Showing posts sorted by relevance for query dead mouse. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query dead mouse. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, February 18, 2022

February 18

6:26 Angela went to work after four and a half hours of sleep (over the years i wrote about some of the many mishaps that happen on constant basis at her job here). Part of it was because i went to check the car after i remembered she said she heard a noise, one time only, like the radiator's fan was hitting something, and i lost a tube with adhesive and thought it might have entered the fan's housing. It was midnight, i went outside, two of the kids who almost grew up in the last 6 years since we're here were behind the car talking. So i waited for them to leave, went to look in the radiator and they came back and started to talk, one of them near hour door.

There was no adhesive tube in there but a... dead mouse or mole or something, decomposing, which i tried to remove with a wire or something but couldn't. Leaving behind the car a trail of smell of a dead animal.

After she left the place filled with an irritating smell that made me sneeze and i went outside a couple of times and find some minor bulges and/or collapsed areas, it looks like the smell is maybe subsiding.

6:41 I know it sounds absurd, but everything i post seem to have an echo in the large universe. Just posted pictures with areas in between building, with grass missing and they came with this. And the evacuations of civilians? By Ukrainian official census,  there are up 10 million Russians in Ukraine, most of them concentrated in Eastern area. How many can they evacuate with a few or a lot of buses?

7:01 Lately i said a lot about living in a simulated reality, maybe the forgotten projects like Living Earth Simulator that have already started to be implemented. I know it because of things that happen around here, on a "small" scale, like the two kids behind the car at midnight. Everything i do is received with actions of their part creating a whole that if observed from outside looks totally different. All i see around me is actors that are part of a show, while the real people have gone, a long time, maybe all dead in "Asian wars", and today they came with this.

I said a while ago, i have a suspicion that nuclear weapons do not exist, they are one of the biggest hoaxes meant to create an infinite fear from population, which then will obey the Great Hunic conspiracy. Nuclear weapons are said to be small enough to be fitted in a cruise missile or even under the belly of a fighter jet, why would they need "strategic bombers" of this size (yeah i know the symbolism of the guy sitting on the ladder) if not to fill them with "conventional" explosives, fly them remotely in close formation and simulate, if necessary, a few no-clear attacks? Half thickness of lead in the case of high energy radiation is about 5 mm, of steel about 10 mm, how big should be the "shell" of a nuclear weapon to pose no threat for those pilots or electronics of the plane just by flying them?

How long the steel shell or carcass of the bomb will keep its steel microcrystalline structure integrity before it gets damaged from radiation of the "core" highly radioactive materials like plutonium? How about the effects of radiation on the "neighboring atoms" of the core itself?

It it said some of the bombs are made with a plutonium core, which has a half life of about 45 years, making it highly radioactive. Half life means about half of the plutonium turns to americium, a material of different atomic number, thus, density, which means the "core" will not stand in one piece but once enough of the material, let's say 10% turns to americium, will turn (in about 5 years) to a dust while the steel shall most likely become brittle and crack from radiation damage before that.

Bombs of course should have some sort of detonation mechanism made of course of known materials like steel and conventional explosives, how would those keep integrity over a few years while exposed to that amount of radiation?

One of the form of plutonium decay emits electrically charged alpha particles, which is helium, "that cannot penetrate not even a sheet of paper" (than how it can escape the solid core). But will that helium create pressure inside the core of a bomb making it unstable? (if plutonium has a half life of 45 years, with one helium atom released for each plutonium atom decayed, that means that in about 10% of that time or 5 years there will be enough helium inside that core that will create enough pressure to blow it apart, with most of it being trapped between plutonium molecules or crystals or whatever.

It looks like fear stopped us until now from thinking of all these... side phenomena accompanied by even putting together and handling a large enough mass of artificially concentrated radioactive materials which i think it's simply not possible.

While in faculty i had a teacher that was speaking to us of all these things. I once tried to call him, more ten years ago and i was told he disappeared, without a trace, without a body ever being found.

