8:20 Four years ago i posted something really important, about the possibility of using semiconductors to create an real electronic version of Maxwell's thought experiment.
The ideas were there but it was so badly written it is almost impossible to understand even by myself today. In the meantime, i was honing my writing skills, started to become more focused. I recon, i am covering lots and lots of things and is not always easy to get to the core.
There was a gif animation in there i can't find anymore where it came from. I will re-post it here and start with it.
It represents a model of conductivity inside a pure silicon crystal. Pure, as opposed to doped, as used in most electronic devices today. The green dots represent electrons jumping from one atom to another under the influence of an external electric field.
Unlike in metals, electrons are not shared by all atoms to form a cloud of moving electrons. That is the reason metals are readily conductive while pure semiconductors have much more resistivity.
As seen in the animation, electrons jump from one atom to another under the influence of an external electric field, always in the same direction.
Here is another image taken from a site showing the moving of electrons in a metal conductor also under the influence of an external electric field (battery). Not animated but with little vectors attached to electrons.
The are saying the electrons are moving in all directions zig-zagging among atoms and the whole "cloud" drifting in the direction of the field. The drifting speed can be calculated and is in the order of m/s, and that of individual electrons can't be much faster, otherwise the conductor will heat because of it.
Finally, down to the issue. Let's say we put the piece of metal above to the left of the silicon one in the animation on top and apply the same electric field. The whole cloud of electrons in metal will start drifting to the right and once entered in the silicon matrix, will start to jump from atom to atom.
But some will flow backwards hitting an atom of metal right before the junction, increasing the density of those in the metal bar next to junction.
Also those which hit the silicon matrix too fast will get repelled, cause they can't penetrate deeper than one atom. Statistically the electrons extracted are selected to certain speeds and directions. The speed distribution in the cloud next to the junction will not be a normal one anymore and we will probably have a cooling effect.
How about satisfying the conservation of mechanical momentum, since we are extracting from the metal only electrons moving in one direction?
9:28 Recently i wrote about the possibility the so called mass defect that counts for the energy "created" during a fission reaction to be actually coming from difference in relativistic speeds of electrons on some levels that get rearranged in different configuration (and speeds) after the reaction.
In about the same time i found out that the color yellow of gold, unique among metals is due to relativistic speeds of electrons on level 6. What we need to understand is, due to collisions, not all electrons have the same speed on a level, and some could temporarily get much closer to the speed of light.
This could also mean they have an enormous amount of energy. If we could harvest it, we would have much better sources than the current based on fission of naturally decaying elements. But first we'd have to get our theories straight and get rid of the ridiculous mass defect concept.
I would assume this is the reason the aliens steal our gold while keeping us in the dark with fake theories.
Thinking of the enormous amount of gold amassed by Romans from the mines of Dacia and elsewhere, which measured in hundreds of tones a year for hundreds of years and yet they went bankrupt.
I once wrote about the possibility of gold to be accelerated at speeds close to speed of light and beamed in space.
11:05 Ok m-am prins. Până azi am crezut că X vine de la Xenu. Dar nu mai (no more), azi încep să cred că vine de la XXX.
3:24 PM Who's bad? Assault, battery, unlawful detaining, torture, committed in front of approving, cheering of tens of thousands of people.
3:42 It was the best of times. "hundreds of thousands of dollars fell from the ceiling into the scrambling arms of fans when Trump entered the arena."
5:20 Too bad they didn't have a "billi_onaire" character in the band.
6:40 So far closest i could find to Ovidiu Tășală.
10:35 Extrema stângă și extrema dreaptă în competiție.
11:50 Had no idea! We traditionally eat lots of garlic in oil however either fresh or stored in the fridge under 40 degrees (got a thermometer in there).
On the other hand, i suspect when she works the floor, sewer gas from a leak gets in here.
The problem is wounds or damaged teeth. Currently have symptom like stiffens of calves, some in hands, etc.. It changes every day. There are no vaccines for most dangerous bacteria found in sewage, like botulism, leptospirosis, enterococcus, things like that.
Also parasites like from cats that eat birds (there is a bird feeder upstairs), or simply from the seeds fallen from the feeder. Today i discovered i had a dry socket from the extraction of three teeth, confirmed having a small piece of fractured bone near the same tooth.
Was very careful when eating, but today i became overconfident and accidentally did byte on a piece of banana. Very painful. There was great activity upstairs as usually is at that hour in the morning. Then i saw her living, coming back, probably for more baggage and living again. I thought she is going to a hotel for the next 2 days since she can't climb upstairs (rebuilding the stairs, probably starting at 8 AM, she usually lives at 9).
Though i thought i was done, after biting on that started to have pain big time which passed whiten one hour of restarting Augmentin. Within that hour the pain became almost unbearable and started pacing around and i think that's why the infection spread to those muscles that might have had dead cells in it from the breakdown.
However she came back tonight and started doing the same thing. Then i started the ozone generator in the bathroom and the built in exhaust fan. If there is a leak, the ozone will eventually follow that leak and spread in the empty floor and walls. Within one minute she then left.
12:30 AM I went to smoke a cigarette and saw the blinds upstairs are moved and the door is probably open all the way behind the screen though i can't see the door at all, in either position. Like it's not there. The big Transylvania cats are still there and jumping around.
12:45 Ok i went to check again. At first my eyes were blinded by the computer. After 15 minutes away, i could see the door is actually there and closed.
12:03 AM Noi nu trebuie să trăim prea mult sau să știm prea multe. Mă gândeam azi. După războaiele Europei unde s-a măcinat o civilizație, s-a dat drumul la penicilină și agricultură mecanizată. Asta a ridicat speranța de viață la 70 de ani sau la cea din Biblie și înmulțit populația la ce este acum. 70 de ani este foarte puțin pentru a începe să înțelegi ce ești și de ce ești aici.
Din știință, mai ales din fizică, ne lipsesc câteva capitole care am încercat eu să le completez, cu puterile mele infime, din ce îmi amintesc că mi-au vârât unii cu forța în cap pe vremea când eram student în anul II.
Primul capitol. O simplă observație. Pompele de căldură produc mai multă energie decât consumă. Se poate obține energie suplimentară din transportul căldurii dintr-o zonă a spațiului în alta. Teoriile lui Leo Szilard (un evreu ungur, prietenul și co-autorul lui Einstein), bazate pe experimentul lui Maxwell.
Dar nu a încercat nimeni până acum (în afară de ce spune o legendă despre Tesla) să proiecteze o centrală electrică pe acest principiu. Care ar produce energie din mediul înconjurător fără să îl altereze prea mult.
Al doilea capitol. Teoriile relativității ale lui Einstein nu sunt decât particularizări naive și consecințe ale teoriilor despre natura și propagarea luminii, teoria șirurilor (strings), masă, spațiu, timp, bing-bang - originea universurilor.
Al treilea capitol. Teoria lui Hawking aplicată sistemelor informatice ne poate duce la idei despre natura sufletului omenesc, conștiința Universurilor, chestii de genul acesta.
Toate astea ne condamnă la ceea ce facem acum. Stăm aici și încălzim planeta. Poate că Hawking a avut dreptate. Asta este o fază obligatorie prin care trece orice civilizație planetară, care de fapt sunt toate la fel în acest univers enorm.
