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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query quanta. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, July 10, 2023

Electro Dynamic Theory of Everything or Single Void Disturbance Theory

An "electron" moving to a lower orbit creates in time as per the universal law of action/reaction a pulse of electric field which in turn creates and transfers all its energy and propagates to another one with a time (phase) difference, and those constantly recreate selves following the same law thus transferring energy to the next while advancing in time and space and the lag to each other is 1/4 of the period of the whole cycle of disturbance, until they reach again after four transfers the post initial stage (first void reaction) or in one period and this continue indefinitely.

The perceived direction of the reaction to each pulse is at 90 degrees again in a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation because the reaction can only appear in a direction perpendicular and at 1/4 wavelength distance without interfering with its cause. Time and space are illusions created by the reaction to the initial manifestation of void. A random lowering of the orbit of an electron and its reactions occur in the space created by the initial manifestation.

There is no photon but just a singled out, orphaned, autonomous, quantum pulsating electric disturbance that maintains self while advancing, a contained bubble of constant energy that propagates on a straight line in vacuum constantly changing direction of pulse with 90 degrees each time on a plane perpendicular on the direction of propagation.

Total electric charge gets balanced in the transversal plane after one period but there will be a charge in the direction of propagation. The void provides a reaction to light quanta similar to that of elastic media to a wave of sound which appears due to inertia to mechanic motion. Due to net longitudinal charge there is a longitudinal electric field carried by the light quanta that may combine with the others and be responsible for the results of experiments that show light behaves like a wave.

Light quanta will live and travel indefinitely until they interact and cede their energy to a slow moving "particle" or a solid object.

In a radio antenna the emission will occur when the alternating electric current applied to the dipole stops before starts changing direction. The growing reacting bubble exists as a whole for as long as it is a reaction to the flow of current. When the flow of current stops, it will burst into quanta of fields repelling each other.

When an electron moves to a lower orbit it also creates an electric current similar to that in a dipole.

Electric fields cannot exist without a charge. When the virtual charge behind the field bubble bursts it will channel in all directions because of repelling of similar charges until each generated smaller quanta will start getting its own reaction.

Charge of electric field or energy of each generated quanta is given by the necessary time to obtain a reaction of the same size. Period of a complete cycle of transformation until it reaches initial direction or 1/frequency depends on the length of dipole or electron's trip.

Number of quanta emitted by a dipole is calculated by dividing the total charge generated by the alternating electric current given by the number of electrons in half period to the value of each quanta charge which depends only on frequency.

Moving mass of a "photon". Eventually all "photons" travelling throughout Universe will end colliding with atoms, triggering a photoelectric effect. When the electron is ejected from the atom it generates a momentum.

Also. An "electron" gets knocked out of orbit by a "photon", reverting the effect of a photon being created by an electron moving to a lower orbit.

However. In photon generation the electron does not come from the outer space. It only moves to a lower orbit. Which suggests the energy needed to emit a photon is not equal to the energy to knock out an electron by a photon which is not true.

The energy generated from moving an electron to a lower orbit can be greater than the one needed to emit a photon. There are proven cases where at least two photons has been emitted in one single electron move to a lower orbit and not talking about the photons that may be emitter inwards or towards the object that get absorbed right away.

There are cases in which a photon moving to a lower orbit fails to generate a photon but instead generate an electron/positron pair. During photoelectric effect the electron is completely knocked free of the atom with some extra moving energy. It may be because different types of atoms are involved for emission or absorption of photons.

But it all leads to one conclusion. There must me some leftovers when creating quanta of light, both in the case of electrons lowering orbit or resonant circuit emissions because the generating energy does not divide exactly to the emitted energy.  Frozen or stationary quanta and their reaction that in the end could be other "particles" that may be charged.

There are no particles. Everything is made of quanta of different levels of energy.

The electrons are excited by heat before they move to lower orbits. Emission of a photon cools down the atom so it may be a "local" anti-entropic process. But when the emitted photon hits another atom it heats it up again and en electron is lost.

Inertia is a reaction of void to change of speed or acceleration of static non moving or frozen quanta.

Gravity is the attraction between the numerous reorienting dipoles inside objects. Freedom for reorienting is small and the force is small for everyday objects.

Speed of light. In an empty Universe like the one before the Big Bang or the original Single Void Disturbance we cannot measure space because there is nothing to measure with. Then the Universe started to get filled with light. However light quanta do not move. They jump from one point in space to another instantly, the only delay is given by the transfer of charge in time from one point to another or time of reaction of void. Any other object that actually moves through space cannot match that speed.

Since light quanta does not move when it propagates it may be stationary to the primordial disturbance. That's why some say the speed of light is perceived as the same by any observer.

There are people who say the electric field lines start from a charged object and end at infinity for a positive charge and from infinity to the object for a negative charge. This is a very interesting enunciation.

Let's say we turn a switch on and let a small sphere of metal be charged through a wire from another one already charged negatively and shielded. How long it takes for the field lines arising from infinity to reach the sphere? By the definition, it should be instantaneous. Also by experiments. However we know from other experiments that the speed of light is finite.

But there is another consequence of the fact the electric field extends instantaneously to infinity. It also should extinguish instantaneously if the sphere is connected to the ground and loses charge. Same with magnetic, we cut current through the coil, the magnetic field collapses (after a transient phenomenon called self induction).

But in now classic relativity the EM wave accompanying a photon do not extinguish after cutting off the source.

BTW since photons can travel for billions of billions of years, will they.... leave or some already left our Universe which is "only" 26.7 billion years old?

It is said expanding quasi spherical EM field has two transversal, electric and magnetic components, which means the electric field is not parallel to the direction of propagation but perpendicular.

I really don't understand how a transversal field can be spherical (or how an electric field that may extend to infinity can be transversal).

Quasi spherical or spherically deformed closed lines alternating lobes (loops) they say, and if they expand with the speed of light, the fields should also loose intensity with the square of distance as the same lobes that "somehow" maintain selves occupy more and more space. Speed of "closing lines" in the same direction with advancement shown in the animation above on top or bottom of some alternating lobes at speeds greater than light, consistent with... The formulas and the other animation here suggest the waves accompanying a photon do not loose energy while they advance.

There is only one type of (dynamic) manifestation of void (disturbance), we call electric, but actually the only thing that can exist in void is will. All "particles" and light in the Universe come from a reaction of void to a primordial manifestation of will.

In everyday objects, a magnetic field is a closed electric field, confined in space or shaped by the way it was generated, either by moving of particles like electrons in a wire in a closed trajectory or by coils. A closed electric field will not interact with one one with single pole (charge) with open lines but will deflect a charged moving particle.

No need for big "particles" accelerators to figure what happened in the first seconds after the creation of Universe (time did not have sense anyways until the creation of the the planes of resonance). Stop making experiments based on false theories (particles) that may one day hurt everybody or simply throw us all in a parallel Universe if they didn't already.

Thursday, December 14, 2023


We have come a long way since the first enunciation of quantum theory. Some got used to it so much is like a second nature. But today many people discuss about on forums and they have opinions and sometimes find inconsistencies if not contradictions.

But what it is. In the subatomic world, all quantities are discrete values. It is, in a way, what digital is vs analog.

The reason for that is simple. The state of the Universe was 0 before the big bang and that was one single event.

However, properties of quantum world translates to the every day world and the enormous number of quantum properties put together to form everyday objects make them look continuous and analog. Like composing bits from an wav or mp3 file into an analog wave form which is audible and recognizable.

At the time, all these of course came from observations and not postulates. They determined the properties of quantum world through experiments of which first and most important is the photon-electron effect. One photon is needed to displace one electron from a metallic surface.

They concluded the entire quantum world is made of such discrete particles of which every single one of the same class has the same properties.

