Friday, October 18, 2024
Kali Yuga
There is some evolution in the creation of the breeds of dogs. From the initial results of inbreeding, many probably did not survive.
We can see from the start different races of dogs have different "temperaments". That is a genetic predisposition of running high on certain hormones or their brain wired in a certain way. I don't know if i can find right now but sometime i read on a site that is not "humane" to cross certain breeds because the result would be too much stress on the resulting dog, due to conflicting traits.
Just googleed something about humans though. Current mainstream theories say we all evolved from a single person. But try to imagine. For that to happen, lots of inbreeding should have occurred. First generation of humans, like the Bible says, should all have been siblings, right? Can't begin to imagine the result of those inter "marriages", and the following generations.
Instead i believe a more parallel type of evolution occurred. A larger number of humans must have underwent separately a number of similar mutations, due to similar living conditions.
This could have happened during evolutionary bottlenecks. When the evolution was significantly accelerated due to lower number of humans due to harsh living conditions, with the price of loosing some genetic inheritance from our ancestors, the chimpanzee. One of them was probably their strong muscles.
Chimpanzee muscles are different from those of humans and are times stronger. Humans also lost the acuity of smell and hearing and senses in general and developed larger brains and the ability to do planning.
Though the chimpanzee that were not mutated into humans survived as species as well.
But i have no idea until today that during the last ice age the human population on the entire Earth was reduced to 600 individuals. However, the author is ignoring one thing. Was that a single group? Could have been other survivors in different part of the planet, and those underwent different type of mutations?
Thawing of the continental ice moved again the water into the oceans and that started to rise oceans levels and that was perceived by humans as floods, and the legend of a flood is central in most recorded cultures on Earth (that could all have come from the same source though).
It is said during last ice age aboriginal Australians have been genetically isolated from the rest of humans for around 50,000 years (that number vary from author to author, some giving more or up to 70 k, some less. Not clear how great was their numbers, but must have been comparable to the 600 number above.
My hypothesis is. What if during the last ice age biological and evolutionary bottleneck they underwent a separate set of mutations than the 600 in all the other continents together or maybe they did not underwent any, as the last ice age has been milder in the Southern hemisphere.
Creating or keeping humans with a rather volcanic "temperament", way of planning, "reasoning" etc..
Time have passed and humans in the connected continents in the North flourished and gave birth to civilizations.
I believe this is the "ages" we hear about in the Hindu culture. Also. All the ice ages are cyclical. The Kali age (Sanskrit yuga), which name seem to be related to the goddess Kali, which name may come from the aboriginal word kylie, known to us as boomerang. We also hear from Hinduism of naraka, which became (corresponds to) Hell in European tradition.
This could have repeated (history always repeats itself, mostly because our brains are pre-programed or wired in certain ways) and on the largest scale, climate is cyclical and Hindu even has a measure for the cycles. Could these cycles be the true meaning of the curse of Samskara.
According to them, we live (again) in an age when Hell has spelt over the rest of the Earth.
The clash began indeed during the time mentioned for starting of Kali Yuga, when slave based agriculture states flourished in Egypt and Mesopotamia, pyramids were built, and the battles described in Mahabharata occurred, one of the enemies being the snakes (nagas, noongars, magas, etc..), all as a result of waves of invasions from south that started at the beginning of Kali Yuga and lasted until Huns and Attila, but that could be the only exact time in the description of the cycles that all must be much shorter.
Question. Could the last ice age on Earth have been started by humans?
Friday, October 4, 2024
Dominicani - Domini Cani - Lord's Dogs
7:47 I titled this blog post Dominicani which is plural for Latin Dominicanus. The English translation is Dominicans, or Black Friars. It is unclear to me what the word friar means in this context but i will clarify as i go. Dominican is religious order within Catholic Church.
Question is, what are religious orders and why the Catholic Church, which at the time was very well organized and hierarchized needed religious order and what are really those? Again i will try to clarify this as well but it will take time.
First thing first. The order was founded in 1216 by pope Honorius III at the request of Dominic, later St.Dominic. Here is an impression of that pope. But why is he curled in this image like a dog? He even has some garments suggesting a dog's tail.
I think i should try to solve this mystery, before even bringing St.Dominic into equation. Dominicani is a playword in Latin. The reason i wrote it like this. It can mean Domini Cani which means dogs of God.
It is very interesting how the word friar evolved in English yet into another playword. Coming from French frère - brother. Cause it goes against common sense. Why would someone consider himself a friar rather than simply a brother? Why invent another word for brother in English, one that sound kinda weird. French fries? Fry's brothers?
Why the need for religious orders inside (or maybe outside of?) an already well organized church which remains basically the same today, with bishops, vicars, pope, etc.?