Când ne vom da seama că ne-am dat foc la valiză, nu vom mai avea ce face, însă dacă vom fi destul de avansați, ne vom construi (poate) un habitaclu cât o planetă și vom porni să rătăcim cu el prin spațiu, împreună cu alții, așteptând sfârșitul Universului nostru.
3:15 Politicienii români față cu bugetul.
8:25 Invenții. Un efort disperat de a salva mitul Țiriac. S-a ales momentul de acum 70 de ani și pentru că orice fost coleg ar avea acum 85 de ani, ca să nu mai vorbesc de profesori. Mai înainte s-a spus că Maurer l-a cunoscut pe Țiriac după ce acesta a terminat liceul.
Nimic din toate astea nu este adevărat. Țiriac a apărut definitiv în România după ce a murit Jim Croce. În biografia lui Jim Croce mai este scris că el a fost o perioadă în Iugoslavia ceea ce explică aparițiile lui în România mai înainte.
Legenda spune că pe Țiriac ar fi trebuit să-l cheme Chiriac sau Ciriac care este aproape dpdv semantic de Croce. Iată una din cele mai mișto melodii folk boogie-woogie americane și de oriunde. "Meaner than a junkyard dog". Și un întreg rap înainte (normal, învățat pe de rost, exersat în fața oglinzii, nu?).
Cred că Jim Croce, whatever, Țiriac trebuie să fie creditat pentru invenția rap-ului. Și introducerea adjectivului incorect badder (slang urban, o ironie pentru better) în muzica principală (mainstream music).
În majoritatea asemănărilor in lista mea există această legătură. Nu știu dacă este un tip de vrajă sau sunt ancore pentru viitor, ca să poată demonstra cândva ce au făcut și cum au făcut. Deci pe lângă vârstă, care de obicei este max 3-4 ani diferență, de obicei în plus, asemănarea fizică, mai avem și legătura de nume (însă nu totdeauna). Iată câteva exemple doar din ultimele.
După ce am spus ieri că tipa de sus seamănă cu o scriitoare maghiară, azi, în timp ce alegeam exemplele de mai sus am mai făcut o constatare.
Tipa de sus când a apărut prima dată semăna și cu Billie Eilish (am văzut-o la față cam de la 50 metri o singură dată timp de câteva secunde și avea probabil o perucă scurtă brunetă peste părul strâns) și a apărut nu mult după ce am făcut asemănarea ei și am scris că asemănarea ei din Ungaria este canibală, motiv pentru care a și cântat melodia aia cu i could eat that girl for lunch.
11:00 Multă lume nu știe. Telefoanele actuale sunt mini stații emisie-recepție. Frecvența undelor radio este însă în zona micro-undelor, cu lungimi de undă de ordinul centimetrilor, cu o antenă "pe măsură" (plasată în interior, pentru estetică și conveniență, nu și pentru siguranță).
Pentru comparație, avem undele ultrascurte, folosite pentru radio-urile de mașină, care se mai numesc FM, din cauza modulării în frecvență (Frequency Modulation), cu lungimi de ordinul metrilor.
Microundele au această proprietate de a încălzi materialele prin care trec, inclusiv corpul omenesc.
Cuptoarele cu microunde folosesc aceste (lungimi de) unde pentru a încălzi alimentele sau apa. Când au apărut, a fost necesară alocarea unor frecvențe de funcționare, pentru a nu interfera cu comunicațiile.
Pentru că fiecare cuptor scapă unde în mediu, mai mult sau mai puțin, în funcție de construcția și calitatea sa. În jur de 1% din puterea totală, în medie cam aceeași intensitate la care funcționează normal un telefon sau wi-fi.
Cuptoarele cu microunde se bazează pe vechea tehnologie radar, și au înăuntru un așa zis magnetron. Dar această tehnologie nu a fost gândită pentru a funcționa într-un spațiu închis (cușcă Faraday).
Scăpările au loc în zona balamalelor, care în timp se uzează (îndoaie) și creează un mic spațiu între ușă și corpul metalic al cuptorului. Puteți verifica asta apăsând perpendicular pe ușă în zona balamalelor și urmărind jocul, care ar trebui să fie zero. Se poate verifica și cu o foaie de hârtie. Închideți ușa cu o foaie de hârtie între ușă și corp și vedeți dacă se mișcă.
Când au apărut telefoanele mobile, fabricanții s-au hotărât să folosească aceasta bandă alocată pentru scăpările cuptoarelor, fiindcă nu necesită licență. În banda respectivă s-au stabilit un număr de canale.
Telefoanele și turnurile dialoghează tot timpul și aleg un canal liber la un moment dat. Dacă apare interferență (de exemplu cineva pornește un cuptor la un km distanță) frecvența (canalul) se schimbă automat.
(Da, se spune că această tehnică (frequency hopping) a fost inventată de Hedy Lamarr, actriță și inventatoare austriacă care normal până la o anumită vârstă a fost declarată cea mai frumoasă femeie de pe ecrane, care a plecat însă de la Holywood ca să o "joace" "live" pe Elena Ceaușescu. (Deci nu era proastă cum spune lumea)).
Una din consecințele logice ale acestui sistem este că undele care la 4G se propagă în toate direcțiile, trec și prin corpurile (și mai ales creierele utilizatorilor, fiindcă sunt mai aproape). Banda de frecvențe a fost aleasă de producătorii de cuptoare pentru penetrație și eficiență de încălzire maximă.
Însă nici 5G, care folosește fascicule de unde înguste și direcționate numai spre turn, nu știe să ocolească creierul omenesc, daca acesta idea proastă să se plaseze între telefon și turn. Dar există potențial de a se implementa ceva, un soft inteligent care să facă asta. Adică să aleagă un turn (dacă există în zonă) care nu e pe direcția creierului de exemplu.
Puterea de emisie a unui telefon 4G poate ajunge la 3 wați (cu setare automată în funcție de distanța la turn) în timp ce cuptoarele încep de la 700 wați în interior, cu scăpări în exterior să zicem de 7 wați.
De aia. Deci Hedy Lamarr a sabotat pe toată lumea, nu numai pe români. Beauty is only skin deep.
Sau poate... ea și Ceaușescu au știut și au încercat să-i protejeze măcar pe români, știți dvs. cum. Program scăzut la televizor, pe care nici nu puteai să-l urmărești (numai cu el), televizoarele color (care emit radiații Roentgen numite și x) care erau mult mai periculoase au apărut foarte târziu, de cuptoare cu microunde nici nu auzisem, etc..
Recomand oricui să-și cumpere un monitor pentru aceste frecvențe și să renunțe la wi-fi, atașând cabluri la mufele existente pe routere, adăugând un switch pasiv nemonitorizat.
Televizoarele de obicei nu merg pe wi-fi dacă nu sunt setate (cu parola de router), deci e suficient să pui un cablu și să alegi "wired" din setare. Odată legat un PC la router prin cablu, trebuie oprit wi-fi-ul în Windows în mod manual.
Există acum PC-uri foarte bune și foarte ieftine, care merg și la jocuri iar un monitor (4K) e încă 100 și ceva dolari (euro).
