Friday, October 14, 2022

October 14

1:40 Wherever there's a revolution, the name Habsburg shows.

2:25 The subject is vast and though i tried, never could really nail it. There is a resemblance both in name and appearance of the non related lotus and lily. The resemblance could have been good enough for symbolism purposes. St.Dominic (the patron of Dominicans) is partly shaven (which reminds of Buddha of course) and is depicted with rosaries, of Buddhism origin, and lily flowers.
Where do i wanna get. Searching for the ethymology of the word huguenot, a type of reformist within the Catholic Church, following Luther King and Calvin and ran into a type of cross that resembles dharmachacra or a fusion with it which also have lilies on it.

Then i remembered something

8:15 Victimizarea lui Gheorghe Dică pare o aluzie la ce am scris ieri despre tortura și durerile pe care le îndur zilnic și de o viață. Curios că un psiholog care se numește Butoi se ocupă (mereu) de acest caz. O aluzie similară

Thursday, October 13, 2022

October `13

3:37 On 10-11-2022 and 10-12-2022 fake queen Maxima of Netherlands followed me around, breaking numerous local and international laws. Nothing new.

3:42 Kanye here doesn't have such big lips. Quite normal.

One of the reasons i think it may be him (with extra lip).

4:00 There is another queen, besides Ann of Austria who is from Austria.

4:15 În link-ul de deaspura (another) apare Freddy Mercury cu o brățară iar în versuri cuvântul cabinet. Maria Teiuleanu.

Apropo, urmăriți puțin degele lui May, un conservatorist deghizat în rocker urechist. Mulți văd, puțin pricep, secretul percepției selective (split perception).

5:00 Laylat you brought me on my knees. Zoran, Clapton. Is that an F# diminished?

9:15 She's got a lot of pretty pretty boys, that she calls friends. How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat. Some dance to remember, some dance to forget. (E vară încă anul ăsta în Oregon). Cum vine aia. Să dansezi ca să-ți amintești sau să uiți.

Am o explicație. După ce am stat toată ziua înăuntru, în mare parte datorită fumului, am simțit că nu mai pot și am ieșit pentru o scurtă plimbare. Cu masca bineînțeles, eu purtam mască dacă era fum și înainte, ca japonezii. Echipele de ninja erau pregătite. Se desfășurau înaintea și în urma mea. Unii mi-au blocat drumul cu lămpile roșii intermitente pornite, am luat-o pe altă alee unde alții m-au urmărit cu mașina la pas, o tipă timidă și temătoare foarte tunsă foarte scurt și cu gâtul golaș m-a depășit și m-a trezit în urma ei în timp ce alții aprindeau faza mare să vadă ce vreau să fac. Eu făceam altceva decât să pun un picior în fața altuia, în ritm de unu pas pe secundă. 

Deși sus venise, era liniște până când am venit, după care a început o scârțâială furibundă. Probabil au făcut ăia ceva prin jurul meu ca să spună că cine știe ce am făcut eu iar acum tot ei mă pedepsesc. Mă gândeam cum a venit "regina Maxima" cu tancul după mine și cum puteam să o urmăresc să-i fac o poză, și poate tot ea chema poliția și tot timpul abia am așteptat să vin să pun o melodie. Nu mă hotărăsc care versiune dar ca să nu mai aduc și alte variabile în ecuație o pun pe cea a lui Clapton.

Când am ajuns am văzut iar casca de pe motocicleta vecinei. Am dat o căutare google să văd ce și cum, cine și de ce le poartă. Un lucru însă am înțeles de la un biker bătrân. Nu sunt bune ca și căști de motocicletă. Totul a început cu unii care le-au adus ca trofee de război. Să porți însemnele dușmanului ca trofeu, mi se pare ciudat. Am aflat un sens nou pentru un cuvânt. Square. Și să nu uităm și că răspunsul vine de pe un site care se numește Quora.

Una din chestiile pe care le fac ninja pe aici este să influențeze populația de origine germană din Oregon, vestul SUA, exacerbând ura contra evreilor. Un exemplu este parada regizată din 2013 unde am nimerit absolut întâmplător, dar între timp am aflat că orice în media e la fel. Orice articol scris sau vorbit la TV.

