Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Orb of the Brainwashed

I have a big mold problem in here. I said it many times about but nobody is believing me. There are some pipes in the basement that are caring vapor from laundry dries. Don't know why they had to choose this solution, my drier is inches away from the outside wall but the pipe goes into an inner wall then down in the basement and from there it opens right under the siding, breaking a number of building codes.

The flexible 4 inch pipes are leaking or broken. In April this year they were working at the siding (SAGE construction, remember) and i took advantage of the open lid, one night went inside the basement, took some pictures and fixed some of the leaks. Some of the pipes, especially the fallen one were partially filled with lint. In two weeks maintenance team (which i think is Chris Jacobson and his pupils) came with a rotary tool and cleaned them and then sealed the basement. Don't know if they are in one piece or broken again by that tool. However every time they do laundry upstairs the fiberboard part of the floor bulges.

But even that wouldn't be such a great problem if they didn't let all kinda food wrappers on the mulch in the rain. Those cause mold in the mulch that spreads inside.

When i went to Reno and even here at Spirit Mountain i saw some new air filters in smoking areas that use advanced technology. Multistage filtration with cold catalysts, titanium dioxide and UV, stuff like that. As long as the elements are new, they are very efficient but very expensive. 500+ dollars.

Angela has some more allowance for this year to buy health related stuff. 300 dollars. I was looking yesterday on Amazon and i saw those are now getting cheaper. There are already a couple of comparable brands at 200 dollars and the more expensive at 6 or 7. But i got disappointing cause i could not find the power of the UV lamps in those.

Here in the apartment i tried for a while with UV lamps directly. But you cannot use those when you're inside and you have to move the plants elsewhere or you'll fry those in a few hours of exposure. As soon as the lamps are off, the mold comes back because the floor is moist.

Then i saw online this solution which works for houses with central AC. A strong UV lamp inside the central vent. And i said to myself. I can do that. I took and old, abandoned "HEPA" filter and put a UV lamp instead of filtering elements. However i did not realize how contaminated that filter was. With litter dust that came for years from walls (though neighbors upstairs did not have dogs until December 2018. That i knew of. And i stopped using that filter before that.

After using one night the mold went down but the old dog smell re-appeared big time. So yesterday morning i took the thing apart, cleaned it with a tooth brush, rinsed it and started again. Same smell, even after 36 hours of having a 10 Watts UV-C lamp inside. Should have thrown it away long time ago, which i will do cause i don't think i have any use of it anymore.

So i abandoned that idea and built one myself. From a cardboard box, aluminum foil and two computer fans. Though is a bit noisy it works. After one night spent in the living with the thing on, when i went in the bedroom this morning got hit by the smell of mold though Angela when she left turned the UV lamp on the wall on. But there is a problem.

UV light inside gets amplified several times because it's trapped within aluminum foil covered walls and it escapes through the fans' blades and is very intense. So next step will be to cover those somehow.

This morning i wanted to go to the park before sunrise and catch some pictures (i did one with my phone's camera a few days ago).

So i dressed up, grabbed my camera and went out the door only to see it was raining. I let the door open to air a bit and went inside and turned the thing that was facing the door with one of the fans off. A few seconds later at 7:30 AM a couple of kids, under 10, looking Japanese passed on the alley on their way to entrance which is a 5-10 minutes walk, again alone, unsupervised with dozens of cars passing by. They could have been theoretically exposed to a tiny amount of UV.

Then i realized. God knows what rumors they started and i think Scientology is the main carrier of those around here. So here i am posting again every bit of my life.

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