Sunday, January 15, 2023

January 15

3:13 Woke at 1:30 AM after a couple of hours of sleep because of the stink. I went and put some chlorine bleach in a bowl in the closet, started the UV lamp and closed the "door" which is permeable. I also have a blanket on top of the door space. I opened both doors (patio and main) to let the wind blow a little. It did but it stopped so i closed the doors. Around 2 i heard again the wind blowing outside, opened again both doors only to see a woman ninja passing by. Now i hear a noisy SUVs in the lot.

Saw about UFO reports all over in the news. In or around September 2015 shortly after i moved in here and after i posted the first time about the "antigravitational" or relativist drive, i was with Angela in the park. We were about to leave when i saw coming from the top of hospital and Mobile Pl on this map and veering right on top of Nyberg, following the street and furthering towards east a number of floating objects, in the shape of diamonds, about 10 meters tall, at about 200 ft altitude.

They were going one after another with one minute distance between them as if they were held by a wire, like cable cars but there was no cable, at a speed of about 20 mph. They seemed more like romboidal frames than solid objects, with lights on the sides, like some decorations on trucks on the freeway or... Christmas trees?

Absolutely silent. Also pretty far, at least a quarter of a mile. I tried to take pictures with my old 10 MP Alpha 300 Sony DSLR camera with 70 mm equivalent max focal length but they were too far away and they only came as pixels. I think i posted about somewhere including a picture but can't find anything. I had an impulse to run at the car in the lot and drive closer to take pictures but something was paralyzing me.

I think i was afraid. More like of being ridiculed by some sort of prank designed with that purpose. It was all too obvious and easy not to hide a trap or something. No cars on the street which seemed odd for the beginning of the evening or around sunset time. Also at the time i was high all the time from smoke from the ground i was ignoring. (Years after i probably reached my limit and the smoke was not enough to feel good anymore but just dizzy and realized it and started to fight it).

Most likely explanation? Drones of some sort, the frame type, though kinda big, hanging vertically rather than horizontally. Nothing out of this world.

5:15 Can't sleep (slept 10 days yesterday). Ate something, had a few drinks (it's still night, i never drink in the morning! LOL) Kept thinking. Why was he trying to sell me a carpet cleaner. The guy with the small SUV parked yesterday in our spot. And figured it out. I posted first an image with a small stain on the carpet. Then i replaced it with one where i put the laptop over it.

These guys resilience and professionalism is infinite. Their endeavour is 2500 years old or older. They will speculate every tiny possibility. They came on the suspicion there was a stain on the carpet, to amplify it. Something i didn't clean. The other ninja came out of the building "to defend me" then the guy left. It was all a show.

Everybody saw. In the two pictures posted already there is one of the legs of my tripod stand from which two plants are hanging (used to be three). The stain is from overwatering the plants and can be easily cleaned though i didn't have the time. Some of the leaves have been burnt by UV when i put it in the room and forgot about the plants for about 5 minutes.

Why are the blinds open. Because i was airing when i took the picture. It stinks so bad i can't sleep. As i said they are really pro. They only place themselves in public sight on the defense or as good guys. He came "on a suspicion". Feel realy sorry right now i didn't beat the crap out of him, i hope someone will. And the guy honking who made me walk outside. And  the ninja who pretend are my friends. Still think like a child i guess or i am still drunk.

5:41 The plane crash in Nepal. I was posting lately about Nepal, Magars and Buddha. I wrote about plane crashes and also watched lots of videos. Yesterday i put a video with images from a drone in Câmpulung, a town surrounded by mountains. Was that after the crash? Can they predict future? Maybe not but i bet their AI can predict my next moves.

6:08 Cei puțin ei vă arată întotdeauna aspectul luminos din orice mizerie. Un sport de lux. Iadul aparține însă urmașilor noștri. Dar cui îi pasă.

Ajutați-ne cu puțină decență, autostrăzi, oportunități și job-uri, cu lipsa imaginii inestetice a lui Ciucă și aerian elegant suspendată a lui Iohannis. Cu lipsa voastră în general.

8:42 Smoke filled the place. Had no chance but go outside. Kids on scooters playing and yelling in January rain at Sunday 8 AM, at times crossing in the alley where sometimes cars pass one after another. One SUV came in the middle of the alley and stopped defensively between me and them and two "Mexican guys" started to talk annoyingly loud to each other, throwing glances at me while i was stepping on bulged areas. Smelled some dog s... and picked two dog piles, one with diarrhea, other objects thrown on the ground. When i went to throw them, another SUV came between me and the kids.

