Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fish in the Wind

Mr. Google was lucky that day with the wind with all the fish parallel to the street but didn't quit put the resolution in. I think i will go tomorrow there and do it right for everyone to see.

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OK there it goes, 09-24 12:22 PM.

September 24, 2012, downtwon Tualatin OR

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Selena Quintanilla

September 1995. Portland, Oregon. Selena and Sade and Alanis Morisette on all radio stations. What a nice music. To me Selena sounded like a cousin of Gloria Estefan. With pretty rich, professional instrumentals too... And then... What i didn't know was that earlier that year, the music died, again.

Today i was looking for her songs and i stumbled upon yet another memorable piece of music, a cut from a movie. Jennifer Lopez's movie debut. Or what make-up can do to a person.

La Raison

Le Loup et l'Agneau

par Jean de la Fontaine

La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure :
Nous l'allons montrer tout à l'heure.
Un Agneau se désaltérait
Dans le courant d'une onde pure.
Un Loup survient à jeun qui cherchait aventure,
Et que la faim en ces lieux attirait.
Qui te rend si hardi de troubler mon breuvage ?
Dit cet animal plein de rage :
Tu seras châtié de ta témérité.
- Sire, répond l'Agneau, que votre Majesté
Ne se mette pas en colère ;
Mais plutôt qu'elle considère
Que je me vas désaltérant
Dans le courant,
Plus de vingt pas au-dessous d'Elle,
Et que par conséquent, en aucune façon,
Je ne puis troubler sa boisson.
- Tu la troubles, reprit cette bête cruelle,
Et je sais que de moi tu médis l'an passé.
- Comment l'aurais-je fait si je n'étais pas né ?
Reprit l'Agneau, je tette encor ma mère.
- Si ce n'est toi, c'est donc ton frère.
- Je n'en ai point. - C'est donc quelqu'un des tiens :
Car vous ne m'épargnez guère,
Vous, vos bergers, et vos chiens.
On me l'a dit : il faut que je me venge.
Là-dessus, au fond des forêts
Le Loup l'emporte, et puis le mange,
Sans autre forme de procès.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Real Thing

The good news. Today i finally saw in the news a real political issue of the campaign (Wich by the way comes from the Latin word Campania or the current Italian word campagna with the root campo which in English means field (of battle) and in English the word has the root camp which is often associated with a military campaign). How much Mitt Romney paid in taxes last year. 14 million dollars. Real money. The real deal.

After or in the middle of a campaign that projected on us a different reality, that of politics, which seems to have to have a life and rules of its own, that has nothing to do with the apparent social reality, but maybe the underground of it, since it looks like there's an apparent connection between the delirium of the campaign and the society, that eludes apparent logic but keeps it going on. It has to do with projected images and their feedbacks, the polls, that guides both candidates forward. Or the ghost of it, if nobody believes it anymore.

The other real tangible issue of the campaign that also catches attention is the reality of Barack Obama's birth certificate.

Anything else?

We'll all live and see.