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Showing posts sorted by date for query platelets. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, September 23, 2023

September 23

2:43 Nu mai publicați povești inventate cu lati-fundi-harul. Ăsta vă atrage simpatia cu cruciulițe brodate ca să promoveze subliminal gheii și îmi strică numele.

2:57 Schinoasa.

10:05 Îți taie respirația.

10:22 500000 prisoners.

10:46 Same face, different lenses and processing resulting in different eye sizes, hair color. Images taken with very short focal length (fisheye) lens increase distance between eyes, eye size and have other weird effects like bigger head on smaller body.

Andrea Waskovics busy schedule and age. Last post, 4 days ago. I only drink decaf. Just heated some fettuccine (by mistake, wanted meatloaf, yes of the same appearance). Had low platelets. But i don't have any bricks of greens, huh uh. I wish i had. Huh? So i could buy a big house were... 

Ok have to confess haven't been looking on the account for a week. Was really pissed off because of what i thought it happened Sunday. Not that i really understand what's going on. It's just that i was, i am emotionally exhausted.

11:30 A fost prins luând mită, după ce a prins pește, dar banii erau în portbagaj?

1:40 I have made an Instagram account using my fb, just to look at some pictures and there was some glitch on Instagram or my laptop, pictures came halved on the screen, could not look at, never did anything else with it, on 21 got an email, only opened it today, saying i violated community rules and my account was blocked.

1:58 Dog poop smell, went to search for it, found one in a loose knot blue bag next to the bin in the same direction like yesterday, wind still blowing from the same direction.

3 Spanish speaking Japanese and a truck making a huge idling noise. Kids yelling like i never heard before. First one of those brown guys started to walk towards me like charging but "he was just having a phone conversation" and turned around. Then a couple of others, went through by me and in the other direction.

Monday, September 11, 2023

September 11

12:40 They brought in that Sunday a white horse at the beach but the horse was kinda upset probably because of the sound of the ocean and din't wanna a walk. In the end they rode him a bit but kinda against his will.

12:41 Smile back at you, Pikachu. Never believed dogs can have facial expressions. However foxes... (Yeah i watched funny animals videos all day trying to forget my ongoing confusions).

12:45 They started a midnight walk upstairs. Or smoking, whatever. In response to some emotions of mine while remembering stuff while very relaxed. Getting mad that is.

9:21 The science didn't get quite there yet. I think i know the reason. There is this influential sect within the catholic church called "Dominican" and it could be all suppressed by them. They since the beginning, that is the end of the 13th century did weird things and inquisition is one of them. The name is a wordplay, and it could mean "dogs of god" in Latin. They might do some dog magic, as inherited from the Egyptian and than Roman gods.

Think what a weapon this would be. You casually come at your enemy's door with your dog and leave a poop and in that day he instead of going about his business goes crazy instead. Unsuspecting. Unrecognizable.

I know for sure that something in dog poop strongly influence me. Don't know if "regular" poops, healthy or sick dogs, or fed with special food, male, female, females in heat, pheromones, parasites bla bla, but when those are present around the building their smell, that i don't even perceive as smell at the beginning, really drives me wild. That's why every time i realize that i go around and pick and throw them in garbage. But it's usually too late to save the day and i end up exposing me even more to those by picking them.

It started after we got a small condo in Bacău and there was this boy who was "walking" his she dog around the building, several times a day, for years. Don't know if he was picking or not but most likely not cause i never saw him with bags and i don't even think they had bag like these in the late 80s in Romania. There must have been at any time dozens around that building.

Indoor litter boxes are a good source of contamination both with pathogens and invisible dust.

Some people may be more affected than others but there could also be other factors that may contribute.

It is my understanding those affect men more than women but there could be a similar trick that affects women as well like the old CRT computer monitors i was spending my whole days near. For about a year or so i also had a cat... Also smoke from my neighbor downstairs always made me feel good (No they were no drugs of any kind during those years in Romania)...

9:55 Ugh... And more ugh...

