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Showing posts sorted by date for query description. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

February 12

12:10 I was curious about the app i was telling about at CDC site and i asked Angela to download it and try it and this is the result, 4 of course meaning "it needs improvement". The app is the embodiement of a whole book after Trump's amendments.

However the app is very sketchy and does not fit  her job. No input for age and gender. When she does packaging of 35 pounds inverters she has to make a few steps to put the package in the box which is on the ground and the risk of hernia is high. Cycle time (time between jobs) is only accepted in jobs/minute. She does one every few minutes, i put in a decimal time but i don't know if it's right.

I put some data in cause she is mad because today she has been given the set of papers to go to the doctor for a another limitation. They say she has to renew it every 6 to 12 months, probably because they expect improvements as she adds more years to the 63 when she had the last one.

She also told me that no woman has done that job in a long time when Steve came to her and asked  her to do it last week, probably as a retaliation to what i posted here.

The HR manager also gave her a job description on an old form since 2019 which does not much the job title she knew she had, with the name of another HR manager that is not there for a long time and the signature of the new one, saying she had to be able to lift 40 pounds which is not acceptable. In the EU maximum for women is 30, in Wikipedia 26, etc..

She also cannot make an appointment to the doctor until 25 of this month, actually a nurse who she never seen before and it is different from the last one seen once that just started to know all her history, after her doctor who gave her the current limitation to 20 pounds late 2023 retired,

She also never saw her Providence assigned primary care physician or nurse.

Honestly, for a country like US, with all the buzz about AI and stuff i would expect an app that would allow you to film an actual job and then analyze it and calculate a score automatically.

12:15 PM Tulsi Gabbard

12:20 Police ICE, the stupidest acronym ever. It creates repulsion. In fact, the word PoLice itself, suggesting a Jewish conspiracy against the whole world cause we all know who carries lice.

12:25 Was unable to post all day.

Would have been a day when i first slept 8 hours in a long time. I start to feel the longer term effects on insulin as i feel better and better.

But it wasn't meant to be.

At 8:30 in a rare schedule shift, the shogun's gardeners came to blow everything out. I don't know how they manage but every time they come with louder blowers. Usually on wednesdays they come to blow the lot of dust (yeah, nobody knows where it's going), usually after noon, and by the time Angela is here they blow this area of the lot so when she opens the door.

But today they came at 8:30, giving me the rude awakening. Exactly when the market started to go up, ignoring the CPI report that was invoked earlier to explain the downturn.

For an hour or so i dusted every single areas of the apartment. It is true, i found big amounts in places forgotten. Did that help? No. The dust got electrified by the intense sound and airflow of those powerful machines and flies for hours.

One hour later they slowed down, in the same time she upstairs started her morning stomping routine (the old rule, never interfere with each other). Then one hour later she left and they started again. After about three hours stolen from my life my brain was basically scrambled.

Trouble is, due to diabetes and exposure to phone radiation, i got some lumps on both sides of the mandible near the ears or salivary glands, with chronic infection spreading to the middle ears that gives me dizziness most of the times and any strong sounds makes it worse.

Finally my ideas that ran away scared started to come back to me but exactly after i did the first posts she upstairs, in another rare move, came home and jumped a few times in the floor, dropping a heavy object.

Now they're playing Insane in the Brain by Cypress Hill on 97.1 Charlie FM (otherwise a favorite song of mine). Then Another one Bites the Dust.

8:15 Departamentul Educației se traduce în românește Ministerul Educației (numai că mă rog, la scara respectivă). SUA nu are prim ministru, rolul primului ministru e jucat de președinte, deci nici ministere, ce ar fi ministere sunt departamente.

Apropo, Ministerul Educației în România ar un buget pe 2025 de 75 miliarde din care 58 salarii, probabil cei mai mulți angajați din toate ministerele fiindcă sunt atâția profesori și personal auxiliar, învățământul în România fiind mai mult de stat.

Restul de 5 miliarde de euro probabil sunt banii de întreținere. 7 miliarde de lei, misterioasele Transferuri.

10:20 Wait a minute. Is this scene

a parody of this? Do you think what i'm thinking? Bugs vs aryans?

11:50 Băsescu Unul (care) are o hartă a lumii în cap de câte ori vorbește. De ce nu ne mai lasă în pace?

Sunday, January 26, 2025

January 27

10:00 AM Desmos, poor man's computer simulator.

Traveling photon (v2)model with opposite whirls oscillating in different directions transferring energy from one axis to another. Red and blue represents two turning directions The arrows represent the conic whirls however the other way around (could not find an easy way in desmos).

2:45 PM Jumping photon (v3) model with opposite whirls oscillating in different directions transferring energy from one axis to another. Red and blue represents two turning directions.

One more version (v4) to explain polarization. Another (v5) one. And another (v1) one.

In a way, is similar to a yo-yo or a Maxwell pendulum but the two ends of the yo-yo cylinder rotate in different directions.  Another analogy would be four cups, touching at the bottom, with each red cup pouring into a blue one next to it and the other way around.

Whirls grow by extracting energy from the ones on the previous axis until their outer axial pressure equates the AEther pressure and then bounce back, bump into each other and cede their energy to the next axis.

Pick one my friend, it's your Universe!

I personal would go with the jumping because there is no axial movement, and this explains why the speed of light is greatest. More than that, the whirls could be absolute stationary, this explaining, in a way why the speed of light is seen the same by any non relativistic observer.

It also explain why the light accelerates suddenly back at c when exiting a medium that slows it down to like 70% .

The transversal cross section of the whirls will have the shape of a double hyperbola (red lines) to match this description.

There is one more possibility. Tomorrow.

Why transferring in the direction of propagation? I think there could be a shockwave in the AEther that creates an area of preferential low pressure ahead (jumping photon). In the case of travelling, could be simply inertia. No, there is no transfer of energy both in bouncing and the shockwave.

AEther is frictionless.

10:00 I remember to this day how my whole world crumbled when the physics teacher in college made this enunciation.

According to that, accelerating protons at the LHC ("close to the speed of light") would not make sense. No matter how close to the speed of light a proton is moving, the speed of a proton would still be at c=300000 kms/s away from it.

In other words if an observer is moving alongside the proton with a relativistic speed v let's say half of c (half the speed of light) the difference between v and c would still be c.

