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Showing posts sorted by date for query failure. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, November 27, 2023

November 27

1:15 Just came from outside. Stupid Windows changed the time i took the picture (that came out blurry, not posting quality i'm used to) to last accessed time so i don't know when i went, maybe 11:30. To pick the rotting leaves.

After the wind shifted from that direction, when we got back tonight the smell in here was unbearable even with ozone generator at a higher setting for hours. After two days ago i picked the ones in the back, i thought i was happily done but today i had to tackle the ones in front. First i grabbed the ones around the hydrant where it stinks like used oil from the leaky Chrysler. I now believe it was meant to cover all the other smells including rotting leaves.

Then i tried next to it and the more i went towards the end of the building the more i picked. They were dried at the surface but wet and stinky under. Stinkier than in the back i thing because wind is blowing more from that direction. I lost count of how many laundry baskets but again i think more than twenty. So i went and picked and picked for almost two hours.

BTW the laundry basket is way stinkier now than after i picked those in the back. Though i washed it. It smells like a swamp.

When i thought i was finally done i glimpsed some more under the laundry vents. So i went there with the basket and when i grabbed a pile with my right hand to push them into the basket (they were 2 ft tall there) what did i touch. The rat bait box. Right under the vent.

And it was warm to the touch. Somebody's been drying laundry all the time i was outside but i went first in other areas and did not inhaled much except at the end.

Being heated by the vapor every time they were doing laundry and most likely releasing bait vapor that i was breathing. And it's been like that for at least six months. God knows if they were refreshing the bait or not but i saw the guys with the green pickup (forgot the name) several different times, last time recently maybe a month ago.

No it's been more than 6 months ago. It's been more than one year ago cause i remember when they first installed them i picked like 6 rats from the back rotting in the hot summer Sun. Nevermind it was in  September. Not long after i complained about seeing rats entering under the other building.

Wondering. But i think i now i know what possessed me i did not recognize the problem with the vents washing those boxes. I was under the influence of smoke coming from mole holes.

The were literally gassing us here since September 2022. Mostly me cause i stay here all the time. Maybe the reasons my hands are nowadays shaky and have palpitations.

The reason the woman at 4 was staying in the balcony talking on the phone for hours, probably while and after drying laundry.

2:09 Wandering. If an inhaled toxin that went into your bloodstream passes through intestinal wall into the intestine. Cause if so, taking activated charcoal could be helpful, by removing the toxin at intestines' level thus attracting more from the blood stream through osmosis/reverse osmosis whatever. BTW could this work for kidney failure? It all depends if activated charcoal can absorb urea or uric acid and of course if those pass the intestinal wall inside the intestine. Yes it can!

2:35 I think it works a little. Feeling better after half hour i took 2400 mg (two 1200 mg capsules) of those. Was  thinking the give Angela some but she fell back asleep until i grabbed one and some water. BTW when i opened bedrooms' window was smelling badly like mold from before and even after i picked the leaves cause the ground is wet and full of it.

Air in the living is much cleaner because of the ozone and the activated carbon filter so i let the door open and can hear her snoring lightly. Don't know what to do, she is supposed to wake up at 4:30 to go to work. What if i wake her and then she cannot fall back asleep? But i was outside and exposed a lot to the "laundry" vapor and inside there is the carbon filter i just replaced the elements and bedroom is less exposed to that stuff being on the other side of the building.

Yeah i'm much better 45 minutes after i took those. I gave her one then she fell back asleep. But i figured something else. The capsules i bought on  Amazon are not created equal. I mean some of them have twice the amount inside than others. Which indicates cheating.

Never saw capsules of something half full except for all charcoal i ever bought. Walmart charcoal capsules are half full but they are 300 something mg. Grocery Outlet capsules are 600 (if i did not switch them in my mind) but have the same degree of fulness (when gently squeezed with two fingers). Of these, only a few are full, most are more than half empty. And the charcoal does not seem so black.

BTW i bought from Amazon spark plugs for Elantra. OEM bla bla. 66 bucks for 4 seemed a good deal. They are packed in the same type of cardboard all Hyundai parts are and have the Hyunda/Kia logos in the ceramic part and cardboard box. However they have so many irregularities in shape and color i'm thinking or returning them.

3:25 Ok the pink discoloration seem to come from the laser welding of iridium tips. Cause it does look like laser welding. However the hook electrode is not aligned with the center one. And i'm afraid to bend it cause i may break the welding. But isn't that iridium layer shorting it? Could there be some are selling parts scrapped by Hyundai?

3:33 Yeah very interesting. They are not squeaking upstairs when/after she dries laundry.

4:57 Ok i woke up this morning after about 5 hours of sleep, really groggy. Though i haven't been drinking much last night and none last two days. They have not come back upstairs until 2 PM. I would think this is what it took for the stuff to clear the walls. But when they came they came with a vengeance.

I say they but i think there's really only one person. Haven't hear so much squeaking or stomping in a long time. While i was trying to figure the exact location of the incident Saturday night. Here's what i did.

I figured the event must have taken place @11:13 since the clock showed 11:11 but the clock was 2-3 minutes slow. I separated data from the gpx file downloaded from the GPS between 11:09 and 11:16 and loaded it into a spreadsheet. Since i was driving North South and had latitudes for every second, i plotted a chart with differences between two adjacent latitudes which gave me the speed in degrees of latitude per second.

There are several spikes in the graph but i think the first is the one. It looks like i slowed down a bit, (never under 70 as i remember), probably because of denser fog or a hill. I know i was on cruise control most of the time, close to 75. Then something made me accelerate, and shutting the cruise control before i slowed down. Then i saw it in the mirror, started to accelerate, at one time i hesitated when Angela started to yell at me not seeing what i was seeing in the mirror, then accelerated again until break out.

And then the other business with the tan car in my blind spot matching speed that exited at first exit after changing mind, twice.

It all happened between Grand Mound and Centralia at 11:09 + 180 seconds that is 11:12 or 36 minutes into the trip. First some event made me shut the cruise control and also accelerate. I think the loss of speed prior to that was due to a sudden increase in elevation without cruse control.

I think the moment was chosen because of a downslope that helped the big vehicle with only one headlight accelerate. The graph shows a period of 7 minutes.

Upstairs. After they squeezed everything they could from the space between mirror and ceiling, they left.

6:15 Last night at Spirit Mountain. I was at one of the entrances (the one closest to the highway) drinking a can of soda i brought from the car and started to talk to a short blond guy dressed funny (something i haven't done in long time). While i was talking to him the woman from Apt.4, though with blue eyes came from inside and stood next to him like they were together, and was staring at me, looking worried and she didn't say a word and they left one minute later.

7:25 About an our ago maybe later i heard a noise like a trailer hitting a bump. I was not worried cause they do it all the time here. But about half hour ago i started to here a noise like a towing truck was picking a car and after i wrote the entry above i said i better look and see. And what did i see. A guy with a truck backed up "not seeing" a smaller Dodge SUV was already parked in that spot.

It pushed the SUV into a pillar of the stairwell of the building and dislodged the stairs. Now the persons at the second floor there are being rescued by firefighters. Could this have anything to do with people gathering two days ago in the evening and watching in that direction. Maybe there was a fight within a couple. The woman with the Dodge is an Asian and i think the guy with the truck looks Latino.

7:40 Just opened the door again and saw a fat woman very excited hugging a firefighter.

