Monday, July 3, 2023
July 3rd
1:15 As the big fat lady passed the breathing spadce is filled with dog smell and that cannot be filtered fats enough before it fills my lungs and then it passes to the digestive system.
5:35 So far all my ideas i the previous post are philosophical and 3D geometric enunciations and deduction. As Einstein used us to, there are no mathematical formulas, nothing to illustrate those tough there are conclusions that satisfy certain experimental knowledge, like the speed of light is constant and the limit to all speeds in Universe, quantum entanglement etc,,
So i wanted to take a look at Maxwell's equations and all i could find was counter intuitive integrals, differentials and gradient symbols that tell me nothing, So i had to take a look again at things i haven't seen in more than 40 years and started with the basics of calculus from a video narrated in English,
Though i can cross now easily the language barrier, i ran into the same problem i did so many years ago. Though now i can solve that problem, i cannot embedded in my mental processes related to calculus and make it kick start those when i see the symbols. My brain has been wired in a different way back then and stays the same.
And here's the problem. Definitions of a differential starts with an equation though using abstract terms, ds and dt, that can be as small as we can imagine. And all of a sudden in the in the comfort of my intuitive mind the left term of the equation flys to zero or infinity whatever comes first.
In reality, the term dt that disappears on the right since it can be as small as possible (approaches zero as the narrators states) while in the left side becomes a convention within a notation system, it does not have the value of an equation term anymore. Too bad considering all the resources that video took to make and all the hopes of those who watch it and generally the head scratching of all students that ever had to go through this ordeal.
9:10 Their children are back in the yard yelling in Japanese. Almost in my balcony and outside is almost dark and i made some fried bread.
9:20 It was silence for a while. Now they came back to the balcony as i'm eating.
Saturday, July 1, 2023
July 1st
9:05 Last night i was driving from Lincoln City and while trying to beat the boredom (when not struggling to keep on the road while being blinded by the numerous vehicles with off specs headlights) i thought of the question the cop Boston Draper asked during the night of 20/21 2021. "What happened at the moment of impact?"
My answer was "i sped up an he slowed down". That was what i saw and it is explained by the transfer of momentum by the equation m1v1=m2v2. Actually, should be m1deltav1 equals m2deltav2 whatever where delta is the difference of speed before and after impact.
Was that a rhetoric question during a staged, allegoric incident, or maybe an opportunistic rhetoric question after the main purpose of the staged accident was not achieved, suggesting exactly the problem i talked about yesterday. When hitting a reflecting surface a photon turns back at the same speed of light, though in the opposite direction and the speed component of the momentum changes sign. It appears though there is a changes sign the above equation is satisfied.
Ok now i woke up after 4 hours with the same questions in mind and i asked google a few things just to clarify.
What i found out. According to Saleh Theory Photons do not travel straight but on a 3D helical trajectory. The straight line in the middle of that helix is the direction of light. Though they have no electric charge, apparently they ride on the electric/magnetic field or the other component of their dual nature, fields that constantly (re)create each other as the EM wave progresses. (BTW can there be an EM wave without a photon or more riding it). Attached to that motion there is the frequency of both field and photon or the wave length or pitch of the helix or color of the photon in case of visible light.
If the projection of the speed of the photon to the line in the center of the helix stays the same (the speed of light), on an intrinsic coordinate system or tangent to its helical trajectory the speed of the photon should be greater than the speed of light.
It appears the momentum transfer during a reflection event applies to that helical speed only since the speed of light or its projection on a straight line in the middle of the helix cannot be changed and there is a shift in frequency together with a reduction of photon's momentum and energy in the intrinsic coordinate system due to the transfer.
Now i got puzzled again but on a different level an need to take a break.
Yesterday when i drove to Lincoln City after first variant at Nyberg and almost an accident. A big red Dodge SUV with a woman at the wheel pushing, i made me stayed a few seconds longer at the intersection for the second variant, from forward was coming speeding a small car, i miscalculated the distance and almost got hit by it while making the left turn.
