Sunday, July 31, 2022
July 31
Hare Rama Hare Krishna
2:30 Found a snake unter the kitchen sink. It bit me for years but now it's dead. The symbolism. Many people see but very few, including me, ever understand. I mean, you trust the design, the engineers, the plumbers and the government who writes the codes. The flexible pipe opens in your sink, there is no back-flow valve. When the sink gets clogged and the water level rises, just before pressing that switch, some of the stuff goes in it. Now if you do dishes every day, it gets, somehow, cleaned by the flow of water from the dishwasher, during the rinsing cycle, but over the years, it grows stalactites. I stopped using it after i saw deposits of grease in hidden places in the dishwasher. I periodically ran some water with detergent, but the stench kept coming back. As heat grew and i left and stopped the AC because i was afraid something might go wrong with it in my absence, the stench amplified inside the apartment. Pains all over by body, since around the time i stopped using it. My stomach pains that came back in the last few days and i'm back on omeprazole which i took for many years. Why Angela is better than me? Because she doesn't stay here all the time. Today i went to do a noodle soup and was again hit by it and disconnected the pipe with a flat screwdriver and saw the horror inside the pipe. Under the appearance of grand luxury, there is a deadly danger. Who said Roman empire vanished because of plumbing? However, i don't believe it was the lead. It was the plumbers who might have been of the crafty snake race.
Also could not figure the source of the mysterious, interesting smell that was hitting me every time i came home from somewhere. There are places like under the throne that nobody ever looks at to clean. Around that plastic screw there was black mold soaked with urine and f...s that became apparent after i put some chlorine gel on it. If you clean the throne without looking under, your chlorine gel soaked rag hits that unnecessarily long plastic screw every time and you can't clean behind it. But even now that i found it it is possible i will forget about it, being immersed in the stress of every day life for another year.
About the mysterious dead end gutter that climbs on the other side (left) of the overfill gutter of the bathroom sink i wrote before and then forgot and it got dirty again deep inside.
Now i'm gonna go eat my noodle soup.
4:58 Ahura Mazda
5:36 BTW did you know that when Romans finally conquered Dacia (said Felix or happy in Latin) in 98–117, they brought in 230 tons of gold, much more silver, the initial treasure, among many other goods including slaves (and 200 tons each year, after, for ~165 years). The emperor Trajan who invested in that war paying the 100.000 soldiers for decades an equivalent of one kilogram of gold a year for a simple soldier and building a bridge over Danube, decreed 123 days of celebrations in Rome and erased all debts to FISCUS after capturing that treasuer? Statues of Dacian slaves in Rome, (many links missing, didn't have time to fix it).
However that was the beginning of the end for Romans. With that gold they started to massively import luxury goods from Asia (They called the country where silk came from Serica, not having an idea where it was). Caravans numbering up to 10.000 animals guarded by mercenaries were carrying silk and spices for thousands of miles from China (yes on the ancient so called silk road) bringing their weight in gold in return. The Chinese used the gold for a good purpose, building the Great China Wall. Attracted by the gold, first came the Goths whom i believe were Asians. Goths allied with some free Dacian tribes (that were not included within Trajan's borders) and drove the Romans out of Dacia.
Within one hundred years Roman gold coins got smaller and smaller and from gold turned to copper and they didn't have money to pay the army and ended hiring Goths as soldiers. It was around that time when Attila's huns (noons) arrived in Europe and overwhelmed Romans with their unconventional war tactics. Huns marched all the way to Rome but did not occupy it (i believe because of their small numbers) in exchange for Pannonia, a Roman province which was west of Dacia, in today's... Hungary while Dacia itself became Romania.
The way the word daci (inhabitants of Dacia) is pronounceed in today's Romanian suggests a link with such European peoples named as Dutch or Deutsch (Germans).
Saturday, July 30, 2022
July 30
1:55 Wa Shinto
Keep calm, you're George Washington
2:16 Rip City.
George Washington
7:32 I read in the news today of a bill was passed on the House Floor on Friday. However there was nothing scheduled for that day in the House of Representatives, according to their own site. Engrossment?
8:14 Is that a Shiva Lingam standing on a lotus flower in the middle of Buda_pest?
11:48 They blame everything on Jews, their only possible opponents. Actors with Jewish names in promiscuous Jewish roles. Everything that's sex in Hollywood it's them.
11:50 The guy who was trimming the grass's edge on Wednesday was raising clouds of redwood dust mixed with soil to the sky. When he approached this corner where BTW grass is dried anyways (just poured some water on it) because i think the sprinkler has been stepped upon (not by me i always been careful) i yelled at him but too late. Bedroom's window was opened and a cloud of dust was going that way. But he stopped in front of the living. Then he went in the back next to the south garages and i saw clearly, the dust was raising twice the height of the garages. That night i threw a few gallons of water on the patio thinking i'll be fine until Thursday when we leave. We left after getting very irritated because of dust and fogot to double check things and came back the next day. However today couldn't take it no more (could not sleep more than a few hours) because the AC has to run all time so i went outside to hose everything and then here came this guy with a black hound or lab or a cross mumbling... Sir, can i ask you a question and i said no, but he kept mumbling anyways something about his daughter. I saw him previously but i think he was a different actor in the same role, but younger. This one seemed under 30. Blond, skinny and showing lots of frustration, he walked his dog several times around almost until i was finished. I could see the water, especially in front, came down the building whitish or milk like. That kinda dust settled on the car too and was still there after 200 miles and went and washed the car as well. Wanted to back vacuum the filter, but there was no room at the vacuums before the wash (one was broke) and after i forgot.
