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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query road of clouds. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

July 26

6:20 What i found so far about generating Earth's magnetic field by electric charges rotating in the same time with Earth. But it's all estimates and theories, nobody knows for sure.

Absolutely by estimates, total negative charge of Earth's crust is 500 000 Coulombs which is balanced by a similar positive charge of the atmosphere. The current generated by such a charge is total charge by seconds of the day or 86 400 which gives a current of near 6 Amps. That is many orders of magnitude too low to contribute to creating Earth's magnetic field. But that value comes from a guy on a forum.

There are other estimates saying one thundercloud only has the potential of 1.3 billion volts, but i don't know how many Coulombs that cloud can carry.

In Wikipedia page for electrojets are shown electrojet currents of about 100000 Amps only for anomalies, that enhance locally Earth's magnetic field by a factor of two. Could not find an average value of current for an electrojet yet. So if an anomaly enhances by a factor of two could those electrojets create the Earth's magnetic field?

If we think of Earth as a giant solenoid with a length of 12 thousands km (Earth's diameter), with one turn, with iron core with a quality factor of 0.3 (30% or Earth is made of iron) which enhances the magnetic field by a factor of 300 and the current will be created by electrojet or rotating charged atmosphere with clouds and and put the data in this calculator we will need an 1000000 Amps current to get in the range of Earth's magnetic field which is 0.00004 Tesla in average.

It's all deja vu, i'm pretty sure i once found another value for electrojet and calculated and it was in range. Maybe i put it on g+, an alternative social network by google that is now gone.

8: 13 I cursed Japan in my mind and something started to move upstairs, like they always do.

8:14 One of the start pages of my browser with with the NOOA satellite for weather and i can see as always the clouds moving towards east like they always do, following the jet-stream which is created by the Coriolis force due to rotation of the Earth, much faster than the rotation speed of Earth itself. If those clouds were electrically charged, they could be also responsible for Earth's magnetic field.

If the field was created by moving lava inside Earth, which is cm/year, the field would  be much more constant, but we know it varies a lot during 24 hours.

8:28 Most of Madonna's songs are very sad and depressing and this one is a peak (More depressing than Weeknd and maybe as depressing as Phil Collins). The reason i cursed earlier was i was thinking of what happens if you replace the word "her" with Japan in her song.

Madonna is known for being a tool of Japanese subtle propaganda in the US and world, maybe more than John Lennon with his song Imagine, which is about the same one world.

Here is a classic example of her dedicating her body and soul to the Sun God.

9:00 400 000 volts, that's a far cry from 1.3 billion mentioned above.

Talking about the Sun God. I remember the weekend right after i posted that. I was driving eastbound on the high desert plateau between Mt.Hood and Warms Spring at about 2500 ft altitude, with 10 miles to go before deeping 1500 ft into the valley. They were clouds on top of mountains we just passed and there was this distinct cloud on top of the valley some 20 miles ahead ahead stretching for more than 20 miles, perpendicular to the direction of the road, .

And then a very rare event happened. A flash of a horizontal lightning crossing the cloud from left to right (or right to left, was too fast to figure of course), trying contradict my theory?

There could not be enough voltage in the whole world to break the air's resistance and create that lightening 20 miles long. Could lighting be made by independent travelling photons or electrons or something?

Amazing how little we know about clouds, Earth's magnetic field, after 118 of busy years trying to fill all aspects of the Theory of Relativity which generally lead to nothing. Thinking about better sources of energy and space travel. I has been 118 of struggle and now people are losing, buried in entertainment, pandemics, wars, cancer etc..

Same when i almost got knocked from the road that was raised meters above the desert's level by a freak gust of wind after i talked in another day about the peak power of some SUVs matching that of a 1 MW wind turbine and basically moving vast amounts of air on the road because of their anti-aerodynamic shape (280 KW oe 380 hp mechanical power is over 1 MW thermal).

While others have supercomputers that can simulate and probably modify through laser actuators, HAARP like antennas etc., Eiffel Tower, etc.. all weather on Earth.

12:37 Și iată cum aleg australopitecii din media românească și de oriunde să răspundă la niște simple relatări care îi deranjează (penultimul link).

1:08 Sinéad O'Connor, they wanted to put a once pretty face singing one sad song only over the haunting face of Madonna in the video linked last time.

Ok so i realized i don't really know what lightening is. I went to Wikipedia and first thing i saw was "one gigajoule of energy" per event. 277 KWh. The mechanic energy generated by one SUV climbing a mountain in one hour. So how much energy is released on Earth in a single day from lightning? Where does it come from? Can we harness it with antennas like maybe Nikola Tesla did in his car?

First. What happens to it? Does it locally heats up the atmosphere? Does it radiate "photons" of very long wavelengths into space? Lightening alone heats up the Earth with 1/5 of total electric energy produced by humans.

BTW no need for messages in bottles thrown in space. Aliens across the galaxy know for a very long time this is a habitable planet by the signature of very long wave thunder emissions. Maybe we are compelled by one race to destroy it so it won't be occupied by another. So advanced they don't live on a planet anymore and think we are parasites. Maybe they don't need water to survive. Maybe they have the technology to restore it after we have boiled ourselves and they gave us just enough to do so. Remember Venus.

Maybe the opposite is true. Those guys at SETI should look for that kinda waves in their searches for extraterrestrial life.

3:50 Metsubushi. They came with the mowers. What to mow. The water to the sprinklers was cut two weeks ago, the grass stopped growing. There was some bark falling from a tree that was cold have been gathered but instead was turned to dust. Trying to compete in real time with the image above? Now the walls and screens are full of electrified dust. I can already feel it in my throat and nose.

