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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query gate. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, August 3, 2020

Von Neumann Architecture

from Google

"The von Neumann architecture—also known as the von Neumann model or Princeton architecture—is a computer architecture based on a 1945 description by Hungarian-American mathematician and physicist John von Neumann and others in the First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC."

Just finished a blog post that tries to raise awareness to the general public that the very weird intriguing architecture of some prominent buildings in Seattle may have something to do with Japanese traditional architectural elements which post ended with the (in)famous kuji-in grid. The other day i plainly wrote something about von Neumann architecture, and having all these three things in my recent memory a fresh idea occurred. What if...

But first, an introduction to von Neumann architecture. Not reading anything, from my understanding only. It is based on a matrix or a grid of binary data deemed as memory. Intersection of each row with the columns represents data (or instruction, read bellow). Rows are called addresses. The columns exist physically as an equal number of wires (usually 64) which can carry each binary information, that is 0 or 1 materialized as 0 volts and 5 volts, called data bus, while the rows which are much more numerous (4 billions) can be activated by a similar or half size (width) address bus (usually 32 wires at current time) that carry again binary information which is not applied directly to the matrix but decoded and so it can activate (for read or write) only one row (address) out of 4 billions at a time (4 Gigs, 64 bits, sizes most common). At the intersection of each row and column there is a small electronic circuit called a cell that can memorize last voltage applied to it and yield that voltage when the row is activated.

Both buses end in the processor (CPU, Central Processing Unit).

Data is read or written in memory by the processor by simply formulating an address (a combination of zeros and ones on the address bus) and then supplying or retrieving the combination of resulting zeroes and ones on data bus. This type of memory or the working memory of any computer is called RAM (Random Access Memory, quite a confusing acronym which actually means that RAM memory can either (randomly) be written or read).

Now the most confusing part. Programs themselves represent a succession of binary numbers written in RAM memory line after line or address after address that can be decoded by CPU as instructions (machine code) or data. As per Von Neumann architecture we have thus in computer's memory both instructions and data to be processed using the instructions. The CPU knows which is which by sequence only. That is after it first reads an instruction, that instruction tells the processor what follows and if it's data, how long. RAM memory is volatile. It means that at startup of the computer there's nothing in it. A certain program has to be loaded by the CPU line by line from a more permanent memory (disk, SSID), and then processor starts reading sequentially that program from the very beginning executing instructions and using data.

Processors are much more complicated than this "external" architecture but what is important is that if they read an instruction, a certain number of circuits inside the processor are activated and execute that instruction which most of the time involves processing data on the addresses following that instruction.

Here is from Wikipedia a working schematic of a 4 bits wide memory with 4 addresses coded on a 2 bit bus. All RAM memories are similar except for size. Each cell can memorize a voltage of either 0 or 5 volts (actually ranges around those voltages) that is applied to. There is also a selector for read or write that i did not talk about.

All circuits inside a CPU that are activated by instructions are made by so called gates. That is small circuits with a few transistors each with two inputs and one output that are capable of executing instructions equivalent to basic binary operations like addition, multiplying, etc. again by processing voltages of 0 or 5 volts. (AND gate, OR gate, etc.). Because operations are binary they are also called logical operations (with only two possible outputs, 5 volts for true or 1 or 0 volts for false or 0).

Here is an AND gate schematic using two transistors in switching mode.

And 4 basic gates symbols and tables of truth

All these things are well known to computer engineers and everybody who took some electronics in a technical college like myself. What prompted me to write this is the analogy with the kuji-in grid from ninjutsu, the concept of mind gate also in ninjutsu and gate as an architectural unit in the landscape of Japan. Could those have been the source of inspiration for von Neumann?

We all heard nowadays of the word transistor. Very few outside the body of specialists know what it means. I guess fewer these days where everybody is more on social networks than following hobbies and are more enthusiastic about numbers, speed and size then the actual working principle.

We may have heard that newer computer processors have more and more transistors (while speed somehow got stuck @3 GHz). Hundreds of thousands per processor (core) is not uncommon at mid range prices. That is because more and more operations turned from sequential as in von Neumann architecture to parallel processing, that is more operations per instruction, requiring more circuitry thus more transistors. Instructions or machine cycles process whole blocks of memory data at the time due to a relatively newer component call DMA (Direct Memory Accessing) allow a more efficient use of memory. Multiple processors also allow more parallel processing. Nowadays overwhelming majority of computer processing is data transfer as opposed to math calculations.

But what is a transistor. Again, first described by an (Austro)-Hungarian scientist in 1926 and not realized until much later, it was a much sought for replacement for old vacuum tubes in early electronic devices. The holy grail of electronics if you want. An early superheterodyne radio contained 6 or more of those tubes also called valves.
Prototype Armstrong superheterodyne receiver 1920.jpg
But valves were big, fragile and required extra power to heat up by a filament.

Their main function was amplifying of a weak signal like those carried by radio waves into a strong one that could be heard in a speaker.

Transistors are done with semiconductors instead of vacuum. What is essential is there are two circuits. A weak signal circuit or input and a strong current circuit called output.

One single compact small transistor was replacing one valve and was solid and required no filament power. However there are power losses when transistors work as amplifier (output circuit is basically shorted to the ground through a resistor where there's no signal). That power loss has to be evacuated as heat with a radiator like in most stereo systems.

MOSFET transistors that are build by etching a single silicon crystal in the hundred of thousands to make computer chips have basically three terminals. Source, Gate and Drain. Question.  How many gates (both logical and semiconductors terminals) do you have in your octo-core smartphone processor (not counting the display, memory and other components)?

Saturday, January 7, 2023

January 7

12:35 Vechea metodă, scandal peste scandal. Primul pas pentru realizarea unei centrale nucleare la 75 km nord de București. 6 module de 77 MW fiecare,  un design "revoluționar" care nu a fost testat până acum nicăieri în lume, fără o cupolă de protecție (containment) și care nu a primit încă nici o aprobare de site în SUA, cu un total de 462 MW electric, în timp ce un reactor "clasic" de la Cernavodă are 650 MW electric.

Americanii de la NuScale, având sediul social un birou închiriat într-o clădire fără firmă la poartă, lângă un magazin mare de bricolaj unde am fost de zeci de ori, nu sunt însă chiar americani. Principalii investitori sunt coreeni, japonezi și suedezi dar pun pariu că în spatele acelei bănci suedeze sunt probabil finlandezi care sunt echivalentul ungurilor în Peninsula Scandinavică.

Cred că ar trebui strânse semnături pentru oprirea acestui proiect.

3:21 So was written (on the fly) but he will always speak with a subtle though detectable Hungarian accent.

3:24 The response at my claim that cell phones can hurt your inner/outer ear in self measurable ways. Also to Deja Cat video. I didn't want to say it but a wi-fi enabled laptop on your... lap for too many hours a day will also do it. If you don't believe me, you may choose to try. Too late? Impotence? Low sperm count at the latest exam?

