Friday, February 3, 2023

February 3rd

4:18 I wrote a while ago about replacing the water heater. I think there is a sewer line under it. 7 years ago i managed to squeeze some Great Stuff foam in there. However it was the cheap open cell foam and in time got saturated with sewer gas, mainly ammonia. When they removed the tank i scrapped  the pan and  the remaining foam was smelling like it. But it thought the line was closed (heard  the sound of the foam escaping in it back then).

After they put the concrete blocks i washed the whole place with some water with detergent until it came clean. I think some water got into the line and possibly in a s or p trap. But now, weeks after, i think it dried from there and sewer gas started to come in. When you do laundry, the lines get somehow washed, but 2 or 3 days after, or this night, you could not breath in here. I mean, i woke up because of the smell, at 1 AM and ever since i'm thinking what to do. I stock my borescope camera and saw the line under one of the blocks and it looks like it's open.

3:07 I never saw the face of the guy who did it because of the mask. Later in the parking lot he briefly pulled the mask and he looked like... I think  the other guy also with mask might have been... 

Today i saw in the parking lot a guy dressed like him, maybe taller, without mask but a bit of goatee, could not have been only 2 or 3 days, it was at least one week old, saw another version 2 or 3 days ago, shaven.

Same thing happened in Lake Oswego, at Apt.9 next to ours first was Lindsay Lohan who acted as a real estate agent, and then Kelly Clarkson, on the same name, car, etc..

When i got in my place a woman or girl, most likely Japanese made lo look latina pulled in the spot next to me, within one minute so and started to stare at me so i just left to Walmart, then she left too. While i was leaving the complex a Penske van popped in front of me. Today hundreds of people were involved in many scenes, including near accident situations at Walmart. Walmart was full of kids, but also at Lowes heard some crying.

My back pain (kidney, pancreas, gut, don't know) started back after i've been around the water heater taking pictures with the borescope. I put something, a piece of corrugated plastic that fits hard in that space on top of that pipe (i pulled after a while and saw a circle imprinted were the pipe was, put it back on), but the pipe is dented and can't seal. Bought something to put on that corrugated plastic, but will be here only tomorrow.

4:32 Last summer i've been complaining about dust on Avery St., on Nyberg. For months they were excavating the terrain in both sites. On Nyberg they build an apartment complex. On Avery, there are a couple of long industrial like buildings (it goes to the right maybe 300 ft or more), with no windows (except the huge lobby) with no signs, no name, just a Scientology cross, just across the street from where Angela works. Her previous job site also belonging to Eaton was on Teton St., a reminder of Thetans. Anybody know what these nuts are doing here?

4:43 Can't remember, it was a total of maybe 4 weeks of 24 hours week long notices of entrance last summer, for replacing the windows, a job that actually lasted several hours. Now, 6 months after, they gave me another one, for one week, for a touch up and painting job that would last probably half hour.

Last summer i thought i saw the guy who was leading the team was looking like the Emperor of Japan himself. That and the flare up of the sewage gas last night, following my posts yesterday. Emperor of Japan is a descendant of goddess Amaterasu, and the leader on Earth of divine origin. BTW i think it was her i saw  today in the parking lot. Unrecognizable on both sides without makeup.

12:13 I know i'm into the next day but want to right this one here because of the picture with the water heater pan and concrete blocks. After fasting all evening, and midnight i made myself some noodle soup with added bone broth. So i wanted to check my blood pressure. But my lancet broke. And started to ask myself, could there be a way to do it without? So i kept a needle with two fingers, somehow hidden and i pulled it a bit of a time until i finally hitted it with the prepared finger. Not much worse than the lancet. Then guess what. My BS came 230. With the new stick that show 20 less than the old ones.

Kept asking myself why. Maybe because i killed the sewer leakage (99.9% or it anyways). But my face and eyes hurt because... This morning when i went in to take that picture with my borescope camera i just shot the UV and the little closet with a blanket covering the permeable door had a lot of ozone built in there. In fact it says in the lamp's instruction. You have to air the room after using it.

So i don't know. Is it the ozone that got in my lungs and killed the whatever in there, before it can reach the stomach. Or the lack of stuff in the air. Or the copious amounts of coconut oil i took in the last days. Or the fact that i quit drinking alcohol and coffee. But if finally went down a little. Which contradicts my earlier theory that sugar builds up in your body and can't go down even if you fast.

