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Showing posts sorted by date for query sewer. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

November 8


8:55 Cuvântul zilei de zi luat din postarea mea de ieri. Negocieri negociatori.

Când o minciună durează 16 ani tot ce poți să mai faci e să te ții de ea cu o încăpățânare feroce, caracteristică. România este în Scengen din 2007 și încă mai așteatpă verificarea condițiilor de către Consiliu.

Orice țară care a aderat la EU după 2000 a aderat automat și la Schengen. Mai era nevoie doar de aprobarea verificării condițiilor menționată în Tratatul de Aderare din 2005, Articolul 4, care se face, în mod ciudat, nu de Comisie, ci de Consiliu.

Programarea ordinii de zi a ședințelor de Consiliu se face de către un organ al UE numit Coreper, care este influențat de alt organ numit Antici. România are reprezentante în amândouă aceste organe.

Consiliul însă a fost programat să voteze prima dată după 15 ani, în decembrie anul trecut, când a dat un vot ne-legislativ, negativ din cauza veto-ului Austriei.

Muncă ieftină, trafic de persoane în EU, blat cu politicienii români.

9:00 I wish i could eat your cancer when you turn black...

10:45 Purple bread...

10:50 The French Arab ninja upstairs acting as a Latino makes heavy noise until 9 AM with heavy steps as "himself" until 9 when he leaves with his car and then than somehow returns probably through a tunnel they probably built in parallel with the sewer this summer or uses the new sewer line itself as a tunnel and acts as his partner who is "lighter" and never leaves the apartment, for weeks. Is he a French citizen?

BTW, i ran into something very interesting the other day. Most ninja i seen so far call themselves "the last ninja of Japan" however they are more than one. And now they all smile, like Buddha.

But make no mistake. These guys are just a "touristic" front for the ninja. The real ninja are those who are called "socially withdrawn", the Hikikomori, who are in the millions.

11:10 BTW i've been searching for days and finally found by chance again the name of a guy, Yuji Yamada, who i think was the previous occupant upstairs, third in upper link, a doctor in ninjutsu studies at the Mie University in Japan. Contrary to popular beliefs created by the movies promoting ninjutsu, ninja main activities that include influencing through faking perception of reality are of the intellectual type.

11:30 I thought it was a Chromebook issue but for a few days now Chrome crashes in W11 also when i try to take a link to share a video starting at a certain time. I though crashes are reported automatically and fixed in new releases.

Also in W11 when editing in Chrome and selecting a word through double click it adds a space which is very annoying.

2:33 La fel cum politicienii maschează jaful programat și distrugerea României prin corupție, orgolii și prostie.

I saw those again today. After a google search i figured what they are. Yeah i know the first image i took was darker cause i took it from closer and camera was and camera was on automatic and the bright area larger.

And Dodgya Cat went berserk.

3:10 Candy shop. I had one snicker candy on the table in front of the couch and grabbed it and the blinds where open and when i looked i saw an old woman also emulating Alexa, with a dog. Now all the women i see are doing it (emulating her or doing memes). Which reminded me. 

Right in this intersection, at the highest elevation some 2 miles in my walk from around the corner on the left popped an older German looking guy with a medium size dog and he was carrying a bag with about 2 pounds of dog poop in it. He looked straight at me and i was compelled to say hi and comment, "that was a good crop" but i only said hi and from his accent i realized he was European.

8:02 Grimmy, Grammy.

11:18 See what i'm talking about?

Sunday, November 5, 2023

November 5th

12:54 Devine plictisitor să mai povestesc pățaniile critice prin care trecem când mai mergem undeva. Angela a vrut să meargă încă o dată anul ăsta la Indian Head. 108 mile, 175 km, nu ar fi așa departe dar după o anumită dată nu se mai poate trece peste munți, la 1200 metri altitudine drumurile îngheață și sunt pline de zăpadă și mai trec pe acolo doar camioane cu lanțuri.

Deci am fost și ploua cu găleata și într-un loc cu o vale s-a adunat apă pe drumul cu două benzi prost construit și exact acolo s-a nimerit să depășesc o camionetă mare cu remorcă, cam la 100 kmh și din roțile lui a ieșit atât de multă apă încât ne-a acoperit și nu mai vedeam nimic. Am frânat fiindcă alternativa era să aștept să mă răsucesc și să intru în roțile remorcii respective. După câteva secunde am început să văd iar și eram ok.

Ploua în deșert. Drumul ăla nu a fost construit în mod evident pentru ploaie. Două șanțuri adânci de cm făceau ca mașina să se legene tot timpul din stânga în dreapta benzii. La un moment dat m-am prins că dacă merg lângă linia întreruptă din centru roțile calcă pe lângă șanțuri, dar dacă veneau mașini trebuia să mă dau la o parte etc. și trebuia să merg cu viteză fiindcă veneau tot felul de SUV-uri puternice cu cauciucuri off road și mă împingeau din spate.

Surpriza plăcută. O floare de deșert, datorită căldurii (15 C) și ploii a înflorit cred încă odată și totul mirosea foarte mișto.

1:15 Nici nu știu ei cât de inspirați au fost jurnaliștii români când au venit cu sintagma "miliardar de carton", acum mai puțin folosită. Vila lui Bezos. Dacă a fost construită în 2000 de acum pereții goi în interior sunt plini de bioxid de sulf emanat de panourile interioare din ghips ale pereților aerat prins între două fâșii de carton, celebrul drywall de 10 sau 13 mm (fășia verticală din dreapta).

Muștele sau țânțarii nu trăiesc în asemenea locuințe și totul în interior are mirosul acela acru de bioxid de sulf. Dominant căci mai sunt și altele.

Miliardari de carton, vile de carton. Tyvek este folosit pentru acoperirea panourilor din lemn presat cu formaldehidă din exterior, până la instalarea sideing-ului, un fel de șindrile.

Se trec sume enorme pe numele unor nimeni pentru a acoperi faptul că aceste corporații gigantice sunt controlate de puteri străine (știm noi cine).

6:45 Cazul Lasconi. Am acceptat toți această ciudățenie lingvistică născută relativ recent, homofob, fără a clipi. Poate la fel de bine însemna frica de om, adică de homo sapiens.

Ciudățenia este însă mai veche. Cuvântul homo are două înțelesuri. Om când vine din latină și același când vine din greacă, și a fost altoit peste englezul sexual (de fapt germanul sexuelle, prima dată cuvântul a apărut într-o corespondență în limba germană).