For one, he is lighter, can barely squeak. Now trying to compensate. Equally annoying but clearly lighter.
12:15 Like the little man upstairs. Overnight, he grew muscles and now that they know i'm irritated, he left his trunk open as an opportunity to come outside, and i wanted to get car's mats inside to wash them too. I know since Lake Oswego, they switch actors sometimes, like they switched Lindsey Lohan with Kelly Clarkson in the apartment next door (same name, occupation, clothes, car).
What else you shouldn't miss in Budapest or... Nagy_kanizsa. Both snakes are placed in front of schools since 81 and 82. There could be more i'm not aware of...
Friday, July 29, 2022
July 29
Actually we changed our minds several times between getting back here at 100 degrees or driving on beautiful 101 at 70 degrees all the way to Coos Bay.
At the beach, parking lot and and casino, much symbolism and pantomime.
On our way here got almost hit by a blue semi with an empty trailer from behind. As i was watching forward, absent and tired, i saw a shadow getting closer in the mirror and i was getting ready to accelerate when he was like 10 ft away and then he fell behind. Minutes later he tried again then he exited before entering Washington county. Tried to fall behind but this KIA was following very closely and couldn't squeeze. Angela said it did not have a LPN. This also confirms they have a feedback on my reactions.
Didn't really want to write about this, but right in front of the complex there was a wet dirty towel reminiscent of the one i left at the motel. I used that one to wash the screens that were stinking like pickled smoked algae, in the tub using much water from the showerhead cause water was coming dark green yellow. So we could air and sleep. Screens were also very loose, one with a bent frame and ready to fall by design, making me now wondering if it wasn't a sort of trap. I wash these here for years and never got loose or bent. And yes the kitchen blinds. First they broke by accident. I washed them to be able to fix them reattaching the broken parts like i did before in several places but didn't have time.
There was an unusual number of older Hungarians acting like pissed older Americans at the beach today.
Getting ready to eat, the young woman with the dog came in front of the windows and stumbled, which made her...
7:37 Tried to use some superglue to attach the broken blinds and probably some chemicals got released and the little man upstairs came and started to hit the walls and floors and released something in the walls in retaliation.
Thursday, July 28, 2022
July 28
10:30 Set an alarm, woke up at 4, at 4:50 i found a spot for my truck cause i forgot it on a No parking on Thursday spot and today it was Thursday and at @7 AM towing is here to tow vehicles parked on such spots, to make room for the garbage truck.
Around 7 i put one of those warning signs for picking dog remains on the hydrant, cause wall is covered with a bush in that area. However, after i slept one more hour, i found 2 more dog poops right next to it.
Garbage truck has passed and i moved the truck back and when i came back i found ft away from the building a lighter (no that one i found earlier and threw it in the bin before they emptied it) and a vaping took which i threw in the empty bin, as we are getting ready to leave for a few days vacation.
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
July 27
10:09 Nu știu ori am îmbătrânit eu, anestezia de la dentist a durat, după, vreo 5 ore. Postarea asta o las, gata, nu mai adaug sau modific nimic sau îmbătrânesc și mai mult cu ea.
11:13 Faptul că în județul Călărași în acest moment este cea mai mare poluare cu particule indică proveniența din sud, posibil din Sahara africană. O posibilă corelație cu numărul de cazuri de COVID? S-ar putea încerca, dacă site-ul acesta pe care s-au plătit niște bani de la guvern, ar merge. Un lucru e sigur. La nivelul ăsta de poluare, masca e necesară pentru particule.
3:14 Three major news today, and the market rallied. Fed rate increase, CHIPS bill and Manchin agreement.
6:44 Am înțeles că în România sunt mulți patrioți care n-au ce face, în mare parte din cauză că partidele, statul, ca oriunde și întodeauna, sunt deturnate sau mai bine zis controlate de alții, știm noi cine, chiar la vârf și din plictiseală mulți se gândesc prea mult la mine.
Vin cu o propunere, cei mai bravi dintre ei să înființeze o firmă o societate comercială non-profit numită Naționala de Construcții Autostrăzi, să-l pună pe Gigi Becali ca manager (a nu că ăsta a umblat cu valiza cu bani), pe tipul ăla din Suceava care a făcut un metru de autostradă, fiindcă are experiență, să angajeze pe cei mai buni absolvenți de facultăți de profil din România, foști olimpici care încă nu sunt blazați (burned out) dacă se poate, să obțină toate licențele și permisele necesare și sunt sigur că birocrații vor tremura în fața lor când vor merge pe la ghișee, după care să participe la licitații și să le ia fața bandiților.
Primul km ar fi mai greu până se învață inginerii aceia să compacteze teren și să toarne beton. Dar nu poate fi mai greu decât...
Fiindcă doar autostrăzile vor mai aduce întreprinderi, job-uri și pe românii exilați înapoi.
Sau să-i invite la licitații pe bulgari. Firma aia din Bulgaria care a făcut autostrăzi acolo prin munți cu 3 milioane euro pe km, și fiindcă e la o aruncătură de băț de pod.
10:41 Licitația nu a avut loc, dar banii au fost puși deoparte. 1.18 miliarde de euro pentru 77 km, adică 15 milioane pe km, cu toată lungimea la șes, de 5 ori mai mult pe km decât la bulgari. La fel ca în cazul autostrăzii Bechtel, primul tronson se face la mijloc. 112 poduri și alte structuri, bănuiesc că majoritatea sunt pasaje. Mai mult de unul pe km?