Thursday, May 16, 2024

May 16

I ran into something i forgot and never understood well from an application since 8 years ago. A diagram showing tidal variations over the  years, in Seattle.

I did not have the time to fully understand that and the rest of the page, but i already have a conclusion. Tides are highest at solstices and lowest at equinoxes, because of course of the Earth distance to the Sun, but also because of the exposure of different faces of the Earth to the Sun, due to seasons.

According to this, and the fact that tides are a measure of all combined gravitational forces exerted by Sun and Moon, there should be another correlation with earthquakes. That of points of Earth on the ecliptic.

So what do i have so far?

Distance to the Moon (or apparent diameter of Moon).

Phase of the Moon (alignment Earth-Moon-Sun).

Solstices and equinoxes. I hope i will have the time to verify this in the next few days. I am almost positive a correlation will be found.

And  then, the questions. Why am i the first to show this? Why people back in my youth have tried to embed all these information into my life, so i will remember it later? Who is suppressing all this knowledge?

I think by combining all 4 charts, tides and and weather predictions, one could pinpoint precisely enough when an earthquake should occur, since ancient times. And we know ancient Egyptians were both mathematicians and astronomers. I wouldn't be surprised if some would have that knowledge plus everything that comes with modern mathematical formulas, supercomputers, AI.

8:52 Orban, meddling in Romania's EU Parliamentary Elections. Not that it matters. Being a UE MP is like a sweet retirement for used Romanian politicians.

I remember the times of Ceaușescu when heads of states were visiting each other's countries on invitation basis.

9:11 Von der Lie-on, Disinformation.

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