8:00 Firefighters left, a towing truck came, two Police SUVs are on the scene, the truck that pushed the Dodge SUV is gone, the Dodge SUV itself is still riding the curb but slid one spot to the left (in the first picture) while was trying to get over the curve by its own power. People that supposedly came out of that building i haven't seen before, like the woman who was hugging the firefighter.

Inside the smell is almost unbearable. After i removed the leaves, the really bad stuff that was under is now stinking even after one (short, late November) sunny day with UV and stuff. I can barely breath after i had the ozone on for the whole day. Upstairs is like a continuous never ending waltz.

10:15 Ok. The soot coming from those Diesel engines calmed the stench from the ground that was under the rotting wet leaves for a month or more.

10:36 Realitatea paralelă. Apropo Dumitru Dragomir și el a încercat la rândul lui să dea cu SUV-ul peste mine (eram în truck parcă) la intersecția de la 7-11 din colț. Prin octombrie 2019, poate.

10:50 Just figured. The Nestle decaf instant coffee i bought last time at WinCo may contain an unusual amount of roasted grain like barley maybe.

11:08 Jurnalism pe cale de apariție. În sfârșit o deplasare a președintelui anunțată în media înainte de a se întâmpla.

Voiam și eu ca tot omul să citesc ceva funny înainte de a mă culca și peste ce dau în Cațavencii. (Da mi-am amintit fiindcă fraza cu jurnalismul le aparține). Cerneala simpatică. Gazul de sub casa scării. Așa-mi trebuie dacă le fur idei (meseria nu se învață, se fură, așa îmi spunea taică-meu întotdeauna).

Apropo conduceam, sâmbătă seara pe I5 spre nord și când am trecut podul acela înalt peste Columbia cu 4 benzi pe sens ce văd în punctul cel mai înalt. Un dulăpior îngust dar înalt care avusese sticlă (sau cristal) de jur împrejur care sticlă acum era spartă și împrăștiată pe porțiunea îngustă de lângă banda din stânga.

Dar de ce în picioare? Ca să se vadă mai bine? Kristallnacht? După multe faze nereușite, erau să ne căsăpească la venire, faza de mai sus.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

November 5th

12:54 Devine plictisitor să mai povestesc pățaniile critice prin care trecem când mai mergem undeva. Angela a vrut să meargă încă o dată anul ăsta la Indian Head. 108 mile, 175 km, nu ar fi așa departe dar după o anumită dată nu se mai poate trece peste munți, la 1200 metri altitudine drumurile îngheață și sunt pline de zăpadă și mai trec pe acolo doar camioane cu lanțuri.

Deci am fost și ploua cu găleata și într-un loc cu o vale s-a adunat apă pe drumul cu două benzi prost construit și exact acolo s-a nimerit să depășesc o camionetă mare cu remorcă, cam la 100 kmh și din roțile lui a ieșit atât de multă apă încât ne-a acoperit și nu mai vedeam nimic. Am frânat fiindcă alternativa era să aștept să mă răsucesc și să intru în roțile remorcii respective. După câteva secunde am început să văd iar și eram ok.

Ploua în deșert. Drumul ăla nu a fost construit în mod evident pentru ploaie. Două șanțuri adânci de cm făceau ca mașina să se legene tot timpul din stânga în dreapta benzii. La un moment dat m-am prins că dacă merg lângă linia întreruptă din centru roțile calcă pe lângă șanțuri, dar dacă veneau mașini trebuia să mă dau la o parte etc. și trebuia să merg cu viteză fiindcă veneau tot felul de SUV-uri puternice cu cauciucuri off road și mă împingeau din spate.

Surpriza plăcută. O floare de deșert, datorită căldurii (15 C) și ploii a înflorit cred încă odată și totul mirosea foarte mișto.

1:15 Nici nu știu ei cât de inspirați au fost jurnaliștii români când au venit cu sintagma "miliardar de carton", acum mai puțin folosită. Vila lui Bezos. Dacă a fost construită în 2000 de acum pereții goi în interior sunt plini de bioxid de sulf emanat de panourile interioare din ghips ale pereților aerat prins între două fâșii de carton, celebrul drywall de 10 sau 13 mm (fășia verticală din dreapta).

Muștele sau țânțarii nu trăiesc în asemenea locuințe și totul în interior are mirosul acela acru de bioxid de sulf. Dominant căci mai sunt și altele.

Miliardari de carton, vile de carton. Tyvek este folosit pentru acoperirea panourilor din lemn presat cu formaldehidă din exterior, până la instalarea sideing-ului, un fel de șindrile.

Se trec sume enorme pe numele unor nimeni pentru a acoperi faptul că aceste corporații gigantice sunt controlate de puteri străine (știm noi cine).

6:45 Cazul Lasconi. Am acceptat toți această ciudățenie lingvistică născută relativ recent, homofob, fără a clipi. Poate la fel de bine însemna frica de om, adică de homo sapiens.

Ciudățenia este însă mai veche. Cuvântul homo are două înțelesuri. Om când vine din latină și același când vine din greacă, și a fost altoit peste englezul sexual (de fapt germanul sexuelle, prima dată cuvântul a apărut într-o corespondență în limba germană).

Dar dacă acceptăm o etimologie pur greacă, unde Φόβος înseamnă frică, ar însemna frica de același iar pentru una hibridă latino-greacă ar fi frica de om.

Un cuvânt împrumutat din engleză. Dacă ne venea din franceză, ar fi fost omosexual, la fel ca omonim.

Cei doi care au născut acest cuvânt care a înlocuit sodomit trebuiau să fi știut toate astea fiindcă pe atunci orice om cu carte știa și greaca veche și latina.

De fapt, pur lingvistic, fără contextul trendului, homosexual înseamnă cel mai direct om sexual, în aceeași direcție cu homo sapiens (om gânditor).

Da cred că acest cuvânt este subversiv și "umanizează" în subconștient această pornire, homo pentru majoritatea însemnând om, prin asocierea mai cunoscută cu homo sapiens.

Dar cazul Lasconi însumează două scandaluri vide de relevanță în unul. Adică ceva să umple știrile. I se retrage sprijinul la europarlamentare. Și? Ce mare cașcaval? Cu ce ne ajută pe noi românii europarlamentarii când se duc ei acolo în afară de cazul lui Băsescu, care a dispărut din știri forever? Ați auzit să fi făcut ei vreodată ceva? Pentru România și/sau alte țări?

Stau acolo și ridică mâinile dacă sunt prezenți, ceea ce eu mă îndoiesc, de câte ori m-am uitat la un video live sau chiar o înregistrare video a unei dezbateri din Parlamentul European am văzut doar câțiva în sală.

Yeah i know they were forcing me to take position (can't stay put) knowing my reactions and thus trying to separate me from a certain recent influnce(r). Which coming from them to me is the exact opposite, that is encouraging.

9:45 As i said before. Coffee accelerates heart rhythm and is a stimulant even in low doses.  Last night when i left Indian Head got some real coffee in a cup just in case i become sleepy on the road which i did and i drank that coffee.

Problem was and still is i also had my nose congested and was breathing on my nose while my heart was being stimulated and compensating but that can only last for so long before heart gets tired and eventually crashes (goes into failure, fibrillation, shortness of breath due to lack of oxygen to heart and body etc..).

So this is the problem with drinking coffee. You may be stimulated while you are not breathing right and then you crash or worse. And every time i drink real coffee my reaction gets worse.

When i got last night in Portland area on 205. There was smoke in the air just like at Spirit Mountain Friday night.