But confirms the one that says your body pulls all the sugar from your gut (most of it coming from breaking down more complex carbs by pancreatic enzymes and it's not 10 or 20 grams, is in the hundreds of grams a day, and your body sacrifices the normal BS level pulling all sugar from the gut to cut the supply for bad bacteria and mold and why not, protozoa discharging from lungs and fermenting there.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

February 2nd

2:31 Intervenția lui Lavrov. Nici Maia Sandu, nici Lavrov și nici Putin însuși nu au trăit în Uniunea Sovietică. Gorbaciov, poate, sporadic. Nu rușii luptă în Ucraina. Recruții sunt probabil duși undeva pe un câmp și împușcați, sau fără apărare în focul "dușmanului" totuna, așa cum s-a întâmplat cu americanii în Vietnam. Și de Crăciun le dau o lecție, să nu mai folosească telefoanele să spună acasă ce se întâmplă. Ca și cum "ucrainenii" nu ar vedea prin sateliții prieteni tot ce fac.

În timp ce "Putin" spune că a ordonat armatei să intre în Ucraina pentru a-și apăra minoritatea de acolo după venirea la putere "nedemocratică" a lui Zelenski...

3:57 Tocmai îl găsisem pe Dodon... Ieri am pățit aceeași fază... Editorul online pe care îl folosesc pentru decupaje (crop) m-a blocat și mi-a zis gata, nu mai e gratuit, trebuie să plătesc și mi-a cerut bani. În realitate cred că e vorba de o chestie ceva, se bagă alții pe fir. Deci am plătit cu credit card pentru o lună, cred că m-au băgat pe o versiune mai veche, astăzi a intrat iar cea nouă. Acum îmi cer bani din nou, trebuie să caut altul, nașpa fiindcă mă obișnuisem cu ăsta...

5:43 Curios lucru. De câte luni lucrez cu aplicația asta? De ce s-au hotărât acum să-mi ceară bani? (1.95 pe lună). M-am uitat la card pe site-ul băncii și au zis că e activitate fraudulentă și a trebuit să-mi anulez cardul. Deci am încercat din nou cu aplicația gratuită de pe Chromebook, Gallery, căreia îi lipsește ceva, însă cred că mă pot obișnui cu ea.

10:25 Angela Merkel. Adolf Hitler.

5:41 Before i forget. It hit me today. The video with Norah Jones is an enactement of Amaterasu being tricked by music to come out of the cave after she went in there being upset and took the light with her. So in is the video, in this case tricked by love (of a Japanese boy), where Madonna substitutes Amaterasu (Amaterial). What other gods (spirits) with rays around their head used to live in a cave? The Wandjina, who are precursors to all solar deities in the world.

6:05 Ce-aș mai bee de-aș mai putee...

6:17 A new intraday trend of the market (actually it's been around for some time after "George Santos" moved upstairs two years ago). Every time i go to sleep in the morning it goes up, every time i come to the computer to do whatever it goes down etc.. And lately i only slept during day time cause at night is much more quiet and i can do stuff.

Yesterday we went at Walmart to fill Angela's antibiotic prescription, i was staring around and saw the small boxes with "Rely on" black sticks and bought some (they're really cheap, 10 bucks for 50) and when i got home i was not sure i bought the right ones and opened the box and used one and... surprise. My blood sugar came consistently 20 more than with the old sticks. Now i don't know which are good and which are not.

Didn't take a reading in quite some time, it used to go down to 200 and under while fasting and exercising, now it won't move under 300 no matter what, with 400 after eating, even no carbs at all.

In the last few days i had back pains which i suspected was either kidneys or pancreas, which at first was going away with omeprazole, and i remembered an old trick and took larger amounts like 5-10 grams of coconut oil (solidified by cold in here) several times a day. I keep cold in here (65) because it's less stinky Today after a week i think the back pain is going away. Also stopped drinking and drinking coffee (switching from soluble which i ran out to decaf ground also played a role in my back pains i guess).

BTW when Angela came from work she wanted to air the apartment and she did so, when she went to bed there was smoke in the bedroom, went outside, stepped on bulges, the smoke subsided, but i also found 4 new fresh dog poops. So much for airing.

6:54 Ce-aș mai bee de-aș mai putee... Cafea... Ciocolată... orice! Got some Ensure bottles with 10 grams each. Ok almond milk hot chocolate with one gram of sugar (got 15-20 grams in my 5 liters of blood right now anyways). I think i said it before. One reason your blood sugar won't go down even after fasting and exercising is because all your collagen and other tissues in your diabetic body are saturated with it. I think i got one pound of sugar spread throughout my tissues.

