11:50 It has been hypothesized that AEther or akasha or black matter or residual anti-matter from the big bang fills all space and permeates anything without interacting with ordinary matter.
However the low pressure funnels of the photon constantly absorb Aether while the high pressure ones are constantly expelling it creating two opposite direction inward flows and two perpendicular outwards or what some might describe as a travelling EM field. No conservation energy or momentum law is broken.
If polarized light hits a highly polished wall like of an octahedral pyramid at a very low angle, or near parallel, at a certain time of day, with the electron "funnel" of the photons facing the wall, slightly changing direction to parallel, the electron axis will get unbalanced and the funnel facing the wall will absorb more residual antimatter or black matter or AEther from one direction, to compensate. The energy is taken from changing direction of photon with the photon shifting to red.
If that AEther vacuum comming from two opposite walls is maintained and focused through sophisticated geometry like chambers and shafts (of which some lead nowhere or are closed though aligned with known stars) and amplifying corridor walls inside a focal point within the pyramid will appear a vacuum absolute, voided of AEther, recreating the conditions before the Big Bang, where space and time has no meaning, which void could be in that instant connected to any other similar in the Universe, making possible transfer of objects made of ordinary matter.
12:50 Yeah i know it even scares myself a bit, what i just wrote above.
9:07 Marea diferență dintre Block 52 și Block 70 sunt radarele, care sunt similare cu cele din generația 5-a, ca F22 sau F35 permițând urmărirea și angajarea țintelor până la 370 km față de 80 km pentru Block 52.
10:05 Do you want to know the real reason for Trump's inauguration being inside? Because it would have been too embarrassing to see the images with the front of the Capitol building reminding of Trump's insurrection.
11:22 Tonight on my way to Warm Springs despite all distractions on the road i was thinking at one thing only. If photons are sifting Eather (could not be otherwise sine they are whirls in the 3D space) it probably means all "particles" created after big bang from the positive pressure antimatter that spread around filling al space caught in negative pressure whirls, it may be all particles that have a magnetic field do just like that. Create AEther streams.
Then i recalled the Dacian shield. Could it be what we see as scales are actually whirls which i thought the first time, feeding Eather from one another and accelerating it and the octostar on top is where the photon is expelled?
Whirls on top of whirls means they cannot be bigger or smaller than a certain size which means quantified since the beginning of all this mess.
FriedrichNietzsche playing guitar and a cymbal figuring a solar disk hissing like gas through pipes or escaping a pressurized conainer. "You were drawning..." "First time last time we ever met" was actually only one time, next to gas chamber.
9:22 People with funny accents are more thrustworthy? Yet she speaks basic things about inflation and profit.
10 Here it comes.
Iată cum funcționează Uniunea Europeană. Parlamentul unei singure țări care șade pe multeape poate să blocheze o hotărâre luată în Parlamentul Uniunii. O țară poate fi primită în Uniunea Europeană fără a a avea cea mai importantă calitate, de membru Schengen.
Totuși văd un viciu de formă aici. În Consiliu, votează guvernele, nu parlamentele țărilor respective căci altfel Uniunea ar fi inoperabilă. Este adevărat că un parlament într-o țară poate forma sau demite un guvern, dar scopul său este să voteze legile în țara respectivă, și nu să guverneze (separarea puterilor în stat) și nu poate să-l delege pentru un anumit tip de vot în Consiliu. Astfel, Uniunea ar fi condusă de parlamentele țărilor membre și nu de propriul Parlament, ales în mod democratic, care ar fi astfel redus la o nulitate juridică.
Cât despre corupție... (nu înțeleg pagina asta de Wikipedia, la început spune endemică, după care o laudă).
Prostituția este legală în Olanda, începând din 2000. Dar care este poziția Uniunii Europene în această problemă? Foarte slabă, informativă. Dar ce ar putea face? Dacă Parlamentul Uniunii ar lua o decizie în acest sens, sunt sigur că țări membre ca Olandei îl va bloca în Consiliu.
Exploatarea persoanelor vulnerabile este mai gravă decât orice altă formă de corupție și amintește de sclavagism. Este cunoscut faptul că Olanda are o tradiție în comerțul cu sclavi, care a fost o sursă istorică a bogăției ei actuale.