Dar dacă acceptăm o etimologie pur greacă, unde Φόβος înseamnă frică, ar însemna frica de același iar pentru una hibridă latino-greacă ar fi frica de om.

Un cuvânt împrumutat din engleză. Dacă ne venea din franceză, ar fi fost omosexual, la fel ca omonim.

Cei doi care au născut acest cuvânt care a înlocuit sodomit trebuiau să fi știut toate astea fiindcă pe atunci orice om cu carte știa și greaca veche și latina.

De fapt, pur lingvistic, fără contextul trendului, homosexual înseamnă cel mai direct om sexual, în aceeași direcție cu homo sapiens (om gânditor).

Da cred că acest cuvânt este subversiv și "umanizează" în subconștient această pornire, homo pentru majoritatea însemnând om, prin asocierea mai cunoscută cu homo sapiens.

Dar cazul Lasconi însumează două scandaluri vide de relevanță în unul. Adică ceva să umple știrile. I se retrage sprijinul la europarlamentare. Și? Ce mare cașcaval? Cu ce ne ajută pe noi românii europarlamentarii când se duc ei acolo în afară de cazul lui Băsescu, care a dispărut din știri forever? Ați auzit să fi făcut ei vreodată ceva? Pentru România și/sau alte țări?

Stau acolo și ridică mâinile dacă sunt prezenți, ceea ce eu mă îndoiesc, de câte ori m-am uitat la un video live sau chiar o înregistrare video a unei dezbateri din Parlamentul European am văzut doar câțiva în sală.

Yeah i know they were forcing me to take position (can't stay put) knowing my reactions and thus trying to separate me from a certain recent influnce(r). Which coming from them to me is the exact opposite, that is encouraging.

9:45 As i said before. Coffee accelerates heart rhythm and is a stimulant even in low doses.  Last night when i left Indian Head got some real coffee in a cup just in case i become sleepy on the road which i did and i drank that coffee.

Problem was and still is i also had my nose congested and was breathing on my nose while my heart was being stimulated and compensating but that can only last for so long before heart gets tired and eventually crashes (goes into failure, fibrillation, shortness of breath due to lack of oxygen to heart and body etc..).

So this is the problem with drinking coffee. You may be stimulated while you are not breathing right and then you crash or worse. And every time i drink real coffee my reaction gets worse.

When i got last night in Portland area on 205. There was smoke in the air just like at Spirit Mountain Friday night.

I became disoriented and stayed on an exit lane by mistake in the 45 speed area. When i realized, i tried to get back on the freeway, but there was a vehicle coming so i nearly stopped.

I looked in the mirror and saw some headlights but those were pretty far so i just reentered and and accelerated and found myself in a zone with two lanes and concrete barriers on both side and no shoulder (the reason for reduced speed). But until i got back to 55 (45+10) the lights from behind came really fast and changed lanes and zoomed past me at high speed, way more than 45 which i was already at. 4 SUVs passed me at high speed in that area obviously bullying me as i was one or two ft away from the concrete.

11:03 Went outside to double check. The leaves are back almost to the same level as before. So the gasoline smell. I know when i picked those the smell was coming from the last spot next to hydrant where there were several puddles of oil (where the Chrysler is right now). It is actually a leak of oil contaminated with gasoline. What i don't understand is the position of the puddles cause he always parks rear first.
11:52 So i went outside to pick as many leaves as i could. Garden mold smell was present mostly in the bedroom so i started in that direction.But when i tried to take the leaves to the bin, i saw in there a number of blue doggy bags, one of them right on top of it. I took pictures and when i did the old man's bodyguard came right near the bin, 3 ft away from me, smoking, making me very nervous.I picked 3 or 64 of them, some unknotted, when i found one that was under, they put the bin on top of it Tursday. When i tried to remove it broke and i came to wash hands and some small pieces of it are now in the new sewer that probably has a filter to pick everything from here.From winds's direction. But when i came back i nearly stepped on one, altogether the reason my fa..s were stinking so bad at the casino yesterday. This place is a bio-hazard. But in Lake Oswego or even at Sussex was similar though at Sussex to a less extent.And the mats. When it rains in weekend they will be matts next to the "no dumping" place".

The reason i slept only 4 hours last night. The reason i had congested nose and palpitations this morning.

I went and picked 2 more "bagless" ones and took a picture of the most used bin.

Got on the patio years ago a Homo Depot bucket where i keep most stinking things like pump to change oil, stuff like this. Not long after i bought it the lid broke and was not closing completely. Now i understand his action. And the Chrysler. But why they choose to act allegorically and did not tell me anything?

It's a cascade or escalating thing. They retaliate while keeping in place the reasons and the retaliations may continue indefinitely bringing in new things to retaliate for etc. like my f...s. that come from the poops and the whole apartment stinking because of the poops. And of course you don't feel other smells anymore.

But today i took some more household bottles and spray outside and the lid from that bucket was taken out the bucket altogether.There was a faint smell i recon. It doesn't bother me which i'm closest. Why anybody never said anything?

Went and picked two more blue bags from next to that bin. A tall Asian guy with a Tacoma with cage in front came again very close. But then i saw more behind and can't get in there. Though i did it once when i climbed over the bin and nearly fell.

8:55 Don't know how to start this. Read Shogun (schengen?) to better understand what's happening to me and raise it to the power of 8.

This one is newer than the last time stamp. I was eating the humble hamburger from Spirit Mt. (Angela ate her while i was driving, BTW the heavy rain turned the older parts of the road into car surfing areas with big grooves full of water, the same as yesterday in the desert) and the woman upstairs who BTW is doing laundry, waited us with a cloud of super perfumed detergent at the door and then she hit the floor with an object. I choked with a piece of food, first blocking the airways, which i coughed out and then in the esophagus but it passed within a minute or so.

Earlier. When we got home an Asian woman with a dog let the leash long and the dog almost got under my car but i did break. It was like she was testing my level of alertness.

Earlier. We had to go to Grocery Outlet in Dundee to get water, eggs and other urgent stuff (could not make time this weekend to go to stores and good water is cheaper there). So i did not take the variant at the fork before McMinville but entered the ghost city of McMinville.

It was raining heavy and it was dark and soon we entered the ghost city of Dundee (never seen anybody on the streets there). I noticed they were a number of Police SUVs blinding me with flashing lights in the distance. I was worried more about those and did not realize there was a power outage and the stop lights weren't working.

