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Showing posts sorted by date for query wind. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

August 29

12:07 Prima sincronizare. 31 de ani, Alexandra, și seamănă. Ce să cred. Au retras-o, era tot unguroaică cu altă identitate. Am timp să mă ocup? Nu și nici nu mai vreau, m-am săturat după 14 ore la calc.. Și de link-uri. M-am săturat să mai pun link-uri.

12:10 Choking the demons. Air quality index is 80 at the nearest station, but here it feels like 150 inside with the filter on. I went outside briefly and the smoke is just around the building here. The reason the person that was making noise upstairs is now gone. The person cause the reason is long gone or never existed.

Nevermind Angela forgot to shut the bedroom's window when she went to bed.

12:40 As the smoke clears a bit, upstairs he's back in business.

12:41 Ukraine war as seen by BBC (British Broadcast Corporation).

1:44 Eureka! Jumped out of bed to post one more. Good things may be comming out of a good obsession with the goddess of Tik tok.

Got so excited they accidentally filled the apartment again with smoke and now i'm choking and count by breath and heartbeats again.

7:42 Da bine dar pe cei cu casele distruse datorită autorităților criminale cine îi ajută? În ultimul timp într-adevăr au fost tot felul de întâmplări șocante însă majoritatea au fost făcături de media cu participarea autorităților, pentru liniștirea dvs.. În schimb, guvernul nostru îi ajută pe ucraineni.

7:50 Ce am mai aflat, după analize și o înțepătură de siringă ce era să mă coste viața.

Cei care se lasă brusc de băut, de obicei din cauză că le este rău, intră la risc de atac de inimă și/sau cerebral și iată cauza.

Din cauza suprimării funcționării măduvei osoase în caz de alcoolism (dar și administrare de aspirină), trombocitele (platelets) care în mod normal formează cheagurile de sânge pentru oprirea sângerărilor, pot scade sub valorile normale dintre 150 și 400 timp de 4 zile după renunțare la alcool (withdrawal), și apare riscul de hemoragii.

Numărul trombocitelor începe apoi să crească și revine la normal în aproximativ 10 zile după încetarea consumului ajungând cu până la 100 (de mii pe microlitru) mai multe decât în timpul alcoolismului, iar persoana care de obicei nu are grijă să se hidrateze și/sau și-a pierdut pur și simplu senzația de sete, după perioade lungi de alcoolism, când organismul funcționează așa, mai ciudat, intră acum la risc pentru a dezvolta cheaguri de sânge în arterele îngustate de inflamații datorite infecțiilor.

Alcoolul până la anumite valori poate fi un stimulent cerebral, crescând fluxul sanguin la creier cu până la 30%, contribuind astfel la favorizarea senzației de "bine". Scăderea flxului sanguin după renunțare (withdrawal) poate adăuga la riscul de cheaguri și infarct apărut prin creșterea trombocitelor și este probabil principala cauză a senzațiilor de sevraj (withdrawal).

Așa numitul sevraj (withdrawal) psihologic poate fi de fapt tot fiziologic fiindcă nu mai poți atinge acel flux sanguin în creier care te făcea superman.

Alcoolism poate fi și câteva pahare în fiecare zi iar o simplă analiză pentru trombocite poare spune stadiul în care sunteți dvs.. 

Poate mulți au mai auzit și de delirium tremens, acesta apare la valori ale trombocitelor sub 120, și poate apare în primele zile după renunțare la alcool când trombocitele continuă să scadă.

Ce am mai aflat zilele astea. Unul din motivele pentru care bărbații mai în vârstă cu activitate sexuală redusă din motive de sănătate a lui sau partenerei fac infecții și în final cancer de prostată este scurgerea la expunerea de stimulenți vizuali și psihologici, care este urmată de infectarea scurgerii, mai ales la diabetici a căror orice secreție are zahăr și facilitează înmulțirea și urcarea patogenilor pe uretră, mai ales în medii nu tocmai curate (mucegai din casa țevilor, subsol, gaz de canal, tomberon).

Salivarea din același motiv poate duce la infecții ale glandelor salivare ce se transmite la pancreas care au unele celule similare cu cele din glandele salivare.

Cauza poate fi activitatea sexuală intensă din tinerețe urmată de abstinență totală, e un drum fără întoarcere pe care ai pornit de obicei la vârsta căsătoriei.

Am mai aflat că există organizații religioase care furnizează spectacole gratuite cu actrițe profesioniste pe anumite site-uri, pentru atragerea și curățarea "păcătoșilor", spectacole care merg mult dincolo de stimularea obișnuită, crează dependență permanentă și evoluție rapidă spre un final (in)evitabil.

Dar cine spune că trebuie să trăim mereu și mai ales pentru ce.


11:15 Maya. Naruhito. Nothing has been the same in Japan after the battle of Sekigahara.

1:30 Alexa vs Andrea teeth. Small focal length distortion gives you the illusion you are watching a person from very close creating a feeling of intimacy; pénzt, de sokat!

2:40 Smoke index is too small at the nearest station and i can't see any fire in the news. Walking one hour through smoke with smell of garbage brought back my chills that subsided as this morning. Deja vu.

Ever since i took this picture they either thorn apart one of the fences (beyond the picture) and/or were building a new one. They nearly finished and today it was quite quiet under the pressing silence of gray clouds with no wind and when i passed a guy in time with a nail gun on the other side (of the fence) suddenly Susan started to shoot nails and scared the s... out of me.

Later in the park i saw what i never saw before. A tropical bird or maybe an ospray though it was white was making a big noise flying on top of a tree, it was like walking in the jungle like trying to erase from the virtual collective memory what i posted yesterday.

5:30 Vowels are not written in Sanskrit. I realy don't understand why people get excited about things they don't understand but i remember i did that too when i was much younger and still had choices.

न विद्या नविद्य
na vidyA navidya

9:35 Angela is sewing her bag again and just asked me to mix some adhesive for the most difficult parts.

I just realized i have a pair of these in front of the door for like when i go to pick and throw poops in the garbage, other jobs like these. In fact there are few items in our wardrobes that don't look similar to a Balanciaga. Now i start to suspect... Thank you again Alexa for helping me realize that!

11:20 Mazzini autorizza.

11:45 I think ther have been today at least 100 interventions from uptstairs influencing heavily what i think, what i do. There is something there, at times a person but most of the times probably a robot. It doesn't cook or even flushes the toilet and never talks on the phone.

Monday, August 14, 2023

August 14

7:20 In some countries like Romania you cannot speak or use representations of swastikas (except maybe for "educational purposes"). I hereby declare that anything on this blog post is written only with educational purposes.

First i thought it was a joke on an Indian blog, but i googled and found it is true. In the US there is a building that has been revealed as a giant swastika only after seen on Google Earth. Since, the building has been modified (a little).