9:00 Repetitio mater studiorum. Cred că am mai zis faza cu Wan Ron Rolling dar nu contează, lumea cred că a uitat-o. Eram în Lake Oswego la apartamentul 10 iar la apartamentul 9 în ultimul timp venea tipa aia de a făcut-o pe Kelly Clarkson (postare veche). Pentru că am zis înainte de a mă muta acolo de mai multe ori că îmi plăcea vocea ei.

În realitate deși arătă ok, nu e la înălțimea vocii nici pe departe (acum s-a îngrășat foarte mult). Oricum am stat deoparte. În orice caz.

Dau într-o zi peste un video în care apărea o tipă care semăna cu ea. Nu era ea normal fiindcă era "chinezoaică" dar vroiau pe atunci încă să mă convingă că două persoane de fapt pot semăna între ele. Da normal pot fiindcă ungurii sunt și ei asiatici.

În treacăt fie spus. Pe atunci eram pe chat cu cineva și am pus link la video. În următorul minut a picat bursa 5%. Video-ul chinezesc de fapt sumariza și înfiera cam tot ce mi se întâmpla (Eu eram normal tipul cu coarne și găină în brațe).

Ok a venit vremea să mă mut și am nimerit aici la Rolling Hills. Wang Ron Rollin, Rolling Hills. Era o tipă la recepție foarte sexy. Câțiva ani după încă mă întâlneam cu ea pe alee la ora când mergea la birou, în pauze. Stătea vizavi. Care până la urmă s-a dovedit a fi ea. Dar avea și un soț care părea culturist.

De câte ori ne întâlneam se uita galeș la mine. M-am gândit s-o invit înăuntru, dar mi-era rușine fiindcă puțea prea mult a fum și alte chestii iar apartamentul era într-adevăr foarte "crummy".  Ce îmi pare rău acum e că ea a vrut să-mi schimbe boilerul dar eu am ezitat. Mi-am amintit toată faza când, căutându-l pe Fumio, am dat de o poză care sintetizează poziția femeii în Japonia.

Absolut obiecte docile de folosință. Am înțeles că ei le numesc pe colegele de birou "tea ladies". Adică tot ce fac este să servească ceai. Multe rămân nemăritate și pe alea le numesc "Christmas cakes". Adică torturi rămase în vitrine de la Crăciun. Așa se prezenta și ea pe alle când ne întâlneam.

They only blow in the most visible areas. They were leaves everywhere. A month ago i pulled two sacks from under bedroom's window. Today two more sacks next to cars. There are more but i can't cause they sent a whole bands of Japanese kids at the door to defend the rot. At that patio some sort of forgotten black cover fell over the rotting leaves. They been flushing toilets every time i went to bathroom for a week now. I developed some sort of retention and i'm full of gas and had palpitations when bending to put by hand the leaves in the sacks.     Pulled four more sacks (a total of maybe ten) from the end of the yard under first 3 bushes from left on top of that cable box, barely made a dent. Youngsters came to work at 3 different cars on the right next to the other bin where i was throwing them. Threw last one at our bin, a curly guy looking native Australian came from behind me on an electric scooter when i was returning, nearly hit me. Deja vu, he done that before several months ago. Have to finish the leaves cause they promote the stinking inside.

They do this every fall, intentionally leave leaves in the yard, but in different places and now on sides on top of mulch areas where are harder to see perceive.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

January 14

12:12 Au trecut săptămâni în care am eliminat microundele din viața mea. Mai întâi telefonul, apoi wi-fi-ul. O altă consecință neprevăzută. Am început să visez din nou (noaptea în somn, nu ziua cu ochii deschiși, ca australienii antici) sau poate doar să-mi amintesc ce visez.

Apropo, astăzi am dormit pentru tot ce am pierdut săptămâna trecută. Cred că un total de vreo zece ore. M-am trezit în fum la amiază cu amintirile unui vis neplăcut și am ieșit afară să caut găuri. Nu am găsit prea multe găuri, doar umflături în zone cu iarbă. Și acelea sunt pline de fum. Am mai călcat pe ele, o parte din fum a dispărut.