I dismissed immediately all he told me, thinking he was crazy or provoking or something, and it took me some 40 years to came to the same conclusions, so i think, people reading these would probably go through the same mental processes, after we've been told for 80 or 100 years the same lies, over and over.

12:47 As for thermonuclear or H bombs. "Based on tritium, which again has a life time of 12 years and is a form o hydrogen, thousands of times the size of Hiroshima bomb". Those can be simulated with short cutting the ionosphere to the Earth, using gigantic antennas, like that of Tesla or Eiffel Tower etc. (see Tunguska phenomenon, which was a demonstration that started to change the world, followed by WWI and Bolshevik revolution). But again, they can be used only once in a while, because the ionosphere needs weeks or months. I believe one of the functions of the Great Pyramid was just that.

I think Russians really lost their strategic position in the world after the fire at Ostankino tower, 3 months after Putin came to office in the year... 2000.

9:14 (Lincoln City) How did they know?

9:41 Am văzut pe telefon, din mașină, mai multe știri similară cu cea de mai sus care se pare că interferă cu ce am scris. Și pentru că nu am internet pe telefon care să poată fi transmis la laptop (tethering) acum, am intrat în cazino, în zona de fast food și am căutat acele știri. Gălăgia, agitația, m-au făcut să uit multe din acelea, dar am găsit altele. Un exemplu. Am scris mai devreme despre un profesor de facultate care nega existența armelor nucleare și care a dispărut fără urmă, iar ei au venit imediat cu ceva. Mi se pare mie sau tipa care a scris nu stăpânește bine limba română?

10:04 The ninja somehow repeated the performance of spreading this time inside the casino of some sort of smoke (coming from outside when doors were opening) that made me sneeze a lot. Though i have a mask on my face. I remembered another thing i wanted to write down. We stopped at Spirit Mountain to get gas and some hot dogs. That were paid with "rewards". At the gas station, a truck with cisterns was filling the underground tanks with gas. By the brand Carson. It happens a lot when i mention the name Andy Carson.

10:11 700.000 oameni împărțit la 40 pe autobuz înseamnă 17.500 de curse de autobuz. Cred că se poate întâmpla într-o perioadă între 3 (200 de curse pe zi) și 6 luni. Vor pleca doar așa, cu o sacoșă de rafie? Există în întreaga Federație Rusă atâtea locuri la hotel?

11:39 I published my first list with actors probably after this post, in 2013. Most likely on g+ cause i can't find it on fb. I think this movie, Time Goes By triggered this whole process. Crazy with nostalgia, every time i was seeing an episode i was thinking of that Romanian politician. I didn't find him or abandoned searching for him, in favor of much bigger fishes. In the mean time my list grew and grew, i kept rectifying errors from the past, etc., extended searches to other countries, including Russia.

Here is a list since 2016, with not so many errors. I was doing it by ear and didn't have any method.

But now when i saw the synchronization with my post about godhood of George Washington and Putin's last actions of recognizing the two separatist regions and entering in Ukraine i started to get worried and mad. Cause all my effort will be linked to his actions. Cause what i wrote and the matches i posted are so much more important than his actions.

Ukraine separated peacefully from Soviet Union in 1990 and problems with Russians on the east side started in 2014, or after i posted the first lists. 8 more years, a pandemic and now they are linking this with my activity. By synchronization, which is so important.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

March 5th

2:30 Can't remember, i think Spirit Mountain Casino has about 2500 machines with a similar max rate of occupancy, for comparison, the newer Ilany, just north of Portland has close to 10000 (but it looks like an industrial installation or a sweat shop in China). The average occupancy at SM is around 1000. So what i'm going to say is going to shock you more. There are over 1000 security cameras at Spirit Mountain, or on average one per customer.

If one would ask him/her self why so many, the answer is certain not for security. For that, about 50 cameras or 20 per customer would suffice.

There is another, much more troubling reason and it has to do with the business itself. I googled earlier, and the number for a strip area Vegas casino is 2000 security cameras.