Dominican order was officially founded by Pope Honorius III as mentioned above. But Dominic started preaching about 10 years earlier. Preaching what? Is that St.Mary or a nun praying to a dog with horns and a torch in his mouth? Which reminds of a Dacian Draco, or plainly a fire blowing dragon with the Sun or maybe even a Chrysanthemum on the background?
Why Dominic? It kinda overlaps with again the Latin name for Lord, Dominus.
Let's jump a couple of centuries to the times of Spanish Inquisition which was mainly directed against Jews. One of their main tools was fire, either to test or execute "heretics". Anybody sees already a connection here?
The "Cross of St.Dominic" (why so many types of crosses) may include a swastika in it.
How many were killed? How many confessed under torture and how many confessed in exchange for their lives? BTW, 32000 out of 341000 is not 2.7%
St.Dominic is often portrayed with his head partly shaven, like Buddha. All friers are supposed to practice ascetism and give away their earthly possession, similar to Hindu ascets or Buddha who gave up is princely status to travel the world and learn about sufferance. In this image, St.Dominic even looks plainly Asian.
Rosary did not exist in Christianity until St.Dominic though it existed in Hindu and Buddhism thousands of years before.
Dominican Republic. It is unclear to me if the name has something to do with Dominicans (as the religious order) though more than 50% of the population there is Catholic. But when i looked at one of their churches i first saw the lotus as architectural motif. Lotus is a major symbol in Buddhism and could also represent fire. Same goes for many European cathedrals or Hungarian Parliament in... Buda (pest).
The Pope. The current Pope has high regards for Dominicans. I think i have made a mistake earlier. Some Dominicans were members of the regular clergy and some even became popes (so much for giving up earthly possessions). But it is unclear to me what is their influence in today's Catholic church, especially in Latin America.
The reason i started this post. Could Dominicans still hold certain rituals (ordeals, exorcisms) in which they test if someone is human or the devil, using dog's excrements, redwood, stepping on someone's head like in a torture chamber, things like that? Like they did (energicaly stepping above creating thunder like sounds) soon after i started (to write) this blog post?
Buddha's sermon of 7 Suns. There are currently in Japan 3 emperors with the title Sun God. The one who abdicated, the one in title and one is warming up. Buddha's sermon message also coincide with St.Dominic dream.
Hungary. Domonkos means Dominican in Hungarian and it is a common last name in Hungary. Interestingly enough...
Soon after, their (first) king Stephen the Great got baptized and with him a large part of the leaders. Two centuries after them joining the Catholic Church, the religious mendicant orders appeared, under umbrella of Christianity but of obvious Buddhist inspiration, by all the evidence posted above.
There are (were) two tribes in Nepal, Magars (could be a variation for Mongols which may also come from noongars, check the pronunciation in Magyar), who were among other things mercenaries, possible guards of the silk road and Shakya, the clan in which Buddha was born.
So after all Hungarians (noongars) and Magyars are related though they came in Europe some 350 years apart...
Sunday, September 8, 2024
September 8
6:30 Port Angeles seems to be the logical choice for entry of ninja in the US. Especially if they had a hyperloop tunnel in the shallow waters along Aleutians, south of Behring sea.
7:30 911 was treason. But the story should always start with Minoru Yamasaki. He was carrying the name of god Yama, god of destruction in Hindu pantheon. But in Japanese Yama means mountain and could come from volcanoes.
The dynamic shape of the falling towers reminds of volcanoes, and their initial shape, of a gate of heaven.
The exploding concrete of falling pancake floors reminds of a city scale metsu_bushi. Though the speed of the falling floors was not that great to make regular concrete explode. Must have been a very loose concrete, with little cement in it (also since the did not play a structural role).
9:00 Atta (Toth) reminds of Attila but also of apa which in Hungarians means father. Toth "died" in 2018, the year i started the blog with matches which means those planes were remote controlled. Atta.
Monday, August 19, 2024
August 19
1:50 A venit răspunsul imediat. Faptul că a apărut acum deși așteptau aprobarea de săptămâni, spune ceva despre toți cei implicați în aceste "dezvăluiri".
2:00 AM Își mai amintește cineva când am spus că am văzut o instalație de răcire care înlocuia AC-ul la Indian Head, într-o zi foarte foarte caldă? Niște găleți cu gheață în fața unor ventilatoare de un metru diametru iar gheața se schimb la câteva ore. Funcționa, la o temperatură afară de 100 F (38 C).
Asta se întâmplă și pe Pământ, curenții de aer aduc căldură deasupra polilor și invers și funcționează ca un sistem de răcire planetar. Dar nu va mai fi nici o gheață de înlocuit când se vor termina calotele.
Mai mult decât atât. Calotele așa cum sunt acum, albe, reflectă o parte din radiația solară în spațiu, la fel ca și deșertul Sahara.