Until Hitler, who dragged it to infamy, swastika has been one of the oldest if not the oldest symbol known to mankind. It has a large Wikipedia page showing it was present in virtually all ancient cultures. But it may have survived a different, more elegant age.

All translations from Sanskrit i've seen so far seem wrong. I believe the true translation of the word, composed of sva, which means of self and asti, which can mean stay, is self standing or self existing.

Everybody i know of was wrong about what it may represent. I think swastika represents a self standing pulsating quanta or the very building piece all particles and matter and Universe or the smallest of all particles, the equivalence of mass and energy, the swirls of Nikola Tesla. I also believe Einstein and Tesla are two faces of the same deception and there is a huge work to cover the scientific truth about the building blocks of the Universe.

Light pulsating quantum is the moving version of it.

Don't ask me why, but if you did i could say is the classic inertia, or built momentum of a whole bunch of people who relied for so long on false beliefs. Or a bunch of savages that accidentally ran into true knowledge and kept it for themselves trying to enslave the world. Or a bunch of well intentioned trying to keep it away from all us savages. Or maybe aliens that also enslaved us. I don't know.

12:20 One of the weirdest weather patterns i saw since i'm looking at. A jet stream like high altitude wind going east to west on a very large area. As a result, the temperatures predicted in the area for the next week are in the 100s (40s in Celsius). Probably the last heat wave of the summer.

12:40 After 50 years of exporting goods to the US by the trillions, by enslaving their own people, Zen Buddhists of Japan gained total financial control of the country. Occult, that is hidden, because it is impossible to establish ownership of anything anymore, with clowns like Musk and Zukerberg and Buffet as faces. From media to law enforcement, there is no escape.

They own this complex like everything, of which logo is a combination between the Philippine chapter of Dominicans and the Metsubishi Corporation diamonds with initials CTL suggesting (Cahtolic).

They established control over South America long time ago, they keep killing their opponents under the mask of war between drug cartels and bring their own disguised in Mexicans here, by the millions.

They could also have eliminated anybody who even dare to think against them during the so called pandemics. But now after decades of cheap, affordable cell phones, they literally wash brains of the youth with those.

Upstairs. Officially is a Latino couple, but her is showing once a week and him twice a day. Rest of the work is done by robots and me i am in a prison of thoughts with 24/7 surveillance. As soon as i start thinking and they detect a certain brain pattern, they start the noises. As a result, i can't think in here. My brain gets some relief only when i'm driving or walking.

Last night by example Angela who started work today after a week of vacation, could not sleep at all. One of the robots was just standing in the bedroom, switching weight for one leg to another, for hours. Me, since i'm awake, i was only able to review and finish what i started yesterday, with things i had in mind since my last long drives, when the noise of the car also desensitized me to other noises. Not anymore, cannot bring new ideas in my tired head.

1:20 I only once or twice seen the current male occupant upstairs, last time the day when i was doing brakes on my car, me sitting low, and him passing, from a side, and this Japanese guy reminded me of him. Unfortunately could not figure his name, from the video.

1:50 Kept searching for a sequence in a video where Jinichi was filmed from close executing the nine seals, which end in zai, zen and found something else. This face reminds me of the previous guy upstairs, and of course Jinichi being the one before him in Lake Oswego (Apt.2) and possibly at Sussex. And BTW don't let yourself deceived by his title, he is not by any means the last ninja.

Nowadays they are in the millions. And as he says in the video the word ninja is recent, possibly to make it resonate with the Spanish word niño. This video was filmed in February 2021, or just before Yuji moved in here.

2:15 Iar contre subliminale. Șirul minciunilor sfruntate continuă. Audi, "puncturing a hole". În titlu se specifică "prin spate", în poză parbrizul a fost penetrat prin față, cu mare grijă ca mașina cu număr de Australia să rămână intactă (li se micșorează bugetul, poate). La Mamaia au murit 4, o mină a explodat la Costinești. Violul inimaginabil de fake din Cherbourg, etc..

2:50 The noises upstairs have been replaced by a loud, very annoying base, that goes for almost an hour now.

3:00 I see 107 degrees on the outside sensor of the weather station, highest i ever seen in Oregon and US could be the building effect as well, however they sent in briefly the children.

6:00 Dr. who?

6:07 Nici nu știți ce v-am lăsat aici...

8:40 I just went to the Liquor Store in Tualatin and at the check-stand i was assisted by Sabrina Ionescu. She gave me a small bag knowing i forgot about the grain alcohol which didn't fit in it etc..

Over the years i've been submitted to numerous abuses in that store and others... Just a few examples. Dr.Fauci refusing me for forgetting to put my mask on and then licking my dry fingers for not being able to pull the card from the wallet... Alla Pugacheva... Dead Gary Moore as "John the owner".... At the Zupan's market Queen Elisabeth in the day my father died, the guy from ZZ top, David Buffet and his father, etc..

I have a feeling that after gas station attendants they will get rid of liquor stores in Oregon pretty soon... And who knows... Maybe some day the ninja as well...

9:00 Show in courtroom... I think it's a bad idea and unconstitutional also because jurors are neither prosecution or defense, do not have a license to practice law in that state and may ask improper questions because of lack of professionalism.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

August 2nd

6:30 2.3 mL of undiluted Bulgarian rose oil is 56 bucks on Amazon, 44 on their own site. One gram of gold today is 63 dollars.

6:56 New hope for cancer treatment.

7:49 It started like this around April 1st  (picture taken April 7)Then it became like this (picture taken April 21)That day when i took  the picture above i panicked and went to an Urgent Care clinic and they sent me to the ER (mostly due to raised bloor pressure due to stress and lack of lab that was closed at 3). A whole story happened at ER were i waited 4 hours and was about to leave when i asked them for some bandage and they saw the wound (not the woman at triage who was a Hungarian actress and told me to wait).

After more hours of waiting for blood test results in the room they gave me a very bad smelling antibiotic that gave me nausea every time i took it and sent me to a dermatologist who gave me a local antibiotic (Mupirocin). I saw the dermatologist last time on May 11 when the wound was finally healing.

But the healing started only after i open and sprinkled Amoxicillin capsules (leftovers from the dentist) directly on the wound and adjacent areas like seen in pictures that were first covered in a layer of Mupirocin so the Amoxicilin dust would stick and that happened in a couple of days and then it took some time until that hole filled with scar tissue. As soon as i sprinkled Amoxicilin the terrible itch started to subside and there was no more yellow puss in that hole.

Should i have listen to doctors, i don't know where i would be today.

I don't know exactly what happened. Was it a spider bite? They were times and even today i think it happened because i angered the Sun God and this was his signature.

That day when i first fixed the airbag issue there was a big wind that blew some leaves from some of the garages with flat top that were rotting there since last fall. I went to pick those and started to have similar lessons at the left hand, but i did not scratch those and treated them really carefully and those subsided.

But one thing the dermatologist gave me and that helped with the itch was Dove rose soap bar. Soap with a strong smell of rose that is.