But wait. One camera does not watch one machine only. When you sit there you are being watched by several cameras, from different angles. Of course, there is nobody behind walls of monitors to do this. Every move or blink of an eye or temperature change is fed to computers and analyzed. They have supercomputers and AI to do the job. And the job is to know how you feel in every second so they know what to throw at you and what to keep.

For those who don't know. Most machines have stop and go buttons. That means, you put in your 5 or 20 b bill and press the button and spend 40c or 60c or one dollar etc. for one hand and then you have a choice. You can press the button again and stop the reels yourself or let the machine stop them for you which takes more time and it's not so much fun. So you watch the reels and press the button when you think you just saw the beginning of a good combination or the end of a bad one or when you feel. Needless to stay, it's just an illusion, the time needed for the reels to stop after you saw and pressed the button is too long and the combinations are unpredictable. But some times they will give it to you nevertheless, to keep the illusion alive. If you start and stop the reels, they will detect when you get too tired to follow and stop and will fill the screen with wilds, before you have time to react and then you will try at least ten more (loosing) hands  until they will give you a small amount. In short it's a game of waiting and analyzing emotions and optimizing how they separate you from your money in the most pleasant way.

Does it have anything to do with gambling? Are the combinations random? (in a reasonable way, theoretically no machine can generate randomness, only God can, but it can be simulated pretty close to).

Of course not, but they invented the Indian territory solution so there is absolutely no legislation or definitions or anything that can regulate what the're doing. But make no mistake, it's no Indians, it's the same sharks that control everything.

7:08 But why media outlets can't verify, they evacuated from Ukraine too? However, they can come up with things like these... Maria of Donbas hits again, under a new zero (90) name...

7:59 Off Piste... Japanese believe not having sex before battle brings one bad luck... But could it work the opposite way... Prevent your enemy from having sex (before all battles) so it will bring him bad luck?

8:08 Could this be the reason they brought the huge rocks in the complex in front of every building? Are those my enemies too? Truth is i don't like them... When they brought them first time i went and knocked on them to see if the're not ninja in disguise. But to this day i'm not sure... The place now gets filled with smoke or mole mold, got to go outside and see. Found a mound around the corner in front of the other apartment (took a picture but it came blurry because i was so nervous and moved the phone (was that tree bonsaied to make it look like a snake?)). Stretched my legs to step on it without getting in front of their window. Came back only to see in disbelief the Mercedes stretching sign on the rear windshield of the floating van, leaving. (The floating van is an old white van with Japanese people inside that on top of everything else moves around the complex and at times is parked in the alley in front of the building. One day i thought they were homeless, but their appearance varies continually according to show needs).

8:38/6:38 Papagalul de pe pârtie planul înclinat... După evaluarea noastră... Nu calculăm.

9:13/7:13 (Pick at you... Cred că încep să devin răutăcios, după ce am stat atât de mult printre ei...)

9:35 Aha. Animated dolls have souls.

1:51 We both slept until now as no more smoke came in today, something that didn't happen in a long long time if ever here at this place. Planning to go to blow the area above filter under grill, as last night i took some pictures with a snake camera and found more "peanuts" as we call them or pieces of dog food remaining after i cleaned that area in November and also some hairs. While searching for the post with that story, one older forgotten story surfaced, that with the grill at the old car (it's good to blog). Now i started to ask myself if they're related (i mean they arranged the car and the auction for me, not a lot of trouble if it's all one single organization). Also this morning someone passed by and put some mineral insulation flakes on the windshield, to create another story, cause i wanted to go somewhere to borrow a hose with compressed air to blow under the grill to remove those few remaining pieces cause they got contaminated by the dead mouse i found in the engine's fan box and the car keeps stinking like a dead animal, making me sick and the smell also propagated lately inside, capisci? BTW now i'm really glad i quit fb cause there there was no ways to put links in the text like this (or do searches like this) which BTW is as easy as selecting the word(s) to click on and, right clicking and pasting the address of the linked page from browser's address box (next to reload button that looks like a recycle sign upper left). But i dread getting in the car again and going to search for a place with compressed air cause now i know why i'm getting sick in the car and ready to vomit and Angela doesn't want to come with me.