10:00 Average salary of an FBI employee varies from site to site, with an estimate of 75000 a year. FBI has 35000 employees, or 7000 per state. If we multiply those numbers we get a total of 2.6 billions. Rent for buildings (yes they lease) is an estimated 10 million a year per state, which makes 500 more millions. What are they doing with the rest of the budget or up to 10.8 billions?

No they don't use many cars, i was a couple of times, by the time i still believed in Santa Claus, at their Portland headquarters at the airport to report numerous crimes i witnessed or was a victim, once spoke with the singer from Train, Patrick Monahan dressed in a suite and the other time with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and three other people dressed informally, acting as agents and while i was waiting at 9 AM at the gate all i saw was a number of people (20-30) trying to enter inside and only a few cars entering the gate. No it was way before working from home thing, but they could all be in missions, searching for ninja (there is no plural in Japanese). While the guy who frisked me at the gate was looking like a ninja. A fat one. Acting Latino.

But the Molaski building at the airport is a big leap forward. I once was at their headquarters in spring 1996 without knowing, with a doctor (Eusterman), in the lobby of a hotel on 3rd street i guess, and at the same place in 1997, where they seemed to occupy a few rooms at one floor and didn't talk to me, just gave me a number to call.

That day i was trying to report an attorney, Leo Berman, who tricked me to sign on a white piece of paper, "just to verify my signature".

But i once saw around 10 ATF cars altogether in front and around the building where i was working at Credence (at the other end of Nimbus where their main building was). Me and Lyle alone in the 4 story building (yes upper stores seemed vacated which now seems odd) in summer 1996 working in swing shift.

One of the cars parked behind my old Fairment, to block it, when i almost s...t in my pants. But they were after somebody else and picked from the bushes between the building and Fanno Creek an Asian guy dressed in a dark gray sports like suite (yes like a modern ninja, without the face mask). From what i remember, could have been him, age adjusted.

2:20 From the park.


8:55 I'm confused. Should have learned how to play them drums...

Friday, November 16, 2012

Can't Get Weirder Than That

Something really weird happened on Veterans Day in Texas. It's been in the news for a week now. And obviously, we don't know what really happened yet and probably never will. I looked on Google News a minute ago and they are as right now over 1400 news articles on this "story"so far. By the time you are reading this post they will be more. Until one day when this news is going to die.

What we know so far.  "speed limit through Midland was increased last year from 40 mph to 60 mph in order to facilitate not blocking traffic. Also the eyewitness says the crossing gate came down right on the people, so clearly that was functioning". From a comment taken from here. It's been a week and yes, the Police ID'd the victims so far. No word on the guilty. While we assume attempts are being made to "re-conciliate" everybody involved until they go quiet.

The crossing gate came down on the people. And there is no sensor to show that and attempt to stop the train. Also probably no sensor to pick any car that by technical reasons have been caught on the rail while crossing gates are coming down.

So far i was saying to myself this is the weirdest damn thing i've read in the news lately. Then i went and opened the first link given by Google. This one. "Texas had 822 railroad crossing accidents during the three years ending in December 2011".

Lately i've been browsing job offers. For the better paying state jobs and not only, there usually are long descriptions impossible to read and understand. So many requirements i've never heard of that discourage me from even finishing reading the description. Sometimes i'm wondering if those requirements can be matched by a single individual.

But somehow i started to believe the longer the description the better is that job being "protected" from outsiders so it can be given to whoever.  There is no other explanation for what is happening there. A lot of people working for the state of Texas are not doing their jobs. I'm just curious, how many rail crossing accidents that had not made "the news" happened there since this one?

And then i realized. They shouldn't even call those "the news". They should call them... i don't know, the bait?

Sunday, August 2, 2020


Spent a few hours yesterday at a beach called Neskowin, south of Lincoln City.

A native American name, don't know it it has anything to do with Confederations of Siletz Tribes who own the casino in Lincoln City. Haven't seen many natives if any in oh so many times i've been there, don't know if it's real or just a symbolic link between real owners and our perceived reality. Can't help here but to add that Siletz name resonates with the root sele (Selleck as in Tom Selleck or Sellers as in Peter Sellers, a quite common Hungarian last name with many variants and capital of Oregon, Salem or  Soros are not far from it). I know for sure that i once caught a celebration at the casino when i saw Hungarian actors dressed as and pretending to be native Americans (known in the past as Indians).

It is the first beach i've ever been too in the US in August or September 1995 or 25 years ago. Veronica Mart took us there and we went to the beach and then we had a pick-Nick. Like yesterday, a small plane making a big noise passed very low on top of the beach and i was wearing European style swimwear that is not accepted here (two short) (not that you can swim much in Oregon, water temperature allows that only maybe once a year, in average). Name Nesko-win reminds of course of Nico and i remember i was intrigued she choose a pick-nick table in the parking lot that was next to restroom (i hear nowadays a commercial where a black guy pronounces the word restaurant very similar to restroom).

BTW recently searching through Hungarian actors databases i ran into a face that fits that of Veronica Mart. Sitting next to a a Hungarian renown actor, Gyula Szombathy who seems to be "Romanian pilot George Hârșovescu" as described in the post linked above. Here on right, slightly out of focus, don't know the name. Could be her.
Back at the beach. There was a whole continuous show unfolding all around us. Populated with now more like next in line (as opposed to top of the creme) Hungarian voice actors trying really hard to overcome the barriers of accent. But since all media is populated with them, who knows what "standard American English" is anymore. Don't know if newest style apparition, could have happened before and i forgot or didn't realize, next to us came two short blond women that seemed to be Japanese made to look like American, if that is possible. With a kid, they were syncing with everything we were doing. But i was too tired and much too dipped into nostalgia to pay attention to all details of the unfolding present. I first parked in a store spot, there was a warning for beach goers not to park in there. I went to the car several times to see what's happening, scenes unfolding like a Mexican wave every time. Later, as a spot freed i ended parking between two cars that in the end turned to belong to some Asians (read Japanese) that put up a show when we left.
And last but not least. On McMinville Ave there was a (tiny) house with an unusually shaped gate. There were of course some ropes and a couple of buoys hanging. I passed several times in front of it but planned to take a picture when i left, for obvious reasons. However when i left they were two guys in front of it, kinda staring at me.
At the end of the day Angela went to play at Chinook Winds nearby and i stayed in the car, listening music, surfing the web and then i fell asleep. But some people made a fire on the beach and there was so much smoke i could not stay in the car. I tried to start the fan but all i did was contaminate the new cabin filter that was still smelling hours later. So i moved at the top level in the new parking lot where you can hear the ocean and if you stand you can even see it. But that level is connected with a tunnel like passage with the room of the casino where they have the parties and base was so loud i could hear it from the car. Staring at the entrance of the parking lot with height limiters looking like a Shinto gate, like in the image with the fish above. Was thinking. They could have put it after the entrance of the first level, cause top level does not have height limit. But they put it in the street so it is visible as a symbol (google maps picture since 2018).