Yesterday or Monday i tried to clean that hose of the washer with a snake brush and some detergent and then i poured chlorine in it and let it for about half hour, and today the apartment was smelling like vomit. I figure the bacteria from the slime entered the pores of the PVC hose and then it mixed with chlorine and stuff and spilled some of the slime on the floor and then i washed the floor using some of the rose soap and then i ordered some rose essential oil (diluted or non distilled) from Amazon just to see what it is.

8:16 Am scris toată povestea de mai sus (și mi-am amintit că nu am pus pozele astea niciodată, fiindcă nu știam cum se va termina) din cauza săpunului de trandafiri. Vă mai amintiți de Rexona care pentru noi era mirosul binefacerilor capitalismului, care nu au mai venit niciodată la noi?

Mulți ani în urmă am cumpărat niște săpun Rexona de la un magazin de aici însă nu era nimic din ce știam eu odată. Am gugălit și am aflat că brand-ul original a fost Australian, după care a fost cumpărat de britanici în 1930 bla bla.

Însă au schimbat rețeta anilor 80, așa cum ne-o amintim noi sau poate nu am cumpărat eu tipul respectiv. Nu am găsit nimic în legătură cu acea rețetă dar sunt sigur că săpunul, deodorantul de atunci aveau în ele ulei de trandafir și încă un ingredient, probabil mosc.

La fel ca și țigările Kent sau Marlboro, nu mai au gustul de altă dată, au schimbat aditivii, poate erau cancerigeni (cineva mi-a spus că foloseau miere), cine știe (nu vorbesc de cele din România, care cel puțin în 2004 când am fost acolo erau toate falsificate) iar cele din Europa (Franța) erau mult mai tari ca cele din SUA. Trăgeam un fum, să cad jos. Însă așa țigări aromate ca și Kent sau Marlboro de pe vremea aceea sau chiar BT (Bulgar Tabac) nu am mai fumat niciodată.

11:36 Smoke de flori pe subțiori... Iliescu-apare Soarele răsare.

11:58 BTW after i installed the new clutch in the washer yesterday morning i saw it was vibrating really bad when spinning. I looked again and saw one part that was out of place, but that only after i saw another video (without those i would have never made it). Some DIY-er had to reset the plate after normal functioning (not laying).

It would have never crossed my mind that an assembled machine would have a free moving part that would fall out of place if laid on the floor. After that i done the first load of laundry in 7 years that was actually clean.

The machine has leaked grease on the clutch before i moved and would not agitate or spin at full speed but i would have never known that until after the clutch broke completely and i replaced it. However it was a big step ahead from Lake Oswego because when i moved here the clothes were smelling so bad like smoke from a leak from a fireplace at Apt 7 below i had to wash them like 5 times.

But after that the flexible pipe from dryer's exhaust in the basement filled with condensed water and had to build the contraption with the window AC as a dehumidifier that BTW works better than with exhaust because it recirculates air instead of pushing it outside, dries cleaner with less energy. Here are the pipes of an unusual mine was unused after i made the recirculating device.

The triangular part in the middle (suspension plate) is free when the machine is not in vertical position and has to be aligned before raising it.

And the answer to my picture above. A guy looking like NeckU Ceaușescu with his hands raised up. Also the shooting hoax was an answer to the earlier pictures with my wound. You guys live in a psychosis and they play you like toys. The Capitol(ism) or whatever that is is just a symbol populated with actors. The real power is in Tokyo Japan. And not even there. The emperor himself is an actor. Probably in some Buddhist monastery somewhere.  

5:45 The same routine since they moved. They drag furniture around when i eat. For the first week or so i thought maybe they just moved and the timing is a coincidence. I hosed the building after the kami blowers passed. Earlier i slept with sliding door open and now the hose is broken and got all wet when i hosed after them. They got a window AC upstairs in the bedroom but i still believe it's weird a woman like her in her prime stays here (and stomps) all day long.

6:53 Gaura din buget. Toate ministerele, al doilea link dreapta sus la blog.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

July 26

6:20 What i found so far about generating Earth's magnetic field by electric charges rotating in the same time with Earth. But it's all estimates and theories, nobody knows for sure.

Absolutely by estimates, total negative charge of Earth's crust is 500 000 Coulombs which is balanced by a similar positive charge of the atmosphere. The current generated by such a charge is total charge by seconds of the day or 86 400 which gives a current of near 6 Amps. That is many orders of magnitude too low to contribute to creating Earth's magnetic field. But that value comes from a guy on a forum.

There are other estimates saying one thundercloud only has the potential of 1.3 billion volts, but i don't know how many Coulombs that cloud can carry.

In Wikipedia page for electrojets are shown electrojet currents of about 100000 Amps only for anomalies, that enhance locally Earth's magnetic field by a factor of two. Could not find an average value of current for an electrojet yet. So if an anomaly enhances by a factor of two could those electrojets create the Earth's magnetic field?

If we think of Earth as a giant solenoid with a length of 12 thousands km (Earth's diameter), with one turn, with iron core with a quality factor of 0.3 (30% or Earth is made of iron) which enhances the magnetic field by a factor of 300 and the current will be created by electrojet or rotating charged atmosphere with clouds and and put the data in this calculator we will need an 1000000 Amps current to get in the range of Earth's magnetic field which is 0.00004 Tesla in average.

It's all deja vu, i'm pretty sure i once found another value for electrojet and calculated and it was in range. Maybe i put it on g+, an alternative social network by google that is now gone.

8: 13 I cursed Japan in my mind and something started to move upstairs, like they always do.

8:14 One of the start pages of my browser with with the NOOA satellite for weather and i can see as always the clouds moving towards east like they always do, following the jet-stream which is created by the Coriolis force due to rotation of the Earth, much faster than the rotation speed of Earth itself. If those clouds were electrically charged, they could be also responsible for Earth's magnetic field.

If the field was created by moving lava inside Earth, which is cm/year, the field would  be much more constant, but we know it varies a lot during 24 hours.

8:28 Most of Madonna's songs are very sad and depressing and this one is a peak (More depressing than Weeknd and maybe as depressing as Phil Collins). The reason i cursed earlier was i was thinking of what happens if you replace the word "her" with Japan in her song.

Madonna is known for being a tool of Japanese subtle propaganda in the US and world, maybe more than John Lennon with his song Imagine, which is about the same one world.

Here is a classic example of her dedicating her body and soul to the Sun God.

9:00 400 000 volts, that's a far cry from 1.3 billion mentioned above.

Talking about the Sun God. I remember the weekend right after i posted that. I was driving eastbound on the high desert plateau between Mt.Hood and Warms Spring at about 2500 ft altitude, with 10 miles to go before deeping 1500 ft into the valley. They were clouds on top of mountains we just passed and there was this distinct cloud on top of the valley some 20 miles ahead ahead stretching for more than 20 miles, perpendicular to the direction of the road, .