4:14 Did you know that you can make one gallon of windshield cleaner with a few ounces of rubbing alcohol and a few drops of liquid soap? Rubbing alcohol will also drop the freezing point. I just did, but with this which also repels water, i removed the grill from the car but my phone's battery was too low to take a picture directly inside that duct, scores of people organizing shows, Japanese models vacuuming cars inside engine compartment for hours, Hungarian kids yelling like crazy or like swallowed alive by giant snakes. But when Angela's long time planned beets soup was ready and i came to eat, the guardian angel upstairs started to flap his wings hit the floor with his hooves. Now a very loud exhaust roaring.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

April 12

12:38 They did laundry all morning somewhere in the building. The vapor is leaking in the basement and condensates on the floor in areas where it's stripped of insulation. That is under the couch in living, in spots in bedroom, etc. The fiberboard part of floor bulges, carpet smells like mold in those areas.This on top of mold smell coming from mole holes, food wraps on the red carpet etc.. Result. Got a fungal rhinitis for a week now that of course does not go away with antibiotics.

1:24 Again cetirizine. Also.

11:29 Sprinkling borax last night on the moldy carpet seemed to turn again the balance towards me escaping eluding again. Also turned back on the "ionic pro" which i was mad at because at one time, months ago, i believed it puts out dog poop smell after getting contaminated. That filter would tip the balance even more because it puts out a small amount of ozone and also catches mold spores.

11:32 This means that on taxpayers' money, they can watch us but we can't watch ourselves. A one hour or three hour loop or whatever time it takes until a Police officer requests a recording after being on the scene i think it's doable with existing DVR technology (without much if any investment). And BTW google maps does a much better job at showing real time congestions.

12:18 A început, iar? Only you can scratch my itch...

1:24 Was searching for a face while laying in bad, my lumbar back hurts if i sit. As many times before, i fell asleep because they fill the place with smoke, always a bit different. Woke up in a room full of smoke, sneezing. Went outside and probed a couple of new holes but they were not through holes, water was not going in. A truck with a trailer hitting the bumps and making a huge noise. Not sure if the smoke ended since i just opened the door to air. Most likely not.

5:14 More fallout from "the storm". I think there was a "power outage". The only clock that has no batteries, on the stove, was off. We've been out Saturday for 12 hours, power could have been out for more than 4 hours. Today i eat again from the meatloaf i made Friday and got sick. Dizziness, sleepiness and in the end diarrhea.

Also the garage with the junk. Finally figured what were they doing every 2 or 3 months throwing things making big noises for a whole day. There is a garage or two next to the sign that says "no dumping" that get filled with junk from people who leave from the 280 units some site says are here. For some time there was a firm a with truck and a trailer called Junk and Joe that were collecting those. Or both. Thing is today they opened that garage, picked the stuff, everything around it was stinking. I sneezed till my tears come down my face. Wet mats that were thrown during the rain, stored inside for at least one month. Maybe more than 10. Couches, strollers, wooden furniture, name it. They loaded one big trailer and one big bed truck and then they came back for more.

6:17 One more mystery solved. But why it happens always at the next apartment, or F2 i guess?

I've complained quite a few times about the fan in the window in the apartment next door. A fan in an open door running in November, then December? Lately, the fan was on with the window closed, which made no much sense. Back then i thought they were running a pup mill because of the smell but the regular dog poop smell around here was exacerbated those days from a dead mouse in my car's radiator casing. I remember the day when i wrote in the blog (link above) i also went and complained to the management (or wrote an email, can't remember which).

Today i went again to check for mole holes and the wall was radiating heat to my now sensitive face. Touched it, warm to the touch. Warmest at the right side or next to wall with window (left of the corner in picture). Temperature higher than body temperature. This could have happened only if there was a fire inside or... Again some sort of meth cooking installation?

