Wednesday, April 5, 2023

April 5th

2:05 Just been outside to plug more holes. Can't sleep since half past midnight because of smoke and/or dog poop smell. It's useless to go, pick and throw those out. They will come right away at any hour day or night to bring some more. Smell is accompanied by aerosolized bacteria and possibly protozoa that i breathe. That changes the makeup of my microbial gut from human to dog.

Not having anything better to do i read the news. The tangled web of lies that create a sort of outside reality for most of us. That is when we have time to read/watch those, usually in a hurry. A glimpse on TV while changing entertainment channels. Maybe opening sites like me. And they design the lies accordingly. Many of those are impossible to verify but many won't stand any kind of analysis, even for a few seconds.

One thing they all have in common. The secondary messages, hidden behind the primary, usually emotionally charged. The so called subliminals or under the level of conscious perception.

Just read in disbelief about cell phones used by world leaders, starting with Putin who doesn't use a phone. The secondary message here is implied. The world leaders use cell phones which means they are not dangerous (unhealthy) to use. With added security bla bla. Only mean criminals don't.

Let me tell you why they can't. No matter how much encryption you add to a device, it will never be 100% safe. Cell phones are small and they can't possibly fit a supercomputer, the kind they use to break encryption codes. Then why take chances? World leaders (in our common perception) know things others shouldn't. Even if they don't talk about those on the phone, one could analyze let's say by example their state of mind after an important discussion and figure what decisions have been made.

But the main reason they shouldn't is of course, with a commonly sold cell phone comes logically the need of a provider. Which has a network, that eventually interconnects to another network of a different provider. So their voice, digitized, encrypted by the phone bla bla will travel to a tower, through fiber optics, eventually cross to other provider, other towers etc. passing through countless devices. At least 2 towers (but they sometimes get switched during a call) and 2 cell phones involved. Towers and phones can be intercepted by satellites, no doubt about. Then the caller's location can be easily tracked. Given enough time supercomputers then can break any encryption code.

Much safer and cheaper would be dedicated military style communication lines providing them means to talk to families etc.. But even wired landlines can be intercepted by satellites etc..

And the same question that comes to mind again and again. Why they call them cell phones? With enough radiating power to reach a tower miles away, they really talk to every cell in our bodies.

3:19 Milky way (holy cow!). Is this another example of secondary message?
3:30 Another wave of smoke, no obvious holes next to building, but some further away. One thing i noticed and remembered i did so in the past. The smoke always comes after a noise. Tonight it was the train at least a couple of times (that i can remember). A slow moving diesel locomotive, pretty loud in the silence of the night. During the day time it is usually preceded by a loud exhaust. Which means they have to cover some other noise that is related to the smoke. Maybe something moving in the ground or somebody walking etc..


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

April 4th

10:00 There is a saying in Romanian. The healthy don't believe the sick, the rich don't believe the poor. That's why i'm hesitating to write about my small mishaps but i still will because i believe what they're doing to me they did to others, over millennia. Unconventional procedures that can be applied individually that can make people sick, go mad or even die if they're in poor shape. It is not only visual cause they employ bio and chemical means. Technics that came of course from Australia where isolated people developed a separate "culture" for tens of millenia.

At 2:30 I woke up with shortness of breath. It took me about half hour to boot up a minimalist (safe) version of my conscience and realize what was happening. There was a big bulge in the soil right under my door and a pungent smell inside. After i flattened that out, it took me 3 hours to fall back asleep, around 5. Slept 4 and a half hours more, i woke up and found another one. If only for aerosols coming from those, but there is the smell of worms gathered together i3n the larder, the smell of whatever mole feces (they got to poop to cause the're eating their weight i worms every day), aerosolized kallikrein maybe that makes me lethargic.

As i was sitting on the couch and staring at the yard, an incredible view. A tall well built young hung Arian woman with gray pants and a jacket came, let the small dog poop and bent to pick it, facing the other way, showing a copious butt from under the jacket that slept away. After that, walked towards me, did a maneuver with the tog, got entangled, to justify a 360 turn and then leaving, again, in slow motion. 5 minutes later another one came, with black pants and red jacket and passed ft away from the building. Over the years i learned to realize those dressed in vampire clothes are supposed to be friendlier.

It smells like fresh dog annal sac oil and mole tunnel exhaust but if i want to go for a walk i have to eat first, otherwise i will crash after 10 minutes of effort or so. Thinking of a title i just on a site... For diversion of course.