And then a very rare event happened. A flash of a horizontal lightning crossing the cloud from left to right (or right to left, was too fast to figure of course), trying contradict my theory?

There could not be enough voltage in the whole world to break the air's resistance and create that lightening 20 miles long. Could lighting be made by independent travelling photons or electrons or something?

Amazing how little we know about clouds, Earth's magnetic field, after 118 of busy years trying to fill all aspects of the Theory of Relativity which generally lead to nothing. Thinking about better sources of energy and space travel. I has been 118 of struggle and now people are losing, buried in entertainment, pandemics, wars, cancer etc..

Same when i almost got knocked from the road that was raised meters above the desert's level by a freak gust of wind after i talked in another day about the peak power of some SUVs matching that of a 1 MW wind turbine and basically moving vast amounts of air on the road because of their anti-aerodynamic shape (280 KW oe 380 hp mechanical power is over 1 MW thermal).

While others have supercomputers that can simulate and probably modify through laser actuators, HAARP like antennas etc., Eiffel Tower, etc.. all weather on Earth.

12:37 Și iată cum aleg australopitecii din media românească și de oriunde să răspundă la niște simple relatări care îi deranjează (penultimul link).

1:08 Sinéad O'Connor, they wanted to put a once pretty face singing one sad song only over the haunting face of Madonna in the video linked last time.

Ok so i realized i don't really know what lightening is. I went to Wikipedia and first thing i saw was "one gigajoule of energy" per event. 277 KWh. The mechanic energy generated by one SUV climbing a mountain in one hour. So how much energy is released on Earth in a single day from lightning? Where does it come from? Can we harness it with antennas like maybe Nikola Tesla did in his car?

First. What happens to it? Does it locally heats up the atmosphere? Does it radiate "photons" of very long wavelengths into space? Lightening alone heats up the Earth with 1/5 of total electric energy produced by humans.

BTW no need for messages in bottles thrown in space. Aliens across the galaxy know for a very long time this is a habitable planet by the signature of very long wave thunder emissions. Maybe we are compelled by one race to destroy it so it won't be occupied by another. So advanced they don't live on a planet anymore and think we are parasites. Maybe they don't need water to survive. Maybe they have the technology to restore it after we have boiled ourselves and they gave us just enough to do so. Remember Venus.

Maybe the opposite is true. Those guys at SETI should look for that kinda waves in their searches for extraterrestrial life.

3:50 Metsubushi. They came with the mowers. What to mow. The water to the sprinklers was cut two weeks ago, the grass stopped growing. There was some bark falling from a tree that was cold have been gathered but instead was turned to dust. Trying to compete in real time with the image above? Now the walls and screens are full of electrified dust. I can already feel it in my throat and nose.

11:10 One of the reasons we die so fast compared to humans who lived in the time of Methuselah is background radiation. It could come from an asteroid that fell in times that humans can remember also causing the great flood described in the Bible and other scriptures from other religions. It could be from an ancient conflict resulting in destroying nuclear plants but i never knew about this! Or this!

Maybe those aliens who moved on a spaceship as the one seen behind Mercury, shielded from Sun's radiation, knew what they were doing!

Friday, July 21, 2023

July 21

12:40 Don't know what just happened with my last paragraph. I wanted to say, i would have to write a whole chapter of a book just to describe what happened after i left for a walk. Got mad by the guy upstairs, could not sleep, also because of the smell of several dog poops, some very fresh, on the other side of the building were the wind was blowing from. Enough to say i met with this guy and with this one, both playing roles, and that was just the first minutes of it. If you want to know more, read Shogun by Clavel or Castle by Kafka.

1:33 Not written in the best way for sure but i just wanted it out of my head as fast as i could so many others could get the idea.

7:23 Finally fell asleep a little after the last mods i've done at the post linked above and when i woke up i wanted to know how much i slept by looking at the history of my browser (like i always do), however nothing has been recorded after 3:09 PM or for almost 3 hours when i worked only at that post and this is the first time it ever happened to me. Link for history for Chrome here. Then i looked with this Chrome extension and i got the same result.

10:34 I am not sure but it looks like the "photons" coming from a single radio antenna during a period of the frequency are all entangled. If so, the applications for surveillance and hidden, undetectable faster than light communications are endless. All you have to do is place a receiver in an area where "photons" come from the same oscillations or same "burst of photons" of a radio antenna or at exact same distance from antenna with the target or manipulating/receiving (of entangled photons) communicating devices again forming a triangle with two equal sides. Undetectable faster than light full duplex communications and undetectable passive surveillance that is.

Radio communications are barbaric when we look at the resources unveiled by my blog post. But they are necessary for different reasons like maybe the one above and also as sources of physical and mental degradation in case or cell phones. Cause we don't have to think or live a happy healthy life but work and drive to fulfill Buddha's sermon or St.Dominic mother's dream.

But there could be others as well i can't think of right now. Free energy. Wormholes. Shielded bubble space drives. Reason is the pain.

Earlier we went to our garden bed which is inside of a yard of a local church that got a cell phone tower on the roof top "to help pay the bills" and like any cell phone towers it puts some microwave (a type of radio) radiation around which is normal operation as being the carrier for voice and sound.

That is the reason i only go there with my friend "the beeper" which is a microwave meter with alarm that beeps slow when radiation is above 1 mW or what i think i the danger level and fast when it's above 10 which to me is painful with only one minute of exposure. That is because i probably reached the exposure limit for a lifetime which exposure is cumulative because it permanently destroys the capillaries in tissues and now i got what they call "radio-sensitivity".

Every time i went with the meter i found the signal is strong or above 10 in the parking lot and then it almost disappears near the bed and i figured it was because of a tree in between, and never got any pain.

Tonight, i forgot the meter also due to my brain being scrambled by the new neighbors with their fast steps slow moving, the pain is present, hours later, in areas most exposed in the past, like eyes, around eyes, ears, hands, mandible, thyroid from cell phone and wi-fi and legs, pelvic and colon from wi-fi from laptop, with some paralysis of some sciatic nerves from keeping my phone on in jeans' pockets.

But the exposure must have been bad tonight, the pain is at a level of 4-5 on a 10 scale on large areas of the body many hours after.

The exposure to immediate areas during a phone call like head and hands can be up to 3000 mW or 3W or 0.3% of total power used inside of a 1000 W microwave oven, on max (automated) setting level for the phone when the relaying or connecting tower is distant.

So be advised.

Monday, July 17, 2023

July 17

10:05 My model of everything relates somehow with the asymmetry of a type of jellyfish or hydroid called Velella Velella which i saw in large numbers once or twice on the Oregon beaches but the quanta of energy also moves or jumps sort of like a butterfly or a chicken's head. That's why tonight i remembered a couple of things.

The only opera performance i went to during High School was Madama Butterfly, with the whole class.