It happened the same like after i fixed the pipes in the basement, at the same apartment. A few days later i saw a fat tall Mexican? guy dressed in black with gold chains and stuff, and then the woman moved. Last summer they remodeled that apartment and rented it to a nice old lady who sometimes, yes, walks the dog around. Two tall thin guys with a red SUV coming with groceries, to their mother, i assumed. But how did it pass inspection a couple of weeks ago? Could they had it uninstalled and then installed right back?

No it could not explain either the cigarette smoke coming from upstairs that apartment or from the holes in the ground. Those are separate problems. Whatever they were/are doing in there was/is very professional, very self contained. Trouble is, today the fan went out and the wall heated up. But they could just unplug it, to cover the more horrible story with the food gone bad in the fridge during a long blackout when we weren't home. BTW didn't wait long enough for that infection to clear my guts, i ate (eggs, again from the fridge) and now i'm sick again. I'm three times sick. Back pain, upper respiratory and food poisoning.

Nevermind, these guys, those before, were both venting some stuff in the basement using the driers' pipes that now to me seem to have been designed or later added for this purpose (unusually long pipes passed through basement instead directly to wall like all i've seen before). I remember in the first days here i tried to unclog the basement vents that were full with leaves and the handy-woman wouldn't let me. Cause if those are open the smell comes out much faster. Probably same happened in Lake Oswego, with the guy at first level who was never cleaning. But that was much more quality stuff, maybe he was just throwing marijuana and cocaine in the fireplace and the chimney was leaking at my level.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

June 28

2:17 I woke up at 1 AM with digestive pains. Today i installed the AC and forgot to clean the screens from dust and the AC blows (and aspires) through the sliding door screen and i've been breathing the irritant dust (redwood, granite from the screen which of course ends up in stomach when it clears the lungs). I stayed awake for two hours and i had no smoke problems at all. It looks like they have an algorithm, as soon as i started to post, the room filled with cigarette smoke from my neighbor who smokes on the patio of Apt. Nr.2.

I am very satisfied with my Samsung Chromebook. It charges in one hour, lasts up to ten. It is very fast, it loads Chrome browser in one second, plays videos seamlessly, no lag when typing, etc.. However i was complaining of pains in my legs and belly especially after i went at Indian Head casino where they have a very strong wi-fi that can be used from the parking lot. And the signal has to be strong both ways since the laptop sends requests or the text you are typing etc. back to the router.

After my PC went out (power supply) and i didn't want to fix it, i bought a USB hub that allows me to use the chromebook as a PC, by connecting a monitor, keyboard and mouse to it. I was keeping it under desk at my left foot and it is there where i started to have burning pains. Then, i started to have pains in different spots of my legs, belly, etc..

Today i was tuning my guitar with an online in browser tuner from a site and i accidentally put the laptop of top of the guitar and i noticed a weird sound in the amplifier. Yes i know the amplifier cannot amplify those frequencies but sub-harmonics and modulations. Then i tried with the phone but the sound was much less. For now i found a tray (the kind for baking turkeys in the oven) and i use it like that. Thing is the wi-fi which basically uses microwaves at a frequency close to microwave ovens, has automatic settings depending on the distance and if the thing gets hacked the setting can stay permanent at highest. I don't know exactly how much power a wi-fi is supposed to use or what is the hardware limitation though i suspect is specific to brands and manufacturers. Most sites say 100 mW but some go as high as 6 watts. We can fairly assume the emitter in the phone is punctiform.

However the limitations imposed for leaks at microwave ovens go much lower than that. Does that make any sense to anybody who reads this?

4:22 Black face. Still don't know who Frank Farian is. Ran into this picture where i suspect the 4 of them all have fake noses. Until now i only now who Bobby Farrell was, i had an idea about Marcia Barrett (first, left), but there is only one picture. As for color.

5:00 Yeah man. Much better with the tray! Pain in legs is fading, there is still some in the hands, maybe face.

8:08 Bobby. Că nu ieste alta şi mai bună, şi mai eficientă metodă de sucit mințile în toată viiaţa omului decât simbolismul ascuns cu legături peste timp și spațiu.