One electron has always the same mass and electric charge. One photon travels always with the speed of light and it can never be found resting, one proton has always the same mass and its electric charge will be always the opposite of that of an electron.

More than that, they interact with each other to form what we call matter. Protons and neutrons together form the nucleus of atoms which is orbited by a number of electrons. For each element and isotope of  the Mendeleev table we have the same number of protons and neutrons.

Because electrons cannot be split in smaller particles, they are called fundamental, together with several others while protons and neutrons are formed by smaller fundamental ones.

This discretization of matter goes all the way to molecules. Atoms combine to form molecules by sharing orbiting electrons. Molecules with the same formulas or structure have always the same properties.

However. It has been found that light which is made of photons has properties similar to those of waves in elastic media, like sounds or a wave created by a rock or in a lake, of which one is diffraction.

After much head scratching of the scientists, they came with a solution. Light is not photons or waves but a combination of those they call dualism wave particles of light. That, to satisfy all observations and experiments.

One discrete photon is always accompanied by an analogous wave front and they came with the idea of electro magnetic radiation or wave. And that's where the first confusion occurred.

EM waves let's say emitted by a radio station seem continuous and analog and have all properties of those.

However EM radiation coming from a single electron descending to a lower orbit, which is a short lived electric current, generates a magnetic field and it is said that magnetic field pulse in turn generates and electric one and so forth, hence the EM radiation seems discrete because the speed, the start end end position of the electron can be defined only in quantum world.

And first inconsistency. Since the current generated by that falling electron is a finite line, it generates a magnetic field like a rectangular permanent magnet would, in the shape of a pumpkin that would be near zero at poles or in the direction of the pole. However we expect something more like a cloud, the same way electrons orbit the atom.

Anyways it is not a circular or spherical wave like field we are used to from elastic media. Same goes for a dipole antenna for radio emissions.

Another one. Falling of an electron can create only one front wave. After that, the EM field is not sustained by anything from behind.

Again the velocity of the fallen electron is a quantum affair. Electrons reside in discrete cloud like positions on different levels of energy around the atom. Thus it cannot be established a speed in classical or non quantum terms for that falling electron from one cloud to another. Thus we can't know for how long the magnetic field lives.

Another one. Let's say the front of EM wave created by the pulse of falling of an electron spreads, though not like a sphere but like a pumpkin, continuously, in all directions (with the exception of poles). The photon can only go in one direction out of an infinity (or a few following the uncertainty principle).

After a while the intensity of the EM field decreases by a law similar to the square of distance, and will become insignificantly small while the photon can travel theoretically 11 billion years if it does not encounter any obstacles, (and depending on where it was emitted, can exceed the limits of the Universe and there will be no more dualism).

Another one. A number of photons emitted by a compact source are each created by its own electron so we cannot talk of a coherent analogous EM field but of a cloud of overlapping out of phase short lived fields.

From all the above observations one can realize the precarity of the whole EM theory as we know it today.

Without going into postulate mode yet, or without any changes to current theories, i want to make a first observation. The wave nature of light which is a bunch of photons coming from a single compact source like those used in experiments can be explained much easier if we could consider some sort of resonance between traveling photons emitted by falling electrons or a statistic grouping of in phase photons.

That is there will be always a number of photons in phase with each other, creating a virtual front wave.

But the front wave can only be electric, magnetic or both, and we'd have to accept the photons are carrying each its own pulsating field while the energy of the photon will always depend on its... (pulsating) frequency, field that of course is not spherical or pumpkin like and does not loose intensity and travels with the photon for 11 billion years.

Ok so here comes the postulate. In the same line of reasoning, we have to admit that the falling electron does not produce a quasi spherical magnetic field but transfer its energy to only one pulsating photon that is made of both magnetic and electric fields. Or better said, only electrical.

And that pulsating field can only be an infinite series of successive reactions of the void to the initial disturbance created by the falling electron, following the only universal law and that is action/reaction.

First reaction to the disturbance will occur in such a way it will not interfere with its source, and that is at 90 degrees in space and time to its cause. In turn, that first reaction will create the second, etc.. in an infinite cycle creating a cross traveling quantum we call photon.

However there is not a B wave but only E disturbances which pulses once transversal like in the animation below and then jumps 90 degrees ahead longitudinal and pulses again at 90 degrees transversal.

Though each transversal pulse is made at peak of two quarks that have mass, the total transversal (electric of course) momentum is zero while it's still photon, the pulse balances self after one cycle of four pulses as if those four pulses were emitted at once which makes us thinking if longitudinal time has any significance in its own reference frame.

I think the mass of the two quarks may come from the electron also falling into the gravitational field of the nucleus which is very weak when compared to the electric but it exists. (we cannot not dismiss any amount in quantum).

Even in this animation one starts to ask self if the fields are balanced. But we are talking here electric and magnetic line fields, not mechanical yoyos with inertia and stuff. Why should they be anchored at one end? And here another question for the EM theory. If one field causes the other, then why are they always in phase?

The representation does not apply to EM fields emitted by falling electrons because those can only exist for the time of the electron falling, that is one half period, and hence the first confusion. We don't have such things in nature (dipoles fed by oscillators).

The deducted appearance of the moving quanta would be a succession of lines at 90 degrees each in a succession of parallel planes that seen on the direction of propagation will look like a cross. The apparent rotation of the quantum is its spin.

Depending on the frequency, or the difference in levels of energy of the origin electron (or possible other sources) we will have light, microwaves, radio waves etc. or all the EM spectrum as we know it.

According to this theory, light can be bend when an electric field is applied in the direction of the quanta where is moving away with the help of a very high frequency high voltage stimulation (maybe not at every cycle) that may be created with the help of so called Helmholtz resonators or other type of very advanced "stone age" device inside pyramid or simply with the help of a very strong electrostatic field applied from very close when light generated at the top of they pyramidion moves down the gold faces.

Also light quanta could be accelerated or rushed from behind down the pyramidion by other in phase quanta.

Again using the hypothesis the pyramid is a indeed a photonic device capable of splitting light quanta created at the top in its four components. By doing this in a fast energetic successions it may bring anything contained inside or in a focused area to its frame reference and the time inside may slow, space dilate (According to Einstein time stops for anything that travels at the speed of light).

By bending light around pyramid light could be slowed down by the angle effect or accelerated by other quanta pushing from behind thus time can be reverted. But you need to revert time all the way to before that region of space was inside the expanding Universe to create a wormhole.

Or maybe they didn't want to. BTW, i was thinking yesterday, i don't see any restrictions to traveling into the future if you are about do die inside that pyramid anyway and never to come out. Or maybe if you abide a few simple rules. Or if you don't care about creating parallel universes and stuff.

We know this is possible in the microwave or even terahertz range with today's electronics. Did i mention vacuum creating mechanism for the Helmholtz resonator inside the pyramid?

All these and probably more were known of course to Ancient Egyptians, who build the pyramids to manipulate quanta, possibly others. By forcing the cross quanta down the slopes of a pyramid they split it into a square (in a way similar to opening a 4 blade iris) (final stabbing of Christ on the cross) using high voltage electricity and the shape of the gold pyramidion they could basically bend light, induce speeds much greater than light, stretch space, revert time, etc..

I know where they got their ideas for the string theory. But do they know what the strings are made of?

Ok i think i got it. When an electrons falls to a lower orbit and creates a photon (void reaction) that is too energetic, it can break down in two other particles, which are open strings too small to create their own void reactions and in turn start vibrating. Because the reaction to void is dynamic, the split creates two charged particles.

Here are (named only) a few ancient and modern symbols reminding of this model of Universe and demonstrating knowledge of it. I won't add the graphic symbols because in some countries are banned.