Toți jurnaliștii, politicienii și entertainerii sunt fie japonezi fie unguri. Am încercat să scriu ceva aici dar e scris prost și nu am timp și energie să refac postarea aceea. Mai bine aici.

Și ce poți să faci mai bine decât să aducă un "evreu", pe care să-l terfelească în moduri inimaginabile iar în final să-l arate cu degetul. Chestia cu scârțâitul de exemplu. Nu scârțâie podeaua, am fost odată sus și am mers de la un geam la altul și sunt mai greu decât tipa (campioana olimpică la înot japoneză care normal este forțată să facă ce face) care o face pe un tip dintr-o țară latină fără stăpân, deci incontrolabil. Are ceva încălțăminte specială. Scârțâitul este de intensitate foarte mare, are o componentă de ultrasunete care ridică și electrizează praful de pe încălțăminte sau covor după care îl respiri sau fiind electrizat (componenta pentru influențat scientologi), îl atrage pielea și ustură. Nu exclud și un efect direct al ultrasunetelor pe piele, care se manifestă la câteva minute după expunere.

Pedeapsa e instant, pretextul e că mă enervez, iar eu nu ar trebui să mă enervez (de obicei la știri), dar în realitate e încercare de control pentru a mă face bolnav și să scriu mai puțin. Câteodată urlă ca să simuleze cum aș face eu la durere, dacă aș putea. Chiar acum a urlat, fiindcă scârțâiala precedentă iar mi-a dat praf care mă ustură pe ochi, față, gât, în curând stomac, spate, picioare, etc.. Este incredibil cât de primitivi sunt oamenii aceștia, de aceea lumea nu înțelege. Primitivi primitivi, dar primitivii erau avansați în psihologie și uniți în secretul conspirației lor de a domina lumea care trece absolut neobservată din cauza metodelor absolut necunoscute nouă și iată a ajuns într-o fază avansată și nimeni nu bănuiește încă nimic. Decât poate dacă ajungi într-o situație ca mine dar atunci e prea târziu. Însă dacă nu mi se întâmpla nu aș fi crezut niciodată.

Apropo de cele două ducese de Austria care au influențat istoria. Chiar în zilele noastre, le-au băgat pe nas la briți încă o prințesă zurlie.

11:06 Same as it ever was. Justice in the US is mostly civil, as cops back up in high profile cases. One question remains though. Is an influencer and conspiracy theorist making that kinda money? Or maybe an allusion?

5:21 Le voi pune aici deși am trecut în ziua următoare. Un număr de știri și evenimente care par să fie în legătură cu ce am scris mai sus. Maimuțăreala.

Omul de Netherland. Citând un student, fără nicio dovadă, nu știau exact, oamenii moderni, psihologia omului primitiv, etc.. Sexy tipa din dreapta pare să fie totuși omul din Java și nu hunul modern.

Off of me...

Princess of what?

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

October 12

7:06 András Stohl. Habsburg Netherlands. Karl von Habsburg.

8:53 The northern wind has moved away, air is stagnant above Oregon and the plume of smoke is about to spread back.

I met with great retaliation for the two paragraphs above. While i was doing Andras, a vehicle with loud exhaust idled and vibration released litter dust from above. I got these new filters with electrets that can catch nano particles, but when it comes from above right on your head, there's nothing a filter can do. So i got contaminated and then really really sick while Angela left for her long time scheduled follow up dr.'s appointment. So i remained alone, with blood pressure to the roof while the dog s...t was fermenting inside of me. Took three charcoal caps, a bit too late, then i got hungry (crashed) because of diabetes, but tried not to eat, to let the parasites starve, until i could no more and after i did so i got sick again. Angela finally came back (when she's here at least the stress from synced noises is alleviated) and i grabbed the car and went for a short walk in the park. Can't tell everything that happened there, can confirm smoke is well within perception, but when i got back i saw a scene with a dog on a picknick table that made me take a picture. Got back in the car, and at the intersection leaving the parking lot from right was coming a woman with a similar dog, got distracted emotionally and left (made a right turn on Nyberg) without looking on the left. Remembered though, looked and hit the brakes in almost the same time. Though there is very little traffic, a huge tank was present and ready to run me over.