11:21 Metsubushi. Today after i washed the building with a hose i crashed, due to lack of irritating dust. Sleepy, lethargic. After i reposted the video with the barrels, some crazy with a modified exhaust drove around the building at 11:15 PM until enough mineral fiber dust probably from the attic came inside through open windows.

Earlier i saw the guy with the huge van he parks for years on a compact spot that has INSULATION written on with red letters causally stopping at mailboxes.

11:48 He started back on when i started to type. Ran outside to see who it is, an ambulance siren went off on deserted streets, i think it's the guy with a dark silver Audi with tinted windows who parks at the end of the lower alley. I was ready to write about a very difficult subject, the news with 50 Mexicans dead in a hot truck. This can't be happening, for of a number of reasons, one of them, nobody is that stupid, and i think they could have done something to get out. It's part of the same type of mass killings, when we can't see in the news images with blood on the streets or dead bodies which means it only happens in the media. It looks similar with the recent Ukrainian mall bombing and many other news brought to us by CNN or Fox from Ukraine. Now the guy upstairs started the TV very loud which cancels my thoughts, yelled in Spanish etc., cause i always think of the new paragraph when i write one. Ok i remembered. The reason this popped in the news right now is because of me saying the West Coast of the US is basically occupied by Japanese disguised in Mexicans who by my estimates are in the millions while Mexico itself is kept in a state of terror with the so called drug wars so they can't say nothing (and nobody cares in the US like about Ukraine which is well presented in media).

Sunday, August 7, 2022

August 7

1:05 The only way i can keep the car running within parameters is if i tighten the two extra connectors i added at the battery's terminals every time i go for a ride. Today i did so however, as soon as i started i saw a warning light on the dashboard. It was the central light for brakes, under the rear windshield.

Today is the day when 27 years ago i landed in New York with the flight RO13, in a DC10 plane leased from Belgian Airlines to Tarom, because the Tarom plane that was doing that route, a brand new Airbus, crashed earlier that year. I'm sure they would have leased a DC8 if they could find one, but in 95 nobody was flying those anymore. 8 drivers, 5 Greyhound buses brought me to Salem on August 10. I think back then Tarom, the Romanian airlines only had one flight a week to New York or only room on Sunday's flights and it wasn't much of my choice, it was the first i could find and book. If i only knew what i got into.

So they made a little plan that started with that light. I stopped in an intersection just before entering 205 at Stafford to check the brake lights, given the mishaps lately including the accident almost year ago on August 22, and a snake woman promptly stopped after us, to see what we're doing. The central light was coming on when hitting the brakes, but not flashing.

After a few hours at Indian Head i hit a small jackpot and with my earlier "wins" got all together 185 bucks i think after starting with 20. I knew it could have been a bad omen, cause every time we won something happened after. I bought a hamburger at the Tule bar and went into the car where there was an open can of beer with some beer in it. I ate the burger and sipped from the beer watching a scene next to me. One girl and one man got into an older truck in the rear seat while another one was watching them.

Since they wouldn't come out or move the truck within the next 5 minutes, i backed up to move into a different spot i saw earlier. Like last Sunday here in the parking lot, someone backed up as i was approaching him rear first.

Thinking about that woman who could have said actually my rear backup light wasn't working. I remember last night i saw a guy on the street (even took a picture of him) with white lights instead of red ones in the rear. The fact is, i don't know if i have rear backup lights right now, i'm gonna check tomorrow. Was lucky, seen the guy, stopped and the man who was staring at me and i'm positive he saw me earlier and could have stopped, entered back into his spot and nothing happened. But if i didn't see him, i could have ended up being arrested, for DUI (the open beer can in the cabin), on August 6. Later on my way back the warning light disappeared.

Just went outside and checked and got the white rear backup lights. BTW, the car is smelling again like a dead animal, about 6 months ago i found a mummified mouse in the radiator's fan housing.