I became disoriented and stayed on an exit lane by mistake in the 45 speed area. When i realized, i tried to get back on the freeway, but there was a vehicle coming so i nearly stopped.

I looked in the mirror and saw some headlights but those were pretty far so i just reentered and and accelerated and found myself in a zone with two lanes and concrete barriers on both side and no shoulder (the reason for reduced speed). But until i got back to 55 (45+10) the lights from behind came really fast and changed lanes and zoomed past me at high speed, way more than 45 which i was already at. 4 SUVs passed me at high speed in that area obviously bullying me as i was one or two ft away from the concrete.

11:03 Went outside to double check. The leaves are back almost to the same level as before. So the gasoline smell. I know when i picked those the smell was coming from the last spot next to hydrant where there were several puddles of oil (where the Chrysler is right now). It is actually a leak of oil contaminated with gasoline. What i don't understand is the position of the puddles cause he always parks rear first.
11:52 So i went outside to pick as many leaves as i could. Garden mold smell was present mostly in the bedroom so i started in that direction.But when i tried to take the leaves to the bin, i saw in there a number of blue doggy bags, one of them right on top of it. I took pictures and when i did the old man's bodyguard came right near the bin, 3 ft away from me, smoking, making me very nervous.I picked 3 or 64 of them, some unknotted, when i found one that was under, they put the bin on top of it Tursday. When i tried to remove it broke and i came to wash hands and some small pieces of it are now in the new sewer that probably has a filter to pick everything from here.From winds's direction. But when i came back i nearly stepped on one, altogether the reason my fa..s were stinking so bad at the casino yesterday. This place is a bio-hazard. But in Lake Oswego or even at Sussex was similar though at Sussex to a less extent.And the mats. When it rains in weekend they will be matts next to the "no dumping" place".

The reason i slept only 4 hours last night. The reason i had congested nose and palpitations this morning.

I went and picked 2 more "bagless" ones and took a picture of the most used bin.

Got on the patio years ago a Homo Depot bucket where i keep most stinking things like pump to change oil, stuff like this. Not long after i bought it the lid broke and was not closing completely. Now i understand his action. And the Chrysler. But why they choose to act allegorically and did not tell me anything?

It's a cascade or escalating thing. They retaliate while keeping in place the reasons and the retaliations may continue indefinitely bringing in new things to retaliate for etc. like my f...s. that come from the poops and the whole apartment stinking because of the poops. And of course you don't feel other smells anymore.

But today i took some more household bottles and spray outside and the lid from that bucket was taken out the bucket altogether.There was a faint smell i recon. It doesn't bother me which i'm closest. Why anybody never said anything?

Went and picked two more blue bags from next to that bin. A tall Asian guy with a Tacoma with cage in front came again very close. But then i saw more behind and can't get in there. Though i did it once when i climbed over the bin and nearly fell.

8:55 Don't know how to start this. Read Shogun (schengen?) to better understand what's happening to me and raise it to the power of 8.

This one is newer than the last time stamp. I was eating the humble hamburger from Spirit Mt. (Angela ate her while i was driving, BTW the heavy rain turned the older parts of the road into car surfing areas with big grooves full of water, the same as yesterday in the desert) and the woman upstairs who BTW is doing laundry, waited us with a cloud of super perfumed detergent at the door and then she hit the floor with an object. I choked with a piece of food, first blocking the airways, which i coughed out and then in the esophagus but it passed within a minute or so.

Earlier. When we got home an Asian woman with a dog let the leash long and the dog almost got under my car but i did break. It was like she was testing my level of alertness.

Earlier. We had to go to Grocery Outlet in Dundee to get water, eggs and other urgent stuff (could not make time this weekend to go to stores and good water is cheaper there). So i did not take the variant at the fork before McMinville but entered the ghost city of McMinville.

It was raining heavy and it was dark and soon we entered the ghost city of Dundee (never seen anybody on the streets there). I noticed they were a number of Police SUVs blinding me with flashing lights in the distance. I was worried more about those and did not realize there was a power outage and the stop lights weren't working.

However i slowed to maybe 20 and was watching carefully when i passed among them (two on the right, apparently they pulled someone, and one on the left. There was no traffic whatsoever. At the next intersection a guy in a huge white pickup jumped from the left but i hit the brakes and i was too slow anyways to meet with it. Would have been on three different videos from three different angles.

We continued until we got at the fork towards Grocery Outlet when i parked and Angela went inside to get the stuff. Soon after i saw three Police SUVs coming from the same direction with flashing lights and sirens. Could have been the same ones. One minute later one of them returned again with flashing lights.

The parking lot at Grocery Outlet was empty however a woman in an SUV looking like a model chose to park behind our car when Angela came with the cart and i opened the trunk. With the lights still on she got out and took a good look in our trunk.

When i got home and opened the email found 2 fresh emails from... Chase. I looked in the manual. Should have stopped at every intersection. In fact google didn't know much else except in Michigan the rule is i should have had the right of way if coming from main direction or something.

Earlier. Two cars with diesel engine were making a big noise and smoke in the parking lot at Spirit Mt. when we were about to leave. I looked at one of them and he gave me an "angry Mexican look". That always happens when i f...t in the casino. I can't help it. It happens every time i eat when there are dog poops outside here.

Earlier. They were wiping the tables at the Court Food with some irritant substance. I tried to stay away while waiting for the burger which BTW took a lot (They were three customers in the whole restaurant, Angela was the only one in line when she ordered). I think that substance played a role in me being numb and dumb and not realizing i had to stop in every dark intersection with no signs no nothing except hard to see in the heavy rain stop lights.

Earlier. Enough to say Angela won in single session most of the money she lost tonight (over 200 dollars). I knew when this happens, something else will happen on the streets. However lately something happens on the streets anyways.

This reminds me of the two angry women who were wiping the machines behind me at Chinook Winds. That substance contributed to me almost getting into a fight with that Japanese movie director and then banned.

Earlier. When i got there i went in the blue room and i saw a guy passing and the floor made a noise. I walked around and found another area with soft or moving parts in the floor. Would have checked anyways in the area where i fell. Right in the exact same place the floor was going down like half inch when i was stepping on it. I wanted to take a picture with the exact place but security guards were patrolling one after another.

Earlier. A few days ago i ordered online some black cherry concentrate. I made some juice to have on the road at Indian Head. Last night when i was about to leave at Indian Head i went into the restroom. A heavy smell spiced with some yeast after someone just left. Today before i went or 24 hours after i had some of it and it was tasting and smelling like some sort of yeast, very similar with the day before in the restroom.

Yesterday when i left i at Indian head or after i exited the restroom started to have shortness of breath like in good old times. It lasted more than half hour into the trip back home. I took a charcoal cap which absorbs gas. and got better. When i got back home i was having palpitations while laying in bed. I remember they were a number of models in there and one of them at a certain time was laying bottom on a side along three chairs, right behind us.

I know when someone bends and shows his bottom right in front of me, some half hour later i get shortness of breath, gas retention.

Today after we left home. I don't remember anybody doing a particular thing just a number of people were doing weird things on the alley in our way out of the complex.

10:33 Upstairs they can't stay put in the bedroom (walking back and forth).

Friday, October 27, 2023

October 27

10:17 Skim this. It has been refreshing through motivation, thank you, but when stressed out the society fell back on easy to handle stereotypes as their culture has been built of those. As for me, i don't know anything anymore except i will never try to seduce you fit in. Don't assume i'm even trying just because i've learned to some extent English or i exhibit some human reactions.