After that i found myself behind a cistern, unmarked and had to drive behind it, speeding, no chance to pass until Sheridan when it pulled right. The i stopped at Grand Ronde and saw it pass, like 15 minutes behind me,
1:50 I went to take this picture and the guy that had his car next to ours last night and this morning came and started the car then he waited for his wife in the middle of the alley who came from building D, again looking Japanese pretending Latina. So i waited a couple of minutes for them to go and went and took several pictures when i saw a white unmarked Police car (most likely Washington County where i'm residing (not to be confused with Washington State, another name coincidence i forgot to write about)) passed by
It was dark under car and had to use the flash and almost flashed the camera in his face when he passed. First pictures did not come right so i had to go and take some more.
Yesterday morning. I knew there was going to be some retaliation after i hosed the building Thursday night and they got in my jet's direction, on purpose. Yesterday morning after i went to WinCo to buy aspirin (yest it works as patch) because of pain from dust, i left for a walk and they were these guys ready to apply herbicide on the mulch areas. Three of them with manual pumps in their backs figuring ninja turtles. I saw them in the past, but only one at a time, around the building.
The wind was blowing towards me from their direction and they were just starting so they were at the edge of the parking lot, at a distance from each other, next to the children's playground and caught all three of them one after another, spraying. At the last one i felt something getting in my eyes, maybe drops that dried out and aerosolized, i looked at them, they weren't wearing any protection like google or gloves. they were cars around, so i said to myself, most likely is not toxic.
However when i fell asleep in the evening and woke up my eyes were hurting and dripping a bit but did not realized what it was and then i went to Lincoln City with the same jeans a T-shirt bla bla. When i came back my eyes were hurting and had enough time to think while driving and remembered the three sprayers of Friday morning.
Things like these, like with the cistern, the sprayers, etc. always happen before holidays like 4th of July. Today as i was under the car i saw a classic car putting much exhaust, others, there was this irritating smell coming from a laundry exhaust, etc.. Wondering what lies ahead, getting ready to go near Olympia, WA.
Friday, June 30, 2023
June 30
12:55 Didn't know! (about rice and methane). But i believe rain water brings in oxygen and also oxygenates the existing water by splashing.
1:37 I has been theorized that a ship equipped with a sail impermeable to solar wind could literally sail through space, accelerating (but only away from Sun). It makes sense cause there is something that constantly flows away from Sun, besides light, we call solar wind. Solar wind blows at subluminical speeds ad is made of heavy particles thus is very similar to terrestrial wind. Light would contribute also because photons do have a moving mass and momentum that could be transferred to that sail.
There is no secret i binged watched in a couple of days the whole series "Another Life", don't know how many episodes and seasons, just kept advancing over the boring and embarrassing awkward scenes which make the bulk of the (or any) series and then hitting the Next Episode button until i reached the end with the fireworks and true welcoming and stuff.
There is a scene in the move i first thought it was the apex of stupidity embed in it (like in any Sci Fi movie with not enough real science advisors or not taking into account science advisors for gaining spectacularity) but then i thought to myself, this could be something very very intriguing. Take a look at this image and do not click on it.
Since June 30 1905 we do not live in a classic world anymore, we now live in what i call a relative world and that's why we should apply the theory of relativity to the above... contraption.
The theory of relativity says the speed of light is the same no matter the motion of the observer or the source. So the light coming to the sails from their own lasers
The reason the device could work is of course the improvised gold plated flimsy foil sails (saw that in the movie) would actually reflect the light from the lasers, behind, and gain momentum (but for that, it would have been easier if they pointed the lasers directly behind for God's sake, no need for reflecting sails).
But the photons, now going backwards, would have the same speed of light thus not loosing any momentum to the sails.
4:50 On 4th of July everything breaks. On the third about 10 years ago it was my trucks catalytic converter. Out of a sudden, after visiting a camera repair shop in Hilsboro, it started making this terrible noise. The ceramic part of it broke and made me scrambling to replace it. In the end i put a cheap aftermarket one that lasted until the next DEQ. Since then i had to replace it 4 times.