They were plenty of dogs and cats around the house (now heavily modified, made to look dark) i lived during my first years until 14 and did all my vacations until 22 în Câmpulung, a town with Switzerland like mountains and views. The name of the street has also been changed from Novermber 7 (day of boshevic revolution) though Transylvania is not that close.

10:30 I think they started to smoke upstairs about a week ago. Cigarette smoke is now coming after i hear some softer squeaks than before. She who stays home is lighter i guess. A reason to wake up at night. The smoke this morning caused me heart palpitations by causing nasal congestion and me unconsciously trying too hard to breath on my nose.

10:52 I lost my glasses... Will try to write this paragraph without those... Another thing that has happened to me lately that makes me very irritated. I almost got into fights with people in casinos and stores... Last time and WinCo they brought at the check-stands this woman who looks like ex Van Damme's wife... Anyways.

I know where it's coming from. For a month now they moved the van with the Insulation logo on it so i know. Could it be a warning? A threat?

After they installed the AC in the bedroom window upstairs, after i asked here how could they withstand the temperatures of 90s or even 100s upstairs with the sun hitting the roof they installed a window AC upstairs they use mostly at night.

One of the worst things you could do in a building that has the walls but especially the attic full of loose mineral insulation. The vibration from the AC breaks some of that and the very irritant and possibly carcinogen dust flies around the building. I wrote many times in the past here and on fb about that and i think it also modifies behavior by making you more impulsive and ready to fight.

Mineral dust so small it doesn't get caught by a PM2.5 sensor but so sharp it can penetrate human cells.

And yes your body may react to it by putting more protective oils on your skin in which case showers can only make the irritation worse...

I looked at the weather forecast, there will be one more week of heat (90s in September?) followed by average temperatures and it looks like it's going to be on for at least one more month...

11:37 Negative ion generators may help as they charge the invisible dust negatively and make it fall to the floor but not sure exactly which one works and there is no way to tell.

And the pain. The diffuse whole body pain from the mineral dust makes you wanna use all kinda stuff that kills pain from alcohol to weed to prescription.

And i don't believe there is escape from it in the US. Unless you build yourself a house free of mineral insulation.

2:08 Terrifying how every time i touch the laptop the first time there is a march and some heavy stomps upstirs. Just came from Wallmart and WinCo and put some of the stuff away and rushed to the computer to write a very important thing.

Every time i see a sign i can't recognize my mind rushes to the nearest symbol i know. Because of my college background and all the formulas with Greek letters they fed up with in there when i see by example a capital A without the horizontal bar my mind goes to the Greek lambda and i read it as L. That could create lots of confusion in the (poor) minds of those who are constantly trying to read or guess my thoughts.

This is the case with KIA which is is written with a stylized A that actually figures a lambda. More than that nowadays the combination I + lambda also reads like a Russian I. No L in Russian is...

In plain English could be suggesting KIYV. KYIV Soul.
It happened when i drove back from WinCo. I tried to pass that SOB on the right just to see his Asian face but i could not. His LPN started with PKC and i think that was a KIA Soul.

Then i remembered i was under the red line with the gas, and since i was at the nearest lane after the unsuccessful attempt to pass i pulled at the (expensive) Shell on the right and when i saw that ugly Asian attendant i asked to do it myself (As i said it will be years until Oregonian will give up gas attendants even if the law is now in force. Then i realized it was 9-11.

It happened Saturday night at Lucky Eagle. I was parked facing two identical grey KIA Soul. Two guys got out of one of them and started looking for differences and that created the pretext for one of the guys to come with his butt at my window and the other one to bend over to see something under the other one and that created lots of problems to me that night.

For weeks now the theme is Alexa and everywhere i go i see girls trying to emulate her appearance. There was one at the entrance of Walmart and i was with the cart full of groceries (forgot the bags in the truck) and she entered the store when i left that was looking almost like her.

When i finally got here found a spot next to the one level apartment where the 19 years old child looking Japanese actor supposedly lives, on a Thursday and one guy looking like the Arab ninja i talked about later (not him, i saw him in the casino Saturday night playing for hours at the same machine) was walking with a dog back and forth, like patrolling. Trying to prevent me from "feeding the cats?".

Also totally forgot abut the gray, drove both ways on the freeway near it.

