Friday, October 15, 2021

October 15

12:47 Tonight i saw they were more items added on top of those but i just gave up taking pictures. Also tried to add the new Hyundai on my insurance policy on Progressive web site and ran into the same problem like last time. It will let you add coverage, play with it for an hour or whatever it but the policy won't change. It's good though cause you can add and remove items and see the price changes. Then a phone number pops up and you get to talk to one of their guys who would add it for you and even tell you verbally the new vehicle has been added but i believe changes will be reflected on your policy only after 5 days. In other words, only thing you can do online by yourself is to remove, not add coverage. I believe it's some sort of hidden, undeclared delay for their own protection like if someone wanted to add a vehicle after it was damaged, stolen etc. or even fraud. In the end he told me about renters' insurance, i wanted for a while now to switch it from Farmers to Progressive where i have my vehicles, cause they will give me a discount for vehicles if i have that on their policy, however they switched me to a third party which asks for more than i currently pay (10 dollars a month) and demand a checking account for monthly automatic drafts. Spent several hours both online and on the phone, talking to who knows whom, especially dollar amounts.

2:12 Today again i used the laptop briefly in the truck and now i got pains though less intense, in about the same areas, on upper side of legs, from knees, belly and all the way to chin and thyroid area. I found on google that laptops normally do emit toxic levels of em frequencies, but what if they are defective or hacked?

9:13 Just looked online, max power for 2.4 Ghz wi-fi is 100 mW or 0.1 Watts. Thinking. If you use it for ten minutes, you get the equivalent of 60 Watts used for one second, right? My current microwave oven works at the same 2.4 GHz and outputs 600 Watts. It's like holding your hand inside for .1 seconds, right?

3:04 It looks like i have no choice here but tell a part of the story with the car. Today i drove back to the shop to take some pictures of several things, to get the type of headlights, etc.. Last night i ordered a fender.

In the first day i saw the car, i drove it briefly and heard a grinding noise on the front right side especially when turning right. I raised the car on jack on a firm point next to the wheel belonging to the frame, far from plastic shields like i did so many times with the old Elantra and so many other cars. I put the car in neutral, turned the wheel and i saw the axle was also oscillating while rotating. Yesterday i went to Autozone and bought an aftermarket one and installed it myself and the noise was gone. But while doing this i saw the floor shield bumped up and raised. None of these two problems where mentioned on the site at the auction.

I really regret i didn't take pictures yesterday, like i always do. I was very tired in an unfamiliar place and there was this familiar smoke smell (like here at the apartment) that was making me high. The guys i spoke with today said some of their neighbors do drugs, especially the ones with many Halloween decorations and on occasions they also jumped the fence, boke windows for stealing batteries so they leave the cars open. Today when i took these pictures with a flash under the car there was this plane circling on very low altitude and i was nervous using the flash upwards so i took a video of the plane and it left when i uploaded it. But the pictures are few and didn't come exactly how i wanted, also again being dizzy from that smoke, but not like in other times. Middle click (mouse wheel) to zoom. Forklift imprints are seen in the shield on the upper side. I bet if you measure that print you will get the width of the forklift's arm.

Then there is this weird indentation on the right of the picture i just can't make sense. I didn't see much when i took the pictures. The smoke and very shiny sunlight prvented me from seeing on phone's screen.

9:29 "Thank You For the Music" Câteodată ăștia chiar pe știrile cele mai nașpa mă fac să zâmbesc... De data asta Orban (al nostru) a nimerit-o (în titlu, nu am citit tot articolul). Însă nu e de râs, cei sacrificați în realitate suntem noi toți, timpul nostru care se scurge la umbra marelui Atilla... Chiar, nu știu cum mai putem zâmbi, râde, merge de pe o zi pe alta.

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