I once wrote about the possibility that your body is increasing your cholesterol level to compensate lack of vitamin D because cholesterol is used to make vitamin D in the skin after exposure to certain UV wavelengths (soft UV or UVA i guess). What if your body increases your blood sugar because of lack of collagen in your body? Ok i'm gonna drink a bone broth drink right now.

This phrase lacks logic. Or follows  the type of logic doctors use, one of the reasons i don't want to see those anymore.

9:10 Will bricks and mortar stores ever come back again? No matter how annoying and tricky the salesmen were, they cannot be surpassed by Amazon. Just miss ordered again one or two things and when i picked those from the locker, i cursed loudly in my mind and as usually one or two cars in the lot beeped their alarms. So back in the apartment, they were knocking on walls every time i did so until i stopped.

These guys break with me here all the laws and rules in the world yet they knock or beep when i disturb the karma of the Universe by cursing in my mind.

9:21 Ok am deschis ne-știrile. Cele mai flagrante cazuri de zgomot semantic peste postările mele recente. Tamás Balikó. Ion Sterian. Piese de șah de aceeași culoare (moto-ul blogului). Netaxarea profitului corporațiilor. Wandjina, cave spirits. Restul vă las pe dvs.. să le descoperiți.

9:53 Yeah i remember i heard about when i was in HS. Erich von Daniken. Probably first major example of coverage by noise. No it doesn't mean necessarily his theory was true though is a good indication.

10:00 Spy balloons... Here comes the Sunak...

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

February 1st

2:05 De câte ori pomenesc de șerpi, apare în știri Emilia Șercan.

2:30 Wandjina, the cloud spirits. Wadjet. Jinn. Genie on top of Mt.Sylvania seen from the window at my birthday.

5:10 După ce că s-a vorbit prea mult despre Bode, acum vin să ne atace încă o dată (la creier) spunând că s-a vorbit prea mult despre Bode. Totul se datorează rotației, și nu a nucleului Pământului, care se oprise și iată, merge parandărătelea, nici măcar a Pământului însuși care se învârte normal mai repede (ca să se conserve momentul) și mă tem că nu vom mai putea ține pasul, ci a guvernelor. Dacă nu se roteau, Bode etc. erau plecați de mult părerea mea. Însă Bode a fost (și încă mai este) gândit ca o șea subliminală de bătut pentru micuțul și hedonistul preafericitul Buda și va rămâne până când noul guvern va face piruete în alt sens (invers) decât vechiul. Nu, n-am băut, nu vedeți cât de lucid sunt și câtă atenție la detalii? Fără link-uri că m-am cam săturat și eu. Clic clic clic clic clic... Aprox. 20 de clicuri pentru un link.

11:45 About half hour ago some sort of irritating smoke filled the room made me sneeze. Went outside, there was smoke, other than the smoke showed on IQAIR site. Irritating. Like when cooking with garlic or hot peppers. BTW, there are no fires, why the smoke index is 120?

12:22 FED (US Central Bank, though financed by private funds) just made its overnight loans to other banks interest 0.25% bigger, making very short terms borrowing for financing the cash balance for firms, mostly used for supplies, more expensive, stock market jumped 1.5 percent which means all stock owners got 1.5% richer. But how is that helping inflation?

These two diagrams show inflation following stock prices and at what distance. For two years (20-22) FED rate was zero, stock market followed by inflation rocketed, then they intervened trying to chill the market, by finally raising the rate.

But there are other, unknown mechanisms through which the market is moving and today's market reaction was initially the same as what happened when the rate was zero.

For some "unseen" reasons, we are at the mercy of these guys and it looks like they act for the benefit of some unknown few, definitely not the many. I know the only real money in the system are the market tied retirement funds, due to an unimaginable tangle of cross-ownership between corporations, but the funds are still 25% under their peak value (due to crash of the giants) while the prices more than doubled.
2:05 Wednesday for 2 to 3 hours noise is so big around here because of the power blowers, i can't do nothing. Could try and go for a walk, but it's very cold and smoky outside.

3:30 Mike Pompeo. Got to make a prettier looking match but it's definitely him.

3:42 Walk was not so bad, got upgraded from dizzy about to faint to fair, perceived smoke is 50, much much better than what i had inside with the filters and everything and what the site was showing, 55 degrees, anticipating the rains, but they were shootings at a shooting range nearby that could be heard 2 miles away in the heart of the residential neighborhood around Borland and even on Nyberg near the park some 2 miles away and a hill in between for the whole time (almost one hour).

