Tuesday, January 31, 2023

January 31

5:30 Google is playing tricks on me. It changed the results of two searches i linked yesterday. The definitions of context, induction that came on searches like "concepts philosophy" or "induction philosophy" today were not the same anymore. Had to change search terms to "concepts in philosophy" and "induction in philosophy" to get the same search results, throwing off my entire post. It must be really important to them, as philosophy might be the only weapon we got against them.

Nevermind they did it again, as i was posting. Will try "definition of concept in philosophy". Ok that one works, for now. Why am i obsessed with links to google searches. It's not site dependent. When google brings in the quote it means the search is frequent.

4:40 Today it was 26 degrees, i went to heat up Angela's car by driving through the alley around  the buildings. I think it was better if i just revved to 2000 rpm for about 5 minutes. Whatever. While i did so  the radio was on and they were playing Meta_lica, "Never cared for what they know..."

5:50 I know it's the perfect choice though i never knew what this song is about as i never cared to listen to the words. Sound a bit communist doesn't it. Buy i know. it's really about us and them, the snakes. Can safely take the word "like" from this title. Amazing what a few people with good instruments can do on a stage, the guitar intro sounding like bells. Is this song subliminally gay? Intro, guitar and voice surely sounds like Pink Floyd, then it goes Scorpions style romantic rock. Why am i not surprised hearing Klaus Meine speaking and singing in Hungarian?

7:32 Ok this one's hard to say (like everything real and true because everything is twisted these days including some of the fake concepts and ideas already deep in our minds) especially with the terrible hangover i have this morning but have to trying to prevent other people from having the same problem after i spread it myself.

For about a week now i had pains in my back that i suspected were a kidney problem, thinking because i've been diagnosed with diabetes almost ten years ago and had high blood pressure lately mostly by being nauseated by the microbial environment hard to control. Better now, though after i picked Sunday afternoon the last leaves (5 packed laundry baskets) under the bushes next to the south garages that were one ft high, rotting for several months with black mold at the bottom and mixed with huge dog poops.

I thought it went away but if flared back Sunday, especially after seeing and reading this. Yesterday when i realized it could be the source of the problem i stared at the image for about 5 minutes, thinking, and the pain went away and never came back, more than 12 hours after. Who knows what else i saw before that and can't remember. It may be addressed only to me, by means of a combination with other things, like a perfect storm.

8:45 I gave up because i don't have time to reply to all the fake news or even events with the participation of authorities designed to counter what i'm posting, but this one is just too annoying.

9:45 Was trying to sleep but is smelling bad inside. I went outside to see, there is heavy smoke and is not fireplace smoke. Ground is frozen, found no dog poops but what i found was a small bottle of listerine mint, with some liquid inside, a teaspoon and a wet black mask, all in the same place, other smaller things i didn't pick.

Yesterday the water heater pan started to stink again and i turned the UV light in the closet.

What i noticed many times before, i always find items related to what i eat, drink or use inside. Last night i used mint essential oil. Is this some sort of witchcraft?

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