Atunci va începe ceea ce de mult a fost numit "runaway (greenhouse) effect", o încălzire rapidă și galopantă a Pământului, similară cu cea care s-a produs pe Venus, unde temperatura la suprafață (sub norii de acid sulfuric) este de sute de grade Celsius, suficient pentru a face totul la suprafața planetei ca fierul înroșit.
V-ați întrebat vreodată de ce sunt doi împărați-soare în Japonia? Cel abdicat și cel curent? Doi sori și cu cel de pe cer, trei, ca să fie ca în profeția lui Buddha (numărul total de sori va fi șapte, dar la trei totul devine ireversibil), interpretată de unii că trebuie să se întâmple acum și nu peste sute de mii de ani cum a spus el. Bine, dacă adăugăm și numărul de popi...
Și oamenii au trecut la treabă și au furnizat o mașină pentru tot omul de pe planeta asta, care e în stare să o cumpere și să o conducă.
Va fi Nirvana gratuită pentru toți iar blestemul reîncarnării și suferința care o aduce nu se va mai repeta, ciclurile reîncarnării se vor termina pentru toți fiindcă Pământul va fi prăjit.
Stingerea. Reunificarea sufletelor chinuite cu creatorul lor, Brahma.
Buddha cel istoric (care adică a trăit cândva) s-a născut ca un prinț în clanul Shakya din Nepal. Tradiția de pe vremea respectivă împiedica prinții bogați să vadă lumea, pentru a nu afla ce este suferința și a fi influențați. Însă tânărul prinț a fugit din palat și a aflat ce era suferința celor săraci, care pe atunci era enormă.
Mai mult decât atât, suferința se menține prin reîncarnări succesive conform religiei Hindu.
Astfel el a renunțat la titlul său și a plecat prin lume, în special în India unde a avut mai mulți guru, pentru a afla soluția la problema suferinței. Unii spun că această predică ce prevestește distrugerea Pământului de către 7 sori, este singura lui soluție. Alții că ar fi izgonirea ignoranței și iluminarea.
Poate predica celor 7 sori a fost un avertisment iar unii au luat-o ca profeție apocaliptică.
Și o parte din clanul lui Buddha și-au luat bagajele și au plecat în Europa împreună cu magarii, un clan înrudit, războinic, unde s-au stabilit în... Dacia, România de azi, ca secui, pentru a apăra de pe linia munților cetatea Buda și aurul din Transilvania și ca maghiari, peste populația hunică din Câmpia Panonică.
Scopul lor a fost religios, și anume implementarea soluției găsite de Buddha.
(Românii au fost prinși la mijloc și folosiți ca sursă de orice. Aurul a fost folosit timp de un mileniu pentru a schimb istoria Europei și a lumii etc.).
Soluția lui Buddha a fost infuzată în Biserica Catolică, prin visul mamei Sfântului Dominic. Inchiziția creată de dominicani a folosit arderile pe rug. Dar nu s-au oprit acolo.
Însă aș vrea să întreb ceva. Viața oamenilor s-a schimbat mult în special prin eliminarea ignoranței, sau prin știință, cealaltă soluție a lui Buddha, nu mai există acel nivel de suferință pentru cei mulți, cel puțin cea mai mare parte din ei.
Dacă Buddha s-ar fi născut acum, ar mai fi renunțat el la titlu, ar mai fi plecat el în India să afle soluția la suferință?
Shake them all off. All the liars and the dirty dirty cheats of the world... Isn't this song racist, the white swans shaking the brown ones that make them crawl on the ground and poop on their head? No ice for you!
Dar mai este o ipoteză. O navă gigantică în orbita lui Mercur care captează acea apă. După ce a captat-o pe toată de pe Venus. Ei nu au nevoie de planete pentru a supraviețui, dar au nevoie de apă (Nu poate recicla toată apa, ca în video-ul de mai jos). Hidrogen ca și combustibil. Și oxigen. Care alieni l-au trimis pe Buda să-i înnebunească pe pământeni ca să-și dea singuri foc la valiză.
Apa poate cădea spre Soare numai pe direcția discului (planului) pe care orbitează planetele, deci va ajunge și pe Venus și pe Mercur. Nu vorbesc de ploaie sau ninsori, dar pot fi vapori sau chiar picături care pot fi captați cu ceva.
O nava de dimensiunea aia are însă nevoie de ceva timp ca să se mute în altă parte. Zeci sau sute de mii de ani. Sau poate sunt ăia de pe Venus și vor sta acolo pentru mult timp. Fără alte informații, speculăm, speculăm.
Sunday, July 7, 2024
1:45 AM Minoru Yamasaki. Isoroku Yamamoto.
11:05 Japanese writing is very complicated and inconsistent. Same characters have different pronunciation and same words can be written in different ways. Besides, there are three different writing types that are sometimes mixed.