I once, before 2015, chatted on a group chat (gave that up a longtime ago) with a person in Romanian who called him/her self The Quantum Butterfly (fluturele cuantic). He/she said a phrase that at the time seemed intriguing enough for me to involuntarily memorize, at a time when i didn't really know much about Buddha and stuff. "Let's not forget that before being Buddha he was Gautama Siddhartha". Buddha in Sanskrit is a common word meaning among others the enlightened one.

Madama Butterfly premiered in 1900 (New York) and 1904 (In Italy) or one year before Einstein published his theory for the first time. Tunguska Event took place in 1908 etc..

Yesterday before i left and done everything i could to fix the airbag, i think somebody brought in from somewhere a large amount of dog urine and poured it on hot ground or grass, most likely in the space between the buildings across the alley where the wind was blowing.

The aerosolized stuff got into my lungs and slowly released in the esophagus, stomach and intestine including during eating, where it fermented. It started when i had the steering wheel apart, had no choice but stay there in the heat and smell and put it together, which took me one more half hour or more. BTW after being gone for more than 24 hours, in here it stinks like in a stable of dogs.

BTW the warning light went off by itself when Sun wasn't hitting the airbag anymore, i think it's a temperature related thing, the resistance of the resistive element in the airbag increases with temperature and the computer constantly measures it and when temperature raises it goes over a certain limit and puts the light. It could be a design problem of the aging airbag or a modified parameter in the computer which can be done with a special type of scanner (not the one for check engine light) or a more expensive "universal" one.

I don't believe it impairs the functioning of the airbag itself, being marginal like this. And BTW the airbag can be replaced in less than a minute with a pushing tool like a star screwdriver or hex wrench. It then clicks back in its place.

I had to take the steering wheel and steering column plastic cover off to clean all the contacts under.

Monday, July 10, 2023

July 10

6:10 Semantic equations that keep bugging me.



KGB = King of Great Britain = Caged Bird

Washington = Wa Shinto

6:44 Birthday of Nikola Tesla. But was he a real person? Negara Falls. EM resonance planes. Who invented radio?

7:20 Grace Slick, Cindy Dunster, first manager at Sussex where i lived for 14 years. Second manager was Crhistine and third Carole King.



Moonshine down on a copperline

8:59 Ok i'll try this one more time. My laptop has become very slow and now a whole entry disappeared. I wanted to add something and it was gone altogether so i just rebooted it.

9:03 Last night before 11 on 18 before Grand Ronde going east. In a remote wooded area with narrow shoulders and continuous double line no passing zone i was caught between two vehicles, one moving slow (45) and one pushing at a few ft from behind. I started to use the honk and honked continuously for 2 minutes and that didn't change. I finally saw an area with more space on the right shoulder and pulled right. After a few minutes i met with them again on a two lanes passing area, with the slow moving SUV now going fast, like 70 and not letting me pass it which i did anyways.

I refueled at Grand Ronde with regular gas. With this 2 tons 2018 Elantra, 2 liter 150 HP rated gasoline engine (still a bit underpowered), 107k miles, all stock, driving on a partly newly paved road on flat terrain, 38 psi front wheel pressure, no wind, 62 degrees F, constant speed except for a few stops (mostly red lights) and accelerations due to bullies, i made 49 mpg (4,8 litter/100 km) on a 45 miles (70 km) trip or until i reached Tualatin, when i veered and stopped at McDonalds.

(BTW i never realized how bad has McDonalds become, with small and few fries, bitter due to overused burnt oil, thin and barely cooked patties all for 10 bucks, especially when compared with cheaper casino burgers).

The only modifications at the car are an added oil catch can and doubled battery connectors which i cleaned recently with alcohol. Also recently replaced about 70% (two times half change) of the 6 speed automatic transmission fluid with new OEM fluid, and added about half quart (liter) of fresh synthetic oil in the engine due to a suspected leak.

10:10 O fantezie pentru acoperirea realității. Mircenarii.

2:05 Wheel in the sky. Enlightenment. Lumières.

Saddly this theoery could be almost right but something is missing. However in the past they misinterpreted buddhism so much more severely and that lead to our present of severely stumbling due to them mainly taxing (preying on) ignorance or perception that may even have been actively induced being the more advanced, like in a loop (hole).

5:12 Pour... Les... Roumains...

5:22 BTW i've been asked a question yesterday, if an electric car has a transmission, and though logically they should not have one, i remembered i saw it written so i googled today again. The answer is, well, they do and they do not have in the same time.

Actually what they have is a glorified reduction gear, to slow down the electric motor's rpm and increase torque, something that some (actually a lot) may call a one gear transmission that is used even for reverse, since you can reverse an electric motor's rotation by electronically changing polarity. That of course requires way less maintenance, if any.

9:55 Nu cade fiindcă trebuie să stea mult în știri să strice în continuare tot ce scriu eu pe aici.

11:32 De unde știa Eminescu toate astea în 1881? Poate din hRdaya sUtra.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

July 1st

9:05 Last night i was driving from Lincoln City and while trying to beat the boredom (when not struggling to keep on the road while being blinded by the numerous vehicles with off specs headlights) i thought of the question the cop Boston Draper asked during the night of 20/21 2021. "What happened at the moment of impact?"

My answer was "i sped up an he slowed down".  That was what i saw and it is explained by the transfer of momentum by the equation m1v1=m2v2. Actually, should be m1deltav1 equals m2deltav2 whatever where delta is the difference of speed before and after impact.

Was that a rhetoric question during a staged, allegoric incident, or maybe an opportunistic rhetoric question after the main purpose of the staged accident was not achieved, suggesting exactly the problem i talked about yesterday. When hitting a reflecting surface a photon turns back at the same speed of light, though in the opposite direction and the speed component of the momentum changes sign. It appears though there is a changes sign the above equation is satisfied.

Ok now i woke up after 4 hours with the same questions in mind and i asked google a few things just to clarify.

What i found out. According to  Saleh Theory Photons do not travel straight but on a 3D helical trajectory. The straight line in the middle of that helix is the direction of light. Though they have no electric charge, apparently they ride on the electric/magnetic field or the other component of their dual nature, fields that constantly (re)create each other as the EM wave progresses. (BTW can there be an EM wave without a photon or more riding it). Attached to that motion there is the frequency of both field and photon or the wave length or pitch of the helix or color of the photon in case of visible light.

If the projection of the speed of the photon to the line in the center of the helix stays the same (the speed of light), on an intrinsic coordinate system or tangent to its helical trajectory the speed of the photon should be greater than the speed of light.

It appears the momentum transfer during a reflection event applies to that helical speed only since the speed of light or its projection on a straight line in the middle of the helix cannot be changed and there is a shift in frequency together with a reduction of photon's momentum and energy in the intrinsic coordinate system due to the transfer.

Now i got puzzled again but on a different level an need to take a break.