That moment i knew i was screwed because i could never learn something without understanding it. And they were so many other crazy formulas coming, for a whole year!

Also according to this same formula, relativistic speeds start at 0 or every time that ratio starts to have any none zero value. Typically considered? That is not exactly rocket science!
12:30 AM I didn't know!

5:20 Black is the next white.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Kali Yuga

I said many times before. Dogs are not naturally evolved animals. They are rather differently degenerated "races", created artificially through inbreeding during which much genetic information from the original wolf was lost and much was erroneous. What was kept was arbitrary or what served the interest of the breeders. Big, small, aggressive, playful, fluffy, etc..

There is some evolution in the creation of the breeds of dogs. From the initial results of inbreeding, many probably did not survive.

We can see from the start different races of dogs have different "temperaments". That is a genetic predisposition of running high on certain hormones or their brain wired in a certain way. I don't know if i can find right now but sometime i read on a site that is not "humane" to cross certain breeds because the result would be too much stress on the resulting dog, due to conflicting traits.

Just googleed something about humans though. Current mainstream theories say we all evolved from a single person. But try to imagine. For that to happen, lots of inbreeding should have occurred. First generation of humans, like the Bible says, should all have been siblings, right? Can't begin to imagine the result of those inter "marriages", and the following generations.

Instead i believe a more parallel type of evolution occurred. A larger number of humans must have underwent separately a number of similar mutations, due to similar living conditions.

This could have happened during evolutionary bottlenecks. When the evolution was significantly accelerated due to lower number of humans due to harsh living conditions, with the price of loosing some genetic inheritance from our ancestors, the chimpanzee. One of them was probably their strong muscles.

Chimpanzee muscles are different from those of humans and are times stronger. Humans also lost the acuity of smell and hearing and senses in general and developed larger brains and the ability to do planning.

Though the chimpanzee that were not mutated into humans survived as species as well.

But i have no idea until today that during the last ice age the human population on the entire Earth was reduced to 600 individuals. However, the author is ignoring one thing. Was that a single group? Could have been other survivors in different part of the planet, and those underwent different type of mutations?

Thawing of the continental ice moved again the water into the oceans and that started to rise oceans levels and that was perceived by humans as floods, and the legend of a flood is central in most recorded cultures on Earth (that could all have come from the same source though).

It is said during last ice age aboriginal Australians have been genetically isolated from the rest of humans for around 50,000 years (that number vary from author to author, some giving more or up to 70 k, some less. Not clear how great was their numbers, but must have been comparable to the 600 number above.

My hypothesis is. What if during the last ice age biological and evolutionary bottleneck they underwent a separate set of mutations than the 600 in all the other continents together or maybe they did not underwent any, as the last ice age has been milder in the Southern hemisphere.

Creating or keeping humans with a rather volcanic "temperament", way of planning, "reasoning" etc..

Time have passed and humans in the connected continents in the North flourished and gave birth to civilizations.

I believe this is the "ages" we hear about in the Hindu culture. Also. All the ice ages are cyclical. The Kali age (Sanskrit yuga), which name seem to be related to the goddess Kali, which name may come from the aboriginal word kylie, known to us as boomerang. We also hear from Hinduism of naraka, which became (corresponds to) Hell in European tradition.

This could have repeated (history always repeats itself, mostly because our brains are pre-programed or wired in certain ways) and on the largest scale, climate is cyclical and Hindu even has a measure for the cycles. Could these cycles be the true meaning of the curse of Samskara.

According to them, we live (again) in an age when Hell has spelt over the rest of the Earth.

The clash began indeed during the time mentioned for starting of Kali Yuga, when slave based agriculture states flourished in Egypt and Mesopotamia, pyramids were built, and the battles described in Mahabharata occurred, one of the enemies being the snakes (nagas, noongars, magas, etc..), all as a result of waves of invasions from south that started at the beginning of Kali Yuga and lasted until Huns and Attila, but that could be the only exact time in the description of the cycles that all must be much shorter.

Question. Could the last ice age on Earth have been started by humans?

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Mount Meru

I believe i identified the original Mount Meru from Hindu mythology, described in Mahabharata and also mentioned in Puranas. However, not in the Himalayas but again close to Ancient Egypt, though not the Great Pyramid and still close to the geographic center of the Earth that BTW could have changed in the meantime due erosion of shore lines, changing of water level or raising of the land.

The pyramids at Giza were too old and also "non functional" at the time of the events described in the epic poem which some say must have been be around 200 BC but i don't agree with that either. Mt.Meru probably existed and was functional @1500 BC when some say Aryan Invasion happened in India.

One can figure how important it was by the google description above. Five peaks. The adobe of Gods. Could have been the gods involved in the epic battle. It is well known that in Mahabharata are described some events that can show the involvement of aliens (or time travelers), including intercontinental tunnels, travel to the Moon, vimanas, superweapons, things like that. Golden because the surface has to be conductive.

Island of Meroë. Must have been an island sometime, or at least surrounded with trenches with water which coincides with some descriptions of the "mountain". I would think the water was needed, like in the case of subterranean water under the Great Pyramid for dampening something emitted alongside the pyramid.

There are currently 200 pyramids in that place that could be the echoes of the 5 original ones which as the description of Mt.Meru says, were covered with gold. It is said to be the residence of King Padmaja Brahma.

However when i googled that king's name this is what i found out. Kushasthali coincides with the name of the kingdom of Kush where the pointed pyramids are. Subsequent name is Dvārakā, also known as Dvāravatī (Sanskrit द्वारका "the gated [city]", possibly meaning having many gates.

Stargates?  Time travel gates? Novus ordo seclorum.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

October 24

4:02 I wrote something on Bob is The Oil Guy forum. That starts with the words "they can prevent a sticky valve situation with oil squishing out of the lifter". Talking about catch cans. Then some guy on the forum comes and trolls me saying words like "conspiracy theories" and "fruitless imagination".

Then i called upon a moderator and after a couple of days one comes and trolls me more saying "There is not one technically accurate thing in your entire first post" and then closes the thread before i can answer calling me "hopelessly ignorant". You don't call hopeless ignorant someone who posts a couple of question, no matter how ignorant that person may be. Except of courser if he/she bothers the whole auto industry establishment.