Bine înainte de a-mi da seama că respir fum am citit repede știrile. Am citit o știre care mi-a amintit de altceva. Când România a aderat la UE în 2007 toate țările au ratificat pe rând aderarea în parlamente,  un proces care a durat câteva luni.

Schengen după 1999 a devenit partea cea mai semnificativă a tratatului UE. Pe site-ul Consiliului scrie. One of the main achievements of EU. Una din realizările importante. Ale Uniunii Europene. România este membră a Uniunii Europene, remember?

Întrebare: A fost vreo ratificare după votul Consiliului din decembrie? Nu, pentru că nu a fost nevoie. Ratificarea a avut loc în 2007 pentru toate aspectele tratatului UE, inclusiv Protocolul 19. Nu, pentru că acel vot a fost ne-legislativ. A fost doar o constatare (recunoaștere) cinică a actului juridic din 2007 încă nepus în aplicare pentru România și Bulgaria.

Tot pe acel site, puțin mai jos, apare expresia vagă "to fully join". Ce înseamnă asta? Să adere pe deplin. Mai înseamnă că a fost membră până atunci, dar nu pe deplin, ceea ce este o absurditate a la Kafka. Nu poți fi membru al unui tratat sau al oricărui aspect din acel tratat numai parțial.

Motivul pentru care totul seamănă cu birocrația absurdă descrisă de Kafka care a trăit în Imperiul Austro-Ungar este că UE e dominată de țări din fostul imperiu Austro-Ungar, mai înainte Habsburgic (Holy Roman Empire). Prin oamenii din funcții care sunt toți actori unguri. Prin veto-ul țărilor mici egal cu al celor mari și care prin asta pot controla orice decizie. Motivul pentru care Marea Britanie și-a dorit să iasă din UE.

1:35 Pentru ruși Uniunea Sovietciă a fost job-uri și locuințe sigure iar singurul inconvenient a fost izolarea înlocuită de plictisul lungilor ședințe de partid zilnice, ocupându-le tot timpul. De aceea nu-și pot imagina ce a însemnat teroarea războiului rece a cărei amintire este încă vie pentru restul lumii "libere".

Dar mai mult decât atât, cele 4 mari războaie asiatice în care SUA a fost direct implicată și a pierdut mulți oameni. Veteranii (atâția câți au mai rămas) rudele lor și tot publicul cred că au fost toate războaie cu fosta Uniune Sovietică, prin proxy wars (Corea, Vietnam, Irak, Afganistan), pentru a elibera acele țări asiatice de comunism sau dictatori aliați cu rușii etc., pentru care americanii nu-i pot ierta pe ruși, Ucraina fiind o re-încălzire a acelor amintiri pe cale de a fi uitate de noile generații.

Japonezii execută piruete de psihologie inversă din ce în ce mai contorsionate încercând să demonstreze că ei sunt doar niște victime ale "conspirației evreilor" care au fost prea mult timp o necesară iapă de bătut șeaua. Aici intră și "asasinarea" fostului premier Abe.

Capisci? (Încercați să mai scoateți capul din celulare și veți înțelege mai ușor).

6:40 I heard an unusual repeating loud honk outside and thought it was Angela coming from Walmart and WinCo. Went outside, left the door open, only to see a small red SUV parked in our spot and a dark one honking by the mailbox. So i asked the guy with the SUV to leave. He looked familiar, like a celebrity, politician or Hungarian actor.

He started to talk to me like wanting to sell a carpet cleaner (it's  not the carpet that stinks here most, it's the water heater, especially after i had this bad idea yesterday and put some antibacterial stuff in that electric box on top that stinks most and that bred different strains in the contaminated insulation and now it all stink much worse) and had to air for a longtime. Just ordered a more aggressive UV lamp with 185 nm component that also produces lots of ozone, to put in the closet, it comes tomorrow. The existing one doesn't do much especially because the glass got covered with a dark layer of vaporized tungsten.

A number of Japanese people from the building including women started to pour slowly to their cars. For a few seconds like ten or more while talking to the guy, i was distracted, people could have gotten in and/or out behind my back.

Just realized. So Viet. Non Chinese, Noongar, Nguyen.

10:30 Medvedev, seppuku. Ninja nu-și fac seppuku, numai samurai dar samurai au dispărut (nu există plural în limba japoneză) sub guvernarea ninja, care a început în secret în 1603.    

