Traveling photon (v2)model with opposite whirls oscillating in different directions transferring energy from one axis to another. Red and blue represents two turning directions The arrows represent the conic whirls however the other way around (could not find an easy way in desmos).
2:45 PM Jumping photon (v3) model with opposite whirls oscillating in different directions transferring energy from one axis to another. Red and blue represents two turning directions.
One more version (v4) to explain polarization. Another (v5) one. And another (v1) one.
In a way, is similar to a yo-yo or a Maxwell pendulum but the two ends of the yo-yo cylinder rotate in different directions. Another analogy would be four cups, touching at the bottom, with each red cup pouring into a blue one next to it and the other way around.
Whirls grow by extracting energy from the ones on the previous axis until their outer axial pressure equates the AEther pressure and then bounce back, bump into each other and cede their energy to the next axis.
Pick one my friend, it's your Universe!
I personal would go with the jumping because there is no axial movement, and this explains why the speed of light is greatest. More than that, the whirls could be absolute stationary, this explaining, in a way why the speed of light is seen the same by any non relativistic observer.
It also explain why the light accelerates suddenly back at c when exiting a medium that slows it down to like 70% .
One more version (v4) to explain polarization. Another (v5) one. And another (v1) one.
In a way, is similar to a yo-yo or a Maxwell pendulum but the two ends of the yo-yo cylinder rotate in different directions. Another analogy would be four cups, touching at the bottom, with each red cup pouring into a blue one next to it and the other way around.
Whirls grow by extracting energy from the ones on the previous axis until their outer axial pressure equates the AEther pressure and then bounce back, bump into each other and cede their energy to the next axis.
Pick one my friend, it's your Universe!
I personal would go with the jumping because there is no axial movement, and this explains why the speed of light is greatest. More than that, the whirls could be absolute stationary, this explaining, in a way why the speed of light is seen the same by any non relativistic observer.
It also explain why the light accelerates suddenly back at c when exiting a medium that slows it down to like 70% .
The transversal cross section of the whirls will have the shape of a double hyperbola (red lines) to match this description.
There is one more possibility. Tomorrow.
Why transferring in the direction of propagation? I think there could be a shockwave in the AEther that creates an area of preferential low pressure ahead (jumping photon). In the case of travelling, could be simply inertia. No, there is no transfer of energy both in bouncing and the shockwave.
AEther is frictionless.
10:00 I remember to this day how my whole world crumbled when the physics teacher in college made this enunciation.
According to that, accelerating protons at the LHC ("close to the speed of light") would not make sense. No matter how close to the speed of light a proton is moving, the speed of a proton would still be at c=300000 kms/s away from it.
In other words if an observer is moving alongside the proton with a relativistic speed v let's say half of c (half the speed of light) the difference between v and c would still be c.
That moment i knew i was screwed because i could never learn something without understanding it. And they were so many other crazy formulas coming, for a whole year!
Also according to this same formula, relativistic speeds start at 0 or every time that ratio starts to have any none zero value. Typically considered? That is not exactly rocket science!
12:30 AM I didn't know!That moment i knew i was screwed because i could never learn something without understanding it. And they were so many other crazy formulas coming, for a whole year!
Also according to this same formula, relativistic speeds start at 0 or every time that ratio starts to have any none zero value. Typically considered? That is not exactly rocket science!
5:20 Black is the next white.

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