10:15 I think i will make a google sheet list of songs that promote m...n. Right now i listen to "i'm coming up! I'm coming!". Still remembering the verses of Rihanna's song heard recently in a store. "Come into me!". But the list will be very long. Earlier i heard again in disbelief Ragdoll by Aerosmith, etc.. It will be at least one hundred titles, as on the the radio maybe one out of every three songs. Number One with Blondie. Number one in my mind that is of course. But i don't know what people would say about it cause most don't recognize what theses songs are about. Cause if they did, they would react.

No i can't shot down the radio cause i'm feeling so lonely... Not talking to people other than Angela for an entire week... Still learning English from music sang by non native or barely speaking English people who learned enough just to sing their ten hits they are playing to us for decades...

The real (subliminal) reason for Bruce Willis mysterious illness that left him speechless. (After i posted about this of course).

1:08 Absolutely by chance today i ran into something important. Where the brand name Audi and the four rings symbol comes from.

5:35 No i'm not doing it on purpose. Searched for something, found something else.

7:05 Descending from north or a mutation due to inbreeding?

Monday, April 3, 2023

April 3rd

12:12 My favorite kind of news. When they contradict selves.

12:15 Today Angela again had a 10 dollars food coupon at 10 Barrels inside Spirit Mt.. So in our way to Lincoln City, we stopped there. The Genie of course was not at the bar anymore. However scores of actors from Hungary where everywhere, performing. One woman next table was wiping her table with napkins for 10 minutes. Another dropped the ketchup and not trying to hide it was done on purpose. Etc..

The classic. When passing behind someone, somebody was coming and passing in between. When no one was available, they were simply turning and staring at me, like knowing i was there.

Was thinking. Maybe they shouldn't call it FCSB anymore. They should call it Bec_ial.

1:07 Sun rays on left, rain rays on right, competing. The picture is ok, simply can't compete with my memory of the scene. Yeah i know it's burned (saturated on white) on the left side but could not decrease exposure cause ground was already looking too dark). In time it will look nicer to me.

No spring in sight. At the beach and when i left was... sleeting (learned a new verb from Google Translate). Sleeting. Sleeting. But the ocean never cared.
1:20 One stop at Spirit Mt. and my airbag light went off 30 miles later. Il looks like they reverted whatever it was done on April 1st, now after i ordered the part. Most likely the part is defective, they were messing with the computer though.

10:50 Una din multele probleme ale justiției din România. Faptele se pot prescrie în timpul anchetei sau procesului care trenează și am să aduc iar exemplul SUA (și alte țări cele mai mari europene) cu definiția prescripției (statutes of limitation of prosecution) care este limita timpului în care procuratura (District Attorney, DA) poate face plângere penală. Deci dacă prescripția pentru majoritatea infracțiunilor (crimes) federale (mai puțin cele foarte grave) este 5 ani, asta înseamnă că procuratura poate face o plângere (filing, charging, indicting) până în ultima zi din cei 5 ani.

În România există această ciudățenie gravă care nu a fost semnalată de MCV (de unde deducem că MCV a fost doar o glumă proastă), faptele se prescriu în timpul anchetei.

Cred că problema este modul în care este definită prescripția în Art 121 din Codul Penal. Prescripția înlătură răspunderea penală ceea ce este un truism vag. Se mai spune în Codul Penal în Art 155 că prescripția încetează prin îndeplinirea oricărui act juridic, care poate fi punerea sub acuzare, când termenul de prescriere începe din nou, însă nu există nici o reglementare asupra timpului de anchetă. De aceea a mai apărut... etc.. Mult prea complicat. Cine dreq înțelege ce se spune aici? S-ar părea că dacă ancheta  și/sau procesul durează mai mult de o dată și jumătate din timpul de prescripție, inculpatul scapă de răspunderea penală.

La alții e simplu. Odată începută ancheta prescripția se suspendă și nu se reînoiește.

12:30 How come we never hear about Chicago weekend shootings?

12:50 Just realized what i just witnessed. A guy was dragging a small dog while it was trying to poop. To stress it more in order to squeeze more from the anal sacs. I saw a couple of month ago a similar scene, with a kid.

1:05 Confirmed. Went and found a couple of very oily small ones in that area.

3:00 First i thought it was a mistake. After searching all day long i came back to my first guess. No it's not about Trump, tomorrow and his allies. Or maybe it is but mostly is about her acting as a bartender, serving me a couple of drinks at Chinook (not the first time), pissing me off for giving me apple brandy first time. Though it wasn't all so bad maybe i should try more as a variation from same old CB.

