Tuesday, September 20, 2022

September 20

2:05 With 3.5 inches of rain, October is supposed to be one of the wettest months in Portland. However this year it didn't rain in August and September and Wunderground predicts no rain for October also.

2:41 Distragerea atenției. Face asta sau ceva asemănător de câte ori scriu ceva despre secui. Lucrurile sunt mult, mult mai grave catastrofale decât atât.

9:54 Woke up the second time, in smoke. AQI was bad last night (over 100) when i woke up the first time, chocking, after i forgot the sliding door a bit opened. Right now is 70, with dust, hammering, a saw or two running continuously and open walls exposing insulation. A rain (coming from land), part of an atypical Pacific storm that usually don't get so close to the land just missed the Cheddar Creek fire, east of Oakridge.

10:23 Remember when i said that Frankie Adams, my upstairs neighbor, acting as a Latino, man had a couple of miniature boxing gloves hanging by her car's mirror? All the obscenities yelling while watching boxing matches? A few days ago i also found a red collection boxing glove, like this one (didn't look for the signature) wet, thrown under one of  the balconies of  the next building.

Last night i was searching online for something about her and i found out she was a... boxer as well?

11:50 Afterglow... Antonio Gutteres.

11:00 Years after Romanians got fed with vast corruption and scandals, they were called by the Parliament at two referenda (out of total of 6 Romania had in its history) to dismiss President Băsescu and both of them failed, narrowly (they were organized years after Băsescu named mostly all judges and prosecutors in Romania and his prime minsters were in power).

Ironically, just before finishing undisturbed his second 5 years term, in December 2014 Băsescu countersigned a law, very ambiguously formulated, which effectively reduces the mandatory presence to a referendum to 25%, trampling the Constitution that implies a majority is needed, making possible for any referendum in Romania, a EU and NATO country, to pass with a 12,5% "majority". Will a referendum held by that law (one was already held, on the theme of (forbidding) gay marriages but that one passed with an overwhelming 91% out of 89% validated votes) be more legitimate than the planned referenda in the occupied Eastern Ukraine?

11:30 Reality check. Pentru prima dată am realizat azi, când am vrut să pun un link în interiorul articolului Wikipedia cu referendumul asupra articolului 48, cuvântul bărbat în românește seamănă prea mult cu barbar. Pentru un cititor din altă limbă, înaintea traducerii, fraza seamănă cu "între un barbar și o femeie".

3:32 One more missed Cheddar Creek fire, another one also of that storm's arm is brewing.
Another one.

Hard Rock Cafe.

9:35 Marele absent ne-motivat și repetent (de guverne) ne face inventarul la economii (de curent) în timp ce noi stăm și nu zicem nimic, pentru că românul întotdeauna se teme de mai rău.

10:05 Got it. This whole Ukraine war thing started in 2014 when i first said about the possible occupation of the US West Coast by tens of millions of Japan's hikikomori turned ninja disguised as Mexicans with Hungarians as whites in all visible positions. It's nothing but a (planetary) scare and cover and a distraction from that. Always thinking about all the wars and massacres these guys influencers dragged human kind into in the last few hundreds of years.

Monday, September 19, 2022

September 19

5:18 Oricât am căutat, nu am găsit nici o știre în New York Times despre România, după 24 August. În schimb am găsit știrea respectivă pe un site unguresc, care citează New York Times.


Don't know if the holes in the gates' "attic"are made for birds but i guess nobody would stop them from nesting there.

2:45 Nepal, Nippon.

3:15 Russians' dilemma.

4:35 What do you know. They never finished working at this building. I came from my walk was really hot, AC is not working for reasons of dust, was sitting at the computer in underwear, but there is too much light outside for someone to see me. A couple of them passed by the sliding windows. Then in retaliation they brought a diesel generator not far from the door, for charging the batteries at their tools and a compressor next to it and the exhaust is making its way here, giving me a headache. In other words, the are now playing Holy Mexicans gassing the "gay". Though they are all Japanese.

4:59 Maximum dust. I really don't understand, i thought i saw all windows and sliding doors finished in the back. Now they pulled another old one?

At the building D they stripped siding from around windows and cut siding under a couple of windows exposing 6 inches of insulation under each. Are they going to tape the Forte flashing on the insulation? Hammering, vibration already brought the painful dust inside though i heated coconut oil a couple of hours ago.

6:05 Breaking all patterns, after Kay another storm is sweeping through Northern California. I don't think it will make its way here, pressure is said to be increasing by tomorrow.

6:09 They just finished outside for the day, the disguised Japanese Olympic swimmer came, stopped his bike with a backfire and started its work.