Square and compass.

In Ancient Chinese mythology there is a story of two half snake half human brother and sister, Fuxi and Nüwa, who supposedly rebuilt the Universe with a square and a compass. In this representation they look surrounded by strings made of rings. Their modern continuation seem to be the freemasons.


Toyota logo

Audi logo

Subaru logo

Also. The striking similarities of these fundamental scientific findings with major themes of the four main religions of the world, possible other religions, suggest these themes were popular in the past, possibly carrying symbolic informations about lost knowledge belonging to advanced ancient civilizations that ended in a global conflict conflict, possibly the one described in the oral epic story (that has been later written) Mahabharata.

Wild turkeys, split pyramid, pyramidion and a solar symbol (left) part of a museum across Indian Head Casino, last night, inside Warm Springs reservation, Oregon.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Travelling EM oscillations

All science describing light is weird. Never knew photons' mass which do not have a resting mass (do they ever rest?) depends on their frequency. According to the formula, when their frequency is zero, their energy is zero and mass is zero.

The EM radiation from a source propagates in all directions and they say is made of two fields, electric and magnetic that constantly recreate each other with each front wave, when any moving electric field creates a magnetic field etc. which fields are said to be perpendicular on each other and on the direction of propagation like in this image.

But the symmetry of propagation is broken as soon as we're away from the equator and at poles we don't have any fields at all. According to this demonstration EM field cannot propagate spherically. Or at least not symmetrically spherically.

The reason we see a light bulb similarly bright when observed from all directions is because we don't see only one front wave, but many, that each has its own (random) direction.

Can't find right now with google a satisfactory answer to the question. Does each photon has its own unique front wave or more than one photon can travel on the same wave front.

The reason we can not have spherical EM fields is EM field is not continuous but quantic in nature. Quantum means is made of discrete values or packets of energy called photons.

In lasers we can have photons traveling in synchronized front waves but they are still discrete. It is only a coincidence of our choice.

I came to believe that light is a collection of photons each with its own front wave that does only exist  around the photons.

I always believed polarization is rather an alignment of the electric and magnetic vectors of many photons rather than an intrinsic property of one photon. However, things have changed and now they are talking about the spin of a photon, that can be left, right, aligned with the direction of propagation and even transverse and the polarization is related to that spin and the spin can carry energy.

Maybe we shall soon come to believe that photon is a magnetically polar particle and its rotation generate the electric and magnetic field associated with it. My head is spinning.

Saleh Theory adds an extra motion to the photon besides linear and spin we know of already again carying extra energy but where is the balance to the centripetal force. Could it be the interaction of a magnetically or electrically polarized photon with its own front wave? If photon had a electric charge, the helical motion would create of course a variable electric field also calling for a magnetic one etc..

Or maybe there's no photon at all but just a (singled out, orphaned) EM disturbance that maintains self, a bubble that propagates on a straight line in vacuum in the same way disturbances propagate in elastic media though like spheres of pressure waves, that have a life of their own after the source ceases to exist.

One single front wave made of an one alternating electric and one alternating magnetic field in motion that recreate each other in time while advancing in space in steps, one after another, with nothing behind and nothing ahead. There is a phase difference between the electric and magnetic field that propel each other through space as both lag to each other at the speed of light and the lag time is the wavelength of the disturbance divided by the speed of light.

All the transfers between electric and magnetic fields within the bubbles that make the quanta of light of the same frequency and same direction in the whole Universe are in phase due to resonance and the space itself is divided in planes of resonance or slices where electric and magnetic field can turn into each other and those would be stationary and at equal distance and time of transfer between fields which is the same at each frequency and that makes for the speed of light being constant and generally greatest in Universe.

Quantum because there is only one value for the intensity of magnetic and one value for the intensity of electric field for the phenomenon to occur when in resonance with the others.

The energy carried by a quantum of light would be E = hc/λ, with h = 6.625 × 10–34 Js (Plank's constant) and c is the velocity of light and is dependent only by frequency. However there is not one single collection of parallel and equidistant planes but separate collections on all frequencies and all directions.

All disturbances on the same frequency (quanta of light) of the same direction resonate across the Universe however there can be as little as a few in one direction and that can be observed as what we call quantum entanglement.

It is not the space that is bent in the vicinity of big masses but the slices that channel light.

Polarization. Yes, a disturbance, depending on how it was created can have a spin without being a particle.

Interference. At short distances planar front waves of many disturbances combine through interference into quasi spherical hence all the classical experiments. Double slit experiment etc..

So far all my ideas are philosophical deductions, 3D geometric enunciations and verbal description. As There are no mathematical formulas, as Einstein used us to, nothing to illustrate those though there are conclusions that satisfy certain experimental knowledge, like the speed of light is constant and the limit to all speeds in Universe, quantum entanglement etc..

So i wanted to take a look at Maxwell's equations to see if i can grab something meaningful to my demonstration and all i could find was counter intuitive integrals, differentials and gradient symbols that tell me nothing. So i had to take a look again at things i haven't seen in more than 40 years and started with the basics of calculus from a video narrated in English,

Though i can cross now easily the language barrier, i ran into the same problem i did so many years ago.

Definitions of a differential starts with an equation using abstract terms, ds and dt, that can be as small as we can imagine. And all of a sudden in the in the comfort of my intuitive mind the left term of the equation flys to zero or infinity whatever comes first when those entities approach zero.

In reality, the term dt that disappears on the right since it can be as small as possible (approaches zero as the narrators states) in the left side becomes a convention within a notation system, it does not have the value of an equation or division term anymore. Too bad considering all the resources that video took to make and all the hopes of those who watch it and generally the head scratching of all students that ever had to go through this ordeal.

Nevermind i just ran into an animation with two simple equations i can understand hopefully deriving from that symbolism that show the two fields are in phase though the em field is continuously fed from behind which is not possible since the "photons" are emitted by single electrons while decaying orbit or changing energy level. But what happens to the traveling photons when we turn off the light, what pushes them from behind in a non elastic medium (air which for this purpose of this mental experiment can be considered vacuum).

Nevermind an idea just came to me. In the animation above the E field is at 180 degrees on the perpendicular B field and vice-versa. And if i think now, i realize this is how they create each other.

However i believe they propagate in a different way than shown in the animation since in the case of a single photon coming out of a single electron there is no spherical front wave to push it from behind since there cannot be spherical magnetic fields and that would be also an enormous waste of energy of a single electron changing level and would not explain the indefinite travel of a "photon" at the same speed of light through space to the infinity and that field would cease to exist anyways after the electron has changed level.

The whole energy is carried in one in a traveling complete oscillation of both fields instead or EM pulsating quantum instead of being potentially dissipated on a sphere with the radius of the distance the photon travels and i bet that is the mass of the moving photon per Einstein's fundamental equation.

I also believe the best way to describe those in words would be "traveling standing waves". One electric standing wave transfers all of its energy to a magnetic one and then disappears while the bubble or EM pulsating quantum travels 180 degrees on y as time axis while it turns 90 degrees on y as direction axis like a corkscrew for the sake of symmetry.

This is what the electric (or magnetic) component of the cycle should look like for one electric period only. The magnetic component would oscillate in similar ways but in horizontal plane (unseen in the video) and at 180 degrees in the direction of moving of the EM field. During the next period the first component will be moved in space a full 360 degrees etc..

Moving mass of a photon. It's simply the oscillating energy of a fast moving EM quantum transferred through a collision with a "solid" surface or particle. Same for photoelectric effect. An "electron" gets knocked out of orbit by a "photon" that was created by an electron decaying to a lower orbit.

Gravity. They have been talking so much of it, after Tesla, Einstein, others. Whole mathematics have been invented for trying to explain those (string theory in the 11th dimensions space) but so far no one has come (in public) with a verifiable solution.