Right before Angela came a very attractive woman came and started and left with the car nearby.

I was pretty pissed last night when i drove back home (read sad). About most everything. But they stole that feeling from me too. At the red light camera at the intersection with 99. Angela doesn't let me to turn right on red at night when we're alone in the street at red light cameras, but this time there was a car behind me and another one going from right to left, with Asian women i think, all waiting (was there red in all directions?). After one minute of waiting i saw a flash, but kinda dim. Don't know for who it was, nobody was moving for about one minute before that. Then the light turned green and i started my right turn. They did that to me before, a flash in the night when i was going through one of these, for no reason. Malfunctioning? Mood changing, certainly. And creating a new fake branch of events. Bansenshukai.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 28

8:05 Woke up with the same questions in mind i went to bed with. How much it cost to organize an event like the one Trump spoke at (and how many people were in there). Is this what they spend most of the campaign money on? (If not, on what?). How come we don't see more of these events in the news.

And the most important. Do they always have machine guns on the roofs above the podium in plain view of audience? right under the American flag flown horizontally, like a kite between two cranes figuring a haven's gate. Phew.

8:15 Here in the US we don't have Hamas.

8:20 Lately i started to feel guilty about putting so many links to searches as the result come by means of AI (or so they say, i don't see the difference, it's just the same quote chosen from most searched site).

The reasons are obvious. I don't want people to say i picked the answer i wanted so i let them chose it. I want more people to learn how to do more complex, focused searches. (So i can take a break).

My goal now is to try and limit those to one or two per entry.

8:45 With the Olympic torch image fresh in mind, i did one more search. Obviously wanted to see if she carries a torch in any of the depictions. And what did i find? 

I wish i could find a better resolution on this. ...It's the East, and Amaterasu is the Sun!

12:30 The audio analysis of sound from the site says the shooter was hit by the first bullet and the second came at 10 seconds, from a different direction from the same gun. This indicates he was killed by a sniper on the roof cause snipers don't have a high fire rate and don't change position before shooting, they have to acquire target and aim first. He could then have jumped from the roof of the barn, run for a few seconds, aim and shoot him again from the ground.

If he was killed from the ground by means of handguns of the agents, it would have been more than one shot fired. BTW why the all climbed on the podium and jumped at the President and none of them ran at the shooter and fire his handgun multiple times?

Which proves the sniper had him in sight all the time. Also. How crazy was the gunman to stay there with the sniper and the machine gun in his sight and then shoot at the President?

It all seems like in an old western movie where the hero let the villains shoot first and then kill them usually in a self defense style in everybody's view so there is no need for lengthy investigation. However, the body of the villain is than measured by the grave man.

No word yet about who killed the would be assassin and from what position and google's AI is clueless.

Too bad they did not install security cameras and there is no footage of the whole incident from TV cameras with the whole crowd and buildings and stuff as they should be. All we have seen so far is Trump raising his right hand at the right ear which is invisible "from that angle".

BTW did the scopes of the two rifles on the roof had labels like they just have been "unboxed"? The sniper laying on the roof left his higher tripod and is trying to aim with thump up but now bothered by the hat's visor with eye slightly above scope's aiming line? One thing is sure. They are both looking in the same direction which by the angles seems to be the roof with the shooter.

And BTW who and when and from where was this picture taken and with what purpose.

2:12 Two guys that don't seem to be kids came to play with a drone at my window.

5:50 What was that, 3:45? Never knew how much fun is to order Chinese until Angela showed me that game at Indian Head, Master Chef or something when if you get a bonus get to choose. Your soup, your side etc..

There is no soup to order online at Panda Express however there is other stuff. Angela built the order, i went to pick it up. On Boones Ferry, one exit on I5 from here. However. On the exit ramp, there was this old woman driving a tan PT cruiser figuring a 2CV. She stopped a few times, including on the freeway, i was behind, she restarted then she was driving erratically and exited on Boones Ferry, right before me. She stopped on the exit ramp once.

Behind her, in a car with WA LPN a woman with a pink megaphone and open window was yelling something at her who also had the window open. When i passed her, i looked and she was no other than France Rumilly, the actress playing the crazy driving nun in the Gendarme movies. I would have never known if i didn't finally look for the actress a few minutes ago.

No i didn't have the camera with me on a such short trip.

Damn Chinese (delicious) food, i'm hungry again. No wonder Chinese are all so thin.

7:00 (Approximately) one science entry a day (can't promise). If they could mass produce these and put them on a windshield, it would be a step forward in increasing mpg by not using the 1-4 extra HP for running the AC of about...

Most of the 20k BTU used by AC in the tiny space of a vehicle cabin is for mitigating the solar heat coming through the windows and not the air temperature. By example, in a day with much sun and 75 temperature, you have to have the AC on.

7:42 I can predict with a 50% probability that is going to be either Trump or Harris. That is if none of them is dropping the race before elections... Then it's going to be 100%.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

July 2

8:52 On a hunch i did a search and now i'm staring at the results in disbelief. Need more time to analyze this, maybe during my walk, do more searches but right now it doesn't seem right. For a semi-private institution that has a .gov web address, and sits on top of the pyramid of American economy and drives the stock market and stuff the income from loans seems ridiculously low when compared to assets and in general. Cold it be a form of books cooking for tax evasion? I will look into later.

9:25 Twin Towers to figure a Gate of Heaven that was planned to be brought down by design to illustrate the conflict between sacred geometry and greediness and generally ordinary matter.
7:45 PM Metsubushi. The Dust Lady. "In an impressive display of political leadership in 2002 President Bush was able to overcome the skepticism of the professional military in the United States, the opposition of much of the world, and the lack of support from the UN Security Council and take the United States to war with Iraq in order to depose Saddam Hussein.

The war ended within three weeks, though the attempt to install a legitimate successor government was to take much longer. Over this period, President Bush has exhibited several patterns of behavior that provide some insight into his policy choices. He has shown a preference for moral certainty over strategic calculation; a tendency for visceral reaction rather than reflection; a preference for clarity rather than complexity; a bias toward action rather than deliberation;"

10:15 aRihanna

Saturday, March 12, 2022

March 12

5:20 You can't stay in your apartment because of smoke and dust and noise and dog poop. Can't wait to leave for a wonderland like a 1000 or 2000 machines casino where you get lost. Get tired driving, by the exhaust of cars in front driving under speed limit. Do weird things to the car (because they messed with it at Ilany), probably under influence from smoke at home that last hours, after 5 days mostly inside and then getting really upset. Play a little, get more tired in a place with mind and alertness analyzing capabilities.