3:52 Very small children are playing unsupervised on our side of the alley in the cold sleet.

4:18 Had no idea of how much could a chimp or gorilla bench press. 4000 pounds, that's a medium size car.

6:40 Australo-Hungary

8:30 Cant tell from a Google search for how many years there's been a drought in California. I know there is a song, It Never Rains in Southern California. As for Northern and neighboring Sierras, i just don't know. I vaguely remember i saw on a site that it's been decades of drought. And when i passed Shasta Lake i saw an unprecedented level of dry shores.

So i will cling to this web site that shows a constant decline in water level (near Hoover dam) in Mead Lake on Colorado River which is the main source of water for the 2 million people Vegas and 4 million in Los Angeles etc..

In the last few months huge amounts of rain and snow fell in California and eastern sides of Sierras that feed Colorado river, its main water supplier. Unseen since 1983 or maybe since it has been recorded. Snow pack in the Sierras is at 230% of multianual average.

However they almost failed to stabilize the level in Lake Mead closed by Hoover Dam on Colorado River. What the heck is going on?

10:05 My pizza dough i made earlier had finally risen. I made two pizzas (have too round cookie sheets now) and was ready to put those in the oven when she moved the car in the spot and made an appearance upstairs (10:00 PM). For the first time i figured why always when i'm about to cook something. To prevent me from attracting the hungry kids from the poor neighborhood, cook, eat them and/or suck the blood out of them whatever comes first.

10:15 iutube. LOL. Se pronunță așa. Fasole galbenă? Pe când o știucă?

10:50 I was cutting the pizza. A thundering exhaust passed by (almost 11) and made me so nervous i dropped a slice on the floor. However i didn't throw it in the garbage (what they would have wanted), i just ate it. (Mopped the floor thoroughly one or two days ago). Then it sounded again and they tricked me into opening the door (to see what kids have gathered outside).

10:53 Now it's back.

10:57 Right and Zelensky be the guardian and empty the bucket every day.

4:01 A trecut ziua dar scriu tot aici pentru că este legat de. Au combinat două chestii pe care le-am scris mai sus și au scos alta, un câine care ciripește (tweet).

Sunday, April 2, 2023

April 2nd

12:45 Heading towards replacing the clock spring for my Hyundai. Already ordered the part on eBay, new OEM genuine sealed in the box with 65 dollars. In the meantime i want to show my frustration here.

The other car i had was 10 years old when the clock spring went bad. 20 August 2022 or in the morning of the accident (Angela came home saying there's a lamp on the dashboard).

It is true, this car was in California near the ocean for two years where there is more corrosion from salt. Every time i go at the beach the brakes make a temporary squeaking noise. Excluding a real possibility of sabotage (my favorite, thinking of being smoked all the way to the beach Saturday).

(We got a new neighbor, but it's not only him. Every time we eat somebody starts a car with modified exhaust, and this morning one went up to one hour,  we decided to leave when it stopped. A couple of them started right now. One has stopped).

First time i asked google it picked this answer which seems the most realistic. There are a few online Hyundai dealers that sell the part for 200-300, and those sell at half price the local dealers do. If you order the part on ebay from Korea and are willing to wait a month, it will cost you 40, the real price. I ordered an new OEM one from ebay from an US vendor for 65 including shipping that gets here by the end of this week.

There is a video on youtube on how to replace it. The man did it with one hand while talking and filming with the other and the whole video is 13 minutes long. I am much slower as i take my time to think and look carefully around, so it will take me one hour or so (the man didn't even disconnect the battery, there's a small chance the bag will blow in your face). One hour is the time at the dealership as well.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

April 1st

BTW do you know what faison l'amour means in French?

3:10 Last night after i took gas at Spirit Mt. Shell my airbag warning light came on. Exactly like at the other Elantra in August 20 in the day before the accident last year. So far i checked the fuse. I have an ELM327 OBDII blue tooth connector but it doesn't work. After i tried to pair it it asks the password, i put in 1234 (i tried with 0000 and kept prompting), it connects briefly and then disconnects. It worked in the past with Angela's PC, today i tried with that one, my laptop but i don't want to turn on the phone for it.

That car has been totaled once, right door have been hit. This one has been totaled twice and in the pictures at the first auction the panel at the right door was missing. But if that light is on it means none of the airbags will work in case of accident.