I will try to make a few steps over the normal ones on such a complex theory and state that gravity may be simply a (dynamic) residual attraction between EM pulsating stationary quanta of energy, or disturbances that do not travel or resonate like light quanta, but instead are caught, due to interaction with others, figuring dynamic dipoles that happen to be in phase or close to, naturally reorienting for or close to attraction.

By not travelling, through analogy with light those could generate their own space and time.

Mass (inertial) in general would be the resistance of moving the stationary EM quanta through the resonance planes of light. In the case of fast constant speed moving quanta like "photons" if you add energy to the photon you change only frequency, in the case of slow moving or stationary disturbances (quanta), like "heavier particles", if you add energy to those you will change speed.

Once acquired a certain amount of energy (speed) they will simply jump through the planes at constant speed, the resistance will appear only when adding speed.

No electrons do not create EM dipoles by moving around. Smaller particles EM pulsating quanta have mass and interact with gravity.

It is said Einstein didn't like the name photon. I submit the whole class of particles we know today as bosons should be called gozons.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

July 22

 6:58 Rude awakening. They came with new tricks. Right after i woke up i heard my neighbors having a "dialog" proving you can hear anything from them however they never talk to each other (so far). Probably audible from outside the building and had to write it down so people would know it's not coming from me. Like the previous ones, who usually were alone but never heard them talking on the phone. You who read theses should not be sorry for me. It's just your obsessions, personified, at work.

The old man though was watching porn with the TV so loud you could hear it from the alley. In fact this is was his undoing, i one time knocked really hard on walls he then left in month. He was also smoking and the when he was drying from the drier exhaust was coming cigarette smoke instead of detergent perfume etc.. There was a few weeks of silence after he left but then hell followed. One month of remodeling when i could not stay here in the morning.

 Last guy who lived upstairs told me he never heats, and he also take only cold showers etc..

However when i started to again do searches to write my next paragraph of make corrections to the existing ones they started to make noise in sync with my brain waves.

BTW everybody who read what i wrote so far knows that sometimes i go back and make corrections. But this post has been entirely re-written so far and i'm still working on it. That is because all are so knew to me i discover things while i write. Why i don't wait to finish it and then publish it. Because every time i write something i think it the last think i write. And let's clear out something. There is no need for photons (particles) to explain certain aspects of light, like photoelectric effect which made me presume there are no other particles. From now on i will refer to quanta or quanta "agglomerations" like bigger particles without quote signs cause it's really hard to write it that way.

Claustrophobic? Now, since last time i wrote or last night, an idea is haunting me but was too tired to pursue it. From the first paragraph that i put on top of everything else after i realized how the quanta are being created and the difference between natural EM emissions from electrons moving to lower orbits and artificial with resonant circuits whatever, i get a very weird conclusion:

There was no need to invoke the aspect of reality known to us as space. Everything could be explained without it. Could it be space does not exist at all as some say, though fewer than those who say time does not exist, and we all are still in that initial point that never expanded and separateed between different configurations of our reality only by time?

I never needed to say what is the direction of turning in 90 degrees jumps of the pulsating quanta of light which can be either right or left. Could that mean right turn is an advance in time and left is going back and we are all moving only in time and not in space, where we can meet with different past present or future configurations of our reality we know as space. That could also explain easily the fact the speed of light is greatest and also constant for any observer.

We might perceive as distance the time needed to move from one configuration to another and back. Time as we know it is a measure of motion though because our conscience as our clocks are stuck on moving only forward in time.

Eminescu, the visionary poet of whom i already said he described the big bang, once wrote. For being constrained by poetic means my translation was not that accurate. I take it now as he was trying to explain the equivalence space-time.

7:37 They upstairs move energetically right on top of where i sit on the couch and not in the kitchen as they should, at every of my thoughts and by now there is already dust in the air and in my throat. They are preparing me for breakfast and sickness after. Torture is not only mental or "spiritual" after all.

7:51 Viktor Orban, un regizor care se contrazice pe sine, iar și iar din motive de psihologie inversă. Europa acum nu mai e o prințesă ca în filmul său ci un campion de box în vârstă.

Now they restarted upstairs, after a brief pause. Now they left leaving me with dust from ceiling in my nose and throat and some palpitations.

8:16 It could also be light only can move back and forth in time but we cannot perceive it because we are stuck on moving forward, governed by the laws of gravity which is dipoles attracting each others. That is because when time advances normally light operates in right hand magnetism and the other way around.

1:50 When Angela came she said they did it one more time, at 2 AM. On the floor cause furniture came in today.

One more thought before i leave. Can space exist in a vacuum Universe? With nothing to measure it and nobody to comprehend the abstract concept of it?

11:00 More thoughts from the road about light quantum transfer. Obeying the law action reaction in time though transversal, that gets balanced after one period, the void provides a reaction to light quanta very similar to that of elastic media to a wave of sound.

I would like to take my word back. I think the Nazis did discover something though they might have not know it. Except for the few (infiltrated) poles. If you can't guess scroll down to find the answer.


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

December 13

1:08 This is a very interesting one. In a laser ray each photon flies perfectly parallel with others. Will a convex mirror open the quanta of light into a higher wave length or will it just reflect each of it into a separate direction? Common sense says that each ray (photon, quanta) should depart into a different direction.

There are so many weird things in the world of physics, more people should spend their time thinking of those instead of movies and racism and stuff. And not leave it for scientists. Scientists are few and they can be coerced.

Locking the physics into hard to read and understand formulas (that BTW don't really work) that happened more than 100 years ago scared many people away from it. Like Windows and object oriented scared away the programmers.

1:25 I know nowadays people are scared of rainbows and stuff and i tend to agree because it is a bit scary. But do you remember the prism diffraction experiment in school? Something that shines on a Pink Floyd cover?

The page linked below looks like for school children, the source of light is not even mentioned.

Sun is a source of light some would say of continuous spectrum, where all colors or wave lengths or frequencies of visible light and beyond are present. I don't know why, cause the Surface of the Sun is supposed to be made of hydrogen, right, which emits only a tiny part of the spectrum. Ok neverminded, is the temperature. Gas is plasma at 6000 C. (Then how do they establish chemical composition of distant stars through diffraction?)

This image which looks like a vectorization following strictly a real one, each ray that exits the prism seems to be dispersing, as each color is made of separate rays that at some point will separate. Have to note the weird coincidence with this prism having a pyramid shape. Could have been a blade shape, wouldn't have changed this experiment but i think would have been harder to illustrate.

Though i think this particular coincidence could be beneficial. It brings me closer to understanding what has happening inside Egypt pyramids.

Light is just a tiny bit of the so called EM spectrum.

There are let's call it for now EM radiation with wavelength bigger than light that could be created by high voltage/frequency applied to the gold pyramidion that could propagate through limestone or primitive concrete whatever like light through glass and be diffracted, diverted, dispersed or whatever by those or better said, air/rock separation surface, like air/glass for light. Though it gest a bit more complicated than anticipated. But closer to an end.

After enlarging (normalizing it to my blog size) the image shows each wavelength stays the same after separation though each changes a bit direction. Do you remember why?

But i think there should be a also wavelength shift for each color after passing through a separating surface (air/glass and again glass air).

3:38 If it's from Hungary, it's reverse psychology. Hungary and/or Japan or other entity through coerced Hungarian actors control all governments of the world. But let's not forget, Orban is a movie director by trade.

4:00 See? I'm not alone in the Universe!

9:05 Was thinking. While descending in squares above the surface of the charged gold pyramidion the super (pyramid made) quanta (made of arrows like in this video though one on each side) is stretched (turquoise ones) and the 4 disturbances (arrows) get longer as new ones are pushing from the tip and accelerated (as distance between those is increased by repelling) to speeds faster than light. Many times faster.