Truth is the issue is at least controversial and many people indeed use too much imagination and non technical terms when describing the issue. The reason i can't find an exact description no matter how much i search.

But them are being simply abusive by closing the thread like this. Because they can and because i adventured on their forum seeking people with more technical knowledge and hoping for answers and in the end founding some with more rhetoric. It is known people with mechanical inclination have a "tough guys" reputation.

It is also very possible they retaliated for what i write on blog or payed for by the industry to hush things out. It looks like it is not the moment to contact anybody with any kinda a question because the answer might include more than expected.

Valves stick only because of oil deposits combined with soot from EGR system and dust that passes the filter and there is only one place oil is coming in the intake and that is badly designed PCV system that hasn't changed since the 40s allowing oil from blow by gas to enter in the intake and get burned in the cylinder to get rid of it and that is the only reason for installing a catch can.

The same goes for battery connector, a design that hasn't change much since Ford Model T, except for marine type batteries.

Situation is much worse with diesel or GDI engines because the fuel is not sprayed on the valves which help clean them but "directly" inside the cylinder.

When a valve sticks it causes the lifter to be partly collapsed and not make continuous contact with the lobe of the camshaft and when it does, due to the valve being stuck and moving harder, oil pressure inside lifter may briefly exceed the oil pressure coming from the pump, with back flow and/or leak under valve cover, in the same way as if the lifter was badly worn out, keeping the lifter collapsed or with little oil in it and foaming of the oil while making the universally annoying ticking sound.

If the valve gets too stuck the lifter may not be able to close it and then at first would make another noise when pushed closed by the compression cycle, than the combustion mixture will back flow in the intake and in the end which rarely happens if ever with newer engines, burning gases inside the cylinder will burn the open valve out.

But in most cases, and that happens a lot, a stuck valve means a "missfire" which means that cylinder is not operating at full capacity, creating a dynamic imbalance of the engine, with loss of efficiency, vibration and driveability problems at high speed due to sub harmonics of that vibration, a condition that may start early in the car's life and last to the end making it unsafe to drive on the freeways.

You basically got two system that return something in the intake, PCV for blowby and EGR, one is for emissions and the other for cooling, the equivalent of enhancing fuel octane grade, protecting the engine that in the end compromise the efficiency of the engine and smoothness of ride and drive.

5:15 Been up all night, got so mad after what they did to me on that forum, had to explain. Slept about 5 hours but only after i used some decongestant, the amounts of insulation dust in here were over any limit, woke up at noon, tried to make a match, a welcome gift for the new speaker, then i was so tired i barely completed my walk. Then a new hole popped in front of the patio, the place got filled with mold and maybe smoke, the reason i could not get more sleep which i'm trying right now.

11:24 Crazy like Rambow.

Ok i slept most of the evening, found a bit of grain alcohol from the liquor store on the bottom of a half gallon bottle, mixed with water to 35%, had a drink, was doing the dishes and eating pretzels when a couple of crazy Asians came with a car and played the base for about 45 minutes, from 10:30 to 11:45 some 300 ft away from here, south of the complex or north of Stoneridge City park (yes where Latinos meet on Saturdays and Sundays).

It was so loud was annoying me while doing the dishes, grabbed an umbrella and went outside to see where exactly and what car and i saw some agitated people next to a car parked on 68. My ears kinda hurt. How many normal people in the area should have been bothered, at half to midnight, no one called the cops like they never do. I think it's a conspiracy of neighbors to annoy me.

I was telling Angela i should to call the cops but i gave up because of possible complications (i had a drink).

Then when they were done the guy upstairs awoke and started to stump and squeak. Short bursts of a few seconds coming from faucets, rare toilet flushings (once every few days).

Monday, September 18, 2023

Septembrie 18

7:06 De SRI auzim numai în contextul "scandalurilor și intrigilor" de show menite să demonstreze că dacă există lupte intestine, totul e real. La bugetul lor de aproape 5 miliarde (din care 1.6 salarii) sau un miliard de euro, nu sunt în stare să urmărească niște bieți traficanți de droguri care au împânzit România.

Apropo, oare ce fac cu restul banilor în afară de salarii, își cumpără echipamente?

1.6 miliarde, la un salariu mediu de 5000 de lei ar ajunge pentru... Chiar la un salariu mediu de 10000 lei pe lună, tot ar fi destul pentru peste 10000 angajați.

7:28 Collect, disseminate. Like most casinos, Chinook Winds has a number of cameras that is comparable with the number of slots and casinos, typically they have 2 slots per camera. I would say, one camera per 10 machines would be an overkill if for security purposes.

I don't know how many people are needed to look at those monitors but i would think one person per 20 cameras would be a hell of a job to do. 25 people per shift would double the personnel expanses and the need to get more money for the players. I never saw, in about 7 years since i go there a single security incident (except mines of course).

And one time when i dropped a 60 dollars ticket and the same short bald guy came to give it me (and made me fill a lot of paperwork). I once maybe 5 years ago i found an over one hundred dollars credit at a machine at Spirit Mountain and they came right over like they knew and told me that was theft and had to fill out paperwork. Angela once forgot a similar credit inside a machine and could not retrieve it.

However there are cards in the machines and cents forgotten in the machines almost everywhere i go. Last week at Spirit Mountain after i sat i pulled a card from the machine and threw it between machines like i sometimes do.

One Japanese looking woman (acting as such) came at the machine next to me, asked the guy next to me but not me, talked on the shoulder walkie talkie like cops to like pressing a button and bending  head and then ceremoniously pulled a 2 cents ticket out that machine and tore it to pieces while looking at me. All to dissemitenate.

They would say, the presence of the cameras prevent those. Whatever.

Obviously the cameras have a different reason and that is watching in real time the faces of the players, feeding the stream from hundreds or thousands of cameras in the AI which calculates the level of emotions and other parameters for each player and generate each hand in the machine, with the purpose of keeping you there the longest time, mostly by giving you something back when you are about to give up, etc..

Things got out of control because most of the people don't go there and don't care and probably say in their mind that the players deserve their fate. That is, most of the people gave up interest in lawlessness in their own country and they collectively don't care for the vulnerable.