Telefoanele nu prea emit radiații când nu sunt folosite, dar emit o cantitate enormă timp de 2-3 minute la pornire și în timpul conversațiilor sau în timpul deplasărilor, când se schimbă de la un turn la altul, în funcție de distanță și de la un canal la altul.
Evitați să țineți telefonul pornit în buzunar mai ales când vă deplasați sau puneți-l pe airplane mode. Acest obicei de a purta telefonul pornit în buzunar este responsabil pentru numărul enorm de înlocuiri de articulații șold cu unele de metal și cancere de colon în ultimele decenii în SUA. Scurtați la maximum convorbirile.
Există aplicații și site-uri pe PC-ul legat prin cablu care pot ține loc de telefon, ca de exemplu google voice, care are număr și poate suna orice telefon din rețelele fixe sau mobile sau messenger (nu de pe telefon) etc..
Nu în ultimul rând. Puteți folosi un bluetooth conectat la telefonul ținut în partea cealaltă a camerei. Sau la PC. Bluetooth, deși merge pe aceleași frecvențe, folosește doar 1% din puterea unui telefon când e legat la turn.
1:50 Was thinking. If Jim Croce "Dracula" didn't die in that planecrash and became Țiriac, three times finalist of Davis Cup (during communism!) and then billionaire, what happened to his partner, classic guitarist and occasional vocalist Maury Muehleisen? I think he may have become John Denver, who died (again) in a planecrash.
By the time he was still figthing the letter r. Is that a half shell or the rising Sung?
And they didn't have cell phones back then to mess with their brains as an excuse for not recognizing the guy for so many years. But they had microwave ovens, high power TV and radio stations, X-ray emitting computer monitors and (color) TVs, dirty fridges etc. enough to zap their brains i guess.
3:45 In 2007 i guess i went to Julian Mart's AFCH in Sammamish, WA, and there came this guy, rather thin, athletic, with moustache with whom i had a short conversation. But why do i remember that happening in 2004, when i see clearly the time stamps on the pictures? Maybe i first met him when i went there in 2004.
We drove to his place and he lent to Julian this small aluminum (silver) boat with an electric motor hooked to a car's battery, very quiet and stealthy and Julian took us fishing on a lake where we caught two trouts full of bones. On the other shore of the lake was a kids' summer camp we came real close at some time (and i felt uncomfortable).
Julian then insisted i stayed there and send Angela back to Portland (Beaverton) by bus.
And then who was this American guy with moustache sitting next to me in the DC 10 when we went the first time in the US in 95? Who waited for us 3 hours until we cleared the customs and tried to take us to his home in ...Pennsylvania?
I declined and we took the Greyhound all the way to Portland where Julian (my ex-colleague) was. I had 600 dollars, i think would have been enough for two plane tickets, but i did not know what to get them at that price.
In the plane there was also this guy who had 100000 dollars and was searching for people who would take each 10000 through the customs for him but i declined also.
9:40 I saw part of the debate tonight. To me they sounded like speaking from the tip of their tongue (an old Romanian expression meaning composure but not necessarily honesty).
There is a couple of more things i wanted to add. David Muir is on my (incomplete, nascent) list. And then, this video, what country are they singing about? BTW i have seen the RockyMountains and Butte Montana, and they are indeed magnificent. I mean, no comparison.
10:05 Erată. Țiriac, nu Maurer, cum am scris prima dată, din greșeală. Sorry, Prea multe pe capul meu zilele astea.
10:40 Zamfir ache. Din aceeași linie de autori cu pomenitul. Nu-l mai poate potoli nimeni pe Eminescu pe ăștia pe care pământul nu mai poate să îi cuprindă?
By consequences of a new theory regarding the emission of photons and propagation of light, issued after observations of the current theory that seems impossible and of the design and existence of the many pyramids built in areas currently including in modern Egypt and Nubia (Sudan), time travel seems more than ever a real possibility and more than that, it seems it may already happened in our civilization's past and we may have been contaminated with knowledge from/of the future.
Though predicted by the current quantum and string theories, that possibility was so remote, nobody bothered to try and examine its consequences in our lives.
In macro or continuous or analogous world we have the following situation. We cannot make measurements of an electric circuit without interfering and thus changing the parameters.
In one of the most simple electric circuit, that can be a battery, a resistor and two conductors, by touching the ends of the circuit with the probes of a meter we will induce a change of the resistance of the circuit, by adding its own resistance (for functioning, the meter needing to divert a small but not negligible amount of electrons from the circuit), thus altering the results.
As principle, it may be inherited from quantum world, of which the macro world is made of, where we have the so called "observer effect", since the everyday macro world is made by a myriad but finite number of quanta.
Or the other way around, we could extrapolate the first experiment (two paragraphs above) in the quantum world, by limiting the number of electrons flowing through the two circuits (one original and one added by the meter) to a quantum scale.
Another very important idea, besides all fundamental forces are in fact one, derived from reading the Buddhist mantra hRdaya sUtra (Core Plan), is reality is being created by our minds.
In the case of this classic quantum experiment the presence of an electron detector is changing the results. Some argue that it is not our consciousness that interferes with the result, but merely the detector.
However the detector was made by conscious beings with that purpose only and the probability of one being created by a random variation of reality is zero, and without the consciousness of the experimenter, even if there could be a variation of reality that could create it in an infinite time, the experiment is meaningless, or does not exist as such without the observer, but as a simple (un)recorded variation of reality.
The extra reality of the act of observation by a conscious being affects future reality of the Universe and possibly its creation since the beginning. Based on the decision taken after that measurement, the conscious beings as us may take an action that would change the future.
If two people witness the same experiment and they agree on the results and the action needed to be taken, in the hypothetical Multiverse there will be no two but only one future. (From this we also can conclude both society and human consciousness (mind) obey quantum laws).
From here we can come to the conclusion that the more people agree on an observation and upon the decision made by it, the more stable or strong the next Universe will be, thus the idea of convergence (of the Multiverse back into one) which seems to be again following the only universal law, that of action/reaction that created it in the first place.
In the case of time travel from the future (in need of resources), the travelers do not want the Universe they come from to be changed, so they have to take measures. One of them would be convincing all the conscious beings in the time of intended target that they and their occult leadership do not come from the future and the best way is to convince them they are super beings from the present, aka decision making gods and we shall surrender to them so they can make all the decisions for us based on fake or inexistent observations.
A Sun God seems a logical choice since it will ever be present in this form or a predictable one all the way to their time.
However since there are people among us who have doubts and try alternating way of thinking and start making their own decisions based on objective (repeatable, reproducible) observations, they decided to capture and institutionalize the trend, by adding extra false gods.
Those extra gods which are actually people invested with decision making power by the agreement of many have to be false and forgettable, totally diverting the reality of the observations and decision making in a way that would not affect their reality in the future.
So in the end, they came up with the idea of actors playing the role of leaders (decisions makers), which actors having absolutely no power and there is no real casual chain of events that can lead from the act of leadership done by travelers to the fake leaders.