I even got to run a bit which i kinda forgot how to, alternating with walk, to catch my breath, because i had to be here at 3:30 to drive Angela to the dentist but she came from work at normal time at 3:45.

5:51 Came back home and there is smoke again. Unlike anywhere i've been.

11:41 It's all in your mind. Not post communication semantic noise. Noise can occur only during communication. I don't know how to name it, and obviously those who use it won't describe it online. I mean i know but don't know if it's going to be accepted. Post communication semantic based cognitive interference.

It probably takes some time from the moment the receiver reads a message until that message is fully understood and integrated into one's knowledge. Numerous mechanisms of protection, rejecting as false, criticising, comparing, conversing with others and integrating (consolidating) of that message in one's knowledge are triggered after receiving the message. If another sender can produce a message on the same keywords or even subject during the time these processes occur, with different meaning and loaded emotionally, it can interfere with those processes and cancel or even revert the final result and the memory of the message.

It is probably so effective (especially if it's integrated in a much larger collection of false messages that confirm each other, typical in occultocracies) they don't need to do something else like blocking that sender which would mean open censorship. Which doesn't mean they can't interfere with the sender, by creating noise (literally, physical noise in his environment, sabotaging his environment, indimitating (subtly, without being perceived, or sometimes openly etc.).

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Cooking Pan

It may sound ridiculous. Writing a blog post about cooking pans. Out of frustration i don't know what to buy to replace mine that are long done. Or about frying eggs. One of the easiest jobs a kid could do. Really. Then let me confess. It challenges me every time. It surely throws me off of my continuous immersion in the reality of my blogging, history, semantics and politics.

I bet everybody fell in love when the teflon coated pans when they came out. I mean, for a while. Cause after a few months usage, they start to stick as well. A little at first, and as they stick more you kinda get used to. My guess is by heating it up, scrapping it even with a gentle nylon scrapper or spatula, the teflon loses the smoothness of the surface. Theoretically it should work up to 500 degrees. Usually, you use it at around 400. But at that temperature thermal stress is not negligible.

In fact thermal and chemical expansions are some of the greatest forces in our immediate universe. Even if they had the same expansion thermal coefficient (how much materials expand with heat), teflon as any plastic is way less thermally conductive than the metal base, and will heat and expand less. Teflon coated pans are a dual material assembly and that is their weakness.

The pans are submitted to a lot of stress during their lifetime especially by heating/cooling cycles, chemicals found in foods that break down while heating, making it very corrosive for the coating. When tiny microscopic cracks appear at the surface, the pan is done. Food like egg whites will enter the cracks and stick on the surface. But will still work, somehow.

Then it becomes a source of trouble, questions and mental improvisation. What setting should i put the knob at? How much oil or butter to cook an egg? Should i heat the pan first? Should i heat it after washing?

Then the news about toxicity of teflon hit. They had to think of something else. 2008, the year when teflon pans were banned in Europe, 2014 in the US. But guess what. When i did a search on Amazon on non stick pans, first results were the teflon ones. PTFE without harmful PFOAs, they say. Non toxic teflon that is. Whatever.  The same disadvantage though. Won't last long.

Then (modern) ceramic pans came out in... 2008. Surprisingly, non-sticking as promised. For a while usually longer than teflon. Until the ceramics loses its shineness and develops microscopic cracks where the food sticks. Same reasons. Thermal, chemical and mechanical stress (scrapping, scrubbing, abrasive dishwasher detergent, name it). But it will be years before that happens. 

But when you accidentally forget on the burner on high and overheat a pan, the pan is done. It usually changes shape and would not stay flat on the burner anymore. But still keep on cooking in it maybe for years or until it eventually catches permanently brown patches with a layer of carbon from decomposing and burning stuff that won't com out even when scrubbing with a sponge using semi-wet baking soda (Most powerful scrubbing method by me).

But it's not until you can't cook an egg in a pan you won't give it up. Reasons. You got used to it. They are quite expensive to buy them more than once a few years. Every once in a while the eggs will come out nicely which will de-motivate you. If you use butter and keep temperature low, like the dial at 3 with a (glass) lid on top, it will take 4-5 minutes but the eggs won't stick no matter how bad the pan is. Thinking if a new one is not more toxic than one that is coated with burnt food. Laziness. Forgetfulness. So today i got to that point. Went on Amazon and got confused with the choices.

