Thursday, January 12, 2023

January 12

12:25 Turn the face to strange.

9:20 Was laying in bed for ten minutes when i decided to rise. I went and opened the door and patio sliding door to air the room. He was there "unloading groceries" accross the alley. The short muscular Buddha who shows here about once a month. Most likely a Japanese fighter of sorts.

1:10 Lots of bad news from my walk. I left through the back and first i saw a dog poop (didn't see those in a while, a new wave is starting?). Then i saw the hole in the wall, exposed again after the rains. The problem? The problem is it rains inside the wall which rots and then the whole building smells like mold. Also insulation dust is coming out of it. Was not inspired enough to take a picture above the plank separating the first and second floor, where all the patches i put resisted. This one that is in within reach i repatched twice. No i can't re-patch it because it's wet.

Almost one year has passed since last April when i did  those. They did the windows. They did some of the siding around windows but didn't fix those. Where it rains inside the wall.

They knew i saw it and waited with a load of laundry to dry so i got exposed while taking the picture. Which reminded me of the vents next to our apartments. Took some pictures just to show that at Apt.2 where mold smells come during drying something weird is going on, probably drying without the mesh. Strangely enough, the anti-poop announcement (xeroxed from the one they put on all dors after i complained) which i taped with scotch tape resisted. The patch on the hole was made with white Duck tape. Most of the redwood dust seen on the blue walls is made by the Wednesday blowers though.

Good thing i took pictures so i can look relaxed. It could be the forgotten rat trap under that vent catches mold inside too because of the vapor. Now i know why the put the lid of the extinguisher box there. To distract from perceiving the box.

1:35 I take the microwave meter with me everywhere. The alarm is set at 1. So far i discovered on my 3 miles loop "only" two "hot spots" in two different points around the hospital. One is at the end of the west parking lot. One is at east of the east parking lot. First one shows as tower, though unseen. Second is unidentified. At the first one i'm getting readings around five. But at the second which is next to a visibile tower, but not near it, where i didn't get much readings (i pulled the meter on purpose, alarm didn't sound), today i recorded up to 20 which is a lot. As much as from a cell phone at 1-2 ft distance during a call.

Many people don't know. Because at 4G the signal travels in all directions, the power decreases with the square of distance. 1000 mW next to the cell phone, 20 at 1 ft, next to nothing at 15 ft. Don't get me wrong. 20 is 20000 higher than normal "natural" background which is one though my meter cannot show less than that. How many calls do a cell tower simultaneously handles in average? I'd say it depends on the size, and this was a small one.

I don't know but today at 500 ft from it i got 20 mW which is enormous. A reading similar to the one at Safeway parking lot in Lincoln City and the upper level of the new Casino parking (and again not next to the tower near Grocery Outlet). But today the meter didn't identified the signal as cell tower. More like a... microwave oven? Which again, if it leaks like mine, should show almost nothing at 15 ft.

Could it be a defective microwave oven in one of those RVs parked in there?
Today i didn't get more exposed on some areas of the body like from making a 1 minute call, but for me it was enough. All the painful areas were activated and i think i solved the mystery as why lately after passing that point i got several times, within minutes, diarrhea symptoms. Because that signal irritates my bowel. Do people really live in those nearby houses? I bet some of the older ones have "irritable bowel syndrome". At least to say.

9:13 Billy Idol and himself.

9:18 Opportunities bestowed in heaven. Azi ninja nu a venit acasă la timpul obișnuit, s-a autopedepsit fiindcă am descoperit faza cu cutia de sub răsuflătoare (poză mai sus). A așteptat momentul să deschid știrile și a izbit tare ușa la mașină ca să mă facă să am o reacție negativă (practic am tresărit) exact când am deschis știrea asta. Astfel și-a construit intrarea înapoi. ("Vedeți, v-am spus eu că e așa").

S-a dus direct în baie și a început să meșterească ceva.

9:34 I wrote in the other day about different roles he (i think he is actually a woman) fills around here. Resident at Apt. 3, 4 and 5. He also does a woman across the alley. But his main base is the floating van, an old white van with JBQ LPN figuring a homeless van. About a week ago i started taking pictures with numbered spots the van occupies, but he realized and stopped after 3 positions. 

First it was next to garbage bin, where there is not a spot, then 11, then 7 and now  the van is there for a few days.

It is much easier for the ninja to get out of the van at night pretending peeing and roam around and arrange things like the rat trap than if he was inside one of the apartments or peel the tape of  the wall or stick burning stuff in the ground etc.. Moving the van in different positions every day ensures there are no traceable patterns in regular activities like sticking burning stuff in the ground.

9:50 Faptul că România având un președinte bozgor (ca și toți cei dinainte, cu excepția lui Constantinescu ce a fost ninja) care pretinde că e neamț nu ajută. "Werner" mimând ceea ce unii cred că sunt "apucăturile" nemților a preluat probabil de la "Mazăre" "conecția braziliană", justifică aceste contraatacuri pe teren, care în realitate blochează (încetinesc) ceea ce fac eu cu blogul, asemănările. Eu îl sfătuiesc pe Werner să facă pasul înapoi acum și să-l ia și pe retardul de Ciucă și toată gașca de retarzi cu el.

I remember the first time when i complained about the van (on the blog) the next day a Police SUV came and a blond or read headed young tall Hungarian actor (which is weird cause all cops in Tualatin are bearded) figuring a Police officer went and talked to the same guy who occupies the van, acting as resident at Apt.3 who probably said the van was his which is true but in a different identity.

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