Friday, January 13, 2023

January 13

1:30 Done it. In a couple of weeks i figured how to wire all devices in the apartment and get rid of wi-fi, buying only cables, ethernet to USB adapters (for the laptop and PC that doesn't have an ethernet ports) and using two old routers. One of them is the Netgear cable modem/router wi-fi that i used for the current provider. The other is only a Fios wi-fi/router i wasn't using right now with 4 ethernet output ports and one input. With the first on the right i supply ethernet to the second which has 4 ethernet, 2 USB output ports and acts as only as a switch. I don't mind using them both now in winter cause all the heat adds up to the electric heaters i use right now.

It doesn't look pretty, it will after i hide them under some furniture and reroute the cables. I got 3 devices and 5 useful ports with two to spare.

System monitoring on the Fios router ( or showing wi-fi disabled. On the other router there is a hardware switch. By clicking on the links you will open your own router page were you can change settings (disable wi-fi or radio etc..) like below. Factory password is either written on the router or is Password, password, pass, etc.. Can change it for better protection. If you changed it and forgot it, can reset the router to factory defaults by pressing the reset button which sometimes is hidden, for a number of seconds. Be careful not to mess with other settings or you will have to be on the... phone with customer service of your provider. Sometimes it takes a while for the cable router to scan channels after a reset.

I invite everybody to get rid of wi-fi (this is easy) and cell phones if possible. At home can use cell phones in a far corner of the room with bluetooth. Can use an app like google voice that comes with a free real phone number that can be called from any phone or fb messenger or anything you want on your wireless disabled laptop.

Most will shut down wi-fi (to save energy) by simply plugging in the ethernet cable or ethernet USB adapter but better check settings.

Switching to wired has an unexpected bonus. Notable speed increase.

Shut the phones down when you put them in your pocket or purse and do the same (use bluetooth) at work. Or at least make an experiment for a month. But full recovery from exposure takes a long time.

Get a landline (with a chorded set). They must be cheaper now.

2:18 Lloyd James Austin III (if  you have doubts look at the tip of the ears, also James - Yoshimitsu)

10:50 Yellen. Based on what. They didn't show us a spending report for the (fiscal) year 2022.

11:33 The bigger picture that includes the laptop with the ethernet/USB adapter (white in the picture) and the hub i used to turn the laptop into a PC with ports for mouse, keyboard and HDMI for the old PC monitor. The two routers and laptop used to be wi-fi emitters, not anymore. There's two more devices attached to the routers still left out of the picture, a 4K TV (with ethernet port) and a all in one PC also with ethernet/USB adapter identical with the one in the picture that also have been quieted down (a total of 5 emitters) and also the monitor. Two routers because the old Netgear cable/modem router only has 2 ethernet ports.

The speed and reliability have increased on all connections. Can attach anything to ethernet, such as tablets for kids using longer heavy duty flexible cables.

Plus the two phones that had both wi-fi and cellular (higher power needed to reach the towers) emitters. A total of 7 + 2 = 9 or a total of up to 5 watts of 2.4 GHz microwave emitters in the tiny apartment. I still take the phone with me everywhere I go for an emergency but is shut down. Plus the 1 watt leak at the "oven".

No there is no such thing as receiving only. The TV emits back continuously to keep a channel open for searches, buffering info etc.. I checked with the meter.

11:55 There is an electric box embedded in the water heater lid on top that gets filled with (possibly dirty) water every time i leave. Otherwise it stays dry for days. I tried to pour water in it and it doesn't go anywhere, there's only foam insulation under that sits pretty tight under the lid that has been poured in the space under the lid during assembly.

I think they figured ways to get in here after i leave. The two bottle sign, two empty bottles attached to the door with fishing line that fall into a different position every time i close the door can be beat. Two guys can do it. One in the back watching through the window and one opening and closing the door as many times as it takes to get them in the same position. It takes a few minutes i guess. Should look odd but who else is here to see but them.

Why would the ninja go through all the trouble to do this. For me to stink everywhere i go. To keep me sick and low key and looking and acting crazy.

1:45 As i was finishing here and getting ready for a walk, having a bit of halva, a desert snack popular in countries like Romania, made of sunflower seeds flour (usually leftovers after pressing out the oil) and sugar, rich in protein, fiber and minerals, very similar to protein bars), the tall blond guy that wasn't here in months, with a dog dressed with a jacket and with green boots came and walked like for 10 minutes around the yard, at one point getting real close to the door.