11:10 One of the reasons we die so fast compared to humans who lived in the time of Methuselah is background radiation. It could come from an asteroid that fell in times that humans can remember also causing the great flood described in the Bible and other scriptures from other religions. It could be from an ancient conflict resulting in destroying nuclear plants but i never knew about this! Or this!

Maybe those aliens who moved on a spaceship as the one seen behind Mercury, shielded from Sun's radiation, knew what they were doing!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

January 23

10:22 I knew it was going to be bad luck when Angela won 1000 dollars last night. After she just pulled 90 dollars from a card, she played by mistake one hand at 25 dollars and that hand brought her the whole amount. That made it for the last 2 or 3 times, not last 20-30, cause we didn't leave with a positive balance in long time. Also because i took the money in my pocket, leaving her with 100 bucks which she lost. Me too i won 50 bucks catching 4 deuces at poker which didn't happened in years where i lost continuously (except for Indian Head where i was holding even). However, Angela lost last week at the 401k because of market crash more than she lost in a whole year at casinos. The number of guys and girls who bend backwards right when i was looking. The never seen at this level nervous frenzy with many people rubbing with us, trying to create scenes, making me look like the super bad guy. Here, so obvious intentionally "casually" blocking the main alley at Spirit Mt, forcing me to go between machines (and behind a number of people) while they were raising drinks, to make me salivate in my subconscious. I wouldn't dare but since i had the courage and this is the type of scene it repeats so oftenly, here it goes. Here's a link for full quality of this video. Have to use a different player than the one on google drive though.

The woman vacuuming next to my table at the food court were i went to eat some fries i was craving, with me and the two cops from Tribal Police in line, at Spiritus Mountus "Food court". I remembered when i choked (dysphagia) that year after i saw "chew back ah" at the UFO festival, when a guy, again was sweeping there as i ate rice and teriyaki dried all day in those hot trays and i drove like that all the way home (with a break at the hospital parking in McMinnville), where it took some baking soda and  then vomited.

The guy and gal from the truck next to me at Chinook Winds. While Angela was playing, i went back in the car for another drink. I ate all the remaining potato salad not caring about the diabetes. And there they came. First simulating hitting me when arriving, than veering off and parking rear first. After 15 minutes of idling with their modified exhaust diesel, i was drunk enough to go and confront them.
Inside, a little boy with a little girl who came onto me, aggressive. I told them about the law (i read somewhere) that says in Oregon you can't idle for more than 15 minutes at a time in a parking lot on upper level (regardless of how big or small the sound is). He said it was only 12 minutes and they were from Utah. Then when i called security they finally stopped and went inside, wished me a good night while i gave them the finger. From enough distance, she was looking like 2 points on a scale from one to ten better than she should. Super model quality with here extra long legs in leather pants. Then, scared by my own courage of what i've done, i went to move the car, and while driving in the other parking lot the car in front of casino started beeping at me, because i went over 10 mph without seatbelt. I was curious to see what happens if i slow under 10, if it stop, so i hit the brakes, kinda hard, engine was cold, lots of vacuum, car almost stopped only to see an Asian guy jumping in front of my car from between two parked cars, whom i probably would have taken on my hood if i didn't brake, absolutely by chance.

Wondering all night if it was just some AI predicting my behaviour as it happens more and more (obvious to me only) as i believe they keep updating their hardwares and softwares and getting better by the day (probably simulating my whole thinking process). Just others to say. "It was the will of God himself!" (For me not to be arrested and "continue to do what i'm doing", that is deepeng in a bottomless pit of sin). Just a few examples out of many. In fact, it's continuous, from one scene blending into another. All professional actors moving around me.

Smoke at home. As soon we made it home, i guess around 5 AM, a sulfur smell, similar to the smell of landfill area we pass through on Hwy 18 close to McMinnville. (Why they had to make it so close to the town and 18, for anybody who go to Lincoln city to pass right through it?).

BTW, yesterday the gas needle went down unexpectedly 1/8 of the dial indicator and had to go to McMinnville, didn't have google maps setup for a gas station, i got to parade on the same street where the yearly UFO parade takes place (last time was there in 2018, link above), with a city looking so old, like antique, like from the old west and a girl with a bad exhaust smell of a red classic car behind me.

Finally made it to a 76 station, gas was 3.95, i took 10 dollars only, rest at Spirit Mt, when there was 20 cents cheaper, and a double cistern in the gas station, apparently doing nothing. A total of 12 gallons, which was a lot, even for that position of the needle. Half hour lost, we almost missed the sunset. We went at Grocery Outlet at Lincoln city to buy the now traditional Reser's potato salad and hard salami and some wine.

At Road's End in Lincoln City, a whole parade, like usually. Just more lively, more people, more determined in their ballet or pantomima. People with their dogs in front of us while we were trying to eat. But most interesting, a Japanese guy with a professional camera who climbed on the table's seat in front of us, trying to capture... the nothing, cause it was just a red sky and a blue sea, no clouds, no birds, nothing to take pictures of, doing energetically all kinda contortions and reverted bows until i almost choked with food.

