Thursday, March 14, 2013

News and Contra-News

It's been a long time since i thought of writing posts about weird inexplicable (at least until recently) coincidences in my life. They might be also useful to others to sort ideas and friends.


I hope i'm not going to step on others' right to privacy if i posted this picture. After all it's legal to photograph everything is visible on a street. Since they can film me, i think i can also photograph them. I took the shot at a detectable impulse, i wouldn't have put it here but i was struck by the coincidence. By the way, did anybody knew that there is a fashion in Oregon for mothers with strolls to wear black and red? (I think the assumption she may be a mother with a baby is correct, but it could be that she is just pushing some weighs uphill).

wait for the post to fully load and then click to enlarge or click twice (not double).

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

हृदय सूत्र - hRdaya sUtra

This is not a translation - not yet. It is just an enunciation of the words of the mantra with links to dictionaries for each word. I used the short version from wikisource, which is slightly different from the song but i have to put the song for pronunciation. Where i could not find a word in dictionaries i chose the closest or divided the words into smaller ones until i found those. For those who don't trust they can verify each word using one of the dictionaries found here at nr.1 and 7 but it is my understanding that includes those.

Starting with second row with Latin transliteration, Arya avalokitezvara bodhisattva... you can follow the words of the song, sort of like at karaoke... If you loose track, just hit the refresh button on the browser or F5 and start over...

The apparent difference of words in Sanskrit in the video and below is because of using of different Latin transliterations. I have used the Harvard-Kyoto, the video uses some sort of direct phonetic Latin transliteration.

The reason for this small project was i was searching easy ways to learn Sanskrit pronunciation. But i ended by actually learning quite a few Sanskrit words and many other interesting things.

For those who don't know. Beware. This is a text central to Buddhism and equivalent to maybe Lord's Prayer in Christianity. Although the song and words impose respect by their own sounding, please treat it as such!

प्राज्ञ पारमिता हृदय सूत्र
prAjJA pAramitA hRdaya sUtra
Wise (and)

great mind's plan
आर्य अवलोकिते बोधिसत्त्वो
Arya avalokitezvara bodhisattva

word from faraway

गंभीरम् प्रज्ञापारमितायां चर्या चरम
gaMbhIram prajJApAramitA caryA carama

नो व्य वल्कयति स्म
no vya valkayati sma

पञ्च स्कन्ध ताः
paJca skandha tAH ca

स्वाभाव शून्य पश्यति स्म
svAbhAva zUnya pazyati sma

इह शारिपुत्र रूप

iha zAriputra rUpa

शून्यता शून्यता इव रूप
zUnyatA zUnyatA iva rUpa

रूपण पृथक् शून्यता

rUpaNa pRthak zUnyatA

शून्यता या पृथग्रूप
zUnyatA yA na pRthagrUpa

यद् रूप सा शून्यता
yad rUpa sA zUnyatA

या शून्यता तद् रूप
yA zUnyatA tad rUpa

एवमेव वेधन

evameva vedhana

संज्ञा संस्कार विज्ञानना नि
saMjJA saMskAra vijJAnanA ni

इह शारिपुत्र सर्व धर्म
iha zAriputra sarva dharma

शून्यता लक्षणा

zUnyatA lakSaNA

अनुत्पन्न अनिरुद्ध अमल
anutpanna aniruddha amala na

विमल नाना परिपूर्ण
vimala nAnA na paripUrNa

तस्मात् चारी पुत्र

tasmAt cArI putra

शून्यता आय रूप
zUnyatA Aya na rUpa

वेदना संज्ञा
na vedanA na saMjJA

संस्कार विज्ञान
na saMskAra na vijJAna

क्षु श्रोत्र घ्राणा
na cakSu zrotra ghrANA

जिह्वा काय मना सि
jihvA kAya manA si

रूप शब्द गन्ध
na rUpa zabda gandha

रस स्प्रष्टव्य धर्म
rasa spraSTavya dharma na

चक् सुर् दातृ यवान
cak sur dhAtR yavAna

मनोविज्ञान धातु

manovijJAna dhAtu

विद्या नविद्य

na vidyA navidya

विद्या क्षय

na vidyA kSaya

यवान जार मारण

yavAna jAra mAraNa

जार मारण क्षय
na jAra mAraNa kSaya


na duHkha

समुदय नीर धा मार्ग
samudaya nIra dhA mArga

ज्ञान प्राप्ति
na jJAna na prApti

तस्मात् अप्राप्ति त्वद्

tasmAt aprApti tvad

बोधिसत्त्व नम् प्रज्ञापारमिता आश्रित्य
bodhisattva nam prajJApAramitA Azritya

विहरति चित्त वर
viharati citta vara na

चित्तावरण नास्तित्व त्रस्त
cittaavaraNa nAstitva da trasta

विपर्यास्यति क्रान्त निष्ट निर्वाण
viparyAsyati krAnta niSTa nirvANa

त्र्यध व्यवस्थित सर्व बुद्धाः
tryadha vyavasthita sarva buddha

प्रज्ञापारमितायां मा स्रुत्य नतराम्
prajJApAramitA mA srutya natarAm

सम्यक्सम्बोधि अभिसम्बुद्ध

samyaksambodhi abhisambuddha

तस्मै ज्ञातव्य

tasmai jJAtavya

प्रज्ञा पर मित महामन्त्र
prajJA para mita mahAmantra

मह विद्या मन्त्र

maha vidyA mantra

नतराम् मन्त्र

a natarAm mantra

सम सम मन्त्र

sama sama mantra

सर्व दुःख प्राश मन
sarva duHkha prAza mana

सत्य अमिथ्या त्व

satya amithyA tva

प्रज्ञापारमितायां मुक्त मन्त्र तद्यथा
prajJApAramitA mukta mantra tadyathA

गत गत पारगत परसंगत
gata gata pAragata parasaMgata

बोधि स्वाहा

bodhi svAhA

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ioan Mladin vs Andrei Pleşu

There was a suspicion in my mind for a longtime now that the guy i lived with (near the furnace room in a 6x6 ft crammed space with only room for a bed) and my wife  worked for (and me just on occasions) in the fall of 1995 looked and especially talked like Andrei Pleşu. I wrote about this before in a separate post together with other resemblances. Today i was looking for some papers and stumbled upon a paper with Ioan Mladin's signature. Although he tried really heard to print his name not to write it, the handwriting looks a hell of a lot like Pleşu's. Can click on the image for better view. For best results open in a new tab with right or middle click.

Freeway Task Force

Today i was in my way to FBI. Too bad i couldn't find nobody there in weekend. Or so the guy at the door told me. I will make another attempt tomorrow. There are too many things happening i have to tell them and i cannot possibly put them all here.

But right before i passed this car they decided to change lanes without using the turn signal. I made a very sharp turn, then then changed their mind again and went back on their lane. They cut me twice. So i went in front of them and used the brakes trying to slow them down so i can take a picture. The guy was ready with a camera too, also covering part of his face.

Later i saw on a stretch of 205 with a large median a State Police SUV in the median space with a radar gun pointed at me but it was too far from the road to be able to catch someone.

Later i saw a minivan with four people inside and the driver was not using his hands, or keeping them very low, the van seemed to be driving itself.

For cars to be able to be driven themselves and not have visible sensors on top is to have military style GPS with a precision of inches.

In fact these too guys from the car below seem military to me. However the driver seemed South American, maybe Brazilian.
License Plate OR 237 EYU