The bathroom fan timer. I installed years ago a timer instead of the old switch. On by just pressing a button, it was turning self off after 10 minutes. But since the dust situation got worse and worse (nobody hosing the building for years) the swithc broke. Was working indefinetely after turned on. Bringing in the dust by pumping air from inside out.
The heating pad. I had this electric heating pad that i was using in my bed for years. All of a sudden it broke last week. However i will not attempt to fix it. Not before 4th of July.
I was thinking last night. How come everything in here breaks before its time.
And today something else. The AC unit that dries the air that comes from the drier.
Years ago i gave up using the vent for the drier (when it went clogged due to water condensation due to the stupid design of the vents). I used instead a window AC for drying the air coming out of it and then re-heating it and recirculating it. It dries faster, cleaner and with less energy. Guess what. Today it broke. Better said, the compressor would not start. Now i have to try and fix it (which i won't do, again before 4th of July) or replace it. In the meantime the price went from 115 to 179.
I hope it's the same and would readily fit in my design.
Now can you take a guess as why i don't want to try and fix anything with electric parts before 4th of July?
5:38 Guess what. It's 90 degrees outside. I took half of my laundry and put it dry in the balcony. Partly dried before i realized. It will be finished in a couple of hours.
5:45 Then guess what. The sprinklers started, precisely at 5:40. But they don't reach in the balcony. See how many coincidences with my recent posts? I believe they found a way of manipulating karma itself. Or getting in here when i'm not home.
Thursday, June 29, 2023
June 29
12:25 Bănuiesc că nu au ales aceste nume întâmplător. În statul Washington de pe coasta de vest, capitala Seattle, abreviat WA care stat are o populație de vreo 8 milioane de locuitori, și același nume ca și capitala SUA de pe coasta de est de la 5000 km distanță și 3 fusuri orare, există o localitate Vancouver, care este la granița cu Oregon (fluviul Columbia), și practic face parte din zona urbană Portland (Portland Metro Area).
Vancouver WA SUA este un sfert ca mărime față de Vancouver, BC (British Columbia), Canada, la nord de statul Washington. Când am venit în SUA, după 6 luni în Oregon m-am mutat pentru 6 luni în Vancouver, în speranța unui job care nu s-a împlinit și am găsit în schimb un job tot în Portland și m-am mutat iar. Toate rudele și cunoștințele mele au fost destul de confuzate de aceste nume.
A și chestia cu Salem, capitala Oregonului care nu este mai cunoscutul Salem Massachusetts. A și mai există un Portland tot așa pe coasta de est, în statul Maine. Și Isle of Portland, Regatul Unit care a dat numele cimentului așa cum îl știm noi, Portland cement.
Cred că faza cu Madonna a fost concepută (designed, written) pentru a acoperi ceva din relatările mele despre accidentul din 20/21 August 2021, alte chestii descrise de mine ca de exemplu administrarea cutanată a antibioticelor, posibilitatea ca diabetul să fie tratat cu antibiotice etc..
More than that. After the blowing yesterday much fresh dust settled on top of the old one. It became painful. My sleep was fragmented and woke in pain all over my body. I tried the unthinkable and that is two Tylenol tablets (generic, non time release, the simple tablets) and put it on my arm under a bandaid pad. It worked. I slept some more throught the day but i already have it in my digestive system.
While i was slowly hosing the building and patch of grass in front of the car which is too far from any of the sprinklers, people were getting in my way. But many of them were the same person. Actress Frankie Adams who actually is a Japanese ninja. She was dressing up in different ways and was showing at different times but only in the direction i was hosing. Not that it would have toched her. It was two far, just the symbolisim on camera.
However one of the guys who got in front of the hose was him. I'm also sure this video is sublinally directed against me. Saw him before here, bullying and cursing at me when i was working at the car but it was dark and didn't realize who he was.
