Friday, September 22, 2023

September 22

12:32 Ok no matter how lazy i feel after the posting marathon of the last few days, i got to write this to keep people updated with my side of the always new stories.

At @ 10 AM i left for probably the last walk of this summer. Facing one week of rain in the forecast. There is some smoke so i didn't grab the dumbbells because those makes me breath harder.

About a month ago noticed one of the tires of my truck went flat, slowly over the course of a week. Didn't feel like or actually didn't have the time to go somewhere the fix it so i just pumped it a bit with a foot pump. Actually a couple of times.

But after that, the next week it stopped deflating. What do i know. Miracles happen some times. Because this night i had a dream with a flat tire, this morning i thought to go check a couple of times but there was this woman talking on a phone for more than a half hour next to it so i just passed.

Left on the upper alley. After the usual Mexican wave, with people starting to animate as i pass their buildings, next to the street there was this brown UPS van flashing lights and beeping with no one next to it. As i passed it i saw a Police SUV passing on 65th and i started to have this bad feeling. I walked down left a bit where the button activated flashing yellow lights are because traffic was too intense to cross easily and then walked back up on the other side all the way to the stairs.

Only to see a brown skin guy looking like some of the gypsies in that picture with Tualatin Police next to Dutch Bros winged mill. Dressed completely in black, with i think a back pack and something that was looking like a thermos but 3 times bigger, like a three ft half 6 inch diameter black thermos, he was doing some stretching like moving with hands in the air. For a second i was tempted to pass him and continue on the road but i said, what the heck, and starting to climb the stairs.

I was at the middle of those when i saw two guys dressed in black climbing down towards me or that guy. For a second i thought they were cops but they were only Security Officers from Legacy hospital. I looked back down and the first guy was leaving with his giant thermos and the guys when they saw me went kinda dissapointed and turned around. On top of the stairs i saw two security vehicles from the hospital and one Police SUV. One more POLICE SUV was just coming.

I walked the usual way,  actually i crossed on their side cause i didn't want to walk on the grass as i usually do, and soon enough one blue Security truck passed me and i saw his LPN, was starting with NUX.

Wasn't that hard, but i still have to put the links. And figured one more thing, i will post it after i put the links here.

13:00 And the market started to go down as i was writing the above. And it went a bit up when i looked.

Yeah. What came to mind. Can you see what this guy has on his belt?

Have a nice weekend everybody!

3:54 Dinescu e uneori încă prea criptic pentru mine de cele mai multe ori nu știu dacă poeziile lui sunt lamentări sau mici triumfuri bine ascunse și mai ales nu cred că poezia e treabă de bărbat dar versurile astea acum le înțeleg. Normal că nu i-au alungat barbarii, i-au violat și alungat romanii adică proprii lor descendenți, după un tur de câteva mii de ani prin India, unde s-au amestecat în vest cu mongolii.

4:41 Chiar și de columnă se pare că și-au bătut joc, au pus draco lângă o cămașă de zale căreia pare că îi lipsește un cap pe care draco tocmai l-a mâncat.

Schița asta a fost făcută imediat după restaurarea din 1581 iar asta  în 1758. Cine are răbdare poate să caute zona cu draco-ul, cea cu fețele de daci. Cred că a mai fost restaurată odată fiindcă în schița asta de la 1758 lipsesc niște părți.

Apropo am văzut că mulți români iau verbul screw din engleză în sensul de înșurubat, ceva ce este imediat speculat în știrile absolut fake. Cred că vorbitorii tineri de engleză nici nu mai știu sensul original al cuvântului care e folosit în 99% din cazuri doar în sens de... Sexual congress? Sounds about right.

5:23 Must immediately stop believing laundry myths.

7:32 There is little doubt some entity is sabotaging my posts. There was a link to the picture with the hutsul horse that i verified several times and now was gone so i just put the picture. I posted an entry earlier and now is gone.. Something similar happens almost daily.

8:25 Ok tot căutându-l pe draco am dat de site-ul ăsta (încărcarea durează). Dar eu cred că cel mai bun ar fi un video făcut de o dronă. Ar fi ceva aici dar nu chiar ce căutam eu.

10:08 Eu am impresia că ăștia vă afumă cu ceva, ca pe mine în apartament. La mine ce este peste 40 particule 2.5 microni se simte și deranjează, dar în mod normal când nu sunt focuri de vegetație văd valori de 10-20 deși stau între două autostrăzi la sud de o mare zonă urbană cu peste 2 milioane mașini înmatriculate. În România văd constant valori de peste 50 și întotdeauna 80 în unul sau mai multe locuri, valori ce pot proveni numai de la fum (sau în cazuri rare praf de Sahara).

Am și link în dreapta sus la blog (real time particle pollution) și cred că nu se uită nimeni. Altfel nu-mi pot explica știrile de grădiniță evident false și tot ce face guvernul și voi nu vă prindeți niciodată precum  și amorțeala generală. Dinescu, unul din cei mai cinici și perverși scriitori din România și pentru că vorbește de daci la persoana a III-a. Deși cinismul LOR extrem, al tuturor în general, nu se poate măsura după standardele noastre.

10:25 Just went to figure where the poop smell was coming from. A huge amount of smoke was coming out of two closest holes to the building. After i plugged the second, the smoke remains at the level of the wildfire smoke. I finally figured why that woman was so busy talking on the phone next to my truck. Right in front of it there was a big one, probably from a huge dog, and i'im talking bigger than a German Shepard which i found the other day.

Woman because the women are not affected by the she dog magic. Yes i saw many times poops the shape of Nike swoosh. And yes they put it always where the wind blows from. Last graph here. It was at the left side of the building (garages) shown horizontally.

Half dried by the heat of the Sun today, still stinking, size like comming from a human though it was dog. Close to the edge of the enclosure so the guy could get real fast out of here.

When i was outside i was thinking. Why when there is thick smoke like this nobody's upstairs or walking around. Because they don't want to expose their own to the smoke, they got some ethics, what do you know. Children in the back today were only girls (out of ten i see recently there is only one buy and he is small). As soon as the smoke is gone, they landed upstairs, probably from the next apartment and from outside, through the attic.

10:50 Must be the smoke, i can't resist to post this one. F35s are so stealthy not even their owners know where they are... Ok mi-am amintit ceva. S-a întâmplat după ce am postat eu de AVX unde am lucrat în 99/00 care a fost deținut în totalitate de Kyocera.

11:05 A intrat sau numai l-a pupat?

11:07 Bob Menendez, Buzatu. Faza cu Buzatu a fost după ce am postat eu de Menendez, nu? A fost o știre să mai șteargă fazele cu aurul pe care le tot postez, acum una să șteargă faza cu Menendez. Ok nu găsesc unde am postat deși sunt sigură că am postat. Mi-a dispărut și aia?

11:16 Da dar nu cred că la sală unde pute a cauciuc de la benzile alea rulante și îți blochează respirația și nu mai intri în faza aerobică dominantă. Apropo m-am prins la o fază, particulatele ăia din aer pot să nu conțină nici un drog, dar vă diminuează respirația și primiți mai puțin oxigen la părțile superioare ale creierului responsabil cu gândirea, care nu mai este o prioritate pentru organism în asemenea cazuri și în general niciodată.

11:25 Iar sincronisme. Ceangăi, Changi. Shanghai.

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