And then they pop in front of you. With slightly different looks, ages older then you know them from videos, just to prove you don't have any reaction. Zelenskyiv with a mask. Who knows  how many others. At Spirit Mountain, they cut the free internet so "i can get tipped" (I payed for unlimited data about a week ago, but to my surprise, the new plan will start on... 18). It's in their reach. It's what they do, calculate and trick everybody on this planet. I don't think we will ever get rid of them, how could it be possible cause we leave in their simulation. But what is their purpose? Just in case i die in an accident on my way home, to claim they did it, magically? Truth is they have some. Magic. Postures, gestures that just like true yogi, if you look at them could get your intestinal transit blocked. But only if under some influence, like dog poop that already does things to your body. Got palpitations for a week now. If i have a heart attack or stroke they will say they did it.

5:27/3:27 M-am gândit și așteptat aprox 12 ore cum să scriu fraza asta când ajung acasă. România a avut garanții de securitate mult mai serioase decât o discuție în doi. Tratate semnate și evident respectate după, încă înainte ca România să existe ca stat independent. Bine pe atunci statele erau altceva, lumea, diplomații din toate țările erau din elite (nobilime) școlite la Paris, exista noțiunea de onoare și în general toată lumea a fost altceva înainte de 1908 sau când s-a întâmplat fenomenul numit Tunguska, și invenția radio-ului și mult mai târziu, după al doilea război, a televiziunii, creatoarea de gură cască ce suntem. Pe scurt. Fără Rusia creștină și războiul ei cu turcii, România nu exista.

România, un stat încă tânăr, deși provinciile au existat de milenii, românii nu au experiența politică a altora și de asta ei cred în tot ce se spune.

5:51/3:51 Doi pași pe pasarelă (Két lépés a függőhídon) este titlul cărții cu copertă albastră a lui Imre Babics, un scriitor ungur de origine ucraineană (da, cu cercel, într-o ureche). Și astfel se explică felul cum arată domnul președinte. Dacă nu aveți altceva mai bun de făcut, alegeți-l, închinați-vă, credeți-l.

11:10 Maybe because of this?

11:38 Upstairs. Coming back home when i opened the news. Squeaking when i read certain news or when i decide to post something.  Heavily influencing. Yeah, it worked. I forgot what i wanted to write. Truth is, i got really, really sick, a bit more than a week after he came back. He disappeared mysteriously, for more than a month, with car left in the parking lot (he did it several times in the last few months). They even started to pop in front of me on the streets cars with his letters part of his LPN, like wanted to say, i have something to do with his "disappearance". But he came back. Actually i believe he was still around, in a different apartment, using a gray window tinted window Toyota. Electrifying and raising dust with his shoes when he climbs the stairs above my door and then agitating the electrified dust with audible and ultrasonic squeaks, by ancient ninja techniques. It could be him. But if i re-open the news, i will certainly find something to write about. Cause it's all a big mess.

Yeah, another face i saw yesterday at one of the casinos, can't remember in which. It's all like a dream (nightmare) to me (slept 4 hours, me i can't sleep in weekends and Angela only can sleep after going there). Heaven's Gate and Hell's Flames... not sure, was the name of a program at the Beaverton Nazarene Church meant to bring in more members, where pastor Dennis Swift was singer Meat Loaf and where i befriended Shawn Parker (later General Petraeus) and auto mechanic Dave Diggins (Tom Cruise).

My glucometer quit working. Also, wanted (thought of) to get at the car to get the voltmeter to find a couple of batteries for the weather station sensor that quit working, but they promptly brought kids.

12:54 Putain!

1:18 Cooked some food. I just bought a chef's knife on Amazon, i knew the brand cause Angela had an utility knife for years that never needed sharpening. But the thing is so sharp i'm afraid to use it. Went at the car to fix some stupid things i've done myself. When i was under the influence of the smoke. Within 10 minutes all kids and teens passed by. Came back inside to let another group pass. Here he's waiting with squeaks.

3:35 "President Putin claims in the .midst of war, the entire military infrastructure has been destroyed"

Saturday, July 23, 2022

July 23

9:21 Remember what we were dancing jumping around on in discos back in the early 80s? Besides Funky Town, there was also Pop Music. Never saw the video or the artists until today (no it's not another Frank Frian or even Falco project though it sound like). Have a nice weekend everybody wherever you may be

(And the Buggles. Can't forget the classically inspired Buggles.)

11:20 To me the weekend didn't start very well. Last night got a mysterious sickness that probably arose from the redwood dust i inhaled yesterday combined with bad strawberies (couldn't find apricots at WinCo and strawberries were bad). After they planted 5 dog poops next to the hydrant at the beginning of the week as punishment because i used the word b...t, a profanity as masons would say while they screwing us all, politely, i let the sliding door open all day yesterday. However large amounts of redwood dust this time came through that door. Last night or this morning at 1 AM i discovered the source. A bad sprinkler that was creating a flow of water that washed the dust into the alley and from there, was milled and raised in the air by WHEELS. But i suspect the "natural" release from the alley is supplemented from somewhere above in the building. Because of the pain, i drank a lot and a Sheriff's deputy was waiting for me last night in the same spot at the border between counties where i got fined 2 years ago by the Hungarian son of Terri Davie. Back then he caught me on radar some 1 mile away. Not last night though i almost went over 65 down that hill. As i was sobering up i became more and more sick and barely drove back home, especially that the tires' pressure went down to 34 (though the temperature was not that low) and  the car was slightly drifting making it difficult to drive which means i have an alignment problem (now that i wrote it here i will have to fix it). Main symptom. My stomach was full and refluxing while i was driving and refused to empty, for hours.

The irritating dust finally went down in my digestive system. This morning when i went for my walk i met with a ninja who was bent showing me his butt while hammering something in his tan Nissan Frontier at the Meridian parking lot, fist row where i could see him clearly. Right after at the hosptial back alley i saw in a black SUV with illegal tinted windows and LPN JND (and a number) a guy who looked like "Mircea Baniciu". During the walk a group of 4 small identical planes where flying very low on diamond formation over the residential area, passing me twice, hoping i will take a picture of them. Related to the post with Earth Magnetic Field. I don't know why they did it so i didn't take the picture.

Right after, the irritating dust helped by the hammering ninja made its way to my lower colon and a initiated a severe diarrhea episode. Next 5-10 minutes was a time that could be meant to show me my life is not that bad, generally. Thinking. Is the restroom in the park's parking that was half mile away open? Imagining the moment i pushed  that knob and the door will be stuck. Seriously considering going in the woods, when i saw a brand new empty transparent plastic bag on the road. After a few more mishaps, meeting with all kinda clowns, forcing me to detour my way there, i finally made it. Probably the third time in 7 years in that restroom. Well maintained and clean. Got back in the street and at Stonesthrow i wanted to cross after a car passed in a spot i usually do. But from around the corner came another car, right after the first one,  that i have barely seen with the corner of my eye. Should i didn't see that one and crossed, it would have taken me on the hood. At the wheel, trying to cover his face with his hand, Billy Steel, chief of local Police here.