Majoritatea prostituatelor în Olanda (sau de oriunde în UE) vin din Estul Europei și sunt victime ale traficului de persoane. Conform acestei directive Directive 2011/36/EU, care nu este informativă, sancțiunile prevăzute (și aprobate și de faimosul Consiliu) sunt printre altele confiscarea proprietăților în legătură cu infracțiunea. Este de notorietate faptul că bordelurile din Olanda (și alte câteva vechi țări europene) găzduiesc victime ale traficului de persoane.
Se sesizează cineva? Parchetul UE? Apropo, dacă s-a căsătorit, și-a păstrat numele unguresc?
8:36 Smoke index outside is 166 but around the apartment and even inside is much worse than in the parking lot at Fred Meyer by example where i went to buy water which i ran out of. I checked when i came back and only found one tiny hole under siding. As i suspected, they take advantage of the smoke situation and smoke the apartment really bad. So bad they evacuated the person upstairs. I was dizzy when i left, didn't pay attention and followed a gigantic truck driven by an excited (like any ninja during missio) Asian who ran a red light and found myself in front of giant semis that started to come towards me. Can't do anything, can't keep my hands on the keyboard, they feel too heavy.
9:57 But this case of Romania and Schengen is just an example. If two parties from a small country like Holland can block a decision otherwise approved by all the other 26 and the Parliament of EU who knows what else they could and did before. They basically can control the whole EU.
10:48 I think there was a sewage leak due to a temporary clogging of the pipe which is highly suspect at a time when i could not open the windows. Inside walls and basement smells like sewage, only on this side of the building. From what i know, there is no place where a rat could get in the basement.
Due to a shift in high altitude winds (there is no perceived wind outside), AQI dropped to 120 then suddenly to 15 which is almost ideal and i opened all windows and tried to air. A car with modified exhaust with a recorded 70 dB (don't know for sure, don't have any audio tool like audacity installed but was almost out of scale on the recorder) at 10 meters passed and shook the building and now the place is full of nano-dust from blowing of the parking lot dust unto the buildings yesterday.
11:26 Apropo de albastru. Ce repede trec anii, parcă a fost ieri. 3+3 sau 4 adică 6-7 ani. Printre multe altele am văzut odată o doamnă bine în parc, lângă parcare și deci toaleta spațioasă, înaltă, brunetă, fumând, călcând desculță prin iarbă împleticindu-se puțin și arătând faorte satisfăcută. Nu știu dacă mai contează acum.
12:44 Sic transit. Putin are 70 iar Cruise 60, însă nici unul din cei doi nu mai e ce a fost.
1:41 It's almost 2 AM. The person upstairs keeps yelling for several hours now, to the point it can be heard outside from several buildings away. But if i call the Police, who's gonna show up this time? Putin? Pope Pius? Xenu?
3:32 Profitând de și perpetuând în continuare, prin dezinformare, ignoranța, aliatul lor de nădejde, bozgorii demenți, prezenți oriunde în media românească, guvern și oriunde e ceva de spus sau furat în ultimul timp se întrec în a enerva pe rușii de rând care urmăresc știrile din România. Însă nu am auzit de mult de o gogomănie mai mare. (Pe când obiecte ca educație economică sau juridică în licee?).
Parchetul militar nu are jurisdicție sau autoritate decât asupra personalului militar din Armata Română, nimic mai mult. De fapt, pentru prima dată, mă întreb de ce există, la fel ca și procuraturile paralele DNA sau DIICOT, fiindcă toate faptele ilegale săvârșite în România deci și în cazărmile militare se pot corecta cu ajutorul judecătoriilor normale și folosind codul penal, care ar trebui să fie același pentru toți, de la Elena Udrea cu Băsescu al ei până la Dragnea, Năstase sau Hrebenciuc.
3:55 Am urmărit în continuare, după cel cu tancul TR125, un video despre IAR95, avionul românesc ce nu a mai fost construit. De la început, ca și în cazul discuției despre armament a lui Antonescu cu Hitler, când Antonescu i-a cerut prea multe, cerințele formulate au fost nerealiste, ca avionul să fie mai bun decât cele existente la acea vreme, ca de exemplu F16. Totul a mers bine până la motor, deși parcă atunci era perioada când îl aveam pe Coandă în țară. Speranțe, intenții bune și cerințe fantastice au dus la îngroparea proiectului. Nu aveam motoare, dar pentru ce plăteam salarii la atâția profesori, academicieni, doar ca să chinuie pe studenții săraci pentru a lua șpagă de la cei mai înstăriți?