Some would say, it's all for a food cause, it finances the tribes and stuff. I would dedicate some of my time in the next days to see if that is the case and i think this would be a good place to start. BTW i wish i could go to a "commercial casino" in Oregon but they only have "tribal casinos". Like the ones Trump lost. Like in Reno or Vegas. All the big casinos in Oregon are tribal on tribal territories with their own jurisdiction and law enforcement.

BTW every time i go to Indian Head i hear on their radio complaints about how they can't arrest white people, because tribes have jurisdiction only over their own. If that is the case, why they told me yesterday at Chinook Winds that if i don't leave their property, which included the parking lots i would get arrested?

But disseminate? This incredible declaration is a blow in the face though typical for what i personally encounter daily and shows the total disrespect for the people who go in there and total dis-concern for privacy and laws. Disseminate where? Leaked on the internet? Probably. And that is because there are no laws on their "territory", only security who does whatever it pleases whenever it pleases serving the political interest and purposes of their foreign investors.

I shall add here the screenshot just in case they think of changing it.

And the Blue Lake incident. There, i did not have to deal with security, i called Police but they asked me if i was on a private property and then the guy left with his van and i hanged up. But i pumped so much adrenaline within that minute, my kidneys were hurting.

And i didn't even get to talk about the biggest problem. Biggest problems is i see in those every time i go a number of Japanese people, some acting as such and some disguised in Mexicans and other latinos, fewer in Native Americans (mostly at Indian Head), either as players or staff.

8:50 I have been thinking for the last hour or so if to write the following or not because it might bring more confusion to the one i already created in may people's mind with the above. Mostly because they do not hear every day this stuff, especially from the official media.

So here it goes. All the people in the casino, starting from whites (fewer and fewer) and ending with very short Japanese old women disguised in Native Americans and playing.

They all move around like driven by an invisible hand and create the most awkward situations like the one with the ticket at Spirit Mountain, others, mostly involving me passing other people. They make me look on cameras like i' m a villain chasing either their open bags or unprotected necks. Nothing ever happens (except the encounter with their own coordinator, the movie director) but the mere seconds where they see the potential is enough for those possibly watching the stream on a dark web site.

They had all summer long at Indian head these huge fans with ice behind to supplement the IC, I haven't see those in other years before, never. My guess is they are supplementing the AC to spare electric power, and with that and more and more machines down they are diverting more power to the upgraded AI. The part of each that control the actors and extras that make for all the people present there when i go.

At 7 Feathers last time i went they simply shut a whole section of the casino and also started the backup generators, to make up for always increasing AI demands.

The actors and extras receive moving and more rarely talking instructions in ear prompters like they do in reality shows.

This is my perception and to me was confirmed hundreds of times, i have no doubts about it but i can't bring any proof other than my testimony.

9:06 Mole mounds popped back after last rain, and there is a couple right at the corner of the building. I keep plugging them and they pop back up in a few hours. But i always have to bring soil from somewhere else cause somehow it disappears under ground, leaving just the hole. Then some smell comes out of it which may be smoke or concentrated mold or whatever stuff from the mole galleries. I already plugged those 3 or 4 times today and it's useless and will just go back to sleep cause i only slept a few hours last night (2 to 6).

9:40 Iar m-am pierdut în versiuni și am pierdut o însemnare destul de lungă.

Playback este un termen din limba engleză folosit în România iar în dicționar se scrie play-back. În SUA se spune lip sync.

Problema era cu versurile. Nu înțelegeam versurile și din cauză că persoanele care cântau nu erau vorbitori nativi de engleză și mai ales nu știam cum să le dansăm. Dar dacă aș fi știut ce știu azi, probabil nu aș fi dansat pe această piesă de Boney M.

Eu am avut mari surprize când, prin 2012 am început să înțeleg masiv cuvintele din melodii, și asta numai după ce am început să scriu în engleză. Multe din versuri sunt de natură religioasă, filosofică și nu sunt intenționate pentru dans cred.

Melodia Funky Town a fost cântată de altcineva. Funk este un jazz syncopat, repetitiv, direct precursor al disco însă melodia de mai jos este 100% și emblematică pentru era disco. Lipps Inc. este un joc de cuvinte (lyp sync) abuziv, de natură sexuală.  

12:40 L-am văzut miercuri seara și ieri seara (8 ora locală 17 septembrie, 6 dimineața ora României 18 Septembrie) jucând poker la o mașină aproape de unde jucam eu). Mi s-a părut curioasă fața lui în contextul unde eram eu, faza cu japoneza care a rupt tichetul de 2 cenți care era în mașina dintre noi. M-a deranjat suficient de mult ca să fac o poză la mașina aia după.
Nu putea să fie în România la ora la care a fost arestat. Sau poate l-au adus după, într-un avion special poate militar care poate ajunge aici în câteva ore, cu realimentare. Sau poate au alte mijloace de transport gen hyperloop-ului lui Musk. Sau poate arestarea a fost fake ca la toți ceilalți iar el a fost aici cel puțin de miercuri. Teleportarea solomonarilor? Genică?

1:42 Over the years i saw in my vicinity people that were officially in jail in Romania but i don't believe i wrote much about beause of risk of become not credible for the other stuff i write. Elena Udrea is one i can remember, i once saw her at the beach.

I remember one thing, i don't remember if i wrote about, At Chinook Winds they once tore the floor apart in the middle of the casino were table games are now and poured some liquid adhesive that was puting out VOC, while people were in there, not at a very late or early hour, on a rather wide surface (about 1/4 od the whole floor) . Can they do that? Or before the ban, or maybe the same day a couple of women rubbing the machines with something that was emanating a very strong smell. I tried to move out of their way, they kept coming in the same driection. Could it be that stuff drove me nuts?

BTW i read on some forums about bannings and stuff, what i did to that Japanese guy and that was after his karate move was i told him he might pick his glasses from the floor. Though faster than me, he was much thinner and less muscular and about the same age. But i didn't do one single gesture towards him and left. For that most casinos would just have kicked me for the night. But they didn't do nothing until i got in the parking lot where they were few people. But in that day i refused to identified. One month later and several times being there, they told me about the ban again in a corner with very few people. Yesterday they again waited for me to clear the areas with people and cameras.

2:27 Or this guy. Why was this guy there dressed as a security officer, for months if not years? I even talked to him once not knowing who he was, complaining about the smoke on the beach. Ok i got it another genie and he left after i recognized him. Got it. Cosplaying.