It can do it without breaking the laws of physics if it stretches space, reverses time or both. In a way, it makes sense. To recreated the original void you may need to turn back time all the way to the big bang. Or at least to the time the space where the pyramid is was outside the expanding Universe.

Now i think i know at least one way to build a ship wrapped in a void bubble. By using a pyramidion pointing backwards at the end of it (stern).

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

DeCember 12 (12)

2:02 AM "My purpose for the day was to see if it's possible to design a practical device that could do what the warp engines were doing in Star Trek but the day has passed drowned in unnecessary noise a and stomps and s...t."

Let's see if i have anything to say about the link above. I don't believe in negative energy and mass an s...t.

I believe in traveling within a void bubble. What is a void bubble. It is a place... no place at all. It is what this Universe was before big-gang (or first true random void disturbance).

In that no place at all distances do not mater. So if you open one of those and then another one in a different place corner of the Universe whatever was in the first one would migrate in the second when first one fades away. No other opening (of bubbles) can intervene in those moments or loss of material and lives could occur. Or parallel Universes be created whatever.

That's why i was telling, it is a limited resource in this Universe.

This was done on Earth with a pyramid shaped device during Ancient Egypt and then nowadays using tokamaks (in a different purpose then declared). Synchronization is the key for the transfer.

Was thinking of a dynamic process. A traveling device could wrap itself in a bubble while opening a bubble ahead at some distance. While advancing from one bubble to the other, the ship does not exit in the normal space so i don't know if it could open a bubble in a continuous mode but who knows for sure if there is not some trick for it...

Though i'm pretty sure it can be done because we need it and this Universe, or the first disturbance, arose to fulfill any rational need or anything mind can think of.

But will a ship traveling using successive or continuous jumps, obviously slower than bubble to bubble disrupt the busy schedule of site to site traveling?

Only salvation would come with size. If a bubble will resonate only with one of the same size, or only with one created at a certain precise time after the first one, then yes, simultaneous multiple site to site pairs of bubbles could exist, including ships.

2:50 Yeah i know, it sounds a bit like Scientology. But then let us not forget that...

2:52 And now that we have all the philosophical premises in place, let's think of a practical device. However, it may require brainstorming, or who knows, all the thetans have again to agree...

But i think all a ship has to do is to create ahead a tunnel of void long enough for the end of it to be in phase with the beginning... But that would require a lot of energy and probably should think first of how to extract the energy from the void. Or maybe the bubble can travel as a wave or something, conserving the bubble... As a worm maybe?

3:12 Visionary Jules Verne writes in his book about Paris in 1960 (or after 100 years he wrote it), reality that seems to be postponed to our days (his mind was a bit fast), among others, that journalism would not exist anymore, as they were no news and i think he was right about that one too.

Superweapons used in the first decades of twentieth century (Tunguska event) and reactions that followed (WWI, WWII, totalitarism) wiped the need for war thus the one for news. However they keep waging wars as a mean to control population that was getting smarter in the west and writing something that replaces the news, i call it the continuous show, which is a very sophisticated and complex live show, using the addiction for news of the population as a mean to keep them dumb.

1:00 This suggests a couple of large superconductive coils similar to those of tokamaks that could wrap the ship in a void bubble. However, the coils themselves that are attached to the ship are out of that bubble.

3:43 Spin and orbit the nucleus? Ok let' say for the purpose of this discussion they spin in a circle. Thus the magnetic field is nothing but again a reaction of the void, creating again closed loops perpendicular to its motion in a way similar to electron rotates in a closed loop. 

No further reaction to the reaction cause this one is closed and not moving. Since the electron rotates it probably rotates with it and there is a continuous "field" of rotating magnetic lines around the rotation axis.

This type of reaction is again an electric field but since it has no polarity (no beginning or end) as it is closed it does not interact with other electric nearby fields. But if we were to consider the fact the electron is rotating like in a cloud of uncertainty around the nucleus, the multitude of lines of field at some time parallel to the axis of rotation in a plane containing the electron rotation radius is generated by the uncertainty (cloud like) position of the electron around the rotating axis.

So in the end there is only one "force" and that is electric and when dynamic (single, open or moving) it causes two different types of reaction to the void. Light quanta, for single open linear disturbances like in case of an electron falling to a lower orbit which propagates in squares, the so called magnetic field described above, gravity being just an attraction between orienting dipoles from two different objects.

In case of the "magnetic" field above,  things are clear. The reaction to the disturbance created  by the rotation of electron has a direction following the direction of the rotation of the electron and the poles attract each other in order to sum the reaction.

Why is an electron charged and why it repels other electrons. This is not an easy one. Electrons spin and they probably have asymmetric charges made of smaller particles like polar molecules and thus they create a "magnetic" field. But electron is spinning and changing direction of the spin too fast fast to allow its void reaction to close through it, hence the field lines appear open. Uncertainty of the direction of the spin and spin speed of electron create unipolar fields. Probably same with protons.

And from here on i think i got a direction into explaining what particles are. I think they are light quanta with such a high frequency or small wave length or side length of their square they can't move the way light quanta does and small ones combine into large ones to satisfy the weird properties of very small ones. Or they probably move into a different time frame and/or space than light does, whatever you may like. Anyways  they are trapped into combinations within larger "molecular" particles.

Ok i got the whole of it. It's all in my mind. Shall i put it here for free?

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

December 5

1:52 Is this torii gates tunnel reminiscing of a pyramid shaft?


1:40 I had no idea when i developed the autonomous light quanta theory what immediate purpose would serve and be confirmed by.

I think i wrote before why i can't believe the current EM theory. They say when an electron move to a lower orbit it creates a sudden discharge, basically an electric current that in turn generates a magnetic field that in turn... hence the EM traveling field.

It should be a one front only field since the source ceases to exist, being a magnetic field at inception it has the shape of a pumpkin etc. though it is not thin but has volume and will be next to zero on the direction of the discharge or the electric current that created it or at poles.

The original magnetic field is stationary for the time the electron falls but (they say) it creates an electric one that is ahead with half period of that wave length frequency of which shape is hard to imagine short of the animation in Wikipedia and which creates another magnetic one, basically moving in jumps.

These fields vectors are said to be perpendicular on each other and on the direction of propagation which seems impossible in polar regions of the pumpkin.

It also seems obvious that the intensity of those fields decreases, maybe not with the square of distance (because it is not a sphere) but following other similar equation and after a while it will be so weak it will be undistinguishable from the background noise.

According to the dualism of light theory accompanied by these jumping fields there is a photon that of course flies into one direction only (out of many possible by riding the quasi spherical field). Average life expectation for a photon is 11 billion years or something like that.

Which means that if the photon does not encounter any obstacle it will travel with the speed of light for 11 billion years, possibly escaping the edges of our Universe. And it is obvious that after a while, rather early in photon's life it will not be accompanied anymore by the original EM field.

This theory has so many flaws we need not to continue to discuss it.

What i proposed is there is no electric, magnetic or gravity field, but only electric which appears as pulses, basically arrows of energy. Those pulses (or disturbances) create reactions that have to be in a such direction and positions in space they will not interfere with its cause, basically re-creating self at a 90 degrees angle in space and one quart of the period in time.

They way those travel suggest a succession of squares which have one arrow on one side only. As soon as an arrow finish one side it is transfered on next square, not seen here.

The optical effects of light are easy to explain in this theory. Quanta (or pulses) whe nowadays call photons are never singular coming from a source but in large numbers flying in all direction. Some of them since inception are in phase (though not going in the same direction as in a laser), by resonance. So they will create the equivalent of wave fronts that may explain the classic optical experiments.

