Thursday, July 21, 2022

July 21

8:17 After i advanced the hypothesis that COVID pandemic waves were actually caused by something else, like dust from deserts, possibly mixed with highly inflaming artificial dust, and also talked about the dust created by 911 towers planned by design demolition which was blamed on "terrorists", two things happened in the news, involving highest level politicians.

9:10 I just reviewed this blog post and i believe this theory has some merit and needs to be examined further.

9:51 Of course after reading the above linked post many would say. Ok so if it is that simple how come nobody else thought about? It can't be, with all those scientists and academics saying something else.

And this is the biggest difficulty, it's, like Heart Sutra says, you have to fight the psychology to get to knowledge. Cut through bullshit. You are being taught in school. Clouds are charged positively at one end and negatively at another, by friction.

Let's made one thing clear. You can generate electricity by friction (of non-conductive solid things) but there's always a balance between positive and negative moved charges. Basically, by friction, you "steal" electrons from a surface, but those electrons have to go somewhere, or the other surface.  When two droplets bump together and produced electricity as current theories state, where the positive charge and where the negative one go? As for ice, it is 3 orders of magnitude more conductive than silica (glass) which is an insulator and can be used for generating static electricity. You can also try and rub ice in a freezing temperature environment to see if it charges or not.

You can't generate electricity by friction inside a material, cause you can't remove or add electrons there. Though there are exceptions, and those are solid materials like silica dust where the electric charges may move deep inside the dust particles, and stay there, like in a capacitor (by friction caused by vibration or even breakage and that dust starts flying around like crazy). But that is not the case with water or even ice which is with three orders of magnitude more conductive than silica. Also lightning does not occur in areas of clouds with ice but in those with water because it is the conductivity of water that shortcuts the different potential levels within the clouds.

Clouds form when humidity in the air condensates and forms droplets. The process takes place within a vertical electric field gradient and each droplet is already charged according to its position in the field gradient. The reason the droplets don't merge with each other (and also can't bump into each other to produce friction) is the fact they are charged with the same positive charge from inception.

As for academics, they're most fake and those who are real or teach in schools think about their paycheck more than the scientific truth. And what is the big fuss, anyways? Clouds are charged period and who cares why and why lightening and thundering occurs.

Truth in this matter is of utter strategic importance to those who know. On this are based weather manipulation, geo weapons, bullying (ionosphere is getting thinner), etc..

1:00 Pe mine mă enervau foarte mult confuziile astea de pe vremuri când făceam programe (aplicații) de salarii. Confuzia e preluată cred din sistemul de dinainte de 89. Există o Contribuție pentru Asigurări Sociale de 25%, CAS, pentru pensii care se duce la Bugetul de Asigurări Sociale, care însumează, împreună cu o subvenție de stat de aproximativ 9% un buget de 100 miliarde lei anual din care se plătesc pensiile și o Contribuție pentru Asigurări Sociale de Sănătate de 10%, CASS care merge la Bugetul de Stat prin Casa Națională de Asigurări de Sănătate or CNAS subordonată tot Ministerului Sănătății cu un buget de aproximativ 44 miliarde lei anual (2021) cu filialele județene care se numesc CAS. Capisci?

Cred că era, este, o formă de bully-ism prin confuzie ireductibilă pentru a genera stupoare și obediență în fața a ce era atunci birocrație de stat iar acum bully-ism de stat.

Dar mai este ceva ce nu înțeleg. Ministerul Sănătății are un buget de numai 32 miliarde lei, sumă ce include toate cheltuielile, adică vizite, spitalizări și medicamente. A ok diferența de 12 miliarde este concediile medicale.

5:22 Dominium canis.
11:45 Was reading the news looking for the counter action that has come rigt in time. How to trample a Theory on Earth's Magnetic Field and Ligthening, Dominicani conspiracy, COVID, greenhouse effect, other informations published by me about ruling elite of the world originating in ancient Australia in one simple step. Leaving the roof covers open on a greenhouse. Pink lights from a growing marijuana farm reflecting in the clouds to create a story. Forget about the fact it scared the shit out of the inhabitants of that town (if the story is real and they were not all asleep and the lights only lasted for some photos). It looks like internet era has its advantages. One can publish his own theories bypassing the official bullshit. But they can counteract also.

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