God Yama In Japan is called Enma (閻魔, prev. "Yenma"), King Enma (閻魔王, Enma-ō), and Great King Enma (閻魔大王, Enma Dai-Ō).
However, the Sanskrit name Yama is more widely known and could have been chosen for symbolism. I know from experience they will not do anything if there is not a god or a symbol attached to it. In the end it all needs to be gods' will and doing, as they are a very obedient and hierarchical people.
Or it all might be a karmic coincidence.
While running through all these this morning, after i had some sleep, i ran into other very interesting facts.
Some of the depictions of the name Yamato in Japanese rely on character 山 (pronounced yama) like in Yamamoto and some on 大和. However if you break 大和 in two you would have two different pronouncing syllables and 大 (pronounced Dà) means great. I think the names and words are pronounced mostly by historical designations and do not have anything to do with phonetics or linguistics as we know them so they are simply memorized.
To them it is probably as difficult to understand western logical writing and thinking as to us is to understand theirs.
山 (yama) alone means mountain in modern Japanese but its shape reminds of a trident, the weapon of Shiva, also a god of destruction. Japanese pantheon has been largely taken from Hindu, and there is a linguistic link between Shinto and Hindu.
Before being called Yamato the inhabitants of Japan were known to the Chinese as Wa.
Wa ワ kana was introduced in the 9-10 century with the katana (kana) script.
12:00 Ichishkiin.
George Washington is worshiped as god in some... wa shinto temples in Ha_waii.
1:13 Donors based campaigns are an illusion based on false perception. No matter how hard we try we cannot imagine how the candidates spend the amounts specified in media. How much can it cost a one on one debate in front of cameras, or a meeting in a remote area. It is a myth meant to maintain the illusion that only rich persons influenced by rich donors can candidate and the influence of donors after elections which are both offences to democracy.
Also in the link it is said Biden has been campaigning since January 2021. Then who was "running the country"? Or simply he was working two jobs hence the exhaustion?
2:00 Meme sintetic. O recapitulare simbolică și deturnare a tot ce am scris în ultimele zile. 7, India, distrugere, clădire cu etaje, buldozer cu spărgător de beton, etc..
3:25 At 911 it was treason. Fighter planes should have been risen the moment the first "hijacked plane veered of course and the contact with the pilot was lost".
If there was confusion, that meant anything was possible. It would have been normal to raise fighter planes to follow the rogue non responding plane, to try and contact the pilots and give directions visually, waiting for a decision. I think they would have been able to see the hijackers through the window.
It is said American Airlines 11 was in the air for 32 minutes before it crashed into the first tower. That simply cannot be true. From the lines below this statement it results it was 46. With climbing at 26000 the plane also lost a big amount of fuel. According to the map on Britannica, the distance for that flight was more than 300 miles, whereas a commercial airplane goes at about 500 mph.
It is said the plane hit the tower at 450 mph which is about 3 times the normal landing speed for that plane and about 10 percent over safety limit for that plane at sea level. You need at least 10 minutes to descend from 29000 ft to sea level at that speed. But how do you align with a straight street in New York that may be one mile long at 450 mph with no ILS, only on visual?
You could align with Hwy 9A however you will then hit the tower at about 30 degrees.
Fuel considerations. The range of an 766-200 ER is about 7500 miles and the fuel capacity is about 20 K gallons needed for the full range, or three times the distance to the official destination, LAX.
A 766-200 ER fuel consumption during take off and ascent to 30000 ft (greatest for any plane) is about 5000 gallons. So this cannot be true either.
Fighter jets scrambling protocol (1999).
\\//, the last cowboy.
Thursday, February 15, 2024
February 15
Ok so it is not the same. Scientology works with reactive mind during audit. However the reactive mind influences or can even take control of the conscious mind. However i conclude that Buddhists don't think the way we do. Probably one of the reasons we are in a such a mess these days.
1:40 I said yesterday that ninja steal. They do not steal in the literal sense, for a direct benefit of the value of one object or another. It is much worse. They steal information. And i will give you one example. In the beginning of car manufacturing in Japan they reverse engineered and copied all they could from Europe, for decades.
But they also steal you mind and thoughts literally. Even right now and for many years they deliver all kinda smokes to me. Nowadays they have a whole team of people that take turns upstairs and make noises and don't let me think when i write. I was their slave for a long time and they made a fool out of me.
8:38 Woke up in the smell of dog poop. Went and picked one from the grass but there was one in an open green bag (not knotted) hanging on the rim of the bin. Got nauseated by the smell. I saw two Asian women outside doing whatever and it was not for the first time i realized they were from Philippines. So are the people upstairs, so was the guy with two dogs i saw yesterday.