3:36 Până la urmă s-au constituit Statele Unite ale Austriei, fiindcă iată, Austria controlează prin veto-ul său această Uniune Europeană din care noi suntem pe post de vasali și ăsta nu e decât începutul. A și chestia cu elitele. Stalin a avut grijă, acum nu mai avem nici o elită iar liderii fac liniștiți pe proștii.
10:05 În SUA asta este o crimă (infracțiune pe românește) în sine și se pedepsește începând de la 3 luni la 3 ani și (depinde de stat, împrejurări etc.). În Germania, până la 3 ani. (click dreapta, traducere).
10:16 Aceeași chestie și la ruși. După ce am încercat să arăt că mai mulți lideri ai lor, dictatori care au cauzat/cauzează dezastre inimaginabile la ei și în lume au fost/sunt actori unguri, apare o știre cu teatru, pentru a distrage atenția. Ultima dată când am abordat subiectul a fost un incendiu la acoperișul unui teatru la ei etc..
Apropo știți ce legătură este între cuvintele țar și kaiser? Amândouă vin din latinul caesar. Primii țari ruși au fost din dinastia... Romanov! Și imperiul rus dar și cel sfânt roman s-au considerat continuatoare ale imperiului roman.
11:17 Eu când de exemplu sunt în bucătărie să gătesc ceva nu mă gândesc la ceea ce fac. Adică merg pe automat. Capul îmi stă doar la ce postez. Așa s-a întâmplat și acum. Au rămas bucăți și bucățele din jambonul cumpărat de Thanksgiving cu cuponul Angelei de la servici așa că am pus nișe fasole de ieri la muiat și acum am fost să le dau foc (cu zeama scursă după un clocot, nu știu cât de eficientă e chestia).
(Astfel m-am conformat cu noua tradiție post revoluționară, una din puținele, fără să plănuiesc).
A venit cel de sus și a început să izbească în zona bucătăriei în niște moduri inimaginabile, ca și cum ar sări cineva de pe un scaun pe podea (un exemplu). Bineînțeles ca să nu mă pot gândi la ce să mai scriu. Se sparie creierul. Mă simt ca și cum mi-a tras cineva cu o măciucă în tâmpla din dreapta sau parcă am făcut hernie de creier.
Ok deci am venit iar la calc și am încercat să caut data cu incendiul de la teatrul muzical parcă din Moscova și ce am găsit. Apropo de dezastre cauzate de lideri absoluți. Da știu Putin a venit ca o salvare după un bețiv destrăbălat). Și totuși parcă era mai funny cu Elțin. Ваше здоровье!
3:13 It is true. I have been recently suggested by an American patriot ninja that i should try not to face the scanner. The trained ninja who know how to read minds. Because of the gate that has something to do with pineal gland central anterior cortex which is close to your forehead.
I remembered that last night when i was out of options with the very aggressive one that has been transplanted upstairs so i tried to move my head away from where i thought they were upstairs and voila. They stopped every time.
Again it's not the clowns that climb the stairs. The real ninja descend from the roof comming from the Apt.4.
This news should be very exciting for everybody. While ninjutsu is available for everyone and you could learn it from books and scrolls, very few have access to those. But scientists now have an opportunity to study it.
I know when i covered most of the ceiling with aluminum foil they stopped for a while (a week) and they came back slowly, within a month. That's how long it took to explore and train to go with those. And even then, they have tp use the "narrow" lane left uncovered to get to me.
So it's electric in nature. A form of communication probably ancestral, written in our genes, built in our brains, but something that is not immediately available to our conscious mind.
The possibilities. The savvy savages that are the ninja only use it for extracting information, sometimes applying instant karma, trying to hush or influence back the source. The most amazing (ancient) tool for espionage and influencing.
3:25 This is most annoying, that i have to write this i mean. What happened since the moment i left the apartment and came back from the stores. But i have to do it cause it's as important as the above.
I experienced with electric brooms like an alternative between two vacuuming. I produce lots of crumbles in the area in front of the couch. It's the only alternative to vacuuming on the carpet and it works on hardwood floor too.
I head a Shark for years and then it broke. Weak point: The swivel. And i ordered on Amazon one that i thought it was better. Black and Decker, with lithium battery. But it was not as good as the Shark. Higher RPM but smaller brushes, it needed more passes and was easily blocked by hair. But i broke that one too when i tried to clean it with water. One drop of water on the fragile PCB and it won't charge no more.
Then i said ok, let's try one with no battery and electric motor. The old "manual" type. It's got rubber wheels that turn the brushes. Even more passes needed than the B&D, was pushing some of the stuff in front of it and would not work on margins and ends. And if there was some serious stuff like yesterday a very fine layer of corn meal in kitchen area (from a punctured bag), the rubber wheels wont turn no more (not making contact with the floor).
Ok so i looked and found at Walmart one cheaper then on Amazon. Available in store. They were two options, one like the one i head and the 12 inches one. My place is not so big so i fixed my mind on the regular one.
3:32 Boom boom boom. He sneaked on my left and got in front of me and started to stomp really hard on his floor (which happens to be my ceiling).
Ok so i left and first think i noticed again smoke, probably cocaine outside and a hole very hard to see except right from above. As i got to my truck, i saw the religious figure holding a conference to three other people, some with badges. I looked back and i saw upstairs the blinds were removed from the front of the glass sliding doors, a bed pulled next to those and something like a pillow and two hands raised with a phone.
So i left. At Walmart, the same feeling, like i stepped in a giant live theater with one thousands cameras on the ceiling and everybody acting up. I made my way to the vaccuums area which BTW has moved again. Got a few other items and went at the check stands. In the same time with me to women dressed in blue blocked the exit of the self checking area.
I first scanned the Shark and surprise. It was the more expensive 12 inch Shark. So i put it back in my cart and left while the two women came right at the stand to cancel my items. Though i know it cancels itself after a number of seconds. I immediately started to think. On cameras it all looked like they prevented me from taking off with the merchandise.
On the bay the item was under the wrong label. They were only 3 more of the same type. A small XL probably stands for 12 inches, no other indication. So i went back to checkstands. A guy with a T-shirt saying Security Officer started to follow me. I stopped and let if pass ahead.
A whole different type of show was ready for me but i will only mention one thing. A woman came with a cart and there was a handbag open with all consent visible a few inches behind my back for the whole period of time.
They were hundreds of people who intentionally performed a live show the whole period i was there. Basically all the people in there. Same at WinCo i was after that. Today theme was me shoplifting, stealing, subliminal only. The level of coordination between those indicate AI scripting and synchronization. All of the must have had something in their ear to tell them wat to do.
Same on the streets with meaningful LPN, brands chosen for the sequence and logos and slogans and everything. Where is the reality, people?
10:07 Wanna listen to and see TheRealCher (without the silly makeup and "clothes"?) Have a nice weekend everybody!
How about Sonny Bono in 2015? (lipsinking, the voice track is decades old). Yes in Romanian copii means children. It's a Sanskrit word, gopya. Numai copii, only children. A world of children, this what we have become.
4:02 I wrote something on Bob is The Oil Guy forum. That starts with the words "they can prevent a sticky valve situation with oil squishing out of the lifter". Talking about catch cans. Then some guy on the forum comes and trolls me saying words like "conspiracy theories" and "fruitless imagination".
