Sunday, June 9, 2024

June 9

12:50 AM Pour... Les... Roumains... Știe cineva ce înseamnă vuoto în Italiană?

10:30 Meme du jour.

3:05 Încercarea de atunci din 1996... Toate încercările de a mă băga într-un accident (cu sutele în toți anii,  care să pară din vina mea). Operația la gingie care m-a făcut să mănânc 6 luni cu paiul... Ăștia vor să-mi spargă capul ca să se îndeplinească o profeție.

Totul trebuia să pară sub supravegherea dominicanilor, dar în spatele tuturor sunt ninja. Sunt aici în Portland cu sutele de mii, în România la fel, toți fac treaba lui Dumnezeu (doing God's work).

Saturday, June 8, 2024

June 8

11:45 Here we are almost 25 years in the first century of the third millennium, in the internet and supercomputers and AI age and we can not figure things so simple as earthquakes, tides and even clouds and lightening.

Few people, even among mathematicians and physicist have an intuition on how big our planet is and of the planetary forces involved with keeping the Earth in Sun's orbit or Moon in Earth's are. How big would have to be a cable to keep the Moon in rotation around Earth if if wasn't for gravity.

Total mass of the oceans on Earth is about 0.02% of the mass of Earth, while for  the core, solid and liquid, which is denser than the rest, that value is 30%. Gravitational acceleration (g) exerted by the Moon on objects on surface of the Earth is about 4 orders of magnitude less than the well known g=9.81 m/s2. And by the Sun, about half.

What is going to be attracted more by the Moon and Sun?

I start to believe that oceans tides are not given by the direct pull of the Moon on water but by raising of the ocean floor with rotation of Earth in Moon and Sun's gravity field due to the pull of the two celestial bodies, and unevenly on the core. Tides are more like tsunamis though calm and predictable. The Earth is acutally pulsating, like a cosmic heart. Or lung.

The variable force excreted by tides on shores could actually be the reason of "faults" in the case of Pacific Ring of Fire. The energy of the tides lead to a constant move up and down of the "plates" against each other and friction that creates extra heat that in turn melt the mantle that is already hot and create the magma chambers and not convection. Convection currents within the liquid core are chaotic because of greater pull on the core and its constant motion under the gravity of Sun and Moon.

In the case of Atlantic, due to size and shape, the water is actually oscillating left-right, and tides are amplified by the oscillation and the "fault" is in the middle.

So how can we trust each other when we live in these cosmic lies?

Two days ago i saw an article that said  the Geological Survey of the State of Oklahoma has published charts with the raising of the Earth (ground tides) that can go up to 30 cm (one foot). However when i contacted the Survey they told me they can't find  those (but didn't say if they did that or not).

There are forces in this world that want to keep us in the dark because predicting earthquake has such a strategical value to them. So they prefer to lie to 7 billion people or how many we are right now.

And use AI, garbage and thousands of extras to constantly frame, sabotage and torture me who i am just a messenger. Do we have time for this?

1:12 Freed hostages is just a meme?

1:26 Last night before McMinville at 3:30 AM i heard this song on the radio. Then after, i was racing with a Milky Way train of cisterns and when i was left to pass it, in a narrowing (right lane ending) area, and with a car blocking my way to finish the pass, i almost got squeezed out of the road by it.

I do believe more than ever that this song is about death by gas chamber, him (megalomaniac half skinhead in sarcastic evil voice "Phil" being the executioner "first time last time") and in this version the cymbals, synths are imitating the sound of gas hissing. This song is a shame to music and art and should be banned.

2:20 We don't need no education...
Messi și Marina...

3:24 B...c i'm Madonna... And she didn't get arrested?

Rock and Roll Fantasy. In February 1996, after not sleeping for a week, part of it being again the neighbors upstairs, i got arrested, in Vancouver, WA, by a couple of Police women and i now suspect they were actually Joan Jett and Lita Ford, my HS class mates. More than that, i was kept in jail after signing a document for being released on bail. False arrest and imprisonment are not subject to statutes of limitations. But how the two got to be cops in Vancouver? Who was Janet Anderson?

