went inside, wished me a good night while i gave them the finger. From enough distance, she was looking like 2 points on a scale from one to ten better than she should. Super model quality with here extra long legs in leather pants. Then, scared by my own courage of what i've done, i went to move the car, and while driving in the other parking lot the car in front of casino started beeping at me, because i went over 10 mph without seatbelt. I was curious to see what happens if i slow under 10, if it stop, so i hit the brakes, kinda hard, engine was cold, lots of vacuum, car almost stopped only to see an Asian guy jumping in front of my car from between two parked cars, whom i probably would have taken on my hood if i didn't brake, absolutely by chance.

Wondering all night if it was just some AI predicting my behaviour as it happens more and more (obvious to me only) as i believe they keep updating their hardwares and softwares and getting better by the day (probably simulating my whole thinking process). Just others to say. "It was the will of God himself!" (For me not to be arrested and "continue to do what i'm doing", that is deepeng in a bottomless pit of sin). Just a few examples out of many. In fact, it's continuous, from one scene blending into another. All professional actors moving around me.

Smoke at home. As soon we made it home, i guess around 5 AM, a sulfur smell, similar to the smell of landfill area we pass through on Hwy 18 close to McMinnville. (Why they had to make it so close to the town and 18, for anybody who go to Lincoln city to pass right through it?).

BTW, yesterday the gas needle went down unexpectedly 1/8 of the dial indicator and had to go to McMinnville, didn't have google maps setup for a gas station, i got to parade on the same street where the yearly UFO parade takes place (last time was there in 2018, link above), with a city looking so old, like antique, like from the old west and a girl with a bad exhaust smell of a red classic car behind me.

Finally made it to a 76 station, gas was 3.95, i took 10 dollars only, rest at Spirit Mt, when there was 20 cents cheaper, and a double cistern in the gas station, apparently doing nothing. A total of 12 gallons, which was a lot, even for that position of the needle. Half hour lost, we almost missed the sunset. We went at Grocery Outlet at Lincoln city to buy the now traditional Reser's potato salad and hard salami and some wine.

At Road's End in Lincoln City, a whole parade, like usually. Just more lively, more people, more determined in their ballet or pantomima. People with their dogs in front of us while we were trying to eat. But most interesting, a Japanese guy with a professional camera who climbed on the table's seat in front of us, trying to capture... the nothing, cause it was just a red sky and a blue sea, no clouds, no birds, nothing to take pictures of, doing energetically all kinda contortions and reverted bows until i almost choked with food.

On my way back i was very thirsty, drank lots of cold water from casino and the car, further irritating my stomach (the dust earlier at home and on the road on my way there). The cop on the street on the last miles of the street, staying there in the fog on an alley, real close to the left lane of the two way street. I was looking in the mirror for a mile of so to see if he doesn't take off (i was 10 miles under limit because of fog, and obviously not in the best of my shapes). It was then when i started to nervously breath with nose congested, not realizing. By the time i got home where the smell of sulfur was waiting, i was already breathing hard. It usually goes away when i go to sleep (or after to be more precise) but i abused myself beyond any limit after i realized who that girl might have been (saw her in a wrong picture on a side in the news, also in a video earlier yesterday). So i had to search for her, at the end of which i found myself with a heart rate of 100 which would not go down no matter what. I started pacing in the room, until i tried to do what i've done before. Forcibly empty my bowels so i let the gas escape. Take some baking soda to calm my irritating stomach. And then i remembered. I had too much coffee (one teaspoon worth of regular soluble, plus the soda in the casino). I remembered the conversation with a relative who said her mother had a heart attack last week and recovered. And my advice for them not to drink real caffeinated coffee. I finally laid down counting my heart beats watching the clock on the wall (oximeter doesn't work right, it shows about 10 bpm more beside being saturated at 99 (hyperventilating). At 72 i tried to relax and fell asleep.

Got awakened after about 4 hours. Was feeling ok, but i vaguely remembered a dream when someone was yelling. I went outside, again, sulfur smell, they gu on the upstairs balcony next to our apartment having a yelling party in Spanish with someone else while smoking. Got mad again, was sleepy, didn't realize i wasn't breathing right, it started again, but this time it was difficult to breath only, heart did not get involved. Not out of the woods after finishing here. No it's not "COVID". This repeated to me 1000 times during the last 26 years which in the past lead me to the ER maybe up to 100 times (don't go anymore, got used to they symptoms, they always go away (until now) and it's too expensive).

One thing. When we left Lincoln City last night, there was a road block next to the gas station at the intersection at Otis, just before 11. No other warnings or detour signs. They were two vehicles in front of me, they veered left and let the three feet wide white and red horizontal stripes barrier exposed in front of me that was not that visible. Almost hit it, then i followed those two guys, one of them took a right, and i followed, not knowing exactly knowing where i was going. Luckily there was signal and Angela pulled google maps and we found our way back to 18. Found something on a site, second result here, but the site does not open.