6:56 Ok my phone was completely discharged when i tried to take a better picture. They left insulation exposed at the first windows and a pile of garbage, boards full of insulation dust from all windows between buildings.

They did that at our bedroom window, they left it like that over the weekend. It will be a few more days of hell. I put the coconut oil on lowest setting on continuous heating and can still feel the stings.

7:55 Și din banii restituiți de la goți hoți, huni, vandali, magari și secui să facă guvernul României, împreună cu toate guvernele lumii, o autostradă specială, subterană, cu două benzi într-un singur sens, până în Șambala, unde să plece drect în p... mamei lor originale adică Buda cei pe care lumea nu poate să-i mai încapă și care nu au minte, inimă și în general nimic omenesc.

(Câteva ore mai târziu. Eram beat când am scris asta și am uitat. Nu se poate fiindcă guvernele sunt tot ei.)

8:11 The dust today here is overwhelming so i came up with a little strategy, i grabbed four beef patios (a bit brown, just bought from WinCo) and the electric pan and went outside on the patio to do those hoping the beef fat will interfere with the dust. Exactly wen i was supposed to go back outside (the sliding door is blocked with the AC) on the main door to flip them, the woman upstairs went and started her motorcycle but didn't leave, waited until i got out and the white car from the garages slid between me and her like protecting her and then she left. Similar episodes during all my walks.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

September 18

4:52 I covered some gaps and after that i washed the bedroom's window screen and opened that window not thinking. Then i was smelling a dead animal next to main door and went outside and moved the box from next to our door thinking there may be a dead rat in there, though i don't feel it when i shook it slightly or didn't feel any extra weight. Then i was still smelling that and went and found 3 dead rats, all in the same area where i used to find dog poops, all on walking trails, where i was earlier Saturday morning and didn't see any. They were smelling very bad which means they were dead for days. They put the boxes more than a week ago, for how long am i supposed to find those?

12:09 There was also an AC running in a window though temperature was under 60. That is the only area i could not go and dust, mostly because there are so many windows  close to each other, some open all the  time, people making noises inside and i can't reach from the ground with a brush even with an extension. I looked at other buildings, could not see dust left like this in any of them. Woke up in pain, i saw wind is blowing from that direction, went to take a picture, came blurry because my phone's lenses were dirty, went to take another picture, they already started to dispatch people (i never saw before) moving around, all i can say there is evenly sprayed wood dust mixed with insulation dust around the window with the AC too and that dust gets sucked into the AC hot area fan and then blown electrified by the fast moving of the fan's blade. Yesterday when i left to Warm Springs my blood pressure was 160/90, today is back again 170/100 mostly because of generalized pain. I'm all tense and probably arteries are narrowing to reduce blood flow and inflammation.

12:36 A few steps upstairs filled the room with dog litter smell when i was writing the phrase below. At about 3 AM, some 30 miles from Warm Springs, driving towards Portland on 96, a road deviation on shoulder with orange pins and cones marking a two lane area with bright cones that where shining in the lights of my car. I saw a speed measuring device earlier, saying to slow down to 40 which i did but when i was about to enter i saw the center line deviation was misaligned. Though i haven't seen any vehicle for many miles, a semi with not so bright lights this time was coming from the opposite somehow masked by the bright cones, with half cabin in my lane but i had time to see it, stop and let it pass.

12:45 One single picture and only one reference to the Hungarian "author" dead in 2007 who uncannily resembles Lukashenko.

12:47 Cred că am văzut așa ceva în subsolul blocului unde locuiam în Bacău. Oamenii își "închideau" boxe pentru murături și alte chestii. Minciuni cum am văzut în timpul așa zisului război în Ukraina am mai văzut numai când se vorbea despre așa zisa pandemie.

12:52 Klara és a Nap. Nu el fură el aceste miliarde. Un miliard de euro este prea mult pentru un singur om să cheltuiască în zece vieți. El este doar fața. Ca atâția alți miliardari în toată lumea. Banii, la fel ca cea mai mare parte a întregului buget al României, se virează în conturi în Ungaria.

