Friday, March 1, 2024

Holy Trinity in Hinduism

Euro centrism. Christiano centrism. Ignorance. This is where has gotten us to. Two so called World Wars who reduced Europe to obedience. No military power, no armies. Mostly because like Romans who did not know where the silk was coming from for a long time though they spent all the gold of Spain, Israel and Dacia on it, the same way Europeans did not know where their destruction came from.

Long before the Holy Trinity of Christianity, there was a Holy Trinity in Hinduism. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The name of the last two almost make an anagram, while the gods are antagonistic. One is creation (of illusion), one is destruction. A cycle.

Each have a consort and i will only mention Parvati, the wife of Shiva, representing shakti, the feminine energy. Kali is her reincarnation and is the goddess of time, death, sex, violence, name it. Worse than Shiva. In fact she was/is so bad she subdued him, so in most representations she steps on him.

However it gest a bit confusing when we remember Shiva is also represented stepping (possibly chocking) on something, which many identify the demon Apasmara.

Today Indians are not so proud of Kali. In Britannica it is said she is marginally worshiped. I always thought they reverted the name Calcutta to Kolkata to erase memories of the colonial past. However now i believe it is not the case. They are trying to conceal the true etymology.

It is said Kali was created to destroy the evil demons and one of them was Raktabija (with many different spelling variants). This demon (asura) had this feature that every drop of his blood shed in battle will turn into a new demon and was hard to fight. For that, Kali would stick out her tongue and lick all the blood.

Could this be the reason the thugs were only killing by suffocating their victims, believing they were reincarnations of Raktabija? How many people the thugs committed before they were suppressed by the British?

I am not trying to say the current (Eurocentric) world of illusions we live in is the creation of the thugs. It goes back much farther, since the time of religious orders within Catholic Church.

Could this be the reason Inquisition which may be rooted in Shaivism used fire as punishments against what they called witches (demons)?

Could this be the reason for gas chambers?

Do they smoke the building, dance Shiva's dance upstairs, trying to kill a reincarnation of Apasmara?

Thursday, February 29, 2024

February 29

11:27 Efectele prafului saharian, vânturile de suprafață se pot vedea în al treilea de jos link din dreapta de la blog, Romania Real Time Particle Pollution. AQAir este o rețea formată din aparatele lor vândute și conectate la internet. Încă una aici, mă gândesc să schimb link-ul de la blog.

Vreți încă o dovadă că guvernul nu face nimic pentru populație? Site-ul lor nu funcționează. La ce ar ajuta? La limitarea deplasărilor. Măștile COVID reduc poluanții din aer cu cel puțin 90%.

Cât ar fi valoarea normală. Pe mine tot ce este peste 30 mă deranjează. De exemplu în acest moment indexul la mine este 2 fiindcă vântul bate dinspre ocean.

Există o aplicație dezvoltată de guvernul SUA care îți arată pe telefon poluarea în funcție de locație, nu știu dacă funcționează și alte țări. Există și alte aplicații. Nu că aș recomanda folosirea telefonului.

Apropo, știați că puteți folosi telefonul pe wi-fi? În funcție de furnizor, această opțiune permite legarea telefonului de wi-fi-ul de acasă în loc de turn, ceea ce micșorează puterea de emisie de cel puțin 10 ori, elimină problema semnalului slab.

1:15 As i said, i have this hobby of following the stock market, trying to corelate it with events and once i put 2000 dollars from a credit card into Ameritrade. But as soon as i started to trade, those stocks were going nuts, like somebody were buying and selling to manipulate the price and throw out my predictions.

So i won't keep this to myself. Statistically improbable variations of indices or patterns, and i am looking more at S&P because S&P is some sort of an average of 500 US companies real time stock price (capitalization) that represent about 80% of the market.

For too long now i noticed in maybe half of the days a decline around 11 Eastern (8 local), with hourly minimums. Here are two screenshots i picked from February. What on Earth is going on? (Note the heavy volume (red and green lines at the bottom) at the beginning and ending of days).

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

February 28

11:23 News from Transnistria.

2:40 Diplomație la mintea găinii. De ce le-au impus taxe vamale, în acest moment în care Rusia este pe cai mari de război. Ca să le dea apă la moară.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

February 27

11:48 Știe toată lumea, Tratatul NATO are un singur articol în care semnatarii (părțile) se obligă la ceva concret. Și anume, să trateze atacul asupra unei țări semnatare ca un atac asupra țării lor.

Nu se spune nicăieri ce să facă țările țările semnatare dacă una din țările semnatare atacă o țară din afara NATO. Dar ce interesant sună Articolul 1.

De ce există o structură de comandă militară și un secretar general pe alte probleme, nu prea înțeleg din Tratat. Cine comandă pe cine? Poate mai sunt anexe? Până acum am văzut destule acțiuni voluntare din partea țărilor ce nu par a fi coordonate de nimeni.

În tratat se mai vorbește de un Security Council. Probabil al ONU (UN). Mai jos se vorbește despre un Council și despre on Comited de Apărare (Defence Committee) care să recomande. Există o versiune în limba română, căutați la început.

Monday, February 26, 2024

February 26

9:13 Grace, faith and... rosary. Conversion.

10:10 A constant presence upstairs. How do they know and start squeaking when i try to remember something? Trained ninja psychic powers or technology? BTW i forgot what i wanted to say next and opened this entry for, so whatever it is, is effective.

10:35 Nevermind that. Here are some things i can remember. I read early about dogs not being tolerated by a couple of major religions (kaboom kaboom kaboom, upstairs). They probably have their reasons. BTW, is it me or that tree in the parking lot at Lucky Eagle looks like a menora?

10:50 Another banger. The cross of St.Dominic as depicted in Wikipedia is painted asymmetrically black and white. Any of the white or black part resembles an Islamic swastika (yes there is a such thing).

St. Dominic was born near the city of Osma, of which the old Arabic name is... (one huge kaboom upstairs). Swastika has been used by Islam before him. Arabs brought us many things, including the numbers from India. Why not swastika?

7:30 "Biden hopes" there will a cease fire, "Macron thinks" the opposite.

8:50 And here's a possible missing link. I long suspected Caca Cola logo has in it a dog tail (colita in Spanish), a dragon tail, etc.. Dog waste was long (until recently) used as medicine. Buttles?