3:00 When i left i noticed the van had an orange sticker, like my truck used to have many times, though it was parked on a numbered spot. When i got back i felt the smell of heavy smoke from a few buildings away. I  think this time was cocaine, not kratom as usual. There were many holes around the building including one under the door. As i stepped outside, i saw one of the guys with the van in a rare apparition during daytime, possibly playing victim, threatening or both.

As i did my routine, like enlarging the holes a bit with a stick to add borax, there was this guy in an orange hoodie playing loud music and working on a car, giving "probably cause" to the management. Ran out of borax and went inside to get some more, i noticed a cart from the office again passing by in a rare move with two women talking aggressively.

Cart was passing when i got at the door and didn't see much except one of them was dressed in white, like i saw the other day (Monday?) (their uniform used to be black). Didn't have a chance to get some soil from other mounds and cover the slightly enlarged holes filled with borax yet, so the smoke is still around. (How come they didn't feel it?). Will get some more until they leave the area.

3:32 As i am a bit woozy from the smoke, i finished those and the smoke is only remnants that filters are slowly eliminating. Saw a guy passing and putting on the ground an aluminum tubular crotch, like to show me how it's done. I think over the years i have complained of smoke coming from the ground at least one hundred times.

4:00 But if you really really want to have a chance of understanding all my (miss)adventures into the wild wild west i recommend to first read Kafka's books. Kafka was born and his source of inspiration was the infinite Austro-Hungarian ethicless almost inhuman Asian style bureaucracy and attitude towards small and insignificant persons. Or the same, Clavell's Shogun with the infinite labyrinth-like narrative. A bonus of reading these books will be life will look to you so much more beautiful after.

6:30 Apropo de pozele de mai sus.

6:42 Pat Benatar effect or why i broke up with shy, sensitive, defenseless, vulnerable Maria. She said (early 1982): "Yesterday i met and had sex with my ex boyfriend, do you want to take his place?".

10:50 Cineva poate să-mi spună dacă tipul ăsta e Țiriac? Arată ca el, vorbește ca el, trebuie că e el.

11:20 Alte reacții subliminale la îndemnul meu de a trece pe cablu sau cine vă mai vrea binele.

11:42 See what i'm talking about? (alegoriile războiului).

You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
Cryin' all the time
Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit
And you ain't no friend of mine.

11:46 Living is easy with eyes closed.

11:48 Ok mi-am făcut curaj să scriu (niște paragrafe mai lungi) despre ce am mai pățit în seara asta. În timp ce făceam mâncare am băut și am adormit și m-am trezit pe la zece. După ce m-am hidratat cu mult ceai (de frunze de afine pentru diabet) mi-a venit chef de o plimbare (aveam ceea ce eu numesc o mahmureală plăcută, sunt și dintr-astea).

Am deschis ușa iar în parcare a venit cu un viraj rapid și cu farurile de Xenon în ochii mei tipul de sus. Am închis ușa fiindcă nu vreau să dau față cu el, că mă tem să nu-i spun ceva ce voi regreta după, fiindcă mă înnebunește cu mersul pe tavan (noaptea trecută la 4). Am așteptat să-l aud pe scări și sus scârțâind ca să știu că a urcat, dar după zece minute, nimic. Am rugat-o pe Angela să deschidă ușa și a văzut că nu-i în mașină. Un scârțâit scurt a confirmat. Deci se poate și fără zgomot.

De ce m-a păcălit. Ca să aibă timp nebunii să se pregătească. Am pornit, două mașini m-au chiorât în parcare, cu faruri albe modificate (cu LED aftermarket) și/sau defecte, fază mare, etc.. Când am trecut de clădirea a doua, dintr-un balcon, un câine (părea un ogar cenușiu dar cu capul mai mare și mai rotund) a lătrat doar o dată. Atât de tare încât nu am auzit în viața mea un asemenea lătrat. Peste 100 dB. Ok, nu am făcut atac de inimă, dar aveam o senzație ciudată, în tot corpul care m-a ținut 5 minute după.