Or him. I saw him one day before or after his "accident" and arrest in the parking lot at Home Depot. Yes i was mad that day, he was staring at me and i yelled at him.
4:54 I thought i had at least ten more 500 mg tablets amoxicilin and they were just gone. So i asked my doctor and in the same time i went to Beaverton and back and passed three big towers two times each and now i really do feel it on my whole body but mostly the infected areas. No it wasn't the AC, it started before i turned that one on.

I think it's all personalized. Last night at the Grocery Outlet in Lincoln City. This time i had the meter and Angela went inside and thought i would say there and wait for her but as soon as she left the meter was showing me levels in the 20s so i went inside after her.

When i got home i found the prescription.

On my way back i remembered something, i once out of many times had free lodging on a Sunday night at Chinook and was watching TV and saw a younger guy featuring a credible picture with an oval shaped but fluffy like a cloud thinking fitting the description here and searched for it but could not find it though i found something better.

Angela went to sleep (they upstairs didn't let her sleep last night) and the well trained remote controlled Japanese child actors are making a big commotion in the back. Big one this time. To me is continuation from this morning. 24/7. Relentless.

6:28 What a pig. Oink oink. I hate tainted windows too but... He was a real black Latino by the way. Not the ninja i see around. Earlier this year a cop pulled me in Newberg for a missing sticker. Now i think he could have pulled it himself. Or stolen by my neighbor. He kept telling me that i turned into the far lane which i didn't. He let me go with a warning.

Almost two hours after passing by those towers i feel pain almost like i was pepper sprayed.

9:05 Ok. In the video with the UFO there's an actual weather balloon deflated and falling. They were not weather balloons during the time of the story in the link and it seems the peasants knew or heave heard about it.

Another idea. Could it had been a flying dinosaur, or a giant bird, now extinct (in the area)? Something that could actually catch a human?

10:38 Doar un mic exemplu în care apare cuvântul Ottawa, și ceva cu India, precum și cuvântul cheie sikh, subliminal pentru sick. Apropo mi-am amintit de o fază. Bucovina, București.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

September 12

12:43 Ok a trecut. 9-11.

Am greșit ceva mai devreme și îmi cer scuze. Postarea ce o pierdusem și care demonstrează pe baza unui video de supraveghere că e nevoie de 32 de secunde pentru ca unda seismică să ajungă din Vrancea în București era asta.

Însă faza e că mai sunt încă niște secunde până încep să cadă chestiile, cineva într-o clădire mai mică cu bulină roșie ar avea timp să iasă, dacă nu doarme și îl alertează telefonul. O alarmă cu sonerie în clădire. Testați dvs. în propria clădire, cât timp v-ar trebui.

12:57 Este asta o imagine violentă? Este asta o imagine erotică? Este tenisul feminin un sport erotic?

2:08 Din multitudinea de bazaconii prezentate în media de azi am ales una ptr. deliciul dvs..

Fantasme pline de simbolisme, minciuni scrise sau citite deasupra vastelor decolteuri, asta le întrece pe toate (căpușă = tick). De unde au știut polițai-ii că l-au oprit de 9-11 ori, au o bază de date pentru asta sau au învățat și ei să numere de acum? (ok trebuie să stau acasă vreo câteva zile de-acum că dacă mă prind ăștia pe drum după ce am scris... uitasem să iau untul și nu mai știu ce de la WinCo, forget about).

2:35 The man upstairs is not home tonight. I couldn't hear his heavier steps though the white car with BPM he mostly uses is here. Wondering what THEY are up to. Let me see if the black CJS one is here.

2:56 Ok both cars are here. My truck is here too.

3:15 Michael George Dick of Beaver-ton. Horny (Dick already had...). Yes i know there was a vice-president with that name. I think he lived upstairs for a while.

As i said before, THESE guys won't stop by themselves, uh-huh. However. I was wondering earlier. What would the world do without THEM. Like if all of them would disappear suddenly like in a Sci-Fi movie. Raptured or something. Go on a planet. Will the world survive for more than a month?

3:27 Every cell, slag wool.

9:18 Era nevoie de un moment, de o nevoie, de o sincronizare cu ceva. Au ținut-o în rezervă un an pentru un moment ca acesta. 4 link-uri, 4 ani.

De jucat tenis putea încă să joace dar cred că nu mai dădea așa de bine ca altele mai tinere în poze. Eu am întrebat atunci, întreb și acum.

Cum poate o organizație internațională să recolteze probe biologice într-o anume țară, unde numai sistemul juridic este abilitat prin lege să o facă. Organizație care are chiar și "tribunale".

Cum se poate face analiza pentru sute de substanțe care sunt pe lista celor interzise dintr-un singur eșantion și cât ar costa.

Răspunsul e unul singur. BS. Este o formă de entertainement iar dopajul un element care îi dă sațietate la momente oportune.

9:50 0 frază care se contrazice singură. O linguriță are 5 ml, o lingură 10. Apropo nu cred că Halep a fost testată de USADA care are cât de cât jurisdicție in SUA. Apropo, la cât timp s-a făcut testul B la Halep?

Nu există studii referitoare la cât de mult se schimbă concentrația de Roxadust în urină după 3 luni de congelare (freezing) (apropo la ce temperatură a fost congelată proba?).

12:10 Got two hours of sleep so far. Been breathing on my congested nose for hours and suddenly got a series of palpitations (irregular heart beats and/or fibrillation) that BTW get longer every time. What i wanted to say. I know i will regret this for the next 20 hours or less but here it goes.

I was in Reno and the whole section of the hotel (i know cause i asked to change rooms) was smelling like sewage and most likely it was all coming from one or a few rooms.

In buildings with central A/C including some apartment buildings some of the air coming from all units if not all gets mixed then cooled in the (central, single, huge) AC unit, recirculated again in all units (like in a car when you put the A/C on recirculate, but permanently, for cost reasons). So you basically you share the air with everybody in that building, young, old, healthy, sick, pets, litter dust, under fridge dust, cooking and burning smell, dirty laundry, dishes, pet pheromones, name it.

The room at GSR was also having fabric like woven dust inside the vents (when i looked with a flashlight through the grill) and with cold air, condensation, mold, bacteria. There was decades old dust on the armoire.