8:45 Prietenie. România își cumpără avioanele din Portugalia și Norvegia și nu din SUA. F16 și nu F35. Bloc 52 și nu 72. Singura țară din UE în afară de Bulgaria unde persoanele au nevoie de viză pentru a călători în SUA. Cred că Blinken și Dîncu au ieșit astăzi la înaintare pentru același motiv ca mai sus, adică a-i enerva pe ruși.
10:00 Slept from 5:30 to 8:30 (with some sleep yesterday afternoon). At 2:30, maybe later, he was still yelling. Again last night a large amount of dust made its way here. After i stopped the AC i put a wet towel above of the filter. Better in the morning but when i open the door i felt dust on the other side of the building, next to parking lot. He left so i went to hose the building. However my hose broke. It was not shutting down though it was working perfectly last time. Maybe because it's been sitting for too long next to patio door (water in Oregon has very little of not minerals like lime in it to block the mechanism). Though the screen is blocked, someone might stick his hand or a tool inside. After i hosed everything i realized they were large amounts of dust by the curbs next to the two parking spots. I went there when a woman from office, though without a uniform, i haven't seen before, probably inspecting the buildings, came by and stopped her cart next to me. I put the hose down and put it on mist because it was the only setting that would not move the hose around and went inside to shut it down. Closest i can show to describe her. But inches taller. So it wasn't Putin or Pope Pius or Xenu.
10:43 Looks like i found a match for Halle Berry too.
11:03 By looking closer it turns out i knew her personally. She was the owner of an Italian timber firm in Bacău i sold an accounting program. Because of the training of the accountant, a much younger and also beautiful woman, all kinda requested customization, i went in there for several months and met with her every day. At times they were inviting me for pasta at lunch. The day before i got into the plane for the US in August 95 i went to the firm site, to fix a bug or make a modification at the app. I was working at the computer and she was in the other office with a lawyer, Mihai Cliveti, the dean of the Bar Association of Bacău at that time, discussing very loudly firm business.
During that summer i once got invited to a party with her, maybe the others, in Piatra Neamț, a city close to Bacău where probably the good people of Bacău went to consume their affairs. How many times over the years i have thought of and regretted it? However the way she asked me... Do you have children? (Hai figli?) she said in Italian. Do you want to come this weekend at Piatra?
So Kamala Harris is Halle Berry and Halle Berry is Gabriella Jakupcsek which i once knew. Capisci?
12:43 Dunărea nu e alimentată numai din România. Majoritatea debitului vine din afara țării.
Cum se mai îmbracă lumea la întâlnirile diplomatice.
12:45 Bozgorii demenți. Și ce for face, vor emite mandat de aducere pentru jumătate de milion de români incorporabili în Italia, jumătate de milion în Spania, pe care tot ei i-au trimis forțat acolo?
6:31 Today it's 100 degrees, i went and washed again the patio and reinstalled the unit and when i bent to put that foam i noticed the evil smell of mineral insulation. So i figured, it must be in the gaps left by the sliding of the concrete floor, i filled the gaps with joint compound (made with gypsum that in time...) made a bit of a mess (i'm a bit drunk and was in a big hurry, could not stop the unit for long) but now i don't feel the dust smell inside, except for what's left in the unit and still flying around. How it gets in here. I think the foam doesn't seal perfectly and there's a bit of communication by the bottom pan that collects the water from condensation between the cold and warm sides of the unit. But nothing changed, how come this year is so bad? Could it be someone filled the gaps with dust, on purpose? (and refilled, after i hosed the floor and the gaps).
What the world needed: "Where other authors may simply say, ‘be careful of gaps in your defence and of the shinobi’, the Bansenshukai tells us how to find and infiltrate those gaps, giving the world the most comprehensive view of the workings of the ninja infiltration arts." BTW i think i finally figured the origin of the word ninja.
7:00 Yes he's got blue eyes but the picture is done with one of those early digital cameras that were messing up colors and i had to choose between the picture that resembles Biden most and the one with blue eyes.