Then i called upon a moderator and after a couple of days one comes and trolls me more saying "There is not one technically accurate thing in your entire first post" and then closes the thread before i can answer calling me "hopelessly ignorant". You don't call hopeless ignorant someone who posts a couple of question, no matter how ignorant that person may be. Except of courser if he/she bothers the whole auto industry establishment.
Truth is the issue is at least controversial and many people indeed use too much imagination and non technical terms when describing the issue. The reason i can't find an exact description no matter how much i search.
But them are being simply abusive by closing the thread like this. Because they can and because i adventured on their forum seeking people with more technical knowledge and hoping for answers and in the end founding some with more rhetoric. It is known people with mechanical inclination have a "tough guys" reputation.
It is also very possible they retaliated for what i write on blog or payed for by the industry to hush things out. It looks like it is not the moment to contact anybody with any kinda a question because the answer might include more than expected.
Valves stick only because of oil deposits combined with soot from EGR system and dust that passes the filter and there is only one place oil is coming in the intake and that is badly designed PCV system that hasn't changed since the 40s allowing oil from blow by gas to enter in the intake and get burned in the cylinder to get rid of it and that is the only reason for installing a catch can.
The same goes for battery connector, a design that hasn't change much since Ford Model T, except for marine type batteries.
Situation is much worse with diesel or GDI engines because the fuel is not sprayed on the valves which help clean them but "directly" inside the cylinder.
When a valve sticks it causes the lifter to be partly collapsed and not make continuous contact with the lobe of the camshaft and when it does, due to the valve being stuck and moving harder, oil pressure inside lifter may briefly exceed the oil pressure coming from the pump, with back flow and/or leak under valve cover, in the same way as if the lifter was badly worn out, keeping the lifter collapsed or with little oil in it and foaming of the oil while making the universally annoying ticking sound.
If the valve gets too stuck the lifter may not be able to close it and then at first would make another noise when pushed closed by the compression cycle, than the combustion mixture will back flow in the intake and in the end which rarely happens if ever with newer engines, burning gases inside the cylinder will burn the open valve out.
But in most cases, and that happens a lot, a stuck valve means a "missfire" which means that cylinder is not operating at full capacity, creating a dynamic imbalance of the engine, with loss of efficiency, vibration and driveability problems at high speed due to sub harmonics of that vibration, a condition that may start early in the car's life and last to the end making it unsafe to drive on the freeways.
You basically got two system that return something in the intake, PCV for blowby and EGR, one is for emissions and the other for cooling, the equivalent of enhancing fuel octane grade, protecting the engine that in the end compromise the efficiency of the engine and smoothness of ride and drive.
5:15 Been up all night, got so mad after what they did to me on that forum, had to explain. Slept about 5 hours but only after i used some decongestant, the amounts of insulation dust in here were over any limit, woke up at noon, tried to make a match, a welcome gift for the new speaker, then i was so tired i barely completed my walk. Then a new hole popped in front of the patio, the place got filled with mold and maybe smoke, the reason i could not get more sleep which i'm trying right now.
Ok i slept most of the evening, found a bit of grain alcohol from the liquor store on the bottom of a half gallon bottle, mixed with water to 35%, had a drink, was doing the dishes and eating pretzels when a couple of crazy Asians came with a car and played the base for about 45 minutes, from 10:30 to 11:45 some 300 ft away from here, south of the complex or north of Stoneridge City park (yes where Latinos meet on Saturdays and Sundays).
It was so loud was annoying me while doing the dishes, grabbed an umbrella and went outside to see where exactly and what car and i saw some agitated people next to a car parked on 68. My ears kinda hurt. How many normal people in the area should have been bothered, at half to midnight, no one called the cops like they never do. I think it's a conspiracy of neighbors to annoy me.
I was telling Angela i should to call the cops but i gave up because of possible complications (i had a drink).
Then when they were done the guy upstairs awoke and started to stump and squeak. Short bursts of a few seconds coming from faucets, rare toilet flushings (once every few days).
3:00 For a variation, went to Lucky Eagle in Washington, some 108 miles from here. Horse manure smell on I5 in several places. I think it was smelling from a truck ahead. More horse manure smell after i took exit 88 towards Aberdeen. I was extremely tired, tried to sleep in the car but there was too much noise. People from my last similarities were present there. Witchcraft. Much witchcraft tonight with bending and tongue protruding and symbolism.
Got sick after i slept in the car and it got cold. It was like someone blocked the blood circulation in my belly area. Pain . Left in worries but after i drove one and a half hours or so got better. Peristaltic movements of my bowels restarted.
Three cars resembling police cars showed when i got closer to Portland, slowing me down. But by then i was almost ok.
I remember seeing young people there that did indeed seemed of Irish descent, maybe Wiccans or of other pagan religions.
I remembered a conversation i had with someone on the phone 8 years ago. This world is run by witchcraft no doubt about. All kinda religions except Christianity.
3:14 Catching souls. On the road i had this idea to search and see what can possibly determine the yuga cycle or if there is some cyclic natural phenomenon that match that period and this is what i found.
Some parts of our galaxy or those closer than our Sun to the supermassive black hole at the center may rotate with that period. Could it have something to do with Hawking radiation emitted unevenly, with a periodicity corresponding to rotation speeds of the arms in the vicinity of the black hole at the center of galaxy.
The souls of zillions of people in the differentarms of the galaxy getting close to the event horizon while rotating escaping through Hawking radiation emitted back in the galaxy and reincarnate in babies. Good or bad, depending on the time of the emission or which arm of the galaxy is being swallowed.
12:00 I believe much of their (witch)craft is centered around controlling one's intestinal transit. Done mainly through bad smells, changing microbial flora to a stinking one, tainted foods, but also through suggesting stories, noises, gestures and ritual dances. I think it some cases can be beneficial, but in most, malignant.
Bending over or pulling tongues is some of them. Got them all last night at Lucky Eagle.
12:15 I wrote before about what i call a residual expression on a person's face. There are people and sometimes whole populations that through selection somehow got to keep some permanent expression on their face, even when they are not trying to feature one. Some of them have what i call "respectable" faces. Usually large chins, rest being well balanced. Some can easily with a smile suggest an orgasm. Combinations.
Some Asian faces suggest... straining, causing maybe permanent constipation in their viewers and feared because of it. BTW i think the revealing of 4 months Elvis constipation was a fake made to get sick some of his suggestionable admirers also because i know Elvis wasn't real.
Generally all are grouped under the term "charisma" and are highly addictive. Anything they say and do is credible, even if there is nothing in their doing to confirm that. Nothing.
There are of course people who possess the opposite of charisma or anti-charisma. Their mere sight triggers instant hate with the example of Putin's small chinned big nose crying face. There are cultures and populations (Russians) who prefer feared leaders because they feel safer like this.
Some can switch from one form to another with a (large) a smile.
1:21 I would think a digital driver's license is useless if the cop wouldn't have an internet link to verify it (because it can be easily faked i guess). Unless if they can stick the whole DMV database in a phone which is doable with today's phones but risky in case only one phone is lost. In all cases, the driver's license is useless anyways.