On my way back i was very thirsty, drank lots of cold water from casino and the car, further irritating my stomach (the dust earlier at home and on the road on my way there). The cop on the street on the last miles of the street, staying there in the fog on an alley, real close to the left lane of the two way street. I was looking in the mirror for a mile of so to see if he doesn't take off (i was 10 miles under limit because of fog, and obviously not in the best of my shapes). It was then when i started to nervously breath with nose congested, not realizing. By the time i got home where the smell of sulfur was waiting, i was already breathing hard. It usually goes away when i go to sleep (or after to be more precise) but i abused myself beyond any limit after i realized who that girl might have been (saw her in a wrong picture on a side in the news, also in a video earlier yesterday). So i had to search for her, at the end of which i found myself with a heart rate of 100 which would not go down no matter what. I started pacing in the room, until i tried to do what i've done before. Forcibly empty my bowels so i let the gas escape. Take some baking soda to calm my irritating stomach. And then i remembered. I had too much coffee (one teaspoon worth of regular soluble, plus the soda in the casino). I remembered the conversation with a relative who said her mother had a heart attack last week and recovered. And my advice for them not to drink real caffeinated coffee. I finally laid down counting my heart beats watching the clock on the wall (oximeter doesn't work right, it shows about 10 bpm more beside being saturated at 99 (hyperventilating). At 72 i tried to relax and fell asleep.

Got awakened after about 4 hours. Was feeling ok, but i vaguely remembered a dream when someone was yelling. I went outside, again, sulfur smell, they gu on the upstairs balcony next to our apartment having a yelling party in Spanish with someone else while smoking. Got mad again, was sleepy, didn't realize i wasn't breathing right, it started again, but this time it was difficult to breath only, heart did not get involved. Not out of the woods after finishing here. No it's not "COVID". This repeated to me 1000 times during the last 26 years which in the past lead me to the ER maybe up to 100 times (don't go anymore, got used to they symptoms, they always go away (until now) and it's too expensive).

One thing. When we left Lincoln City last night, there was a road block next to the gas station at the intersection at Otis, just before 11. No other warnings or detour signs. They were two vehicles in front of me, they veered left and let the three feet wide white and red horizontal stripes barrier exposed in front of me that was not that visible. Almost hit it, then i followed those two guys, one of them took a right, and i followed, not knowing exactly knowing where i was going. Luckily there was signal and Angela pulled google maps and we found our way back to 18. Found something on a site, second result here, but the site does not open.

I remembered i had to cross a railroad just before i got back on 18 when somthing really strange happened, maybe i will tell it someday.

4:40 Every time when i get sick i find one of these, other items, on the red carpet put in a such way so it may leak or drip. A water bottle with some concoction that seem to contain tomato juice. Most times the bottle is half full, today it was less. For who can analyze it.
Or maybe hot sauce? I tried years ago with hot sauce in the mole holes. Didn't work very long. Got it. It must by hot sauce. It leaks, dries out and flies in the air, making the air hard to breath. But i think somebody got tires of dog poo as i did. However, the aerosolized hot sauce makes its way here too.

9:09 Tow days ago i ordered on Amazon next day delivery a kit with screws for LPN because i didn't have any. Though it was more expensive (7 bucks) but i hated to go at Homo Depot, loose one or two hours and try to figure what size and everything to get them for 4. Thinking of all the home boys coming next to me and doing all kinda clown performances around me while i was looking in those drawers.

They came, 4 in the front and 4 in rear.  Today i looked around. Nobody uses 4 screws through licence plate has 4 holes. No problem with using only 2 of them, especially in the rear. But in front at the previous car, because the plastic supporting plate on the bumper was standing out, the thin plates were bending during a car wash. So i was thinking about putting all four screws. Thing is, it's not possible.

Because the lower holes in the LPN are just at the edge of the plate behind (pictures tomorrow). In other words, licence plate is half inch bigger than the supporting plate behind. Then i was thinking. Oregon licence plate letters are bigger than California or Washington or any others. Also because there's only six characters, because of fewer cars. But they stand out. Easier to see from a distance and from a camera.

Thinking of my old car with JKB plate. Thinking of all similar plates i see when i look around. KGA and the sort. Angela just saw one with 666 at WinCo. Just saw on my new one that personalized or vanity or custom plates are not 3D, or stamped. How come they are around so many stamped or "sequence" numbers (basically all that i see everywhere i go) that seem chosen or personalized. Could it all have been deliberate? Oregon also having plates and letters bigger than any state? The Twin Peaks state, with the two volcanoes on background? Part of an ongoing propaganda of an unseen entity, meant to mentally enslave everybody?

Went outside and measured, plate is 1/4 or 1/8 of an inch bigger that 6 inches as it says on sites and/or what it seems standard in US. (I will come back with pictures, tomorrow). However, the letters are biggest of all states. Here are some examples of licence plates per state or the sequence ones, every state has up to maybe ten different background themes, second from left third from bottom.
10:37 Finally stopped hyperventilating, after almost 24 hours, most likely because i picked that bottle and other sugary food wrappers from the red carpet. Nobody wants to know how this was. Because of it, made numerous mistakes in what i wrote above, had to make corrections for an hour or so.

10:44 Sorry but...

11:32 My new phone camera at work (with the open camera app though).
11:36/9:36 Nu-mi iese din cap greva de la București. Sunt mai multe posibilități. 1.Toți angajații întrun sector pe care până mai ieri nu dădea nimeni doi bani și care acum se dovedește atât de strategic (took for granted) sunt de-ai lor. 2. Toți șoferii sunt supuși unor presiuni enorme (șantajați) sau/și manipulați psihologic, la greu.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

June 8

11:45 Here we are almost 25 years in the first century of the third millennium, in the internet and supercomputers and AI age and we can not figure things so simple as earthquakes, tides and even clouds and lightening.

