Friday, February 28, 2025

February 28

12:35 Am scris și eu ca tot omul odată cândva de mult un articol în Wikipedia. Pe vremea când Wikipedia abia apăruse în limba română și mult timp nu au existat articole de loc. A stat un timp, nu știu, vreun an cu un comentariu automat care spunea că este un ciot (stub în engleză). Adică era prea puțin scris. Erau de fapt unul sau două paragrafe care arătau același adevăr despre carisma.

(Wikipedia e tare domle. M-a făcut să zâmbesc. Prima versiune a mea, din 2005, încă există în istoricul definiției. Cu un cuvânt greșit. Am scris distorționat fiindcă am uitat acest cuvânt pe care nu știu dacă l-am folosit vreodată în scris mai înainte și am aplicat regula de conversie ca din engleză. A fost ștearsă complet după un an și ceva și apoi înlocuită cu una și mai scurtă. Comparați cu definiția de azi. Magic LOL).

Carisma, scriam eu, mai pe scurt, este o un fenomen fizio-psiho-sociologic foarte important unde subiectul se supune în mod subconștient unei figuri dominante (spunem carismatice), datorat numai trăsăturilor fizice, ca de exemplu ale feței, dar nu numai.

Persoana dominantă trebuie să aibă anumite trăsături fizice care să schimbe punctul de vedere al subiectului.

De exemplu. Dacă te uiți de jos în sus la fața cuiva, bărbia pare mai mare fiindcă e mai aproape. (Punctul de vedere al copilului ținut în brațe)

Acest tip de față induce în subiect mai ales dacă e în transă, (o stare psihologică modificată sub stres), (poate datorată și numelui, care contribuie) o stare de supunere (gata pentru sugestie) la nivel subconștient.

Barba mare poate amplifica supunerea.

Invers. Dacă te uiți de sus în jos la fața cuiva, ochii par mai mari și mai depărtați, sprâncenele mai sus, iar asta induce atracție și nevoie (imediată) de dominanță (ca de exemplu un bărbat care privește o femeie de sus). Polul opus al carismei.

Femeia cu picioare lungi induce o stare de atracție fiindcă pare privită într-o poziție culcată cu picioarele spre privitor, etc..

Am dat în articol și un exemplu. Hitler nu avea bărbie lungă și pentru a compensa și-a construit o mustață pătrată, care mima aspectul unei guri permanent deschise.

Eu numesc expresie reziduală pe fața cuiva o expresie care există și atunci când individul nu vrea să exprime nimic. Există persoane și chiar popoare care prin modificări genetice succesive au acumulat expresii reziduale de dominație pe fața lor.

Astfel putem explica că lumea are, a avut, lideri care nu au nici o calitate de lideri în afară de carismă (dominanță), ei fiind exponenții unor interese străine.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

February 27

12:05 AM Și procurorii sunt timizi, pentru că ce a făcut este descris undeva în Codul Penal.

Monday, February 24, 2025

February 24

2:45 Touching Whirls

5:12 Scott Bessent with George Soros once broke the Bank of England using insider information which BTW is a crime but that was one billion. Now he is breaking the US Budget that measures in trillions.

About half trillion on Medicare only, who knows how much on Medicaid and all others chapters.

4:16 Eaton HR Director is visiting the site after last week's announcement. She holds the position since November, after the nomination of the new CEO in September.

Funny how the stock climbed 25% after and then it got back down to the same level.

Today Angela had a doctor ordered blood drawing appointment and could not go to the meeting with the first half of her team that was scheduled in an email Friday at 3:45 after she left at 3:30. She will go tomorrow with the other half.

8:37 While i was doing this match there was a thunderstorm and the power went briefly off several times. I have the PC and monitor on a backup power supply however the router and switch not. It did not get saved properly. Lucky me i checked one more time, after about a couple of hours or after i finished i did this one. They try to prevent that too (double checking) by yelling obscenities in the parking lot.

I would never believed myself if i didn't see. I had no hopes in searching but did it anyways. Both senior officers at Eaton, in highest positions, CEO and DBA. It looks like it has all been taken over, starting with HR manager here, supervisor, and then CEO and DBA.

I wish my days were twice as long so i could search for all big corporations and all politicians in the US.

5:05 Honestely i believed they were approving the budget last night because it the time when they are doing it Romania. It was something else, i don't know exactly what. My brain was seriously scrambled by her walking on top yesterday for so many hours. Increasing the caps i guess for the next decade or so.