All you'd need is a card with a bar code you can print at home or simply the number. Or maybe not even that, they could take a picture of your face with a phone and pull your record. Or go by the LPN or scan car's VIN. Then we will get freed from the terror of forgetting the wallet and/or phone at home (I regularly do not use a phone though i carry one that is turned off) (what if you're out of battery LOL. Ask the cop to wait until you charge it a bit?)
3:20 About when i posted the link above i finished eating a burrito with a hot dog and the (Japanese) child actors came and rang at the door.
7:10 PM I slept ever since and when i woke up the child actors were staring at me through the blinds that were not completely closed. Somebody was smoking, this time cigarettes (a new one) all day near our bedroom, smoke got inside.
9:20 DeNiall Fergusson. This article is truly mad. If China suddenly stopped exporting goods to the US the US would collapse within a year by not having time to find other sources.
It's amazing how much energy the guys upstairs have. They kept Angela awake by ritually dancing on bedroom floor/ceiling till 2:30. At 4:30 she awoke to go to work at 6. Now at 6:30 they started to torment me, especially when i'm doing some critical searches. One of them will stay here and do that all day long.
What i am trying to prove is the name of not so Hindu Goddess Kali actually comes from kylie or karly, two Asutralian Aboriginanal words for boomerang. Wanted to do that synthetically with a video and a link but i lost my patience because of them of course and i will just write it down in many words (need to note here the Romanian word for hook, cârlig, of oficially given bulgarian? etymology).
One of Kali's weapons is a hook or as called (in India) vajra knife that resembles a type of boomerang.
There are several types, of which one is returning, and i think that one is for hunting birds that fly in flocks.
Boomerangs in India were made of iron and they could be the ancestors of those knife or maybe any type of knives and/or swords. In the US boomerangs were made of basalt.
As i said, if you wanted to hit a moving target with a boomerang, you have to anticipate target's position in time. Kali is also a goddess of time.
The returning type of boomerang symbolizes the cyclicity of many events in time (the eternal return).
The other arguments are the name and the many arms which may come from the appearance of some people doing a haka dance.
The reason is obvious. I am trying to prove that Kali, one of the most worshiped goddess in north-eastern India and as Daikokuten in Japan and probably other places is actually a symbol and a synthesis of memories of a past where life depended on those weapons or hunting tools, but how many causal consequences derive from it and how they burden of present and will those ever cease if i prove that.
7:45 I think they got to the point where they can anticipate, using AI, what i will say hours or days in advance.
1:07 Ok 70 din 100000 au fost lăsate ca centrare pentru b1 ca să vină ei cu o pildă și o psihoză în știri, pentru că altfel nu îmi explic cum le-au găsit și nu acum prima dată.
În schimb nimeni nu a văzut cisternele parcate ilegal într-o localitate pe un drum național de cel puțin 10 ani la 20 km de București prin care teoretic a trecut poate și marele prin absență Iohannis când A3 era blocată. Acordul ADR e prea vag.
2:02 Mda și pentru a vă ține in_formați au trântit și o Barbie cu picioarele ridicate lângă articol. Apropo între o Barbie statică cu picioarele în sus și o femeie reală ce ați alege?
2:57 I have been searching. Vasco is a name of an old European pre-Latin of Spanish (gaelic) or Portuguese origin depending on sources. A version in Italian is Blasco which may be precursor to Blachs or Vlachs which is the medieval name for Romanians. There is a village in Romania and a commune in Moldova with the unaltered name Vascăuți which indicates the pre-Latin origin. Names like Gal, Galan or even Gologan are not uncommon in Romania.
If not married, by name she may be Hungarian (Jew) of Romanian origin mixed with some Urkainian which explains the affinity but there is also a lot of professional acting in her act which explains some the attractivity. Rest is native.
3:06 Angela says she is too tired to go to the office to complain of what they did last night upstairs until 2:30 AM.
5:21 When i came from my walk today i felt my phone vibrating and then i checked and was off. Have not charged it in months and i only turned it a few times to check messages and when i checked today the battery in settings was at 62%, screen time 23 minutes and last charge 16 days ago. I wish i had on it some app that could track more of the usage. There is nothing under my account in google except for internet usage, more than 60 days ago. I think i won't take it with me during my walks or anywhere, even off, is too risky.
Yes i slept earlier with the door at the balcony open, with only the screen closed but not locked, cause the emperor took the lock away instead of installing it last summer. The reason i keep the door open? They stop making noise upstairs.
5:42 I have all the symptoms of an exposure.
5:22 Dacă există o scurgere dintr-o astfel de cisternă, chiar masivă și ia foc, cisterna nu explodează pentru că în interior nu există aer din cauza presiunii gazului. Focul sub cisternă cauzează explozia prin creșterea temperaturii și a presiunii gazului devenit fierbinte care însă ia foc abia după ce cisterna explodează din cauza presiunii, și abia după ce se răspândește suficient ca să se amestece cu aerul, iar atunci arde masiv într-o bulă mare de foc dar neexploziv.
Dar e nevoie de ceva timp ca temperatura și presiunea să crească până la ruperea pereților, timp în care o persoană instruită putea să intervină cu un stingător, dacă focul nu era prea mare și nu era cauzat de o scurgere masivă sub cisternă.
7:10 One idea from my walk in clean air. It is unclear to me yet if the practice of seppuku in Japan for reasons of restoring one's honor and karma in future lives can be linked to a god though i found it listed in an article called Bizarre Methods of Human Sacrifice.
But at least the decapitation in the end which was seen as an act of mercy, ending the sufferance of the person committing seppuku, had to be done in such a manner that a piece of skin should be left so the head would hang and not fall to the ground and that can be linked to Kali.
So far i could find the samurai were praying as part of the ritual but could not find if to one precise god or their own favorite god. They were allowed to eat their favorite food and that can be linked to Daikokuten.
And one more thing. Sepukku was carried only with the permission (of the daimyo).
In the same article we can see clearly how the thugs were performing human sacrifices (and robberies) in the name of Kali.
While i was preparing this link, they sent in front of my open sliding door children to yell.
8:00 But all of the above are just a few cases, most notorious, and were just gathered from various sites and put together for reviewing them.
I suspect the pandemics and all the wars in Europe of the last and current century have something to do with it as i believe all leaders in all countries are their people or controlled by them and a small part of them is caught in my other blog.
9:00 Alcoolsimul cauzeazăatrofierea creierului într-o anume măsură dar nu apare pe lista celor mai comune cauze.
Berea nu hidratează, din contră. Totuși la 90% apă e preferabilă din acest punct de vedre tăriei.
O doză de bere de 340 ml mai are și 15 grame de carbohidrați (aproape o lingură cu vârf echivalent zahăr) care înseamnă 60 calorii și 17 ml de alcool, echivalentul a 42 ml tărie care este ars în celule fără a da nici o energie, încălzind corpul cu restul până la 160 calorii, deci nu e bună vara.
Atenție cafeaua și cofeina din carbogazoase dezhidratează la fel sau mai mult.
Fraza asta nu prea are sens. Cafeaua dehidratează mai mult decât alcoolul pentru că ridică tensiunea și cauzează ca rinichii să elimine mai multă apă în timp ce alcoolul scade tensiunea.