To me, is important because on the form for naturalization i have to say if i have ever been arrested. If those two were not real cops, technically i was not.

And the judge. Spent that night in jail, unlwafully, again not sleeping, with my face and eyes burning from the pepper spray for which i was not treated, in the morning i got interviews by a funny bald man, then i was finally brough to court, in a jail suit that had a cut in the genital area, with no underwear. I was falling asleep and then the judge gave me to read a paper printed with capitals that started with "I APOLOGIZE TO ALL NATIONS..." just to see if i can read.

But who was the judge? By the name Stocker, 83 back then, i think he was no other than...

After i saw the judge (and Janet Anderson) they sent me home. However, i wanted to go first to the hospital. At the ER they took blood sample, blood pressure and they gave me a... vision test.

Then they took me to the Washington Memorial whatever, the local psychiatric hospital. No fluids nothing after a week of not sleeping, eating or drinking. Dan Costan bought me something to eat, with nothing to drink.

In the  hospital they gave me a pill and i slept 12 hours. When i woke up, dr.Proano was ready with the diagnosis. Schizophrenia.

I struggled with dehydration for the next 3 weeks i was in the hospital. Now i now what they wanted. A stroke.

Friday, June 7, 2024

June 7th

1:11 AM At this (geometric) point there is one question that bears in mind. Can the agitation of the heavier inner core under Moon and Sun gravity do the unthinkable and that is bring to mantle (and then to surface through convection) pieces of it, containing precious metals?

1:22 O meme de-a mea, proprie, sorry nu pot să rezist...

3:15 Am văzut știrile oh boy. L-am văzut azi trecând prin curtea cu iarbă din spatele apartamentului. Chiar am deschis ușa, vroiam să ies să fumez, am uitat ceva înăuntru așa că nu am apărut în același cadru cu el.

1:35 PM Sorting out colors. Now and then.

2:30 Joace unul și pe patru...

Thursday, June 6, 2024

June 6

2:00 Anybody wants to play? Let's play. Where is Moon right now (and one hour ago, tomorrow, etc.)? It looks like it is aligned with the Sun (New Moon) thus invisible, which explains the high tides. Here is an animation with atmospheric pressure, present, past and future. Just set the date and hit play. Here is the map with most recent earthquakes around the world.

2:14 It looks like we got a max of 2014 in LA around 9 AM.
During this season, there was one on June 2nd 9:56 (16:56 UTC) in Pasadena.

Just looked one more time to make sure time was local and saw the prediction has changed already. Ok maybe this is the reason they don't want to bring eqs predictions to the public.

8:45 Băsescu apare... Luna că răsare... "For 10 years have i trained Jedai"...

9:06 Ok an idea just came to me. Anybody knows what a strain gauge is? It is a piece of thin wire on a piece of thin paper that can be glued to anything to measure deformation. I believe the electronic bathroom scales have some inside. By measuring the deformation of some metal piece, you can know the weight.

Was thinking. What if you put some on a pole. Will it sense the deformation due to gravity pull of Sun and Moon and most importantly, direction?

12:42 Nevermind that. I just saw on this map 2 eqs =4 that occurred at 2500 km of each other within half hour. I saw that on other. It seams there are global time frames. So i figured this can only occur if there is some sort of wave inside the Earth. And that can only be from center to surface so it reaches different points on Earth in the same time.

Thing is Earth has a solid core which is denser surrounded by a liquid core made of lighter elements. The higher we go from center the lower the density. So the solid core will be attracted more by the Sun and Moon, creating a tidal pressure wave in the liquid strata above, that propagates all the way to the magma chambers at the surface. It is like a metal ball inside an aerosol spray paint can that moves around when agitated.

Whoops... Inertia of the crust and oceans and even pressure of the atmosphere opposes that pressure wave together squeezing the magma chambers. (Yeah i know the diagram is confusing, those interrupted lines emerging from inner core and not seismic waves). NASA.
(And forget about that explanation "The churning metal of the outer core creates and sustains Earth’s magnetic field" on the origin of magnetic field of Earth. Earth's magnetic field is created by the rotation of electrically charged atmosphere, ionosphere and electrojets together with Earth surface around the mostly solid iron-nickel inner core. 500k Coulombs? They must be kidding...