Când am ajuns în stradă (după 5 minute de mers în complex) deja se adunaseră. Un SUV uriaș cu faruri și roți cât butoaiele a demarat show-ul în zgomot de eșapament modificat. Nu știu dacă aveți prin România asemenea chestii, părea ca de la monster jam, cu eșapament modificat la motor de 7 litri și roți cât butoaiele care se bălăngăneau puțin ca niște baloane moi.

Jocul se numește enervați-l de moarte pe jidanul Dracula dictatorul galactic Xenu.

Și au mai venit după, cu zecile la ora aia pustie (10:30 seara) mașini mai de stradă dar au făcut cam la fel. Zgomot, fum și lumini orbitoare în ochi. M-am enervat normal, mi s-a inflamat mucoasa nazală și am început să respir greu, dar stimulat de nervi. Când am ajuns în casă și m-am calmat, am constatat că am o greutate în respirație și am deschis gura ca să respir pe gură, dar mi-a trebuit cam jumătate de oră să mă recuperez.

Cine sunt. De câte ori m-am căznit și am reușit să-i zăresc în asemenea situații, când de obicei au geamuri fumurii, tot ce am putut să deslușesc a fost fețe de hikikomori urâți din Japonia, uneori cu mustețe din alea ridicole cum nu le stă bine la japonezi, încercând să pară nu știu, poate mexicani. De aceea nici nu mai încerc să întorc capul, sunt greu de văzut dar știu cine sunt. Însă mașinile sunt aranjate să pară ca de americani mai de la țară așa.

12:34 Vreți să știți toate fazele cu Pat Benatar? Eram în anul II și plecam de la Câmpulung la Iași. Pe tren (acceleratul Iași Timișoara Iași) era de servici chiar nașul și vecinul meu (Jean Constantin) deci nu aveam bilet (cred că de aici a început expresia și poate din păcate obiceiul). Stăteam în compartiment față în față cu ea, era dintr-o gașcă ce veneau din Ardeal. Micuță și nu prea, "studentă la Farmacie" îmbrăcată într-un palton maro destul de ponosit, nu prea vorbea și părea cam supărată (de fapt așa pare ea de obicei nici în video-uri nu prea zâmbește).

La un moment dat s-au ridicat toți și au plecat la vagonul restaurant și au lăsat-o în compartiment ca un bagaj (bine acum știu de ce). La care eu, gentleman, am invitat-o la vagonul restaurant unde am cheltuit banii de bilet normal iar nașul a trecut și pe acolo, cu o privire dojenitoare.

Stăteam în gazdă în Păcurari 33, la demisol, în casa unui fost coleg de liceu (ce semăna cu Ron Lauder, dar mult mai tânăr, nu se putea). Eram în pat și ascultam cu ea muzică grecească (făcusem o pasiune pe atunci) și a venit Cătălin colegul meu de gazdă (un balerin din Pecs care semăna cu Paul McCartney) și a aprins lumina, nu a zis nimic, era încruntat, a luat ceva și a plecat. Ea s-a dus și a stins lumina înapoi dar eu mă enervasem deja. Pe atunci aveam într-adevăr minte de copil. După câteva zile s-a întâmplat faza cu fostul ei prieten.

Acu vreo lună două în Lincoln City. Eram cu Angela în parcare la Roads End și mâncam salată de cartofi (un fel de salată orientală cu puțin zahăr) cu salam italian (o tradiție) și beam vin, toate de la Grocery Outlet și admiram apusul în ocean. La radio începe să cânte o melodie cu ea (că altfel nu mă prindeam). Vine o tipă cu o bicicletă cu pantaloni mulați ca în video și chiar o geacă neon verde, se pune în fața mașinii noastre să vadă și ea apusul.

(Nu știu de ce aici am un deja vu, parcă am mai scris sau gândit sau văzut odată chestia asta, poate în urmă cu 40 de ani).

Era însă bicicletă ca de bărbați cu bară și la un moment dat și-a băgat bara între picioarele care încă arată de la distanță cam la fel ca în video (73 de ani reali). A apus soarele și a plecat. Faza s-a mai repetat și în altă ocazie. Cred că încerca să-mi amintească faza cu lumina stinsă și aprinsă din 82 de la Iași. Ceea ce m-a provocat să scriu acum.