As for Halle. Yes for all her public apparitions. Extra half hour in make up cabin.
12:23 This time it was a very annonying motorcycle that made a noise on the freeway that lasted a whole minute that made me hesitate to post the following. But last night it was the man upstairs. Never heard him so loud for so long. Me and probably many others. At every page opened, at every decision making. These are the true ways of the ninja, of influencing others. I know who he is but when i think of something else he intervenes and interferes and influences me weather i want it or not. There was a saying in Romania. A tropăi prin conștiința cuiva. Trottle or trample on one's conscience. To me it's been like that for all my life. I alawys had at least one nearby. Even in Câmpulung there was one guy in the neighborhood who looked Japanese. Basenshukai linked above it's just a skeleton. Vast majority of knowledge is transmitted in families. They have ways of knowing or guessing someone's or whole people's mind and intervene and change it.
So what i wanted to post. Never thought i would see this woman again, even in pictures. One sunny summer day of 1995 we walked together from outside Bacău on the east side all the way to west, some 10 km maybe. Got in front of our building, it was around noon and though i knew she wanted, i didn't invite her inside. I knew they were too many possible messes to fix after. Life changing possibly. Next, after i left Bacău, Romania, i saw her as Mladin's daughter, with lots of tan spray on her face. But now i see her clearly in pictures.
10:54 Last purchased Nov 24, 2020. Just looked into my orders history on Amazon. At this date i bought an air quality monitor for PM 2.5 and 10 with laser diodes for a 32 dollars (for wildfires reason). Apparently made in China of Japanese design, and sensors taken from Sharp air filters. At first it worked but then it started not to work with the phones, but only with a tablet which means i can't take it with me in the park. What is curious though is the image on the front of it, which coincides with the logo and "the face" of a new party named AUR (gold) (in the meantime she was expelled due to numerous scandals which however continued in that party to this day) in Romania which made it in the Parliament with surprising results of over 5% in the last elections held next month after i purchased it (December 2020) (5% being the minimum necessary to enter Parliament). I looked for the image online, couldn't find it, tried to peel off the protective layer but i saw the image was actually on that layer so i just put it back and took a picture.
In the meantime i identified D(ac)iana Șoșoacă with an entertainer from Hungary who in this video is also wearing... gold. Romania did have, documented since Roman times (the reason Romans invaded Dacia) and still has, deeper underground, some of the largest gold reserves in the world, brought by an asteroid which probably fell some 70 million years ago. That gold attracted numerous invaders, starting with Romans under emperor Trajan in 100 AD, all the way to Magyars, 900 AD, and then Mongols while most Romanians being the poorest Europeans to this day, migrating in search for work hard labor in all Europe.
5:32 I wrote yesterday about being kept high and sick for 25+ years. Smoke stopped last night and this morning. I started to come to my senses and worry about things like the phones.
Mine (could not deal with Boost mobile to get unlocked) is a Moto e6 2020 with 3350 mAh that i bought on December 10 for 150 dollars that has good signal and it says on the phone the provider is Hello Mobile on a 10 dollars a month plan. But then i found a better phone for less money, a Moto e7i Power 2021 for Angela (she could also not get away with unlocking her phone from Boost) with 5000 mAh battery for 120. With same provider, similar plan (5 dollars, less data), newer phone, her signal is weaker here though, and on the phone it says T-Mobile. Then i searched and found Hello Mobile is the low cost version of T-Mobile. She's obviously on a different tower. Low signal means more radiating power at the phone.
Worrying about phones, about the dog smell that had a big outburst over the holidays, other things, i forgot about the mole holes.
Simple mole holes, with no smoke, have a thing of their own. The smell itself makes me sick and lethargic. When smoke shows up, i get high and forget about what happened the previous hours, like it just happened.