Few people, even among mathematicians and physicist have an intuition on how big our planet is and of the planetary forces involved with keeping the Earth in Sun's orbit or Moon in Earth's are. How big would have to be a cable to keep the Moon in rotation around Earth if if wasn't for gravity.

Total mass of the oceans on Earth is about 0.02% of the mass of Earth, while for  the core, solid and liquid, which is denser than the rest, that value is 30%. Gravitational acceleration (g) exerted by the Moon on objects on surface of the Earth is about 4 orders of magnitude less than the well known g=9.81 m/s2. And by the Sun, about half.

What is going to be attracted more by the Moon and Sun?

I start to believe that oceans tides are not given by the direct pull of the Moon on water but by raising of the ocean floor with rotation of Earth in Moon and Sun's gravity field due to the pull of the two celestial bodies, and unevenly on the core. Tides are more like tsunamis though calm and predictable. The Earth is acutally pulsating, like a cosmic heart. Or lung.

The variable force excreted by tides on shores could actually be the reason of "faults" in the case of Pacific Ring of Fire. The energy of the tides lead to a constant move up and down of the "plates" against each other and friction that creates extra heat that in turn melt the mantle that is already hot and create the magma chambers and not convection. Convection currents within the liquid core are chaotic because of greater pull on the core and its constant motion under the gravity of Sun and Moon.

In the case of Atlantic, due to size and shape, the water is actually oscillating left-right, and tides are amplified by the oscillation and the "fault" is in the middle.

So how can we trust each other when we live in these cosmic lies?

Two days ago i saw an article that said  the Geological Survey of the State of Oklahoma has published charts with the raising of the Earth (ground tides) that can go up to 30 cm (one foot). However when i contacted the Survey they told me they can't find  those (but didn't say if they did that or not).

There are forces in this world that want to keep us in the dark because predicting earthquake has such a strategical value to them. So they prefer to lie to 7 billion people or how many we are right now.

And use AI, garbage and thousands of extras to constantly frame, sabotage and torture me who i am just a messenger. Do we have time for this?

1:12 Freed hostages is just a meme?

1:26 Last night before McMinville at 3:30 AM i heard this song on the radio. Then after, i was racing with a Milky Way train of cisterns and when i was left to pass it, in a narrowing (right lane ending) area, and with a car blocking my way to finish the pass, i almost got squeezed out of the road by it.

I do believe more than ever that this song is about death by gas chamber, him (megalomaniac half skinhead in sarcastic evil voice "Phil" being the executioner "first time last time") and in this version the cymbals, synths are imitating the sound of gas hissing. This song is a shame to music and art and should be banned.

2:20 We don't need no education...
Messi și Marina...

3:24 B...c i'm Madonna... And she didn't get arrested?

Rock and Roll Fantasy. In February 1996, after not sleeping for a week, part of it being again the neighbors upstairs, i got arrested, in Vancouver, WA, by a couple of Police women and i now suspect they were actually Joan Jett and Lita Ford, my HS class mates. More than that, i was kept in jail after signing a document for being released on bail. False arrest and imprisonment are not subject to statutes of limitations. But how the two got to be cops in Vancouver? Who was Janet Anderson?

To me, is important because on the form for naturalization i have to say if i have ever been arrested. If those two were not real cops, technically i was not.

And the judge. Spent that night in jail, unlwafully, again not sleeping, with my face and eyes burning from the pepper spray for which i was not treated, in the morning i got interviews by a funny bald man, then i was finally brough to court, in a jail suit that had a cut in the genital area, with no underwear. I was falling asleep and then the judge gave me to read a paper printed with capitals that started with "I APOLOGIZE TO ALL NATIONS..." just to see if i can read.

But who was the judge? By the name Stocker, 83 back then, i think he was no other than...

After i saw the judge (and Janet Anderson) they sent me home. However, i wanted to go first to the hospital. At the ER they took blood sample, blood pressure and they gave me a... vision test.

Then they took me to the Washington Memorial whatever, the local psychiatric hospital. No fluids nothing after a week of not sleeping, eating or drinking. Dan Costan bought me something to eat, with nothing to drink.

In the  hospital they gave me a pill and i slept 12 hours. When i woke up, dr.Proano was ready with the diagnosis. Schizophrenia.

I struggled with dehydration for the next 3 weeks i was in the hospital. Now i now what they wanted. A stroke.

Monday, April 25, 2022

April 25

8:00 During my recent attempt to refill the AC system of my car and BTW, the fact they are selling cans with refrigerant and oil and primitive manifold systems does not mean most DIY-ers can do it properly, i discovered there was mold inside the refrigerant circuit. Again, not in the ducts but inside the circuit itself. As all AC systems leak to some degree, that mold may be a continuous contamination source and the mysterious reason many people say they are sickened by ACs.

The only reasonable way to refill your AC (if it hasn't run to low on refrigerant and oil and there is no damage to it) is to connect it to a machine at a dealer, where most oil and refrigerant and some say the moisture from the drier/receiver can be removed under vacuum, and then proper amounts can be added but there remains the question if the machine has been hooked previously to a contaminated system. And/or of course there is the recommendation of replacement of the desiccant bag inside the receiver, but that, depending on the type and model of your car may require lots of labor and expertise. But then again, if your AC works with lower amounts of refrigerant and/or oil as it leaks, and the pressure switch quits turning the compressor at very low refrigerant levels, well beyond optimal, it may not be so critical as how much refrigerant the DIY-er will pour in, as long as the pressure does not increase too much.

BTW what bothers me a lot is the absence of a check engine light when the amount of refrigerant and its pressure in the AC system has become too low for the pressure switch to start the compressor and the fact that oils and/or refrigerants do not have an anti-fungal additive.