Then i remembered something. The logo of the management company of the complex is similar to the cross of the Dominican order (chapter, whatever) of the Philippines though combined with Mitsubishi logo type diamonds. I did a search to look and the first thing i saw was the 8 points star on the front of one of many depiction of the Saint Dominic, the founder of the order. The name of the management firm is CTL suggesting catholic.
He id credited with the invention of the rosary within Catholic Church, a Buddhist and Hindu tradition. St.Dominic's head is partly shaven, like of Buddhist monks.
Dominican Order is an organization within the Catholic Church named after St.Dominic which is responsible among other things for the birth of inquisition. Inquisition's punishment for "heresy" was burning at the stake.
Philippines used to be a Spanish colony, hence the name and religion. A small percentage of the population still speaks Spanish.
9:15 It is the first time when i realize four of the corners of the Scientology cross also reminds of shivalingas.
5:30 Is Tesla the most volatile stock ever? Today it went up 6.22% or 40 billions. 20 billion dollars is enough to end homelessness in the US.
9:11 I will go tomorrow again at Trader Joes on Bangy Rd, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 just to see if it's the same team stocking the shelves like half hour ago. The man did Radu Mazăre (peas), a colorful right extremist (no, those are not parodies, are displays in the open) who is supposed to be in jail in Romania like many others (none of them are realy in jail). Not because he was involved in my mother's death and me being tortured in Lake Oswego.
I was looking for some type of bread (they usually keep next to the door, Angela told me but i did not listen) on the area with breads and he cut inches in front of me and started stocking. Then he and his team members kept following me in the store moving unusually fast. One of them kept yelling "watches, wallets...". The place was surrounded with the same type of smoke like some times at the apartment. I was stunned, incapable of reacting.
Monday, January 29, 2024
Occult Domination by Asians of the United States
They woke me up with sporadic noises however now a heavy person or one who hops at every step makes the hole building shake. Is either when i read the news, do a search etc.. One can hear the stomps at the beginning and end of this file.
However i managed to find something. It is not only my perception that there is a link between Shintoism and Hinduism.There is a quote in the first page of the article above that tries to prove the Japanese text is almost entirely taken from Dà zhìdù lùn.
But my ideas came from somewhere else. The correspondence between Hindu gods and Japanese ones, like in the case of Daikokuten. Even the name Shinto seem to come from Hindu.
Wondering if the feminine power principle Shakti has something to do with the goddess Amaterasu, highest position in Shinto pantheon. Though Shinto tradition in Japan says Amaterasu legend is much older than middle ages.
The largest volcano by volume in the Cascade range, located in northern California is named Mt. Shasta. The name California itself and a myriad of other toponyms in the western United States remind of the name of goddess Kali, which today is marginal in Hindu religion. The name Nevada seems to come from Sanskrit.
Here is one more disturbing link. The name of the Capital of the United States (and the state of Washington, geographically closest to Japan) seem to come from Japanese Wa Shinto which in Japanese means Shinto Harmony.
The Capitol Building and Jefferson Memorial are built in a version in the shape of a Shiva Linga. Both domes have three bands reminding of Tripundra. However at the end of the alley that starts from the Capitol building there is a sort of Obelisk that reminds of Egyptian pyramids. But if you asked me, i'd say the whole valley of California, with Mt. Shasta at one end represent a Shiva linga.
George Washington himself who oddly looks like the face of the Sphinx is depicted on a fresco on the highest point of the dome of Capitol building as a god, worshiped nowadays by a Shinto Sect in Hawaii.
No wonder someone organized live shows in the town of Palisade, Nevada, that was at the origin of the wild wild west myth, to prevent European descending folks from the East to come over in large numbers in the west, especially after finishing of the trans continental railway.
It is my perception that the west nowadays is dominated by people from Asia, mainly Japanese in the State of Washington, Indians in California, etc., some masquerading as Latinos. Microsoft and Google headquartered in Seattle, Wahington and California is dominated by Indians. The mayor of San Francisco by example looks Japanese.
I myself have been "processed" in Vancouver, Washington (just north of Portland) in what seems to be a sacrificial ritual. (double quadruple confusion, Vancouver WA, US vs Vancouver BC, Canada, and Washington State vs Washington DC)
But nowadays i have neighbors that keep suppressing me using all kinda of illegal means, including remote psychological and physical torture with synchronized noise, dust and dog waste. The use of women in these actions seemed justified since they are not as sensitive to dog waste and also match the chaotic feminine destructive part of Shiva.
US music charts and radio stations playlists are dominated by Japanese women masquerading as Blacks and Latinas etc.