Today i planned to go outside and fill the last holes with soil taken from near the hydrant, which is at a higher elevation. However Angela after work went to Fred Meyer and came one hour late. Exactly at 3:30 she met with the school bus with the kids at the entrance. Alley was blocked so she took the other alley and came around. I don't know how many of them are in the whole complex, but four of them came and entered last entrance (across the alley) in building D exactly in the same time with Angela parking the car. I know how it is done, it happened myself. Angela is being bullied all day at work and becomes suggestionable. It is then a matter of subconscious suggestions. Tired, stressed out, after work and stopping, all she cared was to get inside. She might have picked or heard something today that made her come at exactly that time. So she didn't mind the four kids, looking so obviously Japanese, pretending or not to be Latinos, passed by exactly when she opened the trunk to pick the groceries. Like showing the "poor kids" what she's got. I went myself a few times, to grab those, soil, fill the holes, the kids came back outside and one of them with a skateboard was skating back and forth next to where i was. Towards the end, planes and sirens got involved. I was telling Angela, who that would looked if someone filmed. Also like what happened when i went back to fix the holes.
She was tired from work, i was sick from the moles. It took me hours to get a little bit better. I was ashamed i could not make a salad for Angela, she did it herself while i was watching TV but when she invited me to eat, i went outside and now there was smoke and we both started to feel better and forget everything that happened to us earlier, separately. So i went only to see that one of the holes that i covered earlier with half bucket of soil mixed with cement just collapsed and part of the material was missing, like someone stole it from underground. After i stepped and hardened the soil with my heels (and deepened the hole) the smoke stopped. For now. That hole was smoking for the last few days, now it's open again. I was telling Angela. This is how we spent most days in the last 25 years or so, except some periods that do not total more than a few years when i was working. Scenes like these with weird coincidences and synchronizations that sometimes were done with unrecognized by us celebrities, or like today, with kids, forgotten immediately, happened to me, us, an innumerable number of times.
After a hell of a day, suddenly being high, feeling good, going to binge watch something, online to read news and/or a good (fake) conspiracy theories, probably the reasons she doesn't believe me that smoke may come out of mole holes.
It took me a great deal of effort for everything i posted today, i pushed myself really hard, before i forgot, being either sick or high or tired of everything.
6:35 Ok just remembered something. Every time i write about smoking mole holes, an old recurrent news popps. Last time, two days ago, from my friends at the Guarian, doubling. Correcting short term memories, in other words, brainwashing.
7:05 So let me inventory for you the kami they used to bully us over the years.
1. Red dust. Sequoia or redwood trees live up to 1500 years or more also because of tannins, that make a good percentage of the wood mass. Tannins block both molds and bacteria preventing rotting of the wood. But chips and dust of that wood don't rot also and dust can be ground so fine (by the steps or in a ninja crucible) it can pass any filter, except wet filters made with towels on top of low speed fans. It is very irritating, and if spread on large areas of skin, painful. In this image one can see the redust on the blue siding (painted blue recently).
2. Fastly mutating mold and protozoa. Because redwood is so antimicrobial, like anything antimicrobial, it mutates the very few surviving microbes. Garbage, dog poo and bottles with all sort of "witchcraft" thrown on the chips or the grass nearby start to create smelly, ferocious kami... inside.
3. Granite dust. Last year in January snow covered the alleys. By the time snow was almost gone and traffic almost came back to normal, they spread granite gravel on the alleys. The gravel was never removed and cars ground it to a fine dust within the next month. Every Wednesday the blowers came and raised that dust to the sky, in their attempt to "clean" the alleys. Some fell on the buildings and some on the grass.
4. Mole emanations. Mole are venomous. Some modified digestive enzymes present in their saliva paralyse and zombify earthworms, their exclusive food. Those enzymes are present as aerosols in their galleries. Worms once fallen in a gallery go all by themselves and fill poaches with hundreds of fresh, live worms. Sometimes moles bite their head, and the worms enter a slow "regeneration" process that can last months keeping them alive and immobilized, ready to be eaten.
5. Ninja smoke. Once a mole (re)opens a gallery near our building, they come, under the pretext of walking a dog, and stick small burning pellets made by ancient recipes that contain saltpeter and a number of ingredients that mask the smell and get you either high or absent. Moles leave (temporarily) until the smoke is gone or i go and plug the holes and then they come back and the process restarts.
6. Dog droppings. Dog droppings from sick dogs may contain T-gondii, a parasite that once in your got produces dopamine, hooking you up. It may go into your blood and cyst in your brain. A high percentage of population is infected, but they don't claim symptoms, probably because of the dopamine, probably the reason so many people "love their pets". The available recommended medication doesn't really work, there are many other unintended medications that suppress the parasite. However, you must eliminate the source first.