I think i saw the tank in the street yesterday, i remember those wheels and tires and LPN. I think there was a hand of a tanned woman with at least one big man's ring at the wheel.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

October 11

12:11 That's The Spirit. Is that woman Taylor Swift?

10:15 Stâlpul Soarelui. Oare ăsta să fi fost stâlpul care l-a călăuzit pe Moise?

11:42 The awakened little giant. I personally believe EU is an attempt to reinstate the Empire.

12:37 Finally figured why they change the restaurant at the Spirit Mountain from Asian and American to Mexican (i once chocked there on dry rice and teriyaki, drove like that one hour all the way home where i finally vomited the content of my esophagus). Tonight, by some hidden brain manipulation i started to crave burritos, which i have a lot in the freezer (were 16 in a bag). So i remembered they switched to Mexican in the "food court" and went and ordered one. To my surprise, they used a 20 inch pita, and built a burrito as big as a premature baby. So i had to call Angela cause it was too big for me alone. Sorry i forgot to take a picture, this is the closest i can find.

A happier discussion. In my way there i was listening to Crazy Diamond (Pink Floyd) and i suddenly figured the main theme of the song sounds so much like the theme from Close Encounters. Which was first?

1:00 Whie i was posting the above, after a brief attempt at squeaking from above, a train started to vibrate in very weird ways (modulated) doing about the same job.

Monday, October 10, 2022

October 10

12:40 Tipul/tipa de sus s-a mai plimbat puțin pe tavan și a lăsat ceva praf electrizat de scârțâituri să coboare, ca pedeapsă pentru ce am scris câteva minute mai înainte.

8:28 All that driving got me exhausted, yesterday i crashed and could not drive no more, Angela drove back from Lincoln City where there was almost no smoke. I saw the AQI prediction for today in Tualatin, was showing 20. Now it's 145 as "Cedar Creek fire escaped containment" and AQI index near fire is 585, with a maximum of 655? never seen that before. What she released last night from upstairs was used litter dust. At 5 i was stinking and was nauseated, took some charcoal, now i'm again.9:14 Angela at work. They were some boards with ICs with pads under instead of legs, that if they get shorted cannot be fixed manually because of impossibility of getting of a soldering iron under those ICs. Those boards came with defects from vendor with extra solder on those pads and are prone to shortening, after more soldering paste is added in SMT. A number of boards were basically scrapped, she raised the problem in an email, they answered saying that she might not be required to work in SMT again, which already happened as for today. Ironically, there's extra solder only on the pads that cannot be seen, being under the IC. It is my belief it was all arranged (how come they slipped from QC both on vendor and when received at Eaton) for them to make a point. Here is the section of the board with extra solder
And the ICs that go on top, with pads under instead of legs. I now remember that 25 years ago when i worked at Credence we had a machine with hot air that was able to unsolder one of these. They don't have it at Eaton. But what is the point of unsoldering them right after soldering just because the board was defective? To heat them up one more time, risking thermal damage? Sucking the extra solder from underneath with solder wick, again risking thermal damage and not being sure?

I bet most shortcuts logged by Angela while working there have similar causes, and the engineers there never realized it.

11:41 After being seeded with whatever parasites from the litter dust she sprinkled from upstairs early this morning, when i just ate i got sick (dizzy) and nauseated and somewhat high. Like almost always in the last years. It was so scary when i didn't know what was happening. It's still now because i have trouble walking. How many times got at the ER and in the hospital because of it? Took a charcoal, waiting to work its way out.

Yes i know before here i was living upstairs but in Lake Oswego they were holes in the walls corresponding to Apt.7 where they got huge dogs and at Sussex Village they had dryers under our windows where they were sometimes drying dog's laundry.

12:00 They came earlier again, like last year, to check the hydrant by opening it. Which means they "accidentally" spread the (redwood) mulch on the asphalt which means i have to go sweep it out if i don't want it to be spread by car's wheels and when it dries tomorrow to fly around. Or i can let it until Wednesday when they will blow it up in the sky anyways. Maybe i will since i don't air anyways because of smoke. Opening of hydrant could be related to wildfires and smoke i wrote about. This is what they did last year. Yeah i know it can also be a superseding of the information about the extra soldering above.