However i slowed to maybe 20 and was watching carefully when i passed among them (two on the right, apparently they pulled someone, and one on the left. There was no traffic whatsoever. At the next intersection a guy in a huge white pickup jumped from the left but i hit the brakes and i was too slow anyways to meet with it. Would have been on three different videos from three different angles.

We continued until we got at the fork towards Grocery Outlet when i parked and Angela went inside to get the stuff. Soon after i saw three Police SUVs coming from the same direction with flashing lights and sirens. Could have been the same ones. One minute later one of them returned again with flashing lights.

The parking lot at Grocery Outlet was empty however a woman in an SUV looking like a model chose to park behind our car when Angela came with the cart and i opened the trunk. With the lights still on she got out and took a good look in our trunk.

When i got home and opened the email found 2 fresh emails from... Chase. I looked in the manual. Should have stopped at every intersection. In fact google didn't know much else except in Michigan the rule is i should have had the right of way if coming from main direction or something.

Earlier. Two cars with diesel engine were making a big noise and smoke in the parking lot at Spirit Mt. when we were about to leave. I looked at one of them and he gave me an "angry Mexican look". That always happens when i f...t in the casino. I can't help it. It happens every time i eat when there are dog poops outside here.

Earlier. They were wiping the tables at the Court Food with some irritant substance. I tried to stay away while waiting for the burger which BTW took a lot (They were three customers in the whole restaurant, Angela was the only one in line when she ordered). I think that substance played a role in me being numb and dumb and not realizing i had to stop in every dark intersection with no signs no nothing except hard to see in the heavy rain stop lights.

Earlier. Enough to say Angela won in single session most of the money she lost tonight (over 200 dollars). I knew when this happens, something else will happen on the streets. However lately something happens on the streets anyways.

This reminds me of the two angry women who were wiping the machines behind me at Chinook Winds. That substance contributed to me almost getting into a fight with that Japanese movie director and then banned.

Earlier. When i got there i went in the blue room and i saw a guy passing and the floor made a noise. I walked around and found another area with soft or moving parts in the floor. Would have checked anyways in the area where i fell. Right in the exact same place the floor was going down like half inch when i was stepping on it. I wanted to take a picture with the exact place but security guards were patrolling one after another.

Earlier. A few days ago i ordered online some black cherry concentrate. I made some juice to have on the road at Indian Head. Last night when i was about to leave at Indian Head i went into the restroom. A heavy smell spiced with some yeast after someone just left. Today before i went or 24 hours after i had some of it and it was tasting and smelling like some sort of yeast, very similar with the day before in the restroom.

Yesterday when i left i at Indian head or after i exited the restroom started to have shortness of breath like in good old times. It lasted more than half hour into the trip back home. I took a charcoal cap which absorbs gas. and got better. When i got back home i was having palpitations while laying in bed. I remember they were a number of models in there and one of them at a certain time was laying bottom on a side along three chairs, right behind us.

I know when someone bends and shows his bottom right in front of me, some half hour later i get shortness of breath, gas retention.

Today after we left home. I don't remember anybody doing a particular thing just a number of people were doing weird things on the alley in our way out of the complex.

10:33 Upstairs they can't stay put in the bedroom (walking back and forth).

Thursday, November 2, 2023

November 2nd

12:10 Anybody knows what pizzicato is? It is a way of playing violin like a guitar, by picking chords with a nail, without using the bow. It is used a lot in Chinese and Japanese traditional music and one singer comes to mind... Rimi Natsukawa (not that i know so many), known to us all as Mariah Carey.

Synth pop era started triumphantly in Europe with Modern Talking and ended in the US with Madonna.

In the beginning, as the name clearly states, they were making heavy use of synthesizers and sequencers and stuff that just came on the scene from the labs and specialized companies. Monophonic, polyphonic, midi etc..

Though they were perfected over the years, a few types of sounds stayed to the end. They faded in the 90s and lately they were surpassed by the AI and only retro bands still use them. AI was much more insidious to the point we listen today to music made entirely by AI including voices and we don't even notice it.

Though heavily influenced by the same current in Japan, some of them included Japanese tunes that at times sound like the (what is the name of the three strings instrument she plays in the video above).

Very obvious in many of Madonna's song but i have the feeling that Dieter Bohlen synths imitated a lot the pizzicato sound and far East melodies especially the instrument in the video above though less obvious for the untrained ear (check again the intro here). And after him, the whole cohort.

But that doesn't mean we don't have pure rock music, spiced maybe with a Moog from the beginning of the synth era (yes she lives in a bubble and steals people ('s hearts)).

6:00 Another one... Cum lași site-urile alea, te duci să ștergi toate video-urile sau doar nu mai încarci? Și totuși cred că am văzut-o (ieri) undeva...

6:45 During the 2000s more evolved synths were used in a whole new genre called electronica, based entirely on those with the subgenre house that originated in... Romania (Why Vika Jigulina in this live show looks like Morticia from Adams family).

6:55 Which reminds me. Now i know, the glass balls represent the sun. My woman from Tokyo? BTW, wanted to say this for several days now and keep forgetting. Is the Mercedes logo a solar symbol and Benz stands for Benzaiten? CDs?

1:10 Newsworthy (There's someone in my head and it's not me). A team of 3 female journalists from Business Insider chose to let the whole world know that NYC mayor killed gassed rats on a whole street in New York. But one newyorker begs to differ in a comment titled "It is not new" (second best in the list) in the original article from "Gothamist" (can't share the comment or link in text).

In one of the pictures is shown an obvious German looking guy pumping whatever in the ground next to a BMW parked on the street.

There are contradictions in the article. The real b...h behind it seem to be though...

The reason i resent is it comes after my complaints of gasoline smell, some coming from obvious puddles on the ground, burnt vegetable oil smell after me doing fries yesterday, that i can still feel it as i write now. The symbolism. The main picture in the article shows a rat and a woman that looks like taken from a tiktok twerking post.

1:45 But i bet nobody from Business Insider is going to explain people the "flat high" of the stock market today (official explanation, no FED hiking rates expected) and always under the rising Sun which is bad news for inflation, flat high that comes with a 2.55% hike rate in oil prices.

3:43 Though i was violently sick yesterday, after eating and drinking crazy things for about a month, finally all these got to my guts with a bile and intestinal blockage and ER level pain, but i don't think i'm gonna die right away.

I did not go to ER as pain seemed intermittent. (I think) i cured myself with omeprazole, glasses of water with backing soda, meditating, eating small amounts of bland food and sleeping in my pod (a sleeping bad made of industrial type 99% reflecting insulation). And of course washing my stinking comforter of which i completely forgot lately.