There is a lot of trouble with the ACs also because the compressor is installed on the same belt with water pump and alternator and you have to maintain the AC, so it works, otherwise the compressor may get damaged and seize and cause lots of more damage, but most importantly, loss of steering while driving because all late cars have electric power steering.

1:36 I never knew Trump's attorney's name is... Alina... Hubba.

What is the fine art(ila) of clowns. I'm trying to redo the match with Trump but can't find one single decent ID type picture of him. That is, him without putting a face.

2:03 Drove last night the 100 miles from Warm Springs to here, with 10 percent less mpg than last time. That was because it was early and they were lots of cars on the road, many pushing from behind and then slowing after passing and i had to accelerate uphill to pass them again. Never been bothered so much by the incoming lights like last night. Less then half of the cars had lights that did not bother me. Though i had polarized glasses. Many having aftermarket bulbs that were on low beam 5 times stronger than stock on high. Some on one light only though on high. Many simply not turning on low at encounters. Some with aftermarket, after being flashed, turning the real high beam only to completely blind me. But it happened only in the most dangerous curves.

But that don't bother me nearly half of what the guy upstairs does to me these days. Staying in here for days with short exceptions, yelling like crazy from time to time obscenities in Spanish or Portuguese, scarying me and Angela. Squeaking and releasing dust that aggravates my whatever rhinitis, otitis tonsillitis i have. Within minutes after a squeak, i have the chills/hot flashes. Yesterday, Sunday, a guy came across the alley and did a carpet, hammering for hours, shaking dust out of buildings and releasing dirt/dust/mold out of that carpet that flared up my infection that was clearing. Red dust on 26 across Mount Hood. A van with LPN BRG going in front of me and touching the shoulder all the time, releasing extra dust, etc..

Today i picked 8 doggy piles, numerous pieces of garbage and treated a number of mole holes with Borax  which took me about one hour. On my last trip i met with a 14 years old emancipated Hungarian Gypsy girl reminding or Anca Parghel when she was that age who when she passed me she was calling her dog... Come! Come! like women do so oftenly when i pass them in the park etc.. Exactly when i was thinking about posting a video like this the guy upstairs did a prolong series of yells, like the loudest a human can do

3:53 Evan Williams bourbon on sale at the liquor store in Tualatin is different from the one i bought at Walmart and at American Market in Grand Ronde. Probably the reason it's on sale, much smokier, harder to drink, different batch, i figure.

8:27 And we both got slightly sicker by drinking it. Like when going to the beach and walking through smoke. I gave up buying whiskey long time ago, for the same reason. Too much smoke aroma in it. But about a week ago i was at a Walmart in Woodland Washington, and that by mistake, by missing an exit, should have went to Safeway. But there they did not have brandy or rum and since vodka is out of fashion (don't buy it anyways) i just got a bottle of cheap wiskey. To my surprise, it was drinkable. Then i bought another bottle again at the Market in Grande Ronde which was ok, again.

So, very confidently, today i bought the 1.7 liter bottle that was on sale. However, the same thing. Too much smoke. So i went back at the store, got there 5 minutes before 8, closing time. But when i passed over I5 on the Tualatin Sherwood i saw something really weird. A cloud formation in the sunset (is the sunset already at 8, due to hour change) that was reflecting the Sun in such a way it was looking like they were two Suns in the sky. Slightly tired, slightly sick and slightly absent i was too lazy to grab the phone and take the picture while driving, it requires lots of effort, from the only window where it was visible until i took a left on Martinazi. So i lost it for you. But i thought. I wrote about George Lucas yesterday.

Tatooine, the lawless planet with two Suns. Tualatin.

Then i remembered another thing. Years ago, i think i was in Lake Oswego, i went to the refuge (Tualatin River in  Sherwood) with my old Sony DSLR and saw again the weirdest thing in the sunset. A cloud formation that was looking like the roof of an ancient temple, could it had been masonic, with the Sun right at the tip of the angle. It lasted of course no more than a few minutes. But i didn't want to take the picture, because it pissed me off. Don't want to participate in popularizing freaky things. Same with the "wheel in the sky", a cloud formation that was like a perfectly round hole in the clouds around Sun again in Lake Oswego. Or the formation of Christmas trees or masonic signs like ships flying slowly, silently, in the park in September 1995, that i could have followed on the street to get closer for a picture. I was, like today, like paralyzed. But the genie. The genie that showed on my 49th (7x7) birthday in Lake Oswego, that one i still have on flickr. I am writing all these for those affected by drought in California, other states. There are things, levels above us, that may control weather and stuff. Some we may figure, but some, like the masonic temple, or the genie, we may not.

Monday, December 4, 2023

December 4

2:15 I always kept in a corner of my brain the possibility that Mt.Meru could actually be the Great Pyramid. There is not a satisfying correspondence in known Sanskrit for the name but there is a word in Romanian which is a language deriving from Sanskrit (and mixed with Latin) that could be a good one. Mereu, which means always.

The lower part of most representative depiction of Mt.Meru "which is central to Hinduist, Jainist and Buddhist cosmology" looks indeed like a pyramid. With some very interesting things on top of it. Like links or openings to other worlds and in some depictions, with layers of parallel clouds which reminds of the American flag.

But it could also be an allegory and the 4 corners of the base that turn into 5 which in a sort of optical illusion could be a representation of the 5 fundamental forces that derive from creation and interactions between EM quanta (forces that according to the mantra linked below are also illusory or maybe created by the void). 