As for coffee, i use (decaf) coffee in the morning together with a charcoal cap so i cleanse my guts from bacteria and protozoa that fell from ceiling and came from constantly calculated dog piles outside so i feel less nauseated and can eat something. In fact i just smelled one right now so my daily cycle can begin like in Ground Dog Day.

And BTW i don't believe stereotypes are true generalizations uh huh but a way of manipulating the whole society by making believing so.

BTW do you think concept is a type of generalization? (My head is spinning just trying to read a little about those because of the endless mess of always failing western philosophy and of course of the psychology that derives from it).

BTW i couple of days ago i fell again victim of yet another attempt to fit in. That is trying not to think of every detail of what i'm doing but rather trying to do everything in a hurry based on experiences and learning by mistakes.

Years ago when i was under the heavy influence of smokes from around the building i did an oil change and spilled some oil on a couple of connectors on top of the transmission.

These newer automatic transmissions are head spinners because the control of shifting gears is done by a computer that is hooked to it by some fragile connectors instead of having everything inside like during old times where all the governing was inside. So a simple failure of those connectors would mean your car will severely malfunction.

So i was troubleshooting a rare intermittent malfunction and first thing that came to mind was i should try to clean those inside and out with some WD40 contact solvent i bought a while ago for this purpose which is tricky because you can contaminate them more by bringing dirt from outside the connectors inside.

So i gathered courage and momentum all day two days ago and when time came it started to rain. So i postponed it until rain stopped and went outside and did it with a flashlight in the dark trying not to blind the pilots of the low flying planes that started pouring (they always do that when i go with a flashlight at night outside).

It took me one hour only to unstuck one of those, then one more to clean them while exposed to smoke in smoke and also been breathing lots of that solvent and then when about to finish i got drunk out of frustration. So the next day and even today i was numbed and dumbed by the three influencers combined, much more than usual.

So i spent all day yesterday like oh so many times before trying to remember exactly what i've done at the car and that influenced my whole "moode of thinking" on top of everything (i was quite mad). And BTW i feel smoke coming from outside again 12:15.

So i came to the conclusion i didn't break anything but the problem went away after i added a bit of fluid cause i believe it was under the lower limit which is almost impossible to figure at a transmission without a dipstick.

BTW a few days ago i was driving through Beaver-ton (the city where i lived before, at Sus Sex Village Apts.) and entered the dealership to buy 2 more quarts to attempt the third partial drain and fill, you cannot drain the whole fluid and you do 2 or 3 partial drains (in my case of three quarts every time) to change up to 75% percent, as opposed to going to the dealer and paying 500 dollars and have changed about the same percentage or less (when they flush it by pumping some will still mix with the old one) and then wonder if they didn't break anything else.

So i went in at the same dealer where i bought 2+5=7 quarts a year ago, talked to the parts guy and he was not satisfied with year make and model and went outside and wrote the VIN from the car and then he gave me the two quarts but when i got home i saw it was a different type than the quart i had left from those 7 i bought a year ago (and used 6 for two partial drains).

And had to wait like 15-30 minutes until they brought the fluid "from the other shop cause they were out of it".

So before i did anything i checked and found on a site and the type of fluid which BTW was 32 dollars a quart was not compatible with the other i already poured in. Notice, bottom of the first page here.

12:44 I believe in cognitive therapy which i think is the logical replacement of more "esoteric" Freudian psychoanalysis. Simply remembering and reinterpreting traumatic events in the light of newer acquired friendlier (now stereotyping) experiences (i think it can only work for the lucky ones though).

2:00 Again deleted a whole entry by mistake. These two invoices do not show the last qualifiers (letters) of the type of fluid. Last one has an odd account number, 9999. Though the different part numbers are there. BTW i love Americans because of the freedom you can see in their eyes kind and candid nature even when they are "legitimately" or openly trying to conspire against me, however putting that recognizable fearful "evil" or mad look on their faces.

11:00 When we started to yell at each other i knew there was too much smoke in here. Found three sets of holes releasing unprecedented amounts of smoke, one was just around the corner under their AC, one under a bush and one next to our patio. Smoke subsided suddenly when i covered those. Angela does not believe me when i say smoke is coming from the ground. Now it's coming back but not so much anymore.

11:01. Tonight there was another drawing at Spirit Mountain. I was surprised and in a way, mad by the fact that the car was running much better. Smoother shifting at the transmission, more response to the pedal. But i think it has potential for more. Slightly better mileage going there (430 but when i came back the temperature was 20 degrees less, pressure at the tires 4 psi less and the mileage was like 42 but i had to stop a few times and it dropped to 40.

In my way there i was thinking to add some more fluid but when coming back i decided to do more research.

The method of measuring recommended in the service manual says. With the check plug open, engine on, a steady flow of fluid must come out and if you measure it should be no more than 900 cc every too minutes.

I believe it's ridiculous, if you remove 900 cc just to measure you will be one quart short, right? What if it only drips? That does not count for a steady flow, right? So i figure it you let it flow until you have just a drip and then add like 200 ml or something, right? Which i did but now i'm not sure if i should add some more.

I think it is obvious for everyone, they built it in such a way you cannot do it by yourself, you must go to the dealer and they themselves don't know what to do except hooking a machine to it and let it do the job. So nobody knows how to measure fluid level in a dipstickless transmission period. I mean, you can go to the dealer and pay 180 for a diagnostic and they will tell you to change fluid which can go up to 500 more.

This can't be right. I've done so and then after i added 200 ml the car runs much better. I think this guy has overfilled but since no bubbles are coming out... So maybe i should go under the car one more time to check.

In our way there. At the Safeway at Tualatin Sherwood and 99 (yes i think there is a Starbucks there) there was a vehicle (car or van) upside down on the other side of 99. Kept asking myself how could it have ended like that in an area with 35 speed limit but then Angela told me it probably fell off of a towing truck that was parked further down the road.

One annoyingly noisy motorcycle with a guy with very thin ankles (though around 5' 10") in front of us in the slow moving traffic, for minutes, and then he was gone and i was staring at the "accident" when traffic in front of me stopped suddenly and almost got into the next vehicle and they were like at least 8 Police and Sheriff's cars on the road on an "accident" with no driver involved.

I think they were there to witness to my arrest if i hit that black SUV or van in front of me.

11: 24 No hitseriously!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

October 25

1:12 Nehammer. Schengen. Xi Jinping. Bottom.

1:30 Tom Emmer abruptly.

10:50 I wish it was weekend cause this entry would fit into that horizon. Was that or two days ago when i put a link to a song from 7 years ago where some were still trying to make a mark in music with AI.

I bet its stridency raised lots of eyebrows (or better said pricked ears) at the time but we were already used or at least openly introduced to the phenomenon by Alex da Kidd.

Soon it became obvious to anyone that AI cannot be used extensively or excessively or even distinctively in music, but only as adjuvant in "sculpting" artists' own voices and combining it with instruments that sometimes seem all too perfect, but never too far from recognizable and indistinguishable to the most.

However i think people deserve to know that everything they hear today on their radio comes from "the box" which means nothing is "direct" or natural no more, especially the re-synthesized voices. It became very possible the "artists" don't even sing their songs anymore, but just offer samples of their voices or simply sing the disclaimer  and then lip sync to the machine when performing live.

1:15 There is bullying and there is smart bullying. The need for some to bully someone weaker physically it's obscure and i don't have the time to analyze it.

But there is organized bullying (and yes since bullying is a crime, organized bullying through its vast consequences should be treated as organized crime). It is usually smart bullying not the kind met in classrooms and school corridors or workplaces.