Also today after i figured i was chocking because of the mold smell, went outside and picked about 100 lbs of rotting leaves "forgotten" by the landscapers yesterday that were covering the wet soil after rain and smelling like outdoor mold.

3:51 Ideal for patching holes in the floor of heaven. Color is close to your ceiling paint (indistinguishable). Mix small amounts with water to the consistency of putty (you know how) and push immediately with a suitable size Philips screwdriver in each hole, several times, then wipe the excess. Can use a slightly bigger screwdriver if you can't find the right size. Should take about 5 to 10 minutes for a hole.

When using slightly bigger screwdrivers and that is most of the time, do not push the screwriver all the way through, cause it is so much easier to fill having a narrowing at the other end.

Do not use ready made mud or any store mix cause it shrinks upon curing leaving the hole visible and having to repeat the procedure.

To find holes, use a dental probe in suspected areas. Sometimes older holes are covered over the years by layers of paint that cracked and are not obvious.

The resulting patch using the material linked above is harder and made of the same material as the drywall itself and also fuses with it so it can be used for bigger holes up to a few inches diameter with a piece of cardboard on the other side kept in place with strings or wires.

There are numerous, clumsier and less effective ways to do it.

Another big source of dust in your apartment is your breakers box, which is as big as all plugs combined. To seal the space around it you need either plaster or clear removable silicone which does not work well on drywall.

Also check the space around door frames, AC vents, in wall  heaters. In wall heaters actually have holes in the box that allow "air" from inside wall to be sucked and pushed into the room. They also burn household and wall dust, like bar space heaters. Bar space heaters create an air flow that also sucks and burn dust from inside the wall through the floor to wall space.

It is controversial if to seal the space between walls and floor. Dust is usually heavier than air and does not climb except for the invisible, statically charged dust which may result from prolonged vibrations which flies in your rooms like crazy for hours (if you don't have an ionizer). (Any dust that passes through a fan like of the fridge becomes electrically charged). If air does not penetrate the space in the wall, it becomes even stinkier usually with sulfur dioxide. Use your rich imagination if or what to put in there.

(We'll talk after you're done with your home work).

10:02 Today's smoke comes from yet another fire that's right in wind's direction that apparently started after last rain? Or maybe the wind shifted, can't remember how it was yesterday. Found a site where you can find historical data for precipitations in different Oregon areas, it rained half inch in the area with the fire yesterday. More rain to come tomorrow.

The smoke doesn't help me. From lungs it eliminates in esophagus and then in the stomach (our own body filtration system, all dust and smoke particles we breath end up in your guts for elimination).

12:00 First i thought i heard someone climbing the stairs, after "he came home", but the sound continued beyond stairs length until i went and opened the door... I did not meet with anyone here tonight or anywhere else, ever, since i came in this country in 1995. I also figured another reason for the big work at the sewer...

If someone who can red this is ever invited here, they must know i will never invite anybody and should not come. And this is not a fake disclaimer.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

October 18

7:27 They decided it was time for me to wake up. Here's a dedication for them.

I had a neighbor in Bacău who looked exactly like Yoko Ono in this picture though she was supposed to be 25 or 30 or something. But i once said and can't find it right now is the Japanese woman narrator in this documentary about Yoshiwara is also her. Just like "Alexa" who in reality is 46 years old, is married to a musician (who was playing guitar in the live band at 7 feathers) and has 2 children.

8:35 Do you know what ozone smells like? The sparks inside the electric motor of the coffee grinder make ozone.

A while ago i bought an ozone/negative ion generator. But i wasn't careful, the generator is way too big for this apartment, is for industrial settings or maybe casinos, 4500 ft at maximum setting. Even at the lowest, is too much for the apartment. Yesterday i got really pissed off with the smells around here and let it on all day at the lowest but shut it down when around midnight.

When i woke up this morning it was still stinking in here like ozone. I think i ended the smoke smell by pouring Quikrete mixed with soil in the mole? holes next to basement. I started the bathroom fan and walked outside for a second and this time, and after being cleared out of other smells except ozone i realized outside it was smelling like sewage. I knew about that smell but never made the connection.

I know once i had the fan on and saw air flowing from a whole in the wall under sink. Which means there's a leak in the 4 inch flexible pipe at the bathroom fan. Leaks that when the fan is on pressurizes the walls and space between ceiling and floor, some 2 ft high empty space.

Once i stop the bathroom fan there's no more sewage smell outside. Which means the space between ceiling/upstairs floor, the walls, is filled with sewer gas. And when they step like this on the wooden floor, they actually pump it inside here. Instant. On demand.

So what i've done is i moved the ozone generator in the bathroom, set it on max and started the fan and now when i check outside there's less and less sewer smell.

I don't know exactly where the sewer gas is coming from. It could be only from that leak, that is when i start the fan after i use the bathroom. It could be from their toilet seat. I don't know but after almost 40 minutes of running the bathroom fan with the room saturated with ozone, the smell started to cleas outside.

While i was checking and opening the door several times, they did the trick with the morning sleeping kid. They brought a sleeping kid in a gray Toyota or Honda or something, stopped in the middle of the alley and started the lengthy and complicated procedure of unstrapping the kid and taking it in an apartment in building D that took like 5 minutes time in which i opened the door like 3 times.

I will repeat the procedure with the ozone and bathroom fan a couple of times to see if it clears the smell completely, if not it means there's another leak at the toilet seat.

10:10 Just called State Farm, they said the added Angela, the person i spoke with said the person i spoke yesterday is not there yet and he doesn't know why their email with the new card and policy didn't get to me yet.

11:43 Finally got a card in the email with both names on however my name is misspelled and can't go into my accounts cause the site is frozen.

1:09 Now i got two separate cards with only one name on each however it's my name on both, nothing for Angela.

1:33 Right. Farm equipment where all lead ends in food. Low flying small aircraft and helicopters.

2:20 I think i saw "Alexa" briefly in the park @12:30 with a 70 years old woman mask on her face, but i think it was moving too fast and alert to be that old and i think i recognized the shape of her body from behind. I had several encounters with her, first when i was sick with my hand and she had a jacket with a visible inscription saying UNWELL.

2:34 There is an open hole near the living wall, no smoke smell, but felt very sleepy when i went for the walk in the park. I squeezed a bit of Quikrete out of that bag but there's a couple of Comcast trucks. one in our spot one next to it, right near it and i feel shy of doing it in their presence. In the mean time more mole gas is coming here making me sick.