Now try to imagine four of those emitted simultaneously right on the tip of the pyramidion perpendicular on each side that in turn would create perpendicular ones moving on each side in squares pushed down (repelled) by new ones from the tip where a conductor is hooked fed by some induction coil fed by a batter or condenser inside the pyramid or a resonant circuit similar to a Tesla coil whatever.

Like in a combination of this video (turquoise pyramids only) and the one above.

There will be four disturbances chasing each other in squares above the surface while the squares are getting bigger and bigger and pushed down given the shape of the pyramidion that will create sort of an electric prying effect on space, and possibly opening the original void.

By calculation or trial and error one could focus this electric vacuum somewhere in an empty space below inside the pyramid where the air has also been removed, thus creating a bubble of the original void, where distances have no meanings and which will be instantly connected to a similar or more bubbles across the perceived Universe.

Yes it is possible the Ancient Egyptians, others, could have figured this by themselves if they knew about electricity and geometry and nature of the Universe.

In a time when people lived by themselves and not drowned in symbolism and all kind of fake competitions generated of course by the need of a few to own this very limited resource that could open the possibility to travel across the Universe maybe to better worlds that we may call Heaven.

Monday, December 4, 2023

December 4

2:15 I always kept in a corner of my brain the possibility that Mt.Meru could actually be the Great Pyramid. There is not a satisfying correspondence in known Sanskrit for the name but there is a word in Romanian which is a language deriving from Sanskrit (and mixed with Latin) that could be a good one. Mereu, which means always.

The lower part of most representative depiction of Mt.Meru "which is central to Hinduist, Jainist and Buddhist cosmology" looks indeed like a pyramid. With some very interesting things on top of it. Like links or openings to other worlds and in some depictions, with layers of parallel clouds which reminds of the American flag.

But it could also be an allegory and the 4 corners of the base that turn into 5 which in a sort of optical illusion could be a representation of the 5 fundamental forces that derive from creation and interactions between EM quanta (forces that according to the mantra linked below are also illusory or maybe created by the void). 

Just ran into a page that tries to show the effect of the shape of the pyramids and that is "focusing EM energy". Though i was hoping to find the opposite. However i saw something interesting in those images. Parallel or standing waves similar to those seen on top of some Mt.Meru depictions. Possible visualizations of standing EM energy.

The tip of the pyramid or pyramidion was originally built covered with gold thus highly conductive. What happens if  you apply an extremely high voltage, maybe alternative that is created inside pyramid using friction by letting stones descend in shafts, or maybe other sources of energy (some say the pyramid itself is a giant capacitor using atmospheric potential gradient to get charged) directed through resonating chambers of course simultaneously to all faces to the pyramidion.

If my theory is true and the electric quanta actually travel by transferring energy from one disturbance (that actually does not travel in space) to its own reaction at 90 degrees in space and time, if  you apply thigh enough voltage to the pyramidion 4 disturbances would appear simultaneously in 4  perpendicular directions and perpendicular to the 4 triangles of the pyramidion creating 4 reactions as a vortex (that would look yes, like a 3D swastika) that in turn would re-created the original void or what would appear to us as a bubble in space time, of course inside the king's chamber or maybe focused in the sarcophagus itself.

Another function of the sliding stones in the video which could be more than 3 could be creating vacuum in the king's chamber and generally above the tree stones, possibly with some resonance effect which would increase much the vacuum in targeted area.

When two worlds overlap, you don't want air and water molecules in that space interfering with the objects that materialize from the other world, like the recipient for the cargo that could collide with those molecules, with nasty effects. Vacuum would be short lived and would not affect much a living person in there.

(Pretty much like teleportation in Star Trek, were the site of re-materialization needs to be calculate very precisely so the person would not materialize inside a stone or something and BTW, they would have to hold their breath for a second or two).

Could two bubbles created simultaneously in different corners of the perceived universe converge to the same void that could happen of course if space and time are illusions created by the original disturbance, as the same mantra says. And inside the original void distances are meaningless.

Then we can indeed talk about star gates and stuff. Time travel, interstellar travel, name it though i would advice against time travel, when you could meet your grandpa, interfere with without knowing, don't let him do his job etc. or even worse fall in love with your grandma which could have even more unpredictable effects in the current present universe we all live in maybe branching a parallels one when you would not exist as such anymore).

9:10 Am fost prea ocupat cu stargates și chestii ca să-mi amintesc. Astăzi s-a votat ordinea de zi pentru Consiliul JAI la Bruxeels, și pun pariu că ministrul nostru de interne, Catolin Predoiu a votat ca România și Bulgaria să fie votate pentru Schengen la pachet mâine, ceea ce este ilegal și imoral. România și Bulgaria sunt două țări separate deși au semnat pe același tratat de aderare în 2005.

Dacă semnau în 2003 când au aderat 10 țări, ar fi rămas tot în bloc? Este UE formată din blocuri de țări, după momentul aderării? Am o bănuială că decalarea aderării României și Bulgariei cu 2 ani a avut tocmai acest scop. Ungaria și Austria încă au pretenții teritoriale asupra României iar Bulgaria este folosită ca pion de sacrificiu, pentru a nu bate prea tare la ochi toată chestia.

Iată cum România a ratat încă o dată șansa de a-și arăta și ea puterea de veto într-un Consiulul JAI și a bloca complet UE până la rezolvarea acestei probleme. Mâine va avea loc votul propriu zis iar românii pot urmări transmisia live.

Unul din miniștrii români însă participă în câte un consiliu aproape în fiecare săptămână și voteaz toți ca primarii în loc să negocieze ca Nehammer. Însă România este o non putere politică în UE, toți miniștrii și reprezentanții noștri sunt oamenii lor.

Românii și oricine pot urmări mâine votul live pe unul din site-urile UE, link în dreapta sus pe acest blog sau aici.

10:25 Oarecum. Și ăsta e un selfie?

12:13 Teoria câmpului electromagnetic este un fals grosolan și rău intenționat. Câmpul (vectorul) magnetic nu poate fi întotdeauna perpendicular pe cel electric și pe direcția de deplasare din cauză că și câmpul magnetic este bipolar cu linii închise iar liniile de câmp au formă de bostan iar cel electric monopolar cu linii de câmp închise iar liniile de câmp au formă de soare cu raze, deschise.

Și totuși în imaginea de mai jos puteți vedea linii de câmp electrice închise care de fapt sunt magnetice. Câmpul magnetic este de fapt un câmp electric cu linii închise.

Este o contradicție ce rezultă din teoria greșită și eu spun intenționat greșită fiindcă este imposibil ca cei care au creat această animație precum și toți propovăduitorii de 100 de ani și mai bine a a acestei teorii să nu fi știut.

3:45 În timpul călătoriei prin stargate tot ce trebuia un călător să facă era să se așeze în sarcofagul din granit din camera "regelui". Poate un capac greu era pus pentru protecție. În momentul activării pereții apăreau ondulați și în mișcare, e posibil ca și aerul din cameră să fi fost greu de respirat, cu vibrații, descărcări electrice, din cauza tehnologiei primitive iar în cameră apărea un al doilea sarcofag sau poate era ceva mai high tech whatever. În acel moment el se ridica și se așeza în al doilea sarcofag. Sau poate venea ceva o mică macara și-l ridica de acolo.

Și când totul înceta, el se trezea undeva poate la sute, mii sau miliarde de ani lumină, într-un loc unde veneau niște nanoboți și-l reparau și unde urma să trăiască veșnic înconjurat de roboți bionici sau clone lipsite de conștiință care-l serveau. Sau poate intra într-un fel de hibernare și numai creierul lui trăia veșnic fericit într-o simulare VR. Sau poate îi era descărcat sufletul într-un soft ceva.