Combined with insulation coming from walls, there is no way you would have a nice complexion while living in one of these buildings, probably months after if you choose to move.

Also probably same goes for recirculating... There are different types of bacteria in different areas of your body and those should stay there (no matter how sexy you think it looks).

For immediate results besides immediate interruption of the cause, i recommend a course of systemic antibiotics with doctor's approval and supervision as they can have side effects like severe alergies. Avoid doxycycline or other tetracyclines cause they may cause heart damage. Augmentin would be a good choice, though more expensive. Should use probiotics during treatment cause antibiotics also destroy your beneficial bacteria.

Intramuscular (a bit painful but time released) instead of oral which can cause (serious in some people, gastric discomfort, liver overloading) but that is rarely prescribed in the US as you need an assistant for every injection every 6 or 8 hours (yes in your lovely butt). IV would be a good compromise but me personally i don't feel great about those either. Patches if you can find them.

At GSR i tried and stopped the AC and used an UV lamp inside (when i was not there) so i could get some sleep. (Should not look at while on, should not use with plants inside and only when you're not home). Cheapest is kinda awkward to use (it gets dragged by the wire, moves around).

But after i wrote about guess what. They sent me next year an invitation (Peppermill, built in the 70s) with a good price (that doubled when i got there) and put me in a duplex (room separated from next room by two locked doors, one on each side).

There was a guy next door on an otherwise empty floor in one of the newer buildings. He opened his door, making sound separation even thinner, turned the TV on and then coughed all night and after a few hundred miles driven and 4  hours of sleep i got so mad i drove 500 more miles, home, the next day.

5:10 Angela got since last week from her HR manager a letter she had to transmit in person to her doctor with the requirements of her job basically asking the doctor if she can do the job or not. The specified requirements within that letter are lifting 40 pounds, standing, bending, squatting etc. which she rarely did at SMT (her job title is machine operator) though sometimes is required at other work stations that do not include walking when SMT is not available. She already had a 20 pounds restriction since she got hired permanently first because of her fist heart surgery and then the hernia basically since 2016. But since, the HR manager changed several times.

The SMT machine she operated is 100 ft long and she has to walk alongside that maybe an average of 100 times in one day (with more partial walks, stops etc.). Both Angela and the doctor are puzzled as Angela nowadays got bursitis in both her legs but there is nothing specified about that in the job description. Because if they did they would basically acknowledge she got sick from the enormous amount of walking every day, for one year and a half.

For a while she was wearing a pedometer while working at SMT and that one counted over 15000 steps or 6,7 or 11 miles a day.

Before that, people working in SMT were rotating in less demanding stations every few days. But when they recently rotated Angela after she got hurt she got to lift over 40 pounds and she got the 20 pounds restriction because of a hernia created during surgeries post heart surgery (retrieving of forgotten wires). Angela says that Steve Eaton (coincidence of names with the company) her de facto supervisor, the leader who survived several supervisors since she got hired  did that on purpose cause he knew well about her restriction.

5:53 Today they picked the time to call her form dr.'s office probably because i wrote about a few medical things and drug tests on the blog and they asked her what limitations they will write down and Angela asked to keep the permanent 20 pounds limit with occasional 40 and 5000 steps a day for walking, for one or two months, or until the next appointment with the doctor.

The first person who called her and then put her on hold had a very familiar voice i could hear from the other room. Then after waiting she got to talk to somebody else in same dr.'s office.

Angela tried to explain the bigger picture but all that person wanted was Angela to tell her what to write in that paper they will email HR tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. So all the dilemmas were on Angela. At a certain time Angela told her that maybe the company wants to get the tax deductions for hiring disabled people.

Angela also had a hard time concentrating because last night she slept in smoke. There was a large hole at the corner of the living outside i fixed in the morning. There is a filter in the living but none in the bedroom (it broke) and smoke concentration in there was higher. There is smoke in here as i write.

6:31 Non essential duties of the job. They recently hired in there a person who does not hear or talk. There is at least one person with similar lifting limitations that do not do SMT. Angela might be able to do SMT several times a week like other people did before her, after a one or two months restriction.

7:05 I opened the door trying to figure the cause for the persistent smoke in here (we both perceive it as such though it could be very concentrated mold smell from underground mole galleries) and the kids invaded the area and caught me outside. There was a white kid (a novelty) yelling at the other "stop it" "stop it" while facing me as i tried to retire inside.

In the meantime i had a chance to step on a few holes and the mold subsided a little.

7:40 I was intrigued by the whole story and took a better look at that questionnaire. I don't think Angela was supposed to transmit the letter to the doctor, see the questionnaire or answer those questions. I think the whole process was designed to intimidate us into me stopping writing here. Intimidation is a crime under Oregon and Federal law.

8:12 Sorry for the quality of the images but smoke or whatever this is prevents me from doing some of the things i normally can.

If this letter was for Eaton internal use only and was addressed to Angela then why they asked Angela to give it to the doctor?

What is the purpose of attaching the job requirements to the last page? The doctor does not determine if someone fits or not the requirements, he/she just evaluate a patient.

Also a doctor cannot evaluate if someone can setup the machine, read process sheets, etc.. Doctors can evaluate if a patient can see or not and this was never the case. But what tops it is the fact that an unknown to Angela non medical person asked her the questions on the second page after Angela saw the third page and knowing she does not fit in the job description with the 40 lbs limitation. Also she insisted Angela answered yes at the first question.

To make things more interesting, the HR manager is on vacation until next week so we will try and hold our breath until 18.

8:35 Maybe people keep asking themselves, if i am so smart why i don't have a job myself. Maybe because at my last more serious job in 1999/2000 at AVX Vancouver (formerly Kyocera) my supervisor was Axl Rose? He was coming at work for a few hours a day when he was coming and all he did was pull me from the floor into the launch area. Maybe he wanted to do something good for me, the air there was full of ceramic dust mixed with lead and the temperature was constant 65 degrees due to a broken AC.

No i was not drinking at the job there. I wasn't drinking at all during that time. We just had McDonalds and soda in the lunch room. However my stomach was hurting me all the time, probably because of that dust, dust at home, etc..