6:55 Ok i fixed the above, now they invaded that space and yelling. Whatever.

It's not that. The biggest problems is not Alexa. The biggest problem to me right now is if behind or before Alexa she was Ayesha Alexis Auciello, the woman from Los Angeles who started this new (sexual) revolution on TikTok and if she is also Seri Iwahori.

Alexa has many American culture samples or shall i say cultural staples included in her performances on all sites and to some degree she masters English. West Coast culture of course. So does Ayesha.

Which means that both must have lived on the wet coast US for at least 10 years though it is hard to say because in both cases it's all so obviously scripted and rehearsed and repeated and CGIed and made to look amateurish and stuff.

Second clue. Ayesha, Geisha. Rumored trans. Did you know first Geisha in Japan were men?

Third clue. Second name. Alexis.

Fourth. Stage name, Erotica.

Fifth. Location. Seri Iwahori and her husband Takuro own a house in Los Angeles.

Sixth. Seri's husband Takuro is a musician. He could be the man behind all the soundtracks of which some are indeed astoundingly good, some better (erotica, right) than today mainstream Dodge ya Cat and stuff. But what if...?

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

October 17

9:09 For a moment that actually lasted all morning i thought, after the Alexa episode ended, they are going to leave me alone. However that is simply not the case. Like a long time coincidence, all the time i was in the kitchen and out of direct sight through the big windows, the market went up. Though i have the microwave meter next to me when i use the laptop today i woke up again with pains in the same area where i kept it last night.

I am trying to use the PC but the lag is so great as i type it is almost inoperable. Windows. I plan to buy a cheap PC with no wi-fi and chrome on it but they are more expensive than Windows. And upstairs i hear noises like during a sumo wrestling match.

Reading the all fake news. People are living in a deep psychosis for such a long time and i am terrified cause i don't know who or what is going to drag them up of this. They believe in news and the world leaders are real.

9:32 Next to impossible, even the cheapest have built in wi-fi. Wondering if Amazon have some sort of customer service were you can ask them question like this.
Artificial intelligence? Neither Google or Amazon can answer a simple question like were can i buy a mini PC under 150 with no wi-fi on it. Wi-fi is now ubiquitous, we are trapped.

3:46 On August 31 i posted some pictures with sewer work. They started to replace the big line behind the complex starting with between these two buildings, across the alley, all the way to the street. It never crossed my mind as why.
In reality the line passes behind those buildings next to the wetland, google maps will only show the aproximate distance.
Yesterday there was some kinda mini flash flooding and there was a small river of water flowing through the alley. I filmed it but still didn't figure it out. I didn't catch it when it was the biggest, i misplaced my camera somewhere in the room, but it was twice as big. In the end, the water turned into mud and you can see the residue left for today in the next picture. But earlier before the flood i heard the city's cistern seweres working in the alley

What happens is all the sewer lines around the complex were clogged. Every year or several times a year they came with the cisterns and pumped the sewage from across the complex like they did yesterday. The river, the picture above show that some are still clogged. Could be the reason for my belly pains over the years, my constant nausea, the infection at my hand etc..

4:57 On October 5th i wrote. The day after tomorrow is 19 and Angela doesn't have insurance.

What happens is State Farm attract you with a low premium for a quote made online. Then the next day the agent contacts you with an email saying you have to review the quote. But when i tried at the main State Farm site the site said the quote is locked and i needed to call my local agent and then i got an email from him.

In my case it was Cedric Berry and he gave me a number and an email address. However when i called that number a woman answered and her name was Rachel Foster ( who is another agent. She even had Romanian as language of choice. However we spoke English and she said the quote was locked.

Then she said she needed 2 more minutes of my life in which i gave her the information she asked, she made a new quote with a slightly higher price and sent me the policies and the card without Angela on it.

Yesterday i sent them an email ( asking him to add Angela on the card and there was no reply. Again, today.

Then i called the same number i spoke with Rachel at. A woman who was not Rachel (forgot her name, i'm too mad) answered and started to ask about Angela's licence number and everything like she wanted to build a new policy. In the end i asked her if she does so that and she said she was going to send Angela's card right now and the new policy tomorrow and then i said something about this blog entry and she never sent me the card.

To this day i can see on MyAccount i made the payment but there are no "products" that is policies for me to see or modify.
5:36 Last insurance i had was with Progressive where i made the quote online and payed and din't have to interact with any agent. However they raised the premium from 600 to 900. I also made a quote with Geiko in the same time i made with SF and an agent emailed me.

6:45 Within the last hour or so a person came upstairs and makes heavy noises like dragging furniture across the room. This morning i opened the doors to air "intensively" and saw a guy with mainly the same look but thinner than the muscular one i saw the first time.

7:41 Done a number of quotes online until i got tired of it including one with Progressive. Best offer was 138 with collision and comprehensive for Hyundai, 96 without, Progressive which i had until now refused to give me a quote saying the theft rate for Hyundai got so high they can't insure them anymore.

Lately i was filling the holes next to building with soil from other mounds, the soil kept disappearing and ran out of mounds and i had this sack with Quikrete from a past attempt and used that one instead and plugged all holes with it and guess what. Today there is no smoke however we are both depressed and i actually started to think of my financial situation like i haven't done in years.

8:21 Nevermind smoke is back. Though in smaller amounts. Just enough. Harajuku

The kind i like to meet...

8:42 Naturally giddy...

10:15 (Won't u) Tell me if i'm coming on too strong...

Sunday, October 8, 2023

October 8

10:07 To me the word antisemitism sounds weird. It comes from semites which comes from Shem, Ham and Japheth, the sons of Noah. I think THEY speculate the true linguistic coincidence with the word semi which usually means half (untermensch).

Plainly unclear the etymology for the word semi used in transportation though it suggests all commercial activity is owned by Jews.

Talking about etymologies, here's another intriguing one. I bought food last night from a bar named Tule. and during the long time i was waiting in like this idea came to me. It may suggest the syntagm too late.

While writing the above paragraph i heard first a distinguished stump coming from war away like maybe from the next apartment which is in the middle of the building followed by activity upstairs. It confirm my older suspicion that people upstairs are in a similar situation with mine, that is captives and have to execute certain tasks.

The noises partly canceled what i had in mind, it took some effort to bring it back; First intervention of the day, lately they always intervene when i'm about to write something about THEM. But how do they know what i'm about to write?