Right now, that door is open again (cause of the lingering dog poop smell) and the room is again full of invisible electrified redwood dust and of course i'm in pain again.

2:00 I think i got lucky with this idea of fog and clouds actually being maintained by electrostatic forces. Each droplet is electrically charged (missing electrons that is) according to the potential of atmosphere at formation altitude when emerging through the tridimensional gate of temperature, pressure and humidity which is the dew point (which is actually a surface) repelling the others. Without being charged with the same (positive) charge, droplets would coalesce and fall as rain immediately. I did a google search and the only research i found is since 1960 and that one is quite vague.

2:21 Earlier this morning i swept dust in the parking lot, but i missed exactly the area in front of the mailboxes. I tried several times to go and finish it but each time there was a car there. Just tried to go again but stopped behind my car where there was a pile of some white powder fallen from a car and took that one first and what did i see. Pitbull together with his writer landed at the mailboxes. I went back inside and he gave me a look with colored reflecting eyeglasses so i could see his face well. Ok now i grabbed the broom and dustpan to go again, opened the door and there she was with her dog in front of the door. Looks like her.

4:03 Western Robotics.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

We Should Have Been

by Ana Blandiana

We should have been born old,
And come wise,
Able to pick our fate in the world,
Knowing our way since the primary crossroad,
Be irresponsible only in our wish to walk.
Then become younger (by walking),
Mature and strong at the gate of creation,
Passing it through and in love adolescents,
Be children at birth of our sons.
They will be then older than us, anyways,
Would teach us to talk, would rock us to sleep,
We'll disappear more and more, become small,
Like the pearl of a grape, like a pea, like a wheat seed.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Ruby Wednesday

They simply know how to pick their timing. Last Sunday i started to fill out (on line, it is possible now) a small claim in the Washington County Court regarding the real reason for failure and recalls of the Hyundai. My car did not fall under recall of course because for some reason they didn't have engine seizures for this type. That third party web site where i was filing, right after i was done that is describing the issues, they asked me to electronically sign and testify under penalty of perjury that did my best efforts to recover my loss (from the plaintiff). So i sent without much hope an email to Hyundai Motor America with a copy of that description and they of course asked me first to talk on the phone, they picked a moment when i was driving, got the message when i got home and also an email basically saying the vehicle is out of warranty which is obvious.

Ever since i started the claim, they scheduled (AI, endless parade) Kia Souls to drive in front of me besides SUBARUs of which i complained about the name. Sub are you, that is subhuman. And the logo. One big star at the NW (New White Shinto) and 5 little ones scattered in the rest of it.

BTW today i was passing under the light signals on Marti-nazzi St in Tualatin and all of a sudden i had a revelation. (The shape of the poles and horizontal bars with the signs intrigued me from the beggining where i came to US cause though very efficient they require much engineering to stay in place over the years, being a very "unnatural" type of design). But to me the shape with the name Martinazzi on it now figures both a half gate and also a hanging pole.
So i got home and instead writing this blog post which (will, when i'm done) contain very important informations abut my activities and others' regarding my last matches.

So i took an advice today and tried to go to Tryon instead of Refuge. I recon the hills provide more opportunities for exercising, i already had some sun to grow a bit levels of Vitamin D for this summer (your body accumulate that and stores it for months to come). However, got into trouble right after i arrived and Boones Ferry entrance. Forgot to say, when i left, i went in the back, took the picture with the sign, i knew i had my truck in the back, no reason to turn at the door and then i remembered i didn't look for new canine gifts around door, turned around only to see the woman with the red hair, of the same height and physical constitution with the Latina from F3 with the chair yesterday getting in her car to leave. Another avatar of Szabolcs i said to myself and went back to get my truck and go to the park. Forgot many details like LPNs and logos on the freeway, i forgot to take Boones Ferry, that would have given me some delay since all that area in Lake Oswego is under construction (lots of areas under construction around here lately). At the entrance in the refuge i pulled the bottle of water i  had with me, wasn't fitting in any pocket and i just drank some and put the rest back in the car. That delay was enough for the guy with curly red hair and bear and a dog (a gray terrier i think) to come by on foot up the street. He looked at me, sort of embarrassed like, a couple of times, while i was plainly staring at him. Cause he was again Szabolcs. He passed my car and stopped at the entrance of the trail showing his back and had a chance to take a good look at his constitution. That is thinking what chances i had if i gotten into a fight with him. Though athletic, back and hands were more like women's with strong torso and legs. And when i looked at the legs, i saw under shorts hairs that were grayish but not red. I thought to myself, if he can fight then his strength must be in his kicks and some unknown ninja tricks. I was thinking later. The man allowed his body to grow like this over the years for the sole purpose of looking like a woman, for easier disguise, his specialty. Cause here in the complex he's already got at least 4 women's avatars. (S..., they came with the blowers and i forgot to water the dust around building).

Ok so i just got back at the wheel, turned around, and drove to where he came from only to see a road closure and a detour sign. I looked at the bridge they were re-building and said to myself. Can't be more than half mile detour (BTW why don't they write how many miles the detour is, it would be very easy to calculate now with google maps and everything). So i followed the signs, drove about 3 miles and got at the intersection of Terwilliger and Boones, coming from west this time of course.

Should have been distracted by something and instead of following Terwilliger where i was driving on i took a right again on Boones and went down the road until i met of course with the other road block. Then i wanted to take a picture of the road block, pulled my phone, took a picture through the dirty windshield (BTW got to wash t his truck sometime) and when i wanted to open the window to take a clearer picture i realized there was this brick red SUV behind me. I thought he was waiting for me to make an U-turn so he can do his, gave up on taking that picture and started to turn only to see him in my peripheral vision that he started to make a left turn on the street perpendicular to Boones and was on collision course. He didn't make more than 3 ft when i saw him and of course i stopped and he stopped in that very instant and we were kinda face to face through windows and window was down like mine and had a change to take a good look at him and i'm 90% sure it was our Joe Biden. Red tanned, looking better than in the pictures (like i heard about Obama) he never lost his nerve, he said hi and smiled, but next to him i saw an old lady that went so frustrated by the fact it didn't work and she looked exactly like Barbra Bush. But couldn't have been cause she's dead, right? How about the actress who did her?

Of course my phone was on the seat next to me, these cameras work quite good in good light when you want to take a picture like for your memories, but are slow to start in situations like these, it didn't even cross my mind in that second. All i got is time and location from the picture with the road block.

