Saturday, November 30, 2024

November 30

2:02 AM Diabetics neurophaty is no different from bacterial neuropathy because it responds to a combination of Augmentin and Azithromycin and probably other antibiotics combined with clavulanic acid. Every time i try to quit them, i start getting numb and stiff in different areas of the body beginning with focal points of infection which in my case are slow healing tooth sockets.

The only difference with non diabetics is diabetics are much more prone to all kind of infections including bacterial neuropathy.

But in my case the symptoms are much aggravated when she is marching upstairs. Probably bacteria and mold from the space between floor and ceiling is pumped into the room in together with freezing my immune system (what's left of it) by getting mad. Lowering my metabolism and core temperature due to pain from falling mineral dust.

3:30 I once read a story about Korean comfort women and the true root cause of the practice. It is of course religious cause in Japan it is considered bad luck to go into battle without first having sex.

The number of comfort women vary from author to author. Japanese authors giving the smallest numbers, but a number of 200 thousands is generally accepted. However, that was the permanent number. If we take into account the survivability rate, which again differ from site to site, the number including replacements should be up to 10 times greater.

Young Japanese soldiers often refused to have sex with those women for obvious reasons (note how the guy on the right is grinning) and they were locked in a room with one of them who would run after the soldier trying to have sex with him; otherwise she would have been killed.

Talking about dogs, they restarted the practice to leave dog poops outside the apartment.

For that reason only they have decided for me and Angela we should not have sex no more. So in early 2004 they performed a procedure on me during a routing physical in the ER, trying to destroy my sexual organs (breaking some of the exposed blood vessels by stretching the skin). I was 44 at the time. I had to wear several panties because i was getting cold because the circulation was reduced to a minimum for several months after. In April i left for Romania, also because terrible stomach pains.

While i was for three months in Romania, Angela was discovered to have cancer. To this day i don't believe that, i think she had internal hemorrhoids. During the radiation therapy something went wrong with the programming of the device and they destroyed her sexual organs.

It happened at Providence St.Vincent in Portland. Providence is a catholic non profit organization and its hospitals are considered the best besides University hospital.

In that period of time i became psychotic and was admitted in the hospital in the same time she had surgery, on a different floor. In the day after colon surgery she came to see me as i was laying in bed and staring the ceiling having weird thoughts.

Though we lived upstairs, we had downstairs a woman who was acting as a witch, with black cats and high pitch laughs at night. (Pagan revivalism imposed or faked by the occult occupant of West Coast and generally US).

Among other things, one day she showed with two mummy like bandages wrapped human size dolls in her car.

So here is my testimony, please listen when i say the Japanese did not change at all since the times of war, they are doing the same type of atrocities and more.

BTW smoke coming from outside just restarted.

4:15 110 billion yens. During Japan's occupation of Korea which lasted from 1910 to 1946 the value of a yen was an average of 0.5 grams of gold. 110 billion yens means 55 thousand tons of gold which means 3 trillion dollars in today's money or about 2/3 of Japan's today cash surplus only in banks while US has a 36 trillions debt.

4:47 According to various sites quoted above the ratio between soldiers and comfort women was between 1 for 30 to 1 for 100 and the number of soldiers they had to have sex with on daily basis is varying between 20 to 40.

That gives us the number of times the 3 million Japanese soldiers served by the comfort stations were enjoying sex with those martyrs and that could be be between once daily and once every few days.

Maybe that's the reason why Japan today is heading towards a sexless society. Could be the curse of the souls they tortured until death for years or maybe the subconscious collective guilt. The bad karma they accumulated. And i don't believe any of their gods accepts prayers for forgiveness as their gods have no conscience, they are different forces or parts of nature and the Shintoists do not have a clear concept of good and evil.

Shintoism is clearly derived from Hinduism, even the names Shinto and Hindu have a linguistic connection and all gods have a correspondent in both religions. While in India they have the Saddhu to burn the bad karma, in Japan they have the ninja to exploit it.

5:10 Talking about grinning, that guy is reminding me of some other face. I believe he is the individual who is responsible for coordinating all the activity here at the complex and maybe in the whole area.

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