There is an effect on the target, but in cases like me, who i am so accustomed to it and worn out emotionally it doesn't matter. The target is usually a larger audience that may "learn" the lesson through sympathizing.

Let me give you an example. This morning i couldn't wait to get outside because of the vague smells in here. Which turned real, when i got back though there was smoke throughout all my walk in the range of 50 or slightly above normal. Perceivable.

First think i saw outside was a dead squished fat rat. Right in front of the building. With its guts and tiny liver spilled on the pavement. I had to pick it and throw it before it got flattened completely and rot in front of the building for weeks to come.

Note the link with the squished lifter i just wrote about. Immediately a badly smoking FedEx passed followed by an even worse smoking noisy BMW with black windows, non Oregon LPN something like 5B8 that filled the alley with exhaust that lasted for the next 5 minutes or until i got at the street.

After i crossed the street there was the classic Sriracha prepared bottle. A water bottle filled with water mixed with Sriracha left to trickle on the ground in the wind direction. I am familiar with this treat because they did it many times when i was very tired or even sick. It wakes from the dead everybody on a few hundred feet, inside and outside in the wind's direction.

Trying to compensate for the lack of sharp insulation dust that was doing the job before i closed those holes in the walls a couple of days ago.

So it was the nose congestion followed by a stimulant so i will hopefully crash or have heart failure after breathing through congested nose while being stimulated with pain. I can confirm chest discomfort right now and forcing myself to breath on the nose.

After spending all night trying to figure the next speaker, after i had a few drinks and was already tired, drinking caffeinated soda and staying up until i found it and then until i got sleepy, which translates 6 AM, i was half past dead when i got out of the building and now i feel like jumping to summon the Halloween ghosts.

Can't possibly recollect right now everything that happened during my walk, though i saw again the Rev'it pickup passing in the neighborhood, which i perceive as a threat in the same time with an almost bold, threatening guy by the breaking pillar.

I was like walking on a cloud though it was raining from above, not able to think much except of what i already got obsessively in mind. Not much aware of the surroundings that is. Ok i remember one.
Back in August when they did the pavement someone came with a truck (possibly the one with snorkel and WA LPN associated with the people upstairs) and drew some eights on the fresh asphalt though they were not perfect eights, looking more like leaves and could not remember where i saw that sign except on some logo from Hungary that i can't remember who it belonged to but today i saw it again on a transportation van.

1:54 Got back home, smoke inside, filled a couple of mole holes by the concrete patio, found in the grass a flattened tiny poop just by the smell, etc.. Finally at the laptop. Only to see the adapter died again (the third this year). So i will take another break until i can get one.

And on Z100 right now thet are playing Fire to the Rain. Which is not on their Recently played as at 2:10 or right now.
10:00 In case you didn't know

10:30 I really hope we all will meet with the day when all work, physical and spiritual will be treated seen as fitness workout and meditation.

Monday, October 23, 2023

October 23

11:55 Why i stopped writing with no explanations. It is a form of protest, though to me writing was a form of protest. A protest on top of a protest.

Though i frequently listen music on car's radio during my trips (my fingers do not follow the same way my brain after a 5 days pause), i never realized or payed attention to Doja Cat's song Paint the Town Red (until i heard it on tiktok of course were else, thank you Alexa for this one too).

Maybe because it is has fewer profanities than others. However when i saw the video it was shocking and really underscored the conclusion i already made. The song is about me. And it's currently number one in 15 countries. A way of subliminally counteracting most of my themes of my standing protest.

Then in the same time i discovered yet another possible avatar of Seri Iwahori, other then the ones i already wrote about. And this one is threatening.  And didn't and still don't know how to describe it without triggering the underpromised retaliation.

But i broke ranks of my lone strike to write about only one thing. (Yeah i've been thinking if i had a chance to write about one more thing what would be the most important one to write about).

It is about yawning. Yeah i like to shock people hopefully drawing attention while exposing contradictions. Let me explain.

There are a number of "social quirks" that are contagious. To sympathetically synchronize behavior, some say. Yawning is so inducible you may yawn while reading this. Maybe the reason that long time yawning was considered impolite and unaccepted (semiconscious) behavior. But there are others less obvious. And more others nobody has ever written or spoke about it.

That is how i could explain the unconscious physiological changes that occur to me when i see a person usually with black pants and a considerable butt bowing backwards (the reverted usual social Japanese or Korean bow) at me while calculating or made aware (signaled) of the moment i look. Sometimes all the way to touching ground with hands. Under various pretexts, like grabbing dropped keys, things like that.

I still don't even realize something is happening and it took me a long time to make the link, and only because of the very high frequency they deliberately used it on me, thus making it statistically remarkable. 

Now i know the effects occur instantly with lowering of blood circulation in pelvic area and intestinal gas blockage and it manifests within minutes when pressure starts building up and propagate all the way to the diaphragm muscle that is also part of the breathing apparatus, with lowering of breathing capacity and twisting of the hard which is attached to through connective tissues and there goes your panic attack.

Diminished blood circulation (and intestinal absorption) starting with lower abdomen, pelvic area and legs, for a longer time may get you chronic constipation, weird, persistent, hard to cure urinary infections and possibly leg ulcerations. Other unknown effects.

And of course heart benefits at first of the lowering of blood circulation in some areas of the body and gets used to it making it "addictive" and when the condition lasted a long time and it reverts, you may go into partial heart failure. Easiest to diagnose. Coldness of hands and other extremities by closing blood circulation in non essential areas to compensate.

Also yoga poses done in public, or intimacy, and especially the lotus pose may have also weird, sometimes submissive effects on others. The rubbing fingers gesture.

An area modern western medicine never went to because they don't see any reason to. Spiritual, non contact martial arts, old magic, some would think but it's nothing but an (ancient) exploit of the so vulnerable human nature and physiology.

What scares me the most. It is most likely done also through mass media, during clips, movies and reading the news on TV and with any opportunity THEY through all kinda of poses and postures related to plain words can mass spread all kinda diseases and behaviors.

And BTW i already got one (type of panic attack) because all the time i was writing the above a dog was barking with crying accents and a big engine with small exhaust was revving in the vicinity).

Another one i wanted badly to write every day during my hiatus. Always thought they were saying come down or something... Or maybe they did and the lyrics are wrong. Rema? Rama? Roma?

10:15 About 12% of the Brits have supplemental private insurance, the rest go with NHS. Angela's insurance at Eaton cost the company 500 dollars and she also pays 150-200 her share on the payroll.

11:00 Metsubushi. I think it started after i came from my trip to Canyonville or after i moved the ozone generator in the bathroom (BTW i took it back, there is no more sewage smell coming from the floor space).

Now when i use the bathroom fan huge amounts of insulation dust are blown outside through cracks in the wall and some come back inside from under the door every time i use the fan. Upstairs noises stopped dramatically which means they are affected too. I think dust particles are too big to be quickly neutralized by the negative ions.

Or there is a big hole in a wall somewhere.

Or it's been like that for a long time but only now i feel it because of cessation of the smoke.

11:33 What do you know, they were two major holes in the walls i forgot about because of the smoke of course. As i said before, writing it down makes me remember. BTW, this is what i saw also during my walk on by today...
And the weird fog bank like cloud 20 miles inland (crazy jester followed me, found me in the fog, now you all can panic), and there was this guy looking familiar in a black Nissan that stood in my left blind spot in a passing area and tried to pass me when my lane ended and there was this woman with a dog at the next machine where Angela was playing and i was eating the remaining of the fries i didn't finish in the food court. 