9:45 I said it many times before. The constant presence of dog waste around the building changed our microbial flora to dog type. They scheduled a main line sewer replacement right after the asphalt coating to dig for proof.
I myself was scheduled to pass away and they laid a number of traps, in honor of their gods represented by number 9, that is September, or October whatever and i'm sick with all kinda infections and not sure if i am out of the woods, leaving behind all kinda "evidences".
10:00 Unprecented levels of noise upstairs today and right now made me almost delete this whole day or some of my most important posts ever. I am not even sure i have not deleted some of them so i am sill reviewing.
10:10 Just heard them going to the car several times and bringing upstairs all kinda heavy objects.
12:53 Dog poop is so nasty it can't even be used as fertilizer.
12:40 Uneori politica de scenă e arta de a prezenta propria mârlănie ca argument. Însă rămân intrigat de faptul că aceste reiterări suave apar numai când eu scriu ceva substanțial despre Australia. Au mai discutat cei doi și altceva?
Și acest "eveniment" pare să aibă legătură cu ce am scris eu despre doctorul... În SUA luau cel puțin 10 ani. Assault, battery, resisting arrest, etc.. Dar sunt sigur că e invenție de media și francezii vor infirma....
12:50 I think they brought the girl from the video in the park, again. She looked coerced to me. Maybe it's time Americans start to protect their own? If they still can?
6:29 I think i might have found a very simple explanation for Benford's law. Any counting of objects or measurement of distances etc. always start with 1 or 0 but not all of those end with 9.
6:37 Valiza cu aer. Va trebui să-i învețe cineva să plătească și ei pentru enormitățile turnate cu nemiluita peste capul dvs..
2:00 Acta, non verba. Sunt ani de zile de când mă șochez de fiecare dată când văd cum acționează EI și rămân incapabil de a reacționa.
Dacă ceva nu funcționează, încercați la urmă să citiți și manualul.
Guvernarea din România e mai mult de tip declarativ, de show media. Felul în care acționează EI ne arată însă și că lumea pur și simplu nu știe ce înseamnă guvernare iar EI profită din plin de asta. Democrația după 89 nu a venit din păcate cu un manual de utilizare iar majoritatea persoanelor active în acel moment habar nu aveau cum trebuia să arate, o situație care continuă și în prezent.
Primul Ministru este șeful tuturor miniștrilor. Dacă vrea, poate demite un ministru care nu-și face treaba. El este, dacă vreți, comparativ cu o corporație, un CEO (Chief Executive Officer), șeful tuturor bugetarilor din România (peste un milion persoane), deci poate demite, structura, restructura, desființa agenții, ministere, etc.. cât de mult vrea el, pe tăcute, până când este demis de Președinte sau de Parlament.
Are sub control toate prefecturile deci polițiile din România. Ministerul Finanțelor, al Muncii, al Justiției etc.. El și mulți alții sub el sunt responsabili de incredibila minciună sau înscenare a crimei din Saturn. De fapt de orice se întâmplă în România.
Primii miniștri ai României de după 89 știu oricum că viața lor nu e lungă (un an în medie). De ce nu ar face măcar unul din ei ce trebuie? Simplu, pentru că nu sunt de-ai noștri. Nici ei, nici parlamentarii, nici marii funcționari din stat.
În schimb, Ciolacu, toți alții dinaintea lor aleg să intervină doar în media, și mai nou să se plângă de cât de grea este sarcina lui, ca și cum guvernul, bugetul, bugetarii ar fi altceva decât el în timp ce restructurările sunt minime, dacă există. Pentru că Ciolacu e un nimic, un actoraș creț care nu are nici o putere. De fapt, un cântăreț de operă.
8:20 Earlier i went to a clinic, twice, trying unsuccessfully to get some info transferred from Providence to my current insurance. When i left last time from their PL i thought i heard a noise at the brakes on the left side. So about half hour ago i took off the wheel and the caliper, i was more like curious to see if the new plates "mated" with the disks, after more than 500 miles.
However. All lug nuts were loose on both front wheels, which explain why the car was hard to drive the last 200 miles though i torqued them like 15% over specs. At 7 Feathers, they were on backup generators and the parking lot was dark for reasons of economy, trying to keep the machines and hotel running, though they were only a few lights in the lot, and being LED they probably wouldn't use altogether as much as one or a few machines.
One of the caliper bolts was also loose though i torqued them both at 25% over the specs.
For about 10 minutes out that half hour a sexualized girl appearing under 10 though Japanese sometimes look younger, came from a different place in the complex and was video calling with someone and i think she got me in the frame intentionally, as instructed. In the same time a car came and parked next to my spot on a red curb flashing its yellow lights. A black truck with ladders on top came to turn using the next spot when i was leaving etc..
9:10 Which reminded me. Yesterday at Belknap after we got that one hour pass, we went at the car and i wanted to check the battery connectors like i always do when about to drive a longer trip (150 miles to 7 Feathers). In that instant from around a corner came two girls, one smaller, blond, on roller skates. I shut the the hood back immediately, they left, but stopped again around another corner, behind some bushes so i didn't see them. I opened the hood, checked the connectors and saw the little one falling on her butt.
A few minutes more Angela was still bagging and packing and a guy in a gray van came and wanted to park in the spot next to ours, though they were many others free. He missed the opened door by inches and i got mad and started to yell at the small blond guy. He finally said, as an excuse that he parked next to us because he saw the door open which made me think the guy was totally insane and i stopped talking to him.
But later i thought maybe it was an allusion to the open hood and maybe that was his own little girl and maybe he as the one that got under the car at 7 Feathers to loosen that bolt. As i said so many times before, they never do something unprovoked so they sent the children first to gather some reasons. The man looked familiar.
I noticed here in the PL (parking lot) and other places when i open the hood people like 100 ft away start coughing.
8:00 Baniciu of fi fost multe la viața lui dar nu a fost securist. Din contră.
3:50 My laptop shut down though battery is 80% full and lost the last paragraph. Internet is on an off. What i was saying. Front brakes for the Elantra were on my mind for a while so i just replaced the plates which i had ordered online a while ago. Didn't have to cause the old ones had at least 20% left but i kept fretting about, car has 110k and never had those done.
So i replaced those and wanted to top the reservoir and i had this bottle with dot4 Hyundai OEM fluid with narrow neck with a bit left in it but when i poured, used engine oil came out of it. There is no way i put myself oil in there, the neck is too narrow and hard to pour and most of the aluminum seal is still there. So i poured about one teaspoon of engine oil in the brake fluid reservoir.
I was thinking to siphon it from the master cylinder but there is a stiff that cannot be removed and i removed the whole master cylinder and now i'm running to O'Reilly with the truck to buy some fluid, prime the master cylinder and put it back in.
6:40 Keep forgetting these things, i'm trying to purge the master cylinder with some black non transparent pieces of tubing, should have used transparent and i don't have any kit.
11:47 My laptop refuses to connect to internet over ethernet.
7:07 After Angela left for work before 5 i started to have trouble breathing and having palpitations as my heart was trying to compensate for the lack of oxygen as one million times before. It took me an hour to figure what happened. Another mole hole broke under the main door filling the place with a subtle, pungent smell, creating nose congestion and asthma-like symptoms. Next to it a piece of glass from a glass i once threw in the garbage.