Never realized how much Kyocera logo looks like a panda bear head or who knows what kami when turned on a side. After all i know today i begin to realize who was the Japanese woman who came from time to time in there while people were whispering... "She tells everything". Though many people were missing a lot from work, people were punching for others etc.. I was happy to have a job, didn't really want to get in trouble.

Until one day i got mad, probably overloaded with dust and i went to see a lawyer i knew since 1996 and told him about the dust, the cold and people doing all kinda things to me that were getting worse by the day. The guy looked embarrassed and talked to me in the hallway. There was a woman who heard everything.

Typically Japanese style, they demoted me the next day (don't know who told them about the lawyer) from technician to operator and moved me into a hot area for cooking ceramic so i just quit. I was leaving in... Beaverton some 20 miles away.

And yes they put a little 1999 December 31 night show in there. Y2K bug, Putin's coup. The day before i quit. There was this huge antenna across the street from AVX. It is my belief that these huge towers, everywhere across the world can interact with ionosphere, making them geo-weapons. Someone took that one out in that day.

After i fixed all the machines in testing, a bottle neck there and they got an all time production record in December 1999.

If you don't believe me ask Don, the engineer. Nino D'Angelo, Ana Blandiana (Susan Sarandon), the guy from Inner Circle, Tom Green, Nidal Hasan, Cheech and Chong and probably Viktor Orban as John Ciorba.

Same goes for Angela, i think the Chinese woman there, Hao is really Victoria Principal from Dallas. Yes she was born in Japan officially an American from American parents but i think she is all the way Japanese, sometimes posing Chinese. But she doesn't really care.

10:06 Outside it smells really bad probably a huge one, went to see, the sprinklers started in that area, one sprinkler is broken and sprinkles on top of the garages and wets the laves that already fell there making them rot... Cannot pick it anyway cause now it got wet...

10:35 No it was "only" a pee coming from a really sick dog not far from the door.

10:40 De ce nu spune nimeni niciodată care sunt limitele legale și cum se măsoară. În SUA limitele legale sunt de 10000 mai mari decât nivelurile deja dăunătoare și de 1000 de ori mai mari decât în Rusia de exemplu. În acest tabel din Europa (ultima coloană) limitele sunt în W/m2, în SUA sunt în mW/cm2 deci de zece ori mai permisive decât majoritatea țărilor din Europa.

Dar sunt țări ca Bulgaria, Italia, Polonia, Rusia care au limite de 100 de ori mai restrictive decât cele mai multe țări inclusiv România și sunt doar de 10 ori mai mari decât e setată alarma pe aparatul meu de măsură.

Nebunia apare din faptul că politicienii care fac legislația nu se pricep la nimic. Inginerii care au făcut acest aparat de măsură au pus limita tot la 10 dar în mW/m2, de o mie de ori mai restrictiv decât în Europa care este totuși de 10 ori mai restrictiv decât în SUA.

Politicienii nu se pricep, se expun pe ei înșiși și pe noi toți, dar chestia e că dacă limitele ar fi cele reale de siguranță telefoanele nu ar mai putea funcționa ca atare, nu ar merge nici la 10 metri de turn. Și totuși nu înțeleg cum funcționează ele în Italia, Bulgaria, Polonia, Rusia. Înseamnă că nu au nevoie de atâta putere.

Multă lume nu înțelege dar în cazul telefoanelor radiația este însăși puterea de emisie necesară pentru a accesa cel mai apropiat turn, după ce le scanează pe toate, la putere maximă.

Normal că se pot seta din soft însă cine știe să le măsoare și cine garantează că nu o iau razna doar ca să arate fabricantul că telefoanele lor merg mai bune? Ca să nu mai vorbim de viruși și de hackeri care pot schimba setarea. Cred că telefoanele ar trebui să aibă un cip hardware independent ceva care să măsoare puterea de emisie în orice moment și să bipăie o alarmă.

11:20 There was a piece of garbage next to the black car than went and came minutes ago. I picked it up then i regretted.

12:00 Dacă vreți să vă luați un aparat uitați-vă după RF și setarea în mW/m2, EMF și ELF sunt pentru vânătorii de fantome.

Stau și mă întreb dacă acest pendant funcționează fiindcă seamănă cu un dipol în scurtcircuit de lungimea de undă respectivă și ar putea atrage și scurtcircuita undele, 99 de dolari? Aș putea să iau o bară de cupru rotund și să o tai la lungimea respectivă și să încerc apoi cu aparatul de măsură să văd ce face.

Însă nu vă va putea proteja de propriul telefon mai ales când îl țineți aproape de cap. Doar de turnuri sau telefoane la un metru doi distanță.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Travelling EM oscillations

All science describing light is weird. Never knew photons' mass which do not have a resting mass (do they ever rest?) depends on their frequency. According to the formula, when their frequency is zero, their energy is zero and mass is zero.

The EM radiation from a source propagates in all directions and they say is made of two fields, electric and magnetic that constantly recreate each other with each front wave, when any moving electric field creates a magnetic field etc. which fields are said to be perpendicular on each other and on the direction of propagation like in this image.

But the symmetry of propagation is broken as soon as we're away from the equator and at poles we don't have any fields at all. According to this demonstration EM field cannot propagate spherically. Or at least not symmetrically spherically.

The reason we see a light bulb similarly bright when observed from all directions is because we don't see only one front wave, but many, that each has its own (random) direction.

Can't find right now with google a satisfactory answer to the question. Does each photon has its own unique front wave or more than one photon can travel on the same wave front.

The reason we can not have spherical EM fields is EM field is not continuous but quantic in nature. Quantum means is made of discrete values or packets of energy called photons.

In lasers we can have photons traveling in synchronized front waves but they are still discrete. It is only a coincidence of our choice.

I came to believe that light is a collection of photons each with its own front wave that does only exist  around the photons.

I always believed polarization is rather an alignment of the electric and magnetic vectors of many photons rather than an intrinsic property of one photon. However, things have changed and now they are talking about the spin of a photon, that can be left, right, aligned with the direction of propagation and even transverse and the polarization is related to that spin and the spin can carry energy.

Maybe we shall soon come to believe that photon is a magnetically polar particle and its rotation generate the electric and magnetic field associated with it. My head is spinning.

Saleh Theory adds an extra motion to the photon besides linear and spin we know of already again carying extra energy but where is the balance to the centripetal force. Could it be the interaction of a magnetically or electrically polarized photon with its own front wave? If photon had a electric charge, the helical motion would create of course a variable electric field also calling for a magnetic one etc..