So he was just staying there when i turned around and turned right on Terwilliger. I went at the Terwilliger entrance of the park, but most except a few spots next to curb were taken. I saw at least 4-5 cars with many kids getting out, all kinda slow motion with adults giving me strange looks. So i just left and drove back on Terwilliger. On the overpass waiting at the light signal for Barbour (99). I was maybe the 7th car in the row, the guys coming from opposite direction where giving me all kinda theatrical looks, like scared, worried, it turned green but first guy wouldn't move until somebody from behind me honked. It finally did but i'm pretty sure the guy in front of me and i passed on red. But the guy in front of me was again a brick red SUV and slowed unexpectedly while i was staring at the red light but stopped in time not to hit him.

Other that that. Got to pass again through 2 red/speed camera intersections on 99, i was careful to memorize how i did it and got at the refuge.

As i was parking a guy in a black t-shirt and his wife, both looking angry came and got in the SUV in front of me and left. As he climbed at the wheel i had a chance to see the back of this black T-shirt that was covered on his length by a thin white rectangle with something written in the middle, a bible quote starting with God is my Lord, whith huge letters. It reminded me of the bible studies in Ron Boger's house back in 97, of Ron Boger his wife Mary and i started to get mad and... i forgot my phone on the seat of the truck.

Entered the refuge and i saw the bush with blue flowers had the flowers more open then ever ans sun was behind a cloud and bush was bright and everything and wanted to take a picture but realized my phone is in the truck, and went back and picked it (3 minutes walk).

Then on the trail i met with a woman that first i though was Meryl Streep but when she said an aggressive hi and smiled at me i realized she was younger.

I continued walking and after a mile or so i heard a military jet. Haven't heard one of those since i posted a match with a colonel here at the base. Then i've been thinking. They could have messed with my phone while i walked 3 minutes on the trail without it etc..

Monday, September 4, 2023

September 4th

2:00 AM. I wrote on August 14. I am 99% sure this guy was the one who lived here upstairs for approx. 2 years, since March 21. A practitioner, he had done numerous things and caused me big problems but in the end he left to make room to another one way more aggressive.

I am not sure what nationality he is, he could be French mixed with Japanese, but to me he surely looks like a brainwashed maniac, like all ninja.

When i lived in Lake Oswego they had this ninjutsu dojo right at the end of A street, for anybody to see. Then after i took this picture they moved somewhere else.

There, at 47 Eagle Crest, at apt.2 or two levels below us was living Jinichi Kawakami himself, and Sargent Sparkle of the Lake Oswego Police was János Áder. That, after LO Police chief died, 2 months after i moved there. In the next apartment or nr.9 first was Lindsay Lohan and then Kelly Clarkson etc. etc..

At a certain time i was living there ex President Barack Obama issued an order banning 10 Hungarian officials from entering the US. Recently the Visa Waiver program for Hungary was all suspended. But then President Obama himself came one day to pick me up from Steve's shop as a driver of a yellow cab... Like in the movie (and they completely blocked 217 and it was the only vehicle going towards Tualatin).

It is no secret that most ninjutsu techniques, or skills how they call them, which are nothing like karate or judo and stuff, are highly illegal. It involves mainly spying or violating someone's privacy, influencing, and other things described in their own manual. In fact there is a disclaimer at the beginning saying...

In the US most public dojos don't advertise themselves anymore as ninjutsu. They found a way to introduce the stuff under the name "bujinkan" from which they extracted the dangerous or publicly unteachable stuff.

Then how come someone comes to the US to teach these things and no law enforcement agency, nobody, raise their eyebrows? Or better said, open their eyes?

But is not only teaching. They are actually using their skills against citizens of the US.

Could it be because the capital is called Wa Shinto and there is a statue of the main Shinto goddess Amaterasu in Liberty Island in Upper New York Bay?

2:40 Tonight he came home (like his predecessor he only pretends the goes to work somewhere) at around midnight. Let us fall asleep and then at 1 started the AC (It's 60 degrees right now outside) that makes a horrible noise inside but mostly nothing outside, on frequencies they cannot be recorded by the way it was installed and then started to smoke and of course squeaking the floor. I knocked in the wall a couple of times, he stopped then he started again like almost openly looking for a confrontation but luckily i know who he is.

9:45 O știre bizară și greu de crezut care a apărut în SUA pe 25 august. Pentru că tipul seamănă cu cel din primul video de mai sus. Și pentru că mă plâng continuu de zgomot. Și faza cu injecția cu steroid. Iar ei au ales să reitereze această știre acum. Modul lor de a scurtcircuita informații.

99% din locuințele americane, din care 90% sunt case, sunt făcute din lemn. Cadre de lemn cu panouri de lemn presat de 10 mm sau 12 mm și gips aerat în interior to așa de 10 sau jumătate de inch, doar podeaua de mai groasă, un inch format din două straturi de lemn presat cu clei, care sunt deosebit de zgomotoase.

La case mai merge pentru că familiile stau singuri, deși nu există nici un fel de intimitate (privacy). De aceea copiii când ajung la o anumită vârstă, pleacă. Orice discuție, orice activitate în dormitor se aude de oriunde în "casă". De unde au luat americanii modelul acesta de construcții? Nu din Europa. Se poate vedea în primul video de mai sus, la început.

La apartamente care în marea lor majoritate sunt cu parter și etaj, situația este dezastruoasă. Totul depinde de noroc iar eu nu am avut noroc. Se aude orice bă...ă. Dacă sforăie cineva. Am auzit pe vecina de alături, o babă, sforăind ani de zile.

Toți vecinii mei de deasupra au fost la fel. Un exemplu recent? Vecinul de sus m-a trezit după ce m-a ținut treaz ieri noapte, până la 4, după 4 ore și jumătate de somn, doar târâind un scaun pe podeaua din bucătărie, care la el e din bambus iar la mine din linoleum.

Deși normal se aude ca o Niagară, nu aud niciodată apă trasă la toaletă sau duș, sau pe cei doi vorbind (se presupune că sunt două persoane din moment ce el pleacă dimineața "la job" iar ea rămâne non stop să scârțâie după gândurile mele), nu îi aud niciodată vorbind. Cu o excepție sau două în 2 sau 3 luni de când sunt aici când se auzea așa de clar încât aș fi înțeles tot ce spun, însă ei vorbeau în spaniolă și înțelegeam doar unele cuvinte.

Cu toate astea, azi dimineață când m-am dus la baie, cineva a venit cu pași hotărâți după mine, s-a așezat în același timp cu mine, am auzit zgomot de pipi iar apoi s-a tras apa. Sincronizare. Ritualuri. Kali.

Se aude orice pas, dar nimic altceva.

De ce atâta înverșunare? Acum, poate pentru ce postez, mai înainte poate pentru ce aveam vârât în cap de unii patrioți români, din timpul facultății. Nu știu.

Însă e mult mai mult de atât. Până la urmă, te poți obișnui cu programul vecinului și poți dormi și tu deși poate mai puțin dar sunt convins că ei sunt aici cu același scop ca cei dinainte, că au ceva device-uri cu infraroșu, poate mai bune ca astea, și de multe ori fac zgomot la creșterea temperaturii feței, care trădează emoții.