However white politicians and entertainers are figured by Hungarians who came in Europe from Asia in waves, last one from Nepal in 9th century.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
December 27
12:30 Ok mai bine mai devreme decât niciodată. După ce am băut un litru de cola fără zahăr dar cu puțină cofeină (jumătate cât într-o cafea la echivalent cutie) deci am vreo 150 mg cofeină la bord m-am hidratat puțin și am început să gândesc iar. Și iar nu e bine în știri.
Ăștia și-au dat iar foc la valiză (nu era nimeni înăuntru stați liniștiți) știrea e doar pentru forma clădirii, care amintește de o piramidă, energia capturată de piramidă de la soare (pe când avea căciulă de aur) și un cuvânt pe care nu l-am explicat. Ignitio care în latină înseamnă aprindere, și este la originea cuvântului românesc Ignat, care origine pare a fi uitată de bravii noștri lingviști. Momentul când lumina se aprinde, sau ziua începe iar să crească, 21 decembrie.
Însă ninja nu uită ce am scris și nu iartă nici o greșeală, motiv pentru care le spune martial arts.
12:50 Cerem dare de seamă a execuției bugetare pe obiective (proiecte) și ministere. Plafoanele din Legea Plafoanelor pe 2023 indică un total la Bugetul de Stat de 295 miliarde (care provine din taxe și împrumuturi), din care 63 miliarde pentru salarii bugetari (medici, profesori, polițiști, militari).
Apropo, m-am prins la o chestie. Bugetul Asigurărilor Sociale (pensiile) de 111 miliarde (care provine exclusiv din contribuția pentru pensii de pe fluturaș + 10% subvenție) este aproape dublu cât cel pentru salarii bugetari (de Stat) din categoriile menționate (link-ul de sus) de 63 miliarde.
Bugetul pensiilor speciale, de vreo 14 miliarde (din memoria mea slabă) vine din Bugetul de Stat, prin Ministerul Muncii. Însă nu înțeleg unde s-au dus 64 miliarde (credite de angajament) la acest minister ca să nu mai vb de totalul de 94,5.
Apropo, Ministerul Muncii administrează două bugete, cel al lui propriu, de 94,5 miliarde (2023, felia lui din Bugetul de Stat) și prin Casa Pensiilor din subordine pe cel al Asigurărilor Sociale, de 111 miliarde. Capisci?
7:20 I went earlier in the yard and looked at the apartment upstairs. A couple of young Indians i haven't seen before. I saw Indians climbing in the apartment above for the first time maybe weeks ago. Always smiling while screwing me when inside. Right now they just can't stop stomping seemingly trying to suppress my own thoughts.
7:38 I will never know where my next search is going to lead me to (due to the nature of internet and my own ignorance). Two maps of India. One with communist strongholds and the other with Kali temples. Kali, the goddess of time and death (of ego). On some depictions, one of her weapons looks like... (which i believe at origin was a boomerang).
The reason any individual initiative was blocked in Romania and generally during communism?
As for manifestations of individuality i have my own theories but i'm too pissed right now to write about.
Can you guys stomp one more time?
Ok. There it goes. One more time. Again. Again.
9:05 BTW Anybody knows where the word thug comes from?
11:50 But i believe the real cause was this.
BTW you can create temperatures lower than that (vacuum absolute, free of quanta, static or moving at the speed of light) by splitting photons however i would strongly advise not to try this at home, you could revert time, open wormholes and fall in those, or a hole all the way to the center of the Earth or branch out parallel Universes and stuff.
Saturday, December 23, 2023
Mount Meru
I believe i identified the original Mount Meru from Hindu mythology, described in Mahabharata and also mentioned in Puranas. However, not in the Himalayas but again close to Ancient Egypt, though not the Great Pyramid and still close to the geographic center of the Earth that BTW could have changed in the meantime due erosion of shore lines, changing of water level or raising of the land.
The pyramids at Giza were too old and also "non functional" at the time of the events described in the epic poem which some say must have been be around 200 BC but i don't agree with that either. Mt.Meru probably existed and was functional @1500 BC when some say Aryan Invasion happened in India.
One can figure how important it was by the google description above. Five peaks. The adobe of Gods. Could have been the gods involved in the epic battle. It is well known that in Mahabharata are described some events that can show the involvement of aliens (or time travelers), including intercontinental tunnels, travel to the Moon, vimanas, superweapons, things like that. Golden because the surface has to be conductive.
Island of Meroë. Must have been an island sometime, or at least surrounded with trenches with water which coincides with some descriptions of the "mountain". I would think the water was needed, like in the case of subterranean water under the Great Pyramid for dampening something emitted alongside the pyramid.
There are currently 200 pyramids in that place that could be the echoes of the 5 original ones which as the description of Mt.Meru says, were covered with gold. It is said to be the residence of King Padmaja Brahma.
However when i googled that king's name this is what i found out. Kushasthali coincides with the name of the kingdom of Kush where the pointed pyramids are. Subsequent name is Dvārakā, also known as Dvāravatī (Sanskrit द्वारका "the gated [city]", possibly meaning having many gates.