Just ran into a page that tries to show the effect of the shape of the pyramids and that is "focusing EM energy". Though i was hoping to find the opposite. However i saw something interesting in those images. Parallel or standing waves similar to those seen on top of some Mt.Meru depictions. Possible visualizations of standing EM energy.

The tip of the pyramid or pyramidion was originally built covered with gold thus highly conductive. What happens if  you apply an extremely high voltage, maybe alternative that is created inside pyramid using friction by letting stones descend in shafts, or maybe other sources of energy (some say the pyramid itself is a giant capacitor using atmospheric potential gradient to get charged) directed through resonating chambers of course simultaneously to all faces to the pyramidion.

If my theory is true and the electric quanta actually travel by transferring energy from one disturbance (that actually does not travel in space) to its own reaction at 90 degrees in space and time, if  you apply thigh enough voltage to the pyramidion 4 disturbances would appear simultaneously in 4  perpendicular directions and perpendicular to the 4 triangles of the pyramidion creating 4 reactions as a vortex (that would look yes, like a 3D swastika) that in turn would re-created the original void or what would appear to us as a bubble in space time, of course inside the king's chamber or maybe focused in the sarcophagus itself.

Another function of the sliding stones in the video which could be more than 3 could be creating vacuum in the king's chamber and generally above the tree stones, possibly with some resonance effect which would increase much the vacuum in targeted area.

When two worlds overlap, you don't want air and water molecules in that space interfering with the objects that materialize from the other world, like the recipient for the cargo that could collide with those molecules, with nasty effects. Vacuum would be short lived and would not affect much a living person in there.

(Pretty much like teleportation in Star Trek, were the site of re-materialization needs to be calculate very precisely so the person would not materialize inside a stone or something and BTW, they would have to hold their breath for a second or two).

Could two bubbles created simultaneously in different corners of the perceived universe converge to the same void that could happen of course if space and time are illusions created by the original disturbance, as the same mantra says. And inside the original void distances are meaningless.

Then we can indeed talk about star gates and stuff. Time travel, interstellar travel, name it though i would advice against time travel, when you could meet your grandpa, interfere with without knowing, don't let him do his job etc. or even worse fall in love with your grandma which could have even more unpredictable effects in the current present universe we all live in maybe branching a parallels one when you would not exist as such anymore).

9:10 Am fost prea ocupat cu stargates și chestii ca să-mi amintesc. Astăzi s-a votat ordinea de zi pentru Consiliul JAI la Bruxeels, și pun pariu că ministrul nostru de interne, Catolin Predoiu a votat ca România și Bulgaria să fie votate pentru Schengen la pachet mâine, ceea ce este ilegal și imoral. România și Bulgaria sunt două țări separate deși au semnat pe același tratat de aderare în 2005.

Dacă semnau în 2003 când au aderat 10 țări, ar fi rămas tot în bloc? Este UE formată din blocuri de țări, după momentul aderării? Am o bănuială că decalarea aderării României și Bulgariei cu 2 ani a avut tocmai acest scop. Ungaria și Austria încă au pretenții teritoriale asupra României iar Bulgaria este folosită ca pion de sacrificiu, pentru a nu bate prea tare la ochi toată chestia.

Iată cum România a ratat încă o dată șansa de a-și arăta și ea puterea de veto într-un Consiulul JAI și a bloca complet UE până la rezolvarea acestei probleme. Mâine va avea loc votul propriu zis iar românii pot urmări transmisia live.

Unul din miniștrii români însă participă în câte un consiliu aproape în fiecare săptămână și voteaz toți ca primarii în loc să negocieze ca Nehammer. Însă România este o non putere politică în UE, toți miniștrii și reprezentanții noștri sunt oamenii lor.

Românii și oricine pot urmări mâine votul live pe unul din site-urile UE, link în dreapta sus pe acest blog sau aici.

10:25 Oarecum. Și ăsta e un selfie?

12:13 Teoria câmpului electromagnetic este un fals grosolan și rău intenționat. Câmpul (vectorul) magnetic nu poate fi întotdeauna perpendicular pe cel electric și pe direcția de deplasare din cauză că și câmpul magnetic este bipolar cu linii închise iar liniile de câmp au formă de bostan iar cel electric monopolar cu linii de câmp închise iar liniile de câmp au formă de soare cu raze, deschise.

Și totuși în imaginea de mai jos puteți vedea linii de câmp electrice închise care de fapt sunt magnetice. Câmpul magnetic este de fapt un câmp electric cu linii închise.

Este o contradicție ce rezultă din teoria greșită și eu spun intenționat greșită fiindcă este imposibil ca cei care au creat această animație precum și toți propovăduitorii de 100 de ani și mai bine a a acestei teorii să nu fi știut.

3:45 În timpul călătoriei prin stargate tot ce trebuia un călător să facă era să se așeze în sarcofagul din granit din camera "regelui". Poate un capac greu era pus pentru protecție. În momentul activării pereții apăreau ondulați și în mișcare, e posibil ca și aerul din cameră să fi fost greu de respirat, cu vibrații, descărcări electrice, din cauza tehnologiei primitive iar în cameră apărea un al doilea sarcofag sau poate era ceva mai high tech whatever. În acel moment el se ridica și se așeza în al doilea sarcofag. Sau poate venea ceva o mică macara și-l ridica de acolo.

Și când totul înceta, el se trezea undeva poate la sute, mii sau miliarde de ani lumină, într-un loc unde veneau niște nanoboți și-l reparau și unde urma să trăiască veșnic înconjurat de roboți bionici sau clone lipsite de conștiință care-l serveau. Sau poate intra într-un fel de hibernare și numai creierul lui trăia veșnic fericit într-o simulare VR. Sau poate îi era descărcat sufletul într-un soft ceva.