Am un aparat de măsurat microunde fiindcă nu mai suport nimic din zona aceasta. Nu mai pot folosi nici telefonul. Într-o zi, pe 15 august, a început să bipăie constant iar sursa era clar de deasupra. Și-au instalat probabil un router nou, nu știu, semnalul e mult mai puternic (>10 mW/m2) decât de la un router, sau poate chiar decât un telefon. La acele nivele eu încep să am dureri ușoare după o oră de expunere și nu am avut de ales.

M-am dus la supermarket, am cumpărat câteva suluri de folie de aluminiu de 40 cm lățime, 8 metri lungime și am pus pe o parte din tavan, începând cu dormitorul. Cu pioneze bineînțeles fiindcă "tavanul" e din gips aerat de 10 mm care e foarte moale, cam la nivel de un lemn foarte moale. Dacă ar fi gips masiv nu ai putea să bagi o pioneză.

Semnalul acela a încetat în mare parte dar ceva curios și neașteptat s-a mai întâmplat. Pentru câteva zile au încetat zgomotele. Pașii care mă urmăreau tot timpul prin casă. A ținut vreo săptămână după care au început, din nou, treptat. Am mai adăugat niște fâșii din alea pe tavan, și s-au oprit iar. Ieri noapte iar a apărut semnal în pat în dormitor, am mai pus o fâșie.

S-a dus în bucătărie, a târâit scaunul pe jos, am adormit, dar a venit după o oră, a pornit AC-ul din geam deși afară erau 15 grade C, care jos se aude ca un tractor (dar curios, nu se înregistrează pe laptop fiindcă frecvența e foarte joasă și nici nu se aude de afară), a început să fumeze iar fumul normal vine prin toate crăpăturile și îmbinările unde există doar vopsea, și nu am mai dormit până la 4 și jumătate timp în care am scris aici mai sus.

După care azi aud iar că rușii i-au trezit pe gălățeni din somn.

Ăsta nu e război. Este un veșnic prilej de intimidarea României, a Europei. Ca și pandemia. Cine știe ce se întâmplă acolo pe front. Acum câteva zile am postat (un link la un) un articol BBC care arată că nimic nu s-a schimbat pe front în ultimele luni, Imaginile, video-urile care apar sunt puține și nu confirmă că ar fi un război. Citeam nu știu unde că sunt sute de mii de morți, mai ales de partea Rusiei dar totul depinde de surse.

După care Zelenski l-a demis pe ministrul apărării.

O lege a bunului simț spune că într-un dezastru sau război la un mort apar 2-3 grav răniți cu sechele permanente, deci ar trebui să fie sute de mii de invalizi de ambele părți. Și video-uri. Apar foarte puține video-uri cu războiul propriu zis, cu sute de morți zilnic.

Totul pentru că și conducerea Ucrainei și cea a Rusiei (sau a oricărei țări) este controlată până la cele mai mici gesturi de aceeași entitate, care undeva au un supercomputer sau mai multe care simulează tot ce se întâmplă în lume și au pus-o de un război ca să-i facă pe toți să uite ce se mai postează pe unele bloguri iar situația în care ei controlează totul dar în mod secret să nu se schimbe.

Peste toate astea, mai vin și niște grase din rasa "europeană" de la vest de România și lasă permanent cel puțin un kk de câine pe lângă clădire, probabil pregătit special, sau de câine bolnav, și totul începe să miroase așa, mi se face greață permanentă iar b...e mele miros a kk de câine, nu de om și îmi vine să vomit când trag câte una iar aici, în mașină, miroase ca în grajd.

10:40 Kali, zeița timpului și a sincronizărilor. Pe 23 August în mod simbolic au programat o asfaltare în parcare, iar mirosul de smoală e prezent și acum, urmată de lucrări de înlocuire a țevii de canalizare, care continuă, iar sâmbătă au tăiat tufișuri cu scule de 100 dB la sursă. Orice ușă de mașină trântită în parcare care de obicei se aud câte zece la rând se sincronizează cu ceva. Etc. etc. etc..

11:25 El (adică mașina) e plecată de ore bune, era liniște, mă gândeam să mă culc, l-am înjurat pe Elton John în gând (fiindcă nu reușesc să pun link-ul la momentul când vreau eu) și ca niciodată cineva a tras apa sus apoi s-au auzit pași și apoi scaunul pe podea în bucătărie. Dar nu s-a oprit pe acolo, a început să mișune. Undeva în complex a apărut o vibrație de la o mașină care rezonează cu pereții subțiri.

12:12 Went to take the garbage and also grabbed a used bag from groceries and went looking for poops. A small plane passed at 200 ft making a very loud noise, like during a take off. A  helicopter making a similar noise followed (i don't know what the reason for those is but it happens most times). I found a very well camouflaged one, also watery like from diarrhea, and hard to remove and threw it in the SW bin. On top of the bin cover there was another one in a green bag, from an unsuccessful throw. They always change places and shape and stuff...

1:52 Haven't heard or thought of Soke Anshu in a long time. I stopped completely any inquires regarding her after i figured, in terror, that she also lived upstairs, for a few months. But being pure American, she could have been beneficial. However i just remembered one very important thing she once said in a video. The gate. To commune. I think this is what Alexa is doing in the videos. Communicates. And maybe steals your soul. For these reasons, others, i believe she was trained in ninjutsu.

I long suspected that Soke Anshu uses sex to attract followers, i don't know where. But as a transgender she got limited range of attractiveness. Alexa is a more modern, sexier version of Soke, without the fighting techniques and muscles and stuff. Just pure sex. Keeper of the gate of the lover as some would say.

So it turns the aluminum foil on the ceiling do not block IR devices, but something much deeper. As i long suspected, the ninja master the technique of what we call telepathy by some sort of electric field means. All you have to do is tune in and get in phase with someone and she provides that through the videos. And yes, Steve Harwell is "dead" two days after i posted the link (ends...). He done a great psychedelic video out of his time.

7:12 Kim

More Kim.

9:30 Wanted to air the apartment but was not sure if there is no dog poops outside. Went to check, this time a large plane was making noise and two young women came with a dog. Went back inside, started to air, a hole popped in the ground and i was flooded with a heavy smoke resembling burning cokes or coal smokes. Went quickly and plugged that one.

9:57 However there was one more close to the corner of living and the smoke got to my head before i plugged that one.

Friday, December 1, 2023

December 1st

3:36 Până la urmă s-au constituit Statele Unite ale Austriei, fiindcă iată, Austria controlează prin veto-ul său această Uniune Europeană din care noi suntem pe post de vasali și ăsta nu e decât începutul. A și chestia cu elitele. Stalin a avut grijă, acum nu mai avem nici o elită iar liderii fac liniștiți pe proștii.