I remembered i had to cross a railroad just before i got back on 18 when somthing really strange happened, maybe i will tell it someday.

4:40 Every time when i get sick i find one of these, other items, on the red carpet put in a such way so it may leak or drip. A water bottle with some concoction that seem to contain tomato juice. Most times the bottle is half full, today it was less. For who can analyze it.
Or maybe hot sauce? I tried years ago with hot sauce in the mole holes. Didn't work very long. Got it. It must by hot sauce. It leaks, dries out and flies in the air, making the air hard to breath. But i think somebody got tires of dog poo as i did. However, the aerosolized hot sauce makes its way here too.

9:09 Tow days ago i ordered on Amazon next day delivery a kit with screws for LPN because i didn't have any. Though it was more expensive (7 bucks) but i hated to go at Homo Depot, loose one or two hours and try to figure what size and everything to get them for 4. Thinking of all the home boys coming next to me and doing all kinda clown performances around me while i was looking in those drawers.

They came, 4 in the front and 4 in rear.  Today i looked around. Nobody uses 4 screws through licence plate has 4 holes. No problem with using only 2 of them, especially in the rear. But in front at the previous car, because the plastic supporting plate on the bumper was standing out, the thin plates were bending during a car wash. So i was thinking about putting all four screws. Thing is, it's not possible.

Because the lower holes in the LPN are just at the edge of the plate behind (pictures tomorrow). In other words, licence plate is half inch bigger than the supporting plate behind. Then i was thinking. Oregon licence plate letters are bigger than California or Washington or any others. Also because there's only six characters, because of fewer cars. But they stand out. Easier to see from a distance and from a camera.

Thinking of my old car with JKB plate. Thinking of all similar plates i see when i look around. KGA and the sort. Angela just saw one with 666 at WinCo. Just saw on my new one that personalized or vanity or custom plates are not 3D, or stamped. How come they are around so many stamped or "sequence" numbers (basically all that i see everywhere i go) that seem chosen or personalized. Could it all have been deliberate? Oregon also having plates and letters bigger than any state? The Twin Peaks state, with the two volcanoes on background? Part of an ongoing propaganda of an unseen entity, meant to mentally enslave everybody?

Went outside and measured, plate is 1/4 or 1/8 of an inch bigger that 6 inches as it says on sites and/or what it seems standard in US. (I will come back with pictures, tomorrow). However, the letters are biggest of all states. Here are some examples of licence plates per state or the sequence ones, every state has up to maybe ten different background themes, second from left third from bottom.
10:37 Finally stopped hyperventilating, after almost 24 hours, most likely because i picked that bottle and other sugary food wrappers from the red carpet. Nobody wants to know how this was. Because of it, made numerous mistakes in what i wrote above, had to make corrections for an hour or so.

10:44 Sorry but...

11:32 My new phone camera at work (with the open camera app though).
11:36/9:36 Nu-mi iese din cap greva de la București. Sunt mai multe posibilități. 1.Toți angajații întrun sector pe care până mai ieri nu dădea nimeni doi bani și care acum se dovedește atât de strategic (took for granted) sunt de-ai lor. 2. Toți șoferii sunt supuși unor presiuni enorme (șantajați) sau/și manipulați psihologic, la greu.

Monday, February 17, 2020

McNeeley Real Estate

Name says a lot. For many years i used to believe it has something to do with kneels. Makes you kneel that is. I know one guy there. Mark Hessel. And there was another woman i spoke with in the agency, short, fat, looking Japanese.

In January 2010 we've been kicked from Sussex. There was a guy there Kaleb whom i knew only by seeing him and seeing his name on the mailbox.

At Sussex there was an episode that just came to mind. The 2002 Seattle earthquake. There was a handyman scheduled exactly at that time in the apartment. He went outside to pick something from his Volvo, i went to the door to see what he's doing. Then the earthquake started, a series of ample movement, i stood in the door frame when i heard somebody running on the roof. I looked at the handyman while he was staring the roof.

There was a broken pipe in the wall in there that got never fixed. Every time i was opening the water at the bathroom sink, a pipe was moving in the wall. Probably leaking in the wall and making mold.

While i was there at first i was not aware of the mineral insulation problem. After, or when when i realized the attic was full with loose mineral insulation, i taped the lid to the attic so it won't fall down at least through there.

There was this guy with a red Toyota Supra i guess who looked like a South American drug dealer who was showing from time to time, pretending living there. La Tuta i guess.

Christine McVie, Carole King acting like managers. John Winquist, owner of Regent, the management company i think is a now Hungarian top politician.

Across the street, BNC. A church that looks like an UFO.

And Tom Cruise, the mechanic.

That's all about Sussex, here and now.