Looking at this face and i see exactly the women serving at the Tule bar in Indian Head casino, supposedly Native Americans.

I am well accustomed with the ninja technique of making accusations of the exact same things they are doing and always taking great care in posing in victims. I will dedicated my next hours and days trying to figure if the so called incarceration of Japanese people in the US after Pearl Harbour was real. Also did not forgot to investigate the link between the casinos and indigenous people and if they benefit in anyways from those. Simply had to postpone it because i did not have time.

BTW i just plugged a whole that was allowing smoke to get in here. I only slept 4 hours and we are both irritated and ready to fight with each other. Part of it is the dust they raised Wednesday on walls.

11:10 The dark colored Chrysler, now parked on a different spot is leaking gas on the pavement. I first noticed the smell last night. The smell covered the smell of a poop near the hydrant.

12:53 It so happens i haven't much time right now to finish this (got to go). However, i think i got the main idea. This dwelling in Tualatin, the past one in Lake Oswego seems to try to recreate the conditions of those camps. It is not very difficult, most apartments in the US are similar;

Tar paper barracks. In Lake Oswego the attic and the apartment was filled with tiny balls of tar from the roof. Everything smelled like it. The insulation under the apartment has fallen, thee is poop smell and dust.

First month in the US we slept in a garage with only one layer of panels as walls on single beds. It was quite cold in the morning. The arrival in the US was calculated on August 6 and in Portland on August 10.

The fact they started right after August 23 with the repair of the sewer lines tells everything. Like in August 21 2021 when they hit me on the freeway from behind. As for dog poops, that is the work of their Hungarian and Filipinos allies, the Dominicans. Those who execute me are also trapped as i am so they are not guilty of anything. Except maybe a few of their thugs.

It is retaliation for what King Michael did in August 23 1944, no doubt about.

However many of the described inconveniences are exaggerations and we don't know to what extend those camps were occupied. As for me behind the biologic offspring of King Michael, that is not true. Royal family had some protocols and guards and that could not have happen. I think Mikitovici was the man.

One thing is clear. They are in charge here, Tualatin, Oregon United States.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

August 31

It's amazing how much energy the guys upstairs have. They kept Angela awake by ritually dancing on bedroom floor/ceiling till 2:30. At 4:30 she awoke to go to work at 6. Now at 6:30 they started to torment me, especially when i'm doing some critical searches. One of them will stay here and do that all day long.

What i am trying to prove is the name of not so Hindu Goddess Kali actually comes from kylie or karly, two Asutralian Aboriginanal words for boomerang. Wanted to do that synthetically with a video and a link but i lost my patience because of them of course and i will just write it down in many words (need to note here the Romanian word for hook, cârlig, of oficially given  bulgarian? etymology).

One of Kali's weapons is a hook or as called (in India) vajra knife that resembles a type of boomerang.

There are several types, of which one is returning, and i think that one is for hunting birds that fly in flocks.

Boomerangs in India were made of iron and they could be the ancestors of those knife or maybe any type of knives and/or swords. In the US boomerangs were made of basalt.

As i said, if you wanted to hit a moving target with a boomerang, you have to anticipate target's position in time. Kali is also a goddess of time.

The returning type of boomerang symbolizes the cyclicity of many events in time (the eternal return).

The other arguments are the name and the many arms which may come from the appearance of some people doing a haka dance.

The reason is obvious. I am trying to prove that Kali, one of the most worshiped goddess in north-eastern India and as Daikokuten in Japan and probably other places is actually a symbol and a synthesis of memories of a past where life depended on those weapons or hunting tools, but how many causal consequences derive from it and how they burden of present and will those ever cease if i prove that.

7:45 I think they got to the point where they can anticipate, using AI, what i will say hours or days in advance.

1:07 Ok 70 din 100000 au fost lăsate ca centrare pentru b1 ca să vină ei cu o pildă și o psihoză în știri, pentru că altfel nu îmi explic cum le-au găsit și nu acum prima dată.

În schimb nimeni nu a văzut cisternele parcate ilegal într-o localitate pe un drum național de cel puțin 10 ani la 20 km de București prin care teoretic a trecut poate și marele prin absență Iohannis când A3 era blocată. Acordul ADR e prea vag.

2:02 Mda și pentru a vă ține in_formați au trântit și o Barbie cu picioarele ridicate lângă articol. Apropo între o Barbie statică cu picioarele în sus și o femeie reală ce ați alege?
2:57 I have been searching. Vasco is a name of an old European pre-Latin of Spanish (gaelic) or Portuguese origin depending on sources. A version in Italian is Blasco which may be precursor to Blachs or Vlachs which is the medieval name for Romanians. There is a village in Romania and a commune in Moldova with the unaltered name Vascăuți which indicates the pre-Latin origin. Names like Gal, Galan or even Gologan are not uncommon in Romania.

If not married, by name she may be Hungarian (Jew) of Romanian origin mixed with some Urkainian which explains the affinity but there is also a lot of professional acting in her act which explains some the attractivity. Rest is native.

No Blachs does not mean black.

3:06 Angela says she is too tired to go to the office to complain of what they did last night upstairs until 2:30 AM.

5:21 When i came from my walk today i felt my phone vibrating and then i checked and was off. Have not charged it in months and i only turned it a few times to check messages and when i checked today the battery in settings was at 62%, screen time 23 minutes and last charge 16 days ago. I wish i had on it some app that could track more of the usage. There is nothing under my account in google except for internet usage, more than 60 days ago. I think i won't take it with me during my walks or anywhere, even off, is too risky.

Yes i slept earlier with the door at the balcony open, with only the screen closed but not locked, cause the emperor took the lock away instead of installing it last summer. The reason i keep the door open? They stop making noise upstairs.

5:42 I have all the symptoms of an exposure.

5:22 Dacă există o scurgere dintr-o astfel de cisternă, chiar masivă și ia foc, cisterna nu explodează pentru că în interior nu există aer din cauza presiunii gazului. Focul sub cisternă cauzează explozia prin creșterea temperaturii și a presiunii gazului devenit fierbinte care însă ia foc abia după ce cisterna explodează din cauza presiunii, și abia după ce se răspândește suficient ca să se amestece cu aerul, iar atunci arde masiv într-o bulă mare de foc dar neexploziv.

Dar e nevoie de ceva timp ca temperatura și presiunea să crească până la ruperea pereților, timp în care o persoană instruită putea să intervină cu un stingător, dacă focul nu era prea mare și nu era cauzat de o scurgere masivă sub cisternă.