Angela won a little to cover most of Saturday loses and we went to the bank to deposit it so she can pay the bills and next to her there was this Tesla driver with black shorts who dropped his receipt... Yes it works best with black shorts. But now that i know, i meditate a little and i'm fine.

11:58 Fortiter et recte. În premieră guvernul nu va mai face rectificarea bugetară. E greu să rectifici ceva ce nu știm exact cât e, cat a fost, cât a mai rămas.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

June 8

1:05 This woman is not Romanian, she is Japanese.

11:13 About the guy at Apt.1 i wrote before. He looks like a dead Japanese opera singer. He tormented me for years by idling a Dodge pickup with a V8 engine and broken exhaust, with no purpose, for up to half hour a day. One day i confronted him and since that didn't work (he said he doesn't have the money to fix the truck) i went to the office and he stopped doing that.

Then i saw him having some guys loading/unloading sacks of rice in his van. I saw him with his van on the hospital alley and thought he was reselling the rice to the hospital but later i saw in his van huge barrels labeled "disinfectant". I think i went and complained at the office about that one too. But yesterday when i went to pick the last leaves that were thrown off the east garages (relative to the building) i saw a trail of tiny pellets of fertilizer going to his apartment.

I the last few days i bought and used at "Angela's garden" and for the plants in the balcony 2 pounds of organic fertilizer made mainly of bird droppings and talked aloud about it.

2:10 A cup of suction for your head.

9:10 Impresia generală și a mea până acum când am deschis această pagină din Wikipedia a fost că guvernul Ciucă este majoritar PNL. PNL deține ministerele cheie în acest moment, ca cel de externe, dar PSD sunt majoritari ca număr în acest guvern. Deci pică argumentul că guvernul nu respectă proporția rezultată din alegeri.

Mai cred că sunt pe blat cu liderii sindicali care au ales momentul grevelor atunci când trebuiau să se rotească guvernele (adică PNL să cedeze aceste ministere importante către PSD?). Astfel mai au un motiv să nu se rotească, ca să-și poată termina treaba.

Mai cred că acest fals Klaus Iohannis, un scriitor ungur pe nume Imre Babics, împreună cu ministrul său de externe, un scriitor ungur pe nume Zorán Ardamica vor să ne ducă în prăpastie, alegând să fie tot mai agresiv cu rușii. Iohannis și-a bătut joc de România ca nimeni altul, numind până acum nu mai puțin de 11 prim miniștri în 14 guverne, începând cu Gabriel Oprea, din 22 iunie 2015.

Cum au ajuns aceștia să conducă țara? Cum au fost și toți ceilalți, dinainte de Ceaușescu, până în 89 și apoi toți primi miniștrii și toate guvernele. România este în secret o colonie ungurească care s-a numit până recent Ungrovlahia. Ungurii s-au retras însă oficial din Ardeal pentru că aveau nevoile de toate forțele pentru o misiune mult mai importantă. Să controleze împreună cu japonezii toată lumea.

De data asta ei vor să ne aducă într-un conflict cu Rusia, ca să dezmembreze țara fără nici un efort din partea lor.

Pentru toate astea au format, în principal la universitatea Loránd Eötvös o armată de peste 10 000 de actori care sunt în viață acum, plasați în conducerea tuturor țărilor.

Bineînțeles că un ministru de externe PSD după "rotație" ar fi tot unul de-al lor însă nu ar putea face în numele PSD ce fac ei acum în numele PNL, ar bate la ochi.

11:05 Woke up really sick, hands are cold and have chest discomfort. I believe the woman at 4 did it again. Dried a dog blanket in the drier without washing it when i was gone, Sunday or Monday. Though her apartment is upstairs, the drier's vent is at basement level. The wall next to kitchen smells now both from outside and inside like a dog toilet, especially when the fridge starts. Waves of smoke are also coming from outside.

What happens is the parasite (T Gondii) or something else in dog pee and poo is increasing dopamine, adrenaline and other hormones. Your body works in high gear and heart pumps harder on low oxygen with the nose congested. You don't feel a thing or even incredibly high (like drunk) and sexually aroused until it brings you to heart failure. Nothing magic.

3:00 Very suspicious the Canadian fires, now at the beginning of June. So far affecting only NE states. What will it be in September then? Reason? Taking your mind off some other things, weird associations.

5:30 Angela went to bed, they came in the back and started yelling.

Got my wi-fi dongle i ordered to move the wi-fi away from laptop, at the end of a longer USB cable (to use in a hotel room with no wired (ethernet) connection). However could not make it work even if plug it directly. It starts, according to the meter. But is not visible in settings, even after i restart the laptop. Drawback of Chromebook, it doesn't have drivers for all stuff sold on the market. Also the settings are kinda minimalist.

In the process i briefly turned the internal wi-fi on and exposed myself to a minute or two worth of radiation now from two sources, the dongle and the internal. The reason i turned wi-fi off and use the laptop on ethernet since the beggining of this year.

Pain followed promptly in the nearby areas (from knees to belly) which shows i'm not healed from previous massive doses from keeping the laptop on my lap for 10 hours a day and probably never will. It looks like i became radio sensitive that is i cannot take no more doses of microwave radiation. I read online that radiation dosage is cumulative, that is the effects of new exposure add on top to the old one and in and there maybe a limit in a lifetime.

Also i was thinking. In the past i could go to brick and mortar stores like Fry's in Wilvonville that is now closed and talk to the sells-people about what i need before i buy something. This is a one of a kind never been done project and i feel like i need to talk to someone about. I googled but can't find any pre-sell advisers at Amazon.

Monday, January 9, 2023

January 9

5:16 Did Rolls Royce engine failure contribute to discontinuing of A380?

12:41 Woke up with nose congestion. Wanted to go outside to check but the person from upstairs was standing next to his car, staring at me. Checked with AIQ site, smoke index is 0. Went 15 minutes later, he was in the same position. Finally started to drizzle and he/she went inside and had a chance to look. There was a hole under the deck which i plugged, waiting for the smoke to subside. If there's not another one somewhere. Right in the middle of the picture where there's a little grass.

1:55 I noticed this camera does a good job with differentiating the soil from grass so i took a couple of pictures trying to show the mole devastation in the yard. Each and every patch has been plugged by me several times. There was a break since last spring when i aggressively plugged the holes, but in the last month they came back. Those next to foundation are not visible, there must have been at least one hundred that i plugged. I guess it's the legend, the smoke needs to come from the ground, so they put something with saltpeter that burns inside the ground.

Today i plugged about 10 more holes after the first two.

But i'm lethargic, numb, a bit high and dizzy from the smoke. Needless to say. Another completely ruined morning. Can't do nothing.

2:10 George Sim_ion. Mon semblable. Mon frère. Am spus că ce bine era dacă-l descopeream pe Păunescu acum 20 de ani, când trăia și mișuna peste tot în România. 2023-2003. Această achiziție, dacă există, e doar acoperire.

Credeam că nu e nevoie să explic că dacă Păunescu era, toți erau. Toți politicienii și toate figurile publice din România sunt unguri, adică asiatici. Bine actorii ăștia genetic sunt foarte puțin unguri și foarte mult europeni, pentru că ei au avut un program, o pepinieră. Am găsit în liste grupuri de 10 actori și mai mulți care sunt pe jumătate frați iar ei habar nu au. Foarte mulți din aceleași grupuri de vârstă seamănă prea bine între ei adică.