1:40 For those who ask themselves what i have done all morning under the car, is i removed the failing clips for the panels and installed zip ties instead because the panels were vibrating like crazy making a sinister sound. For some i had to drill extra holes ("return" holes) so i can close the zip tie loop. I had some before since last few days, when i ran out of big ones, put small ones instead, today i replaced those, i have in total maybe ten of them.

Yesterday when i drove to Lincoln City after first variant at Nyberg and almost an accident. A big red Dodge SUV with a woman at the wheel pushing, i made me stayed a few seconds longer at the intersection for the second variant, from forward was coming speeding a small car, i miscalculated the distance and almost got hit by it while making the left turn.

After that i found myself behind a cistern, unmarked and had to drive behind it, speeding, no chance to pass until Sheridan when it pulled right. The i stopped at Grand Ronde and saw it pass, like 15 minutes behind me,

1:50 I went to take this picture and the guy that had his car next to ours last night and this morning came and started the car then he waited for his wife in the middle of the alley who came from building D, again looking Japanese pretending Latina. So i waited a couple of minutes for them to go and went and took several pictures when i saw a white unmarked Police car (most likely Washington County where i'm residing (not to be confused with Washington State, another name coincidence i forgot to write about)) passed by

It was dark under car and had to use the flash and almost flashed the camera in his face when he passed. First pictures did not come right so i had to go and take some more.

Yesterday morning. I knew there was going to be some retaliation after i hosed the building Thursday night and they got in my jet's direction, on purpose. Yesterday morning after i went to WinCo to buy aspirin (yest it works as patch) because of pain from dust, i left for a walk and they were these guys ready to apply herbicide on the mulch areas. Three of them with manual pumps in their backs figuring ninja turtles. I saw them in the past, but only one at a time, around the building.

The wind was blowing towards me from their direction and they were just starting so they were at the edge of the parking lot, at a distance from each other, next to the children's playground and caught all three of them one after another, spraying. At the last one i felt something getting in my eyes, maybe drops that dried out and aerosolized, i looked at them, they weren't wearing any protection like google or gloves. they were cars around, so i said to myself, most likely is not toxic.

However when i fell asleep in the evening and woke up my eyes were hurting and dripping a bit but did not realized what it was and then i went to Lincoln City with the same jeans a T-shirt bla bla. When i came back my eyes were hurting and had enough time to think while driving and remembered the three sprayers of Friday morning.

Things like these, like with the cistern, the sprayers, etc. always happen before holidays like 4th of July. Today as i was under the car i saw a classic car putting much exhaust, others, there was this irritating smell coming from a laundry exhaust, etc.. Wondering what lies ahead, getting ready to go near Olympia, WA.

Friday, June 30, 2023

June 30

12:55 Didn't know! (about rice and methane). But i believe rain water brings in oxygen and also oxygenates the existing water by splashing.

1:37 I has been theorized that a ship equipped with a sail impermeable to solar wind could literally sail through space, accelerating (but only away from Sun). It makes sense cause there is something that constantly flows away from Sun, besides light, we call solar wind. Solar wind blows at subluminical speeds ad is made of heavy particles thus is very similar to terrestrial wind. Light would contribute also because photons do have a moving mass and momentum that could be transferred to that sail.

There is no secret i binged watched in a couple of days the whole series "Another Life", don't know how many episodes and seasons, just kept advancing over the boring and embarrassing awkward scenes which make the bulk of the (or any) series and then hitting the Next Episode button until i reached the end with the fireworks and true welcoming and stuff.

There is a scene in the move i first thought it was the apex of stupidity embed in it (like in any Sci Fi movie with not enough real science advisors or not taking into account science advisors for gaining spectacularity) but then i thought to myself, this could be something very very intriguing. Take a look at this image and do not click on it.

Ok so you clicked and saw (the reaction of a normal person, ok, maybe a bit overreacting, to the fact) they are pushing the sale with their own lasers. There is a saying in Romania (Bucovina more exactly). Grab your own butt and try lifting yourself from the ground (one possible translation). The relativity. Give me one fixed something and i'll move the Universe. Whatever.

Since June 30 1905 we do not live in a classic world anymore, we now live in what i call a relative world and that's why we should apply the theory of relativity to the above... contraption.

The theory of relativity says the speed of light is the same no matter the motion of the observer or the source. So the light coming to the sails from their own lasers has should have the same speed as the light coming from a nearby star from the same direction. Something to think about for the weekend and weekends to come.

The reason the device could work is of course the improvised gold plated flimsy foil sails (saw that in the movie) would actually reflect the light from the lasers, behind, and gain momentum (but for that, it would have been easier if they pointed the lasers directly behind for God's sake, no need for reflecting sails).

But the photons, now going backwards, would have the same speed of light thus not loosing any momentum to the sails.

4:50 On 4th of July everything breaks. On the third about 10 years ago it was my trucks catalytic converter. Out of a sudden, after visiting a camera repair shop in Hilsboro, it started making this terrible noise. The ceramic part of it broke and made me scrambling to replace it. In the end i put a cheap aftermarket one that lasted until the next DEQ. Since then i had to replace it 4 times.

The bathroom fan timer. I installed years ago a timer instead of the old switch. On by just pressing a button, it was turning self off after 10 minutes. But since the dust situation got worse and worse (nobody hosing the building for years) the swithc broke. Was working indefinetely after turned on. Bringing in the dust by pumping air from inside out.

The heating pad. I had this electric heating pad that i was using in my bed for years. All of a sudden it broke last week. However i will not attempt to fix it. Not before 4th of July.

I was thinking last night. How come everything in here breaks before its time.

And today something else. The AC unit that dries the air that comes from the drier.

Years ago i gave up using the vent for the drier (when it went clogged due to water condensation due to the stupid design of the vents). I used instead a window AC for drying the air coming out of it and then re-heating it and recirculating it.  It dries faster, cleaner and with less energy. Guess what. Today it broke. Better said, the compressor would not start. Now i have to try and fix it (which i won't do, again before 4th of July) or replace it. In the meantime the price went from 115 to 179.

I hope it's the same and would readily fit in my design.

Now can you take a guess as why i don't want to try and fix anything with electric parts before 4th of July?

5:38 Guess what. It's 90 degrees outside. I took half of my laundry and put it dry in the balcony. Partly dried before i realized. It will be finished in a couple of hours.

5:45 Then guess what. The sprinklers started, precisely at 5:40. But they don't reach in the balcony. See how many coincidences with my recent posts? I believe they found a way of manipulating karma itself. Or getting in here when i'm  not home.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

June 21

10:00 Sorin

10:19 Wanted to leave. As soon as i stepped out of the door, a siren went off like so many times before. Maybe up to 1/4 of the times i leave. I know the hospital is nearby but how come they only sound when they get close. And only when i close the door to leave. Never hear those while i stay here.

11:45 I came from my walk and open the sliding door and they came.