1:42 Angela a pus săptămâna trecută castraveciori la murat din recolta proprie (un teren de 1,5 pe 4 metri închiriat din curtea unei biserici, unde sunt pe aproape și o grămadă de saci de plastic cu gunoi de găină doar parțial fermentat, care put și puțeau și castraveciorii proaspeți). A urmat știrea cu gemenii Muraru (aluzie la asemănări, cu palatul cu piscină), tipa moartă în Lacul Morii și accidentul din Bulgaria cu autocarul Muratoglu.

9:04 Aproape 7 ore de somn. Ora locală, 9 dimineața, la 10 fuse orare față de România, 3 față de coasta de est. Mă gândeam ieri în timp ce conduceam, în pauzele dintre hărțuirea continuă la care sunt supus și în acel timp. Am mai scris despre aparigraha, principiul ne-atașării, atât de important pentru budiști.

Tradus în creștinism, păcatul cel mai apropiat este cel al idolatriei.

Oamenii adeseori se atașează chiar și de o idee. Unii se și obsedează. Astfel apar miturile. Într-un fel, budiștii au dreptate, ne lăsăm prea mult în voia sentimentelor atunci când e să judecăm ceva. Prindem ideea și o transformăm, datorită limbajului nostru adesea primitiv, dar și emoțiilor, într-o obsesie semantică.  De aceia ei sancționează foarte mult sau mai bine zis folosesc (ca în judo, dacă vreți) această pornire împotriva noastră, dezvoltând pe acea idee, însă în sensuri opuse, care obsesie se transformă până la urmă, ca orice obsesie, într-o pagubă. Și am să vin cu exemplele, care iată, m-au înfuriat și în această dimineață.

Am postat ieri o melodie cu Pittbull, un cântăreț latino ale cărui hit-uri au fost destul de cântate pe posturile de radio cel puțin de pe aici din Portland. Și aici ar trebui să amintesc o altă idee care îmi stăruie în minte în ultimul timp și nu găsesc nici un prilej adecvat de a o exprima. Cum să o numesc, aglomerația de cântăreți de origine japoneză nedeclarată pe posturile cele mai ascultate, și mă gândesc la Z100, postul de R&B de serviciu aici în Portland. În particular, Doja Cat, LIZZO și Weeknd. În scădere, Ariana Grande, Bruno Mars. Nu prea mai am capacitatea de a mă revolta în mintea, mea, sunt destul de uzat din punct de vedere emoțional, dar totuși mă gândesc. Ce este America, ce a ajuns ea dacă toată cultura a fost confiscată de aceștia. Dar oare a fost mult diferit în trecut? Jimi Hendrix și urmașul lui, Prince. Ceilalți, albii, de pe celelalte posturi sunt toți unguri. Elvis Presley, Ricky Martin. Rihanna. Justin Bieber. Și ăștia sunt doar cei care îmi vin în minte acum, nu știu de ce.

Nu cred că există nici un artist în panteonul american de origine locală. Dar dacă până acum japonezii s-au conformat unor stiluri existente, ca de exemplu Bruno Mars, care cântă într-un stil latino romantic, au început acum, prin LIZZO și Doja Cat să-și dea drumul la propriile lor pentatonice. Adică, oricine ascultă și-ar putea da seama că sunt asiatici. Dacă ar mai avea cu ce să compare. Iar Doja Cat aduce pur și simplu porno-ul în mainstream, cu melodii care sunt întrerupte odată la câteva secunde pentru a cenzura cuvintele explicite, ale căror versiuni necenzurate se găsesc însă pe youtube deci oricine poate avea "traducerea" spațiilor goale în minte.

Deci a venit sancționarea. Ei probabil au senzorii lor, știu ce gândește lumea, într-o țară sau alta și cum reacționează la anumite informații, scoase la suprafață de vreun blogger. Abia din aceste sancțiuni îmi dau seama și eu de dimensiunea unor fenomene. Aspiratorul robot Roomba. Însă eu am încercat să pun în evidență mai mult decât aluziile lui Pitbull la un individ ipotetic, care are camere unde petrece cu femei ușoare și nu-i pasă de nimeni și nimic, adică legătura cu Ruuu-sia. Steaua roșie ce apare discret pe fundal. La un moment dat, silueta lui apare pe roșu.