5:18 I am so sick and tired of writing everything down here. I go driving around and repeat in my mind the phrases i have to write next.

However i have to write this on so hopefully it won't repeat. Cause it's not the first time with the same person there.

Things are like this. I have to buy water from Fred Meyer cause i can't find it anywhere else. Crystal Geyser cause it doesn't taste like plastic or mud. Canned chilis and hot dogs at WinCo because only there i can find my favorites. And sour bread and diary and most other stuff. Produce now got better at Walmart across the street (yes, Dartmouth). Today i lost my list at Walmart, forgot to get stuff at WinCo and still forgot some even after i went today twice in both stores.

There was only one bottle of water on the lowest shelf at Fred Meyer (Kroger) (and one at Walmart, coincidence), and that one was pushed deep inside the shelf (probably the reason it was still there). I would have had to crawl in four to get it. So i gave up. I bought some grapes on sale at 99 cents but they were on "electronic coupon".

I was also very distracted when i got to the self check stands because all the stuff that's happening to me these days and i put the damn grapes directly on the final scale. Usually the machine would have yelled at me but i can't remember hearing anything,

Would have figured after i found my card which i was searching for when she came, within seconds. Half my height, with her slanted eyes shining with hate. She took the grapes from the (final) scale and put it on the upper one i was supposed to put them before i searched for the card, without a word, while triumphing without giving me a chance to explain. They finally caught me though i was very careful these days knowing they tried before.

So i swallowed my pride and continued with entering Angela's phone number so i would get the price reduction but somehow, also because now i was mad, i ended paying the full price, which was more than double and this is the big problem with the local Kroger here. When you put in "the alternate ID" to benefit from the "digital coupons" you won't see the price reduction on the screen until you hit the pay now button.

Somehow today (again too many things on my mind) i did the card before that and didn't have a chance to re-enter the phone number if i put it wrong and the card got charged with the full price.

So i asked her again and she said, categorically, like the soup Nazi, no, you haven't used the digital coupon, showing it to me in the receipt.

Knowing they had this huge head-start with my first mistake, i just gave up but i let her keep the grapes. She probably needed the money to pay for her English classes.

One other hundred of similar scenes, more simple or more complex i can't even remember. I live on a stage, exactly like in Truman show, though unlike him, i'm not happy. And i can't drink anymore either because of the platelets.

50 de ani de când Dacia se produce în România. Dar departamentul de prese grele când a apărut prima dată? Înainte de 77?

Statistic vorbind. Când cauți ceva într-un noian de chestii (postări) întotdeauna sunt șanse mai mari să găsești altceva nu? Pentru că tu cauți o singură chestie, altceva sunt toate celelalte. Un post pe care l-am căutat de am înnebunit altă dată care demonstrează că e nevoie de 32 de secunde pentru ca unda seismică să se deplaseze din Vrancea în București.

Și mai sunt niște secunde bune până când se ajunge la intensitatea maximă și câteva până când începe să cadă câte ceva. Bine dacă ești la etajul 10 într-un bloc înalt nu prea contează dar dacă ești într-o clădire veche cu bulină ai putea să fugi.

7:37 Da bine în 1940 nu era nici o presă grea sau alte utilaje grele în România, poate doar tancuri de zeci de tone ce puteau fi mișcate simultan pe niște valuri de pământ pe un deal la frecvența de rezonanță a zonei seismice.

România a intrat în pactul tripartit (Axa) la 23 noiembrie 1940 la două săptămâni după cutremurul din 1940, la 2 luni după abdicarea forțată a lui Carol al II-lea și venirea la putere a legionarilor care acum au început să mă scârțâie tare pe tavan. Nu am spus practic nimic, e vorba doar de cronologia evenimentelor.

Cum se transmite o vibrație doar la masa care are o anumită frecvență dar nu și la celelalte. Se numește rezonanță. Fiecare zonă seismică de pe planetă are o anumită frecvență de rezonanță. Orice pe lumea asta este până la o anumită limită, elastic, inclusiv stratul de sub zona seismică respectivă. Motivul pentru care piramidele au fost construite exact în centrul geografic al suprafețelor uscate de pe pământ, pentru a ajunge oriunde.