2:02 For some reason i neglected to restrart the filter after i unplugged, a reason i can't remember. And i had the door opened anyways. A pungent smell resembling smoke, shortness of breath and dizziness made me leave. First thought to take the truck and go to the "garden". Then i realized it's Wedndesday and i won't found a spot, tomorrow is Thursday, a number of spots that say No park on Thursday need to be emptied and there competition on the remaining ones.

So i just started to walk and then i realized how sick i was. But i was walking in Hospital's direction which was a good coincidence. Though i heard stories of people who died in hospital's parking lot because they did not call the emergency number.

However after about 10 minutes i started to feel better and fill my lungs full with oxygen. As i reached ER, i decided to turn around (already done my 3 miles today).

So i came back and was thinking. What could have caused it. Here are the possibilities. New moles activity. The moles, my friends, did not cause many problems later, especially after i poured oven cleaner in the holes near the buildings. However when i left i saw mounds a bit further, in the direction of the wind.

I wrote many times before about kallikreins and how the moles are actually farming the land. Moles' kallikreins have evolved to the point are poisonous to at least worms that wonder in moles' gallery. My theory is that moles do not chase worms, but once they wonder in, a gallery they become lethargic, mindless and crawl by themselves in some pouches in the ground where they wait to be eaten.

In other words, zombification. Lethargic but alive for months, to be eaten when convenient.  Could be at the source of Egyptian mummification tradition and even model for pyramids (or a late misinterpretation). Egyptian bandages are reminding of earthworms' rings. Could be a tool in masons' toolbox.

(2:19 Just saw a scene outside, a woman dressed in a summer dress came with a dog and dragged it as it was peeing or pooing, in which case will release a large amount of anal liquid, because of being stressed)

But if the farming theory is true, it means that kallikreins inside galleries are in aerosol form and if for some reason they get out (like vibration of the air by big unruffled exhausts), they could spread in the air and on a certain area around the holes the air would be poisonous. Maybe where the gassing obsession comes to the today's descendants of ancient Egyptians.

There is a justification, if not a reason for it. If those aerosols would kill an already old and sick small animal after sedating it, it means it would die on site and help fertilize the farm.

As i was coming back from my second, shorter walk, i met with the little Buddha with the white dog. I passed him and went at the stairs and started to search frantically for the keys. Cause i put them again in the outside pocket of my jacket and i was holding the jacket on my shoulder and got scared i lost them again. When i looked back, the man was one meter behind me probably because "the dog dragged him".

10:00 Finished doing a number of things at my car. Little things. First, the nut at the manifold. I put some WD40 on it thinking to take it apart, clean it and torque it. But when i tried, it was hard to loosen. It finally stayed there after i torqued it to specs. Too bad cause i already put WD40. So i took it out, cleaned the hard to reach bolt using many cotton swabs with alcohol. When i got tired of it i took some pictures (i lost my mirror) just to see if there's any residue from the swabs. There was. It took me a couple of hours to do this job i didn't need to since it was holding. Whatever.

Then the transmission cap. There was this video online showing i need to file the cap in order to take it out. But they were comments below the video saying no, it comes at an angle. Then i found another video saying a similar thing.

Today i got ready to go and file a little on the side of the cap as shown in video. However when i tried it just came out. That video was the cause of me postponing changing transmission fluid from 70k to 100. Even bought the fluid and everything. When you look at it you think it won't come out but it did easily. Fixed a few minor things, dusted everywhere i could reach and next time i will change the fluid.

I noticed there's oil on the cap and transmission next to the contact from a spill i've done myself when i chaned oil. I think i should try and clean again those contacts.

When i was emptying the catch can and getting ready to finish there was this guy who came to me threatening in ways similar to last time.

Friday, June 16, 2023

June 16

3:06 Nighttime paving on Hwy 18 at 99 Jct after McMinville. UFO gay city USA. But let's not forget. I was hesitating to write anything about for several reasons. It will dilute what i wrote recently. I don't know exactly why and what really happened. Spent most day trying to figure who Remy Drabkin really is but i failed. However i figured Drabkin is a Russian name but also reminds of course of Dracula.

5:22 Slept only 4 hours last night. Tried all afternoon to sleep but i can't. I know it usually happens when people throw things on the red mulch. Some kind of invisible pungent mold grows under. I saw last night when i came or yesterday when i left a car's wheel next to the stairs wheel wall. I initially wanted to take it next to the garbage bin but first i tried to look to see if it belongs to any car in the lot. I saw it belonged to the car next to it and when i looked the other side, i saw a spare, now flat and another flat one.

I remember i saw and heard him about 2 weeks ago talking literally over my head with a supposed work colleague  from the other building in the same direction where i was saying "When are we get payed?".

Then i went to take the garbage thinking that could have been the problem however the problem lays in the bin. The bin stinks really badly and there's no wind. Somebody threw some pieces of what it looked like coming from a couch.

However they messed with my car yesterday. I drove for 1200 miles and the voltage did not change at the digital voltmeter from the 12 volts adapter.

Here i have to repeat what i wrote before. Most people including myself until recently think they might have "smart charging systems" on the newer vehicle. Which means if they stick a digital voltmeter in the plug which is connected actually to the wires that lead to the battery or measure the voltage at the battery (on the wires) it should be anywhere between 12.7 "when the alternator is not charging" and 15 volts when it does. Or at least me i get these readings, on both Elantras i owned or own.

But if i go ahead and fiddle with the connectors (clean with alcohol, tight them to the specs) the situation changes. The voltage stays constant or better said it varies only with outside temperature. At 75 degrees outside the voltage is 14.4. At 60 is 14.5. At 50 is 14.6. Above 85 is 14.3. I believe the variations are due to change in temperature but hard to say of which component. Could be battery. Could be alternator or even the cable.

The reason for the alternator (not so smart) intermittent charging process are the badly designed contacts (not enough contact pressure, contaminants). When the voltage difference between the wires and the terminal gets high enough the contact resistance is broken and the battery starts charging, When it's not charging, the pulsating 15 volts from the alternator goes to all the systems in the car and especially the fuel pump is malfunctioning (pulsating pressure i guess) but also the EPS (Electric Power Steering system). When there are good contacts, the pulses get smoothened by the battery that acts as a capacitor.

So i had the above temperature dependent readings for the whole 1200 miles trip. But after i got home, or better said the next day, i started to get anything between 12 and 15. So while driving towards what i thought was going to be the Ocean, i stopped three times. The voltage got back to normal only after i wiped with alcohol wipes all connecting metal surfaces and the plastic parts around the alternator connector. It was like it was contaminated with something invisible that was trickling back from plastic parts to metal joining parts as soon as i was wiping only those.

After first night on the road at Comfort Inn in Yreka, or Tuesday night, i woke early (freeway noise) and went to check the manifold bolt. (I got a bolt on the manifold which sticks outside the heat shield that likes to get loose). So i torqued it by ear with a 6 inch ratchet at about 20. Then i went back in the room. At nine when i left i had a hunch and dried it one more time and it was loose again. One our later we went to check the small casino (i believe Red Rock) and drove a couple of miles there and when we left i tried again and the bolt was loose again but i believe i torqued it less cause i don't know what happened.