Every body satisfied?

6:46 From time to time some were pulled out of the simulation and sent back to Earth so they can tell. John the Revelator? Zalmoxis?

One thing is sure. They found someone in the tomb together with gifts for gods. He probably was too dead to be fixed. Or he died when the device broke.

But until then i think they had lines with dying people. Once someone was dead, he was put in the sarcophagus, filled the rest with gold (the price to the gods for passage). And some food until they can get accustomed with the diet or sent back alive and then they cut the ropes that were holding the stones on top of the gallery. But it needed to be done in a certain time of the day and year and stuff. Or maybe they were getting a signal trough the communications shafts.

When it all stopped. The device was worn out. Not only the king's room's walls were vitrified, but the galleries as well.

But i think the best explanation is someone sabotaged it. For revenge for being refused, or pissed for seeing too many aliens around. Maybe they sent their convicts here. The hole that is today's entrance. Nobody knew how to fix it and it remained like that to this day.

Then they built the second one and the third. And then something went wrong in Egypt and could not build those no more. Or they invented a new type of device made with more advanced technology or what they could spare or transfer back through the gate and moved all operations in Rome or something.

7:25 Nowadays. There's little doubt about having a few devices like that around. Maybe the high towers seen all around the world. Only trouble is, given the time necessary for establishing let's call it a worm hole though (though they aren't), usage in other areas of the Universe (i think there can be only one wormhole at the time in the whole Universes), the access is limited.

To increase traffic of humans they built in parallel the ring in Switzerland which sends just the gold using a particle accelerator.

7:25 Why is gold so important to aliens. Technology. It is needed to make ICs. Or whatever they make. The silicon is not the problem and they seem not to be interested in. They can build nowadays transistors with only a few atoms of silicone. The problem is interconnecting those and make a functional chip. Or maybe they have different devices that use more gold than silicone.

In a sense, yes it is migration. To heaven one may say.

But the rest of us. We can't enjoy even the lives we were given here on Earth, because of them and their competition and thirst for gold to gain a place in line for what they think is eternal life.

One more thing. The gold could not even have been here if it weren't for a few pieces of a metal asteroid they sent to us. Which besides gold brought other materials that shortened our life span by a factor of ten. The Bible says people before the flood which might have been the moment when several pieces of a metal asteroid fell on Earth were living up to 1000 years.

If you think is too complicated, think again. They sent us an asteroid and a probe. The probe did all the job and coerced and/or addicted the savages to bier to build the pyramid(s). Then they could come in freely and runt things. Instead, who knows how many tons of gold were sent. The Romans pulled from Dacia some 200 tons a year during 165 years and most was sent to China back on the silk road which also has great pyramids. Though one of the biggest in the world is in Mexico.

8:10 Summit-ul a avut loc luni și marți. Luni s-a votat agenda pregătită de consilul GAC pentru ambele zile. De ce a votat Predoiu luni elimiarea punctului din agendă? Predoiu, PNL și Iohannis sunt vinovați de această nouă cacealma dar și Ciolacu fiindcă tace. Puteau opune veto-ul României iar summit-ul nu mai avea loc. BTW Ciolacu a venit în SUA să pună de o cacealma cu Muraru.

Este a doua oară după 2023-2005=18 ani când această problemă a fost pusă pe agendă. Prima dată în decembrie anul trecut.

Motivul pentru care a fost scoasă este evident. Deși Austria și Olanda vorbesc trăncănesc, e altă chestie să voteze efectiv. Cum ar putea să motiveze faptul că nu aprobă verificarea condițiilor puse României la 18 ani după semnarea tratatului de aderare inclusiv la Schengen (2023-2005) și la 15 ani după aplicare?

Cît despre "intrarea în Schengen" făcută neoficial, fără întruniri, altă gogoriță (btw deja vu) menită ca tragere de timp. Este scris în Tratatul de Aderare din 2005 că deși România intră în Schengen la data aderării, deci imediat (la aplicarea tratatului începând din 1 ianurie 2007) și aplicare aquisului este obligatorie începând de la aceeași data, ea se face numai după aprobarea Consiliului.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Laws and Observations on Time Travel

By consequences of a new theory regarding the emission of photons and propagation of light, issued after observations of the current theory that seems impossible and of the design and existence of the many pyramids built in areas currently including in modern Egypt and Nubia (Sudan), time travel seems more than ever a real possibility and more than that, it seems it may already happened in our civilization's past and we may have been contaminated with knowledge from/of the future.

Though predicted by the current quantum and string theories, that possibility was so remote, nobody bothered to try and examine its consequences in our lives.


In macro or continuous or analogous world we have the following situation. We cannot make measurements of an electric circuit without interfering and thus changing the parameters.

In one of the most simple electric circuit, that can be a battery, a resistor and two conductors, by touching the ends of the circuit with the probes of a meter we will induce a change of the resistance of the circuit, by adding its own resistance (for functioning, the meter needing to divert a small but not negligible amount of electrons from the circuit), thus altering the results.

As principle, it may be inherited from quantum world, of which the macro world is made of, where we have the so called "observer effect", since the everyday macro world is made by a myriad but finite number of quanta.

Or the other way around, we could extrapolate the first experiment (two paragraphs above) in the quantum world, by limiting the number of electrons flowing through the two circuits (one original and one added by the meter) to a quantum scale.

Another very important idea, besides all fundamental forces are in fact one, derived from reading the Buddhist mantra hRdaya sUtra (Core Plan), is reality is being created by our minds.  

In the case of this classic quantum experiment the presence of an electron detector is changing the results. Some argue that it is not our consciousness that interferes with the result, but merely the detector.

However the detector was made by conscious beings with that purpose only and the probability of one being created by a random variation of reality is zero, and without the consciousness of the experimenter, even if there could be a variation of reality that could create it in an infinite time, the experiment is meaningless, or does not exist as such without the observer, but as a simple (un)recorded variation of reality.

The extra reality of the act of observation by a conscious being affects future reality of the Universe and possibly its creation since the beginning. Based on the decision taken after that measurement, the conscious beings as us may take an action that would change the future.

If two people witness the same experiment and they agree on the results and the action needed to be taken, in the hypothetical Multiverse there will be no two but only one future. (From this we also can conclude both society and human consciousness (mind) obey quantum laws).

From here we can come to the conclusion that the more people agree on an observation and upon the decision made by it, the more stable or strong the next Universe will be, thus the idea of convergence (of the Multiverse back into one) which seems to be again following the only universal law, that of action/reaction that created it in the first place.

In the case of time travel from the future (in need of resources), the travelers do not want the Universe they come from to be changed, so they have to take measures. One of them would be convincing all the conscious beings in the time of intended target that they and their occult leadership do not come from the future and the best way is to convince them they are super beings from the present, aka decision making gods and we shall surrender to them so they can make all the decisions for us based on fake or inexistent observations.

A Sun God seems a logical choice since it will ever be present in this form or a predictable one all the way to their time.

However since there are people among us who have doubts and try alternating way of thinking and start making their own decisions based on objective (repeatable, reproducible) observations, they decided to capture and institutionalize the trend, by adding extra false gods.

Those extra gods which are actually people invested with decision making power by the agreement of many have to be false and forgettable, totally diverting the reality of the observations and decision making in a way that would not affect their reality in the future.

So in the end, they came up with the idea of actors playing the role of leaders (decisions makers), which actors having absolutely no power and there is no real casual chain of events that can lead from the act of leadership done by travelers to the fake leaders.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

July 12

2:00 AM. Am îmbătrânit de când repet chestiile astea, răspunzând articolelor lor mincinoase, forțate și pline de contradicții. De zeci, sute de ani s-au repetat aceste minciuni combinate cu multe omisiuni încât publicul le acceptă (istoria e scrisă de învingători, repetitio mater studiorum). Cred că până la urmă voi scrie o postare cu tot ce știu despre istoria lor. Până atunci, o schiță, pe scurt.