Amazing how these things happen in response (reaction) to when i publish things important.
It could be a mechanism through which moles are attacking and trying to kill older and sick animals that sleep in vicinity in order to fertilize the soil for their worm farming.
No it can't get upstairs, not in the same concentration. After two hours since it started still can't catch my breath. Can this be qualified as torture, similar to waterboarding?
7:20 Orban's storm may come from his friend from the east. I bet you can't see this in US news.
Could this be in response to my trip yesterday invading a foreign country? A security guard at Chinook Winds told me that technically being on their reservation which happens to be within Lincoln City limits i'm in a foreign country.
Google and any site i've opened avoid to answer this question but according to treaties that seem to be in force the whole Lincoln City is built on Indian territories. Actually 1/3 of Oregon including Tualatin.
I believe there is something foreign about the Indian casinos. Big money that may come from Japan bribe or coerce the few remaining tribe members and act in their name for purpose of tax evasion but that is the least of it. They create subtle propaganda, letting or inviting people like me (got fliers in the mail all the time, free lodging, food, etc..) so they can create all kinda ambiguous situations on the over 500 cameras in there that are then leaked on the internet.
Half of the employees and casino goers last night were Japanese and the other half Hungarian, all trained actors. There was only one who looked obviously Japanese though. The machines themselves are used in this, not obeying the randomness required by the definition of gambling but creating reactions on my face to match with the improvised live scenes from a continuous show generated by AI.
8:23 Last night i forgot to re-plug the microwave meter and it ran out of battery. This morning he upstairs left for about half hour and when he returned i started again to feel pain all over like after the last time at the garden so i just plug the thing but i think it was too late. In the last few days i caught on it here inside bursts i hanven't before but they are not coming from upstairs cause i raised the meter next to ceiling and the signal didn't change. There is also a constant smell of dog poop on top of anything.
Now he dragged a heavy furniture so hard i felt the vibration coming from the couch i sit on.
8:56 Google spune că afișează știrile în ordinea numărului de accesări.
8:43 Heaviest stomps of the day. Usually there is a continuous series of knocks on low intensity that becomes very strong when i post or read something.
2:48 No matter how much i wanted to go take a shower i must write here first a couple of things. One little girl with her gray hair father in the park. Pointing at some area behind me but actually right through me and saying: "I remember, he went that way!". A guy from maintenance entered the apartment upstairs in the same time with and i think it's not the only time since they moved, and that makes this apartment the most pampered one, after a month of fixing before they moved in. One more addition to my theory.
When i finally got into the bathroom i heard the shower upstairs and some tools knocking. Apparently he was fixing it.
Also remembered. There was again this long line of cars parked on the shoulder of Nyberg and i asked a guy in neon vest and he said the park is closed for some event at the camp. Actually the parking lot with the restrooms. The area under the trees beyond restrooms is occupied for the whole summer by Willowbrook camp. To me organizing a camp in a park sounds like raising a tent in the middle of the living room.
10:08 Another one they got wrong and in turn they thought us in schools for so long and made us lose our time and now at 63 i have to untangle them all. Or maybe it was all deliberate. BTW, one world. 70s wide leg pants were inspired by ninja costumes too?
Abia acum înțeleg după 44 de ani de ce în dormitor la TR la Galați au pus la interfon doar două melodii timp de 9 luni zile, de zeci de ori pe zi. Eram atât de obișnuit cu ele încât nici nu le mai băgam în seamă. Una era We Don't Need No Education (Another Brick in the Wall) cu Pink Floyd și alta era Ring My Bell cu Anita Ward. Ok, aia cu Ring My Bell am înțeles-o mai demult, e vorba de manipularea ionosferei.
Dar nu aș fi bănuit niciodată că ăștia (chiar tot ei) ne învață prostii la fizică în facultate, până când am început să văd că totul e minciună, mai ales faza cu asemănările și să mă îndoiesc de orice.
11:40 Sunday i wanted really bad to go to a beach where i can soak at least my feet in the water. Eventually in a bay with no waves, like near the rocks i went to last time but they were stinking with rotting mussels.
So i looked on the map also for a place near the final destination, Lincoln City and i found something. One mile north of the junction 18 with 101 there is a street called 3 Rocks that after a few miles leads to such a place. But after a 2 hours drive i was a bit tired. Could have set the GPS to the exact location but i was too lazy for that so i just relied on my memory after seeing the map on laptop.
Earlier when i left i found the engine's oil cap somehow loose and there was a fine layer of oil with dust on the whole engine cover which could end on the exhaust manifold and create carbon monoxide though i wiped most of it.
Driving 3 miles on the narrow road off 101 got to me. Too many drivers cutting corners and getting into my lane. So i ended up in a parking lot some half mile where i should have been. Got out of the car, everybody seemed to looking at me aggressively. People were crossing the river in boats figuring ferries. Made a few steps, a whole family was coming towards me like ready to step me over. Inside the car i turned the GPS on but i was somehow tired from the trip and could not find the route to the beach.
Started the car, tried to take it on a gravel road, a SUBARU that was parked there started to move towards me, would not stop and had to back up, got back in the lot and then something really weird happened. A black pickup with a boat attached to it almost run me over, probably the driver in a high position not able to see in front of the car pretending he could not see me. Whatever i don't care what was in his mind.
Good thing i had the engine started, just got out of his way, forward and right. Then Angela wanted to turn back to known places which i did but at the first curve to the right some huge RV came, with his rear wheels in my lane. Again the Japanese driver would not stop and on the right shoulder there was a pedestrian and i just put the shifter in rear, looked in the camera and backed up until the pedestrian moved ahead and his wheels got more into his lane then mine and then he finally stopped.
We ended up close to where it says Logan where we walked from Roads End. Unsupervised kids everywhere that were in the dozens making noise and yelling like they were in the hundreds. Both on Zyrtec, we slept at least one hour on the beach. A blue helicopter passed and looked at what we ate. When i had a drink of brandy a band of kids passed, on purpose.
11:55 The person upstairs woke up, squeaked a bit over my head, awoke Angela and went to the bathroom which is in the opposite direction. I don't believe young people need to go to the bathroom one hour after they went to sleep. I myself last for 6 hours nowadays. Nevermind, Angela said she heard them riding each other earlier.
Now i got palpitations from the guys walking upstairs and the cigarette smoke that came from the parking lot (or from upstairs).
12:12 There must be a much simpler explanation to this. As i said we have lost ourselves in unproven hypothesis and then buried in math. If gravity is reoriented dipoles for attraction, an added net charge to one of the bodies, and i think for practicality of the experiment, the G force will change. But it's hard to predict exactly how because the extra charge might interfere with the orientation of the tiny dipoles.
12:58 Reaction, faster than a ray of light. The terrorists.
4:24 It looks like the grapefruit juice we bought last time at Fred Meyer (Kroger) tastes bad and lately got worse.
After i watched the movie were i saw a reference to it (they cut the limbs of their enemies after they killed them during sleep and boiled them and used the resulting grease to grease the skin of their children) i was curious and asked google a question.