10:00 Mă gândeam când am văzut prima dată o astfel de știre ieri în contextul bacalaureatului că aceste dispozitive merg pe tehnologia bluetooth iar sufleorul este undeva în apropiere. (Nu cred că se apucă nimeni acum să inventeze ceva nou doar pentru aceste curiozități). Bluetooth însă merge doar la câțiva metri. Dar ce spun nenii aici se încadrează dincolo și de wi-fi care merge până la vreo 50 metri.
GSM sau poate 4G. Nu cred că folosesc alte benzi decât cele nemonitorizate pentru wi-fi și celulare (2,4 GHz). Dar ce baterie poți să pui într-un nasture care să emită GSM timp de jumătate de oră cât durează acel examen. Presupun că nu au voie cu celular în sala de examen. Un celular ar putea acționa ca un releu. Nasturele este prea mic pentru a instala în el și baterie și emițător GSM sau 4G.
9 ani de anchetă pentru a prinde 25 de fraudanți care puteau fi prinși cu un simplu dispozitiv de detectare microunde (la fel ca și la BAC).
Asta de exemplu este wi-fi iar dispozitivul wireless atașat este de mărimea unui celular, nu cred că puteau să intre cu așa ceva la examen.
Orice tehnologie wireless începând de la inclusiv wi-fi emite niveluri dăunătoare de microunde, care sunt necesare pentru funcționare. Abrevierea wi-fi de exemplu are origine dubioasă și cred că e subliminal pentru cuvântul englez wife.
10: 23 Totul are legătură subliminală cred cu mitul lansat câțiva ani înainte de revoluție, că Elena Ceaușescu ar fi fost analfabetă. Actrița americană de origine austriacă Hedi Lamarr, care a jucat-o pe Elena a fost creditată cu inventarea unei tehnologie cruciale în telefonia celulară și wireless.
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
June 28
9:30 I was writing and getting ready to finish an important email to WSP (Washington State Patrol) using the gmail account associated with this blog when the email was sent before i had a chance to finish it.
In my initial email two days ago i was asking them for the name of the towing truck driver called by officer Boston Draper who in the end refused to tow us per reason of distance (22 miles) but never had the chance to say i suspect now he was also the driver of the truck that hit me from behind and ran minutes before before the email got sent without me hitting the send button.
They implied in the answer i was replying to they could send me the video from the freeway cameras if i provided location date and hour which i already did, though i asked only for the name of that towing driver. I also gave all the available information in the suspect/witness form i filled that night and is attached to the file that can be found under my name in their records. The form was filled in a street off the freeway at the first exit after location and i think officer Draper put the right location in his forms which are also attached to the file.
But my initial email with the request was not included in their answer (they broke the thread like they always do) and it looks like they missed my only request and now are offering something else instead, the video which two years ago they say it is not available, also asking for... the description of the other driver, which i never had a chance to see. Except if he was the tow driver to whom i casually talked to about the mods at the battery while officer Draper was filling his paperwork in his SUV.
10:10 I know what will happen. Another officer from WSP will answer again breaking the thread of the conversation, pretending he didn't read or understand my previous two emails.
4:45 For (Eastern Europeans only. Washington State is a state in the Western US, north of California and Oregon, with capital in Olympia and main city Seattle, home of Boeing, Microsoft and Starbucks, the last state to be added to the Union (1889), not to be confused with Washington DC, that is 3000 miles by plane or three time zones away.
4:50 When Angela comes from work she is very vocal and the only way to quiet her down is to give her some food. Today i gave her slow cooked rice (14 minutes) with soy sauce, caramelized sauteed sliced sugar free giant chicken breast (8 minutes), grated cabbage with diced canned olives and cherry tomatoes which took me all about half hour to cook (excluding doing the dishes and marinating the chicken, which i done earlier).
Sorry the picture came blurred cause i'm drunk already. BTW now she's demanding her glass of wine. Soon she will go to sleep for the rest of the evening time in which i can't move cause she wakes up easily.
But i got plans. I will continue to binge watch a Sci-Fi series i started yesterday on NETFLIX. Cause i don't know what to post anymore.
8:22 Went to WinCo. Mexican music playing very loud here at different apartments in the last days and when i left like trying to prove they are not chicanos hikikomori from Japan. There was this guy beyond the one level building with an older white car with a big bass in the trunk.