Ei au venit din Nepal acum 1100 de ani, exact din zona în care s-a născut Buda acum 2500 de ani (Lumbini, Nepal), cu o misiune în Europa. Urmând drumul deschis de Attila și așezarea hunilor antemergători în Panonia, să controleze aurul din Transilvania și cu acel aur să finanțeze infiltrarea în toate țările și luarea sub control a lumii (care s-a întâmplat deja de sute de ani), în numele lui Buda (E pluribus Hunum, Novus Ordo Seclorum). Secuii (Sakia pe hartă), sau clanul lui Buda fiind munteni de sub Himalaya s-au așezat în Carpați și astfel au închis Transilvania, populația încercuită servindu-le de sclavi (iobagi), (între timp cei importanți dintre ei s-au mutat în Ungaria unde au construit cetatea Buda, în România au rămas doar cei care trebuiau să mențină încercuirea). Această tradiție se continuă până în zilele noastre, prin furtul masiv de la bugetul României, probabil altor țări.

Maghiarii (clanul lărgit dacă vreți, Magars) folosesc tehnici psihologice bazate pe filosofie avansată și imposibil de înțeles de către europeni și până acum infailibile. Nici măcar nu-și doresc foloase materiale (deși nu le lipsește nimic bineînțeles). Scopul lor este să îndeplinească viziunea lui Buda din predica celor 7 sori, adică să încălzească planeta, într-un mod similar cum s-a întâmplat cu Venus.

Toate celelalte zeci, sute de teorii pe care le-am încercat ajung la un moment dat la contrazicere, aceasta este singura care "ține" și explică toate situațiile și în concordanță cu toate datele istorice disponibile.

1:23 44 mpg for the last 108 mile trip from Warm Springs (on a mostly empty freeway). 40.5 for the last 237 mile "trip" which means one trip to WinCo and one to Warm Spring, showed on display when i turned off the engine last night at 4 AM.

4:19 I put some coconut oil in a pan and heated it up a low setting. After a few minutes only i felt relief. I took my blood pressure and it was 145/89. I started to believe it is not the dust itself. Though silica is probably best cause it has high insulating capacity, wood would do the trick as well as long as it's dry. It needs to be very fine, but the finest and invisible separates anyhow after being electrified (by vibration, a fan or getting stripped of electrons by passing through the radiator of an AC that is connected to ground) and starts floating in the air penetrating inside through any opening, like a gas. Once it reaches the skin, it discharges possibly into a nerve termination, hence the pain. A trick that was probably refined in thousands of years of "meditation" by Buddhist monks or maybe even before that, in India. Possible only in a wooden  house, the reinforced concrete houses have walls conductive enough to have ground potential. Grease vapor in the air would cling to it (i hope), neutralize it and make it fall to the ground.

12:41 Information superseeding, erasing. MagarsSakia.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

September 17

27 years since i started my first job in the US, at Sheridan Fruit Co, in downtown Portland.

Today i figured (remembered, re-analyzed) a few things about high blood pressure. I said several times that antibiotics in the first phase increase inflammation in infected tissues, because of dead bacteria that needs to be eliminated. I had to take one because of infection in the top of my mouth that was spreading to sinuses, and that was favored again by the multitude of junk including dead rats around the building. Diabetics' connective tissues are sweet, full of sugar and favor the growth of bacteria. So i figured i started to have infections all over my body, including in the blood vessels. Infection in blood vessels mean inflammation and narrowing and in the first hours after i took an Augmentin, inflammation increased due to dead bacteria, blood vessels narrowed even more and hence the episode.

12:29 Fake, attempting to erase information from your immediate memory.

1:10 Australian cave art.

1:14 There is a persistent dust smell, this time mostly wood, that comes from outside. I went to re-dust the building after they re-did the window at Apt.4. At Apt.2, closest upstairs to ours, at the window under is a fan in the window that blows and electrifies the dust that fell on that window's screen. After that, smell inside diminished and i took the third shower of the day.

8:50 However still got pains everywhere after i slept because of the dust that fell on me when i dusted and my blood pressure is 170/100. I was thinking last night. If they were to ban mineral wool from US, they should demolish every building and that is impossible.

8:53 Shpil Balalaika. De fiecare dată când văd așa ceva mă gândesc cât sunt ei de persistenți în acțiunea de acoperire sau distrugere a unei informații și cât de ignorantă este lumea în care trăim și care le ciugulește din palmă și cum nu îi poate opri nimeni fiindcă dețin tot ce este media.

9:58 Klara és a Nap.

10:37 Voodoo doctor John.

Friday, September 16, 2022

September 16

5:20 I was about to figure it out cause all i could think all night was to do something about the kitchen window. Must have had a mental block. Or the window has been replaced. There are large gaps between the window and the frame and the little locking arm is missing a screw.Litter dust is inserted upstairs through the open frame of the in wall heater. From the newly created gaps on top, by laying boards in scale configuration, at vibration dust is falling and gets through the vibrating window inside. The reason it was smelling from the outside. The reason she started the motorcycle yesterday several times.