So we've been looking for a place to move. Actually applied in two different places. One Saturday in February they called us from Sunflower Apts, i believe we were approved there too but for some reason i can't explain right now none of us wanted to answer the phone. Monday (hopefully i will come with the date, it think it was February 2010) i had appointment with Mark from McNeeley, i went at the apartment in Lake Oswego and signed the papers. As we climbed in the truck to go in Lake Oswego they called us again from Sunflower and told us we were approved but i already made my mind. I was moving to Lake Oswego. Rent was about similar but location, one of the best in Portland area. Not knowing it was actually on the top of an extinct volcano.

Don't know what was wrong with me in that day. I didn't feel the terrible stink in there. Maybe because window was open. Maybe i was hypnotized (to us, Mark appeared like he had severe strabismus (not seen in the picture above). All i saw was the view, the pool (which Mark told us wasn't "ours", the apartment was the only one rented in the building, the others were individually owned condos). The place was a dump. I will select some pictures. The pan of the fridge filled with some sort of glue that resulted from combination of asphalt and silica from roof shingles. Hardwood floor was stinking so bad from being contaminated with that stuff and food that i had to cover it with shelf liners.

The rusty, leaking toilet, discoloration of the vynil.

Everything was leaking under the kitchen sink

And the endless hole.

There are many other things to be said about that place before i start getting to the reason for this post. But before, a word about Apt.9 or next door. There were a couple of celebrities that were showing as Anna, the young single neighbor. One of them was Kelly Clarkson.

And the guy at Apt.2 (two levels down) who looked like Jinichi Kawakami posing for a young single guy who was never cleaning and smoking the stinkiest cigarettes (natural tobaco, not treated for burning faster like most brands). There i found out for the first time of the existence of ninja dojos in the US.

The woman who lived at nr.6 (right under) left after one week (came back at times). I forgot where she said she was moving. The apartment was vacated for a long time, more that a year. Then the short old man with the green van moved in. He lived there for about 6 months. On June 6 2011 i took this picture.
And this one on July 2nd the same year.

I think he left in September that year. That was after they poured asphalt on street. Because the day after he dragged me into a short conversation.

What was about him. As you can see from the first picture he was handling some high tech tools. Sometimes at night i head what i though him was chiseling, maybe the walls.

After him i remember Christina Minnis moving in there. Found the name on a site that gives you names of neighbors and googled and found this.

She was wanted in Texas for some minor offenses and she found shelter here. However, she was living in that dump with a guy (i forgot his name now), black, who was working for a British company, somewhere in Downtown Portland.

She found a job here in Portland at David Killer Bread. I remember the day when Dave Dahl, the owner, was arrested. A few days later they started the bathroom fan downstairs and was on until December 2014.

They had a dog probably she dog, probably sick cause it was actually crying every they after they left in the morning.

Story is much longer. To make it short, today i figured the purpose for that fan to be on for so long was to pump in the floor (or their ceiling) and into our apartment the same stuff they pump in here for more than a year now or since i heard upstairs the same chiseling sound, December 2019 and then i heard the dog making the same crying sound as the one down stairs more than 6 years ago. That is litter dust. When those neighbors moved in spring, i saw the woman carrying a small dog in a pouch at her chest, like a baby. Both dogs were probably sick, probably infected with some parasite that eliminates in the feces and ended up in the dust that gets in here, that gives me the same symptoms and probably.

This summer upstairs moved a woman who looked like a Japanese actress. They also had a dog and they had a portable AC in the kitchen area vibrating the walls and floors and allowing litter dust to get into the walls and from there in here. The current neighbor does not have a dog but a cat and uses only one "in wall" heater, in the dining area or about the same area where the AC was and for that reason (the others are off) it runs a lot, that also vibrates, in about the same area.

Last night i covered more holes and cracks in the laundry closet area because after cleaning for many days it started to stink after i used the washer and drier yesterday which shook the walls and more stuff came in. But i believe somebody was in here last night and took out of the sealed bag an old injector (forgotten from Nissan) that today started to stink to mask the hole story.

Both stinking places are responsible for creating and maintaining my diabetes.

The woman at Apt.9 driving a blue Jeep reminds me now of Christa Jacobson. After her in that apartment moved in a guy who resembled Andrei Postelnicu whom i saw last time the day before he went missing in Florida. In the spring of 2014 i believe Bill Cosby moved in there.

The apartment nr.7, next wall, slightly below, had a chimney. I believe this is where the smoke came from. When i moved in here the smoke didn't get out of our clothes until i washed them at least 5 times each. I believe in there at times was a woman from Hungary, Nora Gorbe.

I once called Lake Oswego Police. The guy who came, Sergeant Sparkle, was looking exactly like the President of Hungary, János Áder.

One more thing. The more i look at Jim McNeeley's face the more i think he looks like the old man who moved lately at Sussex in the apartment under. I don't know, it's been more than ten years. I think it was around 2007 when he came. He parked some sort of old RV vehicle and had it parked there for a long time. Then he got an old car. Lately he put a blanket in kitchen's window and i think he was not airing and cleaning a lot and the whole place started to stink.
To be continued (having a break).