Tot ce vedeți că fac ei e o piesă de teatru. Live, continuu. Sunt în echipe. De exemplu în jurul lui Băsescu, care este scriitor (semi-retras acum), sunt o echipă, cu Udrea, familia lui, etc.. Firea actriță, Pandele, scriitor. Ponta și-a scris singur, dar mai recent lui Simion. Da, tipul de sus dacă ar fi mai alb și mai înalt ar semăna cu el care e probabil cel mai asiatic dintre toți (numai c...e se pozează pe site-uri de stock).

De ce au plagiat, de ce iau șpagă dacă sunt actori. Ca totul să pară credibil. Ca să dea tonul la haos și corupție.
Din Nepal, din estul Indiei iar acolo au venit din Australia. Oster Reich. Noongaria. Situația e mult mai nașpa decât vă puteți imagina. De fapt, imaginația se sperie și apare negația. "Nu se poate, nu cred, imposibil. Ce adică suntem toți proști și nu ne dăm seama?" (confirmarea în lanț a iluziei ca realitate în cazul psihozei în masă).

Eu am încercat. În rest, e treaba voastră, viitorul copiilor voștri.

7:57 Right. After i wrote about a possible sabotage of Airbus by Rolls Royce in favor of Boeing of Seattle, WaShinto. I'm not a fan of neither, only of the truth, amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas, cause i discovered, over and over again, that taking (irrational) sides in the end has its price.

But the main effect of the sabotage in plane crashes is the psychosis and bullying. Investigations take years, sometimes up to ten, and people fly in terror, thinking of every possibility, from aliens to Russians. 007. Hm.

8:40 Apropo de irațional. Am ajuns să îmi doresc mai mult să termine interminabilul drum expres Craiova-Pitești, whatever, decât autostrada Moldovei fiindcă cei de acolo au nevoie mai urgentă să se mai ia și ei cu lumea (dacă nu e deja prea târziu).

9:10 Zelensky, unica și cea mai sigură de informații despre război, autoritatea media supremă, incontestabilă, con-sfințită de însuși Biden. În realitate habar nu avem ce se întâmplă la câteva sute de km de graniță.

Chestia cu Soledar a apărut imediat după ce am pus video-ul cu catastrofa de la Smolensk, care s-a petrecut 100% din vina piloților (militari, de elită), deși cineva a speculat obiceiurile lor (de a opri altimetrul barometric din cauza sunetului enervant al alarmei) și a creat condițiile de ceață în acea zi, vizibilitate sub 400 de metri (sau zborul a fost programat astfel).

Unul din ei a fost înregistrat pe instrumentul de înregistrare (cutia neagră), după ce a conversat cu turnul în rusește, și numai el dintre piloți știa rusește, fiindcă au ales să aterizeze pe un aeroport militar, cel mai aproape de sit-ul de vizitat și a cerut condițiile meteo, spunând după celorlalți în poloneză: "Nu există condiții de aterizare").

Nu e paranormal, la fel ca și în cazul lui Geoană (deși numele lui induce puțin somnul națiunii). Există mai multe tipuri de tehnologii de modificat vremea, prima din timpurile noastre a fost legată de turnul Eiffel. Antena de prins nori de la Reno, am văzut-o personal în acțiune, după o ploiță ce a răcorit orașul într-o zi toridă de vară.

9:47 Ați privit vreodată un fluviu drept în ochi? Așa arată știrile de azi care vin, vin vin peste mine și nu se mai termină. Johnny Rotten de la Sex Pistols și Georgina Ro_driguez.

Dar și la propriu. Clădirea a fost cufundată în fum, kratom și nu kraken, ultima și cea mai virulentă viroză psihoză, am ieșit afară să acopăr găurile, la apartamentul 4 au mucegai în casă și când usucă rufele mașina de uscat trage "aerul" din apartament și îl pompează pe sub geam și siding (șindrile, cum să-l numesc). Este partea ce se pune decorativ peste panoul exterior de lemn în locuințele americane. Acum tot ce aveam pe mine și sufletul însuși îmi miroase a mucegai (rotten Johnny la propriu).

10:20 Da bine au absorbit (supt) firmele și persoanele prin granturi nerambursabile, banii au ajuns tot la EI. Nu se vede nimic în infrastructură iar oamenii sunt săraci. Numai Elena Udrea (o fostă ministră) a părăduit cel puțin 4 miliarde de euro.

10:46 das Hakenkreuz

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

November 23

12:20 There is no evidence that Romania's admission to Schengen will worsen the situation. This is a unique situation within the EU because of failure of Hungary to comply with the treaty which she signed in bad faith knowing the contradiction with her Constitution.

"The Hungarian Government maintains that ... removal of non-EU nationals who do not have the right to remain in the EU would be contrary to the Hungarian Fundamental Law (Constitution)".

Romania has always complied with EU regulations regarding migration and there was never an infringement procedure. Romania has stipulated in her 2003 Constitution that EU law should prevail over state law and that was a sign of good faith prior to accession.


12:13 Nehammer needs something to give "his" people hope.

1:50 As i was suspecting, from what i know so far, these numbers confirm Hungary is sabotaging Europe also by allowing in a huge number of migrants each year, as many as possible, and in the end lays the blame on Romania, by its proxy politicians.

2:03 Chiar mă miram. Această frază e scrisă greșit, contrazice titlul și preluată neschimbată de mai multe site-uri confirmă teoria mea că toată media din România e controlată din Ungaria.


Friday, September 16, 2022

September 16

5:20 I was about to figure it out cause all i could think all night was to do something about the kitchen window. Must have had a mental block. Or the window has been replaced. There are large gaps between the window and the frame and the little locking arm is missing a screw.Litter dust is inserted upstairs through the open frame of the in wall heater. From the newly created gaps on top, by laying boards in scale configuration, at vibration dust is falling and gets through the vibrating window inside. The reason it was smelling from the outside. The reason she started the motorcycle yesterday several times.

So they came with "help" in the parking lot at Spirit Mountain. Two Japanese guys chosen for looking Chinese were trying desperately to signal me i had gaps at the window in a way i could not possibly understand. A ninja strategy they employ to show they are helping or others are helping you, when they are sure you are about to figure out something anyways. The ultimate confusion when a strategy is about to expire.

These are not your garden variety spies or influencers. These are masters of deception refined in 2500 years of Buddhism or maybe more than that (Maya, or religion of illusion). They are doing it all the time and not only to me. To whole countries, for centuries.

My idea of Maya is your mind decides what is real and what is not. And as we've seen too often, people are mistaking, mostly because of ignorance combined with rushed perception, but even wise people can't encompass all reality in real time because the mind is limited. The masters of deception use all these gaps to create winning strategies.

"Where other authors may simply say, ‘be careful of gaps in your defence and of the shinobi’, the Bansenshukai tells us how to find and infiltrate those gaps, giving the world the most comprehensive view of the workings of the ninja infiltration arts."

And then the (emergency) helicopter that i first haven't seen and then took off from the other parking lot. Because of the picture i just posted. Superseeding (destroying) information. (Picture is taken in Lake Oswego near the recreation center at Mountain Park (top of Mt Sylvania, an extinct volcano)).