All these "elements" are quasi natural, omnipresent thus impossible to be used as evidence. Used "wisely", they can stun, make you high, make you forget, annihilate your will, make you take bad decisions or get you into a rage burst and in combination with synchronized events, make you look like something else.
For what? To control a couple of people through which they control so many more either just by influencing or more directly, pretending these people actually decide for the nostalgic in Romania by example.
Da știu ce urmează acum. O postare de-a lor cu Attila Cseke pentru confuzie.
Chestia e așa. Am început să nu mai am așa noroc cu asemănările. Ultimele căutări nu au dat roade. Găsesc din ce în ce mai puțini cu efort din ce în ce mai mare. Nu știu, poate că i-am folosit deja pe cei ușor de găsit. Însă lumea nu știe nici 10% cred din ce am postat deja sau i-au uitat pe primii.
Last night i was thinking. My theory with tunnels under Pacific is not credible. There is Pearl Harbor, Internment Camps and 4 Asian wars where countless Americans have died, fighting what they thought was the Soviets. But at least i can try to debunk some of those.
Internment camp are easy to dismiss because there was no proof, either way. A few pictures in media.
Pearl Harbor. It would have been much easier to fake something like this back then because source of news was scarce, few communications with a remote island in the middle of Pacific.
They were caught by surprise. They had a radar that caught the Japanese incoming fleet of several hundred planes but they did not believe it. Not enough to raise planes to rendezvous with it. Not enough to watch the horizon with a scope or at least with binoculars, seeing those at 50 or 100 miles would have given them some time to raise planes.
The (few) pictures available widely on the net deserve a bit of emotionless analysis. Look at this one. There was a huge explosion at about 1000 ft from where that guy stands and watches. Shrapnel would have flown around, however the man is contemplating like watching a sunset on the beach, showing at least total lack of training. Other people seem to walk undisturbed. (Are those soldiers?). The pictures seem to be composed, with subjects far and near, rule of thirds being applied, photographer seemed to be ready for the explosion.
Another one with rule of thirds, soldiers seem to watch the explosions like a movie.
These guy and gals look like actors to me. Tall one with no face could be white. Rest, Asians. They look relaxed, almost smiling.
Why would have done this? Reverse psychology. Why the Japanese would be interned in camps if they controlled the country? Why would the Japanese attack if they controlled the country?
Then, based on it, they started a war that decimated Americans in Pacific, that ended abruptly when about to invade Japan with a demonstration as credible as the rest of it.
You can do this with a 250 ton concrete bomb carried by the Spruce Goose, biggest wooden plane "that never flew" and still in the Museum in McMinnville, OR, where UFOs once flew though.
Reason? Rally the Japanese people to take revenge of such barbaric act, while keeping them in check, for the next hundred years.
Questions. Is this wooden plane and the concrete shell invisible or has low radar signature? Why build a museum around it and keep it there 20 out of a total of 70 years, to this day, next to an airport? Just in case they need another demonstration? From what i know wood in time changes shape could it be it's not the prototype anymore?
Yeap. The museum looks more like a hangar. It wouldn't take long to take those windows out or maybe they can act like doors, i think the whole building would still stand if they removed the first row of two pillars that seem to block the wings. I can't believe in 26 years i didn't go to see the thing, especially that in the last 5 years i passed by dozens of times. I guess i wouldn't have known what to look for.
By looking at this image especially at the roof it seems to me the whole front of the building may be detachable, within hours. Yeah i know it doesn't have a landing gear. How it got there in the first place?
McMinnville Municipal across the street from museum has a one mile long runway. Could easily take off if empty, leave the detachable landing gear, then "land" and load it somewhere else, at sea (40 miles away), or close to a demo target.
I was staring at the picture of the empty behemoth thinking how the huge load could be rolled out through that narrow hole in the floor. It doesn't need to roll out the load. It doesn't need to come back. Pilots can jump 10 minutes before the target. Don't have to manually load it also. You can get close to a ship and simply fill it with bulk granules, then pour some diesel fuel in it, like Timothy McVeigh did. But he only used two tons to blow that building.
Within about a month when museum is closed for reparations, another one will be assembled.
You probably wouldn't need much imagination to figure they can fly several of these in close formation.
However, the Spruce Goose was in McMinnville only stlarting with 1990. Before that, it was in a different place.