Then i started to ask myself google. What kinda pans chefs use in real life at restaurant. Stainless steel pans, came the answer. Stainless steel was invented in 2013, and it does not rust by reason of having a relatively high content of chromium in it. Which develops on the surface an oxide layer that protects the iron base of the alloy from being oxidized (rusted) by the oxygen in the air. That of course is constantly being scraped by usage. Is that good for your health? Who cares? I don't go to restaurants other than fast foods and they fry the burgers on carbon coated by usage stove tops when they don't heat them in the microwave.

The main reasons chefs don't use coated pans are the same as above and that can be summarized in a word. Fragile. They won't last more than a few days in that environment. But in the google answer, there is an indication. Chefs will keep, locked, a number of ceramic pans for... cooking eggs.

So i think i got my answer, and writing down everything i knew helped me as well. It looks like i'm moving more and more my decision making processes within the blog where all my friends are.

But when i read about toxicity of pans, i heard some manufacturers use cadmium to make the colors of the pan brighter, to make them more marketable of course. Still the same reckless, useless, irresponsible profit making drive. On Amazon some ceramic pans are voluntarily marked as cadmium free to be more attractive. So where that marketing strategy led them to?

The part with the toxicity of teflon i didn't know about until today made me again dream of the day when after asbestos, lead, teflon and now cadmium, they will ban cellular phones as well. They all came out of convenience and as profit makers. I mean, you add a bit of lead in gasoline and make it way better. You spray coat an aluminum pan with a bit of teflon and make it way better etc.. You pull your phone out of your pocket anywhere and make a call or check your email etc..

Thinking. We all share the profits cause corporations pay taxes on profit and the profit gets reinvested and creates new jobs. In China though. Look at that chart, the revenue section and compare individual and property taxes with corporate taxes.

January 31

5:30 Google is playing tricks on me. It changed the results of two searches i linked yesterday. The definitions of context, induction that came on searches like "concepts philosophy" or "induction philosophy" today were not the same anymore. Had to change search terms to "concepts in philosophy" and "induction in philosophy" to get the same search results, throwing off my entire post. It must be really important to them, as philosophy might be the only weapon we got against them.

Nevermind they did it again, as i was posting. Will try "definition of concept in philosophy". Ok that one works, for now. Why am i obsessed with links to google searches. It's not site dependent. When google brings in the quote it means the search is frequent.

4:40 Today it was 26 degrees, i went to heat up Angela's car by driving through the alley around  the buildings. I think it was better if i just revved to 2000 rpm for about 5 minutes. Whatever. While i did so  the radio was on and they were playing Meta_lica, "Never cared for what they know..."

5:50 I know it's the perfect choice though i never knew what this song is about as i never cared to listen to the words. Sound a bit communist doesn't it. Buy i know. it's really about us and them, the snakes. Can safely take the word "like" from this title. Amazing what a few people with good instruments can do on a stage, the guitar intro sounding like bells. Is this song subliminally gay? Intro, guitar and voice surely sounds like Pink Floyd, then it goes Scorpions style romantic rock. Why am i not surprised hearing Klaus Meine speaking and singing in Hungarian?

7:32 Ok this one's hard to say (like everything real and true because everything is twisted these days including some of the fake concepts and ideas already deep in our minds) especially with the terrible hangover i have this morning but have to trying to prevent other people from having the same problem after i spread it myself.

For about a week now i had pains in my back that i suspected were a kidney problem, thinking because i've been diagnosed with diabetes almost ten years ago and had high blood pressure lately mostly by being nauseated by the microbial environment hard to control. Better now, though after i picked Sunday afternoon the last leaves (5 packed laundry baskets) under the bushes next to the south garages that were one ft high, rotting for several months with black mold at the bottom and mixed with huge dog poops.

I thought it went away but if flared back Sunday, especially after seeing and reading this. Yesterday when i realized it could be the source of the problem i stared at the image for about 5 minutes, thinking, and the pain went away and never came back, more than 12 hours after. Who knows what else i saw before that and can't remember. It may be addressed only to me, by means of a combination with other things, like a perfect storm.

8:45 I gave up because i don't have time to reply to all the fake news or even events with the participation of authorities designed to counter what i'm posting, but this one is just too annoying.

9:45 Was trying to sleep but is smelling bad inside. I went outside to see, there is heavy smoke and is not fireplace smoke. Ground is frozen, found no dog poops but what i found was a small bottle of listerine mint, with some liquid inside, a teaspoon and a wet black mask, all in the same place, other smaller things i didn't pick.

Yesterday the water heater pan started to stink again and i turned the UV light in the closet.

What i noticed many times before, i always find items related to what i eat, drink or use inside. Last night i used mint essential oil. Is this some sort of witchcraft?