6:30 Cadence Academy.

7:10 One idea from my walk in clean air. It is unclear to me yet if the practice of seppuku in Japan for reasons of restoring one's honor and karma in future lives can be linked to a god though i found it listed in an article called Bizarre Methods of Human Sacrifice.

But at least the decapitation in the end which was seen as an act of mercy, ending the sufferance of the person committing seppuku, had to be done in such a manner that a piece of skin should be left so the head would hang and not fall to the ground and that can be linked to Kali.

So far i could find the samurai were praying as part of the ritual but could not find if to one precise god or their own favorite god. They were allowed to eat their favorite food and that can be linked to Daikokuten.

And one more thing. Sepukku was carried only with the permission (of the daimyo).

In the same article we can see clearly how the thugs were performing human sacrifices (and robberies) in the name of Kali.

While i was preparing this link, they sent in front of my open sliding door children to yell.

8:00 But all of the above are just a few cases, most notorious, and were just gathered from various sites and put together for reviewing them.

I suspect the pandemics and all the wars in Europe of the last and current century have something to do with it as i believe all leaders in all countries are their people or controlled by them and a small part of them is caught in my other blog.

9:00 Alcoolsimul cauzează atrofierea creierului într-o anume măsură dar nu apare pe lista celor mai comune cauze.

Berea nu hidratează, din contră. Totuși la 90% apă e preferabilă din acest punct de vedre tăriei. 

O doză de bere de 340 ml mai are și 15 grame de carbohidrați (aproape o lingură cu vârf echivalent zahăr) care înseamnă 60 calorii și 17 ml de alcool, echivalentul a 42 ml tărie care este ars în celule fără a da nici o energie, încălzind corpul cu restul până la 160 calorii, deci nu e bună vara.

Atenție cafeaua și cofeina din carbogazoase dezhidratează la fel sau mai mult.

Fraza asta nu prea are sens. Cafeaua dehidratează mai mult decât alcoolul pentru că ridică tensiunea și cauzează ca rinichii să elimine mai multă apă în timp ce alcoolul scade tensiunea.

9:45 I said it many times before. The constant presence of dog waste around the building changed our microbial flora to dog type. They scheduled a main line sewer replacement right after the asphalt coating to dig for proof.

I myself was scheduled to pass away and they laid a number of traps, in honor of their gods represented by number 9, that is September, or October whatever and i'm sick with all kinda infections and not sure if i am out of the woods, leaving behind all kinda "evidences".

10:00 Unprecented levels of noise upstairs today and right now made me almost delete this whole day or some of my most important posts ever. I am not even sure i have not deleted some of them so i am sill reviewing.

10:10 Just heard them going to the car several times and bringing upstairs all kinda heavy objects.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

March 19

2:53 It is my belief that there is one person that acts as three people that live in the never heated (so far, to my knowledge) apartments upstairs. When at Apt 4 (the one with dog hairs on the drier's vent) she acts as a woman and she's talking on the phone in the balcony for hours. Sometimes with somebody on speaker phone and she let me hear it a few days ago, but in the past, alone because she's talking without breaks to listen the "other person", sometimes for hours, loud enough to be heard from inside our place.

But i'm pretty sure they can bring someone separately (a more real person) if needed or shift the entire paradigm (quiet down everything, etc.) (Wavefunction collapse). Cause nobody in the greater audience knows how they look like or what they really did here.

In a way, a similar situation with the place in Lake Oswego. We were at 10 and at 9 in the beginning for a few months it was Lindsay Lohan, and then came Kelly Clarkson, with same name, cars, clothes etc.. Of course they weren't there all the time, most of the times it was doubles. At times talking or yelling (partying by herself) with a loud bass at night, for hours.

I still remember the day (i will never forget) when we went for a walk at Sauvie Island. When we got home she was "talking on the phone" on the other side of her door and it could be heard from outside and when i got at my door she asked (the other, imaginary person) "Did you have a good hunt?"

Tonight someone was talking on the phone from a van in the parking lot in the spot closest to ours, some 15 ft away with the door open. Maybe filming cause she was kinda pointing the phone towards us. Our spot has a bit of a grade so the front of the car is a few inches higher than the rear and it's really easy to slam doors.

However i was careful not to. I'm pretty sure the stunt was for the "slamming" of our doors at 2 AM to be heard, maybe recorded. In the first place, it was very close. When Angela comes from work and closes the doors i can barely hear it from inside. But Saturday morning like every morning i heard like 100 slams real loud from inside and they weren't close mostly more than 50 to 100 ft away.

3:18 Earlier. We came home on 212 and 205 and as soon as we got on 205 i noticed a bad exhaust smell that was present on 212 as well. So bad it could be felt with the fan stopped and the vents on recirculate.

It was a compact group of cars (the only cars on the freeway at that hour) some 1000 ft away, one of them could have been in front of us on 212, and one of them had the dreaded red horizontal bar behind and the others were acting like they didn't want to pass it.

So i stayed behind in the stink though i was closing in at speed limit + 5 or something within 10 minutes or so. Who is ever doing 55 on a freeway? Not even cops. But i didn't pass and could not satisfy my curiosity and exited earlier at Stafford, took Borland and could finally get some fresh air in the car. When we got home in the parking lot we realized we had a 10 oz (300 ml) empty bottle of brandy and a 700 ml empty bottle of wine which we forgot to put in the trunk which we both drank (of course me more) some 10 hours (at the time this happened on the freeway) earlier.

Right under a surveillance camera at the Indian Head. Was wondering how convenient was that empty spot. Yeah i know a brandy at the bar is about 30 ml, double 60 etc. but costs 10 times more. We are Romanians. When i was young my record was 1000 ml by myself in one night and then in the morning i walked 15 km from Rarău back to Câmpulung. To me 200 ml is used to be just warming up. BTW, got very sick after i ate a burger at Indian Head, but hours later, when i was driving.

What literally saved my life was too charcoal caps forgotten in  the car in a small prescription jar, cause i forgot the whole jar at home. Clostridium bla bla. How do i know? I realized earlier inside and in the car i smelled like sewer.

Got exposed to sewer all night Friday/Saturday gas by forgetting to fill the washer with water after i washed two loads or from emptying the P trap at the bathroom tub or other P trap probably done through a master ninja maneuver in the neighborhood (last time i used the tub was when i took a shower Friday). Or maybe the smoke in the parking lot at Indian Head and last night here that smelled like coal or garbage smoke (had a sulfur component).