In fact, i propose an experiment. Try and rotate a statically charged sphere and see if it produces a magnetic field... Slowly so it won't loose all the electrons at the surface...

No, clouds do not get charged by friction between water droplets. Water droplets do not rub against each other stealing electrons from each other, they just merge with each other (when they get too close). However that is hard to happen as they are charged the same way and repel each other.

No one is going to tell me those at the base of clouds are charged differently (+/-) from those on top, hence lightning.

They all get charged with the same type of charge but at different potentials because they are born and live defying gravity in the electric field gradient of Earth created by the ionosphere that is about 500k V across the atmosphere, by some (i believe it is much more), at heights according to their charge.

When enough droplets are in the air (by condensation of moisture), or the base of the cloud is raised or the top is lowered by air currents they shortcut and produce lightning which generally happens vertically though air currents can push parts of a cloud with different charges per droplet around and sometimes lightning can happen horizontally).

8:53 Was wondering if detonating one or a sequence of several charges at one side of the Earth could trigger an earthquake in a seismic area in another, when conditions are ready. The so called underground tests that have been banned in 1992.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

LA High Tide Season of June 2024

Following predictions, they were 2 small EQs within 100 km of LA area during the current high tide season, on lower barometric pressure, and following this trend it is possible to have a similar one today and one between 3 and 4 degrees On June 7 @ 6 PM.

On PCs click on any image and move the wheel.

11:05 Ok so it was one, but at 2 PM or four hours ahead of predicted time.

There are 2 different types of tides and one combination, corresponding to different sides of the world.

Atlantic tides in Europe are 2-3 times higher but happen only 2 times a day. It is like the two peaks combined into one. This could be due to the sheer size of Pacific Ocean. Some say there could be tidal waves, reflections from shores, some say it could be a separation between Sun and Moon influence that is possible only in Pacific. But that separation it is not 100% since the Moon culmination was only 4 hours away and Moon was not pulling vertically.

If so, obviously the peak is not 4 hours delayed like in Moon tides. However, the attraction of the Sun and the tides are half of that of Moon, because of the distance.

Local time in California is one hour ahead due to daylight savings. So 2 PM should actually be 1 PM, right? Also Sun culmination never coincides with noon. So it was a Sun culmination EQ. Patience please cause we're all learning here.

It could also have been a sudden freak variation in atmospheric pressure not recorded by sensors. The gaps in NOAA databases are also very frustrating but is way better than in any other countries and i'm afraid it's all we got.

I did not want to happen this way. I wanted to study it, statistically, and and then build a mathematical formula of the combined  Sun And Moon influences and/or run a supercomputer simulation because there are so many influences in tides, but i hit a wall of bureaucracy at USGS so i decided to publish here everything that crosses my mind until we all can draw a conclusion. So please pardon the hiccups.

I should not do this at all but it looks like they keep it to themselves and got all scientists in the world on their payroll (when i wrote this she got up and started to walk and awoke Angela).

Also note that there were was one in San Francisco at the predicted time, minus almost one hour due to position (longitude) though legally it is the same time zone and one similar to the "rogue" one, @noon.

A bunch of them in Mexico, obeying both rules etc. Two while i was writing here in the same area when one happened before those in California which means more could come on the West Coast as we speak. Right now both Sun and Moon are on the other side of the Earth.

It looks like all west coast eqs during this high tide seasons can be grouped by hours, like around noon, around 5, around 9 in the morning or like about 4 hours before tidal peaks and they are indeed linked to atmospheric pressure.

I will try to draw some histograms tomorrow.

There are more high tides ahead. One peak is on 4th of July, corresponding to the big one in 2019 when atmospheric pressure was higher above 1015 mb. However during the current season the tides were higher, like 6.75 vs 6.35 in 2019 and during this 4th of July they will be 6.62. So we just dodged some.