We went to another one (yes we tried to tour the casinos along the way), called... Rolling Hills and checked it again and it was a bit loose because i did not tightened it enough at Rain Rock. Then it stayed like that for the rest of the trip. I guess cause i was just following some scratches i done with a file on the nut. However, i realized later the rotation of that scratch was too small to be seen with the naked eye.

Last night in the parking lot at Spirit Mountain i finally took the small torque wrench (got two, one big and one small, it's another story) and torqued the nut at 20+ but less than 25. When i got home last night i finally read in the service manual. The torque there should be between 25 and 30 lbft but i'm afraid to go there with the 8 mm studs, sorry. So i left it just under 25.

Unlike any other time, there was a security van moving around, and i was getting very nervous because they once told me not to work on car in the parking lot, in similar circumstances, that is like tightening a nut or something. Just when i was about done she came and in the dark thought i recognized her from somewhere. Could be the last match. She asked if i needed help.

Soon after that i got what people call an anxiety attack. Since i've been so many times through those (not in recent years) i now have an idea what they really are. It starts with breathing on the nose that is partly congested and in the same time your heart being stimulated, mostly with substances like coffee, alcohol, T gondii, etc. It may take hours to fully develop. You breathe harder through the congested nose without realizing.

Yesterday was topped by driving through fresh asphalt smell, others. Though i used a decongestant in the morning.

There is a partial vacuum in the chest because of obstructed nose and your diaphragm muscle is raised. Retained intestinal gas pushes it upwards from the other side. Heart doesn't have enough room to get filled by the low pressure of venous blood. The lack of oxygen also gives you a high and you don't realize what's happening. It's the perfect storm.

Your heart does not get enough oxygen but works harder because lungs do not get filled enough. In the end it's the lack of enough oxygen in the heart muscle that triggers the sensation. Or the fact the heart does not get filled enough. Nothing related to a mental condition except the highs before that could have been signs and avoided.

Yes it was done on purpose. Because i dared to post this. And this. They might pretend they are magically gassing you but they are not really.

However the result is very similar. After you finally realize what's happening and finally open your mouth, you need to hyperventilate sometimes for hours for your heart to get really oxygenated to the point you are not aware or do not have shortness of breath anymore.  Which is the sensation of not having enough air that may last for hours.

If it's torture. They only provide the extra conditions. Most people would be okay if they get through a cloud of asphalt smell. However if you are in a certain high condition and already breathing harder on your nose, it will push you beyond limit. I think they call it "breaking". However i the end it's not real but simulated (except for my symptoms which are real). The ninja try to simulate what right extremists would do, to entrain more of those.

Rage can create that condition. Your nose mucous gets inflamed and swollen. Breathing harder gets you a high and an unprecedented alertness. Your body goes on adrenaline mode with less oxygen to the muscles which go in anaerobic metabolism for faster response but it should not last long (until your rage passes) and you start breathing normally. It is an emergency physiological mechanism that need to stop in time and should not be abused. If they knew. Yes they did, they created the problems with the car and made me fix it on the side of the road with much traffic and then the unscheduled, unannounced paving.

Black asphalt is another symbolism. I know i wrote about this several times before but it takes me less time to write it again than search, evaluate and link to. I will try to write a named post about buck breaking.

Soon after i got stopped behind other vehicles in a line on top of the fresh asphalt and waiting there not knowing what happened, for half hour. No car was going in neither direction. I remember when we got back i saw a panel saying "paving work". And then a "pilot vehicle" guided the few cars. But not when i went when i saw people turning around and taking voluntary detours. I remember how many times they were detours on 18 always in that area but it was always signaled or announced.

This time i tried to figure using the gps map and got back to McMinville, took a left and another one and driving parallel with 18 where i saw cars were finally moving got back in the street on the point where there was a flagger that stopped us. A Japanese guy trying to look Latino looking at us with disgust.

We waited for 10 minutes for all the cars in the line we've been into and more to pass and then we went after those. I don't know exactly how may miles they paved and when they started. Still trying to figure that out but could not find anything with google.

8:03 The car alternator terminal was contaminated again. At the liquor store one very old man looking terminally ill went in the store and came back and insisted if i wanted some help with the car while i was trying to deal with the connectors. I tightened the alternator connector but it again needs alcohol. But i won't fix until i leave cause until tomorrow it will get loose again. I think i will carry from now on a small bottle with alcohol in the car.

9:06 Lăsați vrăjeala cu chatboții. M-am urcat în mașină și am mers până la liquor store (în statele vecine tăria se vinde la supermarket, asta e numai în Oregon). Când am oprit la semafor la prima intersecție (cu exit-ul de pe I5) a apărut un TIR (semi) cu reclamă la cartofi prăjți (potato chips) văluriți (wavy), culoarea exact ca în link, mare cât toată remorca și mi-a defilat prin față, sub camerele video de pe stâlpi. Asta pentru că am scris despre curentul pulsatoriu nefiltrat care iese din alternator din cauza contactelor slabe de la baterie și afectează pompa de benzină deci consumul.

O problemă cronică chiar și la mașini noi fiindcă acel contact de la alternator se contaminează cu vapori de ulei cu praf foarte fin, invizibil de la mașinile din față.

Budiștii din Japonia și dominicanii (domonkos) din Ungaria (controlați tot de budiști) care s-au unit și vor să încălzească planeta din motive religioase nu au nici un interes în a reduce consumul de carburanți, dimpotrivă. Ei folosesc deci această metodă de combatere prin suprapunerea informațiilor.

Apropo de dominicani, după ce m-am plâns că Reno a fost inundat cu metamfetamină, când m-am dat jos din mașină la liquor store mirosea la fel ca în parcare când am plecat de acasă, adică kk de câine care a stat vreo zi două la soare. Deci toată zona e la fel. Nașpa că mă ține treaz, nu pot dormi, am intrat într-o fază din alea de insomnie care m-au condus în trecut la spitalul de nebuni.

Încă zece sau o sută de faze la fel până la liquor store și înapoi pe care nici nu am timp să le memorez din moment ce totuși trebuie să fiu atent fiindcă eu conduc pe bune în timp ce alte mașini sunt conduse de IA. Culmea, ei pretind invers ca să justifice faptul că nu m avut niciodată accident din vina mea în 28 de ani, în afară de 2 în parcare când am atins stâlpi, unul când am dat înapoi și o tipă care venea cu viteză (și lucra în asigurări) mi-a luat spatele. Cel puțin în Oregon, tot ce mișcă, persoane, mașini sunt coordonate de inteligența artificială, de zeci de ani, dar totul devine din ce în ce mai sofisticat.

Bineînțeles asta înseamnă înlocuirea tuturor locuitorilor cu actorii și figuranții (extra) lor. Sute de mii în total (informație luată de la cineva din România).