Every once in a while me or Angela meet with the scores of kids that get out of the school bus at the entrance of the complex. From what i know, all kids around here go to school as they are good immigrants' kids (all Japanese trying to look Latinos). However, when i went to check for the result of hydrant being overflown on the mulch, there was a white van marked Tualatin Schools District that parked right on top of the red mulch river. Virtually flowing from my place to theirs.

12:27 I read a news on Angela's computer and as i couldn't find it (easy) on mine, i sent an email with a link from there to here,  however, i first sent it at a wrong address, because of a synced noise (slammed door maybe) outside which created a sizeable, shameful gaffe.

I personally believe there is no pain when a person dies, but there almost always is, sometimes more or sometimes less, when your body reacts to the (irreversible) damage required for a person to die. It may take years, sometimes hours or minutes.

And this leads to the following question. Why people insist on bringing more people in the world (children) when they know everybody who ever lived on this Earth (except for maybe Jesus) ended like this. And on this i have to agree with Buddhists, who say non-existence (Nirvana) is better than existence, as what it is not cannot feel pain. Maybe the real reason true Buddhists become monks.

There are at least a couple of answers. Some simply don't think about and act on instinct (pleasure of making or having hids) alone. Some want the newcomers (suckers) to keep things going so they can live more at older age.

10:6 Îndemnul subliminal al acestei c...e MCV-iste "nu am pierdut controlul mașinii" (dar de ce era în afara carosabilului) m-a făcut, în combinație cu semnul de stop pentru care proprietarul acelei mașini ar fi trebuit arestat (folosire ilegală de semne rutiere), alte cauze printre care oboseala extremă, pe mine să pierd controlul (destinației, nu mașinii), Între timp, au inventat și în România o situație asemănătoare, tot pentru spălare de creier. Apropo, SUV-ul acela arată la fel ca cel filmat de mine în ziua când eram beat. M-am apropiat din aceeași direcție ca și motociclistul ca să vorbesc cu... c...a aia de Ioana Țiriac (nu am știut cine era).

1:30 A trebuit, pentru ca (unii) români să creadă zile, luni după, poate până azi, că poate au intervenit rușii. Sau poate faza nici nu s-a întâmplat, a fost doar o raportare falsă.

1:36 I tried to air the room and in a minute or two they started a couple of cars to vibrate the dust on the building so i had to shut back the window.

1:41 Apropo, azi dimineață iar a apărut c...a de Jaqueline Cristian (poate are pauză la turnee) executând niște piruete sexy la geamul meu. Păcat că nu eram atunci beat, chiar o invitam înăuntru. Acum 2 minute însă a apărut, tot cu un câine, și prietenul lu' tipa aia din Ungaria care o face pe Jaqueline Cristian.


3:24 After i've shown here that the Parliament of EU is useless, because the Council votes after, more coincidences on the word. Which prompts me to go a bit further (though i didn't really wanted to stir more the storm in the glass of water). Is the Congress of US useful if the President can veto by not signing (except for the situations when Congress overrides a veto, with 2/3 of the members (or) when there's a strong bipartisan agreement which happens quite rarely).

4:47 Click on! (me).

9:39 What role can have media on... (a google question).

It is clear to me this days that media doesn't really work for us and there are too many people who act based on conclusions drawn after exposure to it. (I can't believe how wasted was the whole band during  this concert).
When i was a little kid i witnessed this experiment. One person put a wooden (wooden is easier to hold in your sleep but i would assume the person should have used one before so its subconscious can recognize it as such) spoon filled with water in the hand of a person who was sleeping in such a way the water would stay. Then the sleeping person started to talk in her sleep and answer any question. Just a little something that made me think what is human mind and how easy is to hack it and manipulate it.

Recently i had several dreams that were reminding me of people i haven't seen lately and inviting me to reminisce, maybe contact them. But sadly i cut contact with most people i knew after i discovered some had different identity and nationality. What remains is the feeling that those dreams might have been induced by some similar trick.

11:13 Bolsonaro eat indian. See you later!