So they came with "help" in the parking lot at Spirit Mountain. Two Japanese guys chosen for looking Chinese were trying desperately to signal me i had gaps at the window in a way i could not possibly understand. A ninja strategy they employ to show they are helping or others are helping you, when they are sure you are about to figure out something anyways. The ultimate confusion when a strategy is about to expire.

These are not your garden variety spies or influencers. These are masters of deception refined in 2500 years of Buddhism or maybe more than that (Maya, or religion of illusion). They are doing it all the time and not only to me. To whole countries, for centuries.

My idea of Maya is your mind decides what is real and what is not. And as we've seen too often, people are mistaking, mostly because of ignorance combined with rushed perception, but even wise people can't encompass all reality in real time because the mind is limited. The masters of deception use all these gaps to create winning strategies.

"Where other authors may simply say, ‘be careful of gaps in your defence and of the shinobi’, the Bansenshukai tells us how to find and infiltrate those gaps, giving the world the most comprehensive view of the workings of the ninja infiltration arts."

And then the (emergency) helicopter that i first haven't seen and then took off from the other parking lot. Because of the picture i just posted. Superseeding (destroying) information. (Picture is taken in Lake Oswego near the recreation center at Mountain Park (top of Mt Sylvania, an extinct volcano)).

And the car. The car performed better than expected. So they created a traffic ambush, a simulated accident right at the beginning of  the variant in McMinville. Been in that jam between variants for almost an hour. Then i reset the mileage and for the next 10 miles it went to... 49 mpg. Then, the detour. There is some work (i forgot the exact place) on the street and i  had to take it on a very narrow road had to change speeds several times, which led to higher mpg, and at a very sharp turn, a truck was coming from opposite direction. I was thinking to myself. How in the world is going to turn that truck on that narrow road? So i slowed down, enough to see it coming from around the corner, half of his cabin in my lane, when i stopped completely and he had a chance to come on straight road and pull in his, right in front of me. He made a "thank you" gesture, but could not understand why he did not slow down more in that curve. Here, maybe.

One more stop because of an ambulance and my mpg at Grand Ronde was 43.5, best i ever made. In my way back, per total it was 45 (5.2 liter/100 km, of course, gasoline) (and i caught all lights red in Tualatin) but temperature was under 60 and my tire pressure went down 2 psi, otherwise it would have been 47 or more. More than 10% mpg difference with the enhanced contacts. Steering is fantastic, on a straight road don't have to make corrections for a half minute or so.

11:44 My blood pressure is now 165 over 90 after three hours of sleep. Haven't taken it in years (it was always 130/80) though Angela takes her every day. When i went to bed around 8:30 i was 210/110 (21/11, European style) and was really tired and dizzy with elaborate breathing. Waking with apnea several times.

I called Angela and convinced her to take her first (family) sick day from work. First i tried to drive myself to the hospital. I was feeling my kidneys, painful, at every bump that was exacerbating the pressure inside them. But i felt better when i reached the end of the alley and turned around to grab the blood pressure monitor, planning to wait to get better outside ER, to avoid the complications of checking in at this time. Thinking i was too tired even for that. Left the truck on our spot at the door when she said she's coming.

So when Angela came i went to move the truck from our spot to a visitor and when i came back, on foot, i realized how much junk has accumulated in the backyard since i haven't picked anything. The reason i got into cardio-respiratory failure. From a toy box glove, 2 dead rats (per Eradicon boxes that are here for a week now) and several dog poops dry and fresh, to empty cans and about 10 pounds of rotting apples that fell from a three. And the drink i had when i came home. And Angela opened the bedroom window when she left and i forgot to close it though she told me.

Started to feel better after figuring the cause, i ventured myself to sleep, it took lots of courage though.

Still got my nose congested, smoke smell from wildfires now dominates the smell inside (though index is 20 10) and fresh dog litter dust falling from above. My stomach hurts, thinking to eat something going for a walk which always regulates my everything (except blood sugar of course which again i haven't take in a long time). But what. Corn dog is too sweet. Potatoes, too much carbs. Eggs. Had enough of those lately. Burgers. Had enough, i'm out of them also. Pasta, again carbs. Got it. Half noodles soup with added bone broth. Some grated cucumber first.

1:00 I opened the kitchen window to look up and a whole bunch of dust fell on my face, again.

1:10 BTW Angela went to the office the day after my first sim card got delivered "on the porch or main door" with missing apartment number and the card was not there. Yesterday got an email from the office saying i got a package and that could only be the first sim card.