However looking at the process i saw there is already a proposal. I bet most people don't know anything about the whole process, from the beginning to the end or the amounts or what are they used for.

Because it is absolutely not spoken about in the news and really difficult to search and find the amounts online and especially we can't know the breakdown on those amounts per chapters. I am doing all these because i have accidentally found an obviously built in enormous fraud in Medicare chapter of the budget which is perennial and transcends "partisanship".

The situation is blatantly similar to that of the budget in Romania which i am following for years. There is no breakdowns or accountability of the spendings at the end of each (fiscal) year for the "discretionary spendings" (in the US) and the amounts are astronomical compared to what is seen being done.

BTW the budget is being approved before the beginning of the fiscal year. No matter what Trump, others think are doing, the current government has to act until then according to the old budget, at least for the "mandatory spendings" because is law. But i bet the new one is no different. Anyone knows where is this "Trump budget proposal" and how can be read online?

Trump talks a lot however all he can do is actually written in the budget for every fiscal year.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

February 23

12:30 PM As i said i will come up with a list of those whom i saw yesterday at Chinook Winds. Not necessary in the order i saw them.

In the smoking area where i like to play poker the smoke smelled again weird. I won a little. I got self confident talkative with the guy playing next to me. Speaking very calmly like i am not used to. He kept saying "wilds, wilds!" when pressing the button with an almost polite tone.

I think that smoke got to me. I told him he spoke with a beautiful German accent and he was from Austria. He got kinda angry and spoke to me with a low voice in short sentences and the a decisiveness only a long military career would bring.

However i was not that wrong. He is from Hungary which used to be co-part of the Austro Hungarian Empire. He went to the American School in Budapest hence his almost native English. He came there hoping to make a fool out of me before the almost ready accident minutes after i left so he can claim responsibility. Also to cover a scandal with another scandal.

But the reality of 942 billions Medicare budget divided to 12 months and 68 million Medicare recipients cannot be changed by any other any scandal.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

February 22

12:30 AM I could never understand until today how Medicare Advantage plans work.

For people with Medicare, the cheapest type of insurance seniors can have in the US through a life long mandatory contribution (until retirement) on their payroll, there is no coverage for medications prescriptions unless they enroll separately into what they call Medicare pard D and pay more and generally doctors run away from people with Medicare because they slash their bills more than a half, sometimes to next to nothing.

3% of gross salary is not much, some would say.

There are countries in the world where people pay more for mandatory state insurance (in the UK is called National Health System or NHS) but over there the privately insured are a minority and also health care cost less.

Healthcare for retired seniors in UK is free with NHS and for a supplemental private insurance the cost is around 150 pounds a month (about 200 dollars). Similar situations in other advanced countries like France and Germany etc. with universal health care.

And here come the MIB for profit Medicare Advantage plans, a "middleman" between the insured and Medicare. With those, you don't have to pay extra to enroll in part D (prescriptions), though there's a monthly penalty of maybe up to 100 dollars if you did not enroll into it (directly or through advantage plans) right when you got Medicare, per reason you deteriorated your health by not having it.

One of the Medicare Advantage plans is Humana, and they even used to give you back a monthly allowance on a card that kinda matched that penalty and everyone was happy.

However this year Humana cut that one while increasing all copays. At Humana, maximum allowable for insulin by example is 35 dollars a month which sometimes is enough and sometimes not though they pay without blinking for much more expensive medications like pioglitazone. 

BTW many people like me in the past think insulin is very expensive and delay using it which is devastating for your health. 5 pens of Lantus with 300 units each (i use up to 40 units a day) which in combination with other meds lower my BG to about 200, cost about 250 dollars.

Today i figured the mystery. The cost for prescriptions in Medicare Advantage plans is covered by huge government subsidies paid to them Medicare Advantage plans like Humana. Question. Why don't they pay those subsidies directly to Medicare so people could have prescriptions without the "middleman"?

And here's the answer. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid (states run health program for those with low income) account for about 3 trillion of the total 7 trillion in 2025 US spending budget. Medicare alone accounts for 842 billions. If we divide it by 59 million number of retirees and 12 months we get...

To that we should add the premiums (185 + whatever, part D). Average cost for a private insurance in the US is...

Some states have on top of that health programs covered by their own budget.