Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Swanson & Swanson

This whole story of course contains revealing numerous crimes on the part of doctors, and authorities who closed their eyes as well as plenty of far right symbolism. If you of course can charge with a crime persons that do not exists. Not as doctors, not as American citizens.

More details about the crimes, here.

In this picture you can see two of the four "forgotten" wires, after Angela had her second surgery after the main one, to remove the wires. However only two of the wires were removed, the other two still there looking like 2 swans, symbolizing the names of the 2 unrelated doctors Swanson, one who did first heart surgery (Jeffrey) and the other (Julia) removing the two wires.

In the end, Angela had 2 more surgeries (4 in total, of course), one to remove the last two wires done again by the first dr.Swanson (Jeffrey) and one to fix the hernia resulting from the previous surgeries done by another doctor. Now she's got a mesh in there. The thicker wire loops are used to fix the sternum that is being cut on its length to open the chest which is routine for heart surgeries.

It all starts with Angela's birth. Circulation during fetal stage in humans is different than immediately after birth and all their life. During fetal life there is a hole in the heart that allows blood to bypass lungs since lungs are not used while you are swimming in amniotic fluid. That hole is supposed to close right after birth.

"During fetal life, this communication is normal, namely foramen ovale, and has a normal size similar to aortic diameter.21 Consequently, the prenatal diagnosis of secundum ASD is rarely possible".

But in some people it doesn't, resulting in blood flowing partially back and forth between the two atria for the rest of their life, resulting in heart needing to work more, pulmonary hypertension, enlargement of the pulmonary artery and in the end that may be in the 60s or 70s, heart failure. One of the causes of the foramen not closing could be an infection right after birth and Angela remembers (being told about) having pneumonia and being saved by a nurse who gave her a shot of antibiotics on the street when she was carried by her mother to the hospital.

We didn't know about ASD though we knew about a murmur (abnormal heart sound due to ASD) and enlargement of the pulmonary artery and had that recommendation not to have children because of a screening before we got married. Angela had been admitted to a university hospital in Iași when all the Arab students in there (per Ceaușescu) passed by her room to listen to that sound and study. We even went together hiking together in the mountains around Câmpulung, and did some 30 km in one day.

Most of the information related to this matter is in this timeline. I haven't updated it after Dee got fired and i recently started to suspect that Steve is actually this guy and one of the "Chinese Sisters" being Japanese born Victoria Principal (Dallas) aka Elaine Lan Chao (Secretary of Transportation).

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