Dar atunci în tren nu e prima dată când am dat nas în nas cu ea. Tot în tren, veneam în vacanță de la Iași, eram prin ultimul an de liceu cred. O tipă tot așa, mai micuță, serioasă, stătea pe culoar lâng mine și la moment dat m-a întrebat unde cobor. La Câmpulung. "Nu vrei să mă ajuți, am acasă o sobă cu motorină și nu știu s-o pornesc". Era o iarnă frumoasă cu multă zăpadă. Teoretic, puteam să-mi las bagajul cu rufe murdare la bagaje de mână și să merg. Însă părea puțin speriată, mai în vârstă (Maria Zempleni e cu 11 ani mai în vârstă decât mine), expresia de pe fața ei nu coincidea cu intenția declarată și arunca priviri ca pentru consultare către un alt tip mai încolo pe culoar. Am refuzat politicos și cu regret.

Azi am pomenit-o prima dată fiindcă scriam ceva și au pus o melodie de-a ei la radio ce avea legătură ciudată cu ce scriam și m-am enervat.

Dacă regret ceva de atunci. Promisiunile vieții din anii 70 în România și cum a devenit totul un coșmar după 83.

Știu acum. Trapped  by your love. Chained to your side. Zempleni. "Xenu also spelled Xemu". Zamolxes, Zymase etc.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

January 12

12:25 Turn the face to strange.

9:20 Was laying in bed for ten minutes when i decided to rise. I went and opened the door and patio sliding door to air the room. He was there "unloading groceries" accross the alley. The short muscular Buddha who shows here about once a month. Most likely a Japanese fighter of sorts.

1:10 Lots of bad news from my walk. I left through the back and first i saw a dog poop (didn't see those in a while, a new wave is starting?). Then i saw the hole in the wall, exposed again after the rains. The problem? The problem is it rains inside the wall which rots and then the whole building smells like mold. Also insulation dust is coming out of it. Was not inspired enough to take a picture above the plank separating the first and second floor, where all the patches i put resisted. This one that is in within reach i repatched twice. No i can't re-patch it because it's wet.

Almost one year has passed since last April when i did  those. They did the windows. They did some of the siding around windows but didn't fix those. Where it rains inside the wall.

They knew i saw it and waited with a load of laundry to dry so i got exposed while taking the picture. Which reminded me of the vents next to our apartments. Took some pictures just to show that at Apt.2 where mold smells come during drying something weird is going on, probably drying without the mesh. Strangely enough, the anti-poop announcement (xeroxed from the one they put on all dors after i complained) which i taped with scotch tape resisted. The patch on the hole was made with white Duck tape. Most of the redwood dust seen on the blue walls is made by the Wednesday blowers though.

Good thing i took pictures so i can look relaxed. It could be the forgotten rat trap under that vent catches mold inside too because of the vapor. Now i know why the put the lid of the extinguisher box there. To distract from perceiving the box.

1:35 I take the microwave meter with me everywhere. The alarm is set at 1. So far i discovered on my 3 miles loop "only" two "hot spots" in two different points around the hospital. One is at the end of the west parking lot. One is at east of the east parking lot. First one shows as tower, though unseen. Second is unidentified. At the first one i'm getting readings around five. But at the second which is next to a visibile tower, but not near it, where i didn't get much readings (i pulled the meter on purpose, alarm didn't sound), today i recorded up to 20 which is a lot. As much as from a cell phone at 1-2 ft distance during a call.

Many people don't know. Because at 4G the signal travels in all directions, the power decreases with the square of distance. 1000 mW next to the cell phone, 20 at 1 ft, next to nothing at 15 ft. Don't get me wrong. 20 is 20000 higher than normal "natural" background which is one though my meter cannot show less than that. How many calls do a cell tower simultaneously handles in average? I'd say it depends on the size, and this was a small one.

I don't know but today at 500 ft from it i got 20 mW which is enormous. A reading similar to the one at Safeway parking lot in Lincoln City and the upper level of the new Casino parking (and again not next to the tower near Grocery Outlet). But today the meter didn't identified the signal as cell tower. More like a... microwave oven? Which again, if it leaks like mine, should show almost nothing at 15 ft.

Could it be a defective microwave oven in one of those RVs parked in there?
Today i didn't get more exposed on some areas of the body like from making a 1 minute call, but for me it was enough. All the painful areas were activated and i think i solved the mystery as why lately after passing that point i got several times, within minutes, diarrhea symptoms. Because that signal irritates my bowel. Do people really live in those nearby houses? I bet some of the older ones have "irritable bowel syndrome". At least to say.