Every body satisfied?

6:46 From time to time some were pulled out of the simulation and sent back to Earth so they can tell. John the Revelator? Zalmoxis?

One thing is sure. They found someone in the tomb together with gifts for gods. He probably was too dead to be fixed. Or he died when the device broke.

But until then i think they had lines with dying people. Once someone was dead, he was put in the sarcophagus, filled the rest with gold (the price to the gods for passage). And some food until they can get accustomed with the diet or sent back alive and then they cut the ropes that were holding the stones on top of the gallery. But it needed to be done in a certain time of the day and year and stuff. Or maybe they were getting a signal trough the communications shafts.

When it all stopped. The device was worn out. Not only the king's room's walls were vitrified, but the galleries as well.

But i think the best explanation is someone sabotaged it. For revenge for being refused, or pissed for seeing too many aliens around. Maybe they sent their convicts here. The hole that is today's entrance. Nobody knew how to fix it and it remained like that to this day.

Then they built the second one and the third. And then something went wrong in Egypt and could not build those no more. Or they invented a new type of device made with more advanced technology or what they could spare or transfer back through the gate and moved all operations in Rome or something.

7:25 Nowadays. There's little doubt about having a few devices like that around. Maybe the high towers seen all around the world. Only trouble is, given the time necessary for establishing let's call it a worm hole though (though they aren't), usage in other areas of the Universe (i think there can be only one wormhole at the time in the whole Universes), the access is limited.

To increase traffic of humans they built in parallel the ring in Switzerland which sends just the gold using a particle accelerator.

7:25 Why is gold so important to aliens. Technology. It is needed to make ICs. Or whatever they make. The silicon is not the problem and they seem not to be interested in. They can build nowadays transistors with only a few atoms of silicone. The problem is interconnecting those and make a functional chip. Or maybe they have different devices that use more gold than silicone.

In a sense, yes it is migration. To heaven one may say.

But the rest of us. We can't enjoy even the lives we were given here on Earth, because of them and their competition and thirst for gold to gain a place in line for what they think is eternal life.

One more thing. The gold could not even have been here if it weren't for a few pieces of a metal asteroid they sent to us. Which besides gold brought other materials that shortened our life span by a factor of ten. The Bible says people before the flood which might have been the moment when several pieces of a metal asteroid fell on Earth were living up to 1000 years.

If you think is too complicated, think again. They sent us an asteroid and a probe. The probe did all the job and coerced and/or addicted the savages to bier to build the pyramid(s). Then they could come in freely and runt things. Instead, who knows how many tons of gold were sent. The Romans pulled from Dacia some 200 tons a year during 165 years and most was sent to China back on the silk road which also has great pyramids. Though one of the biggest in the world is in Mexico.

8:10 Summit-ul a avut loc luni și marți. Luni s-a votat agenda pregătită de consilul GAC pentru ambele zile. De ce a votat Predoiu luni elimiarea punctului din agendă? Predoiu, PNL și Iohannis sunt vinovați de această nouă cacealma dar și Ciolacu fiindcă tace. Puteau opune veto-ul României iar summit-ul nu mai avea loc. BTW Ciolacu a venit în SUA să pună de o cacealma cu Muraru.

Este a doua oară după 2023-2005=18 ani când această problemă a fost pusă pe agendă. Prima dată în decembrie anul trecut.

Motivul pentru care a fost scoasă este evident. Deși Austria și Olanda vorbesc trăncănesc, e altă chestie să voteze efectiv. Cum ar putea să motiveze faptul că nu aprobă verificarea condițiilor puse României la 18 ani după semnarea tratatului de aderare inclusiv la Schengen (2023-2005) și la 15 ani după aplicare?

Cît despre "intrarea în Schengen" făcută neoficial, fără întruniri, altă gogoriță (btw deja vu) menită ca tragere de timp. Este scris în Tratatul de Aderare din 2005 că deși România intră în Schengen la data aderării, deci imediat (la aplicarea tratatului începând din 1 ianurie 2007) și aplicare aquisului este obligatorie începând de la aceeași data, ea se face numai după aprobarea Consiliului.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

July 23

9:21 Remember what we were dancing jumping around on in discos back in the early 80s? Besides Funky Town, there was also Pop Music. Never saw the video or the artists until today (no it's not another Frank Frian or even Falco project though it sound like). Have a nice weekend everybody wherever you may be

(And the Buggles. Can't forget the classically inspired Buggles.)

11:20 To me the weekend didn't start very well. Last night got a mysterious sickness that probably arose from the redwood dust i inhaled yesterday combined with bad strawberies (couldn't find apricots at WinCo and strawberries were bad). After they planted 5 dog poops next to the hydrant at the beginning of the week as punishment because i used the word b...t, a profanity as masons would say while they screwing us all, politely, i let the sliding door open all day yesterday. However large amounts of redwood dust this time came through that door. Last night or this morning at 1 AM i discovered the source. A bad sprinkler that was creating a flow of water that washed the dust into the alley and from there, was milled and raised in the air by WHEELS. But i suspect the "natural" release from the alley is supplemented from somewhere above in the building. Because of the pain, i drank a lot and a Sheriff's deputy was waiting for me last night in the same spot at the border between counties where i got fined 2 years ago by the Hungarian son of Terri Davie. Back then he caught me on radar some 1 mile away. Not last night though i almost went over 65 down that hill. As i was sobering up i became more and more sick and barely drove back home, especially that the tires' pressure went down to 34 (though the temperature was not that low) and  the car was slightly drifting making it difficult to drive which means i have an alignment problem (now that i wrote it here i will have to fix it). Main symptom. My stomach was full and refluxing while i was driving and refused to empty, for hours.