Și totuși nu mă pot opri să nu mă gândesc aici că cei care formează aceste adevărate curente în melanjul porției de cultură servită zilnic sunt cei care formează trend-urile sau obsesiile noastre iar Biblia are și acest păcat prins într-un verset, citat din Iisus însuși. Nu știu în acest moment dacă budismul are un echivalent, voi mai căuta.

10:20 Pe "muraru, morii". Doi marocani au ucis un tunisian.

11:50 Went outside to chase the stink at the car. At once, an Amazon van stopped by (though there is an Amazon locker next to the office). A Chinese looking woman who looked tired and excited got out, frantically looking for an apartment number. I got back in. Later i figured she could have been Ariana Grande. These celebrities can change a lot of the features of their appearance or "look" as some may say. Then i removed the grill and washed the mud under. Hosed some areas inside engine compartment like left wheel mud cover that still had the original dog food dust on it.

1:02 O altă expresie a lingamului lui Shiva, de data asta în China comunistă?

10:45 PM. We got home. Though it wasn't present in the morning before i started the AC, now the apartment smells like dog s...after the AC ran all day. It comes from the back, from the apartment next to ours, where small dogs and big karateka live and go to s... in the back by themselves. The "man" upstairs at once started to move on top of our heads in the kitchen, like he always does. Like he knew what we were doing (getting something to eat).

Friday, November 5, 2021

November 5

4:47 Yesterday afternoon i picked the car, brought it here, picked Angela, we both had 4 hours of sleep, however had to go back to pick the truck. I knew the car was smelling, first i tried the "chlorine shocker" which means a ball of 6% chlorine bleach in the car with doors and windows shut. At first it worked then when i started the fan, smell came back strong. At about 8 PM when we got near the shop where i left the truck, i went to an Autozone to buy air filters both for the engine and the cabin. But when i tried to pull the old cabin filter, surprise. It won't come out. Not easily. So i pulled hard and it unfolded like an accordion's bellows, and about 2 pounds of rancid dog or cat food fell from that compartment. Trouble was some fell onto the fan, the filter was holding them above and now we could not drive because the fan was blocked and it was raining and windshield was foggy. So i guess drived being dead tired with a foggy windshield about one mile to a carwash and was lucky to find a card operated vacuum. But could only remove the bulk of them cause the hose's end was too big for that space. I went to the O'Reilly's accross the street but could not find a piece of 5/8 hose to tape it to that one. The fan was now making a rattling noise, with loose pieces of dry food caught in the rotor. Today i tried with my vacuum and and a thinner extension hose and removed more but there are more left. Unfortunately some passed the fan and got into the heater core and i have no idea how to remove them except to pay hundreds of dollars to a mechanic to do it, so the car will probably stink like that for a long time. But not as much as it did when i got it and Angela says was nauseated by the smell. I bet it's got something to do with the accident. But how those got there? A prank to the previous owner? An underpaid mechanic? Cause it's not easy to stock them on top of the filter unless you raise a bit the intake grill.

I saw many things in my life, but this.

But that's not all. Somehow the stuff being right under the grill did backflow into the engine compartment and every component was covered with a fine layer of it. My first guess was, the owner being from Eugene area, he used the car at a farm and drove it through mud mixed with manure. Last night i was driving on the freeway behind Angela and i could still feel the smell coming from that car.
9:51 Ok so i just stuck the phone through the filter's housing and took a picture of my blower fan.
Found a video on how to remove the blower fan. Tomorrow cause i'm too... tired right now. The man didn't know at first so he removed too many parts. He had mouse droppings and acorns. BTW, can't understand how acorns got in there, the holes in the grill are only a few mm. Ok he said mice were living there. Please note the coincidence with the post below.

Never realized until now that the drive axle i replaced was actually bent.