Stargates? Time travel gates? Novus ordo seclorum.
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
September 6
In all poses in Europe he tilts his head down, opens his eyes to hide the eye deformity all Japanese have (an extra or missing tiny muscle at the eye lid or something). In Japan he closes his eyes but raises eyebrows (the natural attitude of his culture) and adds stuff to the ears in the makeup room to make sure nobody ever recognizes him.
2:18 And BTW i always thought the French were smarter then the rest of us and had a great admiration and respect for their history and culture.
9:47 Yes i can confirm one more time, they master a form of telepathy. This morning i was tired, wanted to sleep some more, he went somewhere between 7 and 8 like usually and when he came back he woke me like 5 times exactly in the moment when i was about to "pass the gate". Usually after a number of times they do so they let me fall asleep, but is a different kind of sleep. Jinichi had done the same in Lake Oswego. Then he left probably for the day.
They use noises for synchronizations or to cause a strong emotion in the subject "to pick the rhythm" or "the signal". This morning i heard a few phrases and grunts from himself, not sure in what language but one time there was a car revving briefly outside that did it. They call it Shin Shin Shin Gan or divine heart, divine mind. Not sure exactly what the purpose is but i am pretty sure is a dark one. At this moment i feel empty and violated.
I think it is done electrically, but not with a field, more like with a conductor through one's breath, like an umbilical chord, breath that may be loaded with hydrochloric acid from stomach (when the stomach-esophageal sphincter or chakra is open due to rage) making it conductive.
10:03 Yes in Japan it comes from India, though they might have lost that art.
After i mentioned Shinto may come etymologically from Hindu, and goddess Kali and stuff they now think of changing... country's name.
10:50 Încurajator. Știu ce au de făcut, toată chestia e cât timp le trebuie să se prindă la ce se întâmplă. A ok m-am prins a fost diplomație. Au așteptat să vină Blinken în Ucraina.
NATO, SUA, au destui senzori pe teritoriul României ca să fi știut ce se întâmplă din prima secunda. Toată treaba este un aranjament ca românii se tremure bine câteva zile, să nu se mai gândească la altceva.
A și ce face apărarea anti-aeriană a Ucrainei în zonă? Lasă dronele să treacă poate ajunge una în România ca să atragă NATO în război?
10:05 Very interesting.
Urechea te minte și ochiul te-nșală
Thursday, August 31, 2023
August 31
It's amazing how much energy the guys upstairs have. They kept Angela awake by ritually dancing on bedroom floor/ceiling till 2:30. At 4:30 she awoke to go to work at 6. Now at 6:30 they started to torment me, especially when i'm doing some critical searches. One of them will stay here and do that all day long.
What i am trying to prove is the name of not so Hindu Goddess Kali actually comes from kylie or karly, two Asutralian Aboriginanal words for boomerang. Wanted to do that synthetically with a video and a link but i lost my patience because of them of course and i will just write it down in many words (need to note here the Romanian word for hook, cârlig, of oficially given bulgarian? etymology).One of Kali's weapons is a hook or as called (in India) vajra knife that resembles a type of boomerang.
There are several types, of which one is returning, and i think that one is for hunting birds that fly in flocks.
Boomerangs in India were made of iron and they could be the ancestors of those knife or maybe any type of knives and/or swords. In the US boomerangs were made of basalt.
As i said, if you wanted to hit a moving target with a boomerang, you have to anticipate target's position in time. Kali is also a goddess of time.
The returning type of boomerang symbolizes the cyclicity of many events in time (the eternal return).
The other arguments are the name and the many arms which may come from the appearance of some people doing a haka dance.
The reason is obvious. I am trying to prove that Kali, one of the most worshiped goddess in north-eastern India and as Daikokuten in Japan and probably other places is actually a symbol and a synthesis of memories of a past where life depended on those weapons or hunting tools, but how many causal consequences derive from it and how they burden of present and will those ever cease if i prove that.
7:45 I think they got to the point where they can anticipate, using AI, what i will say hours or days in advance.
1:07 Ok 70 din 100000 au fost lăsate ca centrare pentru b1 ca să vină ei cu o pildă și o psihoză în știri, pentru că altfel nu îmi explic cum le-au găsit și nu acum prima dată.
În schimb nimeni nu a văzut cisternele parcate ilegal într-o localitate pe un drum național de cel puțin 10 ani la 20 km de București prin care teoretic a trecut poate și marele prin absență Iohannis când A3 era blocată. Acordul ADR e prea vag.