The irritating dust finally went down in my digestive system. This morning when i went for my walk i met with a ninja who was bent showing me his butt while hammering something in his tan Nissan Frontier at the Meridian parking lot, fist row where i could see him clearly. Right after at the hosptial back alley i saw in a black SUV with illegal tinted windows and LPN JND (and a number) a guy who looked like "Mircea Baniciu". During the walk a group of 4 small identical planes where flying very low on diamond formation over the residential area, passing me twice, hoping i will take a picture of them. Related to the post with Earth Magnetic Field. I don't know why they did it so i didn't take the picture.

Right after, the irritating dust helped by the hammering ninja made its way to my lower colon and a initiated a severe diarrhea episode. Next 5-10 minutes was a time that could be meant to show me my life is not that bad, generally. Thinking. Is the restroom in the park's parking that was half mile away open? Imagining the moment i pushed  that knob and the door will be stuck. Seriously considering going in the woods, when i saw a brand new empty transparent plastic bag on the road. After a few more mishaps, meeting with all kinda clowns, forcing me to detour my way there, i finally made it. Probably the third time in 7 years in that restroom. Well maintained and clean. Got back in the street and at Stonesthrow i wanted to cross after a car passed in a spot i usually do. But from around the corner came another car, right after the first one,  that i have barely seen with the corner of my eye. Should i didn't see that one and crossed, it would have taken me on the hood. At the wheel, trying to cover his face with his hand, Billy Steel, chief of local Police here.

Right now, that door is open again (cause of the lingering dog poop smell) and the room is again full of invisible electrified redwood dust and of course i'm in pain again.

2:00 I think i got lucky with this idea of fog and clouds actually being maintained by electrostatic forces. Each droplet is electrically charged (missing electrons that is) according to the potential of atmosphere at formation altitude when emerging through the tridimensional gate of temperature, pressure and humidity which is the dew point (which is actually a surface) repelling the others. Without being charged with the same (positive) charge, droplets would coalesce and fall as rain immediately. I did a google search and the only research i found is since 1960 and that one is quite vague.

2:21 Earlier this morning i swept dust in the parking lot, but i missed exactly the area in front of the mailboxes. I tried several times to go and finish it but each time there was a car there. Just tried to go again but stopped behind my car where there was a pile of some white powder fallen from a car and took that one first and what did i see. Pitbull together with his writer landed at the mailboxes. I went back inside and he gave me a look with colored reflecting eyeglasses so i could see his face well. Ok now i grabbed the broom and dustpan to go again, opened the door and there she was with her dog in front of the door. Looks like her.

4:03 Western Robotics.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

October 15

10:22 About ten minutes ago i finished filling a couple of mole holes with concrete mix. Oven cleaner would have been better but i don't have any left. Prior to that, the march upstairs and the smoke that filled the apartment.

Talking about smoke. We went yesterday to a thermal pool here in Oregon called Belknap. Hot mineral water with sulfur and stuff however it's 150 miles away and they only let you stay in the water for one hour which was enough cause i could not bear my own weight after i got out like astronauts when they land on Earth after one year in space.

While driving there, i saw what i thought it was small garden like organized fires everywhere on the mountains. Smoke was filling the air big time. I think it had a component that got to my head.

When i came back a guy with a white BMW tried intentionally to first push me from behind, made me pass a couple of cars hoping he is going to live me alone, then when he passed my he literally tried to push me off the road or at least on the shoulder. I tried to sprinkle and use wipers and took another picture but it did not come better and i think it was because of the smoke.

Then at 7 feathers. I think people inside smoke stuff other than tobacco and nobody seemed to care. I was like floating on clouds but so tired from the bath and lack of sleep and 300 miles driving i went in the car and slept for about 20 minutes. I was so high when the live band played the theme from the Pink Panther (not so sure about that even right now) i thought it was from the Saint.

However i thought i saw someone there. Actually a couple of people. Maybe earlier at the pool when she kept talking nonsense ft away from me like the woman at Apt.4. But she was full of tattoos.

There was a boy in the casino who looked under 21, the age limit required in Oregon and at a certain moment i saw him playing at a table, with a dealer.

Later when i left i went to the restroom near the exit near the hotel and all partitions were occupied and i saw another restroom that i didn't know about, where probably few people get in and in the next partition there was a person with big red shoes, the kinda new oversize ones, seen from under the panels but he wasn't moving.

He (or the shoes) weren't moving for the 15 minutes i stayed in there and i was getting ready to go call security or something when a tall guy came in, enter in the room i just left and then i saw shadows moving next to the red shoes and i calmed down but later regretted it cause i think the shadows may have been created by the guy who just entered by extending his hands over the panels.

On my way back i was more like guessing the road. Then i think after Eugene the yellow lines of the highway were newer.

Opened the back door, smoke still comming in here, and some guy is coughing, ostensibly.

11:13 500 miles in 15 hours. Can't believe i made it home in one piece. Same mpg anomaly, 44 while driving south, 40 back north.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Things We Are

Lucian Blaga

Things we are among things.
Almost souls we are you and i,
By destiny we are what we are
Things we each carry so far,
Thoughts like stones, sometimes stars
And always desires.

On his own road each
would go forever somewhere,
Would go together, always together
But the road of clouds is too big
In our world altogether.