Bineînțeles energia transmisă nu este cea totală a cutremurului, este mult mai mică, suficientă doar pentru a-l declanșa. Energia cutremurului este de altă natură (înghețare/dezghețare a magmei dintr-o bulă de magmă ajunsă aproape de suprafață cu schimbare bruscă a volumului).

Piramidele aveau mai multe funcții. Una din ele era producerea cutremurelor la distanță cu ajutorul marii galerii din piramida mare. Pe această galerie erau lăsate să alunece, poate pe un strat de apă,  blocuri mari de granit la diferite intervale de timp (perioada frecvenței de rezonanță) pentru diferite zone seismice care se loveau mai apoi una de alta. Cine a descoperit primul secretele piramidelor, care pe atunci erau pe jumătate îngropate în nisip?

E posibil însă să fi fost folosite și pentru comunicații (pe alte frecvențe).

11:15 Kaly Yuga? OK i was curious about one thing and spent one hour and pasted one Wikipedia table into a spreasheet and drew a diagram and guess what i found out. The volcanic eruptions are getting more numerous. Could it be the dust drove people first exited so they came up with the industrial revolutions and then they got really mad and starting fighting each other or maybe it's just the lack of accurately recorded data?

11:27 There was no sun today, right now temp is 65 F (18 C), no need for AC, the two nearby are stopped but there is one on at the other end of the building and that is enough to create the cloud of dust. Also smells like dog poop, i saw one earlier but was wetted by the sprinklers, don't know if i can pick it up.

12:17 Nu știu, diferență mare de vârstă, vedeți și dvs. că eu m-am cam plictisit.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

September 1st

11:05 Ok la mine e 11 seara August 31, probabil cea mai în urmă oră din partea mai cunoscută a lumii, mai încolo e doar Pacificul cu insulele lui. A și Alaska. Acolo e 10.

Eu postez prin editarea veșnică a unei postări zilnice iar când se termină ziua încep o postare nouă. Deci la fiecare adăugare a unei note marcată cu ora respectivă practic re-editez deci risc să modific tot ce am scris în ziua aceea. Deci nu mai continui cu 31 fiindcă e prea important ce am scris și ce am mai descoperit în timp ce scriam și nu vreau să mai risc.

Au început cu mizerii de fake-uri din ce în ce mai nonșalante. Două deocamdată.

Cum a putut fi trecut cu vederea de toată media care scrie ceva dacă o vedetă a făcut cel mai mic gest, s-a scărpinat în fund (aoleu ce vor mai preula asta din volei) faptul că un purtător de cuvânt al unui IPJ a stat în comă o săptămână. Faza a apărut imediat după ce am scris eu de lurările la canalizare de aici care durează tot de o săptămână, dar pe unele site-uri cu câteva ore mai devreme. După cum spuneam cred că AI-ul lor poate anticipa cu ore înainte ce voi scrie. Sau pentru că am vorbit ieri cu glas tare despre asta.

Alta. Tot scriu de zei și zeițe, au venit și ei cu ceva că doar nu pot sta liniștiți fiindcă asta e job-ul lor în România. Să mintă cât încape. Veți vom scăpa oare vreodată de ei?

11:20 Ungaria a mai cerut un împrumut de la UE? Ungaria, o țară de 10 milioane locuitori primea în 2013 4 miliarde pe an din bugetul UE în timp ce România contribuie cu două anual. Vă întrebați oare de ce?

12:58 Wake me up when September ends... Pikachu? Horny but not red! I think he needed to be fined if not only for the BS...

1:23 Same category here!

1:40 Raichu. Ok. Alexa may not have the best legs in the world.

9:17 Replica, pe măsură. Se pot lungi picioarele, dacă asta este ceea ce dorește cineva. Dar cum. Se rup (fracturează oasele și se prind de niște tije exterioare pe șuruburi și se depărtează în fiecare zi pe măsură ce fractura (nu) se vindecă). Durează câteva luni de stat în pat bineînțeles pe calmante fiindcă durerile sunt ca la o fractură permanentă.