10:05 În SUA asta este o crimă (infracțiune pe românește) în sine și se pedepsește începând de la 3 luni la 3 ani și (depinde de stat, împrejurări etc.). În Germania, până la 3 ani. (click dreapta, traducere).

10:16 Aceeași chestie și la ruși. După ce am încercat să arăt că mai mulți lideri ai lor, dictatori care au cauzat/cauzează dezastre inimaginabile la ei și în lume au fost/sunt actori unguri, apare o știre cu teatru, pentru a distrage atenția. Ultima dată când am abordat subiectul a fost un incendiu la acoperișul unui teatru la ei etc..

Apropo știți ce legătură este între cuvintele țar și kaiser? Amândouă vin din latinul caesar. Primii țari ruși au fost din dinastia... Romanov! Și imperiul rus dar și cel sfânt roman s-au considerat continuatoare ale imperiului roman.

11:17 Eu când de exemplu sunt în bucătărie să gătesc ceva nu mă gândesc la ceea ce fac. Adică merg pe automat. Capul îmi stă doar la ce postez. Așa s-a întâmplat și acum. Au rămas bucăți și bucățele din jambonul cumpărat de Thanksgiving cu cuponul Angelei de la servici așa că am pus nișe fasole de ieri la muiat și acum am fost să le dau foc (cu zeama scursă după un clocot, nu știu cât de eficientă e chestia).

(Astfel m-am conformat cu noua tradiție post revoluționară, una din puținele, fără să plănuiesc).

A venit cel de sus și a început să izbească în zona bucătăriei în niște moduri inimaginabile, ca și cum ar sări cineva de pe un scaun pe podea (un exemplu). Bineînțeles ca să nu mă pot gândi la ce să mai scriu. Se sparie creierul. Mă simt ca și cum mi-a tras cineva cu o măciucă în tâmpla din dreapta sau parcă am făcut hernie de creier.

Ok deci am venit iar la calc și am încercat să caut data cu incendiul de la teatrul muzical parcă din Moscova și ce am găsit. Apropo de dezastre cauzate de lideri absoluți. Da știu Putin a venit ca o salvare după un bețiv destrăbălat). Și totuși parcă era mai funny cu Elțin. Ваше здоровье!

11:35 Falsh. Falco. Falcon.

1:03 Vigilenți sau vigilante?

3:13 It is true. I have been recently suggested by an American patriot ninja that i should try not to face the scanner. The trained ninja who know how to read minds. Because of the gate that has something to do with pineal gland central anterior cortex which is close to your forehead.

I remembered that last night when i was out of options with the very aggressive one that has been transplanted upstairs so i tried to move my head away from where i thought they were upstairs and voila. They stopped every time.

Again it's not the clowns that climb the stairs. The real ninja descend from the roof comming from the Apt.4.

This news should be very exciting for everybody. While ninjutsu is available for everyone and you could learn it from books and scrolls, very few have access to those. But scientists now have an opportunity to study it.

I know when i covered most of the ceiling with aluminum foil they stopped for a while (a week) and they came back slowly, within a month. That's how long it took to explore and train to go with those. And even then, they have tp use the "narrow" lane left uncovered to get to me.

So it's electric in nature. A form of communication probably ancestral, written in our genes, built in our brains, but something that is not immediately available to our conscious mind.

The possibilities. The savvy savages that are the ninja only use it for extracting information, sometimes applying instant karma, trying to hush or influence back the source. The most amazing (ancient) tool for espionage and influencing.

3:25 This is most annoying, that i have to write this i mean. What happened since the moment i left the apartment and came back from the stores. But i have to do it cause it's as important as the above.

I experienced with electric brooms like an alternative between two vacuuming. I produce lots of crumbles in the area in front of the couch. It's the only alternative to vacuuming on the carpet and it works on hardwood floor too.

I head a Shark for years and then it broke. Weak point: The swivel. And i ordered on Amazon one that i thought it was better. Black and Decker, with lithium battery. But it was not as good as the Shark. Higher RPM but smaller brushes, it needed more passes and was easily blocked by hair. But i broke that one too when i tried to clean it with water. One drop of water on the fragile PCB and it won't charge no more.

Then i said ok, let's try one with no battery and electric motor. The old "manual" type. It's got rubber wheels that turn the brushes. Even more passes needed than the B&D, was pushing some of the stuff in front of it and would not work on margins and ends. And if there was some serious stuff like yesterday a very fine layer of corn meal in kitchen area (from a punctured bag), the rubber wheels wont turn no more (not making contact with the floor).

Ok so i looked and found at Walmart one cheaper then on Amazon. Available in store. They were two options, one like the one i head and the 12 inches one. My place is not so big so i fixed my mind on the regular one.

3:32 Boom boom boom. He sneaked on my left and got in front of me and started to stomp really hard on his floor (which happens to be my ceiling).

Ok so i left and first think i noticed again smoke, probably cocaine outside and a hole very hard to see except right from above. As i got to my truck, i saw the religious figure holding a conference to three other people, some with badges. I looked back and i saw upstairs the blinds were removed from the front of the glass sliding doors, a bed pulled next to those and something like a pillow and two hands raised with a phone.

So i left. At Walmart, the same feeling, like i stepped in a giant live theater with one thousands cameras on the ceiling and everybody acting up. I made my way to the vaccuums area which BTW has moved again. Got a few other items and went at the check stands. In the same time with me to women dressed in blue blocked the exit of the self checking area.

I first scanned the Shark and surprise. It was the more expensive 12 inch Shark. So i put it back in my cart and left while the two women came right at the stand to cancel my items. Though i know it cancels itself after a number of seconds. I immediately started to think. On cameras it all looked like they prevented me from taking off with the merchandise.

On the bay the item was under the wrong label. They were only 3 more of the same type. A small XL probably stands for 12 inches, no other indication. So i went back to checkstands. A guy with a T-shirt saying Security Officer started to follow me. I stopped and let if pass ahead.

A whole different type of show was ready for me but i will only mention one thing. A woman came with a cart and there was a handbag open with all consent visible a few inches behind my back for the whole period of time.

They were hundreds of people who intentionally performed a live show the whole period i was there. Basically all the people in there. Same at WinCo i was after that. Today theme was me shoplifting, stealing, subliminal only. The level of coordination between those indicate AI scripting and synchronization. All of the must have had something in their ear to tell them wat to do.

Same on the streets with meaningful LPN, brands chosen for the sequence and logos and slogans and everything. Where is the reality, people?

5:00 La vie en rose. Let the weekend begin!

10:07 Wanna listen to and see TheRealCher (without the silly makeup and "clothes"?) Have a nice weekend everybody!

How about Sonny Bono in 2015? (lipsinking, the voice track is decades old). Yes in Romanian copii means children. It's a Sanskrit word, gopya. Numai copii, only children. A world of children, this what we have become.

10:33 Pour les Roumains. (O explicație).