Many things on the road and at WinCo but one is worth mentioning. When i got back, at the last stop light here at 7-11 there was this snake woman waiting to pass with both legs a few inches in the street since my light was green. Then it turned yellow and i judged i did not have the time to stop without my groceries being spread accross the trunk (and i have two big boxes to put the bags in).
Then the light turned red in about one second or faster than normal but i think i still entered on yellow and she was always there, part in the street, part on the sidewalk, not moving.
When i came back and grabbed the bags and heard the music again i remembered something. I can't remember when i last saw any of my neighbors coming home with groceries except once or twice but i think it was years ago. Most of them i only see a few times before they are replaced anyways.
9:25 Just went in the street to see. Yellow time at that intersection is 4 seconds.
There are two lights but only one lane for going forward and one is covered by trees at the distance where you should see it. But there's something else i remembered. First time after they opened that corner of the intersection i was complaining about, when you were pressing the button, it was making the sound of a machine gun. A joke i assume. I saw two days ago a city guy with a phone around those things and the sound turned to normal. Can they be (re)programmed with a phone?
I was searching for the time needed to stop at 40 (speed limit there is 35) and found for 55. Some vehicles need only 3 seconds to do 0 to 60, mine, more than 6 including reaction time. Deceleration factor does not change with speed so i would assume you would need about 4 seconds to stop at 30, including reaction time. Very tight.
9:37 Now i need the rest of the evening to search for the actress who does Elisabeth Warren.
10:20 Nevermind it was less than an hour. 25 more minutes to explain what happened:
That guy was playing the bass so loud i decided to go for WinCo also because i was craving munchies. It annoyed me even in the parking lot. I believe i was so busy with the car i haven't hosed the building in years so dust buns including insulation dust is everywhere and falls at loud vibrations and that is plainly painful.
Other people doing stupid things i can't remember. Rude drivers on the freeways, some again tailgating. I was mad when i got there. And there she was, at the onion bay. Trying to open a bag for a couple of minutes. I asked her if she was going to stay there all night and then it all escalated into a verbal fight and i think she left the store immediately.
Don't know why a professor (emeritus) in sociology was on my list of actors. Or it is an extraordinary coincidence. Or she was briefly an actress when young. After all, Viktor Orban himself is an actor and director by trade. Trump could also have been a professor of economics in Hungary.
But i'm pretty sure it's her. Even the name clue is there. Maria N, Warren.
Senator of Massachusetts, ex candidate. The name of that cop was Boston Draper. Wondering if it wasn't her design from the beginning. Or maybe she supervises the whole damn thing i keep talking about for years.
Timing was midnight 20/21 August 2021. BTW they used the window of opportunity tonight exactly when i was driving for a few seconds a bit aggressive on I5 to send the email. They didn't give me the video though they said they would if i give them time and location and they didn't give me the name of the tow truck driver, only the towing company... Chappell’s. More than that, i think i also saw him at WinCo tonight.
I was wondering. If WSP had a contract with that towing company like Draper said (not sure which is first and last name), what happened after they broke the contract. Was there any written form. Was the cop supposed to tell his bosses the name of that driver. I think it's impossible for WSP not to know that name.
12:00 Last one this day. I remembered when i came from WinCo had to pass through a cloud of very strong laundry perfume. Seemed like someone did laundry and dried without rinsing. 30 minutes later inside started to smell like dirty laundry. I think i saw earlier a guy going next door resembling... Also had painful dust on my whole body from today's blowing of the parking lot, shaking of building.
So i went to take a shower and then in the bedroom trying to get new underwear, when i felt smoke in there. Went outside and found close to the wall next door a hole that i plugged. Haven't seen that guy, haven't find holes in a while except for one under the main deck.
Last night i hit the doormat to the stairs a couple of times, some dust came out of it, swept under. Today after they blew the parking lot with 200 mph power blowers the mat had way more dust than yesterday after i done the same thing. Literally a cloud of dust came out of it.