Partea de os lungită numai a os nu mai arată, este îngroșată, cu neregularități. Există bineînțeles și riscul de a rămâne așa, cu oasele rupte. Urmează o reabilitare chinuitoare fiindcă mușchii și tendoanele nu se mai "potrivesc". O barbarie de o cruzime ce nu se poate descrie. Hai ar mai merge un cm doi și câteva luni de stat îm pat, dar tipa din articol practic s-a deformat. Eu am suspiciunea că Madonna a recurs la așa ceva.

Se justifică poate în anumite cazuri medicale (inegalități între lungimea picioarelor etc.).

Am pus mai mult timp în urmă în dreapta sus la blogul meu un link la bugetul de stat pe ministere (și alți "ordonatori de credite") care însumate reprezintă cheltuielile, cred că a venit timpul să vorbesc despre partea cealaltă a bugetului, și anume veniturile, care trebuie să fie egale cu cheltuielile normal.

Acest articol lămurește și el Bugetul de Stat (că sunt mai multe, a se vedea legea plafoanelor - 2023), pe venituri și cheltuieli, pe 2022. Bun și ăsta diferența e că bugetul a crescut, el crește mereu. Se poate vedea că deficitul este diferența dintre cheltuieli și venituri. Deficitul se rezolvă prin împrumuturi de către stat.

Conform legii bugetului pe anul acesta, Anexa 1, Venituri, veniturile totale (la Bugetul de Stat) sunt 275 miliarde, se pot vedea în această pagină de pe site-ul Camerei Deputaților defalcarea pe surse iar în josul paginii a 2-a se poate vedea că TVA (Taxa pe Valoarea Adăugată) pe ceare noi o plătim când cumpărăm ceva este cea mai mare sursă de venit și probabil cel mai ușor de strâns fiindcă teoretic toate casele de marcaj care vă dau bonurile fiscale sunt conectate la ANAF.

Dar cine poate garanta că tot ce strâng e real sau chiar strâng?

Apropo știați cum se calculează deficitul? Se face normal difrența între venituri și cheltuieli (pentru a le egaliza cu alte cuvinte) și diferența se împrumută. Nu știu cât este exact, vreo 70 miliarde. Dar ca să nu se sperie lumea, se raportează la PIB (Produsul Intern Brut) care este suma a tot ce se vinde într-o țară într-un an.

Și aici mi-a venit o idee. În România PIB-ul (GDP, Gross Domestic Produt) e vreun trilion și ceva de lei adică peste o mie de miiliarde, împarți deficitul mă rog cât e 70 miliarde la un trilion și ceva și-ți dă 7% sau 5% nu știu pe de rost acum. Și acum partea interesantă. Dacă se aplică TVA la tot ce se vinde, atunci cât se strânge sau ar trebui să se strângă?

9:47 Lucrează ăștia la canalizare și fac un zgomot infernal, mă opresc aici pentru moment.

11:48 Still got my bags on the kitchen floor and there are some frozen stuff i bought form WinCo but got to write this first. On my way there which is 3 exists on I5 i got to pass 4 cell phone towers (yes many of them are along freeways to give coverage to drivers), some of them big, with huge antennas each containing smaller antennas inside, some possibly 5G. I had the meter in the pocket of my jacket and was beeping like crazy almost all the way to the 72 exit. About 15 minutes later i started to feel the pains, of which most worrisome are in the lower abdomen and upper legs, muscles and possibly bones.

It's been a long time since i haven't been drinking for a whole week (yes i stopped because of my platelets). When i do usually i don't drink till afternoon but if you drink late at night in the morning you will still have some alcohol in your system depending on your liver and will never be alcohol free and that is causing modifying your perception of pain.

I don't know if it happens because i reached my limit or because i am targeted with directed 5G beams but this is what i feel and i think something is wrong. So i finally decided to look for alternate routes and i think i found one and came back but made of mistake, got again close to one of the towers, but next time i know what to do.