And the car. The car performed better than expected. So they created a traffic ambush, a simulated accident right at the beginning of  the variant in McMinville. Been in that jam between variants for almost an hour. Then i reset the mileage and for the next 10 miles it went to... 49 mpg. Then, the detour. There is some work (i forgot the exact place) on the street and i  had to take it on a very narrow road had to change speeds several times, which led to higher mpg, and at a very sharp turn, a truck was coming from opposite direction. I was thinking to myself. How in the world is going to turn that truck on that narrow road? So i slowed down, enough to see it coming from around the corner, half of his cabin in my lane, when i stopped completely and he had a chance to come on straight road and pull in his, right in front of me. He made a "thank you" gesture, but could not understand why he did not slow down more in that curve. Here, maybe.

One more stop because of an ambulance and my mpg at Grand Ronde was 43.5, best i ever made. In my way back, per total it was 45 (5.2 liter/100 km, of course, gasoline) (and i caught all lights red in Tualatin) but temperature was under 60 and my tire pressure went down 2 psi, otherwise it would have been 47 or more. More than 10% mpg difference with the enhanced contacts. Steering is fantastic, on a straight road don't have to make corrections for a half minute or so.

11:44 My blood pressure is now 165 over 90 after three hours of sleep. Haven't taken it in years (it was always 130/80) though Angela takes her every day. When i went to bed around 8:30 i was 210/110 (21/11, European style) and was really tired and dizzy with elaborate breathing. Waking with apnea several times.

I called Angela and convinced her to take her first (family) sick day from work. First i tried to drive myself to the hospital. I was feeling my kidneys, painful, at every bump that was exacerbating the pressure inside them. But i felt better when i reached the end of the alley and turned around to grab the blood pressure monitor, planning to wait to get better outside ER, to avoid the complications of checking in at this time. Thinking i was too tired even for that. Left the truck on our spot at the door when she said she's coming.

So when Angela came i went to move the truck from our spot to a visitor and when i came back, on foot, i realized how much junk has accumulated in the backyard since i haven't picked anything. The reason i got into cardio-respiratory failure. From a toy box glove, 2 dead rats (per Eradicon boxes that are here for a week now) and several dog poops dry and fresh, to empty cans and about 10 pounds of rotting apples that fell from a three. And the drink i had when i came home. And Angela opened the bedroom window when she left and i forgot to close it though she told me.

Started to feel better after figuring the cause, i ventured myself to sleep, it took lots of courage though.

Still got my nose congested, smoke smell from wildfires now dominates the smell inside (though index is 20 10) and fresh dog litter dust falling from above. My stomach hurts, thinking to eat something going for a walk which always regulates my everything (except blood sugar of course which again i haven't take in a long time). But what. Corn dog is too sweet. Potatoes, too much carbs. Eggs. Had enough of those lately. Burgers. Had enough, i'm out of them also. Pasta, again carbs. Got it. Half noodles soup with added bone broth. Some grated cucumber first.

1:00 I opened the kitchen window to look up and a whole bunch of dust fell on my face, again.

1:10 BTW Angela went to the office the day after my first sim card got delivered "on the porch or main door" with missing apartment number and the card was not there. Yesterday got an email from the office saying i got a package and that could only be the first sim card.

1:31 I think it's the direct effect of the dust. Opened the window to look at the wall and the gaps between the boards they installed and some dust fell over me and now my blood pressure is again 180/100. It's the pain from invisible mineral fiber dust. I think those gaps should be caulked, if only for thermal insulation during winter.

6:46 Masters of illusions. Got images from bedroom windows, on the other side. I understand now why they cut the siding. To put the white Forte flashing under. By cutting it though they created a few other problems. Had to seal the new siding, and caulking in time may let water in, the same as around the window before, on both sides of windows. There is a chance insulation from the wall (yellow in this picture, visible on right of downstairs window) to get on top of the yellow flashing under the upstairs window where it says Drainable, if the wall is open as well, and from there between the gaps of two horizontal boards (yellow above), on the window on bottom. It all depends on each window and what's under that FORTE flashing at the right side of the upstairs window and "the skills" of every individual worker.
One more scene. A few minutes earlier went to show Angela something at the window (second above), a Tualatin Police SUV was passing by while the guy at Apt 3  (they are numbered in a weird way, like in Lake Oswego, it took me a long time to understand, from left to right, downstairs, 1,2 and 6 and upstairs 3, 4 and 5) went in and back from his car, the man also resembles the same actress from Expanse, Frankie Adams. So he/she occupies all the three upstairs apartments, 3, 4 and 5 that communicate with each other through the attic. Soon after, a loud base started somewhere around and pain is coming inside from somewhere.

7:35 So the "man" has finished the scene with the Police as occupant of Apt 3, and is back now in the parking lot, with a backfire of his Savage Suzuki (it always does that when it stops), soon will be officially upstairs and start squeaking. The smell of the gas from his bike was covering all the other smells, but he/she might have fixed it last night and went with it today. I'll go outside to see, but the smell grows gradually and i might be already used to.

7:51 Bedroom window has a large gap as well, this time on the upper side.

A storm is heading our way, pressure is dropping ahead of it, but the Cheddar Creek fire was almost extinguished by a rare, unpredicted rain at the beginning of this week. No, it looks like in their prediction is melting away before reaching coast (click play and drag image to the right).

8:30 Taylor, Swift. IncredibleViews was/is my flickr user name. I was still posting there in 2014, years after i met with her at Tryon park. Unrecognizable without make-up. I was thinking of this song full of subliminal messages because torture is what they are/were applying to me for so long now though mostly only when needed, to get me back on track.

8:53 I remember maybe 15 years ago i had a high blood pressure episode like this. I had a wrist monitor and drove to the ER with 210/120. They haven't done nothing of course and i went around driving all day. Can't remember how it ended, but i know i had a wrist monitor and took my BP maybe 50 times that day.

After that, i was around 45, my hands started to feel dry and they started to look old and dried out. So this is the reason i don't want to take my bp again tonight, because taking it is not totally noninvasive, it involves collapsing the arteries in your hand and then slowly decreasing pressure in the cuff and recording the pressure when blood starts to flow again and i believe it may damage your arteries. Today i read on a forum, during major surgeries automatic cuff takes your bp every 5 minutes or so, i believe there it doesn't matter maybe because the benefit is greater than the damage.

I hesitated the other day when i mentioned Ion Țiriac and Irina Loghin as being Jim Croce and Patsy Cline because is harder to prove and there are even fewer pictures, but there is yet another shooting star from American musical scene that arrived (been recycled) in Romania after "dying" in a plane crash in the US and that is Ceaușescu, who appeared shortly in the US as Ritchie Valens and then, out of nowhere, in Romania, like Țiriac, as a protégé of a high ranking oficial.

There is a common denominator for the two, and that is Hungarian tenor Ferenc Matrai. (Sorry for the old style and broken links, don't feel like redoing anything right now.

Those who remember Ceaușescu's voice from his interminably exasperating speeches (how can you forget) know what i mean. He also never spoke Romanian correctly, with many hesitations and difficulties featuring a slight dyslexia (Like king Michael, Nicolae Ciucă, etc..) and prolonging vowels "com'oooon". Also in English or Spanish. Listen. No, those aren't Mexicans having a good time, they are ballet dancers from Hungary.

They made the movie after i said it the first time (about Ceaușescu and Ritchie Valens) and used a Japanese actor who totally does not resemble him or look Spanish. Because they needed to get people used to the new look of Mexicans that are to come.

11:00 Fake, erasing information.

11:54 Mitul rapoartelor false către dictatori. Cu trucul acesta ne-au ținut și pe noi în foame 7 ani de zile sub Ceaușescu.