Thursday, June 6, 2024

June 6

2:00 Anybody wants to play? Let's play. Where is Moon right now (and one hour ago, tomorrow, etc.)? It looks like it is aligned with the Sun (New Moon) thus invisible, which explains the high tides. Here is an animation with atmospheric pressure, present, past and future. Just set the date and hit play. Here is the map with most recent earthquakes around the world.

2:14 It looks like we got a max of 2014 in LA around 9 AM.
During this season, there was one on June 2nd 9:56 (16:56 UTC) in Pasadena.

Just looked one more time to make sure time was local and saw the prediction has changed already. Ok maybe this is the reason they don't want to bring eqs predictions to the public.

8:45 Băsescu apare... Luna că răsare... "For 10 years have i trained Jedai"...

9:06 Ok an idea just came to me. Anybody knows what a strain gauge is? It is a piece of thin wire on a piece of thin paper that can be glued to anything to measure deformation. I believe the electronic bathroom scales have some inside. By measuring the deformation of some metal piece, you can know the weight.

Was thinking. What if you put some on a pole. Will it sense the deformation due to gravity pull of Sun and Moon and most importantly, direction?

12:42 Nevermind that. I just saw on this map 2 eqs =4 that occurred at 2500 km of each other within half hour. I saw that on other. It seams there are global time frames. So i figured this can only occur if there is some sort of wave inside the Earth. And that can only be from center to surface so it reaches different points on Earth in the same time.

Thing is Earth has a solid core which is denser surrounded by a liquid core made of lighter elements. The higher we go from center the lower the density. So the solid core will be attracted more by the Sun and Moon, creating a tidal pressure wave in the liquid strata above, that propagates all the way to the magma chambers at the surface. It is like a metal ball inside an aerosol spray paint can that moves around when agitated.

Whoops... Inertia of the crust and oceans and even pressure of the atmosphere opposes that pressure wave together squeezing the magma chambers. (Yeah i know the diagram is confusing, those interrupted lines emerging from inner core and not seismic waves). NASA.
(And forget about that explanation "The churning metal of the outer core creates and sustains Earth’s magnetic field" on the origin of magnetic field of Earth. Earth's magnetic field is created by the rotation of electrically charged atmosphere, ionosphere and electrojets together with Earth surface around the mostly solid iron-nickel inner core. 500k Coulombs? They must be kidding...

In fact, i propose an experiment. Try and rotate a statically charged sphere and see if it produces a magnetic field... Slowly so it won't loose all the electrons at the surface...

No, clouds do not get charged by friction between water droplets. Water droplets do not rub against each other stealing electrons from each other, they just merge with each other (when they get too close). However that is hard to happen as they are charged the same way and repel each other.

No one is going to tell me those at the base of clouds are charged differently (+/-) from those on top, hence lightning.

They all get charged with the same type of charge but at different potentials because they are born and live defying gravity in the electric field gradient of Earth created by the ionosphere that is about 500k V across the atmosphere, by some (i believe it is much more), at heights according to their charge.

When enough droplets are in the air (by condensation of moisture), or the base of the cloud is raised or the top is lowered by air currents they shortcut and produce lightning which generally happens vertically though air currents can push parts of a cloud with different charges per droplet around and sometimes lightning can happen horizontally).

8:53 Was wondering if detonating one or a sequence of several charges at one side of the Earth could trigger an earthquake in a seismic area in another, when conditions are ready. The so called underground tests that have been banned in 1992.

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