When i got here i was really mad because of the pain (in the legs the pain is at the intensity of a painful tooth each, but also face, head) and the fact this is happening thinking how am i supposed to drive around in the future and thinking what an abuse and how the freeways are built across cities in the US  an Asian guy came to me from the other side of the parking lot, smiling, trying to tell me that he saw someone hit my truck and kinda pointed behind but i haven't seen new dents, or maybe a small one inch abrasion on the bumper.

However my truck this morning was in a different area, 300 ft away from where he parked in front of his apartment where he could. I did not realize at first the extent of the damage mosly because of intense light but also because of pain and all kinda distractions around me. It looks like it was done with the sharp edge of a square bumper.

At WinCo at the self check-stands there was this Asian guy with a kid in his cart who pushed the cart and the kid in my face, like 2 ft away from me, all the time i was checking, while he was checking with his daughter (judging by age).

1:30 Upstairs. They don't stop stomping and they don't stop stomping and they don't stop stomping and they don't stop stomping and they don't stop stomping and they don't stop stomping and they don't stop stomping and they don't stop stomping and they don't stop stomping and they don't stop stomping and they don't stop stomping and they don't stop stomping and they don't stop stomping... And now they started to squeak. And they don't stop stomping. 2:12 I did not pay attention and bought hot instead of Bar S normal smoked sausages from WinCo but they are so hot i can't eat them. I mean, i ate hot food before in my life but never like that. Crying hot. I think if i survive the one i just ate i will return them or throw them in the garbage (i think it was 7 bucks for 24 ct.). Also because i could not pay attention to anything because of the pain.

2:50 Studies have shown. Am i missing something here? What they challenged and what they ruled?

Sometimes i feel sorry for us all the Americans not having read anything from Caragiale! The whole world would have looked different today...

Talking about Ion Luca Caragiale... Co_Caco_la la!.  Will get there fast and they we'll take it slow... i rub ya jamaica common pretty mama key largo mont ego port o prince i wanna take a glimpse...

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

August 29

12:07 Prima sincronizare. 31 de ani, Alexandra, și seamănă. Ce să cred. Au retras-o, era tot unguroaică cu altă identitate. Am timp să mă ocup? Nu și nici nu mai vreau, m-am săturat după 14 ore la calc.. Și de link-uri. M-am săturat să mai pun link-uri.

12:10 Choking the demons. Air quality index is 80 at the nearest station, but here it feels like 150 inside with the filter on. I went outside briefly and the smoke is just around the building here. The reason the person that was making noise upstairs is now gone. The person cause the reason is long gone or never existed.

Nevermind Angela forgot to shut the bedroom's window when she went to bed.

12:40 As the smoke clears a bit, upstairs he's back in business.

12:41 Ukraine war as seen by BBC (British Broadcast Corporation).

1:44 Eureka! Jumped out of bed to post one more. Good things may be comming out of a good obsession with the goddess of Tik tok.

Got so excited they accidentally filled the apartment again with smoke and now i'm choking and count by breath and heartbeats again.

7:42 Da bine dar pe cei cu casele distruse datorită autorităților criminale cine îi ajută? În ultimul timp într-adevăr au fost tot felul de întâmplări șocante însă majoritatea au fost făcături de media cu participarea autorităților, pentru liniștirea dvs.. În schimb, guvernul nostru îi ajută pe ucraineni.

7:50 Ce am mai aflat, după analize și o înțepătură de siringă ce era să mă coste viața.

Cei care se lasă brusc de băut, de obicei din cauză că le este rău, intră la risc de atac de inimă și/sau cerebral și iată cauza.

Din cauza suprimării funcționării măduvei osoase în caz de alcoolism (dar și administrare de aspirină), trombocitele (platelets) care în mod normal formează cheagurile de sânge pentru oprirea sângerărilor, pot scade sub valorile normale dintre 150 și 400 timp de 4 zile după renunțare la alcool (withdrawal), și apare riscul de hemoragii.

Numărul trombocitelor începe apoi să crească și revine la normal în aproximativ 10 zile după încetarea consumului ajungând cu până la 100 (de mii pe microlitru) mai multe decât în timpul alcoolismului, iar persoana care de obicei nu are grijă să se hidrateze și/sau și-a pierdut pur și simplu senzația de sete, după perioade lungi de alcoolism, când organismul funcționează așa, mai ciudat, intră acum la risc pentru a dezvolta cheaguri de sânge în arterele îngustate de inflamații datorite infecțiilor.