2:02 Mda și pentru a vă ține in_formați au trântit și o Barbie cu picioarele ridicate lângă articol. Apropo între o Barbie statică cu picioarele în sus și o femeie reală ce ați alege? 2:57 I have been searching. Vasco is a name of an old European pre-Latin of Spanish (gaelic) or Portuguese origin depending on sources. A version in Italian is Blasco which may be precursor to Blachs or Vlachs which is the medieval name for Romanians. There is a village in Romania and a commune in Moldova with the unaltered name Vascăuți which indicates the pre-Latin origin. Names like Gal, Galan or even Gologan are not uncommon in Romania.
If not married, by name she may be Hungarian (Jew) of Romanian origin mixed with some Urkainian which explains the affinity but there is also a lot of professional acting in her act which explains some the attractivity. Rest is native.
No Blachs does not mean black.
3:06 Angela says she is too tired to go to the office to complain of what they did last night upstairs until 2:30 AM.
5:21 When i came from my walk today i felt my phone vibrating and then i checked and was off. Have not charged it in months and i only turned it a few times to check messages and when i checked today the battery in settings was at 62%, screen time 23 minutes and last charge 16 days ago. I wish i had on it some app that could track more of the usage. There is nothing under my account in google except for internet usage, more than 60 days ago. I think i won't take it with me during my walks or anywhere, even off, is too risky.
Yes i slept earlier with the door at the balcony open, with only the screen closed but not locked, cause the emperor took the lock away instead of installing it last summer. The reason i keep the door open? They stop making noise upstairs.
5:42 I have all the symptoms of an exposure.
5:22 Dacă există o scurgere dintr-o astfel de cisternă, chiar masivă și ia foc, cisterna nu explodează pentru că în interior nu există aer din cauza presiunii gazului. Focul sub cisternă cauzează explozia prin creșterea temperaturii și a presiunii gazului devenit fierbinte care însă ia foc abia după ce cisterna explodează din cauza presiunii, și abia după ce se răspândește suficient ca să se amestece cu aerul, iar atunci arde masiv într-o bulă mare de foc dar neexploziv.
Dar e nevoie de ceva timp ca temperatura și presiunea să crească până la ruperea pereților, timp în care o persoană instruită putea să intervină cu un stingător, dacă focul nu era prea mare și nu era cauzat de o scurgere masivă sub cisternă.
6:30 Cadence Academy.
7:10 One idea from my walk in clean air. It is unclear to me yet if the practice of seppuku in Japan for reasons of restoring one's honor and karma in future lives can be linked to a god though i found it listed in an article called Bizarre Methods of Human Sacrifice.
But at least the decapitation in the end which was seen as an act of mercy, ending the sufferance of the person committing seppuku, had to be done in such a manner that a piece of skin should be left so the head would hang and not fall to the ground and that can be linked to Kali.
So far i could find the samurai were praying as part of the ritual but could not find if to one precise god or their own favorite god. They were allowed to eat their favorite food and that can be linked to Daikokuten.
And one more thing. Sepukku was carried only with the permission (of the daimyo).
In the same article we can see clearly how the thugs were performing human sacrifices (and robberies) in the name of Kali.
While i was preparing this link, they sent in front of my open sliding door children to yell.
8:00 But all of the above are just a few cases, most notorious, and were just gathered from various sites and put together for reviewing them.
I suspect the pandemics and all the wars in Europe of the last and current century have something to do with it as i believe all leaders in all countries are their people or controlled by them and a small part of them is caught in my other blog.
9:00 Alcoolsimul cauzează atrofierea creierului într-o anume măsură dar nu apare pe lista celor mai comune cauze.
Berea nu hidratează, din contră. Totuși la 90% apă e preferabilă din acest punct de vedre tăriei.
O doză de bere de 340 ml mai are și 15 grame de carbohidrați (aproape o lingură cu vârf echivalent zahăr) care înseamnă 60 calorii și 17 ml de alcool, echivalentul a 42 ml tărie care este ars în celule fără a da nici o energie, încălzind corpul cu restul până la 160 calorii, deci nu e bună vara.
Fraza asta nu prea are sens. Cafeaua dehidratează mai mult decât alcoolul pentru că ridică tensiunea și cauzează ca rinichii să elimine mai multă apă în timp ce alcoolul scade tensiunea.
9:45 I said it many times before. The constant presence of dog waste around the building changed our microbial flora to dog type. They scheduled a main line sewer replacement right after the asphalt coating to dig for proof.
I myself was scheduled to pass away and they laid a number of traps, in honor of their gods represented by number 9, that is September, or October whatever and i'm sick with all kinda infections and not sure if i am out of the woods, leaving behind all kinda "evidences".
10:00 Unprecented levels of noise upstairs today and right now made me almost delete this whole day or some of my most important posts ever. I am not even sure i have not deleted some of them so i am sill reviewing.
10:10 Just heard them going to the car several times and bringing upstairs all kinda heavy objects.