9:13 Billy Idol and himself.

9:18 Opportunities bestowed in heaven. Azi ninja nu a venit acasă la timpul obișnuit, s-a autopedepsit fiindcă am descoperit faza cu cutia de sub răsuflătoare (poză mai sus). A așteptat momentul să deschid știrile și a izbit tare ușa la mașină ca să mă facă să am o reacție negativă (practic am tresărit) exact când am deschis știrea asta. Astfel și-a construit intrarea înapoi. ("Vedeți, v-am spus eu că e așa").

S-a dus direct în baie și a început să meșterească ceva.

9:34 I wrote in the other day about different roles he (i think he is actually a woman) fills around here. Resident at Apt. 3, 4 and 5. He also does a woman across the alley. But his main base is the floating van, an old white van with JBQ LPN figuring a homeless van. About a week ago i started taking pictures with numbered spots the van occupies, but he realized and stopped after 3 positions. 

First it was next to garbage bin, where there is not a spot, then 11, then 7 and now  the van is there for a few days.

It is much easier for the ninja to get out of the van at night pretending peeing and roam around and arrange things like the rat trap than if he was inside one of the apartments or peel the tape of  the wall or stick burning stuff in the ground etc.. Moving the van in different positions every day ensures there are no traceable patterns in regular activities like sticking burning stuff in the ground.

9:50 Faptul că România având un președinte bozgor (ca și toți cei dinainte, cu excepția lui Constantinescu ce a fost ninja) care pretinde că e neamț nu ajută. "Werner" mimând ceea ce unii cred că sunt "apucăturile" nemților a preluat probabil de la "Mazăre" "conecția braziliană", justifică aceste contraatacuri pe teren, care în realitate blochează (încetinesc) ceea ce fac eu cu blogul, asemănările. Eu îl sfătuiesc pe Werner să facă pasul înapoi acum și să-l ia și pe retardul de Ciucă și toată gașca de retarzi cu el.

I remember the first time when i complained about the van (on the blog) the next day a Police SUV came and a blond or read headed young tall Hungarian actor (which is weird cause all cops in Tualatin are bearded) figuring a Police officer went and talked to the same guy who occupies the van, acting as resident at Apt.3 who probably said the van was his which is true but in a different identity.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

On the Origin of Huns

Alt History. Altaic shaman drums vs ancient Australian cave paintings. Mongol, Magar, Noongar, ninja is the same root. Corroboree.

Why the didgeridoo?

12:00 Kali (kylie) protruding tongue. Elvis was one of them. Gorbatchev had on his forehead a map of Italy that stopped at Rome.

The reason Attila "spared" Rome was because they knew they were too few. They settled for Pannonia.

But how could so few defeat the mighty Romans?

Unconventional warfare. Psychological, possibly writing or financing the Book of Revelation, which was written in "barbarian style".

Boomerangs can be converted in carrying incapacitating smoke over enemy troops or prey (or maybe that was the original usage). Throwing bodies of people who died of highly contagious diseases in enemy's camp. Lighting fires containing hallucinogenic plants from wind's direction etc..

How come we didn't know any of these? Later after XII century, when the Buddhist Magars of Nepal, of the same origin (nowadays Magyars) have already joined the party, they infiltrated and started to control the Catholic Church and removed any relevant information from the archives, including anything concerning Dacia, etc..

Two pieces of information remained in people's common knowledge. Attila called himself the "The Scourge of God". A man throwing a boomerang may indeed look like he's handling a whip.

The verb inganare in late or vulgar Latin which means deceiving. With the Romanian version which means "mocking by imitating or doubling". Something they do to me on daily basis. Everything i write gets doubled with selected or fake news. The whole war in Ukraine may be an allegory.

But let us not forget that Elvis in a different version of the song clearly points at Orion.

In this early painting Attila is shown with a curved sword, like Kali, that resembles a boomerang and a crown that resembles a...

In this one he has a penguin on his shield. Penguins live only in Southern hemisphere including Australia. The shield is at an angle, the bird stands or walks and its image got corrupted after a few centuries when no Hungarian saw a penguin, when this painting was done.

They know where they come from. The ruling class of Europe used to dress themselves as penguins and with sticks and high hats figuring hairdos like during corroborees.
You may say i'm a dreamer
But i'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as unum.