Munții Ural sunt granița naturală dintre nordul Europei și nordul Asiei, iar stepele Asiei merg până în Mongolia.

Asemănarea limbii finlandeze cu cea ungurească nu înseamnă că ungurii provin din Finlanda sau amândoi din Ural, ci înseamnă că au fost două ramuri ale aceleiași migrații.

În mod ciudat însă, și o spun chiar ei, limba lor seamănă cel mai bine cu japoneza și am să explic mai jos de ce.   
Ungurii de azi au cel puțin dublă origine, la fel cum românii o au dacă și romană. Cel mai bine se vede la o căutare google pe Hunor es Magor. Dacii erau înrudiți cu romanii însă într-un mod mai ciudat. Dacii provin direct din Nordul Mării Negre, așa numita populație Indo Europeană, iar romanii au ocolit puțin prin nord vestul Indiei unde au ajuns mai întâi ca aceeași populație din Nordul Mării Negre, și s-au amestecat puțin cu agresivii pama nyungan din Australia.

Însă dacii au ajuns în România de azi cu cel puțin 2500 de ani înainte de era comună.

Mai găsim în Ungaria legături și cu Mesopotamia, ca de exemplu numele lor pentru Dumnezeu, Isten (Isthar) și alte nume. La fel cum numele românesc pentru Dumnezeu sau Dumitru poate proveni de la Dumuzid, un zeu al păstorilor din Mesopotamia, mai vechi decât Ishtar (zeița sexului și a războiului) cu care până la urmă s-a căsătorit dar a și fost torturat de ea.

În ambele țări mai găsim toponime care provin de la vechea civilizație a Dunării de jos, anterioară dacilor precum și legături și mai vechi cu India.

La fel ca și în cazul dacilor și romanilor, ungurii și maghiarii sunt înrudiți între ei. Hunii au venit pe o rută asiatică necunoscută direct din Australia, migrație ce a durat probabil sute de ani, provenind din populația pama nyungan (nungarii de azi) și au îngenunchiat pe romani primind provincia Panonia (al cărei nume de asemenea are o ciudată legătură lingvistică mai veche cu pama nyungan) în schimbul retragerii iar maghiarii provin din magarii din Nepal, care de asemenea provin din aceeași populație din Australia, tot via nord-vestul Indiei. Și maghiarii au prăduit Europa înainte de a se alătura fraților lor unguri în aceeași Panonie.

Iar cea mai bună mărturie pentru originea magară a maghiarilor, în afară de numele lor bineînțeles este numele capitalei Ungariei, care până recent a fost simplu Buda.

Cuvântul măgar în limba română provine cel mai probabil de la animalele de povară folosite de magari înainte de raidurile lor europene, când erau mercenarii care apărau caravanele de zeci de mii de animale pe drumul mătăsii între China și Europa.

Și mongolii provin de asemenea din aceeași populație originar australiană. 

Numele Japoniei în limba lor, Nipon, sugerează proveniență nepaleză. Și a doua religie practicată de ei în paralel cu șintoismul, anume zen-budismul, fiindcă Buda a trăit în Nepal. Șintoismul însă pare a avea origine egipteană (o altă dublă origine înrudită). 

Toți acești descendenți din populația Pama Nyungan din Australia care a fost izolată de restul lumii cel puțin 50 000 de ani au fost foarte agresivi și războinici iar azi se proclamă rasa superioară (mai puțin ungurii, din care mulți au trecut la creștinism și iudaism). Însă budismul le-a adăugat o filozofie nouă, a decepției, pe care o practică la o scară imposibil de imaginat de către europeni, creând iluzii care transcend generații și secole.

După una din teorii, s-au răspândit brusc în toată Australia iar apoi au revărsat în Africa, India, Eurasia și poate chiar America. În Africa (Egipt) și Mesopotamia, unde au emigrat prima dată, au transformat populația locală în sclavi. Cunoștințele lor avansate în matematică, astronomie, fizică etc.. indică o posibilă proveniență aliană sau o evoluție paralelă genetică și culturală din cauza separării pentru mult timp de restul lumii.

Există în arta contemporană din Ungaria de azi suficiente mărturii (recunoașteri) ale provenienței australiene precum și a prezenței religiei budiste dar și șivaiste din India. Culoarea portocalie a veștmintelor budiste pare să comemoreze culoarea dominantă a peșterilor pictate din Australia. Muzica rock, în special formația ABBA par a fi inspirate din aceeași artă a pietrelor din Australia (toți membrii formației din care pe unii i-am cunoscut personal, sunt/au fost unguri) la fel ca toți artiștii și politicienii din toată lumea.

Însăși ideea de karma prin care orice faptă se întoarce întotdeauna înapoi la făptuitor.

Oricum ar fi ei (re)prezintă o lume a lor interioară total diferită și o mare "pain in the a..." pentru Europa și în general toată lumea de azi.

9:20 Autogolul zilei. Gardian la ce, dacă nu există alți deținuți.

12:00 Însăși această idee de a-mi întoarce înapoi to ce scriu poate fi o dogmă budistă care are ca pretext conceptul de karma, care în lumea reală, macroscopică, este o iluzie și are ca suport în realitate legea acțiunii și reacțiunii la nivel cuantic. Să nu greșim. Există o lege a acțiunii și reacțiunii în lumea noastră imedită, dar noi o numim cauzalitate. Această eternă întoarcere ca în tenis are o funcționalitate coincidentală (efect secundar) foarte deranjant. Se suprapune în memoria audienței cu informația inițială.

12:05 Ce spațiu cu 10 dimensiuni plus timpul. Și cele trei dimensiuni spațiale sunt doar o manifestare a vidului (void, voință). Prima dimensiune este voința arbitrară, o proprietate numai a lui Dumnezeu. Ea crează o reacție în timp ca în cazul unui electron ce decade și are spațiu liber la dreapta și pe ea însăși în spațiu, ca un ecou al acestei voințe. (Ce putem vedea noi acum sunt doar ecouri distante ale voinței inițiale de la crearea Universului). 

1:56 Stationary planes of EM resonance in all directions in our Universe may be a brake for expansion limiting, the speed to the speed of light for light quanta that is very hard to reach for slow moving confined quanta.

3:40 As you can see i didn't have to use any frightening matrices of differentials or other nonsense stupid math or sophisticated experiments to figure all these. I think the hardest part was to think the unthinkable. There are no particles. There are only planes of resonance and/of EM manifestations. Time and space only exist through those.

If they had wires and batteries and stuff (and at least Egyptians did) they could create the experiments needed to figure the electric and magnetic manifestations any time in history and if they had means of measuring time they could figure the speed of light through astronomy. Writings like hRdaya sUtra and who knows what others mention them.

Try to imagine what they could do if they figured all these let's say 10 000 years ago. Australian Aboriginals by example do believe in instant communications between individuals at great distances etc...

Maybe they know the true nature of soul and they know for sure we reincarnate. However i don't believe we can take our memories in the next life.

One idea here. We could film the most crucial aspects of our lives, technologically possibly today for younger people, clone ourselves and make those clones watch in a virtual reality environment and relive those moments.

4:45 Landscape maintenance today made almost no dust and little noise. However i hosed the building just in case and tried to revive with the hose the burnt grass areas that are not reached by the sprinklers.

I really don't understand why they say June 21 is the first day of summer. It is indeed the longest day of the year but from that date on the days become shorter and shorter, until December 21 when is shortest.