1:31 I think it's the direct effect of the dust. Opened the window to look at the wall and the gaps between the boards they installed and some dust fell over me and now my blood pressure is again 180/100. It's the pain from invisible mineral fiber dust. I think those gaps should be caulked, if only for thermal insulation during winter.

6:46 Masters of illusions. Got images from bedroom windows, on the other side. I understand now why they cut the siding. To put the white Forte flashing under. By cutting it though they created a few other problems. Had to seal the new siding, and caulking in time may let water in, the same as around the window before, on both sides of windows. There is a chance insulation from the wall (yellow in this picture, visible on right of downstairs window) to get on top of the yellow flashing under the upstairs window where it says Drainable, if the wall is open as well, and from there between the gaps of two horizontal boards (yellow above), on the window on bottom. It all depends on each window and what's under that FORTE flashing at the right side of the upstairs window and "the skills" of every individual worker.
One more scene. A few minutes earlier went to show Angela something at the window (second above), a Tualatin Police SUV was passing by while the guy at Apt 3  (they are numbered in a weird way, like in Lake Oswego, it took me a long time to understand, from left to right, downstairs, 1,2 and 6 and upstairs 3, 4 and 5) went in and back from his car, the man also resembles the same actress from Expanse, Frankie Adams. So he/she occupies all the three upstairs apartments, 3, 4 and 5 that communicate with each other through the attic. Soon after, a loud base started somewhere around and pain is coming inside from somewhere.

7:35 So the "man" has finished the scene with the Police as occupant of Apt 3, and is back now in the parking lot, with a backfire of his Savage Suzuki (it always does that when it stops), soon will be officially upstairs and start squeaking. The smell of the gas from his bike was covering all the other smells, but he/she might have fixed it last night and went with it today. I'll go outside to see, but the smell grows gradually and i might be already used to.

7:51 Bedroom window has a large gap as well, this time on the upper side.

A storm is heading our way, pressure is dropping ahead of it, but the Cheddar Creek fire was almost extinguished by a rare, unpredicted rain at the beginning of this week. No, it looks like in their prediction is melting away before reaching coast (click play and drag image to the right).

8:30 Taylor, Swift. IncredibleViews was/is my flickr user name. I was still posting there in 2014, years after i met with her at Tryon park. Unrecognizable without make-up. I was thinking of this song full of subliminal messages because torture is what they are/were applying to me for so long now though mostly only when needed, to get me back on track.

8:53 I remember maybe 15 years ago i had a high blood pressure episode like this. I had a wrist monitor and drove to the ER with 210/120. They haven't done nothing of course and i went around driving all day. Can't remember how it ended, but i know i had a wrist monitor and took my BP maybe 50 times that day.

After that, i was around 45, my hands started to feel dry and they started to look old and dried out. So this is the reason i don't want to take my bp again tonight, because taking it is not totally noninvasive, it involves collapsing the arteries in your hand and then slowly decreasing pressure in the cuff and recording the pressure when blood starts to flow again and i believe it may damage your arteries. Today i read on a forum, during major surgeries automatic cuff takes your bp every 5 minutes or so, i believe there it doesn't matter maybe because the benefit is greater than the damage.

I hesitated the other day when i mentioned Ion Țiriac and Irina Loghin as being Jim Croce and Patsy Cline because is harder to prove and there are even fewer pictures, but there is yet another shooting star from American musical scene that arrived (been recycled) in Romania after "dying" in a plane crash in the US and that is Ceaușescu, who appeared shortly in the US as Ritchie Valens and then, out of nowhere, in Romania, like Țiriac, as a protégé of a high ranking oficial.

There is a common denominator for the two, and that is Hungarian tenor Ferenc Matrai. (Sorry for the old style and broken links, don't feel like redoing anything right now.

Those who remember Ceaușescu's voice from his interminably exasperating speeches (how can you forget) know what i mean. He also never spoke Romanian correctly, with many hesitations and difficulties featuring a slight dyslexia (Like king Michael, Nicolae Ciucă, etc..) and prolonging vowels "com'oooon". Also in English or Spanish. Listen. No, those aren't Mexicans having a good time, they are ballet dancers from Hungary.

They made the movie after i said it the first time (about Ceaușescu and Ritchie Valens) and used a Japanese actor who totally does not resemble him or look Spanish. Because they needed to get people used to the new look of Mexicans that are to come.

11:00 Fake, erasing information.

11:54 Mitul rapoartelor false către dictatori. Cu trucul acesta ne-au ținut și pe noi în foame 7 ani de zile sub Ceaușescu.