Alcoolul până la anumite valori poate fi un stimulent cerebral, crescând fluxul sanguin la creier cu până la 30%, contribuind astfel la favorizarea senzației de "bine". Scăderea flxului sanguin după renunțare (withdrawal) poate adăuga la riscul de cheaguri și infarct apărut prin creșterea trombocitelor și este probabil principala cauză a senzațiilor de sevraj (withdrawal).

Așa numitul sevraj (withdrawal) psihologic poate fi de fapt tot fiziologic fiindcă nu mai poți atinge acel flux sanguin în creier care te făcea superman.

Alcoolism poate fi și câteva pahare în fiecare zi iar o simplă analiză pentru trombocite poare spune stadiul în care sunteți dvs.. 

Poate mulți au mai auzit și de delirium tremens, acesta apare la valori ale trombocitelor sub 120, și poate apare în primele zile după renunțare la alcool când trombocitele continuă să scadă.

Ce am mai aflat zilele astea. Unul din motivele pentru care bărbații mai în vârstă cu activitate sexuală redusă din motive de sănătate a lui sau partenerei fac infecții și în final cancer de prostată este scurgerea la expunerea de stimulenți vizuali și psihologici, care este urmată de infectarea scurgerii, mai ales la diabetici a căror orice secreție are zahăr și facilitează înmulțirea și urcarea patogenilor pe uretră, mai ales în medii nu tocmai curate (mucegai din casa țevilor, subsol, gaz de canal, tomberon).

Salivarea din același motiv poate duce la infecții ale glandelor salivare ce se transmite la pancreas care au unele celule similare cu cele din glandele salivare.

Cauza poate fi activitatea sexuală intensă din tinerețe urmată de abstinență totală, e un drum fără întoarcere pe care ai pornit de obicei la vârsta căsătoriei.

Am mai aflat că există organizații religioase care furnizează spectacole gratuite cu actrițe profesioniste pe anumite site-uri, pentru atragerea și curățarea "păcătoșilor", spectacole care merg mult dincolo de stimularea obișnuită, crează dependență permanentă și evoluție rapidă spre un final (in)evitabil.

Dar cine spune că trebuie să trăim mereu și mai ales pentru ce.


11:15 Maya. Naruhito. Nothing has been the same in Japan after the battle of Sekigahara.

1:30 Alexa vs Andrea teeth. Small focal length distortion gives you the illusion you are watching a person from very close creating a feeling of intimacy; pénzt, de sokat!

2:40 Smoke index is too small at the nearest station and i can't see any fire in the news. Walking one hour through smoke with smell of garbage brought back my chills that subsided as this morning. Deja vu.

Ever since i took this picture they either thorn apart one of the fences (beyond the picture) and/or were building a new one. They nearly finished and today it was quite quiet under the pressing silence of gray clouds with no wind and when i passed a guy in time with a nail gun on the other side (of the fence) suddenly Susan started to shoot nails and scared the s... out of me.

Later in the park i saw what i never saw before. A tropical bird or maybe an ospray though it was white was making a big noise flying on top of a tree, it was like walking in the jungle like trying to erase from the virtual collective memory what i posted yesterday.

5:30 Vowels are not written in Sanskrit. I realy don't understand why people get excited about things they don't understand but i remember i did that too when i was much younger and still had choices.

न विद्या नविद्य
na vidyA navidya

9:35 Angela is sewing her bag again and just asked me to mix some adhesive for the most difficult parts.

I just realized i have a pair of these in front of the door for like when i go to pick and throw poops in the garbage, other jobs like these. In fact there are few items in our wardrobes that don't look similar to a Balanciaga. Now i start to suspect... Thank you again Alexa for helping me realize that!

11:20 Mazzini autorizza.

11:45 I think ther have been today at least 100 interventions from uptstairs influencing heavily what i think, what i do. There is something there, at times a person but most of the times probably a robot. It doesn't cook or even flushes the toilet and never talks on the phone.