Other than that? If i stayed here all day i probably couldn't finish to tell what happened in the casino, like every time i get there. But i'll try the last thing. Just before we left i thought i saw this guy (the one with the goatee) but only from a side. I tried to follow him in the casino to get a better look but he entered an area (in front of the bar) that was immediately closed with a yellow ribbon. Now i remember. The Police was there too but hours earlier.

The same area where a couple of hours earlier we were waiting almost one hour for our burger while they were "out of propane" too cook it. And yeah, why they closed the main entrance after midnight or so and let us out on the other door? (next to revolving door). No, i think that was the main entrance, they were using  the other one only in the last years as main entrance.

Why i am so pissed with him? In December 2002/January 2003 he and the princess herself (now fat) were acting as my psychiatrist and therapist at Woodland Park Hospital (that was closed two years later when staff (beside me in January 2003) called 911 from inside the  hospital for a patient they could not help (the cover after i probably start to talk about) and in 2002/2003 they kept me in there for more than a month for a nasal congestion i didn't know i had and got too distracted to realize, after i had earlier that year (in September 17) two ribs broken during an endoscopy done by doctor Parent.

How do i know they were two? The pain started only days later, the sedation and whatever else he put in that IV. I slept on one side only for about a week. But i heard the horrible noise of bones breaking twice during endoscopy and felt it (not as a big pain), i think i was under light sedation. Which we both agreed i wouldn't get (he started an IV "just in case something happened to me"). Then he created 16 scars on my esophagus pretending he took biopsies and that hurt (the reason i counted them). Story is much longer.

There is no treatment for broken ribs (you simply wait for about one month) and i went to several ERs nobody gave me pain killers. One of the doctors (in Vancouver) compressed my chest making it worse.

Medical malpractice has a statute of limitation, just in case we are talking doctors. If they are not this goes right under torture and kidnapping and those do not have a statute of limitation.

Ok i know what happened. They didn't want us on camera exiting that door. Like maybe i was arrested or something, that could have happened for real (or maybe not real real) if i tried to pass that supposed Police car, much closer to home.

4:25 More slammed door raised the smell of sewage from somewhere. I know the floor is wet under and the upper fiberboard is bulged.

10:33 Good thing with the smoke last night i didn't remember the speed limit on the last 6 miles on 205 was 65 and didn't see the sign that could have been hidden by trees. The two remaining cars (of 4) were going under speed limit but i had to go a bit over to pass them.

10:38 Covers.

The lodge.

Putin's jacket is similar to my new one, also driving at night. I said it several times before, i think of it all the time, at every news i see about it. The war in Ukraine is being used as an allegory. Also the weird coincidence. Putin, Trump to be arrested.

10 milioane? Ăsta e pragul de intrare la fondul unde era CEO James Rudd, consulul României în Portland.

10:52 Goatee.

11:08 Slammed doors. I think the crocodile knocked on door with his protruding teeth.

11:40 Last couple times i went to Spirit Mountain played mostly pocker (maybe 50 bucks in total). Never finished 20 dollars at poker faster. I calculated the return was about 30-40% (was playing on a card) and i had a few big hands too including 5s at a time (playing deuces) and i think a royal flush (with deuces) but at 3 hands that is diluted by 3.

When i said the pocker can giver you close to 100% returns i was referring to Indian Head, because that is the furthest in Oregon. Last night we had a total of 120 dollars free play, one of the reasons we went there in the first free snow free day, a 100 miles drive over Mount Hood (but the weather will change back for the next month). Not many people from Portland go there, i can see it when i get back, the road is mostly empty and they were a total of about 100 cars in the parking lot last night.

But that is not the case anymore. Last night at poker it was like 70% over there too and all the other machines were much lower. I know they not only have settings, they can give you a hand whenever they want with the click of a mouse or something from the control room. That does not fits the definition of gambling by any means.

Spirit Mountain is closest to both Portland and Salem (under 50 miles) and they basically rob you of your money. It's the worse casino I've ever been too in the whole western US when it comes to winnings.

12:10 For what's worth it. Just remembered something from IMU. There was this guy Mitică in the next office who looked like Mick Jagger (at five ten he is not as tall as me, right?). Also a woman who looked like ONJ. And my boss who locked like... And Mitică invited us to a party ("his birthday"). After the first drinks we started dancing and ONJ who was dressed in a red velvet dress kinda wrapped her hands around my neck and i danced with the other woman too who was like visibly pregnant, and looked like Carla Bruni (first time realized today, not sure of eye colour though, can't remember, that woman was totally brunette, Bruni, duh!).

Then my boss asked me to walk him home (he was living nearby, he said he was once stabbed in that area) and i did but could not find my way back to that apartment (i guess first drinks did it) as all the buildings and apartments looked to me the same that night.

Over the years i realized, it would have been a special party that night.

3:33 We can still remember the times when a monthly payment for a loan were not going first towards cash advances. We can thank Mr. Obama for fixing that.

However banks are making all kinda "mistakes" and try to work around against that bill. Angela was somehow stuck with a 55 dollars a month for a "sticking" cash advance because she had different promotions to pay off and the computer was sorting them in a the order of credit request instead of expiration date (from what my poor microwave washed out drunken brain can understand). The two women she talked to at the bank for about an  hour were driving her mad and she started to yell as i haven't heard in a long time. But it was inside not in the balcony thought the man upstairs started to agitate and pace like i did  (one in one thousands time when he maybe had a reason).

No big coincidence, the offending statement came in the mail today, though Angela was expecting it, "knowing what they are doing".

It all reminds me of times when we were spending hours in weekends (somehow all screwed up bills always come in weekends) on the phone to fix those.

I was very nervous also because she was talking on the cell phone (though on speaker phone) and i put the beeper (alarm) next to her but she would not understand. I tried to make her talk from google voice on the laptop from the start but she wouldn't saying that she doesn't like the quality of the sound. I don't believe it's worse than a cell phone though.

4:10 When i got out of the shower i realized how much smoke is here. A component of the smell is garbage. Could be the reason Angela was yelling so loud on the phone? When i went earlier outside to search something in the car, the smoke was much stronger. I stepped on a few mole holes, it got better A car full of Asian chicanos passed and the driver was grining at me and yelling at the others: Cada vez... something.

Also the guy upstairs started to yell again and for the first time i realized he might be yelling both because he's "under the influence" of that smoke and also "he believes" the smoke is coming from us.