Or maybe there's no photon at all but just a (singled out, orphaned) EM disturbance that maintains self, a bubble that propagates on a straight line in vacuum in the same way disturbances propagate in elastic media though like spheres of pressure waves, that have a life of their own after the source ceases to exist.

One single front wave made of an one alternating electric and one alternating magnetic field in motion that recreate each other in time while advancing in space in steps, one after another, with nothing behind and nothing ahead. There is a phase difference between the electric and magnetic field that propel each other through space as both lag to each other at the speed of light and the lag time is the wavelength of the disturbance divided by the speed of light.

All the transfers between electric and magnetic fields within the bubbles that make the quanta of light of the same frequency and same direction in the whole Universe are in phase due to resonance and the space itself is divided in planes of resonance or slices where electric and magnetic field can turn into each other and those would be stationary and at equal distance and time of transfer between fields which is the same at each frequency and that makes for the speed of light being constant and generally greatest in Universe.

Quantum because there is only one value for the intensity of magnetic and one value for the intensity of electric field for the phenomenon to occur when in resonance with the others.

The energy carried by a quantum of light would be E = hc/λ, with h = 6.625 × 10–34 Js (Plank's constant) and c is the velocity of light and is dependent only by frequency. However there is not one single collection of parallel and equidistant planes but separate collections on all frequencies and all directions.

All disturbances on the same frequency (quanta of light) of the same direction resonate across the Universe however there can be as little as a few in one direction and that can be observed as what we call quantum entanglement.

It is not the space that is bent in the vicinity of big masses but the slices that channel light.

Polarization. Yes, a disturbance, depending on how it was created can have a spin without being a particle.

Interference. At short distances planar front waves of many disturbances combine through interference into quasi spherical hence all the classical experiments. Double slit experiment etc..

So far all my ideas are philosophical deductions, 3D geometric enunciations and verbal description. As There are no mathematical formulas, as Einstein used us to, nothing to illustrate those though there are conclusions that satisfy certain experimental knowledge, like the speed of light is constant and the limit to all speeds in Universe, quantum entanglement etc..

So i wanted to take a look at Maxwell's equations to see if i can grab something meaningful to my demonstration and all i could find was counter intuitive integrals, differentials and gradient symbols that tell me nothing. So i had to take a look again at things i haven't seen in more than 40 years and started with the basics of calculus from a video narrated in English,

Though i can cross now easily the language barrier, i ran into the same problem i did so many years ago.

Definitions of a differential starts with an equation using abstract terms, ds and dt, that can be as small as we can imagine. And all of a sudden in the in the comfort of my intuitive mind the left term of the equation flys to zero or infinity whatever comes first when those entities approach zero.

In reality, the term dt that disappears on the right since it can be as small as possible (approaches zero as the narrators states) in the left side becomes a convention within a notation system, it does not have the value of an equation or division term anymore. Too bad considering all the resources that video took to make and all the hopes of those who watch it and generally the head scratching of all students that ever had to go through this ordeal.

Nevermind i just ran into an animation with two simple equations i can understand hopefully deriving from that symbolism that show the two fields are in phase though the em field is continuously fed from behind which is not possible since the "photons" are emitted by single electrons while decaying orbit or changing energy level. But what happens to the traveling photons when we turn off the light, what pushes them from behind in a non elastic medium (air which for this purpose of this mental experiment can be considered vacuum).

Nevermind an idea just came to me. In the animation above the E field is at 180 degrees on the perpendicular B field and vice-versa. And if i think now, i realize this is how they create each other.

However i believe they propagate in a different way than shown in the animation since in the case of a single photon coming out of a single electron there is no spherical front wave to push it from behind since there cannot be spherical magnetic fields and that would be also an enormous waste of energy of a single electron changing level and would not explain the indefinite travel of a "photon" at the same speed of light through space to the infinity and that field would cease to exist anyways after the electron has changed level.

The whole energy is carried in one in a traveling complete oscillation of both fields instead or EM pulsating quantum instead of being potentially dissipated on a sphere with the radius of the distance the photon travels and i bet that is the mass of the moving photon per Einstein's fundamental equation.

I also believe the best way to describe those in words would be "traveling standing waves". One electric standing wave transfers all of its energy to a magnetic one and then disappears while the bubble or EM pulsating quantum travels 180 degrees on y as time axis while it turns 90 degrees on y as direction axis like a corkscrew for the sake of symmetry.

This is what the electric (or magnetic) component of the cycle should look like for one electric period only. The magnetic component would oscillate in similar ways but in horizontal plane (unseen in the video) and at 180 degrees in the direction of moving of the EM field. During the next period the first component will be moved in space a full 360 degrees etc..

Moving mass of a photon. It's simply the oscillating energy of a fast moving EM quantum transferred through a collision with a "solid" surface or particle. Same for photoelectric effect. An "electron" gets knocked out of orbit by a "photon" that was created by an electron decaying to a lower orbit.

Gravity. They have been talking so much of it, after Tesla, Einstein, others. Whole mathematics have been invented for trying to explain those (string theory in the 11th dimensions space) but so far no one has come (in public) with a verifiable solution.

I will try to make a few steps over the normal ones on such a complex theory and state that gravity may be simply a (dynamic) residual attraction between EM pulsating stationary quanta of energy, or disturbances that do not travel or resonate like light quanta, but instead are caught, due to interaction with others, figuring dynamic dipoles that happen to be in phase or close to, naturally reorienting for or close to attraction.

By not travelling, through analogy with light those could generate their own space and time.

Mass (inertial) in general would be the resistance of moving the stationary EM quanta through the resonance planes of light. In the case of fast constant speed moving quanta like "photons" if you add energy to the photon you change only frequency, in the case of slow moving or stationary disturbances (quanta), like "heavier particles", if you add energy to those you will change speed.

Once acquired a certain amount of energy (speed) they will simply jump through the planes at constant speed, the resistance will appear only when adding speed.

No electrons do not create EM dipoles by moving around. Smaller particles EM pulsating quanta have mass and interact with gravity.

It is said Einstein didn't like the name photon. I submit the whole class of particles we know today as bosons should be called gozons.