Later i figured it out. I was an April 1st joke that so far cost me 100 bucks (had a gift card remainder).

3:28 BTW we never win (positive balance for the night) unless i complain here first. It only happened 2 or 3 times this year, and always after i complained. I wanted to write yesterday but it seemed so mundane after the recent posts and gave it up. But what i saw yesterday at Chinook surpasses all imagination.

But first. Somehow i stepped into a piece of dog s... before i left. They placed it somewhere on my way to the patio when i always go to check the sign at the door. As a result, scores of stinking vehicles got in front of us on our way to Lincoln City. Tried to pass or stay behind but they were everywhere. In the last few trips (weeks) we only drove behind those, but yesterday they needed a pretext.

So at one of those stops we switched roles (Angela drove first because i was feeling sick, probably from all kinda smells and smokes here) and when i got outside i realized how bad our car was stinking inside and discovered the poo on my shoes.

I was telling Angela, they (ninja) never act unprovoked, or have to be always on the defence. So they carefully arrange something. Like for our car to stink enough to be felt from behind. And then all hell breaks loose.

I didn't get to see any of the drivers but i know who they are.

Besides of being very tired, when i got there i was also dizzy.

So what i was telling. The unimaginable. There was a team of actors from a theatre in Hungary filming filling the whole place. At two table games they were a few guys with loud voices (men and women) yelling so loud i only heard at traditional weddings in my home town Câmpulung. For hours. Really disturbing. Nobody cared from security cause they were from the same team.

6:40 Just figured what the reasons of the yelling upstairs and in the casino and kids in the alley and modified exhausts etc. are for. When synced with my brainwaves they cause among other things temporary blockages of the common duct (a chakra or sphincter) that put pressure on my liver and pancreas with lowering of insulin production.

Yeah i know i said that before and don't know where and instead of one more link i will say it again. April 1st stands for altruism. What's for one. Only fools are alone.

7:05 Got PC?

8:23 Instead of locker, they brought the scanner at the door. I went and read the codes, it's the driver side air bag. Unsupervised children are playing on the other side of the alley, for hours now.

Most frequent, the clockspring under the airbag on the steering wheel, something that can be replaced in 10 minutes. Given the coincidence, could they have done it in the parking lot at Chinook? Only the security tapes can confirm it.

9:52 Yes she's back. It must be a she because a man could not stand in this environment except for short periods of time. Because of shedog poopes. She took the car for a couple of hours out of the spot.

I was thinking earlier. People don't want to know the truth. I have put within the last year or so hundreds of valid matches (yes i made mistakes in the past) but they still see each case as an isolated one. They cycle the people through all kinda made up artificial conflicts made with characters and charactonimes and they forget everything and believe in what they are being told. If not, pandemics, wars and scandals can help. Sorry for you. And for me because i have not foreseen this.

It's all a delaying tactic. Children are busy growing up, then mary, go to jobs, have more children, get old, retire and die and are always too too busy to understand what's going on. So they can peacefully pump the gold out of it and in the end destroy the Earth. But who cares. It won't happen in our time.

11:37 Can't say it didn't help me. It helped me cause i did locate which airbag is off. But when i tried to read real time data (the resistance) to confirm is the speed clock, was showing zero all the time. So it was only reading the computer code. Maybe because the last Hyundai Elantra it had in there was a 2017. So i came inside and tried to update following the instructions in the booklet which is of course written Chinese English, like the menus and everything.

I was impressed a bit by the multitude of vehicles i could download for. Thinking. The Chinese never saw these vehicles, don't have an idea or do they. I choose Hunday only, everything worked fine and after i restarted the thing it crashed and became unusable, so now i'm up for a return. In the meantime i figured a way to physically check that spring clock, the airbag pops up when pried with a screwdriver and the thing is under. Thinking how easy would have been for a ninja to sabotage it.

I once read people being uneased by needing to throw away Amazon bags and boxes. How about the return pallets?

After half day spent on it (and only 5 hours of sleep last night) i went for a short walk around the block (today i washed the fridge under, air quality is almost acceptable now in here, for the first time ever), people all around the building welcomed me with flashing yellow lights (parking would have been enough, speed limit here is 5 and nobody drives at this hour (almost midnight)), gestures almost obscene, exhaust smoke etc.. I'm sure that if i went the second time there would have been nobody around but i couldn't cause i'm just too tired.